#actually no its too spicy and google is scaring me
ayyyyy the battery i *accidentally* stole from school still spicy when i lick it <333
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When was spewart diagnosed with cvs and ptsd?
When did hariet get her epilepsy and menstrual problems diagnosis?
And toppers oab/asthma?
Rango doesn't seem to have anything so uh...good job!
Spewart: "Good question... I got diagnosed with PTSD very recently by my therapist. It's not just from one event, but rather a collection of different traumatic things I've experienced in my life that continues to grow. Dr. Twila is not actually 100% sure I have it, though... "Fairly certain, but not absolute." I don't take meds for it, minus my antidepressants... And I've been to the psyche ward a couple of times throughout my life... Um... As for my CVS... That's more of a self-diagnosis that I got a doctor to agree with. I didn't puke that much when I was younger... Only on car rides n' stuff. But I'd say about four years ago, I started getting sick all the time. Once a week, I'd get out of school for a vomiting episode. If I ate something slightly too greasy, spicy, or with a little too much dairy, I'd vomit everything back up. And sometimes, I throw up, just, because. Not much is known about CVS, so there's not much I can do minus take a bunch of Pepto Bismol before I eat. Which, rarely does anything... All of us have TONS of medical issues, varying in severity. I assume you just picked the two we're most known for...? Well, thank you, Anon! We don't get to really talk about our issues often." :3
Hariet: "I don't remember it, but when I was in, maybe, the fourth grade... I sat down to watch a new TV show that had come out. Not sure what it was, but it had flashing lights and crazy sounds and things like that... Well, one of my brothers found me, on the floor, twitching, pupils dilated, frothing at the mouth, unresponsive... I got taken to the hospital, my family was informed that I had had a seizure, and later got diagnosed with epilepsy the same week, when I had another seizure, attempting to watch the show again. As for my menstrual stuff... For those who don't know, I got my first period when I was seven, which is... Not normal! And I get LOTS of pain, LOTS of blood, and it lasts for a LONG time. Still not normal!! I got a uterine scan in the seventh grade... I'm not sure exactly what was found, but I have some kind of deformity in my uterus that's causing abnormal periods. And also, I CAN get impregnated, but it's unlikely the fetus will survive... I am... Scared to try birth control, and I have hope that maybe this issue will go away on its own eventually, so I just have to DEAL WITH IT."
Topper: "I think I got diagnosed with asthma in the beginning of middle school... There's multiple potential causes for it—Living in foster homes with smokers, getting choked in fights a lot, allergies, air pollution, moldy rooms, simple genetics, etcetera. There was cause for concern when I suddenly started struggling to breathe and almost passed out in gym class one day. Been needing an inhaler on me at all times since. Okay, and I've always had OAB, ever since I was a baby but never got it officially diagnosed until VERY recently. As a kid, most of my foster parents assumed that my accidents were from me being irresponsible, not listening to my body, and intentionally holding until the last minute. It couldn't possibly be not my fault! And the ones that did know something was wrong with me never took me to the doctor; They gave me diapers and called it a day. Thankfully, my issues are WAY less bad than they used to be. But one day, I got curious, Googled my symptoms, took them to a doctor, and sure enough! I officially got an OverActive Bladder! Yay me?"
Rango: :D
Yeah, unless you count Rango's ADD and lack of arm, he has not much going on compared to his siblings. But, of course, there is that "mystery illness" he's dealing with~... I also headcanon that Rango had a shitty immune system & got sick a lot as a child to make up for his lack of serious problems.
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onmyoji-posting · 10 months
Mmm, can you do a headcanon of susanoo and u? (Yes you Xp) it doesn’t matter what kind of headcanon. Just good hopefully I just wanna know what y’all do. I thought it was a fun ask idk 😂 ♥️ mucho love
This is a very interesting request anon but i really love this and lots of love to you too!!
This is gonna be very silly and nonsensical lol
Its very strange for Susanoo to not be in Heian-kyo and instead on an unknown place. Also why is it so incredibly hot too? What are those things on the road?
He's absolutely confused and has no idea what's going on around him. So he tries his very best to ask for help but he is actually on the middle of the road, and is almost run over by an suv who stops inches before hitting him.
So the driver (me) is quite obviously freaking the fuck out because driving isn't their favorite activity and they almost commit vehicular manslaughter.
They're screaming and Susanoo can't understand a thing and aa he tries to communicate with them they realize they can't understand him either.
Chaos ensues and the unfortunate person goes back to their car to get their phone and Susanoo follows them and somehow got in their car and looks like a confused and scared puppy. Its heartbreaking so they're like yeah I'm taking this dude home until i figure out what's going on.
Before heading home they assume that the guy must be hungry so they stop at a McDonald's and just buy him some nuggets and a sprite and when he took the first sip Susanoo almost freaked out, why was this spicy. Though he found the nuggets to be quite tasty and despite the language barrier he assumed that they were just trying to make sure he's okay
In the parking lot of the McDonald's they decided to communicate via google translate and despite it causing a few misunderstandings, Susanoo was able to know where he was and what year it was. Susanoo was surprised to end up somewhere across the globe.
The nice person also offered to drive him across the coast so he could enjoy the scenery and buy him any snacks and trinkets he wanted.
After a long day of this weird adventure, Susanoo fell asleep on the way back to the person's home and mysteriously returned to Heian-kyo. When he woke up he assumed it was just a strange dream but he still hoped to see that place again in the future.
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
haikyuu!! buzzfeed unsolved AU
[edit: check out the link at the bottom of the post for more buzzfeed unsolved au content :)]
hinata and kageyama:
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90% of the show is them yelling and nobody watches it with earphones on
both of them believe in ghosts but that doesn't mean they want to see one
hinata will literally go to the bathroom five times before going to the spooky house and kageyama gets mad at him for it but there is Fear in his eyes
producer: 'were you scared?'
kageyama: 'pfft, no'
cameraman: *points camera down to show that kageyama's legs are shaking*
they also bring a shit ton of food with them when they stay the night at a place and they'll deadass be eating while talking about the history of the place
‘this house *crunch crunch* was built in *crunch crunch* 1972'
the producers tell them to stop bringing snacks but fans of the show love it
sometimes they'll shoot a mini mukbang video
SPICY, BARBECUE POTATO FRIES | Mukbang at the Waverly Hills Asylum'
hinata: *looking up how to do a seance on wikihow* it says we gotta offer some food for the spirit
kageyama: *spills the doritos he was eating on the table
*after 20 minutes*
kageyama: fuck this
hinata: *starts eating the doritos*
producer: ...
the ghosts: ..................the, audacity
tsukishima and yamaguchi
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pretty much a ryan and shane duo right here
yamaguchi: we'll be visiting this place as part of our ongoing investigation on the question, are ghosts real?
tsukishima: *shakes head*
yamaguchi just wants to see the look of fear in tsukishima’s eyes at least once
yamaguchi: *hears a random thump sound* fUCk tSuKkI a gHoSt!!!
tsukishima: *sees a chair being tossed across the room* huh, the wind is pretty strong today
he likes to stick his head into attics to scare yamaguchi
yamaguchi always carries a water gun full of holy water
yamaguchi: i have holy water with me and i'm not afraid to use it! but i'm also sorry you had to die such a horrible death i hope you find peace soon
tsukishima: *walks into a basement that is supposedly a portal to hell* fuckin’ take me already
so many 'yamaguchi being an angel and tsukishima being a demon for 10 mins' video compilations 
daichi and sugawara
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a very chaotic buzzfeed unsolved duo
suga, who is satan’s child himself, and daichi, who needs a raise
daichi: hello everyone! this is daichi,
sugawara: and suga
daichi: and you’re watching...
sugawara: jackass!!
daichi:...buzz...buzzfeed unsolved??
