#berylcluster {paul}
impercre · 6 months
@berylcluster grows impatient {paul}
When he had been a boy, Feyd had traveled through Giedi Prime's remaining forests and he had come across a snake pit. They had all been tightly coiled together, writhing and nipping so much so that it had been impossible to tell where one serpent began and the other ended. Piter had made a comment that it looked to him like a convention of the Landsraad. The Landsraad or Arrakeen now.
Feyd Rautha's mind was also like that snakepit, he had been pacing in his cell ever since the duel. His mind a catalogue of everything he'd lost- brother, planet, name, Barony, princess and even his Uncle's blood. He hoped whatever the little Atreides bitch did was slow. When he had tried in his own clumsy attempt to kill the Old Baron he'd chosen Zenobia, when administered in the right amount the pain could last for hours even days.
He spun on the balls of his feet when he heard footsteps expecting to see a Fremen executioner. He scoffed more on instinct than anything but stood his ground. "Are you going to kill me, Atreides?" He asked spitting the name out like poison.
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chaoticrebels · 6 months
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✩༺♥༻✩ ━ ❝ Care to join me? #9: (NSFW) A one night stand ❞
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✪ 。゜ ⠀ ☆ 。゜ ⠀ ★ Answered » { Paul }
✦ —   * ⠀ / ⠀ 𝙁𝙄𝙇𝙀𝘿 𝙐𝙉𝘿𝙀𝙍 ⠀﹕⠀ ❪ @berylcluster ❫
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When Dimitri had snuck out of the palace, snuck into a bar under disguise. He had no intentions on doing anything so reckless, had grown out of that stage. But that was a lie, wasn't it? Because he was being a bit reckless by sneaking out when in less than thirteen hours he'd be meeting his betrothed, just to go to a bar where anyone could recognize him. Which he was sure the press would have a field day with that, especially with the fact he was flirting with some stranger like he wasn't engaged to be married.
But it was just harmless flirting that wasn't meant to go anywhere, the last time he could freely do so. Yet when the male asked if he care to to join him in a one night stand after a few drinks, he was caught off guard. So much he had to take a moment to process what the pretty boy was truly asking then his cheeks heated up as a shade of red settled upon them. ❝You want to hook up, huh? You don't even know who I am and you want to have an one night stand.❞ Dimitri voiced in amusement. ❝Hm, sure why not? Let's do it.❞ He could go out with a bang before his life changed forever, that would be fun. Or that could be the alcohol talking, either way he was down for a good time.
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voicestm · 5 months
@berylcluster hit the <3
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Hers is a charmed life. She has no illusions of this. Though she's been sheltered and kept protected from the dangers of the Known Universe, she had also been taught not to take the life she had been gifted for granted. A princess in a tall tower she might be, dumb and ignorant she was not. She was her people's future and it was an honor she took seriously.
She was able to afford the small creature comforts due to her station and though usually she would reframe from over indulgence, she hadn't truly been prepared for that first dry heat when she stepped onto the surface of that desert planet; Arrakis. How glad she was her family ship held silly things like a large bathhouse and a shimmering pool.
The planet was lovely in a way she wasn't used to. Different from her own home world. Some would call it dull and dab but she sees it through the lens of wonder and excitement. Who could say what adventure would seek her out, what secrets and long to be told stories could be found all around. Still. There was the matter of the heat, the moisture that seemed to leech from her very body. She knew she'd have to be careful when exploring for more than once a single reason. Her party pauses and she glances towards the focus of their gazes. The royal family had come to greet them. She studies the Duke and his wife, [she refused to think of Lady Jessica as anything but, it seemed disrespectful and she knew how she'd feel if someone thought less of her mother because her father was stubborn. ] both presented themselves as befitting their ranks yet they couldn't keep her eye for very long as Paul Atreides steps from behind them and seems to find her gaze in the crowd. As handsome as she's been told. His father's coloring and his mother's features. He's truly striking and suddenly she finds herself wondering if she painted such a picture. She was merely many shades of pale. From her hair to her dress and the jewelry she worn.. Both parties are moved indoors with some haste and she soon finds herself far too interested in the building around her and when she looks back to where her party should be.. She finds she's alone.. Except for the prince standing and watching her.
Her cheeks darken with color and she quickly finds her voice. "I'm sorry.. I must have.. Did I stray away or did I simply move too slowly?" She asks, trapping over her words, that flush spreading over the bridge of her nose.
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godstrayed · 5 months
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 It was preferable this way. It had been the fanatic leader of the Fremen who dethroned her father or the psychotic Harkonnen heir, at least she could understand Paul's motives and the same could not be said for Feyd-Rautha. From birth, she was always going to the future Emperor's wife —— it's a relatively easy role to slip into next to @berylcluster. The only reservation was he was not utilizing her, the same as her father before him; blinded by their own title and authority that no one saw her potential. Bene Gesserit-trained and very knowledgeable, she could be more of an asset than a trophy had he so desired it.
