#best and affordable cancer care in Delhi
srbachchan · 3 years
DAY 4820
Jalsa, Mumbai                May 9/10,  2021                Sun/Mon 12:24 AM
When young suffer .. when the child suffers .. when the haunt of its bearing clouds the mind with nothing but that .. when time and again the repeat of its presence in some permanence in your life propels you to understand the environ is daunting and without consider .. then gripped in remorse and sadness you drop all else and sit with nothingness .. 
One can move mountains in belief and the weight of endless adversity, but if the insides are drenched in the assess that the paths are damaged and worn .. played out in the drama of a fine performance that seeks attention when attention is not the real cause .. then you sit up .. take stock .. work out the for and the against and come to conclude that the eventual set , should be to remove the cancerous pain , bear it for a while but live in the relief that it shall not be there in permanence once removed .. 
The ability to , despite unfavourable nature , shall ever be the halting block .. but the drama and the performance can ever be seen through, especially when you are surrounded by individuals similar in the despite .. 
Your complacency could be renowned .. as may be your penchant for harmony .. but for whom .. your own demeanour shall never be the object .. the other works arduously to be in the attention .. 
Point is .. they seek away from theirs .. we know the seek .. we see the transparent glass that you present each episode .. that glass gives it all away .. it is now no longer the gambit .. it is the humour of farce in the comedy of the bards errors .. 
Best then to ‘away away bright lite ..’ 
Give me room and space to breathe in my birth environ .. that is reason for departure from the fire tests to the charm of warmth ..
I speak in parables .. may be .. but there is a reality to the mind if nothing else .. a reality that brings and weighs you down .. puts the mountain over the head and drowns you with its booming energy of volume suppressing the tone of the need to air it ..
Air it then .. and end it ..
WORK on the conditions about, relentlessly continues .. campaigns for relief and the give .. at forums that cover the seas beyond .. one such the VaX Concert with dignitaries of the celebrity brand and more resolve to join the fight .. and WIN ..
The one immediately below 👇🏿 , be one such  ..
BUT more at home , the presence of the progeny develops into endeavours that stun you with their thinking and thought .. and our little Navya Naveli .. not so little anymore, speaks about the venture she has begun on her own, with her own and determined to build the initiative she believes in .. here be the link .. for one so young and mature in thought and word was truly a moment of great pride as a Nana as grand parents .. 👇🏿 
Link for Navya Spotify Link : https://open.spotify.com/episode/4DnVZj9kRFjrwm71r5ZVc9?si=0x5egAuDQWmXd1qYH2fkvA
... and there is more .. for some are disturbed in the Ef fraternity of the brevity in the Blog and wonder if the mind is disturbed , ill , concerned , indisposed .. 
No it is not .. 
The hesitancy comes from whether to SPEAK or not ..
But whether I show concern over it or not I find that surreptitiously some of them that are the privileged in the World of writing and inform, have through means sourced the matter that was kept under the hatter .. and now as with all matter within these modern times, nothing remains buried in silence .. it rises and volumes the announce elsewhere ..
SO .. my Nana, my grandfather , my Mother’s Father Sardar Khazan Singh Suri the affluent Bar at Law in pre partition Punjab, was married to Amar Kaur Sodhi, my Naani , my Mother’s mother .. and gave birth to my Mother Teji Kaur Suri .. 
The Sodhi’s are considered the descendents of the Guru’s of the Sikh religion .. the location of the birth of the religion being AnandPur Sahib, the  Gurudwara now in India Punjab and a most revered temple of the Sikhs .. 
The readings of the autobiography of my Father, detailing the history of his In Laws educated me .. I never had courage or the need to ask this of my Father or my Mother .. but having known ,it came to me that there has been no remembrance of Nana and Naani through the years .. so a remembrance needed to be done .. 
CovID occurred and in the months and time that has passed from the ‘20 to the ‘21 and one witnessed the hardships of those that suffered .. 
Yes I do charity , but have ever believed it to be done,  than spoken of .. it is embarrassing , in too great a self consciousness .. of one that has ever felt shy of public presence despite the profession - one that has to find its usp in public domains is relevant today for me .. 
