#ben solo deserved to live
bensoloreyofficial · 2 years
Ben and his grandfather in law have an important discussion.
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msuolo · 1 year
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:) smiley Ben
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theladyship · 10 months
I honestly don’t know what’s happening … with all the Kylo/Ben appreciation posts on X and Insta as of lately (also getting thousands of likes), but I certainly won’t complain! ❤️
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piglet26 · 10 months
Reylo Scenes: TLJ
Rian Johnson gets loud vocal dislike for trying to make part 2 to JJ Adams film and his treatment of Luke Skywalker. Now I'm going to be honest..... Star Wars fans complain. That's part of the passion of it all. I guess. One area that he did succeed in was Reylo. He dealt with it with complete mastery. His invention of the forceskype or forcetime which allowed the protagonist and antagonist to actually talk was genius.
To add, I read the novelization which does expand on the story overall and it's great to read. There are comics as well. All which expand on the story.
Rian Johnson also is due a thank you for this moment.
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We'll call this no-more-daddies-Ren. That face should not be covered up.
Romance has always been apart of Star Wars. Yet, in the sequel trilogy there was this hyper paranoia of anything feminine and so anyone who sensed a romance happening I guess was just an unhealthy fool.
From a pure storytelling stand point, the dynamic between the hero and the villain is genuinely interesting. The fact that they are Ying Yang, alike but different, bonded yet on opposing sides and they attracted to one another only adds to the drama. It's the richest dynamic of the sequel trilogy.
So to all the Reylo haters
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In the first forcetime scene the rules of the forcetime get established. Rey can't hurt him physically (yet) and Ren can't jedi mind trick her.
The production team continued to show their balance yet opposition. When Rey wakes up the warm sunlight is on her face and her smooth cheek. In Ren's scene the light on his cheek is mechanical and the skin is scarred. Rey is surrounded by nature. Ren is surrounded by technology. They both have a childlike innocence to them. Something is happening to them that had never happened before. Something unique even amongst force users. Ren is curious. Rey is just pissed off.
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Ren is a man who feels very let down/betrayed by everyone in his life so by the time we meet him in The Force Awakens he doesn't want or need anybody. Within his comic Ben Solo is described as someone that everyone, including his peers, watched for signs of darkness. He's a bitter, hurt and jaded young man.
Rey is the denial queen. She has a childlike way of thinking that is purely optimistic. She latches onto people very quickly Finn, Han Solo, Chewie, Leia, Luke on and on. She understand the stories of the resistance, Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader, but doesn't understand any of the complexities. She's a very 'this is the truth as I know it so it must be the truth' kind of person.
When we arrive at the second Forcetime.
Rey overlooking the ocean. Ren overlooking the first order. Ren begins hearing the ocean waves. Rey begins to hear the snap of electricity. Ren sensing her turns and Rey, sensing him, adjusts and there they are.
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Rey, understand that she can't physically act out her anger against, verbalizes it. She's angry, but she wants the anger to be simple and it's not. He is tied to her in a way in some way.
What's interesting is Ren is very open to her in wondering why the force is connecting them. In the book Rey describes his eyes as hungry. Also, Ren wants to be understood by her. He uses this moment to reach her and get someone to understand a portion of how he became the man he is. The audience sees him approach her, get into her space, challenging her emotionally, physically and her ideas about him.
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"ah, you do" if it's possible to verbally create a orgasm....Adam driver accomplished it for women. It doesn't hurt that these two seem to always be eye fucking each other. The intensity in which they lock onto each other and don't pay much around them any mind. The actors writers dream of.
The scenes serves a purpose though. Kylo is once again shift from simple bad guy to complicated bad guy/human being. She doesn't know everything. In the mix of all of this is her experience with Luke. She disillusioned and she's disappointed with Luke. Her experience is shifting her to understand Kylo's position more.
Which leads to their third forceskype aka shirtless Ben
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Rey, girl, you're not asexual. It's the first where we see she does have a reaction to him physically. She opens herself to understanding. She wants to know if he had a good reason for killing his father. She also expresses her jealousy of him. He has a family, he had a father who loved him. She would give anything for that. Kylo is also expressing his pain and how relates to her. They both feel abandoned by their parents. Kylo wasn't abandoned in the way Rey was, but he feels abandoned. Kylo looks at Rey like 'hey you don't see the similarities between us?". You also being to understand Kylo Ren's need to embrace the dark side because everyone on the light side failed him.
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Part of her journey in The Last Jedi is about embracing her womanhood. After the force bond with the shirtless Kylo Ren. She goes to the dark sided vagina cave. She jumps in and when she emerges her childhood hair buns are gone. Rey enters in this vision and looks for answers as to who/where her parents are. Nothing is revealed to her. She didn't find the answers she was looking for and the hope that she will find them goes out of her. In this moment she's desperately lonely. Here our hero spiritually seeks out through the force bond the one individual she feels will relate to her, our villain.
Why do people call this scene "The Finger Touch Love Scene"
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Cause the level of intimacy these characters reach without many words and without being lewd. Rian Johnson, bravo!
The way Kylo Ren is just present, reassuring and nurturing as Rey relays her trip into the dark cave. This is a moment where he could stoke her negative emotions to the dark side. He doesn't though. He's completely emotionally present for her. Kylo Ren sits within his ship in a area that's lit with a soft blue light as he reaches towards her he's in the warm of the firelight. Now he is physically present for her.
Rey is completely raw. She's allowing herself to be seen emotionally naked. This is the first scene where she gives him something with free will. She gives him union.