daichi started out being afraid of almost every place he had to walk into but after having to deal with the chaotic mess that is suga for an entire season, he no longer Feels Fear
this is because suga will deadass film a tiktok dance video no matter where he is
daichi: suga, someone was literally axe-murdered there
suga: *dancing along to ‘I’m a Savage’ or whatever that tiktok song is called*
daichi: *at cameraman* do you see what i have to deal with every day?’
suga is only genuinely scared by ghosts when his followers point out that a ghost was caught on camera in one of his tiktok videos
suga: *watching the video*
that was the end of suga’s tiktok career
tanaka and nishinoya:
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another bunch of loud bois but they are much louder than kageyama and hinata
they’re very much into proving the existence of cryptids and are most known for that episode they spent hunting bigfoot by dressing up to look like bigfoot
tanaka: ‘you know that thing they do in cartoons where they stack on top of each other under a coat so they look like just one big guy?’
nishinoya: ‘ryuu i love you so fucking much’
other guy there who is also trying to catch bigfoot: oMg ItS bIgFooT *takes picture with the blurriest camera he could find*
both of them are very committed in their investigation of the supernatural and they’re very unconventional approaches
nishinoya: *lying on the ground in a creepy basement* EAT MY HEART DEMONS! WE’LL PUT THE VIDEO ON YOUTUBE!
tanaka: *takes out a spirit board* *spells out O-M-A-E  W-A  M-O  S-H-I-N-D-E-I-R-U*
ghost: *spells out N-A-N-I*
tanaka and nishinoya: *screaming*
kuroo and kenma: 
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kuroo deadass flirts with any ghost or demon they encounter and kenma would sleep over in a haunted asylum for ten bucks
kuroo: *sidles up to the infamous annabelle doll* hey there little lady, what’s a pretty thing like you doing in a locked, glass case with a ‘don’t touch’ sign like this?
kenma: kuroo, there’s a demon inside her
kuroo: well, i’m a bit of a demon myself
kenma: she attempted to choke a guy in his sleep
kuroo: oooh, choking. i can get behind that...
kenma: *looks at camera*
the demon in annabelle: d-daddy??
“kuroo flirting with demons and kenma looking at the camera for 5 minutes”
kuroo’s actually a huge fucking scaredy cat and kenma secretly tries to push him over the edge
kenma: *plays computer-generated screams of the damned on his phone*
kenma: ...I didn’t hear anything *looks at the camera as if he was on the office and plays the sound again*
kuroo: i was too scared to close my eyes last night
kenma: i was actually able to catch a bunch of pokemon last night. who knew the winchester mansion is such a hotspot
producer: did you catch any evidence of ghosts?
kenma: ...i caught a gastly
bokuto and akaashi:
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bokuto is a die-hard mothman fan and akaashi is emotionally involved in proving that ghosts exist he will stop at nothing
akaashi: all of the evidence on the shadow figures and orbs spotted in this place can only suggest one thing...
bokuto: mothman did it
akaashi: no
bokuto: yes
akaashi: mothman is literally five states away
bokuto: he has wings
during their individual investigations, akaashi has already foreseen how bokuto is going to react
producer: it’s been quiet for a while. do you think bokuto’s no longer scared?
akaashi: oh no. he should be screaming right about now...
bokuto, inside the haunted house: *screams and waves his flashlight around*
akaashi:  and then he’s gonna call for help
*few hours later*
bokuto: i saw my life flash before my eyes in there
akaashi: *muttering incoherently near his ‘evidence wall’ full of blurry pictures and red string*
bokuto: i must’ve stared into the abyss at one point
akaashi: this place is fucking haunted. can i go back? it’s for sale right?
ushijima and tendou:
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ushijima’s knowledge of ghosts is based on hollywood movies and tendou has exorcised places just by vibing
ushijima: *brings out a pottery wheel* if there are any ghosts in here, you know what to do
he’s actually never watched Ghost he just knows That One Scene
tendou: *naruto-running through the goatman bridge with a go-pro strapped to his head* IT’S MY BRIDGE GOATMAN, IT’S MY BRIDGE!!!
the Goatman Himself: i’ve never felt so fucking scared in my entire fucking life
ushijima believes that chanting in latin will Summon the Ghosts and tendou takes full advantage of that
tendou: *handing ushijima a slip of paper* here, apparently this will summon a full-bodied apparition
ushijima: thanks *begins chanting*
producer, interviewing tendou to the side: okay, what did you make him read this time?
tendou: i typed out ‘let me eat your ass’ in latin on google translate and went from there
cameraman: *zooms in on ushijima chanting*
the ghost haunting the castle: *is confused in French*
in the end neither of them get evidence on ghosts
ushijima: well, we'll have better luck next time
tendou: maybe even revisit this place ?
the ghosts: i know i'm dead but this is the first time i've been scared for my life
[EDIT: for more buzzfeed unsolved au content written by me, check out The Search for the Mysterious Mothman, a headcanon set feat. bokuaka]
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unohanadaydreams · 3 years
I would kill for some awkward sex headcanons with your faves. Who has trouble getting it up? Who applies the condom on wrong? Who yells out the wrong name in the heat of things? Also, who cums in your eye and y’all have to come knocking on 4th division, blinded as you are by the wet ass money shot 👁👁
I can not express how much I fucking love this ask. Here are your unfortunately spicy takes below. @tater-tati come get your juice. please don’t get it in your eye. <3
Features: smut. not the fun kind but the funny kind. sometimes the sad kind.
Who has trouble getting it up?
1. As Nodt. Not only is he scared of death, but of ‘the little death’. He fucks like its the last thing he’s gonna do and will probably not have the courage to go all the way anyhow. RIP to anyone who wants to get nutted in. Your man gets soft the moment you ask him to cum.
2. Mayuri Kurotsuchi. It is truly painful how much this man wants to be above sex. He takes anti-depressants just to flaccid and Logical when you won’t leave him in peace. He’d be first place, but he refuses to permanently fuck with his huge wrinkly brain (tm).
3. Jushiro Ukitake. Poor guy just gets really worn out some days and either can’t start or fizzles out before he can finish. Just reassure him it’s fine and allow him to finish through with his fingers and mouth so he can salvage his dignity and it should be alright.
4. Ulquiorra Cifer. It’s not something with a firm explanation or cause. Sometimes he just can’t keep in the moment or the bodily feelings he has will just...leave. There’s really no tell or situation that keeps these bouts of numbness from happening, so sex can be a real roll of the dice. He’ll shrug it off and continue on without his third leg (wing?) though.
5. Ryuken Ishida. He’s become very adept at shoving the majority of bad thoughts and feelings down with keeping his mind on work. Unfortunately, this means sex can be a struggle when visualizing how busy he is gets in the way of visualizing you on top of him. Isn’t usually a problem since sexual escapades with him don’t usually involve his dick. (Kink master works around emotional and bodily problems: more at 5.)
Who applies the condom on wrong?
1. Byakuya Kuchiki. He isn’t ignorant about sex per se, just the particulars of casual sex, since he was groomed to be a squeaky clean figurehead. And you can’t really produce an heir while using a condom, can you? He doesn’t even know to where begin. He takes the unopened condom with absolute confidence despite his ignorance and pointedly does not look at you when you fix his handy work, which is so heinous you have to use another one. (He fucking bunched the extra latex at the base for some reason, leaving the head of dick no breathing room and it ripped.)
2. Keigo Asano. He’s just extremely nervous and keeps putting it on too quick, catching it with his nails, and ripping it each time. He makes a joke about how his cock is just ‘sort of a monster hahaha’, but he is getting sweatier and more desperate and oh no, oh no, he is getting soft.
3. Gin Ichimaru. Absolutely is on purpose. He knows how to put on a condom thanks to being forcibly detained by Unohana and given a menacing demonstration on a banana after pressuring a 4th division woman to fuck raw. Purely scumbag tactics.
4. Riruka Dokugamine. What, like she’s supposed to know? What’s she supposed to do? Watch porn or something? Disgusting. Learn how to do it yourself. She screams into her pillow later because she absolutely googled how to put on a condom and just fucked it up.
