beginagainhq · 3 years
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Something strange is afoot in New York City. On the morning of OCTOBER 15th, residents of the city and surrounding areas awoke to an unfamiliar energy in the air. The energy itself is no isolated incident — and the events that its presence manifests go from weird to weirder in record time.
It starts simple. The stray cat in the alleyway says hello in a surprisingly human voice instead of its usual meow. A skeleton decoration hung on a front porch in anticipation of Halloween begins telling jokes to everyone who passes. But in New York, things never stay simple for long. In the graveyards, benevolent spirits rise from their tombs, eager to make contact with the people they left behind. Jack-O-Lanterns on fire escapes grow arms and legs and quickly devolve into acts of petty crime throughout the city. Broomsticks once used for simple sweeping gain the ability to fly at the most inconvenient of times.
This Halloween, nothing is impossible and magic is to blame. Unbeknownst to her, Zatanna Zatara’s pregnancy has made the magic in her veins unstable, and the effects of it are being seen all around the city. Alone, none of the events are especially dangerous, but together? The world of Begin Again is in for a whole new brand of chaos.
Zatanna Zatara ( @mistressofmagic )’s powers are on the fritz due to her pregnancy’s interference with her magic. Because she is unaware that she’s causing it, she’s unable to consciously stop it from happening.
These waves of unstable magic have wreaked chaos throughout the city. Some things caused by this event include (but are not limited to):
Animals gaining the ability to speak English, thus inspiring them to strike up conversations with their human neighbors and roommates.
Halloween decorations coming to life, and humanity learning that Jack-O-Lanterns are mischievous beings with a knack for petty crime.
Benevolent ghosts rising from graveyards and traveling to the people they knew in life. (Note: Because the cause of this is Zatanna’s unconscious use of magic and she has no unconscious desire to do harm, only friendly spirits have been raised from the dead for this event; malicious ones will remain in their graves.)
Broomsticks taking off in flight… often at times you really wish they wouldn’t.
If you would like your character to encounter something magical not listed here, please run it by us first so we can keep an eye on all the threads in motion!
No one, not even Zatanna herself, is aware that she is causing the influx of magic… making the events much harder to stop.
Your character arrives home from a long day at work to find their pet in an unusually chatty mood. Chaos ensues when they try explaining the situation to a friend who has not yet encountered any magical side effects, thus leading them to believe their friend has lost it.
While sweeping, your character’s broom takes off into the sky, and they must hold on for dear life while awaiting a hero with the ability of flight to assist.
Your character encounters the ghost of someone they lost in life.
Your characters band together to stop a robbery, only to find that the perpetrators are… pumpkins. Gotta love New York!
For this event, we will also be asking for characters within the group to help stop the events taking place. Because they don’t know the cause of the events, they’ll be tackling them individually! If you’re interested in your character tackling one of the issues at hand, please contact the main. These will likely not require discord threads (unless the muns involved want them), rather short writeups of how the events were resolved. Keep in mind that we want everyone to get a chance to be involved, so if you play multiple characters, please try to limit the number you want involved in the main solution to one or two! All characters are welcome to be involved in the plot as a whole, of course, but this is one event where we’d like to give every individual mun a chance to shine!
This event will commence on OCTOBER 15, 2021 to allow for plotting. It will continue for a little over two weeks until OCTOBER 31, 2021, however threads started during this time (as well as Discords, if you are kicking off a longer plot for example) can be continued on after the event concludes. This is just the time period for starters to be posted!
Please tag open starters for this event as #beginagainhalloween (please don’t use this tag for private, closed starters!). As usual with events, we will lift the usual “reply to three starters before posting your own” rule, although make sure that every starter receives equal attention to the best of your ability.
As always, if there are any questions, please feel free to contact the admin team through the main or use the questions channel in our group Discord. We can’t wait to see what you will do with this event!
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mistressxfmagnetism · 4 years
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“Can I buy you another drink?” Lorna asked with a grin, biting her lip as she did. She wasn’t sure where she stood with Lord, but she could hardly turn down an invitation to a gala event. Besides, if anything happened tonight, Lorna felt sure that she could handle it. So there was no harm in having a little fun. “Looks like you’re nearly done with that one and... Well, I’d hate for you to leave so quickly. Unless it’s with me.”
