#benefits of compter course
gruucy · 1 year
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theveil-and-thepath · 2 years
Hello! I would like to be a part of our personal readings for 2022 please! I say your post on my tumblr feed based on recent searches.
My question is that I would like to get a reading done on what career I should go into because I am stuck between engineering, computer science, or Law and I just really want some spiritual clarification on what I should pursue urgently, especially because I am starting to apply for colleges. So this post was really a blessing for me! ✨
Thank you so so much for doing this for free! Happy Valentine's Day btw!! 💞💞
Hi there! Thank you for sending your ask. I'm afraid it is now too late since you probably already chose something, I'm sorry for that, but I will check the energies nonetheless.
My intuition guides me to law, I feel that even if you chose something different, this desire (or the doubt) to pursue law won't die so fast in you. You may question 'should i have chosen law' for a while.
Why should you pursue:
engineering: two of cups, ace of swords, page of pentacles
computer science: two of cups, justice, empress
law: three of wands, king of pentacles, seven of swords
Well, I'd rank computer sciences over engineering, but you can also feel a desire to experience law (and oscilate between law an cs). Maybe you chose computer sciences but you can feel that you can have more life experience if you go for law, that it would allow you to explore different fields. The cards for all 3 options were positive, but you'd have the fastest and greatest growth in either computer sciences or law.
Engineering feels more 'flat' to me, but would also provide you with a good netword, friends and job opportunities.
Law can make you feel more stable financially, give extra opportinities to travel and develop some side hobbies while you study, but it will also be somewhat competitive and the environment won't be as pleasent as the one you can find while you do computer sciences. In fact, you may find that you still have a passion for tech and stem, and you can dislike the motivations of fellow law students and lawyers. You may not fit in so well or feel so comfortable. Consider how much of your motivation for taking law comes from yourself, and how much comes from everyone else, see what is passion and what is a mere 'logical good decision'. It is a good decision to take law, but I don't feel like you will feel it's you 'calling' as you can feel in computer sciences.
I do feel you'll take at least one course in law or related subjects in case you take compter sciences, and this is the option that ranks the highest for me. Its spread had mostly major arcana and having the empress is good both for your personal development as it is money wise. You should find your crowd here, a good group of people, and you won't question people's motives as you would do in law school.
Whatever you chose, will bring benefits to your future, the spirit side let it up to you, but it looks like that it will be related to computer sciences, the path looks more clear in cs.
I hope this reading helped you in some way!
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