#being in the abyss miiiiight have had lasting effects on you as well so he makes sure to keep a close eye on your health
OH MY GOD I have a delicious angst idea concerning Immortal! FL and Soulmate AU (technically hurt comfort so even better)
Long after Legacy's soulmate has passed away, he still stares at the faded name written across his arm, longing for someone that cannot come back to him.
So when another name randomly pops up, centuries after his soulmate's death, he is livid at celestia. Are they trying to console an unholy creature plagued with immortality by giving him another soulmate? Really? It seems like a cruel joke. It seems like celestia is taunting him, giving him a stranger to replace the love of his life, like giving a kid a toy to distract them from throwing a tantrum. He doesn't like that. Oh, he doesn't like that, deep within grief even after so long.
So he isolates himself, deep within a place no mortal can reach. He never seeks them out. Not that name, nor the second, nor the following that pop up whenever the most recent one has turned gray and faded. He stares at his body, littered with names long gone unreadable under his armor, and he curses celestia.
It takes him a long time to realise that each name marked on his body is a reincarnation of his soulmate, endlessly searching for the same name written in abyssal script, seeking the figure that appears every time they close their eyes. It isn't until the nth reincarnation that they manage to venture into the abyss themselves without perishing.
And he finds the same face before him, vividly awakening memories he has stewed in by himself for nearly a millennium.
(Does he try to attack them, blinded by grief and rage at celestia still, thinking its another way to mock him? Does he stagger backwards, horrified with himself when you call out his name again in that same frightened tone usually reserved for fear? Does he cry out, cradling your injured body, trying to undo what he has done? Do they perish once again by his hand or do they survive?)
ohhhghghhh you are EVIL for doing this to me. EVIL!!!!! but i loooooove it >:)
there's been a hole in your heart ever since you were born. that's not to say that you couldn't love- you can and will, with great effect; you adore all your friends and take great joy in making them happy. but there's this constant feeling of emptiness in your chest, like you lost something precious ages ago; it never goes away no matter what you do, and that's not even mentioning the name of your supposed soulmate on your arm, written in a language no one has seen and faded gray as dust. you've taken to covering it up when you're out and about, sick of the strangers who tut and give you pitying looks or suddenly begin spouting love advice when you've never even spoken to them. it's a nuisance- a painful, hollow nuisance of impossibility
your soulmate's name has done one good thing for you, though- driven your interest in lost languages and ruins, of the civilizations that came before. some folks tell you to stay away from such topics, that the knowledge was lost for a reason, and that it's really none of your business... but you've never been the type to leave a mystery unsolved. using the name scrawled across your arm as a reference, you find yourself venturing down, down, down, until you finally take the leap and descend beneath Teyvat. it becomes more and more difficult to breathe the deeper you go, the cold stars that appear on the cliffs and rock doing nothing to light your way in the slightest
you can barely even inhale, letting out a few dry coughs as you press your back against the wall, vision blurry. your senses flicker and break like glass- a rumbling growl, a flash of silver, and a sudden, high-pitched shriek- before everything goes black
it's the bright, shining sun that wakes you up, only to quickly squeeze your eyes shut again when you're blinded by its light. you're in a cave- a cave on the surface of Teyvat, and you can breathe again. your chest still aches and your limbs are still heavy, but at least your lungs are clear of whatever miasma that settled there. you hear a soft trill and tilt your head, letting out an alarmed squeak when you come face-to-face with a monster. it's from the Abyss, no doubt, an intimidating figure of armor and claws and twin horns, crimson and pointed... yet you don't feel afraid. after the momentary surprise leaves you, the creature feels almost familiar, hunching in on itself with quiet whines and chirps. slowly you reach out a hand, then stop as something flashes on your skin. your soulmate's name, one gray and faded, now shines a brilliant silver like the stars themselves
the beast beside you lets out a chitter when it sees the name, scooting closer and holding out its own arm, and there- there! written in elegant script, in the same silver shade, is your own name, glowing on top of countless other old scribbles that you can't even read
you look up at the monster, meeting its crystalline gaze, and your heart finally feels whole
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