#best Lidar scanner app
spaceculture · 2 years
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While using the best 3D scanner app, you will be able to scan rooms, spaces and other designs of products easily. It’s the best 3D scanner app which you can install directly with your iOS device and in a very easy way.
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3ddruckmuenchen · 1 year
Der 3D-Druck ist eine faszinierende Technologie, die immer mehr Anwendungsbereiche erobert. Ob Hobby, Kunst, Bildung oder Industrie - der 3D-Druck bietet unzählige Möglichkeiten, kreative Ideen umzusetzen. Doch nicht jeder 3D-Drucker ist gleich. Es gibt viele Faktoren, die die Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit eines 3D-Druckers beeinflussen. In diesem Artikel stellen wir euch einen 3D-Drucker vor, der uns mit seiner Leistung und seinem Funktionsumfang überzeugt hat: den Bambu Lab X1-Carbon. Dieser Drucker ist nicht nur ein leistungsstarker und vielseitiger FDM-3D-Drucker, sondern auch ein innovatives Gerät, das mit künstlicher Intelligenz und zahlreichen Sensoren ausgestattet ist. Wir werden euch in diesem Review die wichtigsten Merkmale und Funktionen des Bambu Lab X1-Carbon erklären, seine Druckqualität bewerten und euch zeigen, warum er für uns der beste 3D-Drucker auf dem Markt ist.   Was ist der Bambu Lab X1-Carbon? Der Bambu Lab X1-Carbon ist ein FDM-3D-Drucker mit einem Direct Drive Extruder und einem beheizten Bauraum von 256 x 256 x 256 mm. Er basiert auf einem CoreXY-Mechanismus, bei dem sich der Extruder nur in der X- und Y-Achse bewegt, während das Druckbett sich in der Z-Achse absenkt. Das sorgt für eine hohe Geschwindigkeit und Präzision beim Drucken. Bei dem Bambu Lab X1-Carbon handelt es sich aber nicht nur um einen einfachen 3D-Drucker. Er ist ein multifunktionaler Alleskönner, der viele innovative Features bietet, die ihn von anderen Druckern unterscheiden. Er verfügt über ein Automatic Material System (AMS), das es ermöglicht, bis zu vier verschiedene Filamente gleichzeitig zu verwenden. Damit kann man mehrfarbige oder mehrmaterialige Drucke erstellen, ohne manuell die Filamente zu wechseln. Das AMS erkennt auch automatisch die Filamentart und passt die Druckeinstellungen entsprechend an. Der FDM-Drucker hat außerdem eine Reihe von Sensoren und Kameras, die für eine hohe Druckqualität sorgen. Er hat zum Beispiel einen LIDAR Scanner und eine kleine Kamera auf der Unterseite des Druckkopfes, die das Druckbett vor jedem Druck scannt und eventuelle Unebenheiten ausgleicht. Er hat auch eine Full-HD-Kamera im Bauraum, die es erlaubt, den Druckfortschritt live zu verfolgen oder Fotos und Videos aufzunehmen. Ein weiteres Highlight ist die Spaghetti-Erkennung, die den Druck automatisch pausiert, wenn etwas schiefgeht. Der Bambu Lab X1-Carbon ist zudem sehr benutzerfreundlich gestaltet. Er hat einen großen Touchscreen an der Vorderseite, über den man alle Einstellungen vornehmen oder den Druck starten kann. Er hat auch eine WLAN-Verbindung und eine eigene App, mit der man den Drucker fernsteuern oder überwachen kann. Außerdem ist er mit dem Bambu Lab Studio kompatibel, einer Software, die speziell für den Bambu Lab X1-Carbon entwickelt wurde und viele nützliche Funktionen bietet.   Es wird geschüttelt, vibriert, gerührt, probegedruckt, gescannt, fotografiert und Feedback eingesammelt Der Bambu Lab X1-Carbon ist nicht nur ein 3D-Drucker, sondern auch ein intelligentes Gerät, das sich selbst optimiert und verbessert. Er nutzt seine 43 (!) Sensoren und Kameras, um verschiedene Tests durchzuführen, bevor und während des Drucks. Zum Beispiel misst er durch Frequenzmessungen die Schwingungen des Untergrunds und kompensiert sie durch seine Vibrationskompensation. Dabei schwingt der Druckkopf in unterschiedlichen Frequenzen, um die Gerätestabilität zu messen. Die Ergebnisse fließen in den Druck ein, um ihn zu verbessern. Vor dem Druck wird auf Wunsch etwas Filament auf das Druckbett extrudiert. Anschließend "rührt" der Druckkopf darin herum, um mögliche seitliche Verschmutzungen des vorherigen Elements zu entfernen. Nichts ist ärgerlicher als wenn sich während eines weißen 3D-Drucks plötzlich dunkle Reste des vorherigen schwarzen Drucks lösen und somit dunkle Linien in einen weißen 3D-Modell auftauchen. Dies wird durch die Druckkopfreinigung verhindert. Der Drucker führt auch einen Probedruck durch, bei dem er mit verschiedenen Parametern Linien e
xtrudiert. Anschließend vermisst das LIDAR-System die gedruckten Bahnen und zwei LED-Lichtspots gehen an, damit die Kamera auf der Unterseite des Druckkopfs die Qualität bewerten kann. Die Daten werden verarbeitet und eine Kontrollinie mit finalen Extrusionsdaten erzeugt und erneut vermessen. Das stellt sicher, dass der Extruder richtig kalibriert ist. Als wäre das nicht schon genug: Der Drucker scannt auch den Matrixcode der verwendeten Druckplatte mit der Kamera im Extruder. Denn im Lieferumfang ist eine doppelseitige Magnetdruckplatte. Die eine Seite (Cool Plate) ist für PLA-Material geeignet. Die Rückseite (Engineering Plate) ist für PETG, ABS, TPU, PA und PC geeignet. Durch den vorherigen Scan des Matrixcodes wird festgestellt, ob die Oberfläche zum ausgewählten Material passt. Wenn nicht, wird eine Warnung angezeigt. Ist nach all den vorhergehenden Qualitätskontrollen (die alle optional sind) die erste Modellschicht gedruckt, wird die erste Schicht mit den Sensoren am Druckkopf inspiziert. Während die Daten verarbeitet werden, fährt der Druckkopf in die Warteposition. Sobald der Drucker feststellt, dass die erste Schicht problemlos gedruckt wurde, wird die Düse nochmals abgestreift und der Druck beginnt. Am Ende des Drucks erhält man die Möglichkeit, mögliche Druckfehler zu melden über den Touchscreen oder die App. Die Daten werden dann an den Hersteller gesendet, damit dieser mögliche Probleme analysieren kann und das Gerät immer besser wird. Es ist immer ein gutes Zeichen wenn der Hersteller Interesse an der Weiterentwicklung der Geräte zeigt. Die folgenden Bilder zeigen die Unterseite des Druckkopfs. Dort sind die zwei Schlitze für die LIDAR-Laser zu sehen, die zwei LED-Lichtspots sowie die Kameralinse.   Wie druckt der Bambu Lab X1-Carbon? Wir haben den Bambu Lab X1-Carbon ausgiebig getestet und sind von seinen Druckergebnissen beeindruckt. Der Drucker kann mit einer hohen Geschwindigkeit von bis zu 500 mm/s drucken ohne dabei an Genauigkeit oder Qualität zu verlieren. Er kann auch mit einer Vielzahl von Materialien umgehen, wie PLA, ABS, PETG, Nylon oder Carbonfasern. Die beheizte Bauplatte und der beheizte Bauraum sorgen dafür, dass die Drucke gut haften und keine Verzug oder Risse entstehen. Der Bambu Lab X1-Carbon hat uns vor allem mit seinen mehrfarbigen und mehrmaterialigen Drucken überzeugt. Das AMS funktioniert einwandfrei und ermöglicht es, komplexe Modelle mit verschiedenen Farben oder Eigenschaften zu drucken. Zum Beispiel haben wir einen Schachfiguren-Satz gedruckt, bei dem jede Figur aus zwei verschiedenen Farben besteht. Das Ergebnis war sehr sauber und detailreich. Die Qualität des Benchy kann sich sehen lassen. Die Oberflächen sind fehlerfrei und auch die Unterseite mit der Beschriftung wurde in höchster Qualität gedruckt.   Wie laut ist der Bambu Lab X1-Carbon beim Drucken? Der Bambu Lab X1-Carbon ist kein leiser 3D-Drucker, wenn er mit voller Geschwindigkeit druckt. Er erzeugt einen Geräuschpegel von etwa 60 Dezibel, was vergleichbar ist mit einer normalen Unterhaltung oder einem Staubsauger. Das liegt vor allem an den schnellen Bewegungen des Extruders und den Lüftern, die für die Kühlung sorgen. Der Bambu Lab X1-Carbon bietet aber auch einen Silent Mode an, der die Geschwindigkeit und Beschleunigung des Druckers reduziert und damit auch den Geräuschpegel senkt. Im Silent Mode druckt der Bambu Lab X1-Carbon mit etwa 50 mm/s und 1000 mm/s² und erzeugt einen Geräuschpegel von etwa 53 Dezibel, was vergleichbar ist mit einem leisen Radio oder einem Kühlschrank. Das ist immer noch nicht flüsterleise, aber deutlich angenehmer für das Ohr. Der Geräuschpegel des Bambu Lab X1-Carbon hängt also stark von den Druckeinstellungen ab. Wenn man Wert auf eine hohe Geschwindigkeit legt, muss man auch mit einem höheren Geräuschpegel rechnen. Wenn man aber lieber leiser drucken möchte, kann man den Silent Mode nutzen oder die Geschwindigkeit und Beschleunigun