She reaches out from underneath the blanket. He takes his glove off and they slowly, innocently, reach for each other. The eye contact they maintain as the force theme begins, we as the audience understand something profound is happening. Within them, in this moment, there is a balance in the force.
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They both have a vision of one another. Ren sees her past. Rey sees a glimpse of his future. This is the moment for Reylo, they both said to themselves "we're never letting this go". Rian Johnson confirmed it's from this moment that Ren decides to kill Snoke because that's the only way to protect Rey from him. Rey shift her belief system to complete Team Ben. She doesn't have a plan when she goes to meet Ben within the First Order. She just has complete faith in him that when the moment matters he'll stand by her.
We arrive at the elevator scene and just prior when she arrive onboard the supreme in a coffin from the Falcon that has his calligraphy on it. It's their first interaction after that intense force bond.
She expresses her faith in him and the possibility of a future. This is the first scene where she walks up on him. She wants that closeness and connection now. He's closed off we come to understand later, he's become he's protecting his mind from Snoke understanding his true intentions. They both express what they saw in their vision and conviction that one will join the other. It's canon that in this moment Kylo Ren wanted to kiss Rey.
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Snoke - It's not his story. Kylo Ren looked like a badass killing him. That's all we needed you for boo. However, I did enjoy the internal dialogue of Snoke that the novelization affords. Through the force Snoke can feel Kylo Ren's need for approval which is something that frustrates him. He can feel his conflicted nature for Rey and for the light. He can feel his pain and confusion when Snoke says he bridged their minds (he didn't). That was enlightening.
My favorite moment is right after Kylo kills Snoke and Rey and Kylo looks at each like
"You with me?"
"Yeah, I'm with you"
And they turn to face the pretorian guards. They are with each other, but they do have a misunderstanding on what that means.
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The fight scene is great and beautiful. Kylo Ren is a supportive partner to her and she to him. Kylo support her body with his and he takes on the majority of the Pretorian guards. He has a moment when he checks in on her, she get's hurt, he's upset and scared but then centers himself. When he's in trouble she supports him. It's described in the novel that they can feel each other's emotions through the force.
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(Couldn't find the gif of her getting cut)
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tljisthegoat · 1 year
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I'll never get over the tragedy of Ben Solo
I'm still traumatized, just like Rey should be whenever we see her again.
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agir1ukn0w · 7 months
it’s been five years and i am still haunted by those fucking movies
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delulu-for-kylo · 2 years
Good evening to you,
Ben Solo deserved to live.
This concludes the news.
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venushasvixens · 1 year
Ch. 5 Escape - Baneful Royal (Kylo Ren x Reader)
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[A/N] so the last time I had posted for this fic, it was a hot minute ago. And when I say hot minute, I mean about close to a year. SO with that being said, here is the 5th chapter. This one was kinda hiding underneath a bunch of commission files so finding it now was very nice. If you would like to read more Kylo fics from me, I have a Masterlist link in my bio, as well as a A03 and wattpad under the same name. Thank y’all for reading <3
There was no time to feel guilt. 
There was no time to feel anything. 
You were ushered without a thought. Running on autopilot, the disturbing sounds of a city thrown into chaos were drowned out with your focus elsewhere. Cate’s arm was looped into yours, the cloaked figure of Kylo walked in front of you without assistance or care. The deed was done, and the next step was approaching soon. 
Pushed into a carrier, it wasn't until you felt the deep rumble of the ship coming to life that you finally came back to the present. Seated and strapped in, you glanced around you to see Cate at her place behind you. On her side, two guards of Ren stood like stone, waiting patiently. For what, you didn't know. 
Voices spit out necessary actions for takeoff, with a confirmation greeting. A captain’s seat sat in the middle, with Kylo planted firmly. With each acknowledgment of action, he nodded. A shake, and you were off into the air and into the atmosphere. 
“What’s happening now?” You turned to Cate. “Where are we going?” 
You knew of your certain protection, but nothing else after. Had you left when the Colonel told you to, maybe you wouldn't have been labeled a possible enemy to the planet. Gone off quietly, you might have still been on Naboo. You showed yourself rather idiotically. With a hand out in offer, any chance of going home was thrown out the window. 
Cate looked straight ahead blankly, ignoring your asking gaze.
“I said where are we going?” You asked. Ignored, you watched as Cate’s pupils flashed quickly to her side, towards the knights. Turning back in your chair, you realized. You sabotaged her mission, and any other advice or word could further deepen a possible and serious “demotion”. 
Watching as Naboo faded away in the side windows, you were startled with Kylo's sudden announcement. “On our arrival, we are to ignite engines for light speed on route to Coruscant immediately.” 
“This wasn't part of the plan.” You said aloud, shocked. “I didn’t agree to this part.” 
“Then what was, councilwoman?” Kylo called to the reluctant voice. “Had you listened, we wouldn’t be taking the actions that we are now.” 
“I wonder with whose help.” You spat back. The newly deceased governor was right. There was an argument wherever you went. 
“The option to go back and drop you off is always open. But, I hope you realize that actions will have consequences.” He stated, almost tauntingly. “It would be a shame to see your head on a spike.” 
“A favor was given for the good of the people.” 
“They won’t see it that way.” He sneered, leather glove squeaking. “The truth is soon to come out. Where are you going to go when that does happen?” 
It was best to shut up. 
With many to witness, the assassination of a government official was without a doubt a high profiled crime to commit. To accompany the ill news, the revelation of a colleague and former head of state with her hand in his murder would surely send embarrassment to the planet. More harm was caused than good. 
Maybe it was the smartest idea to escape. 
You shut your eyes tightly as you the grim thought of Abie and Sara finding out. You lied to them both. Hatred was a driving factor, but not murder. You prayed that they could one day forgive you. It was probably going to take a long time to do. 
