nordleuchten · 1 year
How did Adrienne’s death affect Lafayette?
Dear @mxtallmadge,
thank you for the question! La Fayette was greatly affected by Adrienne’s death. She was his partner after all and although Adrienne was not particularly old when she died, the two of them had been married for 34 years at that point. Together they had danced at balls in Versailles and languished in a wretched cell in Olmütz. They had endured separation due to war and travels as well as public scrutiny – they also have carefully raised their children as a family. Despite all his flaws as a husband, La Fayette loved Adrienne dearly and deeply and her death shattered him. I believe things were made worse because La Fayette believed himself (at least partially) guilty for Adrienne’s death. Adrienne became ill while voluntarily sharing his imprisonment at Olmütz. When she and her two daughters, Anastasie and Virginie, first joined La Fayette, he naturally was overjoyed to be reunited with his family, but he soon urged them to leave him alone and stay somewhere more comfortable. The women refused. When Adrienne became ill (and the prison doctor proofed to be rather useless) the director of the prison offered Adrienne to leave the prison and visit a doctor in the city – under the condition that if she were to leave, she may never return to the prison and thus to her husband. La Fayette practically begged Adrienne to go but she once again refused.
His wife’s death was an incredible hard blow for La Fayette, but in the more than 25 years that he survived Adrienne, he learned to deal with his grieve. Nevertheless, Adrienne was still a very prominent figure in the family’s life. Here is what La Fayette’s family physician and friend wrote:
He [La Fayette] always spoke with respect and tenderness of both his parents, whom he lost almost in his infancy. In his children he cherished the memory of their mother, (Mademoiselle de Noailles,) whom he had loved most tenderly, and whose name he never mentioned but with visible emotion. One day during his last illness, I surprised him kissing her portrait, which he always wore suspended to his neck in a small gold medallion. Around the portrait were the words “Je suis à vous”, and on the back was engraved this short and touching inscription, “Je vous fus donc une douce compagne: eh bien benissez moi.” I have since been informed that regularly every morning Lafayette ordered Bastien [his valet] to leave the room, in which he shut himself up and taking the portrait in both hands, looked at it earnestly, pressed it to his lips, and remained silently contemplating it for about a quarter of an hour. Nothing was more disagreeable to him than to be disturbed during this daily homage to the memory of his virtuous partner.
Jules Germain Cloquet, Recollections of the Private Life of General Lafayette, Baldwin and Cradock, London, 1835, p. 35.
The account continues:
The room which now serves for the Museum was formerly the entrance to the apartment of Madame Lafayette. After the death of his wife, Lafayette walled up the door of communication, and the apartment, such as it was at that period, has since remained closed. On certain stated days, however, the General repaired thither by a back door, either alone or in company with his children, to pay homage to the memory of Madame Lafayette, who was, in every respect worthy of the tender and respectful recollections of her whole family. On approaching the sanctuary, the visitor is seized with a feeling of pious respect (…)
Jules Germain Cloquet, Recollections of the Private Life of General Lafayette, Baldwin and Cradock, London, 1835, p. 211.
La Fayette also had bust of Adrienne in his private chambers.
La Fayette wrote in his reply to his friend Masclet’s letter of condolence:
I willingly admit that under great misfortunes I have felt myself superior to the situation in which my friends had the kindness to sympathize; but at present I have neither the power nor the wish to struggle against the calamity which has befallen me, or rather to surmount the deep affliction which I shall carry with me to the grave. It will be mingled with the sweetest recollections of the thirty-four years during which I was bound by the tenderest ties that perhaps ever existed, and with the thought of her last moments, in which she heaped upon me such proofs of her incomparable affection.
Jules Germain Cloquet, Recollections of the Private Life of General Lafayette, Baldwin and Cradock, London, 1835, p. 36.
Letters from this time in particular give us a deep insight into La Fayette’s inner life. During January of 1808, right after Adrienne’s death, La Fayette wrote a very long letter to his friend and the brother of his son-in-law (Anastasie’s husband), La Tour-Maubourg – probably one of the longest letters he ever wrote. There he detailed Adrienne’s last days and how she, how he, how the whole family felt and what they experienced. It is a truly touching and emotional letter that bears witness to an extraordinary relationship. I have posted a full transcript of the letter here, but since the letter is rather long, here are some particularly memorable lines:
I have not yet written to you, my dear friend, from the depth sees of misery in which I am plunged. You have already heard of the angelic end of that incomparable woman.