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cfvalors · 4 years
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LordTech Gala
Lar had the pleasure of being fully suited up for both the expo and the Gala. With Lord tugging him around to schmooze with associates he found himself staring longingly at Kara more than anything else. 
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mrlxrd · 4 years
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LordTech Expo/ Gala
For his presentation during the Expo, Max ditched the suit jacket for full range of motion as he danced around the  stage, a vaguely annoyed Lar hovering just above him. 
For his gala, he chose a sensible double breasted brown suit from Christian Dior to match his big-bad-wolf mask. Fully complete with the cigar he was seen puffing on throughout the night. 
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kxnel · 4 years
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LordTech Gala
Kon and Cassie snuck in, even if she did receive an actual invitation. He had three shots before entering, two more during the event and began a (Kon)ga line that was a surprisingly big hit. Clark was not happy. 
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deathfxrhire · 5 years
Slade Wilson didn’t much care for peace. 
The naive sixteen year old kid who had signed up for the Army all those years ago with bright eyes and forged papers and a belief in the American Dream, the kid who had thought he was going off to help his country fight for peace, was long gone.  Cracked, back on that operating table with an IV hooked up to experimental drugs dripping steadily into his veins while his commanding officers watched with lies on their tongues, and killed entirely when he’d found Wintergreen half-dead, sent on what he’d realized too late was intended to be a suicide mission.  
Peace was a bedtime story.  Honor wasn’t all the dramatic flair that they tried to paint it to be in the recruitment papers.  
The only honor in this world was in black and white, in keeping one’s promises.  There was a reason he was the most renowned and trusted mercenary on the planet, a reason that people were willing to pay him up front for the guarantee of his services, because if their end of the transaction had already been fulfilled, there was no hell or high water that could keep Deathstroke from his mark.  
So Ross could go fuck himself.  
Slade had signed up to be an Enforcer with a simple understanding.  Bring in a couple enhanced a week, get the benefits promised to Enforcers: payment, training facilities, and protection.
Protection that had, at first, seemed to extend to his family.  
You have three kids, don’t you, Wilson?  We’ve only got one registered with us.  I’d hate to have to send someone else to go get them registered. 
Of course, if you started bringing in the heavy hitters we expected you to be bringing in, we could overlook your... familial indiscretions.  You should have been at Central Park.  You won’t let another opportunity like that slip by, will you, Wilson?
The whole goddamned agency could go fuck themselves, but never let it be said that Slade couldn’t take a hint.  Especially not one practically glowing neon like that.  
Slade wasn’t a detective, but there was a certain amount of investigative skill needed for his line of work, and so he’d picked up a thread he’d decided to let lie before, traced hints that some of the agency’s most wanted enhanced were visiting this club hidden away.  
He was looking.  But he also deserved the damned whiskey he was nursing as he watched the crowd from the bar.  
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beginagainhq · 3 years
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Across New York, a newfound peace falls upon the city. October exits with the setting sun and, with it, the chaos dissipates. To anyone paying attention, these things do not happen all at once. It is a slow moving process, and it happens bit by bit.
The animals are first. It should come as no surprise, perhaps, that one who chooses her words carefully was able to convince New York’s animal population to do the same. Using her remarkable intelligence and her uncanny ability to read those around her, be they human or something more feline in variety, CASSANDRA CAIN committed to a city-wide survey, allowing those who were normally forced to remain silent have their moment in the sun, and more specifically, a chance to air their grievances. Rats complaining about living conditions, pigeons wanting birdhouses on street corners, the continued preservation of Central Park as a haven for squirrels; all of these issues were taken into account and set in motion by Cassandra. When the magic started to wear off, the animals didn’t fight back against the return to normality, satisfied that they’d been heard — many for the first time ever.
With silence comes an ability to think more clearly. No longer having thoughts interrupted at every turn by his wife’s talkative rabbits or the alley rats’ insistent chatter, TONY STARK found it simple to construct a device that was able to reapply gravity to the city’s broomsticks in one fell swoop, just as soon as Iron Man dispensed it into the atmosphere. Luckily for any occupants still in the air, this application was a slow process, with brooms landing safely on solid ground.