"I do not mean to disturb you." But curiosity is eating at her, worry for her own station, and the throne because if he lost it she was certain her life would be forfeit. It's enough to survive two emperors, she doubted the universe would be kind enough for a third. She steps closer, "You must be tired." ╱ continued.
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impercre · 6 months
@berylcluster will weep no more {paul}
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"And are you the Lisan al Gaib?" Kaleff asked skeptically looking this out-freyn over the question was direct and almost mocking because of it. He is no older than me, and my father was a good fighter. Even Stilgar trusted him to join him when they left the Sietch.
He didn't wear a green sash of mourning on his arm, his step-father would be mourned in his own way with his mother and little brother. He'd already decided against calling the outsider out when he'd first heard of Jamis' death when out spice-gathering with the other Fremen youths. There had been rumors even before the Atreides had come to Arrakis that the time of the prophecy was at hand and that this pale-skinned wali was the Voice from the Outer World. Killing him would bring trouble from the other young men, and if he had Stilgar's countenance that too would raise trouble. They were young still but he and Stilgar's son, Shishakli had already begun discussing exchanging water rings.
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chaoticrebels · 4 months
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chaoticrebels · 4 months
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He wasn't exactly sure when it happened. Or even when it started. All he knew for sure was that right here and now, he was falling hard and he could only pray that he was feeling the same way.
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chaoticrebels · 4 months
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✩༺♥༻✩ ━ ❝ 💋 ❞
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✪ 。゜ ⠀ ☆ 。゜ ⠀ ★ Answered » { Paul }
✦ —   * ⠀ / ⠀ 𝙁𝙄𝙇𝙀𝘿 𝙐𝙉𝘿𝙀𝙍 ⠀﹕⠀ ❪ @berylcluster ❫
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Wasn't it just remarkable how life worked out at times? How one minute you could be hooking up with a complete stranger then the next you could be married to him? It was almost hilarious, like something out of a movie. But it was real and one could only imagine his surprise when Dimitri finally met his betrothed, whom he kinda cheated on the night prior, and it turned out to be the stranger. And to know someone on such an intimate level then pretend you don't, oh how awkward that was. Even more so when one realize your fiancé knew your sins because in a way you intended to cheat on him, yet he knew Paul's because he intended the same thing so guess they were even there.
Which he couldn't wonder what that information would have down to the alliance their parents intended with this union if they knew their sins? But that was something he'd never know, the only thing he knew was that he needed to talk to his fiancé. However by unfortunate circumstances, they never truly did get a moment to themselves after that. With everything in chaotic wedding preparation mode and with how it seemed like he was being babysat so he didn't disappear again, they couldn't even get a moment to date and really get to know each other. And then the wedding happened and well it was quickly forgotten.
And then Dimitri just didn't care, not when he found himself caring so much for Paul. Had found himself falling in love with him, especially as he learned more and more about him each location they visited while travelling the world. And to think he was a bit hesitate at first to make traveling the world their honeymoon, after all it was the best decision ever and well the male did in a way give him his dream. So in return the male purchased a book from each location and gift it to the other as a thank you, which he just got doing from this location. It was while watching Paul's reaction that had put the desire to kiss his husband in his head, it would be the first kiss since the wedding but Dimitri couldn't resist. So without much hesitation, he closed the distance between them and cupped his love's face tenderly in his hands. Thumbs running up and down his cheeks as he searched the male's eyes. ❝I love you.❞ Dimitri whispered then he leaned in and brushed his lips against the Paul's delicately, almost like butterfly wings at first then it was soft and moist, hot and breathy. Wasn't trying to win a battle but seeking union, was seeking closeness in what seem to be one timeless and passionate moment.
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impercre · 5 months
a kiss on the throat. ( paul to otheym )
spots to kiss. | accepting
There was an awareness that came with the Tau brought on by the Spice Orgy, Otheym himself was aware of the sensations of his body. The feel of his spice fabric clothes against his skin especially now that Paul stood so close to him.
He almost didn't believe it but he sensed the other's arousal through the Tau even before the Atreides' Duke pinned him to the wall, kissing his neck. Otheym gripped his shirt the floodgates of what he'd come to feel for Lisan al-Gaib threatening to burst forth.
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impercre · 5 months
a kiss on where the back of the neck turns to shoulder. ( paul to otheym )
spots to kiss. | accepting
Outside their stilltent the wind from a sandstorm could be heard whistling all around them. But they were safe in here with food, water and each other's company until the storm passed again. When he felt Paul's lips at the base of his neck, Otheym shut his eyes his mouth parting open as he breathed outward. He leaned back against Paul.
"Is this how you wish to pass the time until the storm ends?" He asked softly.
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