The pressure though .. the every day abuse and the filth of distasteful comment has never been of attention to me or to the family .. we have seen it from time immemorial .. happens .. some are ridden with the wisdom that it shall happen .. so all the efforts continued in the quiet .. no divulge to the information agencies .. no talk of it either .. only the receiver knew and that was the end ..
Over 1500 farmers’ bank loans paid off by my personal fund and prevented them from suicide , as the suicides grew  .. from Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, UP et al .. calling them over after identifying with respective banks and getting them all to Janak and in the presence of the bank representatives, paying them in person and getting them to strike off the loan , giving each farmer the document that they did not owe any more , that their loan was over and completed and paid back to the bank .. some 300 odd from UP could not all be present .. a bogie in the train booked for a limited number of 30 to 50 of them , from their respective cities in UP, received them in Mumbai , put them in buses , given a drive of the city of Mumbai, brought over to Janak, fed and given the loan cancellation certificate and put back on the train to their homes .. all at my expense ..
The brave soldiers at the border of the Country who had been martyred , their lists sought and their families , young wives and their children, some wives pregnant and expectant , given succour ..
The martyr’s at Pulwama after the terrible terrorist attack , their families spread all over the land contacted and brought to Janak and given succour .. at the hands of Abhishek and Shweta  .. 
Those that suffered during the CoViD last year .. providing food for over 400,000 - 4 lakh - daily wage earners in the country for a month .. feeding almost 5000 in the city each day lunch and dinner .. 
Provided masks , PPE units to front line warriors, Police Hospitals in the thousands .. through personal funds .. donating to the Sikh Committee that was helping the migrants to travel back home in the Inter State busses , where the drivers were mostly Sikhs ..
When the migrants were walking back home, some without the benefit or affordability of shoes .. provided hundreds of chappals and shoes to them .. due to lack of travel facility, booked 30 buses to locations in UP and Bihar and supplied them food and water for the overnight travel ..
Booked an entire train from Mumbai to UP to carry 2800 migrant passengers free of cost at my expense .. and when the destination State blocked the train from coming into their State and cancelled the train .. immediately chartered 3 Indigo Airline planes and flew almost 180 migrants in each flight to UP and Bihar and some to Rajasthan and J&K .. free of cost ..
And as the virus spread, donated an entire Diagnostic Centre  .. opened at Bangla Sahib Gurudwara in Delhi through the Delhi Sikh Gurudwara Management Committee, set up in the premises of the Gurudwara for medical help for the poor and needy .. an MRI machine and other Sonographic and Scan equipments of expenses beyond my means, but set up inspite .. in the memory of my Nana , Naani and my Mother ..
A 250 to 450 bed care centre set up with further donation at the Rakabganj Sahib Gurudwara today in Delhi and soon to procure for them O2 ( Oxygen ) concentrators, not in stock or easily available , from overseas limited stock to be donated to Delhi where the need is immense and some to Mumbai .. coming in within the week .. 50 of them coming in from Poland by 15th and the rest around 150 from perhaps the US .. orders placed , some have arrived and given to the Hospital in need .. 
Ventilators of immediate need to the BMC and to the Municipal Hospitals ordered .. around 20 of them , of course within my limited means , to be in, in a few days .. some 10 have arrived today and on custom release shall be delivered ..
A 25-50 bed Hospital care centre setting up at Juhu Army location at a School Hall , the Ritambhara School, with all facilities and should be up by the 12th of May .. donated funds to set up ..
3 very important detection machines donated to Nanavati Hospital , last week to help in the detection of CoviD ..
Feeding about a 1000 in the slums and poor sections of the city .. 
Young children .. orphaned by the sudden death of the parents, left in oblivion .. have adopted 2  and shall be put in an orphanage in Hyderabad .. their study board and lodging free till they finish School .. from the 1st to the 10th .. and if they turn out bright to provide them with free upper education .. 
.. and more , as and when the means are affordable ..
