Hi guys! I’ve moved to, you guessed it, @wandmakesthewizard The content of the blog and the character is still the same, obviously, but I just felt like starting fresh! Follow me over there for threads and all that jazz!
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Hi guys! I’ve moved to, you guessed it, @wandmakesthewizard The content of the blog and the character is still the same, obviously, but I just felt like starting fresh! Follow me over there for threads and all that jazz!
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Hi guys! I’ve moved to, you guessed it, @wandmakesthewizard The content of the blog and the character is still the same, obviously, but I just felt like starting fresh! Follow me over there for threads and all that jazz!
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Hi guys! I’ve moved to, you guessed it, @wandmakesthewizard The content of the blog and the character is still the same, obviously, but I just felt like starting fresh! Follow me over there for threads and all that jazz!
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Hi guys! I’ve moved to, you guessed it, @wandmakesthewizard The content of the blog and the character is still the same, obviously, but I just felt like starting fresh! Follow me over there for threads and all that jazz!
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Hi guys! I’ve moved to, you guessed it, @wandmakesthewizard The content of the blog and the character is still the same, obviously, but I just felt like starting fresh! Follow me over there for threads and all that jazz!
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Hi guys! I've moved to, you guessed it, @wandmakesthewizard The content of the blog and the character is still the same, obviously, but I just felt like starting fresh! Follow me over there for threads and all that jazz!
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I think I’m gonna restart Lucas’ blog.
The whole blog just feels messy to me I guess? I’ll be keeping the same url and everything, but I’m gonna start fresh. Probably do it later today. I am going to drop a bunch of threads so if there are any specific threads you want to keep going, IM me about it!!
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im obsessed w physical closeness, romantically….not even sexually just if u date me it’s all hugging all the time we are gonna lay in bed and im gonna cuddle w u, we will stand in the kitchen and i will stand hip to hip w u, u will sit on the couch and i will stroke your hair and kiss your forehead….it’s so intoxicating as a concept
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eames + wardrobe
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Like/Reblog this post if you’re not from America.
Me and my friends are trying to find all the lost Europeans/Asians/etcetera to make a masterlist! And if you reblog this, tag your country and language!
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I finally listened to Wicked and the broadway version of Newsies
My Heart
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Five times kissed binch
send me five times kissed for a drabble about fives times our muses kissed
Their first kiss is entirely unexpected, truthfully. Graves had considered it, in the past, and it seemed a thought closer and closer to the forefront of his mind the more time together they spent, but he never saw himself actually acting on those thoughts.
All Lucas had done was ask if he was alright and wanted to be left alone.
Percival had been having a less-than-tolerable day, people coming and going with varying levels of babying him. Like they all thought he would break if they weren’t so infuriatingly nice and trying to do everything for him. Even Tina was guilty of the worrying, and Graves wasn’t sure what about today it was that was making everyone else crazy, but they were wearing down the last shreds of his considerable patience.
Then Lucas came in, and he seemed to be the only one acting normally. It was a blessing in disguise, and something about that moment struck the director as a I need to do this thing, and next thing they knew he had pressed a very grateful kiss to the young man’s mouth. It must have seemed more purposeful than that though, and Lucas stumbled out an apology about needing to go before leaving his office. 
Graves didn’t try to stop him.
                                                                                                   After that, Percival was admittedly a little more pulled together, forcibly composed around his younger coworker to prevent another surprise that might possibly ruin one of few good relationships left in his life. Lucas was a good friend, and he was happy to be able to claim that much as it was, it would be ridiculous to spoil that with any real attempt at some sort of office romance, and downright stupid he had done anything at all.
That thinking somehow didn’t stop him completely though, and it felt sort of like the rather desperate clawing inside his chest was looking for any excuse to kiss Lucas again. There was an opportunity, technically, when they had gone undercover ( the entire situation was uncomfortable, though the posing as father and son certainly helped in making sure he maintained a safe distance ) and he had fallen asleep while they were trying to suss out what was going on. 
Graves had been asleep, for a little bit, but habit had him stirring when warmth finds its way around him. By the time he’s been kissed on the temple he realises Lucas is trying to take care of him, but desire for opportunity was beaten by a need for rest, and the young Auror didn’t get any acknowledgement beyond a quiet whuff of breath as Percival settled back to sleep.