I feel I must again speak of it to you. My grieved heart loves to open itself to the most constant, the dearest confident of all its thoughts. As yet you have always found me stronger than circumstances, but now this event is stronger than me. Never shall I recover from it. During the thirty - four years of an union in which her tenderness, her goodness, the elevation of her mind, charmed, adorned, honoured my life, I felt myself so used to all that she was to me, that I could not distinguish it from my own existence. She was fourteen, and I was sixteen, when her heart amalgamated itself with everything that could interest me. I knew I loved her, I knew I needed her, but it is only now that I can distinguish what life which I had thought was to have been entirely devoted to worldly matters. The foreboding of her loss had never crossed my mind before, when, on leaving Chavaniac with George, I received a note from Mme de Tessé. I was struck to the heart. On arriving in Paris after a rapid journey, we found her very ill; there was a slight improvement the next day, which I attributed to the pleasure of seeing us; but soon afterwards her head was affected. (…)
She often begged of me to remain in the room because my presence calmed her. Sometimes, however, she would ask me to go and attend to my business, and when I answered that I had nothing else to do than to take care of her: “How good you are, she would exclaim with her feeble though pénétrante voice, you are too kind, you spoil me, I do not deserve all that; I am too happy.” (…)
On all these last evenings, when she thought I was going to leave her, she would ask me for my blessing. I spoke to her of the happiness of our union, of my tenderness; she took pleasure in hearing me repeat the assurance of my love. “Promise me, she said, to preserve that affection well believe that I promised. (…)
The next day, before she became quite speechless, Mme de Montagu and my daughters, fearing that my presence might prevent her from praying at her ease, asked me to leave them. My first impulse was to refuse their request, however tenderly and timidly made; I had a passionate de sire to occupy her thoughts exclusively. However, I repressed my feelings, and gave up my place to her sister. I was scarcely gone, when she called me back. So soon as I got nearer, she again took my hand in hers, saying: “Je suis toute à vous”. These were her last words.
Mme de Lasteyrie, Life of Madame de Lafayette, L. Techener, London, 1872, pp. 397-432.
Another thing that I would like to mention is the fact that La Fayette never remarried. When Adrienne died and even after a suitable mourning period was over, he was still young enough to remarry and there certainly was no shortage of women who would have been very happy to become the second Marquise de La Fayette. Yet, that never happened. La Fayette did not live like a monk after Adrienne’s death – he always had been a ladies’ man. While we can be quite certain that there were no further affairs, he liked to occasionally flirt with young women (and they liked to flirt with him.) His hands probably also wandered here and there. Things were different at La Grange though. La Grange had been brought into the marriage by Adrienne and she loved the chateau in the country. Here, La Fayette was much more reserved and not at all flirty. La Grange was still Adrienne’s place.
I hope the answer was useful and I hope you have/had a great day!
37 notes · View notes
christophe76460 · 2 years
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Verset du jour
- Mais je vous dis, à vous qui m'écoutez : Aimez vos ennemis, faites du bien à ce qui vous haïssent,
- Benissez ce qui vous maudissent, priez pour ceux qui vous maltraite.
Luc 6, verset 27, 28
Que Dieu te bénisse en cette journée 🙏
0 notes
decoro360 · 5 years
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DIY Meubles and Relooking : Bénissez la nourriture devant nous signe https://decoro360.com/diy/tutos-diy-meubles/diy-meubles-and-relooking-benissez-la-nourriture-devant-nous-signe/
0 notes
nordleuchten · 2 years
btw I dom't know if I'm misremembering these things so 1. I've read somewhere that lafayette died holding that necklace of Adrienne, but I can't find it anymore, is that true? and 2. I don't know if I read here or not, but did lafayette used to they stories to the girls in Olmütz? and in another notez do we have records on what they did in Olmütz to like, pass some time and stuff?
