#digital computer classes
graphic design is a dynamic and multifaceted field that plays a crucial role in shaping the digital landscape. Whether you’re embarking on a career in design or simply looking to enhance your online presence, exploring the world of graphic design opens doors to endless possibilities. From website design courses online to freelance opportunities and beyond, there’s never been a better time to dive into the exciting world of graphic design
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pari2016 · 1 year
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gruucy · 1 year
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thepoverty2023 · 1 year
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unicmaker · 1 year
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Microsoft Office course is one of the most widely used software suites worldwide, offering a range of applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and more. Each application is designed to cater to specific needs, whether it's creating documents, analyzing data, designing presentations, managing emails, or organizing your schedule.
Throughout this course, we will dive into each application's features, functions, and best practices to help you become proficient in using Microsoft Office. Whether you are a student, professional, or simply someone looking to enhance your computer skills, this course will provide you with a solid foundation in using the Microsoft Office suite effectively.
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ssheetalvs · 1 year
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wolfythewitch · 1 year
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Redrew an old sketch
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jesting-bug · 2 months
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Oh poor neighbor! The flower wilted! @:[
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digitalmemoriez · 2 months
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martyryo · 10 months
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I can't cook I lack ingredients and they cut off the gas
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gruucy · 1 year
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th4t-bug · 7 months
Here is chapter one of Bug's origin story! Ao3 for those who don't like reading on Tumblr:
And now, here we go, because I have gotten the first five followers of this blog as of last night.
The Beginning
(Chapter One of "The Bug")
It's strange, really, how much my life changed in the span of three short months. It feels like forever ago, but I can still remember how this all started so clearly.
I was walking home from school, by myself. It was late, I had to make up a test in one class, and earlier that day had earned myself a detention in another. That's not the point though, what really matters is that it was dark out already when I left. I nervously peeked around each and every alley I passed on the sidewalk, around there I was more worried about getting mugged than the cold- for good reason.
The sound was faint, down an alleyway I was coming up on, but I would already recognize the sound of breaking glass anywhere. My mouth went ever so slightly dry, my backpack heavy on my shoulders, and I made what must be one of the dumbest decisions of my life.
With my hand on the wall, I peeked around the corner.
“Anybody There?” I whispered my words before I processed anything, my throat tightening at the sight before me. I'm still glad to this day that I was so great at being silent, even back then. There, down the alley, was a man, tall, and a nasty scar along the side of his neck. He held a broken glass bottle in his hand, no doubt the cause of the sound I had heard earlier.
And, most importantly to me at the time, backed against the wall in front of him, was Maddie Lane.
Maddie and I weren't friends. I didn't know her that well, but she seemed like a nice girl. And then, as we silently made eye contact over that evil man’s shoulder, she looked so scared. I don't exactly remember what the man said to her, something about money- I just know that I had to act, to do something, and I did before even thinking about it or its consequences.
My backpack was heavy, like a bag full of rocks with how much stuff I had to keep in there, so it’s surprising I was able to slide it off of my shoulders so quickly without hurting myself- and hurl it at the man.
My improvised projectile hit the man solidly in the head with a force that surprised me. The guy didn't even have time to react, the hit was angled enough for the man to fall and hit the brick wall of the side of the alleyway with the back of his head. There was a sickening crack and I fought the urge to heave as I watched the man's eyes roll back into his skull, his form slumped on the ground. There was the sound of my backpack heavily hitting the ground somewhere in the commotion, but if it was before or after the man went unconscious, I couldn't tell you, and there was a shriek (although I don't know if it was Maddie who made that sound, or me).
I was breathing heavily, my vision was a blur, and I was unable to look away from the man's body for a moment before I shook my head and looked up at Maddie, seeing the shock in her brown eyes. “Are…” I trailed off with a nervous swallow, I could still feel my hands traveling. Finally, the words managed to leave my throat, “Are you okay?”
Sure, it might have been a basic question, but that's all I could think of to say. I wanted to make sure she was alright, after what had happened.
Maddie took a deep breath, looking at me as if I was no more than a hallucination. “Yeah, I think so.” She mumbled out, sounding like she was trying to detach from the situation itself.
I was concerned, sure, but to say the least the situation felt awkward. Sure, me and Maddie shared the same English class, but we didn't really know each other. I didn't know what to say, and with the all the events that led up to this- I didn't want Maddie to think I found her ‘just in time' because I had been following her, which wasn't the case. I eventually settled on the most generic question I could think of.
“...how’d this happen?” Okay, so it may have been a very bad thing to ask given the delicate situation, but my brain pulled up blanks everywhere else. Maddie shook herself out of her stupor and shrugged, saying that it was sudden and she didn't know. It didn't sound like the truth, but I didn't push her.