5. Like, every Arrancar. Szayelaporro is the only exception. Ulquiorra commits to learning after the first fumble. Grimmjow doubles down and insists its fucking dumb in the first place. Luppi refuses to wear one unless it’s an appealing color and probably flavored.  Nnoitra hates it on principle--its like you’re trying to oppress his dick or something?? Harribel says--with a completely straight face--that the pull out method will be fine.
Who yells out the wrong name in the heat of things?
1. Momo Hinamori. She apologizes the moment she realizes and is fucking horrified. Really, she has no feelings for [redacted] anymore. She doesn’t know what happened. If she could, she’d go into witness protection.
2. Shunsui Kyoraku. Especially if you’re not romancing something heavy and are a one night stand. He tries to laugh it off, rubbing the back of neck and shrugging like it’s a ‘what can you do?’ moment. If you are romantically involved he will get drunk and depressed about it later on--just another reason he doesn’t deserve you.
3. Shuhei Hisagi. He might be thinking about the Seireitei Bulletin or about that party later tonight that you were both invited to and blurt out a name. Like, ‘holy shit titstitstitstits also the captain invited me to drinks later holy FUCK wow that feels soooo good -chan you fucking goddess fuckfuck oh right Captain--’, kind of train of thought. He boards the apology train and makes all the stops--flowers, heartfelt words, physical affection, an alright song cover with his guitar.
4. Uryu Ishida. In his defense, you were roleplaying and he simply called out your character’s name. This will happen a lot. It’s pretty hot, actually.
5. Isshin Kurosaki. It doesn’t happen a lot but sometimes he calls out his first wife’s name and it’s just something you have to live with. Just sad and unfunny and horrifying.
Who sends you to the 4th division via indecent blinding?
1. Renji Abarai. King of awkward good intentions, he leads your blind ass to the 4th division and waits by your side like a puppy waiting for punishment. He just gets really excited and forgot aiming was important. You insist it wasn’t as bad as the time he shot his load up your nose, though.
2. Akon. In his defense, you were playing with VR headsets and he shot his load in good faith while getting an imaginary face full of 3D anime waifu titties. He can’t imagine taking this to his captain and rushes you to the 4th division before anyone in the 12th can spot him.
3. Nanao Ise. She holds a lot of stress, so when she lets go, the result is usually a ridiculous amount of squirting. She leads you down deserted streets and disappears when anyone shows up, leaving you standing while blinded for like minutes at a time. She would rather die than have her peers find out and leaves you at the 4th division the moment they’ve written you down for intake.
4. Rangiku Matsumoto. She really likes to ride your face and it is simply not her fault that you aid and abet her. Of course if you’re going to play slip’n’slide so often, something is bound to go wrong. She leads you down to the 4th and if she sees someone she knows she’ll call out like ‘haha, guess what?’. It is the second time this month.
5. Shukuro Tsukishima + Gin Ichimaru. They didn’t do it on accident. Gin probably did it out of boredom, just to see you squirm and try to make your way to the 4th with him assisting....barely. Shukuro does it because you tried to tease him about his cooking or something and this is revenge. Have fun finding your way to the 4th by your own power.
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I’m asking you because your great and Google failed me so, do you have any RID15 Scowl relationship headcannons? Sfw and maybe a little Nsfw. My Smashy boy doesn’t get enough love.
I actually do have some! It was long ago though, and I don't remember what I tagged it as, but it’s okay, I’ll give you some headcanons here!
Scowl is. So stupid. God he’s so stupid. He doesnt know anything, and he doesnt get shit. But God he is a pretty boy. You arent gonna have a meaningful conversation with him, but at least he’s some eye candy.
Having that, he’s very fun to be around. He’s not scared of anything, and he’s down for whatever you wanna do!
He prefers stuff that’s outside, and requires some muscle. He can stay inside and watch a movie, but he WILL keep bouncing his leg and tapping his fingers during. Not his fault, boy just likes to move!
Speaking of, he loves action movies. He likes explosions, but he prefers stuff smashed.
You guys could be married for YEARS. He’ll still call you ‘bro’.
He’s easy to cook for! He’ll eat anything you give him, especially if you put it some kind of meat. You have actually had to give him his meds wrapped in ham before. His favorite food is definitely chicken wings. He could eat SO many of those, don’t even test him. Wingstops fear him.
He’s also REALLY good at handling spicy food! He loves to feel the burn in his muscles, and his mouth. Thinks its making his mouth buff.
Don’t expect him to cook. Unless its a grilled cheese or something you can toss in the microwave, it’s not happening.
He’s STRONG. Like, dreamy strong. You once told him you lost something under the car, dude deadass lifted it a bit to let you peek under.
Despite his spikes, hes a HUGE hugger. His hurt, but he means it.
He loves getting some drinks with the boys, and beating the shit out of his boys.
Listen. He’s dirty. He’s ‘I haven't showered in a week and I smell’ dirty. But I’m telling you, just febreeze the guy, and he’s total fuck me material. The whole ‘messy’ look is his thing, and he kinda works it.
He’s surprisingly, such a bottom. He’ll top if you let him, and he’s kind of a dick about it, but the second you bark at him to ‘sit’, he’s on the floor.
He WILL sit there, and he WILL ride a toy if you ask him to. His body can handle anything draining, so he can take a toy up the puss like you have NO idea. He makes real sloppy faces during, and in a way its hot.
He’s MESSY. Valve will stain your floor, and his spike gives SO much fluids everytime.
High protein diet makes him quite the stamina boy. He WILL ask you if he can go again, and sometimes he’s just too much. Stick a vibrator in him over night, and by morning he’s FINALLY finished.
He’s into the open relationship thing, so long as only HE calls you babe. He once caught you getting absolutely PLOWED by some other dude, and he just walked in, drank some milk from the carton, and he was like ‘dude, great dick’.
He’s not exactly a whore, he just isnt fussy. You want him to suck this dude off? Sure. You wanna ride him? aight. Just TELL him to do it, and he’s on it like a good little boy.
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ilytyun · 4 years
random questions tag !!
(aka me exposing how boring i am skskxjxk)
thank you so much to @spookybias for tagging me, you’re so kind !!! i love things like this they’re so fun😭😭💖
no. of relationships: 0 :”)
no. of breakups: 0 (consequentially !!)
no. of kids: 0 !!
no. of brothers: i have 1 step brother but he’s never around so i always forget he exists haha
no. of sisters: 0
no. of surgeries: if wisdom teeth removal counts then 1 !!
no. of tattoos: 0, i’m debating so hard on whether to get one or not but my grandparents would disown me lol
countries you've been to: 2 !! usa and mexico !!
been in an airplane: yes, it scares me the older i get😔
been in an ambulance: no !!
sing karaoke: yes i love karaoke !! i used to go every friday with my friends in high school, so much that the owner of the bar the karaoke room was in gave us discounts and stuff !! i want to go again sometime when covid gets better hhh
ice skating: i used to be able to but i can’t anymore😭 i’m too afraid of falling haha
been on a cruise: nope !!
driven a motorcycle: i’d never !! it looks so dangerous
ridden a horse: nope~ i hate horses they look so scary
stayed in a hospital: no~
favorite fruit/berry: apples or watermelon !!
favorite day: friday !!
favorite color: i really like purple nowadays !! pink is pretty as well
last text: ‘JdkdskJWSKSM YESSSS LOLLLL ITS THE REFINED MATURED COUNTRY/FOLK GIRL TAYLOR WEVE BEEN WAITING FORRRRR😭😭😭😭’ (in reference to taylor swifts new album skkskssksksk)
coffee or tea: coffee !!
favorite pie: apple~
favorite pizza: plain cheese😔 you know i look at all my answers and i’m so basic but for what LOLLL
cat or dogs: cats~~ i’m so allergic to them but dogs scare me haha
favorite time of the year: fall !! i love fall vibes sm😭
met a star: nope, hopefully it stays that way too !!
