#besides all of that uhhhh just more Timeskip stuff
spiderin-space · 5 months
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Lil doodles and things from the past few weeks or so
Also maybe sliiiiiiightly suggestive beneath the cut? Jic-
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the-fiction-witch · 7 years
The Deputy and The Inventor
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I wondered though La Belle as many Ladies wondered the streets most of them not paying any attention to me till I suddenly heard a few little screams and a huge clatter and I saw y/n with another contraption trying to go down the streets so I ran to her making her stop “what the Hell is that!” I ask her
“I call it the go-atron” she giggles hopping off this device
“what does it do?” I ask her
“it works like a train, it’s kinda like a train and a bike bad a baby” she explains
“does it work?” i ask her
“Mostly” she giggles “it cuts out sometimes, and it tends to drop red hot coals on the ground behind it, and it tends to overheat” she explained
“Y/n take it home, work on it and test it up in the hills not though town” I tell her
“Oh...your starting to sound like bill” she sighs “what happened to fun whitey” she giggles
“I don’t know, all I know if you cant ride that thing though town” I tell her so she sighs sticking her tongue out at me turning it back on and turning it around going back to her house 
“that girl’s gonna bring the whole town down someday” Sheriff McNue sighs
“well she tries to help” I shrug 
“your just saying that cause your sweet on her” he laughs
“I am Not!” I answer 
“Ohh Please whitey, you and the inventors daughter have been sweet on each other since you where kids” he laughs
“I just like hanging around with her, even when we where kids, she was like the only person around my age around here” I sigh and just as I finish there was a huge bang 
“Best go see what’s she done” he sighs so I grab my jacket rushing off to the hill to Y/n’s little house bangs and clatters coming from the back of the house so I go around and see her hitting and working with a huge machine 
“Y/n are you alright?” I ask her
“Ohh fine whitey, nothing to worry about just the generator playing up again” she explains as it blew again sending bits of metal everywhere and a small fire to start 
“It doesn't look alright” I laugh
“It’s fine it’s meant to be on fire” she smiles “thats how it works” she laughs putting all the little bits of metal back covering the thing completely “so..what did you want?” she asks
“not a lot sheriff went me up is all” I tell her
“ohh come on in then I’ll make you a cup of tea” she smiles rushing inside so I slowly followed her the house full to the brim with little inventions she or her father had worked on at some point she problem is she’s rather forgetful she’ll start something put it down and then completely forget what it even was so her house is a bit dangerous when her father was around he used to make sure she kept up with things and made sure she didn’t kill anyone or herself with these things but...she’s all alone now, her mother passed away giving birth to her little brother and her father died down in the mines her brother, I haven’t seen him in years he ran off to find work in the fields on some ranch out west, I guess I’m really all she has now, I’ve known y/n almost as long as I could remember she was only a few months younger then me her father used to drop her with me when they went down into the mines leaving us to sit outside playing together till they came back “Ohh be careful the pipe is hot” she says 
“which one?” I ask her
“Uhh most of them, I forget which one” she says as she pours tea so I carefully sat on a chair at the table and she sat across from me bringing the tea I took a sip at it tasted awful like hot wet mud so I quickly put it down leaning back on the chair “Oh no whitey don’t-” she begins as the chair fell backwards making me land on the floor “the back has a gear so it reclines, its broken though” she says
“its fine” I sigh in pain getting up and sitting again making sure to lean on the table when suddenly something across the room starting beeping very very loudly “WHAT IS THAT!” I ask her
“WHAT!” she yells
“WHAT!” I ask her just as it stopped “you really need to clean this place out go knows what you’ve got in here” I tell her
“look who’s bloody talking I’ve been to yours whitey i’m pretty sure you have a animal living in there” she laughs
“yeah me” I laugh “but seriously y/n do you even know half the stuff you have in here?” I ask her