The next kiss is much a reverse of the situation, though Graves makes sure that Lucas at least ended up actually in bed. It was much more difficult to leave the brief affection at that, and he only lingers long enough to make sure the other is properly asleep before quietly going back to work.
                                                                                                  It’s not until much later that Percival realises how deep into this situation he is. Another night of drinking with his Aurors, everyone not on duty getting a chance to relax and breathe, and it somehow ends up just the two of them again. Wouldn’t have mattered one lick before, but it felt like every time they were really alone together, that everything got more tangled up. Not that Graves pulled away at all, enjoying the happiness of being in each other’s company, but the longer the night went and the more they had to drink, the less rational he stayed.
There’s a surprising comfort, when the pair are making their way to his house, and Graves is more aware than he wants to be about it being a bad idea to invite Lucas in for some water or something before the boy goes home, but that hesitance vanished when Lucas stepped through the door and straight into a kiss. It’s sloppy and slow, and he can taste the beer the other had been drinking, and he wouldn’t trade it for the world.  The door swung shut without much thought from the director, and he decided he would cling to this for as long as he could.
                                                                                                 The next morning is decidedly less pleasant when he first wakes, aches in worse injuries flaring up and an unknown touch to his face earning a tight hand around someone’s wrist before he’s fully awake and freezes at seeing who’s face is over his. It’s with sickening horror he realises that he had very nearly hurt Lucas, again, for his efforts in trying to wake Percival up. 
He was already trying to form an apology when any attempt at speaking is cut off by a very firm kiss, and the older man hesitated before crumbling into the affection, grip on Lucas’s wrist going slack. He closed his eyes tight against relieved tears, almost insistent on returning the gesture and pulling Lucas closer.
If anyone would be able to chase his pain away, Lucas could.
                                                                                                 Everything relaxes, after that one morning. Percival doesn’t feel like he’s slowly losing his mind about overstepping his boundaries, and Lucas even sometimes calls him by name ( though he’s rather used to hearing boss from him now ) when they’re having conversations. It was easier, actually, dealing with his professional sphere than even before meeting Lucas. 
And despite the policy they both have (had) about office romances ( or public displays of having one ), Graves received permission to show his affections, so long as he didn’t get overly sappy or physical about it when they were at work. 
For a short while, that simply meant lingering touches whenever he had an excuse to be close enough to Lucas, whether that was on the shoulder or along his waist or tracing the other’s jaw. It wasn’t until after he saw that some were trying to flirt their way closer to Lucas that he got possessive in his actions, and cavalier though they may have seemed from the outside, Graves made sure that his little displays became very clear.
Even if it was only a kiss on the cheek or sliding a hand into Lucas’s pocket and pulling him close.
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“Maybe try playing hero a little more efficiently next time,” Graves chastised sternly as he checked Lucas’s head. “Come on, let’s get you someplace safer than here. I’ll get you cleaned up, and we’ll go from there. I can take you directly to your home, make sure that cat of yours gets fed.”
He normally tries to not outwardly worry, it rarely does anyone any good, but there’s no immediate danger nearby and Lucas seemed more stubbourn about getting into trouble and dealing alone than even Tina or himself. 
“As for being down here, right now I’m considering if I’m going to give you the go-ahead to go to work tomorrow. In any case, there’s little we can do out here. Can you make it to the alleyway if I support you?”
“Kinky,” Lucas muttered under his breath, a little delirious from the head injury. Pretty sure he had a concussion - one that he’d decidedly ignore so he could work tomorrow. There was never really much to do at home - besides the few things that Lucas could do, obviously - and always too much to do at work.
The auror closed his eyes for a few moments before finally moving. Pushed his hands on the, frankly, gross alley floor. Pushed himself up and slumped against the wall. Head tipped back against the wall. Ugh. Gonna need a shower after this - didn’t exactly want his boss in the apartment while he was showering. Who knows what the guy would find.
“I can get myself home, boss, it’s okay.”
