#being in the black butler fandom is always a pain bc it’s hard to tell when someone is just making a cute/funny drawing
kierancaz · 8 months
Seeing a cool art but I can’t tell if it’s a joke or legitimate shipping of Sebastian and Ciel
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scenarios-on-ice · 7 years
“Alright, Luna-senpai!”
Thus the technically-smol and not-so-innocent Evans was saved from a brutal, feelsy death by Queen Luna’s common sense.
If only we could say the same for Philip Hamilton. R.I.P
Ah, it is true that I am professional feels-murderer. However, when it comes to me being a cinnamon roll…that remains to be seen :)
Aww, I didn’t mind the basement thing, really! That isn’t something I’d see as a major spoiler since you didn’t tell me what was actually inside of it ^^ as for AoT, I forgot to mention that I’ve caught up with the manga now! I got so irritated at falling behind all of my fandoms and then going on tumblr like “wth new chapter already now I’ve got to avoid the spoilers but I WANNA SEE THE SPOILERS but I WANNA APPRECIATE THE TWISTS” that I went and binge-read Black Butler, AoT and TG almost all at once lol
Like you, though, I don’t know if I’m appreciating what’s going on in AoT right now. Isayama’s doing so many POV switches and focusing on so many new plot twists and info dumps that it almost feels like he’s abandoning all the old plot threads he hasn’t tied up yet. Also, he’s pulled off two time skips in quick succession now, which makes things even more confusing.
If he has a plan and knows what he’s doing this could turn out OK, but if not, well…it could become a complete and utter trainwreck.
Seriously, if you want to and you have the time, I’d love to see that actually happen (though if you can’t that’s fine too ^^). I actually wrote down a whole plan for this MMV/AMV thing because the more I listen to Wait for It the more it reminds me of TG…
(More feels: for the line ‘My grandfather was a fire and brimstone preacher’, Amon and Donato. And then 'but there are things that the homilies and hymns can’t teach you’ Amon’s first encounter with Kaneki.
Then 'My mother was a genius’ possibly Eto and Ukina? or Matsumae?
'My father commanded respect’ Juuzou and Shinohara
And you know how the chorus echoes 'respect’ after that line? Sasaki’s face shows up during that echo (he did have the Q squad’s respect in his own way). Or maybe Yoshimura. I considered Arima but I have another line I want for him…
'When they died, they left no instructions’ Ryouko’s (Hinami’s mother’s) death
'Just a legacy to protect’ Hinami saving Sasaki in the auction arc. Cinnamon roll is making her parents proud.
'Death doesn’t discriminate’ anything with Arima. Maybe his death scene? The Grim Reaper never hesitated, not even when it came to his own life.
Also, the scenes with Nutcracker’s death and young Arima reaching out the window in his flashback might fit well with the last chorus (“Life doesn’t discriminate”). In fact, I feel like the most emotional scenes or the ones that show characters going through hardships would fit with the last chorus, since it’s about how hard life can be no matter who you are.
I know I want the 'Let’s go home’ scene in here somewhere but I’m not sure where it should go. It should be in a powerful, meaningful place, probably in the last chorus like the above scenes, but I can’t decide where it would have the most impact.)
I just went back and checked out some discussions in the fandom, and I’m really, REALLY sorry! But apparently the 'I’ve forgotten their names’ was an April Fool’s joke…? I’m kinda glad that there’s no deeper, more tragic meaning I could dig out from that line now, but also kind of disappointed because I was liking the contrast with Naki.
The line that was actually there is no better when it comes to feels.
“If the people you lost somehow returned to you…how would you feel?”
“It’d be frightening.
I’d worry that they might just disappear again.”
coupled with this lovely panel of Kaneki, his eyes closed and head tilted upwards, with a vaguely melancholy expression on his face.
Ishida Why
Also, remember Furuta’s touching declaration of love?
“I’ll have Rize bear me a bunch of children, 101 dalmations style~”
Yeah, well.
He got his wish…? Sort of…?
I love Hinami more and more. Despite everything that’s happened she’s made it clear since a few chapters ago that she has no grudge against Akira or even Kureo Mado, and in fact, she’s the one who pulls Akira into her arms (Akira just stands there and soon starts to cry for the first time since the Anteiku Raid).
Those names do sound a bit weird XD but I’m definitely gonna watch all of those when I can! And I’ll let you know when I do!
There’s something weirdly exciting about knowing that we’re this close (like one of us could literally jump on a plane and meet the other in around a couple of hours) :D I really hope you have fun in Japan! :) I’m almost kinda jealous lol…but CONGRATS!
The amount of times I’ve died and risen from the dead is astonishing. 
Phillip needed an Evans and a Luna to save him from his demise. Too bad he didn’t have any. 
Your feels-murdering skills are over 9000 *breaks eyepiece*
I am this close to giving up on AoT as well. However, I wish to see how my precious ray of sunshine (Armin) will fare, so I’ll have to bear with it. Hooray.
Fun facts, my amvs are horrible. Since I use a free program, they have huge watermarks and I don’t know how to add effects at all, but there’s always youtube to help hahah I’ll work on it quite soon, but I can’t guarantee how well it’ll turn out ^^ 
When thinking about how to pull it off, I was realised that using manga panels for everything would be the best way to go, as not to confuse people or make it weird. As for ‘Let’s go home’, it could probably fit well with ‘death doesn’t discriminate’, but we already have Arima for it... Oh, oh, maybe with ‘it takes and it takes’. Finding all the right panels will be a pain in the ass ;-; I’ll probably ask you a few times if you know the approximate chapter of certain scenes ^^;;
Oh thank god. I mean, it was quite out of character, even for Sasaki. Jeez. That was mean ;-; (Not mean from you, but from the fandom T_T) The alternate line is so much better and fits him more. And it’s actually just as sad. Gdi Ishida, you’re evil.
What What What What What No Please no Oh dear God and I’m not even a religious person WHYYYY I believe Ishida is made out of 5% cinnamon roll and 95% pure evil.  Also, I just happen to stumble upon the last panel of the latest chapter, aka Mutuski being creepy af, holding Kaneki and going ‘sense <3′ whaT’D I MISS?? Lots and lots of things
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((Don’t mind me, I’m just searching for the panel of Kaneki and his what if everyone came back. I WILL FIND IT))
Whoops, found it
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Well, shit
On to lighter themes!
Japan was absolutely amazing! We did so many things and saw lots of new places! It’s a completely different world, that’s for sure. And my Love Live loving ass was in heaven. Seriously, I bought 4 figures (bc they’re really cheap there) and one plush toy, and they’re all related to LL. I might need help. Aaand, after watching the 4 eps of BnHA season 2, I recommend it even more! It’s a mix between serious/dark and humour and imo, it was pulled off very well ^^
I hope school’s going fine for you! Cause mine isn’t :’) Well, it’ll get better now, since this week was the hellpoint hahah
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