“Not really-” she begins as the lights began to flicker “Oh not again” she sighed grabbing a broom and going outside “go On shoo, shoo you little theifs” she yells trying to shoo some raccoons away from her generator so I got up wondering around the house looking at all her little things the only clear space, from the door to the kitchen and table and from the kitchen and table to her bed everywhere else covered floor to ceiling in little inventions so I followed the cables on the floor two leading under her bed, what’s she hiding under there? I followed the cable with my hand it giving me a tiny shock 
“Oww” I complain before trying to follow the cable again
“Whitey what are you doing?” she asked 
“Ohh nothing” I laugh getting up “I should be uhh getting back” I tell her 
“Oh yes go on back to work then” she giggles so I give her a tight cuddly hug before going to the door “whitey?...where’s my kissy?” she giggles
“alright...” i laugh “come here” I sigh and she runs over jumping into my arms so I gave her lips one tiny sweet kiss and she happy kissed back she tried to kiss more but I pulled away “you said one you got one you greedy girl, now get off I got to get back to work, the sheriffs already starting to ask questions I can’t be to long” I tell her 
“fine” she sighs letting go so I gave her one more kiss before going back off into town...what? fine I’ll come clean, I am in love with her, we started dating only a few months ago but we agreed to keep it a secret from the rest of the town these ladies are already nosy in our business anyway dont need them knowing whats going on with us, well I say going on the most we do is kiss we haven't even done anything yet funny how I’ve known her so long and have seen her naked thousands of times over our lives, when our parents send us down for a bath by the river and I had to...Keep watch, well I watched that bit was right, not much of anything else, but we still haven't done anything 
I stood cooking up some dinner until there was a knock at the door “who is it?” I ask going over and looking though the spy hole 
“It’s me Y/n, let me in” whitey says clearly in pain so I opened the door and he looked rather hurt scratched in places and even bleeding
“find the animal in your house?” I ask and he nods “did you try to get rid off it?” I ask and he nods “did you lose?” I ask and he nods “do you need a bed for the night?” I ask 
he nods “my house belongs to the Bob cat now” he sighed
“come in” I laugh and he happily came in so I shut and locked the door “have you had dinner? or did the bob cat get your dinner too?” I laugh
“the he got it” he sighs so I giggle serving the now done dinner and giving him half 
“here, you can stay tonight, I’ll take the cat trap I made over tomorrow morning” I laugh eating some dinner “I’ll fix you up after dinner” i tell him tapping his hand and he smiled at me taking me hand tightly once we had finished up dinner I bandaged his little ingures up and giving him some pain killers and went sitting on my bed in my little nightie reading my book whitey slipped off his shirts sitting beside me in the bed and cuddling me closely “why are you so cuddly?” I laugh
“I dont know, maybe its you being beautiful, maybe its the pain killers” he laughs
“it’s the pain killers whitey” I laugh
“Ummm I love you” he smiles
“no you don’t its just the pain killers whitey, there making you all giggly” I laugh “what’s in theres anyway?” I ask grabbing the bottle “Cocaine, Heroin, sativa, Eww water plants” I read “you’ll be fine it will wear off in a hour” I tell him 
“Your very sexy when your being smart” he giggles 
“Oh am I?” I laugh “you’ve not told me that before” I laugh
“snuggle” he giggles holding me closer to him 
“aww you get so cuddly when your on these things, I might keep you on them” I laugh
“Ummm snuggly y/n” he smirks pulling me closer and I felt it 
“WHOA! Whitey!” I yell moving away from him
“what? what did I do?”he asked
“your-” I begin looking down
“Ohh...can I blame that on the pain killers?” he asked
“No” I laugh
“fuck!” he sighs “well...I uh...I don’t know what do to now” he sighs
“relax whitey, i get it your a guy hormones and stuff I get it” I giggle
“Okay....Y/n can I ask you something?” he asks
“course whitey” I smile
“what are the hidden inventions under your bed?” he smirked
“there arnt any under my bed” I giggle 
“really?” he smirked ducking under my bed “Whoa! what the hell are these?” he smirked
“nothing” I giggle
“come on tell me” he laughs 
“there sex toys” I explain
“you made a sex toy? does it work?” he asks
“yes” I giggle 
“but why did you make two?” he asks
