#ben totally gets cas’s lost in translation side instead of pivoting to hopelessly lost duck
shallowseeker · 1 year
My turn for Friendly Friday! a) Which character would you resurrect in later SPN seasons, if any?; b) Which writer would you hire to helm an SPN sequel?
Ooo, thank you!
OG Kevin Tran. There was the perfect opportunity for it to happen when Donatello got brain-melted. Say, Cas tries to heal Donatello, and through the power invested by someone else's soul or other, Donatello comes back with a BANG, but he's no longer a prophet. The power rebounded all the way back and resurrected The Kevin Tran, but very crucially, he doesn't want to help The Winchesters anymore, and that causes Big Tension. Jack will argue in his favor, because he failed to protect AU Kevin from AU Michael.
Writer for the sequel? I know everyone and their brother would insist on Robbie Thompson for his love and care, but I actually...love his themes more than I love his dialogue, which I found rather clumsy in both his OG run and in The Winchesters. I also don't think he has a good ear for Sam or Cas, so... I'm choosing Ben Edlund, the wryest Cas to ever Cas (more “lost in translation” style than “stupid duck” style) and who can tap into Sam's inner asshole even when Sam's trying to play nice. This second in command can be Meredith Glynn, because I like how she structures scenes, and that's just how my heart feels today. The heart wants what it wants.
I’ll happily trust Robbie with Dean and creating annoying-but-eventually-kinda-endearing side characters + world building + big plots. But I just don’t think he has the chops for quite hitting what I need with Sam and Cas, respectively, and a sequel would need to be so heavily Sam-driven, no offense. 🙏 (Besties, don’t kill me. I could be wrong. I don’t actually study the writers in depth.)
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