lovedgods-a · 7 years
lays on you hapPY BIRTHDAY YA NERD icb we've known each other for almost a year, you're a sweet smol russian potato ilu and i hope your day is going to be great and full of people who love you
lEt me sMOOCH U SAM U PREC. I love u so much, it’s been great talking to you and just??? You made my experience on tumblr this far so great!! I’m old As Fuck
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kiantrev · 7 years
Kieran was glad that the charity event is held in a wide open space of a park. It was strategic, to attract more of the public’s attention on bringing awareness of how important it is to support the local orphanages in New York City. Everyone was aware of how unstable the economy was at the moment, with people losing jobs left and right- the poor children left to fend themselves post-war was easily slipped from minds. But he and the handful of devoted workers are doing their best to help these kids. Kieran was one of them, after all.
The higher ups had to mingle plenty, of course. Many delegates of large company bodies are attending, and Kieran had to keep in check of the kids and ensure none of them wandering off to other parts of the park. They do love to see the dogs on walks with their owners.
Thankfully, the children are well behaved this morning. He was proud of his angels, and it showed in how eager he was to pour the beef stew they prepared into the children’s bowls. He made sure everyone had plenty of cut meats and vegetables in their portion, telling them to grab a bread roll or two off the baskets at the end of the table- he did a good job in dealing with a local bakery he frequents to contribute to the cause.
“If there are any more left, we’ll announce and you’re more than welcomed to have seconds to share with your friends,” he says brightly to the next boy who held his bowl forward, pouring in a hearty helping of potatoes, carrots and beef stew.
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wandwork · 7 years
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              Graves’s hand is gentle as he presses his fingers just underneath Credence’s chin, but the touch that brings the boy’s chin upward and hold his head high is ROUGHER and more demanding than the initial, suggestively soft touch.       ❛   you have BEAUTIFUL eyes, Credence,   ❜       he murmurs lowly, the low vibrations of his voice slipping through the air like the drunken bass of promiscuous assignations and the secretiveness of unrestrained and unconcealed nuances between two who have histories of all different kinds, complicated and complex. they are complicated and complex, paradoxical enigmas.     ❛   keep your head held HIGH, or else I might have to PUNISH YOU for every time I see you staring at your shoes instead of who you’re talking to.   ❜      
@beltbeaten // !!!!!! I SEE U <3
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gimme dat platonic kiss pls
a hand kiss
“Credence - Credence, it’s okay.”
Lucas had to stifle his laughter, picking up Credence’s wand from the floor and taking Credence’s hand in his own. Set the wand down in the other’s palm, curling the long pale fingers of the other around the smooth surface of the wand.
“It never goes perfectly the first time but to help your efforts, here’s a spell for strength and luck that my mom taught me.” Lifted the hand and pressed a few feather-light kisses to the knuckles, pulling away with a smile.
“See? Working already.”
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empathyeatings · 8 years
     ‘ did you open it?  i told you not to! ’ 
well, fantastic. he had, hadn’t he?  the little crup behind his leg goes from a brave bark to a sore whine, tail between his legs as he scuttles off. there was reason to this man’s rhyme: the rocking rattle against the door could only mean trouble and he hadn’t woken up expecting to deal with a boggart by noon. will graham peers at the other from behind the rim of his cup but his coffee only tastes bitter in the worst way now. this is an absolute nightmare for him. he sets it down, sighs, and stands. 
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@beltbeaten xx
Of all the reactions, it's not one Lucas is expecting.
"I have no reason to lie, Credence - you know that. I've never lied to you, I never would." Not willingly. Lying would only ever be an option when it came to Credence's protection, for Credence's well-being. The auror pushed away from the door frame in a fluid, almost cat like motion, over to the wizard.
  Hands are careful to touch. Calloused, ink stained fingers brushing against pale skin, against every mole and healed scar - every memory of Credence's life up to now, a life that deserved so much better. Lucas doesn't bother to stop the tears. Stopping the tears never helped anyone.
          (ever the hypocrite)
"You're beautiful, Credence. I know you don't believe me - think of yourself as...disgusting, right? Not the ideal, not how others would want you to look, not appealing to socieety - either society, wizard or No-Maj, right? I know that feeling." Rests his forehead against the other's shoulder, eyes closed, before tilting up, just a little, lips a faint brush over visible veins. "It gets better."
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PURPLE 💜💜💜💜💜💜
what do you like most about my blog?? @beltbeaten
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boywarg-a · 8 years
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Where he hails, the cold is hardly an issue that he concerns himself with, and the cold of New York City is hardly enough to make him cringe. He slips through the streets with his hands burrowed deep into his pockets, stepping through crowds of muggles and for the most part, keeping to himself. As he moves, he catches sight of a man ahead of him on the sidewalk, who seems to be offering pamphlets to passersby, all who deign to ignore him, and he says not a word. Once he’s within arm’s reach of the stranger, and catches a clear look at his face, a sharp pain in his temple sends him stumbling to his knees, ice cold fingers pressing into the skin of his face to ease it.
In a matter of seconds, a series of images appear in his head. The same boy, shaking and in pain and crying out for mercy, a woman with a sneer as cold as the air of Winterfell, a man in a sharp suit urging him to find a child, a man with a leather case, streets being torn to shreds and buildings crumbling upon themselves, and a boy’s helpless screams. He returns to reality with a gasp for breath, fingers pressed into the concrete, attempting to regain lost bearings before they slip from his grasp.
@beltbeaten​ liked.
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salemscn-blog · 8 years
@beltbeaten // ??