A skilled magician in her own right, ILLYANA RASPUTINA was able to find a spell to turn Halloween decorations back into inanimate objects, ending the string of petty thefts with pumpkin perpetrators. Incredibly, the spell was derived from a children’s fairy tale, in which pumpkins were turned to carriages for a night and reverted back to themselves as the clock struck twelve. It was at the same echoing chime that the pumpkins and other decor made its way back from sentience throughout New York and its surrounding areas.
Perhaps one of the few people in the city with no one to haunt him, MIGUEL O’HARA found it simpler than most to search for a way to rid the world of the benevolent ghosts reacquainting themselves with their loved ones. He did not share his plans to return the dead to their graves, well aware that he would likely be stopped by a mourner desperate to keep their spirits at their side. With the help of his futuristic friend Lyla, Miguel uncovered a frequency at which the ghosts appeared to be operating. Using his scientific knowledge to develop a formula, Miguel contacted DAISY JOHNSON to achieve the rest. Daisy utilized her vibration abilities to match the frequency, restoring the veil between the living and the dead and sending the ghosts of the past back to rest.
Thanks to ZATANNA ZATARA’S newly acquired knowledge to the cause of the chaos, the rest of the magic died down little by little once the biggest problems were solved. Slowly, the world went back to what it was, shifted from supernatural back into the commonality its people had known all their lives. At the end of the day, no real harm was done in spite of the chaos. If nothing else, New York was treated to a truly unforgettable Halloween.
The Halloween event has now ended! Thank you to everyone who participated, and we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!
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beginagainhq · 3 years
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Across the Bay, lingering over the airspace of Genosha, a being of pure psionic energy known only as Malice looked for the next sentient being to merge minds with, heightening their power. There were so many potentials in such a small space with the formation of the mutant nation, so many powerful individuals living in convenient terraced streets, but one stood out among them all. Lorna Dane. Her newly discovered secondary mutation, heightening the negative emotions of those around her, made her an ideal candidate - as well as her proximity to one of the most formidable Green Lanterns, Kyle Rayner himself.
With Malice’s influence over Dane’s powers, Rayner soon found himself shifting into something else himself. Oblivion, a manifestation of Rayner’s darkest emotions and impulses, joined in the offensive against humanity. A city-wide blackout, mass illusions set to splinter people according to their most intense emotions, and a general pervasive atmosphere of negativity lays in the future for New York - but hope has never been in short supply, not among the heroes or civilians that live there.
An entity known as Malice has bonded to Lorna Dane ( @mistressxfmagnetism​ ) emphasising her powers of negative emotion manipulation. This means civilians, heroes and villains alike are extremely likely to feel negative emotions more strongly, perhaps even becoming overwhelmed.
Dane’s powers of magnetism also come into play, plunging New York City into a city wide blackout. Several key electrical generators have also been impacted, dragging the once progressive, modern society back into the dark ages.
Kyle Rayner ( @brxghtestday​ ) has become Oblivion, a being driven by his darkest impulses. This being is capable of manifesting illusions, often light green in color, which can serve as ghosts from a person’s past, reminders of past events, etc. Oblivion can also cause intense emotions (both negative and positive - examples include anger, fear, apathy, passion, enthusiasm, etc.) to splinter a person, forming a ‘double,’ which then directly or indirectly serves Oblivion and Malice’s wider plan to take over the world. After all, people need all elements of the emotional spectrum in order to be productive, or to fight back effectively against a threat.
Your characters work with another member’s to assist those most affected by the black-out. They could go to community centers, assist in Sara Memorial or Metro General Hospitals, or even do something as simple as get stuck in an elevator with a stranger or friend who they need to hash something out with.
Your character may experience overwhelming emotions, causing them to split into a version of themselves, and then a version that is entirely driven by that emotion. For example, there may be a double of your character running around, speaking to their family and friends, who is filled with nothing but anger and resentment. Feel free to have your character also experience this with NPCs such as neighbors, colleagues and civilians as well as other taken characters, perhaps coming into conflict or discovering a new side to the character they didn’t know existed!
