#besides i didnt *steal* the battery
ayyyyy the battery i *accidentally* stole from school still spicy when i lick it <333
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bbyhjuns · 5 years
Serene Nights;Seungyoun
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Genre: all fluff
Summary: Nights symbolise the end of a day, wrapping up your day's worth of happenings, be it good or bad. They also symbolise a start to new beginning, as the sun sets into the darkness, then into the bright mornings again. Nights are beautiful enough, but how much more beautiful can they get when you're spending them with your love one?
Request: hello i want to request a fluffy scenario with bf!seungyoun 💞
A/N: my first ever scenario here so i wanted to make it a little special! and listen im soft for seungyoun he makes me all akskkhsjs hehe i hope this scenario would make you this way too 🥺 okay this didnt come out as well as i wanted it to be but i do hope you enjoy reading! ♡
Word Count: 1,627
Nights have always been your favourite; the thought of being all wrapped up cosy in bed, listening to the ambiance of the bustling city and having all the time to yourself made you feel at ease.
Books, your laptop and music playing in the background always accompanied you during such hours, as your mind slipped into another world you wished you could never leave.
These were the little things that made your heart full.
You watched from behind the glass panes as the rain continued to pour down heavily, showing no signs of stopping anytime soon. Puffing your cheeks up in defeat, you let out another sigh before staring at the dim laptop screen sitting in front of you.
Low battery
"I'm sorry ma'am we're closing soon" the young man in an apron said to you in a soft tone, politely smiling at you. You panicked a little as you realised you were the only one still left in the cafe at this hour, then proceeded to apologise and packed your things.
Yet once you opened the door, you had no where to go. Stucked under the mini canvas shelter that barely even covered you, the strong wind and raindrops soaked you completely.
Today just wasn't your night huh.
Or so, you thought.
Just before you were about to make a dash for the bus stop, a man, probably around your age, wrapped a jacket around your shoulders, arms holding out an umbrella, "You look like you need this"
His eyes formed tiny crescents as he smiled, his hair was unsheveled and messy, probably drenched from the rain too. Shocked by his sudden actions, you fumbled a little as your arms were too full to reach out for his umbrella, as well as trying not to let his jacket slip from your shoulders.
Noticing your struggles, you noticed him smile a little wider as he slightly leaned towards you, "I can walk with you- that is if you don't mind, of course".
Feeling touched by his sweet actions, you couldn't bear to reject him. So there you were, sharing an umbrella with a total stranger in the middle of the night.
But it wasn't so bad though. You had learnt a little about him; how he was staying near your neighbourhood, and how he often visited the cafe as well too.
A little part of you wanted to know more about him...
As soon as you saw the familiar building in sight, a part of you dreaded wanting to step in, although ironically thirty minutes back, you were praying you could get home as soon as possible. You let out a small sigh, before smiling at Seungyoun. He returned the same smile, eyes lighting up, "I guess i'll see you soon?"
For some reason, the thought of meeting him again made your cheek rosy.
"Uh yes of course!"
With that, both of you parted your ways, as you watched his back slowly fading away in the far distance, tugging both his arms to himself to keep himself warm.
Who would have thought such a night would be so important to the both of you?
[ 9:52pm ]
"Wait what, so you're saying you all just left him there? That's so mean!" you exclaimed loudly as you stared at your laptop screen, mouth agape. Staring back at you was Seungyoun in his all time favourite grey hoodie, his hands working on his phone intensely - must be gaming.
He looked up from his phone for a second to observe your face, before letting out a small laugh after seeing your expression. "We joke along like that very often, i'm sure he's fine with it. Who knows, it might have been a successful date?"
You scoffed at his words, before shaking your head, before continuing to work on the essay that you've bene attempting to type for an hour now.
"Wow you look cute"
Seungyoun's sudden comment shook you out from your concentration as you felt the all familiar heat rush to your cheeks again, before observing how he was smiling at you on the screen, trying to imitate you and your pouting lips - a habit you have when you're concentrating.
Trying to stay calm, you simply gave him a bright smile, "Yes i know, thank you" before typing your essay once again. You heard his small giggle but you couldn't help but steal a glimpse at him.
3 months of knowing each other and every single night has been so wonderful with him. You love how he'd always be up for video calls whenever and always; how he'd even make a trip down over to your place to deliver you your favourite late night snacks.