g manuell anpassen.   Warum ist der Bambu Lab X1-Carbon unser Favorit? Wir sind von dem Bambu Lab X1-Carbon begeistert und können ihn jedem empfehlen, der nach einem hochwertigen 3D-Drucker sucht. Der Drucker bietet Qualitätsfeatures, die wir so nirgendwo finden konnten und viel Arbeit abnehmen. Dabei ist der FDM-Drucker schnell, präzise und vielseitig. Selbst seltenen Fehldrucke können so in einer überschaubaren Zeit neu hergestellt werden. Dabei ist der 3D-Drucker einfach zu bedienen und zu warten. Ein wahrer Alleskönner. Wir nutzen den Bambu Lab X1-Carbon für unsere Firma “3D Druck München”, weil wir unseren Kunden nur das Beste bieten wollen. Wir sind überzeugt von der Qualität des Druckers und seiner Drucke. Wenn ihr euch selbst davon überzeugen wollt, könnt ihr über unseren Online-Kalkulator eure 3D-Modelle bestellen und sie aus dem Bambu Lab X1-Carbon erhalten. Wir hoffen, dass euch dieser Review gefallen hat und wir freuen uns, euch künftig Drucke aus dem Bambu Lab anbieten zu können.   [author] [author_image timthumb='on']https://3ddruckmuenchen.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/transparentes-rundes-Logo-von-3D-Druck-Muenchen.webp[/author_image] [author_info]Der Autor dieses Artikels ist 3D Druck München, Ihr kompetenter Partner für professionellen 3D-Druck mit deutschlandweitem Versand. Seit vielen Jahren sind wir im Bereich 3D-Druck tätig und verfügen über umfangreiche Erfahrung und Know-how. Unser Team besteht aus qualifizierten Ingenieuren, Designern und Technikern, die Ihnen individuelle Beratung, hochwertige Druckerzeugnisse und zuverlässigen Service bieten. Kontaktieren Sie uns gerne für ein unverbindliches Angebot.[/author_info] [/author]
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elegancetech · 2 months
The Evolution of iPhone: A Journey Through Innovation:
1:-Apple iPhone 12 Series: 
The iPhone 12 series, launched in October 2020, represents a significant leap in technology and design for Apple's flagship smartphone lineup. This series introduced several key advancements and new models catering to a range of user preferences. Here's an overview of the iPhone 12 series:iPhone 12 Series
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1. iPhone 12 Mini
Display: 5.4-inch Super Retina XDR display
Design: Compact, lightweight, with an aluminum frame and Ceramic Shield front cover for better durability
Camera: Dual-camera system with 12MP ultra-wide and wide lenses, Night mode, Deep Fusion, and Smart HDR 3
Performance: A14 Bionic chip, 5G support
Battery Life: All-day battery life, supports MagSafe and wireless charging
Special Features: Available in multiple colors including Black, White, Red, Green, and Blue
2. iPhone 12
Display: 6.1-inch Super Retina XDR display
Design: Similar sleek design with an aluminum frame and Ceramic Shield front cover
Camera: Same dual-camera system as the Mini, offering exceptional low-light performance and advanced computational photography
Performance: A14 Bionic chip, 5G support
Battery Life: Improved battery life with MagSafe and wireless charging
Special Features: Wide range of colors including Black, White, Red, Green, and Blue
3. iPhone 12 Pro
Display: 6.1-inch Super Retina XDR display
Design: Premium build with surgical-grade stainless steel frame and Ceramic Shield front cover
Camera: Triple-camera system with 12MP ultra-wide, wide, and telephoto lenses, LiDAR scanner for improved AR experiences and low-light photography
Performance: A14 Bionic chip, 5G support
Battery Life: All-day battery life, MagSafe and wireless charging
Special Features: ProRAW photo format, enhanced video recording capabilities, available in Graphite, Silver, Gold, and Pacific Blue
4. iPhone 12 Pro Max
Display: 6.7-inch Super Retina XDR display, the largest in the series
Design: Larger and more immersive display with a stainless steel frame and Ceramic Shield front cover
Camera: Advanced triple-camera system with larger sensor and sensor-shift optical image stabilization, LiDAR scanner
Performance: A14 Bionic chip, 5G support
Battery Life: Longest battery life in the series, supports MagSafe and wireless charging
Special Features: ProRAW photo format, best-in-class video recording capabilities, available in Graphite, Silver, Gold, and Pacific Blue
Key Features Across the Series:
A14 Bionic Chip: First chip in the industry built on 5-nanometer process technology, offering increased performance and efficiency.
5G Connectivity: Supports 5G networks for faster download and upload speeds, better streaming, and improved gaming experiences.
Ceramic Shield: Provides up to 4x better drop performance.
MagSafe: Allows for easy attachment of accessories and wireless charging with enhanced alignment.
iOS 14: Enhanced user experience with new widgets, App Library, improved privacy features, and more.
The iPhone 12 series set a new standard for smartphones with its blend of cutting-edge technology, refined design, and versatile camera capabilities, making it a compelling choice for users looking for a premium mobile experience.
2:-Apple iPhone 13 Series:
The iPhone 13 series, introduced in September 2021, brought various improvements in performance, camera technology, and battery life. This series includes four models designed to cater to a broad range of user needs and preferences. Here’s an in-depth look at the iPhone 13 series:
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1. iPhone 13 Mini
Display: 5.4-inch Super Retina XDR display
Design: Compact and lightweight with an aluminum frame, Ceramic Shield front cover, and a flat-edge design
Camera: Dual-camera system with 12MP ultra-wide and wide lenses, Sensor-shift optical image stabilization, Night mode, and Photographic Styles
Performance: A15 Bionic chip, 5G support
Battery Life: Improved battery life, supports MagSafe and wireless charging
Special Features: Available in colors like Pink, Blue, Midnight, Starlight, and PRODUCT(RED)
2. iPhone 13
Display: 6.1-inch Super Retina XDR display
Design: Similar sleek design with an aluminum frame, Ceramic Shield front cover, and flat edges
Camera: Dual-camera system with 12MP ultra-wide and wide lenses, Sensor-shift optical image stabilization, Night mode, and Photographic Styles
Performance: A15 Bionic chip, 5G support
Battery Life: All-day battery life with MagSafe and wireless charging
Special Features: Available in Pink, Blue, Midnight, Starlight, and PRODUCT(RED)
3. iPhone 13 Pro
Display: 6.1-inch Super Retina XDR display with ProMotion technology for adaptive refresh rates up to 120Hz
Design: Premium build with surgical-grade stainless steel frame and Ceramic Shield front cover
Camera: Triple-camera system with 12MP ultra-wide, wide, and telephoto lenses, Sensor-shift optical image stabilization, Night mode, Photographic Styles, ProRAW and ProRes video recording, and macro photography capabilities
Performance: A15 Bionic chip with 5-core GPU, 5G support
Battery Life: Improved battery life, supports MagSafe and wireless charging
Special Features: Available in Graphite, Gold, Silver, and Sierra Blue
4. iPhone 13 Pro Max
Display: 6.7-inch Super Retina XDR display with ProMotion technology
Design: Larger and more immersive display with a stainless steel frame and Ceramic Shield front cover
Camera: Advanced triple-camera system with 12MP ultra-wide, wide, and telephoto lenses, Sensor-shift optical image stabilization, Night mode, Photographic Styles, ProRAW and ProRes video recording, and macro photography capabilities
Performance: A15 Bionic chip with 5-core GPU, 5G support
Battery Life: Longest battery life in the series, supports MagSafe and wireless charging
Special Features: Available in Graphite, Gold, Silver, and Sierra Blue
Key Features Across the Series:
A15 Bionic Chip: More powerful and efficient than previous models, with a 6-core CPU, 4-core GPU (5-core GPU for Pro models), and 16-core Neural Engine.
