#behold!!! talking about the only version of freddy I actually think is cool!!!
monty-glasses-roxy · 3 months
We lowkey talked about this before but I feel this deserves its own moment. So, Prototype Freddy, the headless guy, right?
What if Cassie and the others get him all fixed into a whole Freddy again (I like the idea that his repaired self mirrors Glamrock Freddy's like earring on the other ear and chest bolt facing the other way,) so he becomes their friends too.
And most of them at least, especially Roxy I think, not only welcome him with open arms but straight up treat him as 'their' Freddy AKA totally replacing Glamrock Freddy-- which only further isolates and excludes him when "choosing Gregory over them" already did that too.
I feel like that'd sting for Glamrock Freddy especially with Chica if they being longtime friends or family for being older mascots is a thing.
Also sting in a different way if Roxy and Prototype Freddy actually end up with a far better affinity than she and Glamrock Freddy ever did.
And to rub more salt, eventually Cassie finds Bonnie as well and they try to fix him as much as possible until it's st least enough for him to come online. Then when it's time to catch up with old friends or meet new ones, they have Prototype Freddy there instead of Glamrock Freddy.
I don't think Cassie would do any of this to purposely target Glamrock Freddy but I kinda feel like Roxy would be bitter enough to. After all he "chose that brat he calls a son Gregory and CONTINUES choosing him over them all despite everything he's done to them, so if that's the bed he chose to make then he's going to have to lie in it."
Oooooo this is fun
Imma start by thinking that if Roxy never liked Freddy before, then she probably wouldn't welcome a repaired Freddy into the group very quickly. That whole dynamic would be pretty interesting though, like Roxy could be getting between him and the others every chance she gets to try and make sure he doesn't hurt them again... It might be appreciated at first, I mean this guy looks almost exactly like him and talks with the same mannerisms as him, it's gotta be a bit difficult seeing him around again. Presuming everyone's fixed up, then yeah I can see Roxy going the over protective route until she's outright told to stop. Roxy's a security node/guard dog with nothing to guard anymore, and several very hurt friends to watch out for, she just fell naturally into this without even noticing :(
But that just makes the turnaround more fun, right? Despite everything, Prototype Freddy is a good guy! He could listen to her, try helping her out with whatever it is she's up to, find it funny when she starts a golf club sword fight with Monty, be nothing but protective of all of them, be so damn respectful of her boundaries she starts to feel bad for yelling at him about it... and gradually, she stops watching him like a hawk, waiting for an excuse to kick his shit in. At some point, these two are hanging out and getting along perfectly well it's crazy to her how similar he is to the old Freddy but so different in every way that matters. They're friends now! She wishes this Freddy was the Freddy they'd had from the very beginning! Things would have been so different with this guy and it pisses her off sometimes!
And oh god yeah it'd sting so fucking bad for the others, especially Chica and Monty that the old Freddy chose Gregory over them. He basically sacrificed them and for what? It's such a betrayal, and since they and Sunny and Moon were all friends with him, I can see at least a few of them forgetting this isn't the same Freddy every now and then. He says something they don't expect and they flinch as the truth hits them all over again... that's gotta hurt. Were they not worth anything to him? How could they do this to them?
That's fun...
But yeeessss bringing Bonnie back in a situation like this (though without the prototype Freddy) is something that I have happen in my Meteors AU and it's gold. How do you handle waking up after maybe a year has passed to discover your almost boyfriend set a rabid child on all your friends and family, then ditched them when they needed him the most? How is he supposed to take that? Denial? A desperate spiral into camera footage and questioning, searching for answers? For any kind of evidence that they all might be mistaken? That this was all just one big misunderstanding? His Freddy wouldn't do that... He wouldn't! He's sure of it!
And this Prototype isn't Freddy! Why is he here?! Did everyone just replace him?! This is some Fazbear Entertainment levels of bullshit!! His Freddy was worth more than that!! How could they do exactly what Fazbear would have done and just swap him out for a new one?! What's wrong with them?!
The pain is so good for this oh my god I love it
I like to think that once the reality of what Freddy did sinks in, Bonnie grows to hate him. It hurts to hate him, but he's so fucking betrayed by what he's done, how can he not hate him? He can't still love him! He can't! (He does) It's not fair!
And Freddy would be devastated by all of this holy shit. Seeing everyone with the Prototype, happier with the Prototype, and feeling like everyone moved on and replaced him. Even Bonnie. Heartbreaking.
And yeah you're so right. Cassie wouldn't have done any of this to target Freddy, but Roxy would have for sure. Maybe the idea that this would upset Freddy if he ever sees it is what convinces her to give Prototype Freddy a chance? A kind of "I'm going to pretend to be your friend on the off chance Freddy sees and feels like shit for it" turning into her genuinely valuing his company kind of thing. Maybe he kinda figured that's what her plan was originally and decided to just go along with it and let her do her thing, being genuinely surprised himself to end up friends with her? Lotta ways you can play that!
I love this Prototype Freddy is neat!!
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