unzadi · 1 year
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Bellagruntville Save Week Three: Caliente-Grunt update
“Love. Money. Family. It’s all part of the game isn’t it? I’m fine if people think this is a mercenary move. I’m okay if people think I married Ripp for the money I’ll admit that’s part of it. Is this partly because I found out Don Lothario is married? Or, on Ripp’s part, that his father married Bella Goth? I won’t pretend those things didn’t factor into it, but we are both adults. We make our own decisions I think this could be a good one. First step? Redoing the house. Who knows? Maybe I’ll find my nice in interior design.” --Dina Caliente Grunt
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unzadi · 1 year
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Bellagruntville save Grunt Family, week three One word to describe Bells? that’s...umm, that’s quite the undertaking. Can we, uh, try this again?  Thanks, that’s better. One word to describe Bells? Classy. Iconic. That’s two words. :laughs: One helluva broad. I know, that’s three words, or four, depending on how you count. I’ll tell you one thing: she’s more than the official intelligence would have you believe. I know I didn’t at first. Matter of fact, you tell last year me that I would be here, getting ready to marry Bella Goth, he’d laugh you all the way back to Strangetown, That’s Strangetown, not Strangerville. Different places. But that’s beside the point. 
Point is, life happens. knocked me around a time or ten. Neither one of us thought we’d ever be where we are today. I mean, Bella and Mortimer; who doesn’t know that story? What kind of young punk would think he even had a shot at filling those shoes?  Well, I’m neither young nor a punk and I am not even going to try and fill Mortimer Goth’s shoes. If Bells thinks I’m good enough, well, I guess that means I am. 
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unzadi · 1 year
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Bellagruntville Save Goth Family Week Three “Do I think about what Mortimer would say about me marrying Buzz? Sometimes. I like to think he’d want me to be happy. If he were still here, I wouldn’t even look at anybody else, but...”  :pause: “That’s how it goes. All of the adventures Mortimer had, all the things that happened in his lab...” :pause: “and in the end, it was a toilet fire. Nobody saw that coming. It’s been hard. Buzz, well, he understands. Do I love him? Yes. Does it take anything away from the love I will always have for Mortimer? No. Nothing can do that. Nothing.”
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unzadi · 1 year
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Prom night was big for the Smith siblings. Johnny made Prom Jester and Jill made Prom Royalty. It made such an impression on her that she even slept in her crown. Don’t blame her. 
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unzadi · 1 year
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Independent of me, Alexander Goth and Johnny Smith have struck up a decent friendship. Johnny has been a big help at home, with the twin nooboos hitting the infant stage, but he also managed to get his grades up high enough to graduate early. Time to strike out on his own. Whatever will the future hold? In other news, the prom had a rather interesting dress doe, aka surprise nekkid Simmies. Cas.fulleditmode is my friend. My very, very good friend. 
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unzadi · 1 year
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Bellagruntville save, Smith family week two sneak peek
I have been having the best time setting up the Smith family, one  nooboo bigger thanks to story progression and getting Johnny settled in high school. 
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unzadi · 1 year
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Bellagruntville save: Grunt family, week two: Very short update on this one for a couple of reasons. One reason was real life and the other reason was I got High School Years, which of course I had to try to explore when I had not one but two teens going to said school. 
Do not ask me how it happened, but in the middle of class one day, Ripp got a notice that he had good enough grades to graduate early, so he noped on back home, presumably to play computer games and do laundry. I have a deep and abiding love for Sims laundry. 
Story progression had Buzz call one of my Calientes or Curiouses and confide that he found a ring in Bella’s possession, and suspected she might propose. Apparently, she did, and apparently, he said yes, as they are now engaged. 
Both Ripp and Tank have now graduated high school. Ripp has gone straight into the military career. He will probably keep the house when Buzz and Bella marry, Buck will accompany his father and start high school when he has his teen birthday. Bella still has teen Alexander at home, and Cassandra should be headed to uni at the same time as Ripp. For ease of play, I may make a dorm of all playables, or at least a house share, so all playble students are in the same place. 
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unzadi · 1 year
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I kid you not, the firefighters paused their fire fighting to talk about one of their broken relationships. Bellagruntville save, Curious family, week two, take one, part two Poor Pascal was the last one off to work until he succumbed to his on-fire-ness, summoning Grimmy. This meant that there was nobody left to call the firefighters for the entire workday. Tycho called them when he got home from school, and then set about cleaning the floor and replacing what he could. 
That’s about when IRL feline lured me from the keyboard, and when I got back this whole fire bit was like it never happened. Ah well, at least we still have Pascal. More in the next installment. 
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unzadi · 1 year
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Bellagruntville Save Grunt Family week three Yeah, this is my room at Bella’s house. I don’t have anything in it yet. I’m waiting until Dad gets his next orders because I am not unpacking any more than I absolutely have to. Kind of over unpacking, to be honest. It’s a military kid thing.
Don’t tell my brothers this next part, okay? I don’t remember my mom much. Bella says she isn’t here to replace my Mom. I know that. I didn’t thinking she was, but it’s nice to hear.   Before Bella came along, it was going to be just me and Dad for a while, and I was kind of looking forward to that. Tank and Ripp make noise and take up space and I liked the idea of having Dad to myself. Bella’s great, though. She really is, and Alexander is even in my class, so I kinda know him. Not really wel, though. I’d like it if we could be friends. 
