#best 3D scanner app
spaceculture · 1 year
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While using the best 3D scanner app, you will be able to scan rooms, spaces and other designs of products easily. It’s the best 3D scanner app which you can install directly with your iOS device and in a very easy way.
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scanamaze2022 · 6 months
best free 3d scanner app for iphone
Beautiful 3D model scanned on @Scanamaze. Scan now and get your free 3D model! Scanamaze allows uploading up to 500 images for a single scan from the App and an unlimited number of images from the website.
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3ddruckmuenchen · 1 year
Der 3D-Druck ist eine faszinierende Technologie, die immer mehr Anwendungsbereiche erobert. Ob Hobby, Kunst, Bildung oder Industrie - der 3D-Druck bietet unzählige Möglichkeiten, kreative Ideen umzusetzen. Doch nicht jeder 3D-Drucker ist gleich. Es gibt viele Faktoren, die die Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit eines 3D-Druckers beeinflussen. In diesem Artikel stellen wir euch einen 3D-Drucker vor, der uns mit seiner Leistung und seinem Funktionsumfang überzeugt hat: den Bambu Lab X1-Carbon. Dieser Drucker ist nicht nur ein leistungsstarker und vielseitiger FDM-3D-Drucker, sondern auch ein innovatives Gerät, das mit künstlicher Intelligenz und zahlreichen Sensoren ausgestattet ist. Wir werden euch in diesem Review die wichtigsten Merkmale und Funktionen des Bambu Lab X1-Carbon erklären, seine Druckqualität bewerten und euch zeigen, warum er für uns der beste 3D-Drucker auf dem Markt ist.   Was ist der Bambu Lab X1-Carbon? Der Bambu Lab X1-Carbon ist ein FDM-3D-Drucker mit einem Direct Drive Extruder und einem beheizten Bauraum von 256 x 256 x 256 mm. Er basiert auf einem CoreXY-Mechanismus, bei dem sich der Extruder nur in der X- und Y-Achse bewegt, während das Druckbett sich in der Z-Achse absenkt. Das sorgt für eine hohe Geschwindigkeit und Präzision beim Drucken. Bei dem Bambu Lab X1-Carbon handelt es sich aber nicht nur um einen einfachen 3D-Drucker. Er ist ein multifunktionaler Alleskönner, der viele innovative Features bietet, die ihn von anderen Druckern unterscheiden. Er verfügt über ein Automatic Material System (AMS), das es ermöglicht, bis zu vier verschiedene Filamente gleichzeitig zu verwenden. Damit kann man mehrfarbige oder mehrmaterialige Drucke erstellen, ohne manuell die Filamente zu wechseln. Das AMS erkennt auch automatisch die Filamentart und passt die Druckeinstellungen entsprechend an. Der FDM-Drucker hat außerdem eine Reihe von Sensoren und Kameras, die für eine hohe Druckqualität sorgen. Er hat zum Beispiel einen LIDAR Scanner und eine kleine Kamera auf der Unterseite des Druckkopfes, die das Druckbett vor jedem Druck scannt und eventuelle Unebenheiten ausgleicht. Er hat auch eine Full-HD-Kamera im Bauraum, die es erlaubt, den Druckfortschritt live zu verfolgen oder Fotos und Videos aufzunehmen. Ein weiteres Highlight ist die Spaghetti-Erkennung, die den Druck automatisch pausiert, wenn etwas schiefgeht. Der Bambu Lab X1-Carbon ist zudem sehr benutzerfreundlich gestaltet. Er hat einen großen Touchscreen an der Vorderseite, über den man alle Einstellungen vornehmen oder den Druck starten kann. Er hat auch eine WLAN-Verbindung und eine eigene App, mit der man den Drucker fernsteuern oder überwachen kann. Außerdem ist er mit dem Bambu Lab Studio kompatibel, einer Software, die speziell für den Bambu Lab X1-Carbon entwickelt wurde und viele nützliche Funktionen bietet.   Es wird geschüttelt, vibriert, gerührt, probegedruckt, gescannt, fotografiert und Feedback eingesammelt Der Bambu Lab X1-Carbon ist nicht nur ein 3D-Drucker, sondern auch ein intelligentes Gerät, das sich selbst optimiert und verbessert. Er nutzt seine 43 (!) Sensoren und Kameras, um verschiedene Tests durchzuführen, bevor und während des Drucks. Zum Beispiel misst er durch Frequenzmessungen die Schwingungen des Untergrunds und kompensiert sie durch seine Vibrationskompensation. Dabei schwingt der Druckkopf in unterschiedlichen Frequenzen, um die Gerätestabilität zu messen. Die Ergebnisse fließen in den Druck ein, um ihn zu verbessern. Vor dem Druck wird auf Wunsch etwas Filament auf das Druckbett extrudiert. Anschließend "rührt" der Druckkopf darin herum, um mögliche seitliche Verschmutzungen des vorherigen Elements zu entfernen. Nichts ist ärgerlicher als wenn sich während eines weißen 3D-Drucks plötzlich dunkle Reste des vorherigen schwarzen Drucks lösen und somit dunkle Linien in einen weißen 3D-Modell auftauchen. Dies wird durch die Druckkopfreinigung verhindert. Der Drucker führt auch einen Probedruck durch, bei dem er mit verschiedenen Parametern Linien e
xtrudiert. Anschließend vermisst das LIDAR-System die gedruckten Bahnen und zwei LED-Lichtspots gehen an, damit die Kamera auf der Unterseite des Druckkopfs die Qualität bewerten kann. Die Daten werden verarbeitet und eine Kontrollinie mit finalen Extrusionsdaten erzeugt und erneut vermessen. Das stellt sicher, dass der Extruder richtig kalibriert ist. Als wäre das nicht schon genug: Der Drucker scannt auch den Matrixcode der verwendeten Druckplatte mit der Kamera im Extruder. Denn im Lieferumfang ist eine doppelseitige Magnetdruckplatte. Die eine Seite (Cool Plate) ist für PLA-Material geeignet. Die Rückseite (Engineering Plate) ist für PETG, ABS, TPU, PA und PC geeignet. Durch den vorherigen Scan des Matrixcodes wird festgestellt, ob die Oberfläche zum ausgewählten Material passt. Wenn nicht, wird eine Warnung angezeigt. Ist nach all den vorhergehenden Qualitätskontrollen (die alle optional sind) die erste Modellschicht gedruckt, wird die erste Schicht mit den Sensoren am Druckkopf inspiziert. Während die Daten verarbeitet werden, fährt der Druckkopf in die Warteposition. Sobald der Drucker feststellt, dass die erste Schicht problemlos gedruckt wurde, wird die Düse nochmals abgestreift und der Druck beginnt. Am Ende des Drucks erhält man die Möglichkeit, mögliche Druckfehler zu melden über den Touchscreen oder die App. Die Daten werden dann an den Hersteller gesendet, damit dieser mögliche Probleme analysieren kann und das Gerät immer besser wird. Es ist immer ein gutes Zeichen wenn der Hersteller Interesse an der Weiterentwicklung der Geräte zeigt. Die folgenden Bilder zeigen die Unterseite des Druckkopfs. Dort sind die zwei Schlitze für die LIDAR-Laser zu sehen, die zwei LED-Lichtspots sowie die Kameralinse.   