“well” I giggle putting my book down and sitting on his lap shuffling down him so I sat over his thighs getting one of them and smirking at him undoing his pants
“Y/n, I’m not sure about this” he says a little scared
“it’s okay whitey, if you dont want to-” I begin
“No no it’s not that, I want to believe me, its just I know what your inventions are like for....going wrong” he explains 
“Hey!” i complain “trust me I use these everyday, they work” I giggle
“everyday?” he smirks “you dirty girl” he smirks as I give him a little kiss pulling his pants down far enough for his cock to jump free hitting him in the stomach I sat shocked for a moment surprised by his size
“Umm whitey, so thats what you’ve been hiding all these years” I giggle UN plugging the decided and setting it up on him he looked both excited and scared “Relax it’s not like it’s going to cut your dick off” I laugh
“It might” he laughs as I plug it in again and turn it on “Uhhhh FUCK ME! I take it back! I take it back this is so good” he moans his head hitting the pillow his hands gripping my bed sheet tightly his eyes rolling back in pleasure until his hand moved to turn it off “fuck...it feels so good, I’m sorry I doubted you” he smirks
“its fine whitey, you can keep using it if you want too” I giggle
“I will, but...where’s your’s?” he smirks so I grab the other one and hand it to him laying in the other side of the bed “Okay your gonna have to explain this to me” he asks
“its easy whitey, first pull that bit up” I tell him and he does “Now...just keep going forward till i tell you stop” I giggle and he looks very scared slowly doing as Ive asked him “Uhhh Whitey!” I Moan 
“should I stop?” he asks
“No keep going” I giggle “okay stop” I giggle “then put that down and clip the clips on the sides to the bed sheet” I explain and he does that so I pull him closer giving him a sweet kiss as we kiss his hand moved to the little switch on mine turning it on “UHHH WHITEY!” I moan
“Holy shit! it actually fucks you...” he says in suprise
“what did you think it would do?” I laugh
“i dont know” he laughs turning it off again making me groan in annoyance “how about...I’m in charge of your little machine, and you get mine” he smirks so I giggle moving my hand to his and 
“three, two one” we both giggle both of us turning them on at the same time 
“UHHH Y/N!” he screams
“Uhhh Whitey!” I scream
“Ummm Baby baby please stop it...its too good!”he moans and I just giggle shaking my head 
“Your just not used to it” I giggle betwen my breaths “have you not been giving him much attention whitey” i giggle
“Not lately” he smirks “haven’t had too...just imagine you is normally enough” he smirks
“me doing what?” I giggle
“pretty much this actually Y/n” he maons so I giggle moving his hand still ridgit on my machine moving his hand alittle down “OHhh theres another speed” he smirks quickly turning it on high
“Ummm Y/n I’m close baby” He moans
“ohh are you” I giggle turning his up to high too
“UHHHHH Y/N Y/N Y/N UHH Y/N MY DARLING UHHH!” I screams as he came so I quickly turned it off taking it off him letting him pump himself trying to elongate his climax it made me giggle seeing my lose control like that only one world could decribe how he looks right now...Orgasmic, “come on baby why wont you cum” he smirks kissing me 
“I’m close whitey” I groan 
“Lets just see how close you are?” he smirks turning off my toy and pushing his fingers inside me and that was it I came squirting a little on my bed roughly pulling him to kiss me as I orgasmed till I began to fall from my high and he removed his fingers “you where close” he smirked laying beside me both of us sweaty and exhausted “you need to like pattern them y/n, make a lot of money out of them” he smirks 
“Maybe” I giggle putting the toys away and laying my head on his chest cuddling him closely “but for now, we can keep it our little secret” I giggle “our little play things” I smirk
“no need, you are my little play thing my darling” he smirks holding me close to him “when did you make them anyway?” he laughs
“well I made mine a year ago, been using it ever since, I started work on yours when we started dating only finished it yesterday” I laugh
“you hadn't even tested it yet! and you just put it on me like you knew it would work! I could have lost my dick y/n” he yells
“did you?” I giggle
“No” he sighs
“see so stop complaining” I laugh “you liked it didn't you?” I giggle
“Of course I did, can’t wait to really have you doing that to me” he smirks
“one day whitey, if your good” I giggle giving him a kiss “Night night” I smile snuggling on his chest
“Night” he smiles giving my head a kiss 