Thank you <3
Dear @msrandonstuff,
let us tackle your questions one by one, shall we? :-)
First, yes, that is true. La Fayette’s physician and family friend Jules Cloquet Germain for example wrote in his book:
One day during his last illness, I surprised him kissing her portrait, which he always wore suspended to his neck in a small gold medallion. Around the portrait were the words, “Je suis à vous” and on the back was engraved this short and touching inscription, “Je vous fus donc une douce compagne: eh bien! benissez moi.” I have since been informed that regularly every morning Lafayette ordered Bastien to leave the room, in which he shut himself up, and taking the portrait in both hands, looked at it earnestly pressed, it to his lips, and remained silently contemplating it for about a quarter of an hour. Nothing was more disagreeable to him than to be disturbed during this daily homage to the memory of his virtuous partner.
Jules Germain Cloquet, Recollections of the Private Life of General Lafayette, Baldwin and Cradock, London, 1835, p. 35.
Second, again, yes, La Fayette used to read to his daughters in the afternoons during their shared imprisonment. Virginie described their life in her book the following:
This explains how save in the beginning of the illness we found pleasure in our quiet life My sister supplied the place of outdoor workmen she even made shoes for my father But her principal occupation was to write under his dictation on the margins of a book My mother attended to my education and used to read with me but the margins of a book the tooth picks and the bit of Indian ink were things too precious for my use In the evening my father used to read aloud to us I still remember the pleasure of those moments.
Mme de Lasteyrie, Life of Madame de Lafayette, L. Techener, London, 1872, p. 359-360.
Virginie mentions that they were not allowed to celebrate mass but mass was celebrated in a little church right by the prison and I think they were able to hear at least a little bit of that. Letter writing was generally permitted but only a few letters, written under supervision, to a selected of people. Adrienne busied herself with writing her mother biography in the margin of a book, letter writing (as far as it was permitted) and lobbying for the prisoners, overseeing the education of her daughters and practicing her religion. Anastasie and Virginie were crafty, made and mended cloths, were educated, both of them practiced their religion and Anastasie “painted” with what little they had available. La Fayette was only allowed to see his wife and children for a few hours in the evening and probably did nothing “more” with them than reading and talking. He himself had otherwise no company and even less to do, especially since privileges like letter writing, books and the likes were continuously granted to him and then again taken away from him.
When you look into their time in Olmütz (and La Fayette’s time in prison before that), you can not help but admire their inner strength and resilience. This is also true for Georges, he might have not been imprisoned, but the situation was not necessarily easier for him!
I hope this helps and I hope you have/had a great day!
23 notes · View notes
christophe76460 · 2 years
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Verset du jour
- Mais moi, je vous dis : aimez vos ennemis, benissez ce qui vous maudissent, fait du bien à ceux qui vous haïssent, et priez pour ceux qui vous maltraitent et qui vous persécutent,
- Afin que vous soyez fils de votre père qui est dans les cieux ; car il fait lever son soleil sur les méchants et sur les bons, et il fait pleuvoir sur les justes et sur les injustes.
Mathieu 5, verset 44,45
Que Dieu te bénisse AMEN 🙏🌿🙏
0 notes
bonsensproduction · 3 years
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[ÉVÉNEMENT] 🔰Diffusions exceptionnelles de nos #CourtMetrage dans le cadre des nuits du cinéma de Castelroc ! Le château de castelroc associé à Savoir Est Un Devoir et BON SENS PRODUCTION vous accueille tout les vendredis soir du 02 juillet au 12 septembre pour vous proposer une soirée exceptionnelle, unique et hors du temps dans l'enceinte du château de la Roque. 🎥Au programme | ➡️La grande histoire de l'association de Castelroc ➡️Savoir est un devoir : L'histoire cathare du XII au XIIIe siècle présente par Yann Roques et la diffusion d'un épisode inédit de son émission ➡️Projections de deux courts-métrages de fictions réalisés par François Sers / "1170" et "BENISSEZ" pour plonger en image dans le Catharisme De 20h à 23h vivez une expérience cinématographique et sensorielle unique ! INFOS ET RÉSERVATIONS OBLIGATOIRES 🚩https://www.helloasso.com/associations/castelroc-en-arifades/evenements/chasse-au-tresor ⬇️Découvrez la bande-annonce de l'événement⬇️ https://youtu.be/c6Ol79YT9fo #castelroc #benissez #1170 #cinemapleinair #cinemaoccitan #cinema #catharisme #cathare #chateau (à Castelroc) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPoEsCKLTWk/?utm_medium=tumblr
0 notes
christophe76460 · 2 years
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Verset du jour
- Mais je vous dis, à vous qui m'écoutez : Aimez vos ennemis, faites du bien à ce qui vous haïssent,
- Benissez ce qui vous maudissent, priez pour ceux qui vous maltraite.