AGRANDISEMENT .. !! NO .. let it be emulated .. if each were to put in not the above but even a small drop of assistance, the severity of the situation would begin to ease .. 
It is painful to see the misery around and the inability to be able to do something for them .. 
BUT we shall fight and more than that ..  shall .. WIN ! 
So help me God .. !!
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Amitabh Bachchan
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meddcohealthcare1 · 3 years
Best Hospital For Laparoscopy
As the standard of living in India rises, people are becoming more and more interested in plastic surgery and cosmetic surgeries. With different medical centers and clinics in the country, it can be difficult for new patients to decide which is the best hospital for their needs.
The Best Hospital For Laparoscopy is a guide written by Dr. Bhaskar Thakur that provides information on some of the best hospitals in India that provide services such as Rhinoplasty Nose Surgery, Septoplasty, Herniorrophy Gwalior, and many others. This can be a helpful guide when deciding where to get your health care needs taken care of.
The Capital is the best city for laparoscopy surgery. According to the website of Best Hospital For Laparoscopic Surgery, Kolkata has more than 2,000 private hospitals and more than 400 clinics. They offer world-class treatments at affordable rates.
One of the best hospitals for laparoscopy surgery in Delhi is Rajiv Amed Hospital located at 12 Jia Sarani (near Motilal Nehru Place). It offers treatment for all kinds of diseases like hernia, cancer, testicular cancer, tumor removal and many more. There are many hospitals for rhinoplasty nose surgery in Kolkata and some of them are:
This means that there is no one best hospital for rhinoplasty nose surgery. You should check out more than one of these hospitals to get the best result for your treatment.
Septoplasty Gwalior:
Rhinoplasty Nose Surgery in kolkata:
Hernioplasties Gwalior:
Visit - https://meddco.com/
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cancerfoundation · 3 years
10 Reason of helping poor patients to fight against cancer
Per year, 9.6 million people die from cancer. Regrettably, half a million people die each year because they are unaware of the epidemic.
70 percent of India's poor people with cancer, 15 percent of whom are teenagers, die as a result of late diagnosis.
Early detection and NGO for cancer treatment provide access to medical care for cancer recovery, which impoverished cancer patients cannot afford.
Donate to cancer patients so that they can get medical assistance such as chemotherapy, radiation, and good diet.
You will find several cancer relief fund India that are doing their best to provide proper care and facility to treat poor patients.
Let us now discuss about the various reasons of helping poor patients to fight against cancer.
·        Take charge of the food buying, or place an online order for groceries to be delivered.
·        Assist them in running their home and ensuring that their bills are paid.
·        Allow the primary caregiver some time off. Attend medical visits at the home of the caretaker.
·        Take the patient to his or her appointments. Push them through checkups and scans after therapy is over. Many years after surgery, cancer patients also experience a lot of concern about these visits, even though they don't reveal it.
·        Simply sit with them and listen to them. If you aren't asked, don't offer suggestions or guidance. Instead, pay attention to the patient's needs, understand that cancer is unpleasant, and give a sympathetic ear.
·        Keep in touch. Send messages, phone calls, emails, gifts, and so on. Let them aware that you are thinking about them.
·        Give them a bag of presents or cards and tell them to open one every morning. This is a fantastic way to motivate others to get out of bed and make their day brighter.
·        Pay them a visit in the hospital. When you're in the hospital, days can feel endless, and a quick visit from a friend or family member can make all the difference.
·        Keep in mind that most cancer patients do not want to be treated any way just because they have the disease.
·        Find opportunities to encourage them to do what they need to do to improve their health, whether it's recovery sessions, drugs, or eating more.
 Final Words
You can find financial help for cancer patients in Kolkata along with NGO for cancer treatment in Delhi if you are looking to help someone in need.
The late diagnosis of serious diseases, which compromises treatment effectiveness by a large margin, is a major cause of India's lower cancer survival rate.
As a result, early detection of common cancers will save many lives. Nutritional food, which many of the vulnerable patients could not afford, plays a significant role in the healing process.
Poor cancer patients receive free or low-cost care from affiliate NGOs.