Your character could join the fight back against Malice’s negativity and Oblivion’s constructs, keeping a handle on their emotions through a great degree of self reflection and willpower. They could use this to assist those who aren’t so lucky, whether that’s through exploring the past with them or finding a way to destroy the constructs by force (this is open to interpretation, so long as they are not destroyed on a city wide basis until the event ends!).
As always, this event is optional. Although your characters will be aware this is happening in the city, if it is something you do not wish to take part in, you can still continue normal threads and plots during this time. 
This event will commence on April 12th 2021 to allow for plotting. It will continue for two weeks until April 25th 2021, however threads started during this time (as well as Discords, if you are kicking off a longer plot for example) can be continued on after the event concludes. This is just the time period for starters to be posted!
Please tag open starters for this event as #beginagainblackout (please don’t use this tag for private, closed starters!). As usual with events, we will lift the usual “reply to three starters before posting your own” rule, although make sure that every starter receives equal attention to the best of your ability.
As always, if there are any questions, please feel free to contact the admin team through the main or use the questions channel in our group Discord. We can’t wait to see what you will do with this event!
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beginagainhq · 4 years
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The City that Never Sleeps rarely stays down and out for long. Following the devastation of the siege and formation of Genosha, New York City fell into something of a hibernation. A tentative sense of peace settled over the city and her inhabitants, with few individuals willing to rock the boat. Of course, Maxwell Lord IV has never been one to follow the crowd. Determined to prove that the future is worth fighting for, and eager to place himself at the forefront of that innovation, Lord developed an idea - an expo, specifically designed to provide a stage to the best and brightest inventors and creators in the city.
A spectacular line up including famous names such as Lena Luthor and Tony Stark has been set up, with speeches and presentations to back up their ideas and future plans. What the less scientific of the population will be thrilled to hear, though, is that isn’t the only event Lord had planned. Many across the city received invitations through the mail inviting them to a gala, designed to celebrate LordTech East (™) grand opening and provide a chance to build connections.
Hosted by Lord himself, the masquerade ball will be held on Saturday, October 31st at 7.30pm sharp at the Angel Orensanz Foundation in New York. A dramatic, imposing structure, what better place to spend dancing the night away and sipping expensive champagne as the city gets back on its feet?
Galas and party events are always a good excuse for characters to mingle. They provide the opportunity to deepen pre-existing relationships, or develop new ones. Maybe your character meets a stranger at the party and hits it off, when they never would’ve imagined speaking to them before. Maybe your character finally builds up the nerve to ask the object of their affections to wear a matching outfit and appear on their arm. There will be food, drinks, music and dancing, so feel free to give your characters a break and let them loose for a night!
The LordTech Expo itself is also a major precursor to this event. The innovations that are discussed there will be on the tip of everyone’s tongue at the gala. This is the perfect opportunity for businesspeople to combine and work towards similar interests, or for your character to get involved in a research project close to their own heart as a scientist, intern or benefactor.
The event will run from Saturday 24th October to Saturday 7th November. Feel free to use the time before then to plot connections, threads and write out information for the Expo. These dates are simply the time period where you can post starters for event threads! Event threads can also continue after this point if you wish. Starters should be tagged with beginagaingala so other people can find them and reply easily! We hope you all have a great Halloween, and hope you enjoy this event!
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beginagainhq · 4 years
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The LordTech Expo and Gala has now ended. Threads from the event can be continued, and any discords taking place throughout the duration may be posted upon completion, but we ask that no one start any new threads for this event. Thank you all for your participation and for helping to make this event a fun success!
- Admin Team
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beginagainhq · 4 years
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Following on from Erik Lehnsherr’s call to arms for mutantkind that have been ongoing for decades, Scott Summers aka Cyclops of the X-Men stepped up on a public forum to announce that mutantkind would no longer be standing back as pacifists while the world changed around them. The tensions between humans and enhanced individuals have been heightened since the introduction of the Sokovia Accords, and the recent reintroduction of the Sentinel Programme by the World Security Council only magnified the rising anger on both sides.
In the past few months, Lehnsherr’s campaign has been gaining traction against the more moderate mutant factions throughout the city, recruiting members such as Scott and Jean Summers, Lorna Dane and Emma Frost, among many others. The first weekend in August brought a significant change to the perceived status-quo, however, when Lehnsherr and his associates infiltrated a meeting with the Secretary General in the New York base for the United Nations (read more here). A second group stormed Stark Tower, allowing members of staff including Mr. Stark to leave but refusing entry, sometimes with violence, to anyone who was not sympathetic to their cause (read more here).