Luc 6, verset 27, 28
Que Dieu te bénisse en cette journée 🙏 AMEN
0 notes
christophe76460 · 2 years
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Verset du jour
- Mais moi, je vous dis : aimez vos ennemis, benissez ce qui vous maudissent, fait du bien à ceux qui vous haïssent, et priez pour ceux qui vous maltraitent et qui vous persécutent,
- Afin que vous soyez fils de votre père qui est dans les cieux ; car il fait lever son soleil sur les méchants et sur les bons, et il fait pleuvoir sur les justes et sur les injustes.
Mathieu 5, verset 44,45
Que Dieu te bénisse AMEN 🙏
0 notes
christophe76460 · 2 years
Tumblr media
Verset du jour
- Mais je vous dis, à vous qui m'écoutez : Aimez vos ennemis, faites du bien à ce qui vous haïssent,
- Benissez ce qui vous maudissent, priez pour ceux qui vous maltraite.
Luc 6, verset 27, 28
Que Dieu te bénisse en cette journée 🙏
0 notes
christophe76460 · 3 years
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Message de notre sœur surnommée chinoise.Verset du jour
- Mais moi, je vous dis : aimez vos ennemis, benissez ce qui vous maudissent, fait du bien à ceux qui vous haïssent, et priez pour ceux qui vous maltraitent et qui vous persécutent,
- Afin que vous soyez fils de votre père qui est dans les cieux ; car il fait lever son soleil sur les méchants et sur les bons, et il fait pleuvoir sur les justes et sur les injustes.
Mathieu 5, verset 44,45
Bon dimanche que Dieu te bénisse AMEN 🙏
0 notes
christophe76460 · 3 years
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🌸MATTHIEU 5 : 44 Mais moi, je vous dis: Aimez vos ennemis, benissez ceux qui vous maudissent, faites du bien à ceux qui vous haïssent, et priez pour ceux qui vous maltraitent et qui vous persécutent.🕊💙 https://www.instagram.com/p/CQos5pQnE8q/?utm_medium=tumblr
0 notes
christophe76460 · 3 years
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Le temps que tu donnes à la rancune te ronge ...
Le temps que tu donnes à la colère t'éloigne de Dieu...
Le temps que tu donnes aux calomnies te dénature...
Le temps que tu donnes à la haine te dévisage...
Donne ce temps à l'amour et à la grandeur , ainsi tu auras un nom. Jésus-Christ savait que Judas Iscariote allait le vendre et Pierre le renier , mais n'a rien empêché parceque cela devait arriver ,mais il s'est plutôt concentré sur sa mission. Laissez certaines tâches au temps et certaines situations au Saint-Esprit...
Benissez vos ennemis car leur tâche c'est de faire de vous des héros... Bon début de semaine à tous !
0 notes
christophe76460 · 4 years
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Le temps que tu donnes à la rancune te ronge ... Le temps que tu donnes à la colère t'éloigne de Dieu... Le temps que tu donnes aux calomnies te dénature... Le temps que tu donnes à la haine te dévisage... Donne ce temps à l'amour et à la grandeur , ainsi tu auras un nom. Jésus-Christ savait que Judas Iscariote allait le vendre et Pierre le renier , mais n'a rien empêché parceque cela devait arriver ,mais il s'est plutôt concentré sur sa mission. Laissez certaines tâches au temps et certaines situations au Saint-Esprit... Benissez vos ennemis car leur tâche c'est de faire de vous des héros... https://www.instagram.com/p/CEuGSvegX-s/?igshid=1g0y47az8cej
0 notes
christophe76460 · 4 years
Le temps que tu donnes à la rancune te ronge ...
