#being anti pit is being pro dog. pits kill more dogs than any other breed as well. they are bred for dog aggression after all
lobotomizedlady · 6 months
pit bull owners are insane no one would ever argue that you can train the herding instinct out of border collies when you "just raise them right with lots of love ❤️ " or that they only show breed specific behaviour when they are abused by their owner. but somehow breed genetics don't apply to pit bulls
It's hard for people who own and love them to accept that their precious pibbles could in fact snap just like so many other peoples beloved pets have done (with devastating consequences), but that doesn't change the fact that they ARE uniquely dangerous due to selective breeding for aggression, gameness (including their pain sensors practically turning off when they're in fight mode-they have no sense of self preservation which is why you'll sometimes see videos of them attacking horses or buffalo. I've seen videos of pits being stabbed over and over and not letting go of the person they're attacking until they're literally dead, NO other breed behaves like this) and other physiological traits (the wide, locking jaw for example, which is nearly impossible to free yourself from).
"It's the owner not the breed" is one of their favorite excuses after the "b-but they were nanny dogs!!1!" lie (no dog should be watching your children for you let alone a fighting breed) but the fact is even beloved family pitbulls will sometimes maul their owners, like that horrid case I linked to-not to mention many shelters unethically obfuscate the background of the pit they're putting up for adoption so that ppl are more likely to adopt them. Many ARE taken from dog fighting rings and they're also more likely to pass temperament tests bc they are designed to test reactivity NOT aggression and pits often won't show warning signs before attacking so they pass even if they aren't fit for adoption. That's another trait that makes them potentially dangerous (and it's the reason I absolutely hate the temperament test shelters use-it sends good dogs to their death for giving warning signs when they're nervous, AS THEY SHOULD, and allows dangerous dogs to be put up for adoption).
But honestly as much as the pit lobby loves to lie and pay for articles to lie for them (seriously, they have DEEP pockets it's unbelievable when you look into it), the stats are there-bully breeds are responsible for over 60% of the fatal dog attacks on humans despite being a small percentage of the population. Not to mention all the non fatal maulings against humans and the killing of other pets (I personally know people who have had their cats and in one case a large dog killed by off leash pits). Bully breeds are outlawed in 40+ countries for a reason. the pattern keeps repeating and people have noticed it.
Arguing with pit mommy types is pointless though. I've seen them blame toddlers and even literal infants for their own maulings bc "well they must have provoked the poor sweetie!!1!" and campaigning to save dogs who have killed people from being euthanized. They are demented and value the lives of pitbulls over people (and other dog breeds too).
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