flown a helicopter: no !! i’m so afraid of heights lol
been on tv: maybe..? i was in a dance group with some friends and we performed at our city’s korean independence day,,, i think it got broadcasted but honestly i don’t remember lolxkxmskskl
broken my leg: thankfully not~
seen a ghost: no but i do believe they exist😳
been sick in a taxi: nope !!
seen someone die: no😰 what kind of question is this bahaha
nickname: gon is actually part of a nickname that i used to have !! haha, i have lots of nicknames though because my real name is pretty versatile and boring~
zodiac: not to get annoyingly specific but i’m a leo/virgo cusp😭
height: 5'1!!!
hogwarts house: hufflepuff !! fun fact i’ve never read harry potter but i still took the quiz for fun hehe
last thing i googled: ‘youth over flowers iceland ep 2’ !! i’m into kang haneul and jo jungsuk recently !!
song stuck in my head: after the storm by kali uchis and tyler the creator !! that song bumps so hard !!
followers: ncksJWKSMZ THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING BUT I ONLY HAVE 9 LMAOOOO i’m a new blog so what can i really expect !!
hours of sleep: it varies !! if i don’t have anything to do the next day i usually get ~7, but if i do then i’ll get around 3
lucky number: i hate numbers so none... it used to be 18 though hehe
favorite song: recently it’s sofia by clairo !!
random: i used to be good at eating spicy food but a few years ago i ate spicy soup noodles and threw up😭 it’s because it was summer so it was really hot outside and the noodles were probably too spicy for me to handle🥺 ever since that day i’ve been bad at eating spicy food LOLLLL💀💀💀
but that’s it !! i literally don’t have any other mutuals so i can’t tag anybody, but if you see this then please just do it !! it’s so fun hehe💖
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sludgyreview · 4 years
Frozen 2 Review
Okay, this is my first review on here. I am not a professional or anything so I will just kinda write what I felt when leaving the movie. 
First off, I do want to say that I actually really enjoyed the movie. I was a big fan of the first one, even with its flaws, and that’s true for this movie as well. I’m generally critically, but also easily pleased so if you’re not looking for any spoilers, I can give a quick rundown for whether or not you should see it.
Non-Spoiler Mini Review:
If you liked the first movie, you’ll like this one. The characters are still entertaining, music is still good, and it looks great. Overall, just a very solid movie, as anyone would expect.
Okay, time to get spicy. SPOILERS ARE AHEAD
Okay, so almost everything I love about this movie also has a negative side to it. Many of my complaints fall under a giant umbrella complaint of “This movie should have been longer.” The movie was 1 hour and 43 minutes, according to google. I just don’t feel like that was enough time to tell everything they were trying to tell. I’m going to run through everything I think falls under this category.
One of the main characters of the original movie, I think he suffers the same fate that Buzz did in Toy Story 4. He was largely written off as a recurring joke, since most of his screen time had to do with trying to propose to Anna, and failing horribly. Sure, it was funny, but it would’ve been nice to see more out of him. Maybe something about how difficult it is to be in love with a princess or something. (Idk I’m not a screenwriter)
Elsa (And her relationship with Anna)
To preface, I think Elsa was kind of boring in the first movie. She was one dimensional, with basically all of her personality being “I am scared people will know about ice power,” and “people know about ice power, now I am free.” 
I think that this could’ve been the fault of the movie, and not Elsa’s character, since the plot didn’t allow for much development here. However, the second movie is different.
There was a really good concept they started exploring, mainly regarding Anna and Elsa’s relationship. Multiple times throughout the movie, Elsa tries to leave on an adventure without anyone, so they don’t get endangered. First, when she leaves Arendelle in the first place, and second, when she leaves the camp. Anna, understandably, wants to go with her, because last time this happened everything went to hell. She manages to convince Elsa those first two times. This culminates in one last event, where Elsa forcefully distances herself from Anna using ice powers and stuff, and continues the adventure on her own, having tricked Anna (and Olaf) into thinking she was going to go with her. After Anna and Olaf are able to talk to each other again, Olaf comments that he’s actually angry, something he’s never felt before. Anna shares that he has every right to be angry, and it’s clears she’s also angry that Elsa pushed her away again.
So right here, this could’ve been great. The setup is perfect for Elsa to have more character development, realizing that pushing people away isn’t the answer. It could’ve brought depth to this one dimensional character, who realizes her flaw. But that’s just the problem. Due to a certain event, which I will expand upon later, when Anna and Elsa reunite, Anna is only happy to see her, and this aspect is never touched on again.
I love when characters have genuine flaws, and I would’ve loved if more time was spent on this.
Also, one minor thing I did like was the reveal that Elsa and Anna’s parents’ ship actually sank in the Dark Sea, while they were looking to help out Elsa. Elsa understandably felt responsible for their death, which I felt was good character development. However, it is reconciled fairly quickly with Anna, so this also suffers from not having enough time put into it.
All the Elements and Stuff
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A new idea introduced in this movie was the Enchanted Forest, which is guarded by 4 spirits, Fire, Earth, Water, and Air. (Wonder where that’s been done?) It was a cool idea to have more magical stuff in this movie. A lingering question from the first movie was, “Where did she get her powers?” or whatever. Watching Elsa tame the different spirits was entertaining, especially the little lizard dude, because he was adorable.
My problem comes in with the whole Ice Spirit thing. It is revealed that Elsa is actually the ice spirit, and that the voice calling to her was her mother. To be honest, I didn’t really understand what was going on. I don’t know what her mother was, or if she had actually been alive or something. I felt like they were trying to convey something that was clear to the writers, but not to the audience. Something about it was just off, so they should’ve taken time to elaborate.
Or I’m dumb idk
Okay, gonna switch over to some other topics now. I want to talk about another main issue I had, that being, “a lack of consequences.” To start, I’m going to talk about my least favorite part of the movie.
The Elsa and Olaf Death Fakeout
My other complaint I felt were passable. Sure, they could’ve been expanded upon, but the movie was still doing fine. This though? I actually didn’t like this.
If you’re reading this without seeing the movie, I’ll give a quick rundown. After Elsa realizes she’s the ice spirit, she goes into a weird cave and learns the truth about a past event that is key to breaking open the magic wall of the Enchanted Forest. (More on that later) For some reason, what ensues is the rapid freezing of Elsa, just as Anna froze in the first movie. Elsa sends a last breath to send an ice message to Anna about the truth, so that Anna can save the forest. Olaf begins to die as well, since Elsa had “died”, and Anna is left in a cave, crying over her dying friend. What follows is a very sad song and all that, and it’s actually pretty emotional.
But here’s the thing. This is a Disney movie. If a character dies in a Disney movie, they build up to it. Big time. They really let you know the character is dead. Elsa “died” so suddenly that you knew right away she was going to come back. And because she was gonna come back, Olaf was going to also. 
And come back they did. After breaking the spell on the Enchanted Forest, Elsa is revived, and saves the day from another event. (See next section.) She brings Olaf back, and everyone lives happily ever after.
This pissed me off. Elsa had pushed Anna away, gone alone, and died because of it, which seemed like a good consequence of her actions. But everything ended up fine anyways. The consequences were almost immediately resolved, and I just hate that. So, here’s what I would’ve done instead!
First off, rewrite the story in such a way that Elsa does not “Die.” Make her get trapped by something in the cave, or have her pass out. Make Anna go save her. This way, their reunion could also include the Elsa character development I wanted so badly, since Anna would know she wasn’t dead. 
Second, a more intriguing option. Some might disagree with this, but maybe make another movie. Set up some sort of conflict that leaves the movie on a cliffhanger, with Elsa comatose and Olaf out of commission until that’s resolved. I’m not sure what the ensuing movie would be, but it would be far more interesting than what we got. Of course, the main issue with this would be ending an animated Disney movie on a cliffhanger, which never happens. I know why this wouldn’t work, I’m just saying it would be better this way. 
Better than trying to fake us out.