5G Connectivity: Enhanced 5G capabilities for faster download and upload speeds, better streaming, and improved gaming experiences.
Super Retina XDR Display: Brighter and more vibrant displays with higher peak brightness for HDR content.
Ceramic Shield: Provides better durability with up to 4x better drop performance.
MagSafe: Continued support for easy attachment of accessories and wireless charging with enhanced alignment.
iOS 15: Improved user experience with features like Focus mode, FaceTime enhancements, Live Text, and redesigned notifications.
The iPhone 13 series builds on the success of its predecessors with notable improvements in performance, camera systems, and battery life, offering users a refined and powerful smartphone experience.
3:-Apple iPhone 14 Series:
The iPhone 14 series, released by Apple, continues to build on the success of its predecessors with several new features and improvements. The series includes four models: iPhone 14, iPhone 14 Plus, iPhone 14 Pro, and iPhone 14 Pro Max.
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Design & Display:
iPhone 14: Features a 6.1-inch Super Retina XDR display.
iPhone 14 Plus: Comes with a larger 6.7-inch Super Retina XDR display.
Both models have a sleek design with durable Ceramic Shield front covers and aerospace-grade aluminum edges.
Water and dust resistance (IP68).
Powered by the A15 Bionic chip with a 6-core CPU, 4-core GPU, and 16-core Neural Engine.
Improved efficiency and performance for everyday tasks and gaming.
Dual-camera system with 12MP main and ultra-wide lenses.
Enhanced Night mode and Deep Fusion for better low-light photography.
New Photonic Engine for improved image processing.
4K Dolby Vision HDR recording.
Battery Life:
Improved battery life, offering up to 20 hours of video playback on the iPhone 14 and up to 26 hours on the iPhone 14 Plus.
Other Features:
5G connectivity.
iOS 16 with new personalization options, including widgets and improved privacy features.
iPhone 14 Pro & 14 Pro Max
Design & Display:
iPhone 14 Pro: Features a 6.1-inch ProMotion Super Retina XDR display with an always-on feature.
iPhone 14 Pro Max: Has a 6.7-inch ProMotion Super Retina XDR display, also with always-on functionality.
Both models come with a more durable Ceramic Shield front cover and surgical-grade stainless steel edges.
Water and dust resistance (IP68).
Powered by the A16 Bionic chip with a 6-core CPU, 5-core GPU, and 16-core Neural Engine.
Superior performance for demanding applications and advanced photography.
Triple-camera system with a 48MP main sensor, 12MP ultra-wide, and 12MP telephoto lenses.
ProRAW and ProRes video recording.
Advanced computational photography features, including Photonic Engine and improved Night mode.
8K video recording.
Battery Life:
Long-lasting battery, with the iPhone 14 Pro offering up to 23 hours of video playback and the iPhone 14 Pro Max up to 29 hours.
Other Features:
5G connectivity.
iOS 16 with enhanced privacy features and new customization options.
Dynamic Island feature for interactive notifications and live activities.
The iPhone 14 series brings significant upgrades in performance, camera capabilities, and user experience, making it a compelling choice for both everyday users and tech enthusiasts.
4:-Upcoming iPhone 16 Series:
The iPhone 16 series is anticipated to feature significant upgrades across all models. Here's a summary of the expected features:Everything We Know About iPhone 16 
Design and Display
All Models: The iPhone 16 lineup, including the iPhone 16, iPhone 16 Plus, iPhone 16 Pro, and iPhone 16 Pro Max, will continue to sport the sleek designs but with ultra-thin bezels for maximum display area.
Pro Models: These are expected to feature a polished titanium finish, offering a more premium look compared to the previous brushed finish.
Camera Improvements
iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus: Both will have a 48MP main camera and a 12MP ultra-wide camera, arranged vertically to support spatial video recording for the Apple Vision Pro headset.
iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max: These models will see a substantial upgrade with a new 48MP ultra-wide camera and a custom 48MP IMX903 sensor for the main camera. The Pro models will also include a 12MP telephoto camera with 5x optical zoom.
Battery and Performance
Battery: Enhanced battery capacities are expected, with the iPhone 16 Pro Max rumored to have a 4,676mAh battery and the iPhone 16 Pro a 3,355mAh battery. The iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus will also see battery upgrades, though the Plus model might get a slightly smaller battery than its predecessor.
Processor: The entire iPhone 16 lineup will likely be powered by the A18 Pro chip, built on a 3nm process, promising better performance and energy efficiency.
Storage and Memory
Storage: The Pro models might offer storage options up to 2TB, while the standard and Plus models will go up to 512GB. Increased RAM (8GB) across all models is also expected to enhance multitasking and AI processing capabilities.
Additional Features
Capture Button: A new capacitive Capture Button for improved camera control, allowing for features like swipe for zoom and half-press to focus.
Thermal Management: Improved thermal design with metal battery casings and potentially a graphene thermal system to manage heat more effectively.
Connectivity: Wi-Fi 7 support across all models for faster wireless data transfer.
AI and Software
AI Integration: The iPhone 16 series will leverage "Apple Intelligence," integrating advanced AI features for better performance and user experience, supported by iOS 18​ (AppleInsider)​​ (MacRumors)​​ (PhoneArena)​​ (PhoneArena)​.
The official release is expected around September 2024, continuing Apple's tradition of fall launches. For more detailed information, you can visit sources like AppleInsider, MacRumors, and PhoneArena.
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loudtravelerlight · 7 months
Title: Unveiling the Powerhouse: iPhone 15 Pro Max 512GB
In the ever-evolving landscape of smartphones, Apple continues to set the bar high with its latest flagship model, the iPhone 15 Pro Max. Boasting cutting-edge features and a colossal 512GB storage capacity, this device is a true powerhouse designed to meet the demands of modern users. In this article, we will explore the key attributes that make the iPhone 15 Pro Max 512GB a top-tier smartphone in the market.
Performance Prowess:
At the heart of the iPhone 15 Pro Max is Apple's latest A16 Bionic chip, a marvel of engineering that ensures lightning-fast performance and unparalleled efficiency. With improved AI capabilities and enhanced energy efficiency, this chip takes mobile computing to new heights, making multitasking seamless and resource-intensive tasks a breeze.
Display Excellence:
The iPhone 15 Pro Max features a stunning 6.7-inch Super Retina XDR display, providing users with a visually immersive experience. The ProMotion technology with a 120Hz refresh rate ensures smooth scrolling and responsiveness, making interactions with the device feel natural and fluid. The HDR10 and Dolby Vision support further enhance the device's display capabilities, delivering vivid colors and deep contrasts.