↳ we talked about this angst
               Nothing had ever been taken at face value in Credence’s world. Things never were quite as they appeared... E V E N  for someone like him. Someone that lived in a world full of witches and wizards when he was powerless. A mirror-- that’s how it all started. People were talking about it for days, weeks and maybe even longer but, for quite some time Credence paid little attention to it. What good would a mirror like that do for him? He was nothing but a           ‘ useless squib ‘             Regardless of his mother’s fight to keep the slur from his ears Credence heard people talk. What a shame it was that someone with a family so powerful could end up so useless. If they thought it didn’t bother him each and EVERY person was wrong. Credence used to go to bed at night and just hope he was a  LATE BLOOMER  and that somehow he’d wake up the next morning with all this power just coursing through his veins. It never worked that way though. As a matter of fact the more he HOPED the worse he felt each morning when he’d wake up feeling completely useless. 
               Eventually he started to pay attention to the conversations though. Some mirror       ( the description was oddly familiar )      and once he realized why Credence made a beeline for his attic. It wouldn’t work right? Not for a LOWLY person like him. Didn’t the mirror need magic to work? Credence didn’t want to dwell on it for too long. The mere idea that HE could have something that everyone else wanted when for as long as he could remember it was the other way around was  A L M O S T  too good to be true. 
                The attic was as always stuffed full of things that no one used anymore. Old clothes, a wand that had been broken but, his mother COULDN’T get rid of it because it had been his father’s. All these things seemed to just force feed magic into the air until it was charged, partically BUZZING with energy. Eyes roaming the large space Credence finally found IT with a white sheet draped over it standing in a far corner. He walked over quickly, dodging boxes and old paintings that’s inhabitants whispered amongst themselves. Credence simply paid no mind. He was on a mission and once he reached the mirror      ( which was A LOT bigger than he’d anticipated )
               Credence took a deep breath and pulled the covering off. It fluttered to the -ground and he peered into the glass. Time seemed to stand still the room and himself staring back             ‘ what a crock ‘             he thought to himself but, just as he prepared to reach down to gather the linen back up something out of the corner of his eye moved. That was in the mirror  NOT  his house. Was that  A C T U A L L Y  his attic staring back at him? A few beats of his heart fluttered and his paused for a moment, eyes wide and watching. 
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idiotesque-blog · 8 years
hey loser this blog is only 2 days old and i followed you like three hours ago but i'm hEARTEYES
                              ‘’ HEY LOSER ‘’ IF I’M ONE OF YOUR FAVORITE BLOGS.   //   always accepting!
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          embrace my neEDY BODY
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haevatein-archived · 8 years
「 @beltbeaten」liked for a starter!
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  “ I wouldn’t rely on that Graves-guy if I were you.       I can tell when someone’s lying, trust me.  “
           The Demon-born God remarked; his voice echoing through the air whilst he remained nowhere to be seen. He had been watching the young man for quite some time; curious and concerned. What can he say? Loke was drawn to the neglected and different people.  Wether he was asked to or not, he had tendencies to involve himself in the lives of the underdogs; guiding them towards their unarchieved potential. His methods, however, are not always kind and loving, but appreciated once the goal is reached. He is the catalyst that ignites change. 
         Graves was bad news, and that’s coming from a guy often tied to trouble. Credence wanted something from that pretencious snake which he would never recieve. Not from him. Loke knew all to well when someone was being used for somebody else’s own gain. 
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lovedgods-a · 7 years
@beltbeaten from HERE
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❛     i---- i don’t...    ❜   she’s in AWE. it’s different, not like the temples of old, & caelestis can feel the holiness, the faith within these falls. she doesn’t belong here, that much she can tell, though she acknowledges that once you get down to the BASICS, all faith is similar. but raised on worshipping the gods, she can’t help but find this strange. is there only ONE place to seek guidance from the deities? no, there IS only one deity at all.   ❛     no, i’ve never, but i. . . don’t quite understand.    ❜   she says softly, her eyes flitting from ONE CORNER TO THE NEXT.
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❛ starter call @beltbeaten
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                 ❝I expected you to be back SOONER, Credence❞ his voice was almost HAUNTING when he spoke. The sound of it echoing through the room. FINALIZER, the ship they were on was quiet as of now. It was late - even the First Order had to rest once in a while, even the GENERAL wasn’t on the Bridge anymore. Galaxy in front of them, wide and still UNKNOWN. ❝what took you so long?❞
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' Could you show me that charm that makes things float? Please? '
“Hm - oh, sure.”
Lucas was glad for the distraction, really, having brought his work home for once - if only so he didn’t forget to feed the cat on time again (hadn’t enjoyed waking up to cold paws and claws in his face that morning) - made it harder to do, for whatever reason. Setting down his quill, the auror picked up his wand and pointed it at a book on the table.
“Leviosa-” the book slowly lifted, a small grin tugging at Lucas’ face before he lowered it again. Looked to credence.
“Want a try?”
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“I am just so angry with myself.”
"You shouldn't have to be."
Lucas knew all about that. The guilt, the heavy heart. So easily breakable and so hard to forgive once it's broken - the curse of living. Credence reaped the benefits of that curse. With being an Obscurus for so many years of his life, taken advantage of and hurt by those who were supposed to protect him.
The context for their individual anger was so different but it hurt nonetheless.
A moment later, a calculated one, Lucas moved to squat in front of Credence who had seated himself on the sofa. Held out his palms flatly and rest them on Credence's knees, barely a ghost touch. Knew Credence was still careful about physical contact - didn't want to scare him, not when he was in this state.
"You couldn't control what happened, but you can now; you're learning. If we dwell on the past, on what we could've done differently...things might've been different, sure, but what's done is done. We have to move on and improve ourselves, to something we can be content with, and then to something we can be happy with."
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