Arendelle not being Destroyed
This one is smaller, but a conflict at the end of the movie includes destroying a dam to free the enchanted forest. However, destroying the dam would also destroy Arendelle. Anna, knowing what the “Next right thing” is, something that is commonly referred to in this movie, decides that destroying the dam is the right course of action.
The water makes way to destroy Arendelle, and then Elsa comes in at the last second and saves the day. 
My main problem with this is it lessens the blow of the movie’s message. “Doing the next right thing” is a powerful message to give today. It indicates that even though something may be hard, or you may have to sacrifice something, it’s better to do what you know is right. (Ex: climate change) However, what this demonstrates, especially to younger children, is that doing the right thing doesn’t have any consequences, I think that’s the wrong message to send.
They easily could’ve done the “Arendelle is a people, not a place,” and it all would’ve worked out.
I have one last complaint, and it’s a small one.
Twist Villain
This doesn’t matter too much, but they pulled another “twist villain” on us. The twist is that the conflict that trapped people in the Enchanted forest was started by Arendelle, not by Northuldra. 
It is a huge exaggeration to call this a twist. I don’t know how it would’ve been rewritten though, so I guess I can let it slide.
Okay I know that sounds like a lot of complaining, but I do have a couple of extra things I was to pay special attention too that were great. I’m gonna go rapid fire because I’m getting tired of writing, and it’s easier to talk about the things you like.
Music- The music was integrated much better into the story than the first movie. Every song advances the plot, except for Lost in the Woods. But that’s excusable, because the whole sequence of Lost in the Woods is hilarious. Can’t wait to see the memes come out of it when the movie is released digitally. Also, they didn’t forget that the movie was a musical halfway through, like the first movie, so that’s nice.
Anna and Olaf- They were still great. Olaf was funny, and Anna was complicated enough. Just as good as they were in the first movie. Also, Anna becoming queen at the end felt right, so I’m glad they did that.
Again, the fire spirit lizard is so cute.
The movie is gorgeous. It’s still amazing to see how far animation is progressing, even since 2013. (Also, Frozen came out in 2013. That’s not okay. :(  )
Okay, that’s my review. I know it sounds like I hated it, but i really didn’t. I thought it was great. If you like animated films, or just the first movie, definitely go see it. Although I suppose at this point if you’ve been reading the whole thing you’ve either already seen it or don’t care.
I plan to review the Devil May Cry Series after this, since I just finished the fifth game. Gonna review them all at once, since I played them one after another. Not sure when that will be, guess we’ll see.
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xiuminscheeks · 7 years
11 Questions Tag
i was tagged by @oh-beyond 
OK so my 11 questions will be based on this little scenario:
You find yourself with your bias in an elevator that breaks down…
1. He is a whiny baby… what do you do? How do you act around him?
(my bias in exo but i have to choose one to answer the questions so i will choose kyungsoo)
i would just laugh, can you imagine whiny d.o? 
2. Do you act around him like you know him or like you don’t?
like i know him
3. There is an obvious language barrier… do you try talk to him in his language (google translate, etc…) ? Or do you go for English and he can figure it out himself?
a mix of both
4. He starts crying… do you decide unstanning him? Or do you lend your shoulder to cry on?
he could cry on my shoulder, im not heartless 
5. He finally faints in your lap… do you take advantage? You stare? You touch his eyelashes to make sure they are real? His cheeks? Anything else?
i would just try to wake him up 
6. He regains consciousness and he asks you if you’ve touched him… would you be honest?
7. Do you try making him laugh? Or you act all uninterested to create a mysterious aura so he gets curious? What is your tactic?
try to make him laugh to feel better
8. If you decide on telling you stan him. What would be your questions to him? Would you admit he’s your bias or make him jealous telling him you like a different member?
i would try to act cool but also show him how much i respect him as an artist and human being 
9. If you act like you don’t know him, would you still try to impress him?
10. You are taken… if he asks you if you have a significant other… would you lie?
11. The lights of the elevator go off and he’s scared and gets too close and his hands are too handsy… would you stop him? Or…?
if i was single, i wouldnt stop him. its a one in a million opportunity right ? 
by @yeolology
1 What’s on your desk/workstation? 
anything you can imagine 
2 I’m taking you for bubble tea. I’m getting a watermelon milk tea - what are you getting?
i dont like bubble tea, sorry...
3 What’s your most memorable childhood cartoon?
4 We’re going to the cinema - what movie that’s out rn would we go to see?
maybe baby driver
5 Do you paint your nails? What are your usual colours and what do you have on now?
i usually avoid painting them, but if i do i choose either blue or burgundy
6 What’s your default outfit? Is it smart or casual?
jeans and t shirt
7 If you had to show your bias one of your most embarrassing moments, which one would it be?
i really dont have one tbh
8 Recommend me a coffee and a good album?
i stopped drinking coffee and for album any exo album will do 
9 What does your room look like? What colour are the walls, what’s your bedding like, are there any decorations?
is very simple, while walls, cream color bedding and a painting above my bed
10 What’s your top 3 favourite smells?
flowers, rain and cookies
11 What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
im really lucky cause i never had one
by @caticorn61
1. Original bias in your ult group?
exo, always exo
2. How did you get into kpop?
i blame chanyeol
3. What’s the best way kpop has changed your life?
i met you guys <3
4. If you could start your own group, what concept would you have and what position would you hold?
i could never!!!!!!
5. Fave look of your bias? (Era wise)
monster era maybe
6. Fave pet of the members?
this is a tough one but maybe vivi 
7. Fave mv of your ultimate group?
call me baby
8. Favorite fanfic??
i dont have one 
9. Have you seen your bias group live?
*cries in klingon* no 
10. Favorite EXO blogs and why?
it will take me an hour to answer so i wont
by @rlydontlikeme
1. Favourite drink in coffee shop?
hot chocolate 2. What colour are the walls in your bedroom?
white 3. Which of your senses is the most sensitive?
touch  4. What is your small goal that you want to accomplish before 2017 ends?
lose weight 5. What is your favourite smell?
rain 6. What is your happiest memory?
a day at the beach, i was really happy that day <3 7. If you could whatever you want with your bias for 24 hours, how would your day look like?
i would just let them get rest 8. Do you like spicy food?
YES 9. What is your favourite childhood toy?
a doll 10. Describe the item on your right without using it’s name
flyffy and white 11. Favourite bias era?
monster era
by @perfectkimjongin
1 What’s your zodiac sign?? Do you believe in it and do you think yours is accurate?
cancer and nope 2 What song always puts you in a better mood?
exo thunder 3 What’s your favorite and least favorite food?
fave pasta and least maybe beans 4 This ones not really a question. Use this to talk about your bias. Anything you want. Vent out all your love.
...i just love them... 5 What’s a talent/skill you wish you were good at?
maybe piano 6 Do you collect anything? Would you like to collect anything?
no and maybe hardcover books 7 Hint to me your bias wrecker without actually saying their name.
i dont have one 8 Books, movies, or tv shows? Whichever one you chose: what’s your favorite?
book, harry potter <3 9 Describe you ideal vacation. Where are you going? What are you gonna do there? Who are you bringing?
me and exo in Thailand, swimming and laughing all day long  10 What’s your favorite cereal?
any kind is ok 11 Which line in an exo song is your favorite?
i dont have one, sorry 
im gonna tag @kaelynrachelle @altheias @typicalfangirl07 @laylienn @xiu-dangerous @amerikaikong and @velociraptorscreeching (you dont have to do this if you dont want to 😘)
my questions
1 do you have a dream job?
2 last song you listened to?
3 scariest movie you ever saw?
4 the most boring fictional character?
5 what’s the last thing you bought?
6 morning shower or night shower?
7 whats the color of your hair?
8 any piercings? 
9 tea or coffee?
10 describe a lazy day at home?
11 if you could only keep five possessions, what would they be?
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itskirahhh · 7 years
A Celebration Of Myself
Kirah Louise Ghose.