Wie druckt der Bambu Lab X1-Carbon? Wir haben den Bambu Lab X1-Carbon ausgiebig getestet und sind von seinen Druckergebnissen beeindruckt. Der Drucker kann mit einer hohen Geschwindigkeit von bis zu 500 mm/s drucken ohne dabei an Genauigkeit oder Qualität zu verlieren. Er kann auch mit einer Vielzahl von Materialien umgehen, wie PLA, ABS, PETG, Nylon oder Carbonfasern. Die beheizte Bauplatte und der beheizte Bauraum sorgen dafür, dass die Drucke gut haften und keine Verzug oder Risse entstehen. Der Bambu Lab X1-Carbon hat uns vor allem mit seinen mehrfarbigen und mehrmaterialigen Drucken überzeugt. Das AMS funktioniert einwandfrei und ermöglicht es, komplexe Modelle mit verschiedenen Farben oder Eigenschaften zu drucken. Zum Beispiel haben wir einen Schachfiguren-Satz gedruckt, bei dem jede Figur aus zwei verschiedenen Farben besteht. Das Ergebnis war sehr sauber und detailreich. Die Qualität des Benchy kann sich sehen lassen. Die Oberflächen sind fehlerfrei und auch die Unterseite mit der Beschriftung wurde in höchster Qualität gedruckt.   Wie laut ist der Bambu Lab X1-Carbon beim Drucken? Der Bambu Lab X1-Carbon ist kein leiser 3D-Drucker, wenn er mit voller Geschwindigkeit druckt. Er erzeugt einen Geräuschpegel von etwa 60 Dezibel, was vergleichbar ist mit einer normalen Unterhaltung oder einem Staubsauger. Das liegt vor allem an den schnellen Bewegungen des Extruders und den Lüftern, die für die Kühlung sorgen. Der Bambu Lab X1-Carbon bietet aber auch einen Silent Mode an, der die Geschwindigkeit und Beschleunigung des Druckers reduziert und damit auch den Geräuschpegel senkt. Im Silent Mode druckt der Bambu Lab X1-Carbon mit etwa 50 mm/s und 1000 mm/s² und erzeugt einen Geräuschpegel von etwa 53 Dezibel, was vergleichbar ist mit einem leisen Radio oder einem Kühlschrank. Das ist immer noch nicht flüsterleise, aber deutlich angenehmer für das Ohr. Der Geräuschpegel des Bambu Lab X1-Carbon hängt also stark von den Druckeinstellungen ab. Wenn man Wert auf eine hohe Geschwindigkeit legt, muss man auch mit einem höheren Geräuschpegel rechnen. Wenn man aber lieber leiser drucken möchte, kann man den Silent Mode nutzen oder die Geschwindigkeit und Beschleunigun
g manuell anpassen.   Warum ist der Bambu Lab X1-Carbon unser Favorit? Wir sind von dem Bambu Lab X1-Carbon begeistert und können ihn jedem empfehlen, der nach einem hochwertigen 3D-Drucker sucht. Der Drucker bietet Qualitätsfeatures, die wir so nirgendwo finden konnten und viel Arbeit abnehmen. Dabei ist der FDM-Drucker schnell, präzise und vielseitig. Selbst seltenen Fehldrucke können so in einer überschaubaren Zeit neu hergestellt werden. Dabei ist der 3D-Drucker einfach zu bedienen und zu warten. Ein wahrer Alleskönner. Wir nutzen den Bambu Lab X1-Carbon für unsere Firma “3D Druck München”, weil wir unseren Kunden nur das Beste bieten wollen. Wir sind überzeugt von der Qualität des Druckers und seiner Drucke. Wenn ihr euch selbst davon überzeugen wollt, könnt ihr über unseren Online-Kalkulator eure 3D-Modelle bestellen und sie aus dem Bambu Lab X1-Carbon erhalten. Wir hoffen, dass euch dieser Review gefallen hat und wir freuen uns, euch künftig Drucke aus dem Bambu Lab anbieten zu können.   [author] [author_image timthumb='on']https://3ddruckmuenchen.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/transparentes-rundes-Logo-von-3D-Druck-Muenchen.webp[/author_image] [author_info]Der Autor dieses Artikels ist 3D Druck München, Ihr kompetenter Partner für professionellen 3D-Druck mit deutschlandweitem Versand. Seit vielen Jahren sind wir im Bereich 3D-Druck tätig und verfügen über umfangreiche Erfahrung und Know-how. Unser Team besteht aus qualifizierten Ingenieuren, Designern und Technikern, die Ihnen individuelle Beratung, hochwertige Druckerzeugnisse und zuverlässigen Service bieten. Kontaktieren Sie uns gerne für ein unverbindliches Angebot.[/author_info] [/author]
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rongxinkang · 1 month
Mixed Reality//Scanning classrooms, restrooms and school graffiti lanes with 3D Scanner APP
My group member JJ and I went to the school to scan the three remaining spaces, the long corridor, the classrooms and the toilets.
Firstly we went to scan the graffiti passageway that the University of Sydney is famous for, this passageway had a lot of character and felt perfect for the effect we wanted the space to have. However, we found a problem during the scanning project, because the scanning time is a weekday, so there will be many students passing through this passage, we need a relatively static site without foot traffic during the scanning process, but since there will be students walking through constantly, we don't want to affect their normal travelling, so JJ and I came up with a solution. He was in charge of scanning and I was in charge of keeping an eye on the passing crowds. For example, when I saw a passerby coming not far away, I would remind JJ to scan the ceiling with his cell phone upwards first, and then when the passerby passed us, I would remind him again to quickly scan the missing scene where the passerby had just passed by. It was a bit of a hassle and a thrilling process, but we finally finished scanning the graffiti channel and got the 3D effect we wanted.
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Immediately following the scanning was the classroom. I chose a relatively not very large classroom to scan. We scanned this space many times because we realized that there were a lot of chairs in the classroom, and it was difficult to capture all the details of the chairs in the app, so after many attempts, we chose the perfect classroom scan.
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Lastly, the restroom scan. Toilets are best scanned as they have very little space. However, since the door of the toilet is always closed automatically, there is no way to scan the toilet space and the shower space at the same time. In the end, JJ did the scanning separately to get the scanned files of the two separate spaces. I will also follow up in Blender to merge the two spaces together.
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goodyear2024 · 24 days
Transforming Dental Care: The Rise of Denticore
an era marked by rapid technological advancements, the dental industry is undergoing a significant transformation. At the forefront of this revolution is Denticore, a pioneering company dedicated to redefining oral healthcare through innovative solutions. With a comprehensive suite of services and cutting-edge technology, Denticore is not just enhancing the way dental care is delivered but is also setting new standards in patient experience and outcomes.