You saw the faint reflection of the Finalizer bounce off the glass panels, indicating your destination was close. 
“The Supreme Leader’s secondary vessel requesting permission to dock, copy.”  
“Permission granted.” A modulated voice rang out. “Prepare to unload.” 
The last First Order ship you had visited was nothing compared to this. The vast high ceilings towered over all, with as many small ships docked neatly into the walls. Officials ran amok, hurrying to finish a job or to clear the way. The ship jostled as it landed, causing you to tussle in your seat. 
“Wow.” You whispered. 
“I believe it is time to disembark, councilwoman.” You heard Kylo say, taking off his seatbelt. You did the same, standing up as gracefully as you could. 
You felt the faint brush of Kylo’s cloak graze your leg. Standing next to you, but not fixated on you. His presence felt overpowering, like he had done this many times before. The adrenaline was still rushing in you, garnering you to shake and quiver slightly. 
As the hatch opened, you saw two single file lines on either side of stormtroopers. They stood with their blasters in hands, looking straight ahead in respect. As you inched forward, you caught eye of a special trooper. Tall and donned in shining silver, this stormtrooper was like no other. A black cape hung over one shoulder, with a red line trimmed on its hem. With no eyes to look into, you could only imagine what kind of a being they were. Their air was grand, big shoes that were filed with fear and respect. 
“Welcome back, sir.” They said to Kylo. Their feminine tone was evident in their voice, clear and orderly. You had no thoughts, except one. If they are a she, then that is one big woman. 
Still in awe, you almost missed the silver commander’s next question. “Have we acquired the subject?” 
“Affirmative, Captain.” Kylo replied, walking next to her. 
“Hold on, subject?!” You called out, still two steps behind them. You tried to rush to Kylo, desperate for answers. Before you could reach him, gloved hands pulled you by your forearms and held you back. You glanced at them both, visors staring down menacingly at you. With Cate’s footsteps echoing off the ramp, the image of her strode in front of your person. Still blank. 
“You are to be escorted onto the ship until we hit lightspeed.” Was all she said before turning and joining Kylo. 
Your head dropped. All of this felt fake. Nothing of it felt real at all. Not even an hour ago, you were home. With a skip in your step about the future and being free of the thorn in your side, only to be replaced with another. Slowly and painfully, it was going to be hard to dig this one out. 
A First Order vessel. Shooting out of the sector and into the inner Rim. The death of a political official and your life as you know it. All within a short amount of time. The time to process it began as you were escorted out of the hangar and into the ship itself. 
You felt like you were hit with a ton of bricks. 
The hallways bustled with every employee of the Order, rushing to unknown locations. The memo of lightspeed must’ve been ordered quickly. All of their heads were down as you passed them, averting their eyes from walking cloaks of darkness on either of your side. 
You clasped your hands in front, careful to take note from those around you. You glanced up at the Knights, whose boots clanked almost like the Supreme Leader’s. There was emptiness to their step, like strictly programmed droids who were on the way to the next task. 
“Are you both allowed to talk to me?” You asked, looking up at one of them. They continued in silence. “I see. Maybe a vow of silence.” 
You felt the need to press further. It looked like a risky attempt to talk to monsters carrying you to your death. Risky, or maybe sad. 
“Those weapons look menacing. Serious damage to anyone that crosses you.” 
“Good, I didn’t want to talk to you bucketheads anyways.” You muttered, rather disappointed from the one sided talk. 
You heard the same leather squeak from them like you did with Kylo earlier. You looked down at one gripping his weapon rather tightly. You swallowed, yet taking another que. At least it relieved some of the stress you were carrying, saying that. Sad that they were in your path of insult, but then again, you would swiftly be met with a blade in your throat. 
The tight hallway grew to a broader area, full with more First Order personnel. Stormtroopers guarded every corner, standing at full attention. The knights beelined you to two sets of blast doors, with people bustling about. Most walked in and out, in pairs or with a holopad in hand. When coming into their sight, there was another hush among them. But this time, there were slivers of notice. Gawked at wasn’t new to you, but the setting was. 
The blast doors opened, revealing the bridge of the ship. Various stations were hard at work operating the ins and outs of the ship’s defense and operation. So focused, there was no acknowledgment of your presence. There was a quick conclusion that if they were looking anywhere besides their screen, they would be shot on sight. 
Ahead of you were the giant windows out looking at Naboo. It felt like a screen, seeing your home from miles above the surface. Growing bigger as you were walked further in, you couldn't help but tear up just a little. 
These conflicting feelings of justifying your dark deed for the good of the planet and your own wounded morals clashed against one another, fighting for the dominance of your stand. You had sickened you, the need to fill your own selfish gain. Moment of passion destroyed your life as you had known it. Now it was time to pay the consequences, but stubborn as you were, it was going to be hard to accept it. 
“You are to wait here. Our Master will join shortly.” One Knight croaked, voice startling you out of your moment of sentiment. 
They backed up some, keeping their distance. The blast doors opened again, this time the flamed hair general jaunting towards you. You flipped around, taking in a deep sigh. Bound to be on an official First Order ship, you had to at least expect to see him sooner or later. 
“Ah, councilwoman.” He shot you a grim, wide smile. “We meet again, under some unfortunate circumstances.” 
“Unfortunate, indeed.” You replied, gripping your hands tightly. “Where’s the Supreme Leader?” 
“Oh come now, at least give me a chat.” He feigned disappointment mockingly. “After all, this is my setting, my domain. I am more than welcoming.” 