A pretty unfortunate name if you ask me. I’ve complained all my life about not having a name you can make a nickname out of, a common name. Primary school was where my name started to become Ky-ra or literally just Goose, and now i have a few nicknames and have realised that each one comes with a reason.
But “What’s in a name?” as Juliet Capulet says. And i agree. My name is what i go by, but it doesn’t say anything about who i really am. So for once, i’m not going to just be moaning about how much i hate every square inch of myself. It’s still a concern of mine, and probably will be for as long as i live, but for you, future Kirah (who is probably reading back trying to look for reasons to like yourself) and anyone else who cares about my existence, i’m actually going to say some of the things that really make me who i am.
The basic questions that i’m definitely not getting from google. Whats my favourite colour? Turquoise. I love how light and pastel-y it is, and my favourite colour has always differed between blue and green so it seems like a stable compromise. Monochrome colours are fab, they go with everything, clothes in those colours look good, they suit me well. Blue too. Yellow has a meaning to me - I have a special cropped tshirt in yellow that me and my friends call the ‘sunshine top’ because of its colour and because i was always nervous to wear crop tops etc etc. Whats my favourite food? Pasta. Nothing said. My favourite animal is probably an elephant, not much reasoning behind that either other than the fact i want one. Favourite book is called 'Indigo Blue’, though i also love 'Scarlett’, 'Ginger Snaps’ and 'Summers Dream’, anything from Cathy Cassidy have always been favourites of mine. Other books include 'Nelly the Monster Sitter’ by Kes Gray which i used to read every night before i went to sleep, and 'Girl Online’ by Zoe Sugg i am also quite partial to. Favourite movie? Right now, 'The Perks Of Being A Wallflower’, but unfortunately i didn’t watch many films growing up and so I’ve literally seen like nothing and am just now discovering things like camp rock. Next on this google list is favourite vegetable so i’m going to leave you with potato and move on from this list.
I’m arty. I love regular art, drawing and painting has always been something i love to do, though i am a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to that stuff and so going wrong in them annoys me. Makeup art really interests me, not the regular makeup, things like special effects makeup and random celestial looks and face paint and all that crap as you may be able to tell by the photos I’ve posted along with the rants i do. Taking and editing photos also springs an interest to me, for some reason there’s something really fascinates me, along with other creative things like reading and writing books, though i never finish them. I just seem to have a load of interesting ideas, do something with them and then never finish them, but hey that’s a quality right? I’m not the best at it, but dancing i love too, and music, ugh i don’t know what i’d do without it. I can holler out a song at any given moment in time, be it sad and depressing, upbeat and happy, shouty and emo-ey or old and from a movie made in nineteen seventy eight. Distancing from the fact that i was awful at violin, i was told my arms were too short to play a flute or recorder, my hands were too small to play guitar and i taught myself from YouTube videos how to play piano/keyboard, I’ve always loved music ever since i was little and my music taste is undoubtedly better than everyone’s. Kidding.
No offence, but i’m not as dumb as everyone makes out. Sure, i have no common sense or the ability to survive on my own life skills in the future but i am actually a pretty good student. I pay attention (in the classes i like lol), i enjoy some subjects and when I’ve learnt something properly i’m always very celebratory about it. Maths, i’m awful at, but i’m getting there. History i’d be good at if i didn’t have such a great class to converse with and Biology i didn’t have a teacher for, but the other subjects i have i’m actually not too shabby at and i guess that’s something to be proud of.
Some of personality qualities according to my friends include making sure everyone is okay before i think about myself, putting so much effort into making other people happy and not doing certain things in case it negatively effects someone else, which i guess are great things to be able to do? I hate to think that i’m being big headed, but i’d say i’m quite brave. Granted, i’m terrified of literally everything and i burst into tears at the thought of something that scares me minorly but after what I’ve had to deal with, i’m going to look at it for once and mentally pat myself on the back. I am strong. And i am proud of myself for pulling through. Kind of badly, but hey, i did it. and that’s something to be happy with.
I’d list how great some of my friends and family are because some are them carry the same amount of importance to me as one of my limbs, but i won’t just because I’m celebrating myself for once.
So that brings us to the last of all, my looks. Now i have a love/hate relationship with the way i look, that most the time, points towards hate. However, although it gives me more eyebrow hair than a person could want or need, i love my slight hint of mixed race. If i wasn’t a smidgen Indian then i wouldn’t have the olive-y skin tone i have that goes ever so well with earthy blues and greens, i wouldn’t have the deep dark brown hair that everyone tells me just looks black. I’d love to say that it allows me to eat spicy curries and wear pretty saris and have mhendi all over my hands, but unfortunately we never got that far into the Indian culture. Being English is pretty cool too, Britain doesn’t have an amazing reputation but WE DO HAVE ENGLISH MUFFINS that i could eat for breakfast every morning if i actually ate breakfast. What else do i like about my features? My eyes are great, although a bit small and lacking in eyelid space, they share the same deep brown colour of my hair that reflects light which looks great in photos. My nose can be stuffy at times because of my absence in seeing when or when i don’t need a coat, but my face without a nose would look a bit weird, sorry Voldemort. My mouth i guess is a regular mouth, with the added bonuses of decent teeth, the ability to make a snake face and being great at kissing. Jokes. I have all the correct body parts in the correct places, which again i guess is something to be thankful for, and although disproportionate to the rest of my midget body, i seem to condemn a large lump that i call an arse that everyone seems to love.
On the whole, i may hate myself, but that doesn’t mean that i’m not proud of myself for certain things and that doesn’t mean i hate everything. In fact, i’m pretty satisfied with how far I’ve come.
Kirah, you are lonely, clingy, short, spotty and dumb and you suck at being a human being, but you’re fantastic.
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ananyaexpress04 · 7 years
My Duggal Diaries...