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Denticore is a visionary company committed to leveraging the latest technological advancements to provide superior dental care. Founded on the principles of innovation, patient-centricity, and excellence, Denticore aims to address the evolving needs of both patients and dental professionals. By integrating state-of-the-art technology with personalized care, Denticore is poised to revolutionize the dental industry.
Technological Innovations
One of the core pillars of Denticore’s success is its investment in cutting-edge technology. The company utilizes advanced imaging systems, such as 3D digital scanners and cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), to enhance diagnostic accuracy and treatment planning. These technologies enable dentists to visualize intricate details of the patient’s oral anatomy, leading to more precise and effective interventions.
Denticore is also at the forefront of incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning into dental care. AI-powered diagnostic tools assist dentists in identifying potential issues early, allowing for proactive treatment and better patient outcomes. Additionally, machine learning algorithms help in predicting treatment success rates and tailoring personalized care plans, ensuring that each patient receives the most appropriate and effective treatment.
At the heart of Denticore’s philosophy is a commitment to providing a superior patient experience. The company has implemented a range of initiatives designed to enhance comfort, convenience, and overall satisfaction. This includes the development of a user-friendly mobile app that allows patients to schedule appointments, access their medical records, and receive reminders for upcoming visits.
Moreover, Denticore emphasizes the importance of patient education. The company provides a wealth of resources, including interactive tutorials and informative articles, to help patients understand their treatment options and make informed decisions about their oral health. This educational approach empowers patients and fosters a sense of collaboration between them and their dental care providers.
Comprehensive Services
Denticore offers a wide array of services designed to meet the diverse needs of its patients. From routine check-ups and cleanings to advanced restorative and cosmetic procedures, Denticore’s team of skilled professionals is equipped to handle all aspects of dental care. The company’s emphasis on continuous education and training ensures that its practitioners are always abreast of the latest techniques and best practices in the field.
Additionally, Denticore provides specialized services such as orthodontics, implantology, and periodontics, all under one roof. This integrated approach not only simplifies the patient’s journey but also facilitates seamless coordination of care among different specialists. By offering comprehensive services in a single location, Denticore minimizes the need for multiple appointments and referrals, saving patients time and reducing stress.
Sustainability and Community Engagement
Denticore is also committed to sustainability and community engagement. The company employs eco-friendly practices, such as digital record-keeping and the use of biodegradable materials, to reduce its environmental footprint. Furthermore, Denticore actively participates in community outreach programs, offering free dental check-ups and educational workshops to underserved populations.
Denticore is revolutionizing the dental industry through its unwavering commitment to innovation, patient-centric care, and comprehensive services. By harnessing the power of technology and prioritizing patient experience, Denticore is setting new benchmarks in oral healthcare. As the company continues to expand its reach and impact, it is poised to become a leader in the field, transforming the way dental care is perceived and delivered.
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9jaboizgistworld-blog · 5 months
Samsung Galaxy M84 Price In Nigeria
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Samsung is known for its innovative and cutting-edge smartphones that offer the best of technology and design. The Samsung Galaxy M84 5G is one of the upcoming flagship devices from the South Korean giant that is expected to launch in October 2022. The Samsung Galaxy M84 5G is a beast of a phone that boasts of some incredible features and specifications, such as: - A 6.9-inch Dynamic AMOLED 2X display with 120Hz refresh rate and HDR10+ support - A 108MP quad-camera setup with 10x optical zoom and 8K video recording - A 60MP selfie camera with dual video call and AR emoji features - A 7200 mAh battery with 65W fast charging and 25W wireless charging - A Snapdragon 898 5G processor with 12GB of RAM and 256/512 GB of internal storage - A premium design with water and dust resistance and S Pen support The Samsung Galaxy M84 5G is a dream phone for many smartphone enthusiasts who want the best of the best. But how much does it cost in Nigeria? And is it worth buying? In this article, we will answer these questions and more by giving you the Samsung Galaxy M84 5G price in Nigeria, specs, features, and review. Let’s get started!
Samsung Galaxy M84 5G Design and Display
The Samsung Galaxy M84 5G has a stunning design and display that will impress anyone who sees it. The device has a sleek and elegant body that measures 165.1 x 75.6 x 8.9 mm and weighs 228 grams. It comes in various colors, such as black, white, silver, and blue. The device is made of metal and glass, with a Gorilla Glass Victus protection on both the front and the back. The device is also water and dust resistant, with an IP68 rating. The display of the Samsung Galaxy M84 5G is a 6.9-inch Dynamic AMOLED 2X screen that has a resolution of 1440 x 3200 pixels and a pixel density of 509 ppi. The display supports a 120Hz refresh rate and HDR10+, which means it can deliver smooth and vivid visuals. The display also has a punch-hole cutout at the center, which houses the selfie camera. The display has an in-display fingerprint scanner, which allows you to unlock the device with a simple touch. The display also supports the S Pen, which is a stylus that lets you write, draw, and control the device with ease. The S Pen is sold separately, but it is worth getting if you want to unleash your creativity and productivity.
Samsung Galaxy M84 5G Camera
The camera of the Samsung Galaxy M84 5G is one of the main highlights of the device. The device has a 108MP quad-camera setup at the back, which consists of a 108MP wide-angle lens, a 12MP telephoto lens, a 12MP ultrawide lens, and a 3D ToF sensor. The camera can capture stunning photos and videos in various modes and settings, such as portrait, night, panorama, pro, slow-motion, time-lapse, and more. The camera can also zoom up to 10x optically and 100x digitally, which means you can get closer to your subjects without losing quality. The camera can also record videos in 8K resolution at 30fps, which is the highest quality available in the market. The selfie camera of the Samsung Galaxy M84 5G is also impressive, as it has a 60MP sensor that can take beautiful selfies and groupies. The selfie camera can also record videos in 4K resolution at 60fps, which is great for vlogging and video calling. The selfie camera also has some fun features, such as the dual video call, which lets you use both the front and rear cameras simultaneously, and the AR emoji, which lets you create and customize your own animated characters.
Samsung Galaxy M84 5G Performance and Storage
The performance and storage of the Samsung Galaxy M84 5G are top-notch, as it has a Snapdragon 898 5G processor with 12GB of RAM and 256/512 GB of internal storage. The Snapdragon 898 5G is a powerful chipset that can handle any task or game with ease. It has an octa-core CPU with a clock speed of up to 3.0 GHz and a Adreno 730 GPU that can render high-quality graphics. The 12GB of RAM ensures smooth multitasking and switching between apps, while the 256/512 GB of internal storage provides ample space for your files and media. The device also supports UFS 3.1, which means it has fast read and write speeds. The device runs on Android 12 OS, which is the latest version of the popular operating system. It also has the One UI 4.0, which is Samsung’s custom user interface that adds some useful features and enhancements to the Android experience. Some of the features of the One UI 4.0 include the DeX mode, which lets you connect the device to a monitor and use it as a PC, the Knox security, which protects your data and privacy from malware and hackers, and the Bixby assistant, which lets you control the device with your voice and perform various tasks.
