#being quiet was the most important virtue bc he was worn out from work lack of ssleep and/or depression
amerasdreams · 2 years
So... dad didn't eat the food I made. Mom did. I assumed she didn't bc she isn't here for lunch. Idk what was going on in my head. Occasionally she brings things I made to work. Doesn't tell me. I don't mind if either of them do it. Just that dad never does. So I took his doing something abnormal for being spiteful and wanting me away. Which... I probably get bc I assume hat anyway. Lots of room for assumptions when you have an almost total lack of communication and the history of me... never thinking dad cared much for me so ....
But this is totally not his fault. I can't accuse someone for something they didn't do. Panicking about something totally nonexistent (in this case)
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