I nodded and walked forward with a grimace last the still unconscious man to pick up my backpack, hoping nothing in it was broken. “Do you need me to walk you home?” I asked after a moment, but it was more of a formality than anything. Maddie, thankfully, did not take me up on my offer and shook her head. “No- no, I think I can get home safe from here.”
I nodded again, it was for the best really, we were both still a bit shaken up and I preferred being alone when something was disturbing me. “Good… I guess I'll see you tomorrow?” I said as I slung my backpack back onto my shoulders. Maddie nodded awkwardly and her brown eyes glanced away, “Yeah.”
We stood silently in that alleyway for a moment in front of each other before Maddie said her goodbyes, turned away, and left. It was a strange moment, but I didn't notice anything distinctly wrong with Maddie at the time. I sighed heavily, glancing back at the man who was still unconscious on the ground of the dirty alley. I was starting to get concerned, if he was knocked out that long he could have gained brain damage from the situation.
I, however, didn't feel particularly inclined to call an ambulance or the police, as I wanted to get home soon. I simply tried to steady myself, and I resumed the walk home.
It was dark, but my parents weren't back yet- as usual, they wouldn't be until morning. I let myself in the house, and stumbled down the hall to my room. I set my backpack on the floor next to my bed, gently so as to not risk damaging anything.
I wasn't hungry. I had eaten on the walk home from school- before seeing Maddie. But mostly, that man's unconscious body, the sound of that sickening crack- it had unnerved any sense of an appetite I may have had that night.
I crawled into bed after kicking off my socks and shoes, but otherwise didn't bother changing. That situation, all of it had exhausted me, more than I would have thought with how much worse it could have been. My green eyes stared up and spaced out at my blank white ceiling, and I got to thinking.
I mean, sure, I knew the crime rate in my city was pretty high, too high to be considered safe, but in my neighborhood it really did get bad at night. I blindly reached to the side, turning off the lamp on my night table, the blinds of my window had already been pulled shut. The room became nearly pitch black aside from the soft light of my phone, I always preferred it like that to go to sleep.
My eyelids felt heavy, I put on my wireless headphones for music and shut off my phone, placing it on the nightstand to charge. I thought of Maddie, what might have happened if I had passed her by. I sighed softly, closing my eyes, the last thought that crossed my mind before I slept was ‘maybe it's possible for me to help people more?’
Which, of course it was.
The next morning, I went through my usual routine, feeling like a passenger in my own body. I got up, dressed in clean clothes, brushed my teeth- all the works. I did so quietly, not wanting to wake my parents who would have gotten home only two hours or so before.
I don't remember thinking a lot that day, it was mostly a blur of memories from the night before. I ate breakfast on a TV tray in the living room, cleaned up a bit, and grabbed my backpack before leaving for school. I made a point to pass the alleyway from before on the way, it made my heart jump to my throat, but the man wasn't there any more- so at least he hadn't died there (as I had almost nearly convinced myself of).
I continued on my way to school, got there- yadda yadda yadda. I will be completely honest here, the only thing I remember noticing that day is that Maddie Lane was missing from her seat in my English class.
Luckily, that day, I didn't have to stay after school as I had the day before. So the walk home from school was not in the dark, but it still had me on edge, checking around every corner. It wasn't too cold, I was always resistant to temperature changes. It was about two or three months from the first snow of the year, but my jacket was zipped all the way up- I guess somehow it made me feel safer.
I did the same thing I did the night before, checking down the alley ways on my usual path home. I didn't stumble along anything bad, not for my area at least, but getting closer to my house seeing the trash and broken items on the dirty ground left a sour taste in my mouth.
The city wasn't great, hell, it was far from it. It was dirty and ridden with crime. But, for me, it was home- well, the area of my neighborhood was at least. One person could not fix all of this, it would take a miracle, a hero, even a grade A superhero to really help. However, I was no hero. But I was a rather stubborn kid who had seen some horrible things, and I wanted to help.
So, for the life of me, I was going to try.
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ssheetalvs · 1 year
The Evolution of Web Design: From HTML to CSS and Beyond
Web design has come a long way since the early days of the World Wide Web. From basic HTML pages to the dynamic and visually stunning websites we see today, the evolution of web design has been a journey of innovation and creativity. With the introduction of CSS, web designers were able to create more complex layouts and styles. It leads revolution in web  designing  and development. But the evolution didn't stop there. As technology continued to advance, so did web design, with the introduction of responsive design, parallax scrolling, and other cutting-edge techniques. Today, web design is more important than ever, with businesses relying on their online presence to connect with customers and drive sales. Here we'll take a look at the evolution of web design and how it has changed the way we interact with the internet.