Your modest monthly contribution will help these organisations save lives by giving them a fighting chance against cancer.
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cancercuretodayr · 4 years
Cancer Specialist, Noble Cause- Cancer Cure Today
Special medicinal department which deals with a life-threatening disease is Oncology, one who expertise and owning notable experience in this field is the Oncologists.
Cancer is not only a deadly disease except for the impoverished socio-economic aspect of the patient and his family. Treatment from the cancer specialist assures and promises the therapeutic methodology from the dangerous disease like cancer, acting as an enkindle of optimism in the patient’s life. Cancer treatment involves various medical procedures and hence, requires a speciality team from diagnosis to treatment provisioning to the expanding concerns of the cancer patients, there are excellent cancer specialists across the country including Delhi known for their reliability and affordability. An Oncologist role is exclusively concentrated on the complete cancer treatment.Commencing from the testing, diagnosis embraces responsibilities and goals.
Demonstrating to the patient concerning the cancer diagnosis, including actions: ●       Apprising about the treatment options available.
●       Thrive quality and compassionate care, fulfilling the patient at leisure.
●       Aiding the patient to supervise regarding side effects and cancer symptoms in an outstanding way.
●       Emotional resilience, aid patients during very crucial times.
●       Maintaining follow-ups even after the treatment.
Additionally, harnessing technology in the automation world can act as a boon for medication including effective infrastructure and prominent equipment and machinery embraces efficiency and sustainability. Especially for the vulnerable section of society who are untouched, unaffordable and inaccessible. However, with cost-efficient technology, encourage their path for better treatment.Lastly, the best cancer specialists in Delhi including all over India, offer their services twenty-four hours to aid patients with compassion and promising enthusiasm. Expertise of cancer-specific treatment and offering benevolent services is holistic practice by specialist surgeons.
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atheevasanthosh · 4 years
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It is absolutely fine if you forget to keep a check on your medicines during the hustle and bustle of your busy life. Also you might feel lazy and tired to get out of your houses to buy medicines, especially when you are living in Delhi where the outside pollution has been deadly. Besides if we consider the current state, you might feel more hesitant to go out due to covid-19 transmission.
Why worry when we are the new generation tech savvies. Being in this era where you always have the internet at your service people are finding infinite solutions to deal with daily lags or inconvenience. The e-commerce sector has provided infinite number of online delivery services from cloths to groceries for making life easier.
Similarly, online pharmacy services are trending now. In Delhi there are many online pharmacy services like 3MEDS, 1Mg, Netmeds etc. 3MEDS is one of the best online pharmacy and medical store in Delhi, providing genuine medicines at your doorsteps.
Before I tell you about the best online pharmacy, let us have a look on why we are talking about the online pharmacy.
Chance To Be A Couch Potato
Online pharmacy services are more convenient as you don’t have to stand in a queue for your turn or get to the stores before it closes. It provides you great comfort as you can place an order during any time of the day and medicines or any health care products which will reach you at your doorsteps. Adding to this comfort is the accessibility to medicines which are less available in physical medical stores.
Know It All
Get to know your medicines more in detail. People are more meticulous when it comes to medicines as it is a matter of their health and life. Most of the online pharmacy provides a detailed description about the medicines and its composition.
Also you would be having concerns about authenticity of the medicines. E-pharmacies are more transparent as their market runs on being under the spotlight. Therefore they are more cautious and elaborate providing details about the licensed vendors from whom they take up medicines for delivery.
Again Misplaced Your Prescription?
One major benefit that online pharmacies provide is the record of your orders which might come in handy for future references on your prescriptions. Also you have a saved and recorded electronic data of the time, date and amount of medicines you have purchased. It helps you to keep a plan or routine to keep a check on your medicines.
Do You Want to Fill Your Piggy Bank?
Choosing online pharmacies is cost effective. They provide great discounts as they cut so many costs like salaries to more number of employees, real estate, building taxes, utilities etc. At the end of the day you are rewarded with some savings. Also it is found that cancer, diabetes, asthma and arthritis patients are bound to spend a great amount of money for their drugs required for treatment. And if they are getting these rewards of cool discounts, a huge amount of money can be saved for a better life.