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“A mug like that sounds dangerous for a fellow like me,” Percival admitted, easily picturing himself forgetting to ever drink something else if he never needed to refill. No doubt it would either be coffee or alcohol as well, considering his personal preferences.
“I’m still waiting for someone to hold an intervention, for either of us. No doubt everyone else sees their homes more often than I get to my front door.”
“I’ve had many an intervention, but I tend not to listen most of the time; something my mom hates even more than my love life.” Lucas grinned and glanced away, finishing off his beer and set the empty bottle down on the table before looking to Graves once again. It was easy to see - the bags under his eyes, slightly dishevelled hair (whether that was from work or from having drank alcohol was anyone’s guess). 
“...I’m sorry, for not having been here when...y’know, all that stuff happened. I know I couldn’t have done anything - since I was stuck working off multiple death sentences in England, but I am sorry.”
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“Lucas, stop.”
Percival notices a tremour in his hand and is quick grab the last of the papers to try hiding it from the young man, taking a deep breath and releasing it with a shake of his head. This was work. His office. He couldn’t do this here, it was already a miracle he even had ad job to come back to, the shape he had initially been found in, he couldn’t mess this up. this is all he has left. all he ever had. 
“It’s not fine, that I lashed out at you like that, certainly not here at work,” he said tersely, needing to take a moment before he could push back up from kneeling on the floor ( damn his leg for taking so long to heal ) and set the pile on the desk. “I am your boss, this is a professional environment. More than that, I could have seriously injured you. That is not a thing for me to take lightly, nor is it something you should.”
Keeping his palms flat on the desk to make sure the tremours couldn’t be noticed, Graves turned his head to look at Lucas again. The boy young man really was so unbothered, unfazed, that he had been attacked by someone he was supposed to be able to trust to never do so, and Percival couldn’t understand that. Couldn’t fathom it. Trust was such a huge part of his world here, something vital in any relationship that was going to work, and had it been anyone else he likely would never be forgiven or looked at in any way other than fear.
But Lucas just stood there, normal as can be. He didn’t know whether to love or hate him for it. 
“…No, I do not wish for tea or coffee, Lucas. I just…” Another deep breath, and his gaze dropped to the scattered mess now concentrated in a couple of piles on the desk before he closed his eyes. Ridiculous, that’s what this was. He should always have the facade of being composed, at least, and he most certainly was anything but at the moment. 
“…I’m sorry.”
The auror went silent and continued to be so during the director’s speech, small frowns and looks of surprise breaking through the facade of coolness that had been present.
“Director,” Lucas sighed, tone one of disapproval at the apology. It was kind of weird to call him ‘Director’ in private, usually called him ‘boss’ or ‘Graves’ on the even rare occasions. Director was a public formality - for the two of them at least, Lucas wasn’t sure. “I told you, it’s nothing to worry about. I woke you from a nightmare, it’s a normal reaction to lash out when you feel threatened or are in a dangerous situation.” Considering what you’ve been through.
“Now stop apologising, go for an early lunch or a walk or something. Clear your head and stop feeling guilty. Nobody got hurt.” Sounded like orders but Lucas knew they were suggestions more than anything. And before he could hear a reply the auror left the room and returned to his desk, scowling at the high pile of paperwork. Did his desk just happen to attract all the crappy paperwork?
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Sirius knew that Lucas was just putting things off, that he was buying his time. He knew that whatever the other man had to say would eventually come out, and he was okay with practicing a bit of patience.
“I… what?” He asked, arching a brow at the auror. He chewed on the inside of his lip as he mulled the thought and the answer over carefully. “Uh… well, no, not technically, I guess? Close to it, but never really taking the leap, if you will. Why?”
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Well, at least they didn’t take the leap.
Lucas gave a shrug and glanced away, wishing he hadn’t brought it up. What he and Sirius had going was good but Lucas didn’t avoid problems (unless they involved his personal well-being). “Just...I don’t know, sometimes I feel like, when we’re in the same room as Remus...I feel like a third wheel. And I know I’m not, because that would be stupid - obviously -, and it’s obvious you two would have a bunch to talk about. You’ve been friends since you were kids and know more about each other than I’ll ever really know and-”
Shut up, Lucas.
“Forget about it.”
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