pluttskutt · 6 months
what bloodlines are there in witches be witchin? wendy is one right? can only those from a bloodline use magic? what made them so special?
Had to bring out my notebook to answer this hjhjhjhj thank you for the ask luv <3
The bloodlines only concern humans, and yes, only they can use magic. However, with the lands having much magic themselves it's still possible for anyone to use that magic. The rules for this differ in all lands, but I won't dwell into that here!
There are four bloodlines:
Benkravlare (Bonecrawlers)
Eirassdotter/Eirasson (Eirasdaughter/Eirasson)
Vredsdotter (Wrath's daughter)
Benkravlare are often mistaken as necromansers because few understand what they are. This bloodline may skip generations until it shows. The child is born with deformities that parents often hide so their child won't be shunned. They have visions and grow antlers when they get older.
Children of Eira are shapeshifters. Think selkie, swan maiden, and the like. This bloodline is the most widespread one as it doesn't scare people*, doesn't differate between gender, and won't vanish even if generations down the line. Unlike other bloodlines, they are not all related to each other.
Vredsdotter is the line Wendy is a part of. This is the most powerful bloodline in the use of magic. This is the classic witch that brews potions and casts spells. Her "grandma" had six siblings, so the bloodline would have been big the young triplets killed their mother and hunted their sisters to gain their power.
They killed one sister (grandma), her husband, and meant to kill their children. Inga came right on time to save the two youngest and took them to their eldest sister in the swamp to be safe from the triplets.
Exactly how old Inga is, Wendy doesn't know but calls her aunt Inga. The bloodline makes them near immortal, but for fatal wounds.
Zonobia is the youngest bloodline, and the most ruthless. A man wanted to conquer the lands and grow his army. He slaughtered countless. It is believed he slaughtered those with magic of lesser known bloodlines, ending them.
Many gave up and handed him the magic users in hopes of sparing their village/town, but one woman stood up to him with her small army. They had no magic but wouldn't sacrifice their people.
Inspired by her courage, a Goddess blessed her. Named after this woman, the Zonobia bloodline is well known but still a mystery. Her bloodline only shows in women in need of it. As such, generations may be skipped and remain unaware of their magic.
To quote a song: "Stronger than one, stronger than ten, Stronger than a hundred men", the women of this bloodline are the strongest warriors known.
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