With a major centre of commerce held hostage and government officials given only three days to agree to Lehnsherr’s terms — that mutants are given a safe place of respite from enforcement, and the current Sentinel programme is halted permanently — the pressure is on for leaders to restore the peace as quickly as possible.
Two days prior to the siege, Lehnsherr attacked L-Corp to check up on Lena Luthor’s progress with the detection device, and plant something special in her office for Supergirl. Director Danvers and Supergirl faced off against Magneto. See Discord here.
One day prior to the siege, Supergirl becomes officially affected by Red Kryptonite. She confronts Lehnsherr in his apartment, blaming him, and Lehnsherr outlines his plans for the siege. Supergirl agrees to help kick off the siege the next morning by destroying bridges into the city. See Discord here.
Supergirl destroyed bridges (although no one was killed!) as mutants infiltrated the UN and took Stark Tower hostage in an attempt to strongarm government officials into providing respite and safe spaces for mutants and other enhanced individuals. The government has three days to respond to Lehnsherr’s terms before more violence breaks out.
Sentinels stood down during the negotiations to prevent tensions from rising further. This means that your characters will no longer be hunted down for using their abilities — though they may still encounter law enforcement or distaste from civilians for displaying these in a public place, considering the circumstances. 
Both enhanced and non-enhanced individuals will be affected by the events. Your characters could potentially be affected by the shifted focus towards enhanced, having to deal with an inverted power structure for the first time, or your enhanced characters could explore what it means to have power/agency. Feel free to send any in character reflections to the Bugle blog linked here to be published throughout the event!
Tensions will be high, so there may be outbreaks on the streets. Criminals will also be taking advantage of the situation and lack of Sentinel surveillance, so your heroes and vigilantes will be very busy, while your villains may have the time of their lives!
If your character was in or around either of the two areas directly affected by these threats, they may be asked to evacuate. For vigilantes or characters who may be more likely to step up, this may mean assisting with evacuation of civilians. For civilian characters or those unlikely to take it upon themselves to assist in evacuation, this may mean trying to get out without injury or incident in the impending stampede of people searching for safety. People who are stuck in Manhattan but don’t know what to do might find themselves waiting out the chaos together, potentially strengthening past relationships or developing new ones with characters they don’t already know!
The event will start on August 2, 2020 and end on August 16, 2020. This will allow you time to plot beforehand as usual. In character, the siege will last for three days, i.e. over a long weekend at the beginning of August. Threads can be continued after the event ends — these date guidelines are simply for posting starters / Discords / etc. Open starters can be tagged with beginagainsiege. As usual with events, we will be lifting our ‘reply to three starters before posting your own’ rule, but please be aware of others in the tag and give all starters equal attention!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the admin team via the main or Discord. As always this event is optional and if you do not want your character to be involved, they can be in a part of the city that was less impacted, could be out of the city for the weekend, etc. The event is intended as a way to develop characters and bring people together for new plots, and we look forward to seeing what you do with it!
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beginagainhq · 3 years
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The blackout event has now ended. Threads and/or Discords from the event can continue, but we ask that no new threads be started at this time. The ending to the event will be detailed in Discords yet to be posted, so make sure to keep an eye on the dash to get up to speed! Thank you as always to everyone who participated, and we hope you had a great time exploring this event with your characters and other muns.
- Admin Team
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beginagainhq · 4 years
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Organizations such as the Avengers, Justice League and X-Men were formed from a group of extraordinary individuals capable of feats beyond the average person to fight the battles that otherwise would’ve devastated our world. The flip side of this is that the ‘average person’ felt marginalised, dismissed, and at times terrified of the potential impact of one of these enhanced individuals going rogue. The collateral damage sustained during battles involving these groups led to the Sokovia Accords, and the registration of extremely dangerous entities such as the Enchantress so that the Accords and Accountability Panel could trace their whereabouts and activities.
However, what happens when all of the systems are in place, all of the most qualified people in the world are watching over those deemed dangerous, and they still manage to break free?
