#yay whoohoo
HW is one of your COOLEST designs. What’s her relationship with Finn??? Is it the same as in the show or something different
I actually think it's really funny how much the adventure time fandom likes HW when she plays such a minor character. I mean I agree and think she's supercool but still
Anyway in this AU she and Finn are good friends and both think they have a crush on the other at one point, but after sitting and talking through it together they realize they respect and admire each other and enjoy spending time together but don't need to take it any further. They stay friends obviously
Also, Finn is aroace but hasn't figured it out yet, and HW is somewhere on the aro and/or ace spectrums as well.
I've actually been toying with the idea of putting HW with Phoebe in the future but haven't worked that all out yet hsgdxjshskbxskjskz
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how does it make sense that pain is a trigger for self harmy thoughts
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artemistorm · 10 months
Teeheehee smiling smiling smiling
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warcats-cat · 1 year
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I'm more excited about this than I should be 🤣🤣
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hanksterhenry · 3 months
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Woohoo yay whoohoo
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inkyinkwells · 5 months
Nice to back, meet the artist behind inkyinkwells, zillion trillion stuff and cataclysmic ink, home of surge. I figured I’d introduce myself more for more engagement and starting up an instagram, yay whoohoo so cool. new art style woah yeaaah I’ve improved a bit. I’m rambling sorry- say hi to zillion (alternate name: skunk.)
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the classic short, faceless zillion is still around dw.
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literally-simon · 7 months
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simon henriksson yay whoohoo yippie wow
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nervouseden · 4 months
Master list
(yay! Whoohoo!)
I am a hørny b^st^rd so a good chunk of what I post will be smut(ty).
You can also find more about my writing here, as well as my intro here. Thank you!
Bucky Barnes fics:
God Among Men
Bucky Barnes:
Bucky drabbles #1 (?)
Loki Laufeyson:
"Let me go."
I like when you're in control.
Things I can imagine Loki saying pt.1
"Delicious little creature."
Bucky & Loki
Incorrect quotes pt.1 (idk what to call it)
Random Thoughts/Head Cannons:
Bucky Barnes:
Trans umbrella
Bucky would be a good dad.
Bucky being Bucky in bed.
Loki Laufeyson:
Loki & Kisses
Things Loki would put you in.
Loki Kink Thots pt.1
Loki Laufeyson:
Loki gifs pt. 1
Loki gifs pt.2
Bucky Barnes:
Bucky gifs pt.1
Hand/Arm Pørn.
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away-ward · 4 months
Hello! I wanted to take a moment to address some up coming changes.
I can see that I've been getting a lot of new followers lately, and as always, this comes with an influx of new asks and messages. I want to be clear: I am not, nor have I ever, been bothered by receiving an ask or message. I love getting things in my inbox. Sometimes the content of the message bothers me, or I disagree with what's been sent, and that takes some time to navigate. But the act of communicating and starting a discussion has never been the issue for me.
However, this blog as has been functioning more or less as a Devil's Night fandom blog since 2022, and I've been receiving messages in my inbox since about October of that year. Just recently, we passed 300 messages (which, WhooHoo! yay us for having a (mostly) drama free time!)
Because I get new followers frequently, those who have just finished the series or who just found the blog, I tend to get some pretty similar messages. Since I've had this conversation before, I usually don't have anything new to say, and I don't want the blog to become the same post over and over again. At the same time, I have a hard time not responding to people who have sent in a message with genuine interest.
I have done a lot of hard work to make sure the tags are for organization, and not just for visibility or talking to my followers. For instance, if you want to find all my thoughts and views on Emory Scott, you can search for "#emory scott" on my blog, and it will bring up every post that is about Emory Scott. Because I don't tag for visibility, I will only add a character tag when the post applies directly to them. There's more about my Tagging System on the master list posts. This is true for all characters. I also frequently use "Character discussion" and "Series Discussion" or "Ko's dns tag" for posts that are more general about the series.
If You Are New: please, please, please, go through the character tags before you send me a message. I have been responding to messages for almost 2 years, 300+ replies. Someone has most likely already expressed your thoughts that I have responded to. I know it's a lot of backlog and you just want your thoughts responded to, but at least try to make sure I haven't already said the thing you're looking for.
Plus, the character tags are fun!
Again, I'm not mad! It can just be a little exhausting if all you're looking for is my thoughts, that I've already posted them somewhere else. Maybe you're not looking for my response, and you just want a place to post your thoughts anonymously. If that's the case, please clearly indicate that, but know that I won't post it. I'll read it! But I have no interest in being an anonymous message board (though maybe someone else can start that blog cause it sounds like that would be very popular...).