y/n had been asleep for a while now, she was so peaceful laid on me i was kinda half asleep awake enough to think but asleep enough to not move till I heard gun shots from down in town so I carefully moved y/n’s arm from around me and her head off my chest laying my pillow there instead and she happily snuggled there like nothing had changed so I quickly got my pants on properly as more gun shots fired only putting one shirt on I dont have time for two grabbing my guns giving y/n a little kiss before rushing out down into the town as many men rode around firing and trying to grab ladies “where the hell have you been whitey?” the sheriff asked as he tried to fire missing completely 
“Long story” I tell him trying to shoot too not doing to well they where too fast I moved to stand in the road trying to shoot but I ran out of bullets “Ohh fuck” I sigh but suddenly y/n stood beside me in her nightie with a huge gun she had clearly messed with it firing like five shells a second taking them down and the others run off “what the hell is that?” I ask her
“super gun, takes shells direly from this wired set, if your holding the trigger it keeps firing” she explains 
“I love you” I laugh pulling her by her waist to kiss me she happily kissed back
“i love you too” she giggles before the gun began firing again making us pull away after a few little ties she made it shot “sorry” she said to everyone who she just gave a heart attack too in town
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wolfy-do-art-stuff · 4 years
World 1 Four Deceptions
      Hey guys here's a backstory of one of my fusions. there a roceit fusion so I hope you guys have a god read of this story
        On a normal day, all four sides were chillin at home doing whatever they were doing relaxing, de-stressing, and doing work like normal people occasionally seeing dee there mostly for food or the occasional stay at the living room...all seemed normal so far was it? Well it was mostly....until Roman felt a sting on his neck.
       He at first felt his neck to find the pain and sure enough there was some blood coming out. Unfortunately no one was there to see the odd situation since there was no way something could surprisingly bite them so he quickly ran to the bathroom to check on the severity of the bite. Once he tilted his neck to see the bite it was kinda large but it would be the size a small reptile would bite and he immediately thought of deceits snakes. maybe one of them got out-oh god where is it!?!?- he panicked about to open the door until he felt a strong sting in his head, he fell on the floor clutching his head from the pain until he started to black out. Roman woke back up but he wasn't in the bathroom no no, he was in a blank space what was this he asked himself. Suddenly he heard a hiss coming from behind. He turned to look and saw a small red snake with glowing yellow eyes staring at him. Roman obviously was sooooo confused and he stepped back going to a defensive stance while the snake kept coming closer and closer until it was inches away from him and started slither its way to his face. Romans body froze as it slithered up on his body what is this fiend doing-WHY AM I NOT MOVING?!? He asked himself. Suddenly all went black. He eventually woke up but something was different...something felt different. He raised himself up but he felt a hat on his head.."this is odd" he though too himself looking up to the mirror seeing something unbelievable through his eyes. His body was somewhat the same but he had an extra arm on his right side and a third eye on his forehead. Along with his pointed ears and overly long cloak and new attire he honestly thought deceit put a disguised him as he slept but no that wasn't true. He looked at himself further in the mirror touching his cheeks and eyelids while feeling his extra arms proving it was just a fake...but it wasn't..this was what he actually looked like now. Shocked by the realization he stepped back from the mirror getting his thoughts together before knock knock someone was about to open the door. Immediately, he locked the door before any sound out of both of them would come out " Ey!! Whatssss going on??" The other guy replied oh god it's snake face- he thought to himself "n-Nothing- j-just washing my hands that's all fiend!" He replied back. Deceit grunted "Ugh-fine! But make it quick! You are the only one that's gotta go huh princy!" He walked back to..wherever he was, relieved he stayed in the bathroom for a little while longer before cautiously opening the door and running to his room.