Enchantress is going to answer that question for the world.
Reunited with her heart (link to the para), the witch made her way through the city. A spell uttered in the centre of commerce spread fear throughout New York, making one thing clear: you must join the Enchantress, or your worst nightmares will come to life.
It is time for the Sokovia Accords to be put to the test.
The heart of a metahuman known as ‘Enchantress’ was being held by the Panel in an attempt to control the extremely powerful sorceress. Enchantress has broken into a Panel facility and reunited with her heart, elevating her powers and abilities.
Eager to show humanity exactly what she’s capable of, Enchantress has began a rampage through New York. There are a number of ways that this may affect your characters:
The first, and perhaps most significant effect of the Enchantress, is that her spell spreads through the city, evoking feelings of great fear. Characters could have visions of their worst nightmare come to life, may become more paranoid about the world around them, or simply have to deal with other people being affected by this phenomenon and tasked with keeping the peace. These visions will last as long as the event itself, or if your character is able to overcome them, they will become immune to this fear inducement and be able to further assist others in their crises.
If individuals are not affected by the fear spreading, they may be able to fight back. Those who do not bow down to Enchantress or join her crusade will encounter her Eyes of Adversary, who have began to build and defend her new world while she releases the fear cloud. These are Enchantress’s minions, and can be used as NPC villains for the duration of the event. The Eyes of Adversary are human beings turned into monsters by the Enchantress for her own personal army. You will need to simply contain these creatures until the event passes, as destroying one of the soldiers would also destroy the person underneath, making encounters even more difficult.
As always, events are optional to partake in. Your character can be heavily influenced by the fear cloud, find themselves battling Enchantress’s minions, or manage to avoid the chaos entirely (although it is extremely unlikely they will not at least be aware of the situation occurring).
This event will commence on April 20th 2020 to allow for plotting. It will continue for two weeks until May 11th 2020, however threads started during this time (as well as Discords, if you are kicking off a longer plot for example) can be continued on after the event concludes. This is just the time period for starters to be posted!
Please tag open starters for this event as #beginagainfearitself (please don’t use this tag for private, closed starters!). As usual with events, we will lift the usual “reply to three starters before posting your own” rule, although make sure that every starter receives equal attention to the best of your ability.
As always, if there are any questions, please feel free to contact the admin team through the main or use the questions channel in our group Discord. We can’t wait to see what you will do with this event!
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beginagainhq · 5 years
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Only a few short weeks after General and Agent Ross’ announcements regarding changes to enforcement and registration, an anonymous tip regarding a group of young unregistered, unaffiliated mutants was passed to both Enforcers and the most prominent mutant groups. When these groups arrived in Central Park, Enforcers immediately attempted to apprehend unregistered mutants, who refused surrender and instead fought back against law enforcement.
During the course of this battle, Jean Grey ( @jeanelcinegrey​ ) attempted to provide Rogue ( @apoisontouch ) with her powers. This led to an explosion of light and fire, and from an outsider’s perspective, it appeared Grey passed out for a period of time before recovering. Shortly after, leader of the X-Men Scott Summers ( @firstxman ) suffered a significant injury on the battlefield. Wolverine ( @jameslogans ) then stabbed him, perhaps in an attempt to ease his pain and suffering. The X-Men immediately teleported from Central Park with the assistance of Nightcrawler ( @circusmutant ) and have not been seen or given a statement since.
This event is open to ALL members of the RP. If you have a mutant character, feel free to say that they were part of the battle, and write threads or Discords surrounding this. Enforcers may also have been on the scene, as well as law enforcement agents. Civilians were witness to these events courtesy of them occurring in Central Park, and other heroes or villains may wish to get involved in the action as well – or take advantage of cops and Enforcers being diverted to Central Park to act towards their own interests instead!
If you wish to read about the significant moments in this event in full, there are Discords surrounding Jean and Rogue here, and Scott and Logan here.
Enforcers gave the chance to surrender, but the mutants did not comply. For this reason, anyone seen to be with these mutant groups will be targeted for enforcement. Considering the extent of power within the X-Men and Brotherhood, for example, Enforcers are authorised to use necessary force.