Photography Mastery:
Equipped with a triple-lens camera system, the iPhone 15 Pro Max continues Apple's tradition of setting the standard for mobile photography. The 512GB variant ensures that users can capture and store a vast library of high-resolution photos and videos. The advanced computational photography features, along with Night mode improvements, make every shot a masterpiece. The LiDAR scanner enhances autofocus performance and enables immersive augmented reality experiences.
Storage Supremacy:
One of the standout features of the iPhone 15 Pro Max 512GB is its colossal storage capacity. With 512 gigabytes of internal storage, users can now store an extensive collection of photos, videos, apps, and files without worrying about running out of space. This is particularly beneficial for content creators, professionals, and anyone who values having their entire digital world at their fingertips.
5G Connectivity:
The iPhone 15 Pro Max is designed to harness the power of 5G connectivity, providing users with blazing-fast internet speeds and low latency. Whether streaming high-definition content, engaging in video calls, or downloading large files on the go, the 5G capabilities of this device ensure a seamless and responsive experience.
IOS Ecosystem:
As with all iPhones, the iPhone 15 Pro Max runs on the latest iteration of Apple's iOS, ensuring a smooth and intuitive user experience. The tight integration between hardware and software results in optimal performance and a secure ecosystem. Users can enjoy the benefits of regular updates, exclusive apps, and a seamless connection with other Apple devices.
In conclusion, the iPhone 15 Pro Max 512GB stands as a testament to Apple's commitment to innovation and excellence. From its powerful performance to its stunning display, top-tier camera system, and massive storage capacity, this flagship device caters to the needs of demanding users. Whether you're a professional, a content creator, or simply someone who values the best in mobile technology, the iPhone 15 Pro Max 512GB is a worthy investment that delivers a premium smartphone experience.
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phonesprices · 10 months
Overall Apple iPhone 15 Pro is an excellent smartphone that offers many improvements over its predecessor, the iPhone 14 Pro. It has a faster A17 Bionic chip, a more durable titanium frame, a dedicated Action button, and a more powerful USB-C port. The cameras are also improved, with a larger main sensor and a new 3x telephoto lens. The iPhone 15 Pro is also the first iPhone to support 8K video recording. Design iPhone 15 Pro has a similar design to the iPhone 14 Pro, but there are a few key differences. The frame is now made of titanium, which is more durable than the stainless steel frame on the iPhone 14 Pro. The Action button is located on the right side of the phone, just below the volume buttons. It can be programmed to perform a variety of tasks, such as taking a screenshot, starting a workout, or launching an app. Display iPhone 15 Pro has a 6.1-inch Super Retina XDR display with a resolution of 2532 x 1170 pixels. The display is bright, clear, and vibrant. It also supports Dolby Vision HDR and ProMotion, which provide a smooth 120Hz refresh rate. Performance iPhone 15 Pro is powered by the A17 Bionic chip, which is Apple's latest and greatest mobile processor. The A17 Bionic chip is significantly faster than the A16 Bionic chip in the iPhone 14 Pro. It is also more efficient, which means that the iPhone 15 Pro has a longer battery life. Camera iPhone 15 Pro has a triple-lens rear camera system with a new 48MP main sensor, a 12MP ultrawide sensor, and a 12MP 3x telephoto sensor. The main sensor is larger than the main sensor on the iPhone 14 Pro, which means that it can capture more light and produce better images in low-light conditions. The 3x telephoto lens allows you to zoom in closer on your subjects without losing quality. iPhone 15 Pro is also the first iPhone to support 8K video recording. This means that you can capture incredibly detailed videos with stunning clarity. Battery life The iPhone 15 Pro has a longer battery life than the iPhone 14 Pro. This is thanks to the more efficient A17 Bionic chip and the larger battery. Software The iPhone 15 Pro comes with iOS 16, which is Apple's latest mobile operating system. iOS 16 includes several new features, such as Lock Screen widgets, Live Activities, and a Visual Look. Conclusion The Apple iPhone 15 Pro is an excellent smartphone that offers some improvements over its predecessor. It has a faster chip, a more durable design, a dedicated Action button, a more powerful USB-C port, improved cameras, and longer battery life. The iPhone 15 Pro is the best iPhone that Apple has ever made. iPhone 15 Pro Specs Display: Super Retina XDR display 6.1-inch (diagonal) all-screen OLED display 2532x1170-pixel resolution at 460 ppi Dynamic Island Always-On display Size and Weight: Width: 2.78 inches (70.6 mm) Height: 5.77 inches (146.6 mm) Depth: 0.32 inch (8.25 mm) Weight: 6.60 ounces (187 grams) Processor: A17 Bionic chip with 6-core CPU and 5-core GPU Camera: Triple-lens rear camera system with: 48MP main sensor with wide f/1.8 aperture 12MP ultrawide sensor with f/2.4 aperture 12MP 3x telephoto sensor with f/2.8 aperture 12MP front-facing TrueDepth camera with f/2.2 aperture Video: 8K video recording at up to 24 fps 4K video recording at up to 60 fps 1080p video recording at up to 240 fps Cinematic mode with 4K video recording at up to 30 fps HDR10 and Dolby Vision HDR video recording Audio: Stereo speakers with Dolby Atmos Spatial audio with dynamic head tracking Cellular and Wireless: 5G (sub-6GHz and mmWave) Wi-Fi 6E Bluetooth 5.3 Ultra Wideband chip Battery: Built-in lithium-ion battery Fast charge up to 50% in 30 minutes with 20W or higher power adapter Wireless charging up to 15W Sensors: Face ID for secure authentication LiDAR scanner for augmented reality experiences Barometer Gyroscope Accelerometer Proximity sensor Ambient light sensor Operating System: iOS 16
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smartphonegears · 1 year
What Unique Experiences Does a Used Apple iPhone 14 Pro Max Offer in 2023?
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In the fast-paced world of smartphones, keeping up with the latest technology trends can be challenging. However, sometimes the older, tried-and-true devices continue to offer unique experiences and value. The Apple iPhone 14 Pro Max, released in late 2022, was a flagship device in its time, packed with cutting-edge features and powerful hardware. As we enter 2023, this article will explore the distinctive experiences and advantages that a used Apple iPhone 14 Pro Max can offer to users, from its exceptional camera capabilities to its enduring software support and overall user experience.
Advanced Camera Capabilities One of the standout features of the iPhone 14 Pro Max is its advanced camera system. In 2022, it was among the best camera phones on the market, and in 2023, its photography capabilities still hold up admirably.
Triple-Lens Camera: The iPhone 14 Pro Max boasts a triple-lens camera setup with 12-megapixel ultra-wide, wide, and telephoto lenses. This versatile combination allows users to capture various scenes, from expansive landscapes to detailed close-ups.
Computational Photography: The device utilizes techniques like Deep Fusion and Smart HDR to enhance image quality. Deep Fusion combines multiple exposures to produce sharp and noise-free photos, while Smart HDR optimizes dynamic range for stunningly balanced images.
Night Mode: The Night mode on the iPhone 14 Pro Max is exceptional, making low-light photography a breeze. It can capture well-exposed, noise-free images in challenging lighting conditions, allowing users to take great photos even in the dark.
LiDAR Scanner: The LiDAR scanner enhances augmented reality applications and improves low-light focusing. This means quicker and more accurate focus, particularly in dimly lit environments, providing an advantage for low-light photography.
Continued Software Support One of the key benefits of owning an Apple device is the company's commitment to long-term software support. Even though the iPhone 14 Pro Max was released in 2022, it continues to receive the latest iOS updates in 2023. This not only ensures the device remains secure and free from vulnerabilities but also brings new features and improvements.
Security Updates: Apple regularly releases updates to protect user data and privacy. Owning an iPhone 14 Pro Max means you can count on having the latest security patches, safeguarding your device from emerging threats.
New Features: iOS updates often introduce new features and improvements. While some of the latest hardware-specific features may not be available, most software enhancements are accessible to iPhone 14 Pro Max users. This includes features like Focus Mode, FaceTime enhancements, and App Library.
App Compatibility: The iPhone 14 Pro Max can run the latest versions of apps available on the App Store, ensuring a seamless experience with your favorite applications.