Samsung Galaxy M84 5G Battery and Network
The battery and network of the Samsung Galaxy M84 5G are also impressive, as it has a 7200 mAh battery with 65W fast charging and 25W wireless charging. The 7200 mAh battery is one of the largest batteries in the market, which means it can last for a long time on a single charge. The device also supports reverse wireless charging, which lets you share your battery power with other compatible devices. The device has various battery modes and features, such as the adaptive battery, which learns your usage patterns and optimizes the battery life, the super power saving mode, which limits the functionality of the device to extend the battery life, and the ultra power saving mode, which turns the device into a basic phone with only essential apps and features. The device also supports 5G network, which is the fastest and most advanced network technology available. The device can connect to both 5G SA (standalone) and 5G NSA (non-standalone) networks, which means it can access both the new and the existing network infrastructure. The device can also switch between 5G and 4G networks seamlessly, depending on the availability and the signal strength. The device also supports other network bands, such as 3G and 2G, which means it can work with any SIM card and carrier in Nigeria. The device also has other connectivity options, such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFC, GPS, USB, OTG, HDMI, and audio jack. The device supports Wi-Fi 6E, which is the latest and fastest Wi-Fi standard that can deliver up to 10 Gbps of speed. The device also supports Bluetooth 5.2, which is the latest and most efficient Bluetooth standard that can connect to multiple devices simultaneously. The device also supports NFC with MST, which means it can make contactless payments and transfers with any terminal or device. The device also supports GPS with GLONASS, which means it can provide accurate and reliable location and navigation services. The device also supports USB Type-C, which is the universal and reversible connector that can transfer data and power. The device also supports OTG, which means it can connect to external devices and peripherals, such as flash drives, keyboards, and mice. The device also supports HDMI output, which means it can connect to a TV or a monitor and display its content on a bigger screen. The device also has a 3.5mm headphone jack, which means it can connect to any wired headphones or speakers.
Samsung Galaxy M84 Price in Nigeria
The Samsung Galaxy M84 price in Nigeria is not officially announced yet, but it is estimated to start from USD $490. This is equivalent to about NGN 201,000 at the current exchange rate. However, the actual price may vary depending on the market and the availability of the device. The device is expected to launch in October 2022, but there is no confirmed date or venue yet. The device will be available in various online and offline stores in Nigeria, such as Jumia, Konga, Slot, Jiji, and Samsung Experience Stores. The device will also come with different payment methods and delivery options, such as cash on delivery, bank transfer, credit card, debit card, PayPal, and Paystack. The device will also come with a warranty policy, which will cover any defects or damages for a certain period of time.
Samsung Galaxy M84 5G Pros and Cons
The Samsung Galaxy M84 5G is a fantastic device that has many pros and cons. Here are some of them: Pros - Stunning display with 120Hz refresh rate and HDR10+ support - Impressive camera with 108MP sensor and 10x optical zoom - Powerful performance with Snapdragon 898 5G chipset and 12GB of RAM - Massive battery with 65W fast charging and 25W wireless charging - Premium design with water and dust resistance and S Pen support Cons - Expensive price tag - No microSD card slot - No 3.5mm headphone jack - Heavy and bulky device - Potential overheating issues
The Samsung Galaxy M84 5G is a remarkable device that offers the best of everything. It has a gorgeous display, a superb camera, a blazing-fast performance, a huge battery, and a classy design. It also has some unique features, such as the 5G network, the S Pen, and the DeX mode. However, it also has some drawbacks, such as the high price, the lack of a microSD card slot, the absence of a headphone jack, the heavy weight, and the possible overheating problems. Therefore, the Samsung Galaxy M84 5G is a device that is suitable for those who want the ultimate smartphone experience and are willing to pay for it. But it may not be the best choice for those who are looking for a more affordable, compact, and simple device. What do you think of the Samsung Galaxy M84 5G? Do you like it or not? Do you have any questions or comments about it? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section below. And don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter for more updates and information. Thank you for reading! Read the full article
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recentlyheardcom · 8 months
Lenovo has become active this month, especially in the current week. After launching new budget phones in India earlier this week, it launched another mid-range device, but this time in China, on Thursday. The company unveiled its S5 Pro smartphone, a mid-range camera-specific device aimed at consumers wanting better camera pictures along with other great features. Design, Specs, and Camera The S5 Pro has a metal unibody design. It has a 6.18inch IPS LCD Full HD+ display (with a resolution of 1080x2246p), having an aspect ratio of 18.7:9. The performance is taken care of by Qualcomm’s powerful Snapdragon 636 processor, coupled with 6GB of RAM and 64GB of internal storage. The phone has a dual hybrid SIM slot to expand the capacity. There will be another variant too, with 6GB RAM/128GB option, which will be unveiled later. It runs on Android Oreo 8.1 out-of-the-box skinned in Lenovo’s own ZUI 5.0, which provides split-multitasking and dual accounts for specific apps. You can have 4 different accounts for a single app! The phone has a decent 3,500mAh battery and also has a Type-C port. Coming onto the camera department, then the S5 Pro houses a dual-rear camera setup of 12MP (f/1.8 aperture) plus a 20MP telephoto lens (f/2.6 aperture), for 2x zooming. The rear camera can shoot 4K videos @30fps. On the front, there is a large 20MP (Sony sensor) selfie camera, inside the notch-yes there is notch too. The front camera can also take portraits, while the video shooting capability is up to 1080p. There is also a 3D face scanner which not has an AI face unlock feature but also helps in making the selfies even more better in terms of quality, according to the company. Price In China the S5 Pro will be shipped from October 21st 2018. It costs around CNY 1,300 for the 6GB/64GB model (around $190) which translates to about Rs.13,947. The higher storage version of 128GB internal capacity is not available at this time. It will be arriving later. There was also no news on whether there will be an India variant of the S5 Pro or not. Lenovo S5 Pro – Price, Full Specifications & Features Launch Date November 28, 2018 (Expected) Brand Lenovo Model S5 Pro Operating System Android v8.1 (Oreo) Custom UI ZUI SIM Slot(s) Dual SIM, GSM+GSM SIM Size SIM1: Nano SIM2: Nano (Hybrid) Network 4G: Available (supports Indian bands) 3G: Available, 2G: Available Fingerprint Sensor Quick Charging Height 154.5 mm Width 75.4 mm Thickness 7.7 mm Very Good ▾ Weight 170 grams Below Average ▾ Colours