Le temps que tu donnes à la colère t'éloigne de Dieu...
Le temps que tu donnes aux calomnies te dénature...
Le temps que tu donnes à la haine te dévisage...
Donne ce temps à l'amour et à la grandeur , ainsi tu auras un nom. Jésus-Christ savait que Judas Iscariote allait le vendre et Pierre le renier , mais n'a rien empêché parceque cela devait arriver ,mais il s'est plutôt concentré sur sa mission. Laissez certaines tâches au temps et certaines situations au Saint-Esprit...
Benissez vos ennemis car leur tâche c'est de faire de vous des héros... Bon début de semaine à tous !
0 notes
christophe76460 · 4 years
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1- N'ignorez pas la lecture quotidienne de la Parole de Dieu et la méditation, il a une grande puissance pour renouveler votre esprit contre les mauvaises pensées et les peurs.
2- N'excuse pas les prières secrètes quotidiennes, c'est le souffle de vie de la vie chrétienne. Si vous ne priez pas, vous devenez la proie du péché et de satan.
3- N'habitez pas dans le bavardage, combattez-les et restez discipliné dans les mots. Le bavardage engendre les faiblesses et le vide spirituels.
4- Entourez-vous de frères qui prient, de gens qui désirent plus Dieu. Cela vous donne l'appétit pour plus de Dieu.
5- Ne parlez pas le mal des autres, ni enviez la grâce de Dieu sur les autres. Louez-les et benissez-les, car quoi que vous semiez, vous récolterez.
6- Aimez tous, faites les œuvres de l'amour en payant le mal avec le bien. Par ceci tous les hommes sauront que vous êtes un vrai chrétien.
7- Évitez l'hypocrisie, ne vous présentez jamais aux autres dans le mensonge. Les hypocrites ne grandissent jamais en grâce, ils grandissent dans la culpabilité.
8- Mes frères bien-aimés, vous n'exercez jamais d'activités pour Dieu au-dessus de votre communion personnelle avec Dieu. Beaucoup travaillent pour Dieu mais ne marche pas avec Dieu. Cela finit par une grande déception.
9- Crie à Dieu chaque fois que tu arrêtes d'entendre Dieu. Car les brebis du Christ entendent sa voix.
10- Sauvez les périssables, car les gagnants d'âmes sont ceux qui mettent le sourire sur le visage du Christ. Gagne une âme à Jésus !
11- Ne te loue jamais, il y a des yeux invisibles qui observent tes motifs de faire les choses. Attention à ce que vous dites de vous, laissez les autres parler de vous.
0 notes
christophe76460 · 4 years
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Hier soir, j’écoutais Payoum Vie et Lumière
J’étais béni bien que je suis pas Vie et Lumière
J’aime Église universelle de Christ nous allons quand cela mes donner par mes obligations judiciaires aux églises La Maison du Père dans 60 oise où il y a mon aumônier de prison David Rouxel qui m’a baptisé et marié et où Le Seigneur m’a vraiment mis à cœur à moi et mon épouse Le Bon Samaritain où j’ai comme ami dans mes contacts un pasteur et ami en Christ et épouse de Ancien de cet église de Christ qui est la tête à Alfortville dans le 94 nous ne regardons pas a un peuple nous regardons au peuple de Dieu Aux Enfants de Dieu
J’aime Église de Christ où Christ unique est la tête
Le Seigneur me donne richement c’est dernière semaine
Benissez ne maudissez pas nous dit Le Seigneur surtout ne dites pas qui sera perdu ou gagné pour Christ vous aurez des supprise dans les cieux
Chercherai des personnes qui n’y sont pas
Et verrai des gens que vous ou bien d’autres ont avancé que Christ les avait rejetés
Nous sommes moi et mon foyer de Église Universel de Christ
Nous vous aimons Aimons Les Adorateurs en Paroles et en Vérité
Soyez bénis écouter Christ Soyez Éblouis Par Christ par Sa Lumière
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