“I’ve been told, or rather talked over, that we are to be out of this sector any minute now.” You said. “The Supreme Leader cannot possibly be holding out on an escape.” 
“I wouldn’t call it an escape, councilwoman. However, we may just have a chance at some resolution to the chaos that put us here in the first place?” Hux raised his brows. 
You tried to read his face to see if it had some truth. You silently hoped that you weren't being pushed into another set up. Peace with Naboo was what you so desperately strived for. It would calm your worried mind. If it meant that you could never return to maintain harmony, you would take it. But not without heartbreak. 
“Then let us try.” Hux finished, turning his back to you as he continued with his recent assessment for departure. How acutely they all listened, hanging on to every quip and jeer he threw out in his words. Still able to take orders under such stress, unlike you did. “Annoying as this inconvenience is.” 
“I did what I did for a reason. You would too if you were pushed so far.” You snarled back. “Would you have done it too?” 
Hux glared at you, his face changing so slightly. Eyes softened, almost to sympathize. Human as you both were, maybe it did cross his mind of holding himself out from the rest. He glanced up. The doors opened and Kylo glided in. The scowl came back and so was the top general of the First Order. 
“I give commands and follow orders.” He said. “I see no reason for such emotion.” 
“It's a proper system for a machine to work. There's a purpose for it.” Kylo followed up, his helmet still on. “But we are not droids.” 
“And you encouraged it.” You said to him, staring into his dark visor. “I'm not the only one at fault here.” 
“Who said it was not the right thing?” You heard Kylo said lowly in his helmet. Moving closer to you, his voice was soft enough to not be picked up by the vocoder. “Put trust in that decision, (Y/n).” 
Biting down on your lip, losing your focus on him. 
“Put trust in me.” 
A beep sounded off loudly on the bridge. “This is the Security Force of Naboo requesting urgent communication with your vessel.” 
Breathing in deeply, you felt as if your heart was going to burst out of your chest. Thumping loudly, rhythmically against your rib cage, you would rather your heart did some damage right now. Anything to avoid this, avoid your betrayal. 
“Stay here. Leave communication to us.” Kylo said. “You will not move from your spot, unless I say otherwise.” 
“I will not move from this spot unles you say otherwise.” Aghast at the loss of control of your body, your feet planted where they stayed. Frozen once more. 
“Holograph transmission, sir. Permission to accept?” A controller asked from their position. 
Permission granted.” 
Kylo and Hux stood in front of the transmission circle, their fronts lighting up with the familiar blue light. You drew in your breath as you saw the Queen, standing solemnly with Abie at her side. The Queen conveyed a deep seriousness you knew deep inside her. Dormant, having been cast aside when the council had done it for her. It wasn’t the childlike display of fear that was present. No. It was the face of a proper monarch, ready to take on her new challenge for her people. 
“Appearance is everything,” you told her. “They won’t just take your words into consideration.” 
For a brief moment, the creeping anxiety of your situation disappeared. In its place, was pride. Just for a second. Abie, on the other hand. A different story. His anger seethed off of him, being well seen from almost everyone on the bridge. 
“Your Majesty, to what we owe the pleasure of your company?” Hux said. 
“There is none, General. I would like to be told of the reason for my urgent return to the palace, with my home in disarray and chaos. Our Governor slain and my councilwoman nowhere to be seen.” She proclaimed. “Even with our arms open to your presence in our desperate hour, we are repaid with nothing but hardship.” 
“Although a controversial decision, your majesty, it was the right one.” Kylo began, taking over for Hux. After all, who wouldn’t want to hear the murderer tell his side of the story? “Let's face the clearer picture. Governor Sillin was a joke to Naboo. A laughing stock to the galaxy. So in fairness, the First Order did what was the preferable outcome.” 
“Did this outcome happened to include the disappearance of Councilwoman (L/N)?” Queen Revisalla snapped back, her tone grew sharp. “Full control is what you strive for, then so be it. But I ask, no I demand that she be returned alive and unharmed.” 
“I see.” Kylo replied, feigning a deep thought. “I’m afraid I cannot allow for the release of her into your hands.” 
“And why?” Revisalla asked, the tension from her and Abie grew even more. “This is beyond ridiculous. To capture a government official and a former monarch is a serious crime.” 
“That does not matter to us, as you can tell your majesty.” Hux cut in, clasping his hands behind his back. “We did ask for full allegiance in order for help from our forces. Young as you are, do try to take a smarter route and think of this as a small price for our assistance.” 
How badly you wanted to break free of your place and take down Hux as well. You wouldn’t need a saber for this, only your bare hands. 
“I understand your emotions, your majesty. “Kylo stepped forward. “There is a shared understanding when something dear is taken away from us. It becomes a driving force, our mindset. Sometimes for the better.” 
You gazed at the queen. Her eyes glanced down, in deepful thought. It wounded deeply as you saw her face drift into each possibility and hard decision. Everything was spilling over. Whatever was to happen next was going to determine your place. Your life was on the line. And so were the million lives on the planet. 
“I will not back down without a fight for this.” Revisalla spoke clearly. “We will bring her back, with your help or not. I will see to it that she is returned home alive.” 
Your breath was knocked out of you. There was a vague idea on what kind of response that would be. 
“So be it.” Kylo said. 
“As you left us no choice your majesty, we must do what is necessary.” Hux proclaimed, turning to the rest of the bridge. “All personnel to their stations. Deploy the TIEs. Let's make sure the message is sent.” 
“Yes, sir.” The voiced response was swift, echoing in your ears as the worst had to come. Still frozen to your spot, there was no way physically that you could try to stop this. But you were going to try. You heaved as you struggled to move. The fight response in you cried out to be released. 