Duggal's daily diaries... N am the new Duggal Saab-crazy wonderor 👀 "Twinkle Twinkle little star, how I wondor what you are" REALLY!!! but I am not a star and I am still wondering who I am, as there is one big Duggal Saab in me who keeps coming back. Duggal saab -(my favourite character played by Kadar Khan who suffered from memory loss and forgets who he is and thus he is a new person each day, with full dedication and in full character of the day.) Day one May be... I am a writer🙇 Just like him there is one memory patient in me who just keep forgetting.My everyday has a story to tell coz today Mr Duggal in me is a writer.Now when I am a writer I need to write too... But really is it that simple, after juggling and actually messing up my brain I am still clueless what to write coz Google God has everyone just writing everything about anything. So where is my chance to show my... Today I am a writer 👻 ghost. BUT Two day before day one... Turned a fitness freak overnight💪. Somehow it was an unusual morning as I didnt want to go back to sleep after resuming my daily alarm.So went out in the balcony, fresh morning breeze ,dunno but I just went in and put on my jogging shoe n all set for the jog.. , what a fantastic feeling, felt great and a lighter me.Just got back to my college n school times when I used to be like this in holidays..A lot of people are afraid of heights but I am afraid of widths... The width of increasing waist scares me.I know I 'll not be fit overnight but then I am in no hurry I am patient I ll work hard, will stay consistent.whole day just went in pampering me the healthy way... Oats for breakfast... Lots of salad before the lunch followed by a balanced meal, watched few nice workout videos on youtube and made timetable for the whole week. It is so rightly believed that only a healthy body can have a healthy mind. I was feeling gorgeous inside n out. Free from the sweaty workout, and as per the information I collected its time for a glass of milk or may be eggs.All proteins for all the good loss and for a new replenishing muscle building yeah I read it in science chapter too, proteins help in muscle building... God this is so nice I am already getting a sharper memory ....childhood chapters... . Just one day wow (healthy body, healthy mind).So exhaust, my god sweating out feels real good, I am feeling good too but Damn really thought sometimes back may be its some hormonal fluctuations as everyone say women are most vulnerable too that are reasons for my mood swings , my inner fatty that EVIL WITCH has started missing the 🍕 pizza. Thoughts getting dipped in the creaminess of pizza, cream made me slip and I fall... Pizza to blame... Not me. My mind says workout but heart says food and I ve observed I am heartfull person. I feel, I am feeling more beautiful n fulfilling then to what I was feeling in morning... One Day before day one.. A big cheezy pizza last night, spicy dreams ... A good morning really? cramps??? They 'll go obvio did after long. Already snoozed alarm clock for the tenth time... I dont think its the right time for the morning jog... Oh oh!... I missed it but instead of actually missing the jog I am missing the pizza. WTF(where is the food) Lets make something just like that... Excited... Exotic garlic bread... I am a cheff... May be??? 🔪🍴 I dont know where from this is all coming.but I think its much easier now when Ihad the garlic breads, which were I feel better the last night's pizza, I should 've really tried for a chef in some big hotel...may be my last night food loving heart is now soaring to a new height. BON APETIT.. Eating is a necessity but cooking is an art and I wont be impressed with any technology until I can download food. People who love to eat are the best people and good mood is a good food with your 👪 family. Blah blahhh!!! so good thoughts running over my head. All I did, saw few recipes and cooked one which best suited to me as per my taste and above all with the ingredients I 've coz the chef in me is not having the patience to wait to go to the store for things. Its actually getting too much of experimenting, so cooked and it is superb, its a recipe from Uttarakhand. Everyone loved it and appreciated the passion with which Duggal saab was in the character of chef. Then I ate it, loved it and actually felt yes! I realised this is actually what I ve always wanted to become. My non fussy attitude towards food and experimenting with recipes is my new 😍 love. Everyone just appreciated,said you olways cook good wateva u cook... Oooo man ...Is dat all? I always cook good may be the simple daily meals, I remember , even my mom used to cook them good too ...nah! but she never cooked anything new but what if she would ve tried... May be that would be good too... All around me except me knew I am a great cook coz I always cook with a whole hungry heart.. Ooo shit. I am not feeling like some great stuff, my chef 's feeling is now fading... Three days before day one.... One fine morning just wondering in my balcony watching people holding their lunch boxes and laptop, smartly dressed rushing to their cars for their workplace. Style with substance 😎 Woww this is so exciting I feel like Wow! I wish! I wanna go like this now, spending whole day out working, breaking the monotony new project, new challenge each day. But getting up early and rushing becomes a question I just wanna do this after my late morning 😴 sleep. No not my cup of tea. Today Mr Duggal's weekoff. Day one...flashback Lately I 've realised I am lazy but penning down my creativity makes me feel so alive, engrossed and go with the flow feel. But dats not the end problem is wat to write, its just getting so crazy I wanna write but I don't know what really. I know almost all good writing begins with terrible efforts but I need to start somewhere.We always don't start writing good stuff infact we start writing the crap and with all our persistent efforts we just start becoming better at that crap. So I am just writing... Briliiantly enjoying my new duggal avatar, don't know for how long but, Wanna go wid my flow the duggal ji s flow A new me everyday🐣
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thegeminisage · 7 years
a long fucking post (sorry)
bc my browser quit so i just copied it into notepad and kept going and didn’t break it up bc frankly i couldn’t be bothered lol i’ve #struggled today anyway:
i...i dont have any stuff to make spicy food with?? oh my god..........
where do i even...find
lol i could go back to the plateau but i’d probably be Sad.
i guess i have no choice :/
wow i miss the old man
pfft i can see farosh from here but it’s so close i’d never make it in time
SOMEDAY /shakes fist
seeking out shelter from a lightning storm inside the ruined temple of time makes me Very Sad
man. man. there’s nothing i wouldn’t do to set this right
except the main story, i guess, hahaha
just for a short moment i didn’t even have time for a picture...wow wow wow
all right i’ve got enough peppers and i’ve had MORE than enough of the plateau im outta here
i fast traveled back to that one shrine i couldnt figure out before
i realize now i was probably supposed to use my paraglider hahaha but i just didnt think of it
theres a chest in here that i cannot. get. oh my god
[death montage]
lol and all that for a little sword
BACK TO THE MOUNTAINS thank god i have a fast travel point now
and that’s all done! time for more of The Story
normally i’d cut this off here but it’s p short so far so w/e
except.......idk where to go next. i know i want to find the zoras, but
which...direction are they. like, i even googled it
i’ll ask my brother and attempt the naked island again while i wait. i read somewhere you can drop your stuff before you properly set foot on there and it helps a bit. plus it’ll be something he hasn’t done, haha
well, so far so good - i managed to drop a few of my best items and a  small amount of food - apples and raw fish - before i stepped on, but i forgot to drink the defense up elixir. i DID remember to eat the extra hearts food, though, and a good thing, bc i came on during a fucking storm in the middle of the night and nearly got killed by some weird yellow octorok popping up out of the ground. fine now tho, all out of extra hearts but other than that good - found some shrooms, a sword, and an axe
oh my god i hit a barrel and DIED bc there was an electric chuchu in it!!!
okay trying again...in the storm again...forgot to drink my defense bonus again...Greay
one orb down!!
lol and i died AGAIN bc i underestimated a bokoblin...i can't take out camps from afar with no arrows!! maybe i can try bombs next time, sigh
i hate getting out to this island
i hate everything ABOUT this island. it is deisnged to kill you. endless skeletons and fire chuchus are great if you need materials and weapons but the chuchus set everything on fire. and there are octoroks ringing the whole island AND on the actual island - there's no safe ground ANYWHERE!!
remembered to drink my elixir but nearly left the stuff i dropped floating in the ocean lol
one orb down AGAIN. 
gotta be a smarter way to do this bokblin camp on the hill. i can't take them all on at once and i can't detonate any of the explosive from afar with arrows, and bombs get me noticed. i can't take that swarm of enemies with no armor. no way.
YES camp down lmao i blew up the barrels with my own bombs since the fucking chuchus noticed me anyway
now i can COOK THINGS thank you thank you
YES now i have hearts up and attack elixirs!!!!
time to fight the blue hinox (:
he has so much defense even with my elixir ;_; im too afraid to get close enough for an attack
i wish i had a defense booster!!
NO oh god a lightning storm now of all times!!! no!!!!!!
oh my god can he follow me into the water...?
wow it's lightning for the next three hours what the fuck?
aaah the music stopped..he's laying back down...i hope his fucking health doesnt refill
i tried using chuchu jelly to make explosions but they didnt hurt him, only my weapons did bc of my elixir...but im sooo afraid to get close to him, if he kills me i have to do ALL this again
i wanna wait the storm out before i fight him again but i get the feeling the storm was triggered by him waking up bc it's nonstop lightning on the little forecast thingy
god there's not even anywhere to take shelter i just have to pray i dont get struck
yeah it changed back to normal rain as soon as he started snoring...he BETTER not have his health back
at least it isnt storming
nooo i hid in the water again and he slept and some of his health came back )))): i am never gonna get him, this is gonna take hours!
as if that wasnt bad enough there's another bokoblin camp with a MOBLIN on top of this big ledge
maybe i can get some arrows at least :/
good news: managed to cheese the bokoblin camp up top. have in my possesion 13 arrows. bad news: hinox is definitely back at full health rn
ok. so im up here where hinox can't actually go (i hope...) and i have my bombs and 13 arrows, plus all these extra bows and weapons and even a pot to cook some more stuff in. i can do this. i can do this.
ok he can't get up here he can't even hit me with projectiles but IMMEDIATELY the lightning started up again so lmao (:
luckily i have found the perfect position from which to roll bombs down at him lol
so this is only gonna take all year ASSUMING i dont get sturck by lightning.
no no no no no NO NO NO
the blood moon!!! why now!!! oh my god!!!!!! can ANYTHING go right oh my god!!!!!!!!!!