The Early Days of Web Design with HTML
In the early days of the internet, web design was limited to basic HTML pages. These pages were simple and plain, with little to no styling or design elements. The focus was on delivering content rather than aesthetics. Designers had to rely on tables and inline styles to create any kind of layout or styling, which was a tedious and time-consuming process.
However, as the internet began to grow in popularity, the need for more dynamic and visually appealing websites became apparent. This led to the introduction of CSS, which allowed designers to separate content from presentation and create more complex layouts and styles.
CSS made it possible to design websites that were more visually appealing and easier to navigate. It also made it easier to maintain and update the design of a website.
Responsive Web Design and Mobile-First Approach
As the use of mobile devices became more prevalent, web designers faced a new challenge: how to create websites that were optimized for mobile devices. This led to the development of responsive web design, which allows websites to adapt to the screen size of the device they are viewed on.
Responsive web design has become the norm for web design, with most websites being designed with a mobile-first approach. This means that the design is optimized for mobile devices first, and then scaled up for larger screens.
Responsive web design has made it possible for websites to be accessed from any device, regardless of the screen size, without sacrificing the user experience. It has also made it easier for web designers to create websites that are optimized for all devices.
The Rise of User-Centered Design and UX/UI
With the increasing importance of user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design, web designers have shifted their focus to creating websites that are user-centered. User-centered design puts the user at the centre of the design process, with the goal of creating websites that are easy to use and navigate.
UX/UI design has become an integral part of web design, with designers using a variety of tools and techniques to create websites that are intuitive and user-friendly. This includes using user personas, wireframes, and prototypes to test and refine the design before development.
The rise of UX/UI design has also led to the development of new design trends, such as flat design and material design, which focus on simplicity and clarity. These design trends prioritize user experience over aesthetics, making it easier for users to navigate and interact with websites.
The Impact of JavaScript on Web Design
JavaScript has become an essential tool for web designers, allowing them to create dynamic and interactive websites. JavaScript is used to create animations, add interactivity to forms, and create responsive designs.
JavaScript frameworks, such as React and Angular, have made it easier for web designers to create complex web applications. These frameworks provide a set of tools and components that can be used to create reusable code, making development faster and more efficient.
JavaScript has also made it possible to create single-page applications (SPAs), which load all content dynamically without the need for page refreshes. SPAs provide a more seamless and engaging user experience, as users can navigate through the website without having to wait for pages to load.
The Role of Frameworks and Libraries
Web designers have become increasingly reliant on frameworks and libraries to streamline the web development process. Frameworks, such as Bootstrap and Foundation, provide a set of pre-designed components that can be used to create a website quickly and efficiently.
Libraries, such as jQuery and React, provide a set of pre-written code that can be used to add functionality to a website. This makes it easier for web designers to create complex web applications without having to write code from scratch.
However, the use of frameworks and libraries has also led to a lack of originality in web design. Many websites now use the same pre-designed components and templates, making it difficult to create a unique and memorable website.
The Emergence of AI in Web Design
Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize web design, with the ability to automate many aspects of the design process. AI can be used to analyze user behavior and preferences, and create personalized experiences for each user.
AI can also be used to generate design elements, such as colour schemes and typography, based on user preferences. This can save web designers time and effort, allowing them to focus on more creative aspects of web design.
However, the use of AI in web design also raises ethical concerns, such as the potential for bias and the loss of human creativity. It is important for web designers to use AI responsibly and ethically, and to ensure that the human element of web design is not lost.
The Future of Web Design
The future of web design is likely to be shaped by new technologies, such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). These technologies have the potential to create immersive and engaging user experiences, blurring the lines between the physical and digital worlds.
The use of AI is also likely to become more prevalent in web design, with the ability to create personalized and adaptive websites for each user. However, it is important for web designers to balance the use of AI with the human element of web design, ensuring that creativity and originality are not lost .As technology continues to advance, web design will continue to evolve, creating new opportunities and challenges for web designers. It is important for web designers to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies, and to continue to push the boundaries of web design.
As web design continues to evolve, it will continue to play an important role in connecting businesses with customers and driving sales. It is an exciting time to be a web designer, with endless opportunities for innovation and creativity. Digital Computer Classes is one of the best Web Designing Course Institute which is well equipped with modern facilities and well trained staff to impart high quality education in this field.  You can visit for query.
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aroacesigma · 8 months
idk if its just my school but those posts about no one in this generation knowing how to use computers are kind of confusing to me . like yeah people are still idiots but hearing stories about not knowing how to use the file system are absolutely insane to me .
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sovenasark · 5 months
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We ended up playing a little with tessellations this semester.
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