“Wait, no!” You screamed. Suddenly, as if to be let off a chain, you stumbled forward. Catching your step, you rushed to the hologram, panting. Revisalla took a sudden intake of breath, surprised. So did Abie. Shaking your head, you held up your hands. “You don’t want to do this. Please do not do this.” 
“Halt the deployment of TIEs.” Hux commanded. Your adrenaline dropped in relief. 
“Is your safety compromised, Lady (Y/n)?” The queen asked you. Abie’s appearance could’ve looked just like yours, relieved but shaken. 
“No, I’m fine. I’m okay.” You breathed. “I beg your majesty to listen. One person to an entire people, it cannot happen.” 
“Excellent point.” Hux mumbled. 
You ignored his remark as you tried to find the right words. “I am not worth it. If this is where my path leads me, this is where I stay. I need you to understand that.” 
Revisalla swallowed, her fingers slightly tugging on her long sleeve. Not only were you talking to her, but to your heartbroken friend as well. He looked down, so still you thought the hologram was frozen. 
“I understand. Efforts in the future to retrieve your person will be permanently terminated.” Strong and loud, you felt the tug of loss. You were now officially a subject to the First Order. 
You nodded. 
“Before our communication is severed, there is something I need to ask of you.” Revisalla added. “There are words of your involvement in the death of the governor.” 
You felt Kylo’s presence flair behind you. His air taunted you as the cold truth was about to be let loose in the open. This was a moment that he was waiting for, as if he was waiting for the downfall of your life. 
“Is there truth to this?” She finally said. 
You looked back at Kylo. As it pained you to say, this truly meant there was no way to return back to home. The tie would be forever severed. The planet would be safe. Abie and Sara would be safe. The queen will be safe. And maybe peace will find its way back to Naboo, with a brighter future for everyone. The one you so longed to see.
“Yes.” You replied firmly. “I killed Sillin.” 
Abie’s shoulders fell in defeat. Revisalla nodded solemnly. The disappointment from both of them radiated strongly.“I-“ 
“There you have it, your majesty. Loud and clear.” You were cut off from Hux. “It is now time that we make our departure from the sector.” 
“I bid you all farewell.” Revisalla’s tone was monotonous, professional. Just another goodbye to visiting “diplomats”. The hologram faded and you were left with the sight of Naboo once again. 
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fantasticalleigh · 2 years
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it’s snowing in Chicago rn and I miss summer so I whipped this up
(((I know the perspective looks off they’re meant to be sitting on a hill though shhhh)))
For more, find me on Instagram! | Ko-Fi! | Patreon!
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clqoo · 6 months
the amount of anger, disappointment and hated that fills me when i see ben solo knowing he’s dead makes my stomach hurt sometimes
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marlenesluv · 1 year
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۵pairing: fem!albonsibling!ballerina x platonic f1 grid. slight readerxlandonorris
۵type: social media au
۵authors note: i’m super excited to continue this! i’m hoping it will be a little series :) also, the picture for the series has my main blog name but i’m too lazy to change it lolz.
۵warnings: slight language
۵summary: y/n albon and her partner seem to have a little fall out…how will her fans and friends react?
۵this is part 2! please read part 1 before this (it’s my work, just on my main blog)
masterlist here -> masterlist link
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liked by landonorris, arthur_leclerc, and 838,103 others
y/n.albon: solo practice mornings 🩰
view comments…
user9: no ben…?
↳ user2: he’s been kinda absent as of lately…
lilymhe: you look like an angel
↳ y/n.albon: i love you more than i love alex
↳ alex_albon: excuse me??
user5: the bell jar? someone cooked here
user3: solo???
landonorris: i’ll just come to your studio and keep you company!
↳ y/n.albon: yeah, you can not do that. my ballet instructor would literally kick you out
↳ landonorris: oh😟
user8: anyone else notice that ben hasn’t liked any of y/n’s recent posts?
↳ user6: yeah, i noticed that too!
↳ user8: kinda suspicious since they usually always like and comment on each others posts…
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liked by destinyyy and 251,007 others
bens.insta: a day with my love 💓
view comments…
destinyyy: i love you💓
↳ bens.insta: i love you more💓
user4: wait a damn minute…..
user7: y/n and ben practiced everyday together since they were 16, and he stops to go on a date??
f1updatepage: oh boy, drama is upon us, folks
↳ user2: you got that right
user9: ben ditches y/n for his gf and lando said he would come over to keep her company? idk. i wish lando was a ballet dancer fr
↳ user1: LMAO SAME. he seems much more reliable
user0: this is some crazy shit right here
user7: so..are y/n and ben partners, orrrr?
↳ user8: they didn’t say they weren’t, but here ben is, posting his gf when he should be at the studio?
yourinstagram story
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seen by landonorris, danielricciardo, and 789,024 others
F1 Updates @f1updatepage • 5hr
Y/N Albon has recently posted her solo practices on social media, leaving fans speculating. Her ballet partner of 8 years, Ben, went on a date while she was practicing. Fans believe that Ben and Y/N might have stopped being partners since Bens girlfriend, Destiny, came into the picture. What do you think?
↳ Y/N FanPage @y/n4lifeee • 5hr
I think Y/N deserves a ballet partner who she can rely on😭 If Ben actually left because of his girlfriend, that’s not only rude to Y/N, but stupid. They are amazing together, but whatever. His call I guess.
↳ Ferrari Fans @ferrariclassics • 5hr
Ben is a piece of shit. That’s what I think😙
↳ Carlando Babe @carlandocontent • 4hr
We should just wait for Y/N or Ben to speak out about whether they are partners or not. Speculating does no harm, but it’s just a never ending circle of ‘what if’s’.