Ice Blue, Pure Gold, Crystal Black Screen Size 6.2 inches (15.75 cm) Screen Resolution 1080 x 2246 pixels Aspect Ratio 18.7:9 Bezel-less display Pixel Density 402 ppi Best in Class ▾ Display Type IPS LCD Touch Screen  Capacitive Touchscreen, Multi-touch Screen to Body Ratio (calculated) 83.05 % Chipset Qualcomm Snapdragon 636 Processor Octa core (1.8 GHz, Quad core, Kryo 260 + 1.6 GHz, Quad core, Kryo 260) Architecture 64 bit Graphics Adreno 509 RAM 6 GB Internal Memory 64 GB Expandable Memory  Up to 256 GB Resolution 12 MP + 20 MP Dual Primary Cameras Very Good ▾ Sensor CMOS image sensor Autofocus Physical Aperture F1.8 Flash  LED Flash Image Resolution 4000 x 3000 Pixels Settings Exposure compensation, ISO control Shooting Modes Continuos Shooting, High Dynamic Range mode (HDR) Camera Features Digital Zoom, 2 x Optical Zoom, Auto Flash, Face detection, Touch to focus Video Recording 3840×2160 @ 30 fps Resolution 20 MP + 8 MP Dual Front Cameras Physical Aperture F2.2 Camera Features Fixed Focus Video Recording 1920×1080 @ 30 fps Capacity 3500 mAh Type Li-ion User Replaceable  No Quick Charging  Fast SIM Size SIM1: Nano, SIM2: Nano (Hybrid) Network Support 4G (supports Indian bands), 3G, 2G VoLTE SIM 1 4G Bands: TD-LTE 2600(band
38) / 2300(band 40) / 2500(band 41) / 2100(band 34) / 1900(band 39) FD-LTE 2100(band 1) / 1800(band 3) / 2600(band 7) / 900(band 8) / 1900(band 2) / 850(band 5) / 800(band 20) 3G Bands: UMTS 1900 / 2100 / 850 / 900 MHz 2G Bands: GSM 1800 / 1900 / 850 / 900 MHz GPRS: Available EDGE: Available SIM 2 4G Bands: TD-LTE 2600(band 38) / 2300(band 40) / 2500(band 41) / 2100(band 34) / 1900(band 39) FD-LTE 2100(band 1) / 1800(band 3) / 2600(band 7) / 900(band 8) / 1900(band 2) / 850(band 5) / 800(band 20) 3G Bands: UMTS 1900 / 2100 / 850 / 900 MHz 2G Bands: GSM 1800 / 1900 / 850 / 900 MHz GPRS: Available EDGE: Available Wi-Fi  Wi-Fi 802.11, a/ac/b/g/n Wi-Fi Features Mobile Hotspot Bluetooth  v5.0 GPS  with A-GPS USB Connectivity Mass storage device, USB charging USB Type-C  (Doesn`t support micro-USB) Fingerprint Sensor Fingerprint Sensor Position Rear Other Sensors Light sensor, Proximity sensor, Accelerometer, Compass, Gyroscope Read More: Redmi Note 6 Pro Specs, Camera Details and Price leaked!
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miachel-brown · 10 months
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Guess what? I've brought a unique surprise to this Valentine's Day – I used my reliable POP 3 3D scanner to scan a bouquet of roses! 🌹
But hold on, this isn't your usual Valentine's Day; it's China's special version known as Qixi Festival, a holiday that blends romance with tradition. 🎉
With the help of Revopoint's impressive Revo Scan software, those roses have transformed into a digital marvel! This 3d scanner app seamlessly pairs with the POP 3 3D scanner, making scanning a breeze even for tech-challenged folks like me. It covers the basics and more, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable scanning experience.
Now, let's dive into Qixi Festival. It's akin to a star-crossed lovers' rendezvous in China, where a cowherd and a weaver girl meet annually on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. It's a celebration that fuses tradition with technology. What better way to commemorate this occasion than by digitally scanning a bouquet that encapsulates the essence of modern romance?
So, as I gear up to surprise my significant other, I'm seamlessly blending the best of both worlds – cutting-edge scanning and age-old tradition. Revopoint's POP 3 and Revo Scan software have truly made this Qixi Festival unforgettable! 🌟
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mdshariful · 11 months
Revopoint Range 3D Scanner Review: Expertise in high-quality 3D Scanning with the Revopoint RANGE 3D Scanner. Seize intricate particulars and exact dimensions quickly for skilled or private initiatives. Now, you may carry your artistic concepts to life on the planet of 3D modelling and printing. Get one of the best deals by buying the Revopoint RANGE 3D Scanner from RCMoment, your trusted supplier for cutting-edge know-how and reasonably priced costs. Unlock the potential of 3D Scanning at this time! Revopoint Range 3D Scanner Review: Price Compression [content-egg-block template=offers_logo_groups] Revopoint Range 3D Scanner Review: Video Revopoint Range 3D Scanner Review: Design The Revopoint RANGE 3D Scanner provides outstanding scanning accuracy for sizable objects. Its single-frame precision reaches a formidable 0.1mm, whereas its seize vary spans 360mm x 650mm @600mm in a single scan. This distinctive functionality makes it a flexible selection for scanning-intensive gadgets like vehicles, furnishings, and even human topics. The scanner's pace and precision facilitate duties corresponding to automobile modifications, clothes design, and the conclusion of various artistic ideas. Furthermore, the scanner boasts a lightweight design, weighing solely 210g, and compact dimensions of 295mm x 41.5mm x 28.2mm. Revopoint Range 3D Scanner Review: Features Expertise in the subsequent stage of 3D Scanning with the Revopoint RANGE 3D Scanner. Providing unparalleled efficiency, RANGE's high-power projector reaches new horizons, capturing intricate level cloud knowledge from 300mm to 800mm away—double the space of its predecessor, the POP 2. The projector's brilliant and high-resolution structured mild patterns improve the signal-to-noise ratio, leading to distinctive scans at speeds of as much as 18fps. The revolutionary aspheric lenses decrease picture aberration, making specific razor-sharp and vibrant 3D fashions. The Revopoint RANGE is the world's first reasonably priced massive object scanner with a single size variety of 360mm x 650 mm@600mm. 0.1mm Single-Frame Precision 0.3mm Point Distance 800mm Scan Distance Up to 18fps Scan Speed Large Object Scanning Minimum Scan Volume 50x50x50mm That includes an RGB digicam; RANGE produces beautiful full-colour, almost lifelike scans. The included user-friendly App, Revo Scan, simplifies the scanning course for customers of all ranges. In contrast, the embedded processor ensures compatibility with office-level computer systems. With assistance for Home Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android, in addition to each handheld and accessory-assisted Scanning, Revopoint scanners redefine compatibility and efficiency in 3D Scanning. Revopoint Range 3D Scanner Review: Specifications General Brand: Revopoint Type: 3D Scanner Model: RANGE (Standard Version) Color: Black Specification Technology: Dual Camera Infrared Light Light Source: Class 1 Infrared Light Single-frame Precision: Up to 0.1mm Alignment: Feature/Marker Connection Modes: USB 3.0, and Wi-Fi 5.1 Point Distance: 0.3mm Output Format: PLY, OBJ, and STL Compatible with: Windows 8/10/11 (64-bit), Android, iOS, macOS Single Capture Range: 360mm x 650mm @600mm Working Distance: 300mm - 800mm Special Object Scanning: Use scanning spray and the correct scanning mode for transparent, dark, or highly reflective objects. Bluetooth: 4.1 Hardware Button: Start/Pause Scan Color Scanning: Yes Scan Speed: 12fps - 18fps Minimum Scan Volume: 50x50x50mm Weight & Size Scanner Weight: 0.21kg Package Weight: 1.2kg Product Size(L x W x H): 295x41.5x28.2mm Package Size(L x W x H): 458x142x67mm Package Contents 1 x RANGE 3D Scanner 1 x Phone Holder 1 x Quick Mount Kit 1 x Tripod 1 x Power Bank 1 x 2-in-1 Mobile Cable 1 x USB Cable (Type-C) 1 x Micro-B to Type-A Cable 1 x Black Sheet 1 x Markers 1 x Glue Track 1 x User Manual 14 Reasons to Buy Revopoint RANGE 3D Scanner