You couldn't help but develop a big fat crush on him.
Though you didn't make it obvious, it always bothered you a little about how Seungyoun felt about you; did he feel the same way too? He'd always been caring and affectionate, calling you names and complimenting you, sometimes even making flirty jokes. Though his actions seemed to suggest he felt the same way, a tiny bit of you was still afraid.
"Oh yeah i remember you have classes early tomorrow morning right? You should go to sleep soon" his voice, once again, broke your thoughts as you gave a small hum in response, "I'm not tired though, and i have yet to complete this essay so..."
You noticed him pout a little, before putting his phone down, "Hmm but don't stay up too late though. Alright i won't distract you anymore, go complete that essay!"
After a few more goodbyes, you ended the call as you felt the heat on your cheek become worse after hearing his "Good night love you".
If only he knew what his actions were doing to you.
Lost in the sea of words on your laptop, your phone vibrated and as soon as you opened it, you were met with a selfie from him.
"reminder to sleep early! hope you're done by now, go to sleep >:("
It was the small actions like these that made you fall for him even deeper. His messages never failed to make your night so much better.
As soon as you typed the last sentence, you closed your laptop shut as you picked up your phone again, "im going to now!! you're nagging so much"
"that's because i love and care for you 😚"
God, Seungyoun; as if your heart that night could take any more of its own pounding.
[ 12:03am ]
The soft music played from the table top as you bobbed your head slightly to the beat. Your eyes were glued to your book as you hummed a little to the tune as well, enjoying the cool air.
You felt the bed sink in beside you before a pair of arms snaked around your waist. Looking down, you saw Seungyoun pouting with puppy like eyes: ones that made you weak. He threw a leg over yours, pulling up close to you before snuggling his head into your side.
Your hand couldnt help but ruffle through his hair, feeling its soft strands playing around your fingers, then moving onto his soft cheeks that made you want to kiss him even more.
"Why are you so clingy today" you let out a small laugh, eyes still scheming over the words on your book.
Pulling you even closer, "You've been reading this book since one hour ago, your boyfriend here is feeling neglected"
You couldn't help but let out another laugh, your hand now holding his, "You're jealous over a book??"
"Yes i am" he replied, before snatching the book out from your hand to place it onto the table top.
Shaking your head at his moves, you finally gave in to him as you laid down beside him, wrapping your arms around him as well, then burying your face into his broad shoulders. You felt him let out a comforting breath of relief, his leg still hooked around you.
Late night cuddles was always your favourite.
Seungyoun slightly pulled away before looking into your eyes, then to your nose and mouth as he admired every inch of your face. Inside his mind, he couldn't believe he fell in love with such a beautiful person like you.
Like him, you stared deeply into his brown orbs as all you could see was the reflection of yourself and his endless love for you. You noticed how the sides of his lips were slightly lifted up, how his eyes stared endearingly into yours.
Just like you always did, both of you leaned in to give each other a small peck on the lips, before staring lovingly at each other again, arms still wrapped tightly.
Moments like these were the moments that made your nights so much more comforting than they already were.
Nights have always been your favourite; the thought of being all wrapped up cosy in bed, listening to the ambiance of bustling city and having all the time to yourself made you feel at ease.
But ever since Seungyoun entered your life, nights have become even better. The thought of you being wrapped around his arms, the sound of his voice beside your ears like a soft lullaby, having small tickle fights that always ended up in cuddling sessions all made you feel a sense of serenity and peace.
Nights with him will never be same; it was always filled with so much surprise, love, affection and fun. Every second him was precious, how his soft touches sent chills to your body, to his small and little text messages that could keep you in high spirits all night.
Perhaps, is this what others call love?