↳ Albon Siblings!!! @albonsibsupdates • 4hr
As much as I like Ben and Y/N as a duo for ballet, I don’t like when Y/N has to solo practice. She deserves the best, not some half-assed guy who’s too busy with his gf.
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liked by y/n.albon, charles_leclerc, and 389,240 others
tagged: y/n.albon, charles_leclerc
lando.jpg: grid party🍾
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user8: y/n is at party with the grid??
↳ user2: this is suchhh a slay
flupdates: this wasn’t on my bingo card but i’m living
y/n.albon: last night was sm fun
↳ landonorris: do you remember anything?
↳ y/n.albon: ummm.. next question
alex_albon: ive never seen my sister so shit faced
↳ lilymhe: i have
↳ y/n.albon: omg lily
↳ alex_albon: wdym, lily?
↳ lilymhe: uhhhhh jk
user4: lily exposing y/n time
user7: HELP😭 who’s pouring champagne in y/n’s mouth💀
↳ user6: looks like kika LMAOOO
user1: i love how close y/n is to the grid
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liked by destinyyy and 190,377 others
bens.insta: hi, guys! a lot of stuff has been going around on the internet and i wanna set some things straight. first of all, yes, i have officially quit ballet. but it has nothing to do with y/n and all to do with the fact that i am just not as in love with the sport as i use to be.
secondly, please keep my girlfriends name out of your mouth if you are going to bad talk her. she’s done nothing wrong.
lastly, i really do wish y/n the best with ballet. she’s very talented and i know she’ll make it far. that being said, no, we don’t have any communication as of late. things have been said that we both regret. i hope you all understand.
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liked by lewishamilton, landonorris, and 1,012,004 others
y/n.albon: i suppose it’s my turn to speak about this. ben posted last night about him quitting ballet, which is obviously a fact. it sucks that i’m loosing a partner i’ve been doing ballet with for 8 years, but that’s life. friendships were made, but new ones can be made. friendships were also torn down. it’s unfortunate, but the ball was not in my court. i regret not a word that i said to ben. ending these types of professional relationships sucks, but that’s what it was. professional.
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alex_albon: so glad you spoke your part. you’re an incredible sister. me and lily love you
↳ y/n.albon: aww, i love you both too
landonorris: sorry about ben. should i bring pizza or indian for when i come over?
↳ y/n.albon: indian pls!
↳ alex_albon: you’re going over to her house??
↳ alex_albon: why is no one answering my texts???
user7: i frankly don’t gaf about ben. i’m more invested in the fact that lando and y/n are hanging out without the grid
↳ user1: REAL. like, plsss i need content
charles_leclerc: you’re an amazing dancer, you’ll find another partner!
↳ y/n.albon: ty charles!!!
f1updates: “i regret not a word i said to ben” and ben said “things have been said that we both regret.” like ben, babe, that’s embarrassing for you
F1 Updates @f1updatespage • 1hr
Quick update about Y/N Albon & Ben:
Both have made posts on the situation and announced Bens leaving in ballet. We wish Ben well.
Another side note that people have picked up on, is Landos comment on Y/N’s Instagram post. The comments insinuate that they are hanging out together without the grid in Y/N’s apartment.
Comments have been disabled on this Tweet in respect for privacy of Ben!
*comments have been disabled*
(reposts, comments, and likes are appreciated!^-^)
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luke-shywalker · 5 months
I was skimming this interview Adam Driver did where he was saying 1) he’s not returning to Star Wars (good, let Ben Solo rest in peace lol) and 2) the original plan for Kylo’s character was to have him be the opposite of Vader, starting out unsure in the dark side but becoming more evil through the trilogy.
Y’all know I was fighting for my boy to be redeemed because redemption is one of the central themes of Star Wars. And a lot of the anti-Kyle Ron fans’ reasoning for not wanting him to be redeemed was that “he didn’t deserve it” (to which I was like, yes, correct, redemption is receiving mercy we do not deserve and could never earn.)
But I find the idea of Kylo Ren becoming more and more dark side and never returning to the light pretty interesting, because while redemption and forgiveness is a core part of my worldview, life in the broken world doesn’t always go that way. Sometimes parents watch their child reject the light and embrace the darkness, never to return, despite all their prayers and attempts at intervention.
We know TROS was missing a villain and that’s why somehow, Palpatine returned. It would have been interesting if Supreme Leader Kylo Ren was the big bad in the final movie. (Redeemed Kylo in TROS didn’t really feel real to me btw…I felt like I was watching Adam Driver act out “male lead” but not really know who his character was or who he was playing anymore lol)
I don’t have a lot more thought out to say, but I was just imagining dark side Kylo in his final form getting defeated in the last movie and everyone in the Resistance cheering like at the end of ROTJ, except for Leia. And Leia wondering why her father, the one she hates and can never forgive, was the one to turn back to the light and lives on in the Force, but her son, who she has loved since before he was born and cannot help but forgive, would not turn back and is gone forever.
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msuolo · 1 year
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Can you forgive me?
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saphronethaleph · 2 months
The Second Order
Ben looked up at the sound of voices.
“...just saying,” someone was just saying. “Why Ossus? I get that it’s not a bad place to be sited, but Yavin Four was right there.”
“I considered both,” Uncle Luke replied. “And several other places. But there was… so much to learn, on Ossus.”
“I’m just too used to Yavin Four, I guess,” the other person replied, as they rounded a corner, then glanced up. “Oh, good… uh, is it morning? I’m not sure if it’s morning.”
“It’s the afternoon,” Ben said, putting down his calligraphy set. “Who are you?”