The only exception to this is Alex. Because I acknowledge that I get a lot of, what I would consider, Alex hate messages I don't like tagging it as Alex Palmer, because then it will go into the Alex Palmer tag, and readers who do enjoy her character will be forced to either block me (which is fine) or endure the several posts that hate on a character they like. I hate the idea of doing that to someone, and so I tend not to tag her.
Brings me to our first change:
Going forward, I will be tagging all the posts that have Alex as a topic of discussion as "no alex tag". It's just kind of funny to me to have a tag that literally is "no tag". It's, like, a joke.
When I come to a past post that is Alex centric, I'll be changing that as well, but it'll take a while to get through. However, I know I have some major Alex posts, and those I will tag immediately. My thoughts on Alex rarely change, though I go through phases of intensely disliking her to being mostly indifferent. I wish I had reasons to like her.
Second Change:
I usually try to respond to asks quickly, and in a timely manner because I hate making people wait. Waiting for someone to read and respond can give me anxiety, and I probably project that on to other people. That's my issue. However, I don't always have the time and I don't always like having huge sections of the blog that's just messages. If they're short enough it's not a problem, but I rarely receive messages on the shorter side. I know it can also be overwhelming to others.
So, I'm going to start queuing or scheduling my message replies, limiting to one or two a day, depending on how long they are or the content. This, hopefully, will avoid creating huge blocks of text on my blog and your dashboards.
Last time I made a change like this was when I started numbering asks and answerers, and that worked out great. People started using the numbers which made referring back easier! I hope you appreciate that I'm trying to keep the blog a bit cleaner and easier to navigate, avoid being repetitive, which is tough especially for new people coming in and not wanting to read a huge backlog of posts, and creating a more fun blog for everyone.
Thank you to everyone for understanding and working with me on this! The messages in my inbox will becoming out soon. Will open the anon messages if anyone has anything to say, though please be aware it might take me a while to reply - Thank you!
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autistic-ranpo · 7 months
for the ask game!!
😅 ✨⛔🙋‍♀️👀
😅- hmmm the miya angst wip i have where its just me projecting and i only ever work on it when i feel like shit cause i can just dump all that on him 🫶
✨- WAGHHH UH UHM UH . i like to think im good at dialogue/naming fics :3
⛔️- any fics from fandoms im not in anymore, and a sskk one where it was told just by reading emails they sent to each other :)
🙋‍♀️- yes!! like two people know and i literally love them sm theyre so supportive
theres a cute domestic cuddly tachigin movie night fic ive been working on :)))) i jusy project my love for scream onto them for 3k words
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wohoooo askbox open your art is so cool i love your modern au <3
aaaaaaaa tyyyy :D
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Booster: Oh no, we're going to die! Buzz: We're not going to die, Ranger. Stop being so negative. Look on the bright side. XR: Yay, we're going to die! Whoohoo!
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whentherewerebicycles · 9 months
yay I’m home!!!!! I hate transition days and I’m always sad to leave my parents at the end of a long trip but I love my house and it’s nice to be back in my own life. for instance I just thought about what I want to cook for the week which is something I do not think about at my parents’ house ever lol (I just graze on leftovers other people have made). also it’s a three-day weekend and I have a very light WFH day on tues to ease back into the start of school whoohoo!!!
here are some things I COULD get done today if the spirit moves me:
meal plan for the week
place grocery order
wipe down fridge while it’s all nice and emptied out post-trip
print UPS return label for purse
drop off UPS returns (amazon + fossil) and pick up groceries
drop off fedex return
long walk with the dogs (jes it might be fun to do this early and then you don’t have to do it later! just an idea!)
meal prep for the stuffed peppers
write on my laptop maybe—I got some decent work done on the plane and could probably power through some more
finish cooking the peppers while watching the hockey game
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likesdoodling · 1 year
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The Visitor 
No. 3
Socialising. Yay! Myne’s favourite thing to do! She loves talking to people when she could be reading books! It’s great... Haha.. Wonderful in fact. Not frustrating in the slightest. She even has a game of shogi to lose! Whoohoo! Now, don’t get me wrong, Myne doesn’t dislike her cousin, but he likes talking about business. Not books. And talking means she’s not reading. Then again... Maybe she can use his business skills for something else? Maybe he knows how friendships work? They’re basically business transactions right? Myne isn’t exactly sure about that part, but she’s pretty sure she’s read about that being the case somewhere. Eh. She’ll figure it out. 
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staying up late: oh my goodness free time whoohoo!!! relax relax relax yay
also staying up late: here’s all bad emotions possible to the human heart!!! whoohoo!!!
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pissgoblin973 · 1 year
i don’t like the go ahead post anything prompt thing
i find it unsettling and discouraging
like you mean anything?
that’s too muchbpower
very overwhelming, blegh
also yay me, i figured out how to do the italic thingie (whoohoo)
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