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moss-sprouted · 2 years
tw dont read if you cant handle graphic descriptions of violence and abuse
i refer to abusive people in my life with just their pronouns and i cant do names and i dont wanna see them or talk about them and since my uncle has made me his punching bag for his mental health issues after reassuring me he's on my side and then turning around and threatening to bash my head in and making a gesture to come towards me while hitting a while when all that had happened was i got woke up by his mother when she came into my room while i was sleeping, and then when i attempted to go to the bathroom thats half connected to my bedroom at 9 am he was randomly in there and i let out a sound of frustration and wasnt able to close my door properly and it frustrated me more but that justifies him telling me he called the cops on me(he didnt) threatening to have me removed from this house even though he doesnt live here and calling me a dumb stupid bitch who's head he wants to smash in while his mother defends him and screams at me and somehow im supposed to handle that at 9 in the morning with very little sleep and not have horrible panic attacks which i did and Now i am not even allowed to be triggered by the thought of him and im supposed to forget about it because he's apparently going to apologize cause my grandma thinks well of course he would when he has never apologized once for anything he's ever done besides cry and hug me without my consent like when he screamed and yelled at me during my birthday when all my other family wasnt in town and my grandma had went into the hospital and i was scared and he was telling me the whole time that im a coward for not calling the hospital to check on her and that if she dies she dies and then doing the cry non consensual hug thing and then not even a day later trying to steal the battery to brand new fucking bike and i told him to get out of my room and i said i was uncomfortable about it but he got mad i yelled at him for sneaking into my room in the morning and then is telling my grandma in the next room loudly he's gonna smash the birthday present he gave me like he never apologized for any of that, has continued a pattern of abuse and using me as a punching bag and finally he's threatening actual physical violence for something so mundane that im supposed to just get over it and not be fucking terrified and traumatized by him? he was telling me a month ago he'd help me get my life together and help me get out of this house and do everything he can and then he's randomly threatening to bash my fucking head in and im supposed to not treat him like the other two people who have actively traumatized me?? like this keeps me up at night since it happened and i cant sleep peacefully and im having random panic attacks and feeling fearful in my own house cause he doesnt fucking even live here and comes over without any warning and uses the bathroom that is literally Connected to my bedroom instead of using the one connected to his "beloved" mothers and he eats my fucking food and hes always using our washer and dryer and im already constantly terrified he's going to start a fight with me over anything and scream at me but now i have to worry maybe he'll become physically violent?? its not like he hasnt before though it was usually me being a pissy teenager who would push him for screaming in my grandma's face but like fucking wanting to pee and not be woken up is aparently cause to have my face BASHED IN
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filmery · 7 years
Stream of Consciousness
from Iron Man
fav marvel opener- flipping comic book pages -never read any whoops
no one is wearing black- back in black
sexist- driver woman
rdj is =iron man
peace sign kid holds- he dies so thats why tony does peace sign
"older guy cant work camera" clishe
uggggh shaky camera
why was he with the troops/ not in helicopter?
zoom into bomb fast- GREAT fast comedic moment just before sadness
he shud not have been conscious after explosion that close
al quaeda to soon
so hes steve jobs- made a frikin computer in his garage
ewww rbj with no beard- bad cgi :( cant u just shave and get over urself?
yes weapons are the key to peace hahahahahahAHAHAHAHAHAHAHhahaha
rip terrence howard as rhody
"too cool for award" cliche
"bald guy is bad" cliche
"hes always working" uhhh besides a few montages.... no he really just parties
only talks to cute girls....... uggggh
military funding? ha more like military debt ahahahahah 20 trillion is iron mans fault
jarvis is wing man after one night stand???? idve thought hed think tony was cheating lol
"girl wakes up with just guys shirt" cliche
"guy wakes up and leaves before girl wakes up" cliche
cat fight ha+2 points
literal and figurative island haha
so tony aint smart, he just uses jarvis
he obvi doesnt know how t4he faa works
i was gonna get REAL mad if tony didnt buy a painting cuz it was "too expensive" but we good
tonys a dick
yet pepper finds him attractive
yaaaas rhody calling him a baby cuz he FING IS
im pretty sure laser shows in airplanes are illegal
"im not drinking them gets drunk" cliche
in my opinion from what ive collected, you cant be feared AND respected. fear takes over and you do things based on fear, not fromrespect - also how will blowing up people help them respect you? unless youre talking about getting respect from those u protect and those u kill cuz thats completely differeent then
"i respectfully disagree" or do you "fearfully disagree"
starts out as all techno talk, then turns into baby talk wtf
that shock wave conviently stopped right after it hit them
montage of painful surgeyr cliche
ewww that pipe in his nose as groooooooss
"dont do that but dontexplain" cliche
the dude cant understand english how did he know that tony refused????
why tf wouldnt u test it ANYWHERE BUT THE MIDDLE EAST?????
why cant they just wait and order the missile
"theyll never find u" cliche
why is his friend here?
how does he know how to build it? tbh he probs just had jarvis do it back home
how does the gov not know hes selling weapons to terrorists? we cant be that corrupt can we?