“Master Katarn,” the man introduced himself. “Or, Kyle, I guess. Kyle is probably better, really, it’s just… you know. Jedi Temple.”
“This is my nephew, Ben Solo,” Luke said. “He’s a fine apprentice.”
“Nice to meet you,” Kyle said, holding out his hand to shake, and Ben took it hesitantly.
Much to his relief, the strange Jedi Master – and how did that work? Ben thought he knew everyone who could even try to claim that title – didn’t try the old crusher-grip trick, instead giving him a firm handshake before letting go again.
“Master Skywalker, who is this?” Ben asked. “How don’t I know about him?”
“I’ll let him explain,” Luke invited.
Kyle had looked faintly confused, for a moment, then shrugged it off.
“So there’s this thing called flow walking,” he said. “And I was doing it to try and get out of a Vong ambush, and I ended up here. Fortunately it looks like they didn’t manage to follow me here.”
“...what are Vong?” Ben said.
“If you haven’t heard of them…” Kyle began, then frowned at Luke in an assessing sort of way. “What year is it?”
“You think you might have travelled in time?” Ben asked, realizing what that meant. “It’s, uh, 8004 CRC… um, the New Republic calendar is based on years after the Battle of Yavin, did that happen in your world?”
“Yeah, that happened,” Kyle agreed. “Your uncle destroyed the Death Star, right?”
“Correct,” Luke said. “It’s currently the year twenty-seven, by that reckoning.”
“Great, so I only travelled between universes,” Kyle said. “So… that means the Vong probably aren’t a problem for you, unless they’ve been delayed… have you had any other serious crises that we haven’t? The Yavin academy was assaulted several times, but we’ve always bounced back… did you have the Empire Reborn? Or the Cult of Ragnos?”
Luke and Ben exchanged glances.
“I… don’t know what those are,” Ben admitted.
“I’ve never heard of such a thing either,” Luke agreed. “The only real crisis we’ve faced was the Knights of Ren, but fortunately they didn’t take the lives of any young Jedi.”
“Lucky you,” Kyle said, sounding like he meant it sincerely.
“How are you a Jedi Master?” Ben asked, suddenly.
“It took me a while to accept the title, believe you me,” Kyle replied, with a chuckle. “I’m about… thirty, forty percent self taught, Mara did another twenty percent, and the rest was reciprocal learning from the rest of the Academy. Ultimately Luke’s… counterpart, I guess, named me the Academy’s Battlemaster, but it’s still a struggle to convince myself that I deserve the term.”
He shrugged. “Still, you must have the same kind of problem here, right? Though you didn’t have any of those attacks… any sign of Dark Jedi or rival Sith academies?”
Uncle and nephew both shook their heads, and Kyle seemed to be doing some internal calculations.
“You started your academy in, what, eight to twelve ABY?” he asked. “If you’re much like the Master Skywalker I knew.”
“Eleven,” Ben provided. “Though I didn’t join at that point, I was only six.”
Kyle nodded.
“That means… you must have, what, a hundred and sixty?” he asked. “Two hundred?”
“...um,” Luke began. “Two hundred what?”
“Jedi?” Kyle replied, looking confused.
Ben coughed.
“We have twenty-three,” he said. “I’m one of them, in case it wasn’t clear.”
Kyle just kind of stared for a moment.
“...with all due respect to a fellow Jedi Master,” he began. “What have you been doing with the last sixteen years?”
“I have no idea how to teach!” Luke countered. “I don’t know what your Luke’s training was like, but my training was half an hour with Old Ben in a starship blindfolding me and shooting me with a remote, then I went to a swamp and got… a few months of training, but it was a few months of training from a man who I have now realized was probably crazy before he spent two decades alone in a swamp.”
Kyle nodded along. “Yeah, that’s about right,” he said. “You learned how to touch the Force, and a lot of the rest is just instinct. Most of the education that takes place in a Jedi Academy is when to use the Force – and when not to use the Force.”
He shrugged. “It’s honestly more important that someone learn how to honestly self-assess themselves and how to resist the temptations of the Dark Side than it is to make sure they know exactly how to perform a lightsaber form. If someone needs training on a specific kind of Force skill, teach them at that; don’t feel that someone’s training has to be complete before they’re graduated as a Knight, or even able to be a Master. Learning is continuous.”
Luke looked like he was trying to work out which of several different emotions to be, including embarrassed, offended, contrite and mid-revelation.
“Actually, about a year ago I was in a meeting with the temple management, on how to deal with the war,” Kyle went on, rummaging in his pockets. “We were discussing the best way to implement viable recovery procedures… do I have it on me…”
“I don’t know what those are,” Luke admitted.
“The Vong war on my side of the divide has been causing a lot of casualties,” Kyle explained. “They’ve been going after Jedi especially, and it’s the first time the New Jedi Order’s numbers have contracted… and after what happened before, with the Purges, we were talking about the best way to make sure that the New Jedi Order could flourish and rebuild more quickly. Calista said that she was aiming for the ability to double the Order’s size every four years on average from incoming students… aha!”
Pulling a small cube out of his pocket, Kyle held it up – heedless to the astonished reactions of both Ben and Luke to that statistic.
“I’ve got another one of these back on my ship,” he explained “Calista is pretty sure that these are basically the same as the old Holocrons, and the idea is to share information among all of them to make a distributed archive of knowledge for the New Jedi Order. This one’s… probably mostly up to date.”
He tossed it to Luke, who caught it.
“Feel free,” he said. “Like I say, I’ve got another… I can probably stick around for a bit to help, it should take a few days for the Vong back home to decide that I’m missing and I want to take at least that long before I try going home.”