I don’t know Cassandra that much, but this house is going to be hers when the rest of us move. That’s why I don’t want to paint or anything. Maybe all i need is a backpack and a foldable cot. Maybe pitch a tent in the backyard like I did when I was a kid. Yeah. That could be cool. 
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unzadi · 1 year
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I guess this is about as good a time as any. Dad and I, we had our issues. I guess I remind him of Mom in a lot of ways. Which kind of sucks, but kind of doesn’t because she was awesome. I just don’t know if they were the best...people for each other. Then again, I wouldn’t be here if they never met or anything like that, so I guess I’m glad they did. 
College is okay. I like cooking. Somebody had to learn how in this family. Dad said an army travels on its stomach, but I was never going to be an army guy. Even as a kid, I never wanted to play soldier or anything. I’m a lover, not a fighter. Right now, it’s mostly school, noodling around in the kitchen, pun intended, and once in a while I’ll hit the local hotspots, to make some, um, special friends. Nothing to report so far, but yeah, Dad’s wedding is giving me a few ideas. Picture the Von Haunt estate, on a starry night, the balcony overlooking the...uh yeah, maybe I want to find somebody first, but i have ideas. Ideas are good, right? Right?
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unzadi · 1 year
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Bellagruntville Save Goth Family, week three, pt 2 “Mom and Buzz kind of makes sense when you think about it. I mean, yes, some people have said it’s kind of soon after Dad, but I don’t think we are always in control of that sort of thing. We aren’t talking about something completely outrageous like... I don’t know, me and Don Lothario. Do you know him? yeah. That would be weird. :laughs: Mom and Buzz, though, they’re good. They’ve both lost a partner, both been single parents, both have been in that place in their lives where they wind up on a road they never expected. I like it that Mom doesn’t have to go the rest of the way alone.”
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unzadi · 1 year
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So, I was all set to get back to my #Bellagruntville save, but Jenny and Polytech (PT9) had a pair of story progression newborns, and the infant update is coming, so I figured I could move on to the Maxis version of the Beakers. I love that Loki has two alien abduction kiddos. Of course they started off by setting the chemistry set on fire.  In other news, Nervous Subject adopted a cat named Hunter Mulligan. I love this cat, and TS4 Nervous. He and Hunter need the life they deserve. 
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unzadi · 1 year
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Bellagruntville Save, Specter Family, Week Two I actually had a lot of fun with these two, though the pictures are scarce. Again, I thankblame High School Years, and a computer restart, which technically meant Olive died twice. First time, alone in the kitchen, and the second time on a date with the married Darren Dreamer (he asked her, by the way) in Del Sol Valley. At least she was appropriately dressed, and the fans/paparazzi certainly got a show. 
Ophelia, meanwhile, was far too occupied with high school life, mostly because it was all too easy for me to lose track of time and whoops, Ophelia is somehow running on the school’s treadmill at one in the morning on a weeknight. She has been besties with both Alexander Goth and Johnny Smith. She ended up asking Johnny to prom, and he accepted, but the prom never actually happened, so they ended up exploring the empty auditorium, which I kind of actually like for them.  Since Olive died before graduation, Ophelia now has the house to herself, which may make it perfect to house her fellow uni students when the time comes. 
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unzadi · 1 year
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BellaGruntville Save Caliente Family, week two: Another family that lay low for a while, yet waste no time getting into the swing of things. Dina has a want to get a job, but not sure which one yet. She’s watched a lot of TV, washed a bunch of laundry (not going to lie, the buffs from warm, clean laundry do not hurt) She’s satisfied some of her financial urges by selling fish and harvesting wild plants, but  that’s not going to last forever. 
Matters of a more personal nature also demand their fill. Through very little effort, Dina and Daniel Pleasant are now quite good friends, though he has rebuffed any romantic overtures. Far less standoffish is Don Lothario, who, as can be seen, remains true to form. Gee, Don, would you like some *pancakes,* you know lie your *wife?*
For Nina’s side, she is working her way up the culinary career and the way she began dating Lazlo Curious is, well, curious. Honestly not sure where these two crazy kids found each other, but if they’re happy, who’s to say different?
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unzadi · 1 year
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BellaGruntville save, Lothario Family, week two: 
Victoria doesn’t have a job yet, and there’s only so much fishing and decorating a gal can do. Don is not that great at reading her mind, so discussions were had, and, in the end, they did what came naturally.  Coming week three: Don Jr. 
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unzadi · 1 year
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Lothario family, week one recap: Don had every intention of living the swinging bachelor life when he moved into Oasis Springs. All he wanted was a basic bachelor pad, maybe the Caliente sisters down the road, maybe a few hot townie chicks, maybe that asylum survivor next door with her own house and pool (and graveyard, but nobody’s perfect) and then... ...then came the call. Great Aunt whoever died, and left Don a tidy sum, but with one condition, that he marry within seven days. Which meant, of course, that he had to get out there and put a ring on the first willing Sim. Enter one Ms. Victoria Pancakes now Victoria Lothario (though Pancakes would be a fabulous last name for a chef, which is Victoria’s lifetime want) daughter of Bob and Eliza. Will this marriage live up to all her expectations?
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