#benevolent bedomens
aster-bluejay404 · 5 months
“Oh! Sorry if I surprised you… I’m Dantalion! It’s nice to meet you.”
Wowie its been a long time since I actually last posted any content. Hi everyone! Long time no see-! Apologies for my absence— life’s been quite umm… tough! And not going to lie I’ve been anxious about posting for quite a long time now 😅
Anyways!! Eeee I’ve been following along the bebo au since it started, and I quite say Dantalion and Matariel are a pair of sweethearts and hayhhghhnng i hold them dear to my heart!! I’ve been having a rough time with my mental health for the past few years with how it fluctuates— especially in the past few months. And hyhgngmwm I’d be lying if i said that creations like that of bebo au warm my heart and help me heal 🥹 especially when these too adorable dorks are working through their own things together as well. Its admirable to see and read, and i honestly wish the best for them 🥺
I actually finished animating this a few days ago while due to cramming schoolwork. This was a project we had to do for animation class where we had to voice act a character introduction and then create a lip sync animation from it. I was wondering who to voice and then animate and was feeling uninspired. But then, when I saw Clark’s pirate designs for Dantalion and Matariel??? 🥺✨✨ HYHHH THEY WERE SO PRETTY THAT I HAD TO DO EITHER ONE OF THEM!!! 😫
I thought my voice and mood during the time felt closer to Dantalion’s character, and so i did the voice for her <33 Its quite stiff and clunky due to how rushed it was— I’ve been having difficulty keeping up with my schoolworks for the past few months again, and it doesnt help that… well… i’m… not really in the best terms with anyone in my class anymore… But! I hope what I’ve done is alright! I did the best that I could considering the circumstances!!!
I’m considering posting some of my unposted art in the future— theres definitely quite a lot i haven’t shown yet. Ngl I’ve been hiding away from social media due to the anxiety that posting has given me… I feel like I’ve been gone and inactive for too long, you know? (If you get what i mean [insert moominvalley reference] hshwjwhw) And I’m no longer the same bright eyed hyperactive 14 year old as before. However, if I do have the energy, I’ll definitely be posting here and all the other platforms that I’m on!
So for those who’ve been here since the start and are still here, tysm!!! And stay tuned for any future projects i may share!!!
Anyways— enough of my rambling! Here’s the final product of my lip sync animation!!!
Character: Dantalion from Bebo Au by @playingeasyy
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