Ben was trying to recover from everything he’d heard over the last few minutes.
“...actually, now I come to think of it, have you heard of me before?” Kyle asked, most of his focus on Luke. “Because I might need to borrow a starship and take a quick trip to Ruusan to avoid giving you a very serious problem at some point… is there anything that would stop me getting there? I’m not really very clear on politics here.”
“Where’s Ruusan?” Luke asked, tearing his eyes away from the holocron.
“Teraab sector, mid-rim,” Kyle replied. “P-11 on the grid square map.”
“That should be fine,” Ben said. “The First Order isn’t anywhere near there.”
Kyle frowned. “What’s the First Order?”
Ben did his best to explain.
By the end of the explanation, Kyle looked like he was planning on using the starship he planned to borrow to fly into First Order space and look for a fight.
Ben had the oddest feeling that Kyle might well win.
“Did you learn anything from it, yet?” Ben asked, some hours later, after Kyle had left in a borrowed shuttle. “I’ve never actually seen a modern Holocron.”
“Neither have I,” Luke replied, looking up from his study of the little cube. “And, for some reason, this one keeps interfacing with me using a face I’ve never seen before. But I have the strangest feeling she knows me.”
He sighed. “And… I don’t know what I’ve been doing wrong, not yet, but I’m now quite sure I’ve been doing something wrong. I’ve been too afraid of getting things wrong, to do them right.”
After a moment, Luke caught Ben’s eye.
“Ben, I want to tell you something,” he said. “It’s a secret that your parents asked me to keep, and I agreed, because… when I learned it, I was about the same age you are now. And I didn’t take it well.”
“You… didn’t take it well?” Ben repeated, trying to reconcile that with his uncle the Jedi Master.
“Well, I did try to jump into a gas giant not long afterwards,” Luke said. “So I’d say I didn’t take it especially well, yes… but you have to learn some time. I can’t shield you from the painful truth forever.”
He sighed. “So… I’m going to tell you about my father, your grandfather. About who he was, and who he became, and who he still was, deep inside, all but suffocated under the lies of an evil man who wanted to use him as a weapon. I’m going to tell you the full story of Anakin Skywalker.”
(Legends New Jedi Order:
Foundation of the Praexum 11 ABY
Relative peace 11-25 ABY, with several major crises they had to deal with (which caused casualties)
By 25 ABY, there were at least 100 Jedi, with several of the students now Masters in their own right and actively training new Padawans.
The resultant force was very robust, managing to handle serious casualties (they got cut in half in the Vong war of 25-29 ABY, but rebounded to over 200 by 35 ABY) and had mastered rapid recovery - by 44 ABY they are up to over a thousand, despite another war in the interim.
Disney Canon New Jedi Order:
Foundation of the Academy around 10-11 ABY
Almost total peace 11-28 ABY
Then Ben Solo turns to evil and destroys the whole thing in one go, leaving about three survivors who hadn't been present at the time.)
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curlytheintrovert · 1 year
I just still CANNOT get over the last few minutes of Ben Solo in TROS. It’s criminal.
How everything about his character is just shifted. The moment he runs into that first camera shot—sees Rey’s x-wing and takes off—you can feel the change instantly. His body movements are so unfettered and human in comparison to Kylo: his run, his jumps, even his voice is changed. I mean the first and last thing we hear him say is LITTERALLY a humorous: “Ow.” (which still makes me laugh to this day) But by far my favorite is how much he acts like his dad…the swagger, the emotiveness as he fights and the confidence. It’s so god damn heart warming.
I live for that adorable little shrug when he gets his saber from Rey. ITS MORE HAN ENERGY THEN I CAN STAND. But also the little gotta-pace-myself breath he lets out as a knight slashes the saber behind his back wrecks me too. Like he’s almost trying to remember how to fight the way he used to as a Jedi. But seeing Ben fight with such skill and freedom kinda makes me choke up—we know just what it took to get him there. You just feel so happy for him!
But then it all comes crashing down.😭
Before I go any further though…WHY THE HELL DID ADAM DRIVER NOT WIN AN AWARD FOR THIS MOVIE?! I mean, my god this man can act. When Ben pulls himself out of the pit the Emperor threw him into, he doesn’t say one word—his body movements and facial expressions do all the work. The way he falls to the floor in pain, and every step is torture leaves little to the imagination what he’s going through.
But what truly TRULY won’t leave my head is how he reacts to seeing Rey dead in his arms. The way he just inhales this devastating, searing sob…you viscerally understand how much he loves her—and always has. Like you could hear that his world had been taken away. It also destroys me how Ben physically cannot handle the sight of her lifeless eyes. The way he rocks back and forth hysterically trying his best not to break down makes me cry every time. I’m sorry but that is PEAK romance for me, even more then their kiss. It simultaneously confirmed for me that they were taking the romance angle with this couple.
Then the way Ben looks at Rey when she’s revived is so emotional, you can hear his inner monologue from his eyes alone. Is this real? Did you really come back me? But I don’t know if you feel the same way I do. And when he does get confirmation and Rey says his name and kisses him you see just how ready he is—he pulls her tight to him so fast. Then they had to give us THE BEST SMILE OF ALL TIME IN STAR WARS, followed by the most heart warming little laugh, like he’s so happy—he’s finally accepted and loved by someone…aaaand then they take him away from us a second later. It’s something I will never forgive, dang it! You can’t make a character go through so much, redeem himself, be the coolest character possible, then destroy him. It’s just not right. All this talk and theories of the new movies is opening this wound wide open for me! Ben Solo and Adam Driver deserved so much more than this!
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tljisthegoat · 11 months
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