       To Roman he needed to find out what hell happened to him but the others just saw him sprinting with an oddly long black cape.       They all didn't know what happened but this cycle would happen again to them as well.. TIMESKIP        It was now noon-ish dark and everyone was now hanging out having a movie night cuddles in blankets and pillows..except for one princely fellow. He on the other hand was in his room looking at himself in the mirror but it wasn't panic he was feeling..it was confusion. He didn't know what he was or why he looked like that, he simply didn't know how to comprehend this form given by a snake from....who's snake was it?? He didn't remember it at this point so he opened his door for a snack which he was a bit hungry after hours of standing around in his room he supposed. He went to the kitchen rather dim per say and opened the fridge, the other sides didn't hear him opening it except for Virgil whom was nearest to the kitchen sitting next to the council on the floor browsing stuff on his phone then click he turned to the sound and was able to see a shadowy figure looking through the fridge, finally getting out a bowl of salad out and walked to..romans room?? At a glance the figure looked completely different so what did Virgie do?? Well he simply got up and followed the figure at a certain distance telling the others he was gonna check something real quick before slowly walking to romans room. Knock knock "Roman??" He told quite suspiciously but no response "Roman I swear to god if your not gonna answer me I'm gonna go in you princely piece of royalty!!" Virgil asked again still nothing but the chews of the figure eating his salad.
       "ROM-an...." Virgil yelled as he pushed the door only to see the three armed fusion sitting in romans room. the confused fusion now with a piece of lettuce hanging out of his mouth was now staring at Virgil who was also confused didn't remember who entered romans room so abruptly, "...Ro-Roman... what happened to you..?" Virgil asked. Roman... that name seemed familiar to the fusion "Umm...I don't know??" he answered back not knowing why Virgil was concerned. "Wh-nno something HAS happened to you roman. come on-", Virgil grabbed the fusions hand and dragged him out of romans room hoping anyone could help. the fusion not knowing why he was being dragged by an emo was now led to the living room where everyone clustered at. "oh there you are Vir- uhhhh......", Logan turned and trailed in shock like all the other sides did as they turned to the two figures standing beside one another.
       "Virgil..... what's happened with rom-"
       "I DONT KNOW PATTON... he just... APPEARED like this when I tried to find him.."
       Virgil spoke as the fusion was standing awkwardly while its cape covered all its upper and lower body features looking down as the presence of everyone made him feel out of place from the others which he truly was in the features everyone can see.
       " Patton, Virgil, let us all come down and simply ask 'Roman' what has happened to him."as Logan stood up and walked towards the fusion " Alright...Roman.. how about you tell us what has happened to you then.." as Logan gestured him to an empty gap of the couch where Logan previously sat. The fusion nodded as he walked solemnly to the empty space to tell his truth.
       It has been several minutes since he started his story now finishing his simple story fidgeting his cape.
       "Alright Roman I do have a question if I may ask."
       The fusion nodded
       " Ever since you have went back conscious in the bathroom do you remember anything?" Logan asked "I have noticed ever since you have been surrounded in the living room with us. you seem to be hesitant like you have never known us" he then added
       The fusion was hesitant to respond until he was able to say something "I-I only remember when I've been bit by the strange creature and...perhaps a bit more of my memories prior. but other than no I can't remember anything.. sir."
       "Wait.. Roman.." Patton walked closer to the fusion "Do you..... not remember us?" he said with a sad tone
       The fusion turning to Patton "Umm yes..unfortunately.. I'm sorry"
       Pattons eyes widened as he heard the unfortunate reply holding his hand with both of his hands easily seeing the pain in his body within his eyes. the others surprised by the news as well were now looking towards the floor holding there arms in guilt of not being with roman sooner, especially deceit.
       "If.. I've just didn't went with your reply roman... I could've seen this sooner." deceit told bitterly knowing what he could've if he had just kept asking him to open the door.