I am explaining why you should buy the Revopoint RANGE 3D Scanner. 1. 3D Scanning acquired greater Revopoint RANGEE's highly effective new infrared mild projector greater than doubles its scanning distance to as much as 800mm, retaining a formidable single-frame precision of as much as 0.1mm and making the RANGE a robust instrument for scanning massive objects like vehicles, furnishings, and industrial components. It even makes checking a human physique in only one scan attainable. 2. The way forward for inside design Degree up your skill to ship spectacular inside design customization by scanning furnishings, fittings, and even entire rooms and creating full-colour vivid 3D fashions for inside design software programs like DreamPlan or MagicPlan. 3. Streamlined automobile modelling Always guarantee customized items will suit your automobile with the RANGE's quick and correct Scanning. Beforehand constructing customized components like a wide-body package would take tens of hours and numerous trials and errors to create matching items. However, with the RANGE, you may shortly seize and measure the precise dimensions even when scanning sophisticated geometric surfaces. 4. Capturing historical past Restoration and preservation of monumental statues, historical artefacts, and vintage furnishings have yet to be more straightforward with the RANGE. Its handheld scanning mode, lightweight, and compatibility with iOS and Android units make it a conveyable, versatile instrument that can capture massive artworks without needing to manoeuvre or contact them. 5 From head to toe in below 2 minutes Simplify the creation of human 3D fashions for video video games, AR, and VR functions with the entire physique and head scan accomplished in below two minutes. Simply 3D print a near-lifelike miniature mannequin for a distinctive present or marriage ceremony cake topper. 6. East mode for Scanning Do it even sooner with the assistance of the Massive Turntable. Its robust design helps a load of 200kg, and a strong motor (rated for 3,000 hours of rotation) retains the turntable spinning quickly even at max weight and pace (35-90 seconds per rotation). Alter its speed and process on the fly utilizing its distant management or app. 7. 3D Scans massive objects quickly RANGE's new highly effective infrared projection system with brighter and better decision structured mild has a working distance between 300mm to 800mm with a single seize vary of 360mm x 650mm @600mm. Effectively scan vehicles, furnishings, individuals, and many extra massive objects. 8. 800mm Scan Distance Revopoint RANGE 3D scanner will effectively seize massive objects with the brand new highly effective infrared projector, it has brighter and better decisions, and because of the structured mild, it helps a 300mm to 800mm working distance. 9. Swift Scanning With a scanning pace of as much as 18 frames per second, you may transfer the RANGE easily and seize objects quickly. And the mixing of a self-developed chip and new superior algorithms permits even smoother body stitching for elevated scanning effectivity. 10. Correct 3D Fashions With a single-frame precision of as much as 0.1mm and some extent distance of as much as 0.3mm, the RANGE's new twin IR cameras with aspheric lenses scale back picture aberrations and be sure that the micro-structured infrared mild evenly reaches the sensors. 11. Colouration Scanning Want colour, then no downside. RANGE's RGB digicam can seize an object's paint as you scan, able to be merged with the 3D mannequin after meshing the information to create correct fully-coloured, almost lifelike 3D fashions. 12. Versatile Scanning Whole handheld scanning freedom for large objects with the deal with's built-in energy financial institution can energy the RANGE for as much as 2 hours. With the Power Financial Institution Deal with and smartphone holder, you needn't fear cables limiting or getting in the best way of your motion.
And with the removable tripod for the grip, the RANGE can seamlessly swap between getting used as a turntable scanner or a moveable handheld scanner prepared for outside Scanning. 13. Highly effective and user-friendly software program RANGE comes with a robust companion app designed for scanning and enhancing. This software program has been in use since our first 3D scanner POP got here to market and has frequently been up to date and improved to ship higher scanning efficiency and ease of service. 14 Revo Scan Suitable with Home Windows, Android, macOS, and iOS, Revo Scan is your gateway software program for performing 3D scans. Its clear and simple UI streamlines your scanning expertise. If you need help with what performance does, hover your mouse over the icon for a complete rationalization. Export your scans within the three most standard codecs, PLY, OBJ, and STL, appropriate with all skilled design software programs and 3D printers for seamless integration into your workflow. After you've completed the scan, you may edit and refine your 3D mannequin in Revo Scan's enhancing suite. It comes with 'Clip,' 'Mesh,' 'Simplify,' 'Fill Gap,' and 'Alignment' options for adjusting your fashions and merging several scans into one closing mannequin. Revopoint Range 3D Scanner Review: Conclusion In conclusion, the Revopoint RANGE 3D Scanner is a formidable answer for capturing detailed and correct three-dimensional scans. It's superior know-how and user-friendly design provide a helpful instrument for numerous functions, from prototyping to inventive creations. The comfort of buying it from RCMoment at €613.79, with immediate supply from the EU Warehouse and the additional advantage of free transport, makes it a much more exciting selection for these searching for a dependable and accessible 3D scanning answer. [content-egg-block template=offers_logo_groups]
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spaceculture · 1 year
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We provide the best Lidar scanner app in cheap. Now you can install the best Lidar scanner app with your iOS device and can make the best use of it while scanning your rooms and spaces in an effortless manner.
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spacecapturevn · 11 months
Search for the Best 3d scanner iPhone app
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Welcome to the realm of 3D scanning, where your iPhone becomes a powerful tool for capturing the world in stunning three-dimensional detail. Are you on a mission to find the best 3D scanner iPhone app? Look no further! We present to you the ultimate solution that will transform your smartphone into a cutting-edge 3D scanner, allowing you to explore, create, and share immersive 3D models like never before.
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salesmart · 1 year
Discover the best millets in India! From nutrient-rich finger millet to gluten-free pearl millet, our curated list of top millets will help you make a healthy and delicious choice for your diet. Find out more!
If you are confused and looking for the Best CA Foundation Accounts Classes in Kolkata, you are on the right page. CA Foundation Accounts is Paper 1 of the CA Foundation Course, also known as Principles and Practice of Accounting. The syllabus of CA Foundation Accounting covers basic accounting principles and their treatment. Many of you, especially those from a commerce background, will be familiar with accounting and know the basics.