Stellar Display and Performance The iPhone 14 Pro Max features a 6.7-inch Super Retina XDR display that continues to deliver vibrant colors, deep blacks, and excellent brightness in 2023. The high-resolution screen is ideal for watching videos, browsing the web, and viewing photos.
Under the hood, the A14 Bionic chip with a Neural Engine powers the device. While it's not the latest Apple chip, it is still a formidable performer. App launches are swift, and multitasking is smooth, and even demanding tasks like gaming and video editing run admirably. This level of performance ensures that the iPhone 14 Pro Max can easily handle the demands of modern apps and tasks.
Immersive Audio and Video The iPhone 14 Pro Max offers an immersive multimedia experience that remains relevant in 2023. Its stereo speakers deliver impressive audio quality, whether you're watching movies, playing games, or listening to music. The device supports spatial audio with Dolby Atmos, enhancing the audio experience further, especially when using compatible headphones or earbuds.
For video enthusiasts, the iPhone 14 Pro Max provides 4K Dolby Vision HDR recording and playback capabilities. This means you can capture and view high-quality videos with stunning dynamic range and color accuracy. The device's large, high-resolution screen also enhances the video-watching experience, making it an excellent choice for content consumption.
Versatile and User-Friendly Apple's ecosystem is known for its user-friendly interface and seamless device integration. The iPhone 14 Pro Max is no exception. It syncs effortlessly with other Apple products, such as MacBooks, iPads, Apple Watches, and AirPods, providing a cohesive and convenient user experience.
The App Store offers many apps and services that cater to various interests and needs. Whether you're into productivity, creativity, gaming, or anything, you'll find apps that enhance your iPhone 14 Pro Max experience.
Battery Life and Efficiency With its substantial battery capacity and energy-efficient hardware, the iPhone 14 Pro Max delivers impressive battery life, even in 2023. You can expect all-day usage, whether browsing the web, streaming videos, or using resource-intensive apps. The device also supports fast charging and wireless charging, adding convenience to keeping your device powered up.
Future-Proofed with 5G The iPhone 14 Pro Max includes 5G support, ensuring it remains relevant as 5G networks continue to roll out worldwide. While 5G coverage may vary by location, having a 5G-capable device like the iPhone 14 Pro Max means you can use faster data speeds and lower latency when available.
Sustainability and Value In an era of increased focus on sustainability and reducing electronic waste, choosing a used iPhone 14 Pro Max is a responsible choice. Extending the life of existing devices through reuse and recycling helps minimize the environmental impact of electronic devices.
Additionally, buying a used iPhone 14 Pro Max often represents excellent value for the money. These devices typically come at a more affordable price than the latest models, making them an attractive option for budget-conscious consumers who still want a premium smartphone experience.
In conclusion, a used Apple iPhone 14 Pro Max offers many unique experiences and advantages in 2023. Its advanced camera capabilities, continued software support, stellar display, and performance make it a formidable choice for users who value photography, multimedia consumption, and efficiency. The device's seamless integration into the Apple ecosystem, reliable battery life, and 5G connectivity future-proof it in the ever-evolving world of technology.
For those considering a smartphone that combines the reliability of a trusted brand with modern features and performance, the iPhone 14 Pro Max proves that even in 2023, it continues to stand out as a dependable and versatile choice. Its powerful hardware, enduring software support, and a seamless user experience ensures that it remains a compelling option for users who seek excellence in their mobile devices.
With its impressive camera hardware, software enhancements, continued updates, and sustainability, the iPhone 14 Pro Max continues to offer unique experiences and value in the rapidly evolving landscape of smartphones.
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stepphase · 2 years
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iPhone 13 release in October, price info, its specs
iPhone 13 leak, iPhone 13 Pro leak, iPhone 13 Pro Max leak: it will support 5G network, an A15 Bionic, OLED display, and Ceramic Shield maybe
After all, iPhone 13 will repeat its old strategy maybe a 6.1 Super Retina XDR display, iPhone 13 Pro display will have maybe a 6.7 Super Retina XDR display, and iPhone 13 Pro Max will have a 6.7 Super Retina XDR display. As well as, that will be the lightest, thinnest, smallest 5G Smartphone we will ever see. After all, it will be a Clears tougher and Ceramic Shield. Also H2ok: best spill and splash resistance that is best. Maybe it will come in 3 different colors like Silver, Gold, Pacific blue. - iPhone 13 leak
Especially, iPhone 13 series with 5G superfast speed. So you can download music, movies, or Apps on the Superfly mode. After all, you can easily Stream higher-definition videos. Or FaceTime in High-Definition over cellular or Wi-Fi. As well as, iPhone 13 series will have the broadest 5G coverage not just in India or the USA or UK or somewhere else but it will be worldwide.
Ceramic Shield: Which is tougher than any other Smartphone that will have a Surgical Grade with Stainless Steel. After all, it will be IP68 water resistance. As well as, it will have 3 different colors gold, silver, and Pacific blue. - iPhone 13 leak
5G - iPhone 13
Of course, the iPhone 13, iPhone 13 Pro, and iPhone 13 Pro Max will have the 5G network that will comes with amazing wireless speeds and the best performance. After all, you can download any huge files, as well as stream HQ HDR series or movies. Of course, it will be the best iPhone for the future of apps.
A15 Bionic in iPhone 13, iPhone 13 Pro, iPhone 13 Pro Max
CPU and GPU will 50% faster
Neural Engine will 16-core
At the same time, A15 Bionic will be the world’s fastest chip in a smartphone that will push what will be possible. You will be able to crunch billions or trillions of operations on the Neural Engine with help of A15 Bionic. As well as, shooting in Dolby Vision that professional movie cameras can not even do that. After all, it will be the best for great battery life. After all, it will create to power much anything that will come in the next generation in 2021. - iPhone 13 leak
As well as, A15 Bionic is a 5-nanometer chip which is 40% more transistors reverse speed with increase battery life. After all, it will have a new ISP power called Dolby Vision recording. Of course, there won't a professional camera or any other smartphone can do.
Super Retina XDR display
After all, it will have the best color accuracy that will more contrast that will enough for a huge jump in pixel density. As well as, OLED delivers darker blacks, brighter brights, and higher resolution so that will enough for you to look at. After all, The best iPhone display we will ever see on iPhone 13. - iPhone 13 leak
1200 nit brightness in HDR movies and photos.
2,000,000:1 contrast ratio for bright whites and true blacks
LiDAR Scanner
LiDAR Scanner on iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max can measures how long it takes light to reflect back from objects. As well as, it will create a depth map of the space that you are in. After all, it will more accurate and ultrafast, it’s AR apps will transform a room into a realistic rainforest. - iPhone 13 leak
Triple Camera
Its camera will be wide and Ultra-wide that will have night modes. Which will be enough to capture amazing low light clicks. After all, this camera will more than 27 percent more light.
So if you will take photos by moonlight or day shot, this will get you a level of detail with the best color shots.
The Night mode senses will help you when light is low or too dark. So this can kicks in automatically and maintaining clarity. while capturing the best vibrant color. After all, You just have to do is just a snap.
Wide and Ultra-wide cameras will come in Night modes, and portraits also possible in Night mode because of LiDAR.
Deep Fusion with mid to low light and analyzes multiple exposures to max detail. That can check out the texture in the crystal, fabric, and wood. As well as it’s Ultra-Wide camera gets you a heroic perspective.
Take the best photo that further from six creative lighting effects like Studio Light, Natural Light, and High‑Key Light Mono.
Portrait mode: Its portrait is best at an artfully blurring background that will focus on your subject.
The Smart HDR 3 can balance the elements in the shot and bring out details and trees also retaining the rich color of the sky.
The Beyond faces in Smart HDR 3 is use machines to recognize scenes, also color adjusts sharpness and white balance.
The bright light in Smart HDR 3 is best for skin tone, also capturing texture, color saturation.
