#begging whatever deities there are to let me recover before i lose my marbles
dustedprince · 11 months
A mini comic on the progression of my CFS 
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It’s something that’s going to look different for everyone, but I dunno I think it’s important to share my own experiences. 
At first, I dropped down to just a few days a week at work. And that was fine for a while. Then I got the dreaded covid, and was moderately sick with it.  After that, I went back to work as I had been but slowly I lost the capacity to stand for longer than half an hour at a time, then more than 15 minutes. So I quit. I still went to the convention my friend and I had been excited to attend for like 2 years but we couldn’t do nearly as much as we wanted to. And now? It’s getting worse again and I’m spending more and more time in bed. Bonus: 
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