The BEST profession, technique, the science of determining the three-dimensional or terrestrial positions of points and angles and the distance between them is known as Land Surveying or Surveying. A professional who surveys land is called a BEST LAND SURVEYORS. The points are generally on the earth’s surface and are very much used to set up parameters and maps generally for the locations, ownership such as structural components’ designed positions for the surface location or construction of subsurface features or any different purpose required by the civil law or government, for example, property sales. BEST LAND SURVEYORS use many components in their work, they work with elements of trigonometry, regression analysis, engineering, geometry, geodesy, metrology, law, and programming languages. LAND SURVEYORS use types of equipment like robotic total stations, total stations, GNSS receivers, retroreflectors, 3d scanners, radios, inclinometer, digital and optical levels drones, GIS, Surveying software, subsurface locators, etc. Surveys have always been an element that has always helped in the development of the human environment from the beginning. The execution of most forms and the planning of construction require it. It is also used in communication, mapping, transport, and also the meaning of legal parameters for land ownership and is also a very important tool for research in many other scientific fields which is done by the BEST LAND SURVEYORS.
In today’s market, there are numerous brands who are launching their own recorded class Android app in order to facilitate e-learning through different learning approaches. DTH LMS is a notable recorded class Android app which fosters e-learning in today’s time.We are dynamic and professionally organized Corporate Housekeeping Services in kolkata, Best Cleaner Services in kolkata Provider Organization, run by a group of professionals from several sectors for shopping malls, offices and business hubs, hospitals, Educational Institutions Govt. installations, multinational corporate house, Bank, Residential housings, Industrial belts, Hotels & Banquets, Shopping Malls, Retail outlet, etc all over Eastern Region of India. In today’s fierce competitive market in the world, our Organization tries to deliver the best product and services at competitive and affordable rate as per our Customers/Clients requirement. In the process organization must concentrate at its core competencies and in all possible areas in the business implore possibilities of deployment of outsource manpower to cut down liabilities and manpower cost. CLEAN SOURCE is now in a position to confidant to provide manpower and is associated with many reputed Companies, Multi National Companies, and Govt. & Non-Govt. Installation in West Bengal.
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The Company Secretary course also known as CS course is offered by the “Institute of Company Secretaries of India”. Although the course is very popular among the students of commerce, it is basically a distance learning course. It is a professional course that is very lucrative in terms of salary and also a reputed one. And the students going to prepare for the CS Professional tax course must need CS PROFESSIONAL TAX CLASSES to start their journey. Students who are interested to pursue CS Professional Tax have to undergo various stages of examinations along with practical training sessions.
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The treatment effects of Invisalign orthodontic aligners
Costs and Payment Options
The Invisalign® system
Align Technology is an American manufacturer of 3D digital scanners and Invisalign clear aligners used in orthodontics. It was founded in 1997 and is headquartered in Tempe, Arizona. The company manufactures the aligners in Juarez, Mexico and its scanners in Israel and China. The company is best known for its Invisalign system, which is a clear aligner treatment used to straighten teeth. How do the translucent Invisalign aligners beat against the fixed braces? One of the main advantages of the transparent Invisalign Aligner is that they are almost invisible and therefore hardly noticeable.
Wie viel kostet Invisalign monatlich?
Sie zahlen lediglich eine moderate Anzahlung und dann monatliche Raten in höhe von ca 75,- Euro. Selbstverständlich fallen dafür keinerlei Zinsen oder Gebühren an. Je nach dem, wie kompliziert Ihr Fall ist, schwanken auch die Kosten.
Clear aligners feel more like the texture of your actual teeth than metal brackets and wires do. Traditional braces can rub on your cheeks, causing them to feel raw. Many people prefer the at-home biweekly change in clear aligners to the sometimes painful tightening of wires by orthodontists. One of the best reasons to invest in Invisalign is how comfortable these aligners are to wear. Remember that your teeth are shifting into a new position, so you can expect to feel some mild discomfort as they move, especially with the first set of aligners.
The detailed information on how to finance your smiling smile is available on request from our Invisalign specialists. In addition to this permanently valid, low price for your new Invisalign Aligner, we offer you very convenient payment options. Thus, at the beginning of the treatment, when you receive your transparent braces, you only receive your reduced material bill. All further treatment costs are only calculated depending on the achieved treatment success, in individual parts. The intervals of the low-cost individual payments thus depend on the respective status of your individual therapy. And the best part is that this offer is absolutely free of charge for you, so no interest or additional costs incurred.
Costs and Payment Options
Looking to transform your smile with the most advanced clear aligner in the world? The My Invisalign app is a one-stop-shop that helps deliver healthy, beautiful smiles. The average Invisalign treatment time is one year but treatment time for will vary based on the age and specific needs of each person. Each case is different, so after your teeth are examined and digital images are captured, you’ll receive an estimated treatment time. Variables affecting orthodontic tooth movement with clear aligners.
At Bruner Dental, we know that you want to return a smile that is attractive and well-aligned.
Aesthetics The transparent aligners and tooth-colored attachments are more discreet than metal-and-wire braces.
Vivera retainers are custom-made using the same state-of-the-art technology as Invisalign clear aligners.
The treatment plan determines how your teeth need to shift and how long it will take to align them correctly.
Before we get into a comparison between clear aligners and traditional braces, let's align on the most significant shared benefit between the two – straighter teeth. When your teeth are straight, you'll likely feel a lot better about your smile, and your mouth will be healthier, too. The cost of Invisalign depends on your case – the severity of the misalignment of your teeth and how long it will take to move them to the correct position. After we examine your teeth, the x-rays, and 3D model, we will let you know the details of your treatment plan, as well as the cost.
The Invisalign® system
A study of 30 volunteers found that tooth movement may be affected by the wearer’s age. As the name suggests, this product is designed to make orthodontic treatment “less conspicuous,” as the American Association of Orthodontists puts it. The position was taken over by Karim Boussebaa, an experienced healthcare executive with over 28 years of industry leadership experience. The company's sales reached $1 billion for the first time in 2016 and its products were being used in about 8% of people who got braces. In 2017 the company was faced with the challenge of the expiration of its patents on its Invisalign system starting in October 2017 and the beginning of generic competition. Invisalign was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 1998, and sales began in the U.S. in 1999.
SmileDirectClub: Reviews, Treatment, and Pricing 2023
Your Invisalign® trained Doctor may offer payment financing plans. The cost of Invisalign® Treatment is determined by your Doctor based on your specific needs including duration of treatment and the type of correction you are looking for. Patient comfort Metal brackets can be rough on those with sensitive gums and mouths. Cross bite This is when a misaligned jaw causes one or more upper teeth to bite inside the lower teeth. The aligners are made through a combination of our expertise and 3-D computer imaging invisible aligners cost technology.
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tipdm · 1 year
Is There An Application Programming Interface That Takes Body Measurements?
Yes, there is an application programming interface (API) that takes body measurements. One example is the Fit3D Body Scanner API, which is a cloud based body scanning system that collects 3D body measurements and provides detailed analytics to health and wellness companies.