Night mode selfies
You can take a selfie at night because there will be more future which will enough to give you an amazing selfie post like Dolby Vision recording, Smart HDR 3, Deep Fusion, and much more. - iPhone 13 leak
iPhone 13
Smart HDR 3
However, It can automatically refine the contours, highlights, and shadows. If you are taking a shot at midday then you can see detail at your face and shadows which is true black. As well as, it captures golden hour magic and that can pull out the texture in rock if staying true to subtle blues in the sky. After all, its white balance and seafoam holds its shape and define the motion. As well as, it using a machine learning scene so that can bring out the cracks from the ground and roughness from the hill without increase noise in the sky.
optical zoom is 2.5x on a 65 mm Telephoto camera, so this can let you see close up details.
Dolby Vision Recording: Its jumps from 8 to 10-bit HDR recording, also capturing 700 million colors for a better experience. After all, it’s better to record in Dolby Vision and its format use from a film studio. As well as, we can edit the Dolby Vision video also use Airplay to see every single bit of difference on a large screen. - iPhone 13 leak
As well as, AirPlay let you stream 4K Dolby Vision video to smart TV and Apple TV.
Record Video in a Dolby Vision
The highest quality video in an iPhone 13 that will better in low light. As well as, there will be no limit for amazing detail video recording. Also, there will be a Night mode for Time-lapse. After all, you will prop up the iPhone and the light trails begin.
As well as, You will be able to record 4K HDR video in Dolby Vision. As well as, you will be able to edit iMovie or Photos too. After all, you can zap it to the TV using Airplay for color and detail. Especially, start-to-finish cinematic experience. - iPhone 13 leak
iPhone 13 Price, iPhone 13 Pro Price, iPhone 13 Pro Max Price
iPhone 13 128GB price is? $899iPhone 13 256GB price is? $949iPhone 13 512GB price is? $999iPhone 13 Pro 128GB price is? $999iPhone 13 Pro 256GB price is? $1049iPhone 13 Pro 512GB price is? $1099iPhone 13 Pro Max 128GB price is? $1099iPhone 13 Pro Max 256GB price is? $1149iPhone 13 Pro Max 512GB price is? $1199
iPhone 13 Price list maybe like this
iPhone 13 specification - iPhone 13 leak
Network: 5G / 4G / 3G / 2G Launch Date: 2021 OS: 15.1 Chipset: Apple A15 Bionic CPU: Hexa-Core GPU: Apple GPU 4-core graphics Memory: 128GB / 256GB / 512GB RAM: 4GB Display: Super Retina XDR display Rear Camera: 12MP x 12 MP x 12MP Front Camera: 12MP Battery: Li-Ion 3012 mAh Charging: Fast Charging 20W Body size: 5.78 x 2.81 x 0.29 inch Weight: 166 grams
iPhone 13 Pro specification - iPhone 13 leak
Network: 5G / 4G / 3G / 2G Launch Date: 2021 OS: 15.1 Chipset: Apple A15 Bionic CPU: Hexa-Core GPU: Apple GPU 4-core graphics Memory: 128GB / 256GB / 512GB RAM: 6GB Display: Super Retina XDR display Rear Camera: 12MP x 12MP x 12MP Front Camera: 12MP Battery: Li-Ion 3687 mAh Charging: Fast Charging 20W Body size: 6.33 x 3.07 x 0.29 inch After all, Bodyweight: 218 grams
iPhone 13 Pro Max specification - iPhone 13 leak
Network: 5G / 4G / 3G / 2G Launch Date: 2021 OS: 15.1 Chipset: Apple A15 Bionic CPU: Hexa-Core GPU: Apple GPU 4-core graphics Memory: 128GB / 256GB / 512GB RAM: 6GB Display: Super Retina XDR display Rear Camera: 12MP x 12MP x 12MP Front Camera: 12MP Battery: Li-Ion 3687 mAh Charging: Fast Charging 20W Body size: 6.33 x 3.07 x 0.29 inch After all, Bodyweight: 218 grams
After all, here are a few iPhones that you may be like iPhone12 and iPhone 12 mini / iPhone 12 Pro Max and iPhone 12 Pro
Note: On this page, everything is just a rumor so I'm not sure that iPhone 13, Pro, Max will be exactly like this only. After all, you can contact us to let us know if we are missing something on our page. Of course, I will try my best to respond to you with a positive attitude. Thank you for your visit. Click here if you want to know more about iPhone13.
Zakariya Daman
iPhone 12 Pro Max and iPhone 12 Pro Price, Specification
Apple iPhone 12 Rumours release date, Price, Review&Spec
iPhone12 and iPhone 12 mini Price, Review, Specification
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tittaswift · 2 years
Cobra police scanner
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Cobra police scanner portable#
Most likely, the RAD 380 is telling you there is a patrol car on the other side. Be mindful if this happens, especially if the intensity of the alert increases as you climb the hill. You may find the RAD 380 will issue a slow alert as you approach a hill on the interstate. If it beeps just once, it’s still a good idea to keep your eyes peeled, but a single beep is probably nothing to worry about. For example, if the RAD 380 beeps slowly at first, then speeds up rapidly, it’s most likely police radar. The audible alerts may take some getting used to, but it’s not rocket science. By contrast, different alert tones are used for each type of signal detected (including separate tones for each laser signal). The signal meter is easy to figure out, with 1 being the weakest and 5 being the strongest. The RAD 380 will advise you of a radar’s signal strength via audible tones and a numeric signal meter on the display. The RAD 380 is small and easy to install. The factory setting for VG-2 is off, but I turned it on for fun. The RAD 380 is also VG-2 capable, meaning it can identify the infamous “radar detector detector” signal. A giant “L” appears when a laser signal is detected. The Cobra RAD 380 detects X, K, and Ka radar bands by displaying the appropriate letters on the display. Most times, it’s probably ahead of you, but not always. The best thing when you receive an alert is to slow down. Although there are no directional arrows, the RAD 380 alerted me to a radar signal from behind on two separate occasions (that I could visibly see in my rearview mirror). Cobra’s proprietary LaserEye technology means the RAD 380 can detect signals from both the front and rear. The RAD 380 detects all radar and laser (LiDAR) guns. Unfortunately, the RAD 380 does not come with a carrying case, so I grabbed this one on Amazon (as an Amazon associate, Automoblog earns from qualifying purchases). Ensure the unit is as low as possible but not obstructing its view, either to the front or rear. The RAD 380 will perform best if you mount it in the center of your vehicle (approximately) on your front windshield. I opted for the suction cup windshield mount over the hook-and-loop fastener for my three-week drive. The RAD 380 comes with a 12V power cord, suction cup windshield mount, a hook-and-loop fastener for dashboard mounting, and a quick reference guide. Shop Cobra Electronics Cobra RAD 380 In-Depth: What It Offers It may have only a few features, but it performs them exceptionally well. Although inexpensive, the RAD 380 is not a “cheap” radar detector. Instead, the RAD 380 is more straightforward in its design and functionality, which has its benefits as well. The lower price point also means the RAD 380 cannot support certain connectivity features, like the Cobra iRadar App. It cannot “mark” a red light camera or speed trap, and there are no custom submenus of any kind. For example, the RAD 380 does not have directional alert arrows. While its lower price point (relative to other radar detectors) is attractive, it comes at the expense of some helpful features. The one concern was whether the RAD 380 was going to be enough. And with a retail price of $99.95, the Cobra RAD 380 is an obvious choice. If you consider the average cost of a speeding ticket in the United States (around $150, not counting the increased insurance premium), then yes, a radar detector makes sense. The most obvious reason is to avoid a speeding ticket. At the end, I will lend some insight if you are thinking about purchasing a radar detector. In this article, I will run through the RAD 380 “spec sheet” and summarize my three-week drive as I go along. Whether navigating the industrial areas of Detroit or the more open expanses of I-94, the little Cobra RAD 380 always seemed to deliver in big ways. I spent three weeks driving with the Cobra RAD 380 across Michigan, in two different vehicles, for this review.
Cobra police scanner portable#
Lightweight, easy-to-install, and inexpensive: these all describe the Cobra RAD 380, a portable radar detector designed to provide longer range and fewer false alerts. The opinions below are my own based on my personal experience with the product. The RAD 380 in this review was supplied to Automoblog by Cobra Electronics. Shiva vs zeus.Affiliate Disclosure: Automoblog and its partners may be compensated when you purchase the products featured in this review.