at least im far enough down on the ledge the camp up there cant see me
but i'll have to clear out the other one again if i ever manage to kill the hinox and get his orb
:| he keeps trying to go to sleep lol which. no bitch no more health for you jesus fuck
he can't get any of his rocks to land on me and only about every third bomb lands on him lol
his health is sooo low im so tempted to go down and take a swing w/ my weapon, but if i die now and lose all this progress i won't be able to deal so im gonna stay patient and cheese it til the bitter, bitter end
I PERSEVERED!!!!!! STAYED DETERMINED okay now if not for the blood moon that'd be the end of it but no i gotta clean out that one camp AGAIN without dying
i can do this i can do this i can do this
i......i did it
all thats left is to drop my items and put in the last orb
oh my god!!!!
oh NO if you drop too many they start vanishing ok....choose carefully then
lol ALL THAT FOR A SHRINE TO SOLVE this better be one of those no-puzzle chest only deals
LMFAO i have to reclear the big camp to get in the shrine...oh my god...oh my god
ah well maybe i'll get some more shields i accidentally glitched all mine away
should be easy with all my stuff back
aaaand im stuck down here at the camp i cleared out bc its storming. at least the blue moblin got struck by lightning in a stroke of what i can only assume is divine justice
ok the storm has FINALLY passed
i am FINALLY inside the shrine and have a fast travel point
i got 300 rupees, which is garbage, and i got to watch that stupid monk turn to dust.
ooh whoa there's a rito out here!!!! hi!!!!!
lol a training course for flying...20 rupees a pop. now i know what the fucking chest was for. god.
ah i can't do the course and im so tired of failing at things...i guess i'll leave them for now altho i bet you get a SICK upgrade
no wait i looked it up and its just rupees LMAO no thanks
im never coming back to this fucking island ever again
also: forgot that i did not actually explore the sunken ruins earlier bc of Weather, am going to do that quickly before quitting
oh god oh no i landed right here and there's some fucking masked walking beast getting ready to attack me Why God
god okay we're doing this i guess jesus fuck
if that wasn't bad enough farosh is flying above us LMAO and i still can't shoot him
I! KILLED HIM! bc i had a DEFENSE elixir
i wish i had snapped a better pic than his dying body tho :/
o h w e l l
oh!! i found a memory while exploring!!!!!
oh my god...oh my god...
so it was the four pilots of the original jaegers and two are dudes and two are ladies!!! so there was an even mix in the scene #nice
the voice acting was good and still so unexpected
and the MUSIC oh i love the music when he's remembering something
it felt like a scene from any zelda game, but one near the end—except i'm still at the start
it's so similar to how everyone like, rallied behind link at the end of tp to help him beat ganon, but...this time we already know link failed
god!!!!! this is so good!!!!
every time i find myself thinking "this is an amazing game but it just doesn't feel much like zelda" it comes back and gets me
and i found a shrine here!!! #nice
altho i'd really like to be done for the night lol
it was super easy thank goodness
omg no the dragon flying earlier must have been naydra bc there naydra is :'))) hey bud
ah and i ran into kass the accordian playing rito again ;w;
anyway now that im FINALLY done with this pronvince tomorrow i can go find the zoras!! yay!!!!
fun fact my very first username was "[not my name, some random one, not telling what it was] of the zoras" bc i love them so much
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winter-daffodils · 7 years
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Sawadeeka! I know this will sound really sudden and might sound weird, but yes! I am in Thailand, and won’t be home anytime soon. I was actually in the midst of writing a life lately before I left for Thailand to tell you guys that I’ll be heading north, however, per usual, I am my old lazy self and I can say you should cut me off some slack with all the preparations we had to do, I barely had time to enjoy the very few days of my vacation.
So yeah, here I am! 1,400 miles away from home (not exact, just a poor Google assumption) and it’s been three weeks since I’ve arrived but it still hasn’t sinked in that I am in a foreign land. It’s probably because it feels a whole lot like the Philippines with its hot and humid weather or maybe because the people here are nice beyond compare that it feels like home.
Before I forget, I am not here for a two-month vacation but this trip is actually partial fulfillment to my Practice Teaching course. I can’t believe it either, but yes, I am already a practice teacher only a few steps away from graduating and becoming a teacher. Merely typing it send shivers down my spine, I am straight shit scared but super stoked as well! I’ll be coming back to the Philippines on August and I’ll immediately return to school, attend a few classes and continue my practice teaching (for Public school). I am currently at the district of Thanyaburi, almost an hour drive away from Bangkok. The school I am assigned in is Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi- Innovation Demonstration School (RMUTT-IDS). RMUTT is a university itself, but it’s like a town because inside the gates are convenience stores, banks, gymnasium, swimming pool area, etc. I am not a college practice teacher, but I am assigned at the Primary level; inside the university is an actual Primary school and that is the Innovation Demonstration School or IDS. I hope it’s not confusing or anything, haha!
Well life lately isn’t exactly easy but it’s not as hard as I feared. I half-expected there’ll be nights where I’ll cry myself to sleep, missing my family and wanting to go home so badly. But so far, Bianca has been nothing but a great roomie and travel buddy. As cheesy as it may sound, Bianca, indeed, has been my anchor.
Dorm Life
I am enjoying the dorm life that I’ve always wanted, it can be tiring because I am responsible for everything I need: food, laundry and money matters.
Food- the hard thing about the food here is the buying process. The only thing we can order is chicken (no complaints tho, really) and if we want something else we buy it at 7-11 or if lucky, the administrators will take us out for dinner. It’s really hard to adjust to the food here because it authentic Thai cuisine has this distinct smell that I am not very fond of and that most, and when I say most it means almost all, is spicy and I am not the biggest fan of those kinds of food. There are some really good ones but I am not very luck every day. I do miss Filipino food bigtime (Jollibee *cries) but I do appreciate Thai food a lot.
Laundry- this is the hardest chore I have to do and it can be quite a burden especially having such a long tiring week and then welcomed by piles of clothes on the weekend. I would do my laundry twice a week, and it depends on which day I am least tired.
Money matters- it’s real tough to manage money for someone who likes to eat and try out everything I could. Being in a foreign land, I don’t want to miss any chance of trying out some new dishes, especially snacks. What makes it so much harder is that every week from Tuesday to Thursday, RMUTT has this walking street market. It has everything a girl like me would die to buy. I ran out of allowance on my second week because I couldn’t control myself buying clothes. And no, the things sold here in Thailand isn’t expensive. Like at all. 100 baht could literally go a long way here. But the thing is, buying cheap but quality items is a real joy and buying a lot of these would eventually accumulate to a huge amount. You get the idea.
Practice Teaching Life
After spending four weeks here in Thailand, teaching and meeting all the lovely children here, I couldn’t be surer of the profession I have chosen. I know there’s more to it than having four-five classes a day but I’ve seen and felt how rewarding the profession is. Yes, the profession requires a lot from me mentally, emotionally, and physically but it made me feel complete as well. I couldn’t find a word to describe my happiness. Although I have to admit that there are days where I don’t feel like teaching but I guess it’s part of embracing the profession.
I took up Secondary Education because I knew for a fact that I have very short temper towards kids however, getting assigned to Grade 1-Grade 5 students have completely changed me. I didn’t expect that I have the ability to endure these naughty kids. It’s also a plus that the kids here in TH are too cute to handle! It makes everything so much better.
Touring Around Thailand
Just like what I said, I am not here as a tourist but we do get chances to go around Thailand and visit some sights. However, we don’t do it often since people here are very busy. The team and I do go out on our own sometimes, but it’s not much since we just go around the area to find a good place to eat or have some drinks.
Vlogging in Thailand
I don’t have much photos to share here since I don’t really take that much. Majority of the form of media in my gallery is videos, clips of how my day went. I decided to do a vlog to record how my two-month long stay here in Thailand will it’s more fun to do, and more fun for people to watch. I know I’ve been missing out on lots of update, there’s just so many things that has been happening I really just don’t have much time and motivation to edit vlogs, but we’ll get there.
So that’s pretty much about my life lately here in Thailand. My next post might probably be a vlog already, who knows? The only thing I know now is I have to get my shit together because there are still more stressful weeks to go, and I still have longs of things to finish. Ciao!
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