so hes building his ring thing but they DONT FING NOTICE THATS THERES NO MISSILES AT AlL??????
and they didnt question them the entire time
lemme peek but not go in and investigate
"i have steady hands" and then he crashes his car and LOOK! Doctro strange!
when a speech starts with a history lesson, u know its been rehearsed u poser
honestly... hot coal in mouth- worst way to die fml
props to marvel for not telling how fast theyre moving so i cant bust them for not being able to get it done
why the circle around the chest thing
wouldt one of their rules to be able to see u at all times
ctrl i is italicize hahahaha
why did the lights shut off but no the clearly hookedup laptop?
i enjoy the rock music as background music- not ur stereotypical ( yet awesome) hans zimmer score
yaaaaaas bitches run
gun shootsthen rebounds onto him- pretty sure thats not how physics work
if anyone should die, its tony tbh that whiny bithc
-2 for killing an actual good guy
how does not one of those bullets penetrate his suit?
----not enough use of the word penetreate
k no theyd keep shooting
tony: everythings on fire and im dying
ouchie that giant fall
how does he know hose helis are good?
+2 for cheeseburger yas
-2 for burger king ew
doesnt sheild deal with aliens not terrorists?
newsreels? hes not THAT old
k hes obvi doing the best thing here and now everyone gets pissed for him TRYING TO SAVE PEOPLES LIVES EHY IS THAT BAD?????? HE ALREADY HAS a shit otn of money LET HIM BE
fuck u and ur segway obidiah
the other thing..... dont put ur name on it
jokes on u! it was alqueade
+100 for mad money reference!!!!!
...so pepper didnt know about it so whyd he blame her for .3 seconds?
pepper is useless omg PUT YOUR HANDS IN HIS CHEST
why did he say dont take out the magnet but all of a sudden u dont need it?
i wonder if they actually built robots for tonys btterfingers
rhodeys we need pilots speech was just proven again by the aircraft landing in the hudson
so non military= humanitarian now? and if so why that bad?
honestly surprised that jarvis isnt some hot lady voice
k raza with sunglasses= morpheus
why is the mask the most vital part for raza?
tony crashing into wall is why u should ALWAYS WEAR A HELMET KIDS
obadiah is NOT playing the piano
+2 for not trusting obidiah
daaaamn if thats 1% whats 100% capacity
and he still doesnt wear a helmet
k his eye holes are so small how can he actually see?
run before walking leads to lots of problems later in life tony
at leaast he checked atc
goddammkit u made smol child drop ice cream
beginners luck
rip that baby grand he probs didnt know how to play
+2 for that fire extinguisher
+50 for Pepper being a cutie with that gift
how does tony not have his liscence revoked? hes a shit driver and can hire a chaffeur
so just fire pepper and marry her
pepper is totally right and tony should seperate who actually matter to him
how is a lot of olives 3?
im not my company- THEN TAKE UR NAME OFF HOE
no, modern day hell s walking those 15 miles and watching a car and heli and camera lady who are fine and can get there in 20 minutes
i sincerely hope that these footages were planned and not real
is this the news or a documentary?
just realized he never gave pepper her drink lol
yeah, let the kids watch their dad get shot thats fine omg
after that hit, he looks like a lion
why did he say colonel rhodes form weapons development? that name isnt that common
there was 0 time for radio contact omg
the only thing i could think during this scene was SERPENTINE SERPENTINE SERPENTINE
k now im getting a lil tired of the electric guitar
finally obi has been outted geez
im feeling some west side story WITH snaps
why is raza telling obi what he ALREADY KNOWS CUZ THEYVE BEEN IN CONTACT
how has no one noticed that obi just GOES TO THE MIDDLE EAST LIKE ALL THE TIME
this scene between pepper and tony is THE MOTHER of cliched lines
he tried to push his hair back hahahaHAHAHAHAHhaha
not scraps obi.... he had his own stuff
im just imagining obi hidig under toys couch haha
that dick took his shirt!!!
yaas beethoven reference
props to makeup people for his paralysis on point!
sorry but paralysis seems to me like U CANT FING MOVE TONY
i thought the old reactor needed a magnet
goddman all these chains
-2 awful jump scare
yes middle age mom- honk at the GIANT FING ROBOT
nooo not the hydrogen powered bus!