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spaceculture · 2 years
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We provide the best Lidar scanner app in cheap. Now you can install the best Lidar scanner app with your iOS device and can make the best use of it while scanning your rooms and spaces in an effortless manner.
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techreviewnest · 3 years
Is iPhone 12 Pro Worth a Buy? Here's an Ultimate Guide to Find Out!
Apple launched the new iPhone 12 Pro on October 13, 2020. A Smartphone with a lot of features that will help users do their tasks in no time. Let's take a look at all the features of the Apple's iPhone 12 Pro and find whether it’s really worth a buy in 2021.
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What are the key features of iPhone 12 Pro?
Apple iPhone 12 Pro has 5G, A14 Bionic chip, a Pro camera system, LiDAR scanner, Super Retina XDR display (brightness is 1200 nits and contrast ratio is 2,000,000:1) and a brand new design with ceramic shield. It also supports multiple HDR formats like HDR 10, Dolby Vision and HLG.
What are the dimensions of the iPhone 12 Pro?
The exact dimensions of the Apple iPhone 12 Pro are 146.70 X 71.50 X7.40 mm and weigh 187.00 g.
Is the iPhone 12 Pro Waterproof?
The iPhone 12 Pro comes with an IP68 rating for water protection up to 6 meters deep for up to 30 minutes so you can now take pictures unwater without worrying about the phone. iPhone 12 Pro is protected against everyday spills, including coffee and soda.
Apple iPhone 12 Pro Camera
In the iPhone 12 Pro, the rear camera has 12 megapixels (f/1.6) (f/2.4) f/2.0) with autofocus and rear flash, while the front camera has 12 megapixels (f/2.2). Using wide-angle and ultra-wide-angle cameras, the iPhone 12 Pro can capture professional-quality images and videos even in low-light conditions. The device also features Apple ProRAW for more creative control over photos. The addition of night mode in multiple cameras enhances image quality in any lighting. iPhone 12 Pro has HDR video with Dolby Vision. The LiDAR scanner offers the fastest autofocus in low-light conditions.What is the Zoom Range of Apple's iPhone 12 Pro?
The device features 2x optical zoom in, 2x optical zoom out, 4x optical zoom and digital zoom up to 10x.
5G in Apple's iPhone 12 Pro
With each release, Apple improves the quality of iPhones. Now with 5G, the iPhone 12 Pro offers the next generation of performance.
"This is a huge leap for iPhone, bringing the best 5G experience to the market and delivering our most advanced technologies to users who want the absolute best from their iPhone," said Greg Joswiak, Apple's senior vice president of Worldwide Marketing.
5G on iPhone ensures faster downloads and uploads, high quality video streaming, more responsive gaming, real-time interactivity in apps, FaceTime in high definition and more. Customers will also be able to enjoy a secure, fast connection that offers speed of up to 4 Gbps, even in crowded areas. The iPhone 12 Pro also features Smart Data Mode, which extends battery life.
Apple's iPhone 12 Pro Battery
Apple uses Magsafe for wireless charging. MagSafe chargers efficiently and delivers up to 15W of power. It can simultaneously charge existing Qi-enabled devices. The iPhone 12 Pro has 2815 mAh capacity battery. You can also use a Type-C power adapter, which can charge the device up to 50 percent in half an hour. While MagSafe is an easy way to charge your iPhone 12 Pro, you can still use a wired charging method.
How do I charge the Apple iPhone 12 Pro with MagSafe?
Connect the USB-C port on your MagSafe charger to a recommended Apple USB-C power adapter rated at 20 watts (W) or more, or a compatible third-party USB-C adapter. You can also connect to a USB-C port on a Mac or PC.
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Do not place credit cards, security badges, passports, or key fobs between your iPhone and the MagSafe charger, as this could damage the magnetic stripes or RFID chips in these items.
If you have a case that has one of these sensitive parts in it, remove it before charging or make sure it's not inbetween the back of your device and the charger.
Please visit our blog to read the full review about Apple’s iPhone 12 Pro.
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cooltechnician · 4 years
iPhone 12 Pro Max- Good?
So, a new iPhone has landed in the market. Here are the features-  
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It has 6.7-inch Super Retina XDR display for best content consumption.
Protected by Ceramic Shield, tougher than any smartphone glass.
The A14 7nm Bionic chip,is  the fastest chip ever in a smartphone with higher power efficiency.
The triple camera system with 12MP Ultra Wide, Wide and Telephoto cameras; 5x optical zoom range; Night mode, Deep Fusion, Smart HDR 3, Apple ProRAW, 4K Dolby Vision HDR recording.
LiDAR Scanner for improved AR experiences, Night mode portraits are now available.
12MP TrueDepth front camera with Night mode, 4K Dolby Vision HDR recording.
Industry-leading IP68 water resistance.
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Its supports MagSafe accessories for easy attach and faster wireless charging.
iOS with redesigned widgets on the Home screen, all-new App Library, App Clips and more.
To buy it you can use the link below.
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elecdarkon · 3 years
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Price [*} Affordable Apple iPad Pro 11-inch Wi-Fi Only 512GB - Silver Order Now http://elecdarko.blogspot.com/2022/02/price-affordable-apple-ipad-pro-11-inch.html
Apple iPad Pro Description
iPad Pro features the powerful Apple M1 chip with next-level performance and all-day battery life.3 The Liquid Retina display on the 11-inch iPad Pro is not only gorgeous, but super portable.1 5G cellular models give you blazing speeds away from Wi-Fi.2 And a front camera with Center Stage keeps you in frame automatically during video calls. iPad Pro has pro cameras and a LiDAR Scanner for stunning photos, videos, and immersive AR. Thunderbolt for connecting to high-performance accessories. And you can add Apple Pencil for note-taking, drawing, and marking up documents, and the Magic Keyboard for a responsive typing experience and trackpad.4 Apps are available on the App Store. Title availability is subject to change. 1The display has rounded corners. When measured diagonally as a rectangle, the iPad Pro 11-inch screen is 11 inches. Actual viewable area is less. 2Data plan required. 5G, Gigabit LTE, LTE, and Wi-Fi calling are available in select markets and through select carriers. Speeds are based on theoretical throughput and vary based on site conditions and carrier. For details on 5G and LTE support, contact your carrier and see apple.com/ipad/cellular. 3Battery life varies by use and configuration. See apple.com/batteries for more information. 4Accessories are sold separately. Compatibility varies by generation. Size: 512GB. Color: Silver.
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smartphonegears · 1 year
The iPhone 12: A Stellar Combination of Power, Style, and Innovation
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The iPhone 12 boasts a design that is both timeless and modern. The device features a flat-edge design reminiscent of the beloved iPhone 4 but with a contemporary twist. The aerospace-grade aluminum or stainless steel frame seamlessly melds with the durable Ceramic Shield front cover, providing enhanced drop performance and unparalleled durability. The glass back not only adds a touch of elegance but also allows for wireless charging convenience.
One of the standout features of the iPhone 12 is its Super Retina XDR display. With improved brightness, deeper blacks, and more accurate colors, the OLED panel offers a mesmerizing visual experience. The edge-to-edge display is further enhanced by the Ceramic Shield, which provides increased durability and protection against everyday wear and tear. From watching movies and playing games to browsing the web and editing photos, the iPhone 12’s display truly elevates the viewing experience to new heights.
Underneath its stunning exterior, the iPhone 12 houses the powerful A14 Bionic chip, the fastest chip ever in a smartphone at the time of its release. This cutting-edge chip brings a new level of performance and efficiency, ensuring smooth multitasking, fast app launches, and impressive graphics capabilities. Whether you’re editing videos, playing graphics-intensive games, or using demanding professional apps, the iPhone 12 delivers unparalleled speed and responsiveness.
