#behind the mysc
myscprin · 2 years
I started this little comic... 17 March 2022? Have no idea where I was going with it, but pretty sure Jason was supposed to have puppy eyes in panel 3.
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If y'all have any ideas where this should be going, feel free to suggest them! Until then i'll just leave it a mystery only march 17th me knows...
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autistickhunsam · 2 years
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Killing Eve // Behind Your Eyes, Jon Foreman
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myscprin · 2 years
That tiny Salim head in your marriage fraud comic is adorable 💚
(っ ´ ▽ `) っ thank you!! One of these days I'll draw him in that fluffy bathrobe because he deserves it ✨
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Side note: Salim in the second draft of this comic was NOT as cute-- ft. Chibi Nick and Jason too (r.i.p to the first draft)
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myscprin · 2 years
Since you make some cute art, can you tell me what is the hardest thing to draw for you?
And what is the thing you'd like to draw someday? (A fight scene, weapons, etc...)
*gaaassspppppppp* I'm gon ramble, but tl;dr version up here.
Everything. If I had to pick one thing though, I'd probably say faces. I've come to terms with my oven-mitt hands 😅
Hmmm the thing to draw someday? Like something on my to-do list or like an art goal piece? 🤔 My "to-draw" list is so long, but it's mostly just funny memes/incorrect quotes/situations to be redrawn as chibi comics. On a more serious note, art 'goal' pieces would probably be snapshots of fics I looovveee. Sort of as a 'thank you' to fic authors for being able to paint such a vivid image in my pea brain with their amazing words (and hopefully to make up for me not always commenting orz).
Ramble time c:
Drawing used to be a lot easier for me. I would sketch 2-3 pages every night, line/color half of those sketches, and post them along with quick work doodles. Now I think I'm being hard on myself. Since I'm currently obsessed with HOA and the characters are much more realistic, I get pretty demotivated when I can't capture their likeliness. So, Thank you for calling my art cute ;A; I was pretty afraid of posting in the beginning since I oversimplified all the characters' faces (I still do, but potato potathoe).
Fun fact: I have a written and electronic list of my 'to-draws'. AND they both contain different things because why would I make it easy for myself? 😁 My electronic list is actually my tumblr drafts x'D Current count: 240. For the written ones, I grabbed a few scrap pages of the ideas-- theres a small journal at work too. (Yes, I am an absolute creep who writes people screen names down;; In my defense, my memory is absolute garbage and it'll help me give proper credit if/when I do draw and post it). For the fic redraw list, it's just (so far, 88) screenshots of the fic passage.
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Thank you for the ask, and thank you to anyone who read all the way through! 💛
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