gooood iron freezes before stainless tell
daaamn obi is a real bad shot
and radiation now floods the malibu land area and thosands are illed thanks to tonys reactor
sk glad hes corrected the mediait aint iron
coleson never briefed tham
that was longer than 90 seconds
great ending 10/10
affter credit scene: 10/10 avengers yay
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creativitytoexplore · 3 years
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[HM] Melody and her lifelong journey to purge her memory of her dad's bad photo etiquette https://ift.tt/3uOsLSP
A/n: I wrote this in a blur at like midnight for r/writingpromts but accidentially misunderstood the rules so I am moving over here. I enjoyed this idea more than I thought. I write comics and occassionally will come up with what I think of as just random "fleshing out" information for things like setting, characters, events etc (think less "The sky is blue" and more "Im the only one who know Mr. Perfect-Manly-Man collects antique dolls") to not spoil the fun if anyone reads ill put what my idea that prompted this was.
Also sorry for any mistakes, I'm on mobile, and as I said this was written late at night, not to mention with 5% battery (dont judge me I didnt want to disturb my cat)
"No I can't"
"Why though babe? All my mom wants is a few copies of your baby photos... She hired some artist to do a weird mash of us as babies to see what ours might look like"
Melody, god bless her for putting up with this at 7 in the morning, didnt want to show her damn husband a single one of those cursed pictures. They were her greatest kept secret, and even though she knew her husband would never judge her, she also knew shed have to be hearing about it for the next 5 years at least.
Looking back at her husband though he had a 'please help my mother is scary' look all over his face. Maybe thats why she first started to really notice him, his mom was just as out there as her dad. Not that anyone knew that...
Fuck, she was going to have to show him wasnt she? Shed burned the thing at least 8 times in her teen years but her father just kept pulling copies out of thin air. She had even destroyed 3 flashdrives, 3 !! She give up a lung to know where he kept all of the copies. For now though shed have to settle for sacrificing her beautiful beautiful sleep to dig around the garage she kept some of her dads things in. She knew him well enough to know there was no way he hadnt snuck a copy of one of those photo albums somewhere in there.
It only took her 12 minutes. She should know shes been counting every minute since her dick of a darling husband woke her up. He didnt know it yet but thats how many cookies shed steal from his secret stash later that day.
Her husband had left for a bit and was no returning as she flipped to the pages that always had baby photos. He had a coffee in his hand and a her (totally not overly expensive and excessivly difficult to find) italian pickled grapes in the other. Hmm, maybe he can keep the cookies since he aparently bought me more after I finished those last ones.
She sighed and slipped a few of the photos of the sleeve while dipping the grape into her coffee with a confidence that screamed 'judge me and im going to give a shot at popping your testicles'. As she passed them to her husband she prepared herself.
"Is that your dad with a poster of a shirtless Jacob and Edward in the back?" He flipped to the next photo amused, clearly thinking that was all. "Wait, hes got the photo again? Weird prank." Her husband clearly didnt understand. She simple moved the photo album so he could see the pictures of her when she was a toddler. Her husband looked perplexed. "Why is it in all of these photos?" She flipped to a random page. Oh look... yay. her prom photos.
This time her husband didnt say anything and just looked at her clearly scared he was going to pick the wrong choice in words.
"At least he didnt get to the wedding photos?" He smiled trying to re-assure his wife trying to quickly pull the topic away from the photo of her with her dad and 2 large twilight new moon cardboard cutouts.
"Think again," she said flipping to the page he loved to look at occassionally. "On the wall, to the right, behind the boucay"
Well shit, theres no unseeing that.
He calls his mom, not even saying hello.
"How well can this artist of yours use photoshop?"
A/N: My idea was for a single dad, whose is exceptionally normal to have one, very unexplained, habit of holding/putting a poster or a reference to said poster into EVERY single family photo he has ever taken. It originally came from me just imagining a family taking a group photo (back when you could pay and get them taken at like a target) It was just the idea of a spirit broken teen daughter sitting beside her dad holding up a Japanese funeral style poster of someone clearly very unrelated to them, and then never acknowledging it. I usually don't post about these ideas so I can use them in my professional work but I cant see myself using this anytime soon.
Feel free to add this trait with ur spin to a character of yours if you fancy, but nothing professionally published please. If you do pls tell me, i wanna know how others
submitted by /u/jadedick [link] [comments]
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