If you wish for your character to be injured, for example, or another significant plot, please contact the main, and be mindful of trigger warnings when writing this out.
This event will commence on February 3rd to allow for plotting. It will continue for a week until February 10th, however threads started during this time can be continued on after the event concludes. This is just the time period for starters to be posted!
Please tag open starters for this event as #mutantsinthepark (please don’t use this tag for private, closed starters!). As usual with events, we will lift the usual “reply to three starters before posting your own” rule, although make sure that every starter receives equal attention to the best of your ability.
You are not obligated to participate in this event, but we hope that if you do, you have a great time writing the fallout or call to arms this situation may provide for your character! If there are any questions, please feel free to contact the admin team through the main, or use the questions channel in our group Discord.
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beginagainhq · 5 years
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Begin Again RP is having a holiday event from December 14th to December 22nd! It’s a little over one week and is bookended by two weekends to allow people more time to do all that they’d like during the holiday event! (The party itself will be held IC on December 14th.) 
Terrace on the Park is the venue for a benefit for the Bayard Community Center (connection to Colleen Wing @dragonsdefender​) and is hosted by Oliver Queen (@theacearcher​). While Mr. Queen could have easily donated enough to lift the burden of the new year’s expenses from the community center, why waste the opportunity to throw a fancy party and raise even more money? Go big or go home! 
There is a dress code for the event. Formal wear! (If you want to make aesthetic boards for the event, please use the event tag #BeginAgainHolidayBenefit – we’ll reblog your edits to the inspo blog!) 
At the event, there will be a seating area and a stage for entertainment. Food and drink will be served to tables during the show, and after the speeches about the center (and likely roasting of the other announcers), there will be dancing, live music, and an open bar (for muses of age)! 
Don’t have deep pockets to write a check for the center but still want to do something nice for the community? There is a gift tree that is decorated with various tags that have the names of children and certain gifts that they’d like for the holidays that muses can purchase.  
Terrace on the Park has a beautiful view of the cityscape, the zoo, and the local fairgrounds.  And an outdoor balcony area for those who need fresh air. The fairgrounds are within walking distance of the Terrace, so if your muses are interested in ditching the party and having a different kind of fun, temptation is just down the road. 
Please tag your open starters for this event with the event tag #BeginAgainHolidayBenefit (please don’t use this tag for private starters!). We will be lifting the “reply to 3 starters before posting your own” rule temporarily for the event, but please be mindful and inclusive of other opens in the tag.  
And as a reminder, you are not obligated to participate in the event! If you’d like to skip it, you absolutely can! You are also free to continue your non-event threads, participation and holding replies are completely under your discretion as muns!
We look forward to seeing you on the dash, and we hope you enjoy the event! 
-- The Admin Team
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beginagainhq · 5 years
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Harry Osborn ( @ofosbcrns​ ) is throwing a big New Year’s bash in a warehouse loft in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. Running from 6.00pm on New Year’s Eve, allowing for early birds and families running through to whenever people finish up for the night, the party is open to one and all! Free food and drinks are provided, so long as you bring high spirits to call in the New Year!
This event will be held IC on New Year’s Eve, running through to New Year’s Day. OOC, party threads will be started between 1st January and 4th January, just before our activity check lapse ends. This gives you plenty of opportunities to pick up new threads for the New Year! 
This is a themed party! 1920s themed outfits are a requirement. If you don’t have one, you’re turned away at the door -- or will need to find a creative way to get in. 
Catered finger food will be available throughout the night, provided on buffet tables or by wait-staff. Beer, wine, spirits, cocktails and just about anything you could ask for is available at the bar free of charge!
There will be music, a dance floor in the centre of the room, and an outdoor balcony. The entire venue will be decorated immaculately to match the 1920s theme, so we can bring in the 2020s with style!
Please tag your open starters for the event with #BeginAgain20sBash (please don’t use this tag for private starters!). As usual with events, we will lift the usual “reply to three starters before posting your own” rule, although make sure that every starter receives equal attention to the best of your ability.
You are not obligated to participate in this event, but we hope that if you do, you have a great time writing out the festivities! We can’t wait to bring in the New Year with all of you, and many thanks to Luna for providing the details for this event!
– The Admin Team
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