Get the Accurate 3D Body Measurement with our 3D Measurement App and Website. Input Body Measurements by 3D Measure Up. 3-D body scanning has a new face, and increased accessibility could easily lead to a better fit and fewer returns.  
3D Measure Up provides customers with the ability to digitally give accurate human body measurements by converting 2D body pic to 3D scanned models. It’s that easy, just with 2 images of your body from the front and side, our artificial intelligence (AI) technology can create a 3D model of your body which accurately measures the size of your body.
It is especially useful for online shopping. With our 3D Measure Up technology, customers can have an accurate idea of their body size, so they can easily shop for the right size of clothing, shoes, and other items. This technology also helps to reduce the number of returns due to wrong sizes.  
Apart from sizes, customers can also get an accurate idea of their body shape.
This helps them to find clothing that best suits their body type.  
The 3D Measure Up technology also helps retailers to reduce costs and improve customer experience. With accurate measurements, retailers can provide customers with more accurate clothing sizes and reduce the cost of returns and exchanges. Customers can also access the 3D model of their body whenever they want, in order to make more informed decisions before buying an item.
Are you ready? To perform measurement operations on the model. To know more about the 3D Scanning Application and Body Measurement API, please visit our website. Our experienced teams are ready to help you get the best out of your product. Please contact us if you need more information.
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collegencourses · 1 year
Best BSc and MBA programs in designing
Describe design. The majority of people believe that design is only decoration—making things appear appealing. Art. However, design is both a science and an art. a methodical and cold procedure. occasionally to the detriment of beauty However, the design cannot fail. Everyone and anybody can benefit from design. Design is more than just making things look lovely; it involves a delicate yet intricate process for websites, mobile apps, and design in general.
The goal of the two-year, full-time MBA in Interior Designing programme is to give students the information, competencies, and abilities they need to excel in today's challenging and dynamic global world. The course helps students acquire the abilities necessary to become a contemporary interior designer by integrating management and interior design fields, as the name of the programme suggests.
Consider studying for an MBA in interior design if you enjoy experimenting with colours, fabrics, and other materials. This is due to the field's comprehensive understanding of business, management, house design, and architecture. Due to the expanding population and the limited quantity of available space, it is now essential for humans to utilise loft space effectively. To contribute to resolving the myriad problems facing the interior design sector
B SC in Graphic Design or Bachelor of Science in Graphic Design the duration of the program is three years. In the graphic design program, you will have the opportunity to find out the industry-related abilities and strategies of computer graphics, electronic imaging, and production. In addition, our graphic design courses use scanners, digital electronic cameras, computer-based hardware, and software, such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, and Adobe Illustrator, and provide all other important skills you will require as an expert.
BSc Interior Design is often studied over the course of three years in regular format. Students who enrol in the BSc Interior Design programme learn the principles of organist, planning, creating, and managing a place according to its purpose. They are properly instructed on how to carry out organized and suitable interior design. The BSc Interior Design degree involves in-depth studies of design principles and aspects. As part of the BSc Interior Design programme, students receive instruction in 2D and 3D design software.In B Sc in Interior Designing students are also required to undergo training for various computer-related courses, such as CAD, 3-D design and space management, graphic design and other display and design software.
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barcodelascl · 2 years
Canadian accounting software for mac
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And unlike Wave, Zoho has almost universally praised customer service.
Starting at $9 per month, Zoho Books is one of the best values in accounting software this side of Wave, which is free. Zoho Books offers integrated payroll in California and Texas for now, but if you’re in any other state you’ll have to use a separate payroll app. In fact, it placed fourth-better than any other option on this list-on our Top 20 Most User-Friendly accounting software report earlier this year. Zoho Books is one of the most user-friendly options out there.
Zoho has been releasing business software since 1996, and Zoho Books is specifically tailored for Mac users, as it is designed to work with iMessage, Apple Maps, Siri, and 3D Touch. If you’re looking for the peace of mind of an established, international company offering Mac-friendly accounting software and you’re trying to avoid QuickBooks for whatever reason, Zoho Books might be for you. The biggest complaints that users have seem to be related to customer service, which is not unique to the app. It doesn’t completely replace the web version of Wave, but it does allow you to keep an eye on your business finances wherever you are. Invoice by Wave passes the user review test, clocking in at 4.6/5 with almost 2,000 reviews.
Payroll starts at $20 per month plus $4 per employee. Payments are 2.9% + 30 cents per credit transaction, or 1% per bank transaction.
The free version offers only email support, and even if you pay for payments or payroll you still only get access to chat support (no phone support). Wave offers above-average reporting features for a free tool. Wave is missing an audit trail feature, leaving it vulnerable to fraudulent employees. It’s free without limitations on users or transactions as long as you don’t need to accept payments or run payroll. It also scores high for ease of use, making it fit in nicely with the intuitive Mac ecosystem. So what makes Wave an attractive option specifically for Mac users? As mentioned, it’s free, so it’ll help you save for the next iPhone or MacBook upgrade. It allows users to create invoices, manage expenses, and view reports. The QuickBooks iOS app has a 4.7/5 rating on more than 100,000 reviews. QuickBooks Desktop for Mac is a one-time payment of $299. QuickBooks is an enormous company, and some reviewers find that the customer service isn’t as hands-on as they’d like. With hundreds of integrations, QuickBooks is highly customizable. QuickBooks has very attractive entry-level pricing, but it doubles after three months. QuickBooks is available on virtually every device, so whether your team has Macs, PCs, or smartphones, you know that everyone can use it together.
Documents can be automatically shared through iCloud.
You can upload text searchable images with the iPhone scanner.
QuickBooks for Mac 2020 takes advantage of the Mojave OS Dark Mode.
The desktop version for Mac even has a few features designed specifically for Mac users: Now, any of QuickBooks’ cloud-based offerings will work fine on your Apple device, and Intuit even still offers a desktop version for Mac. Just because you’re a Mac person doesn’t mean you have to settle for less with your accounting software. QuickBooks is for novice users and does not require any expertise in financial accounts handling. The software allows enterprises to track sales, create and send invoices, and derive a database from the cloud-based portal. QuickBooks India is the comprehensive modern accounting management tool which offers you the best for your business. List of Best School Management Software in India 1. The demand for online school management system is growing because it is more easy to use at any and every location, with no sacrifice in functionality. Also, Check: Best Accounting Software for Small Businesses. Tally ERP 9 has held its position in the market for so many years that it has become synonymous with accounting software. Here is a list of Top 10 Accounting Softwares in India. The features that make an accounting software best in the market is its price and ability to meet business requirements. Use India's best free accounting software/app to be a smart businessman. India's best and free billing software helps you for all your unique business needs like managing bounced cheque, direct cheque transfer to your supplier and what not. In today’s business environment most of the businesses have embraced Read More ✱0 Most Popular Business Accounting Software For Mac Only. If you are looking for accounting software then you are in the right place. If you are a Mac owner and you also run a business, you already have an amazing machine to take care of your expenses, accounting, and other financial tasks of your business.
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