Photography enthusiasts will be thrilled with the iPhone 12’s advanced camera system. The dual-camera setup includes a 12-megapixel wide lens and a 12-megapixel ultra-wide lens, allowing users to capture stunning photos and videos with remarkable detail and clarity. Night mode takes low-light photography to new heights, delivering incredible results even in challenging lighting conditions. The Deep Fusion technology further enhances image quality by analyzing multiple exposures to bring out intricate details in textures and shadows. With Smart HDR 3, photos are more lifelike, with accurate colors and improved dynamic range. The iPhone 12 Pro models take it even further with the addition of a telephoto lens and LiDAR scanner, offering enhanced zoom capabilities and advanced AR experiences.
One of the most notable features of the iPhone 12 is its 5G connectivity. This technology opens up a world of possibilities, allowing for faster download and upload speeds, seamless streaming, and improved gaming experiences. The iPhone 12 supports both sub-6 GHz and mmWave 5G, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of networks around the globe. Whether you’re browsing the web, streaming high-quality content, or engaging in bandwidth-intensive activities, the iPhone 12’s 5G capabilities will undoubtedly impress.
In terms of software, the iPhone 12 runs on iOS, Apple’s powerful and intuitive operating system. With its seamless integration across Apple’s ecosystem, you can effortlessly switch between devices and enjoy a seamless user experience. From the privacy-focused approach to the seamless synchronization with other Apple devices, iOS ensures that the iPhone 12 is not just a phone, but a gateway to a world of interconnectedness and productivity.
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In conclusion, the iPhone 12 is a true marvel of technology, design, and innovation. Its powerful performance, stunning display, advanced camera system, and seamless integration with Apple’s ecosystem make it a device that exceeds expectations in every way. Whether you’re a professional seeking productivity, a photography enthusiast, or simply someone who appreciates the best that technology has to offer, the iPhone 12 is an exceptional choice. Apple has once again raised the bar, redefining what a smartphone can be and setting a new standard for the industry.
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stepphase · 2 years
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iPhone 12 Pro Max and iPhone 12 Pro Price, Specification
iPhone 12 Pro Max and iPhone 12 Pro 5G speed, A14 Bionic, Professional Camera, Ceramic Shield.
iPhone 12 Pro is a 6.1 Super Retina XDR display and iPhone 12 Pro Max is a 6.7 Super Retina XDR display. Ceramic Shield: That is tougher than any other smartphone. Surgical Grade with Stainless Steel. After all, it is IP68 water resistance. As well as, it has 4 different colors graphite, gold, Pacific blue, and silver.
Price & Buy: iPhone 12 Pro $999 iPhone 12 Pro Max $1099
iPhone 12 Pro Max
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iPhone 12 Pro Max & iPhone 12 Pro
5G - iPhone 12 Pro Max
The iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro Max with amazing wireless speeds and the best performance. After all, you can download any huge files, as well as stream HQ HDR series or movies. Of course, it is the best iPhone for the future of apps.
A14 Bionic is a 5-nanometer chip which is 40% more transistors reverse speed with increase battery life. After all, it has a new ISP power called Dolby Vision recording. Of course, there is not a professional camera or any other smartphone can do.
CPU and GPU is 50% faster
Neural Engine is 16-core
LiDAR Scanner
LiDAR Scanner on iPhone 12 Pro Max and iPhone 12 Pro can measures how long it takes light to reflect back from objects. As well as, it is creating a depth map of the space that you are in. After all, it is more accurate and ultrafast, it's AR apps can transform a room into a realistic rainforest.
Super Retina XDR display
1200 nit brightness in HDR movies and photos.
2,000,000:1 contrast ratio for bright whites and true blacks
iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro Max design with flat edges, flexible custom OLED. So this can allow you to push the screen's brightness, contrast, and color.
iPhone 12 Pro Max Camera
After all, its wide camera is 27% more light. As well as, 7 elements wide lens for sharpness. After all, it's LiDAR is 6x faster and autofocus low light. And OIS making 5000 adjustments per second.
Wide and Ultra-wide cameras will come in Night modes, and portraits also possible in Night mode because of LiDAR.
iPhone 12 Pro Max has a 47% larger sensor and pixels, which is increasing of light on the wide camera. After all, its OIS stabilizes the sensor so it makes the shot more steady. As well as, it's 65 mm Telephoto camera can zoom in perfect on portraits. Its low light photos are 87% better, and its zooming range is 5x with 1.7 bigger pixels.
Of course, at night mode its portrait wide camera will give you the best vivid color, background lights, and street light. If it is a small light because A14 Bionic and LiDAr can render texture and pattern in the foreground with realistic color. As well as, it can separate the subject from the background and it has a control to adjust the background blur and adjust lights on your face.
Deep Fusion: The Neural Engine can analyze multiple exposures pixels to bring out the smallest detail.
Smart HDR 3
However, It can automatically refine the contours, highlights, and shadows. If you are taking a shot at midday then you can see detail at your face and shadows which is true black. As well as, it captures golden hour magic and that can pull out the texture in rock if staying true to subtle blues in the sky. After all, its white balance and seafoam holds its shape and define the motion. As well as, it using a machine learning scene so that can bring out the cracks from the ground and roughness from the hill without increase noise in the sky.
optical zoom is 2.5x on a 65 mm Telephoto camera, so this can let you see close up details.
Dolby Vision Recording: Its jumps from 8 to 10-bit HDR recording, and capturing 700 million colors for a better experience. After all, it's better to record in Dolby Vision and its format use from a film studio. As well as, we can edit the Dolby Vision video and use Airplay to see every single bit of difference on a large screen.
As well as, AirPlay let you stream 4K Dolby Vision video to smart TV and Apple TV.
You can snap a new MagSafe case or wallet at once.
Turbo chargeable: There is a magnet align which is fast enough for wireless charging.
What is in the Box?
iPhone 12 and mini is working with Earpods, existing power adapters, and USB-A to lightning cables. Because there are millions or billions of those out in around the world, or new ones often go unused. So Apple has removed it from the box from the entire iPhone family. This can reduce carbon emission and also avoid mining as well as the use of precious materials. After all, It has shrunk the package and allowing more boxes per shipments overall. Apple transitioning its manufacturing partners to renewable energy too. Especially, it’s eliminating more than 2 million metric tons of carbon emissions annually.
Charge iPhone: You can use USB-A to Lightning cable or fast charging with the USB-C to Lightning cable which is there in the box. As well as it will work with computer ports and existing USB-C power adapters.
iPhone 12 Pro
Network: 5G / 4G / 3G / 2G Launch Date: 13 October 2020 OS: 14.1 Chipset: Apple A14 Bionic 5nm CPU: Hexa-Core GPU: Apple GPU 4-core graphics Memory: 128GB / 256GB / 512GB RAM: 6GB Display: Super Retina XDR display Rear Camera: 12MP x 12MP x 12MP Front Camera: 12MP Battery: Li-Ion 2815 mAh Charging: Fast Charging 20W Body size: 5.78 x 2.81 x 0.29 inch Weight: 189 grams
iPhone 12 Pro Max
Network: 5G / 4G / 3G / 2G Launch Date: 13 October 2020 OS: 14.1 Chipset: Apple A14 Bionic 5nm CPU: Hexa-Core GPU: Apple GPU 4-core graphics Memory: 128GB / 256GB / 512GB RAM: 6GB Display: Super Retina XDR display Rear Camera: 12MP x 12MP x 12MP Front Camera: 12MP Battery: Li-Ion 3687 mAh Charging: Fast Charging 20W Body size: 6.33 x 3.07 x 0.29 inch After all, Bodyweight: 228 grams
After all, here are a few iPhones that you may be like iPhone12 and iPhone 12 mini / iPhone 13, iPhone 13 Pro, 13 Pro Max
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gearcoupon · 3 years
The best LiDAR applications with which you can use iPhones 12 Pro and 13 Pro to the fullest
The best LiDAR applications with which you can use iPhones 12 Pro and 13 Pro to the fullest
LiDAR, or Light Detection And Ranging, is a method of remote distance measurement based on the calculation of the pulse propagation time of a laser beam reflected from a scanned object. This scanner is available not only for iPhones Pro from their version 11 and higher, ie also the current iPhones 13 Pro, but also iPads Pro. If you don't know how to get the most out of it, try these apps. You…
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