       "Wait." Logan said stealing the deep presence in the room "there is something that I want to ask for more clarity." the fusion turned to Logan " What was the strange creature that made you this way?" curiously
       "Oh well.. it was a snake sir what else." the fusion simply said making deceit turn away from the fusion about to move away from the situation
       "DECEIT!!" Patton ran to deceit grabbing his shoulder violently " YOU DID THIS DIDN'T YOU!!!" patton then yelled tears trickling down on his cheek " YOU PLANNED THIS ALL OUT DECEIT! YOU DID THIS TO HURT ALL OF US!!" Patton then said more making deceit feel a slight bit guilty about what happened.
       "Patton I did do this I mean this." he tried to lower Patton's stature to no avail only putting his hands on Pattons shoulder " If I did do this I wouldn't be with you all together in the first place! Hell if I did why would I let my disgraceful snakes out on the loose! MY SNAKES ARE NOTHING BUT SCALY CREATURES!!" deceit then replied back stressed as all the others if not more from the accusation.
       Virgil went over to the two and tried to calm them down while Logan remained with the fusion " My apologies roman for.. the interruptions." Logan muttered to the fusion though deceits last line caught him off guard.
       The fusion only gave a small nod before staring back at the two sides arguing loudly about who had hurt roman...which he really wasn't hurt he just...felt like someone other than the roman that he could think of based on the arguments and small implications he could theorize who he used to be."
       Could he still be roman?? Is he just not remembering the moments when he was Roman?? The fusion didn't know so he walked away to romans room so he could have fresh air from the dense presence from the three sides while Logan followed him
       "Is there something wrong roman?" Logan questioned leaning on the doorframe
       The fusion looked up "..(sighs) its nothing...I...I just don't think I'm really roman anymore..." it was hard to get the words out of the fusions mouth because of his mini identity crisis of who he is now.
       "Well then. From the memories you were able to remember, I assume that this has made you have amnesia Roman." sits next to him on the bed "I presume that you want to figure this out yourself correct."
       "Well ya I do indeed. If they can't help me become the roman they know without any yells and arguments I much rather just..... finding this out myself... you are the only one that's listening to me right now.." the fusion told feeling pent up with stress and just wants this commotion to stop
       "Well Roman. Not all things are figured out without arguments. It will happen in the future but perhaps..it will help you figure out if you are back to the roman everyone knows or.. an entirely different person we never knew. but we all will not know until we find out correct?" the fusion could only nod while Logan gave a grin which made the fusion feel at ease.
       The fusion was now finding out who he was at this point already getting used to his extra right arm and third eye existing while the sides comforted him like any normal person but today I think he found out who he was now.
       He was his own person. He had to tell them.
       The fusion asked everyone to gather to the living room and the sides did, Logan and pat were sitting next to the fusion on the couch while Virgil and dee sat on the floor. the fusion took a deep breath to relax himself for the announcement.
       "After these couple of weeks... I still can't remember most of my past as roman nor do I think I'm still the roman you know so... I wanted to let you all know that I'm my own person." he fiddled with his cape as he took a glimpse from his peripheral seeing a small amount of shock mostly from Patton while the other were still looking at him listening to what he else he had to say. " I..I'm sorry if this is sad news for you all.." a silence came afterwards everyone processing this information as the fusion leaned back into the sofa feeling the dense air making him anxious.
       "...well." Patton said breaking the dense feeling, "If you want to be your own person... I guess that's ok. right kiddos??" feeling a bit empathetic as he said it. deceit and Virgil nod.
       "I can guess that we all agree on your decision roman-oh I guess your name is not roman anymore correct?" Logan then interjected
       “Oh ya you don't have a name now that you're not roman anymore." Virgil commented
       "OH YES YES!! have you found a name for yourself kiddo???" Patton was pretty excited to hear if the fusion did, while dee just sat there giving the fusion a sympathetic happy look in his eyes giving out a small smirk.
       "oh ya I have." the fusion replied with a slight happy tone in his voice "I think i'll call myself.... Calesto."
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