#being the aroace sonic truther i am.
iratusmus · 1 year
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sage-nebula · 1 year
I'm really glad that Sega has allowed Amy to move out of her harassment phase re: her crush on Sonic, because the way she was written back in the late 90s / 00s with regards to her crush on him is not only uncomfortable and not okay behavior (continuing to push yourself on someone after they've said "no" isn't okay even when you're a girl pushing yourself on a boy), but was also really detrimental to her character. Not only did it give people a negative impression of her (her obsessing over Sonic being her boyfriend / marrying her is remembered more often by casual fans than her actual stories in those games), but it also runs contrary to the fact that Amy has always been a kindhearted, compassionate, empathetic person. We see her compassion and empathy with other characters in those same games (wanting to save Birdie from Gamma, reminding Shadow of his actual promise to Maria, helping Cream and Big find Chocola and Froggy), so to then have her turn right around and completely ignore Sonic's feelings / boundaries because of her crush is just . . . bad. It's a bad look, and bad writing. And I don't hold it against her, any more than I hold instances of Tails having bad writing against him. These are fictional characters, they're beholden to their writers. But it's still not great and I'm really glad that Sega has realized that having Amy harass Sonic isn't funny or cute, and has instead allowed her to treat him like she does the rest of her friends: with the kindness, compassion, and empathy she's known for.
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sage-nebula · 1 year
ask ship game: sonaze and sonknux :))
Why don’t you ship it?
I'm an aroace Sonic truther, so . . . ships that involve Sonic himself tend to be off the table for me, lol. That said, I don't have anything against seeing Sonic/Blaze fanworks, or anything like that. I don't know too much about Blaze (I haven't played her games, so all I know of her is from the IDW comics), but I like her a lot and she and Sonic seem to have some nice chemistry! So I definitely like their friendship and think that some fanworks are pretty, even if I don't ship it myself.
What would have made you like it?
I mean, I don't dislike it, lol. But if I didn't see Sonic as aroace / that wasn't so important to me, I'd probably ship it more. (Also, I do feel this would be a LDR in the most drastic sense of the word, but that's not necessarily a deal breaker for me. I've had OTPs that ended up separated in different dimensions before.)
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
Like I said, they have nice chemistry! Blaze is meant to be a partial foil to Sonic, and foil ships are always fun. I don't blame people for shipping them at all, I can see the appeal!
Why don’t you ship it?
So this is a weird one because I'm still an aroace Sonic truther, so I don't romantically ship him with anyone. But I also see Knuckles as aroace, so I think that these two could work in the sense of a queerplatonic partnership, albeit one that does not involve actually living together or anything like that. Like their bond is one that's like "less than family, more than friends." It's difficult to describe. But while I wouldn't say I ship it because that would lend people to think more of the typical romantic ship, I do qpp it, I think. So I'll answer questions for both.
What made you ship it?
Honestly, Frontiers really put it on my radar, lol. A lot of their interactions in that game came across as flirty. Again, being the aroace truther I am, it still didn't make me ship it . . . but the chemistry was undeniable. Plus, Sonic was one of Knuckles' very first friends (along with Tails), and Knuckles was likewise one of Sonic's (along with Tails and Amy). So they have a long history, and a bonus in that neither of them would really want to be in a committed, domestic relationship. Even outside of how I see them as aroace, Sonic likes to be on the run and Knuckles is supremely introverted, so just seeing each other every now and again suits them just fine.
Also, I believe with my whole heart that Knuckles is the one Sonic would choose to look after Tails if anything ever happened to him. So there's that appeal, too.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
I just think they have good chemistry, like I already mentioned above, lol. Plus there's a strong foundation of trust there given everything they've been through together. Neither would readily admit that they trust each other more than almost anyone else, but they still do. It's really nice.
What would have made you like it?
I would probably like it in the traditional sense if I wasn't an aroace truther for both characters, LOL.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I'm an aroace truther . . . not only for them, but for Tails, too. And we all know that seeing even one character as aroace in a fandom is usually seen as gasp-worthy, so to headcanon all three members of Team Sonic as such? Truly I'm all alone here on my little island, lol.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
I've said lots of positive things already! As a queerplatonic partnership, they're immaculate. But only as that. Less than family, more than friends. That's them, and I mean it in THE most positive way.
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