Boon for Pharmacies Too
The physical retail drug stories or pharmacies get the advantage of increasing their customer base without any geographical limitations. In total they are able to provide a superior service through offering different schemes and marketing campaigns to customers.
3Meds is an online healthcare company which is newly launched in the year 2020. The company has been showing progressive performance with new vigor to make its space in online pharmacy service through their website www.3meds.com and their app which is available in play store.
Why Choose 3MEDS?
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Save money policy goes on with their service as they provide affordable medicines with 23% discount.
Provide fastest delivery of your medicines not only in Delhi, but all over India.
They provide smooth and superior shopping experience with user friendly app with absolute transactional security.
They act as the best intermediate between the consumer and the licensed pharmacies providing verified and loyal service.
Within a short duration, 3Meds has succeeded in providing good services and has been highly responsive to their customer inquiries and feedbacks.
Furthermore, one could not deny being impressed of the customer reviews of their app . Customers have been providing good comments and feedbacks being fully satisfied with their performance. 3Meds is appreciated for:
-  being a great app that save money, time and energy
-  being informative, giving details of each medicine,
-  availability of most of the medicines and easy cancellation process.
-  clear billing system with all details.
-  satisfied customers recommending it to their friends
- providing a great discount and fast delivery even during this lock down period.
So get 3Meds app installed and make your medicine shopping experience easy and simple. Stay safe and healthy during this period of pandemic without taking any trouble of going out.
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shridharn-blog1 · 4 years
Tier 2 cities of Maharashtra lead in offering quality medical and hospital services
The state of Maharashtra is India’s leading industrial state while Mumbai, its state capital is known as the financial capital of India. Maharashtra is well developed in terms of public services such as education, transport, agriculture and to a certain extent healthcare as well.
Public Health Services in Maharashtra are divided into two major departments which are Public Health Department and Department of Medical Education and Drugs. These are governed by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW).
As per the statistics, Health Care System of Maharashtra Government includes 363 rural government hospitals, 4 general hospitals and 23 district hospitals. These hospitals come under the direct purview of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. In fact, Maharashtra is the first state to have nearly 1300+ beds across nine hospitals dedicated to female patients only. Over the above this, there are more than 380 private medical hospitals with a bed capacity of more than 30,000 beds for looking after the medically ill patients.
The state of Maharashtra is actively involved in providing assistance to people who cannot afford health coverage especially that offered by private insurance companies. It is linked with National Health Mission, National Rural Health Mission and Health Insurance Programme in order to cover medical costs of the rural and financially backward population of the state. Over and above this, it encourages its residents to opt for public or private health insurance.
Those people who prefer to get themselves treated at Government hospitals can visit the Government Hospital near Panchakki while for cancer treatment can approach the Government Cancer Hospital which is located at the Aam-khas Maidan in Aurangabad.
It is a matter of pride that almost all important cities of Maharashtra are rapidly modernising in terms of infrastructure and industrial development. Across the state, you will find well planned and laid out network of road and rail transport along with well-defined industrial zones ensuring economic and financial development in the cities of Nashik, Aurangabad, Dhule, Baramat, Nagpur and so on.  Along with financial and economic development, cities like Nasik and Nagpur are also gradually developing their medical sector as well. There are quite a few multi speciality hospitals in the city. With renowned hospitals like Apollo are present in Nasik, it is quite possible to get comprehensive treatment within the city itself. Even complex procedures like knee replacement are quiet easily done in most of the orthopedic hospitals in Nashik.
On similar lines, these cities are modernising in terms of residential accommodation along with healthcare facilities for their residents. Most of these cities have many modern private hospitals functioning along with civil hospitals.
The city of Aurangabad is referred to as the Tourist Capital of Maharashtra as it witnesses a huge influx of tourists, both national as well as international to visit ancient monuments especially the Ajanta and Ellora Caves. Hence, this fifth largest city is well equipped with hotel accommodation options and food choices catering to the visiting population.
Within this scenario, Aurangabad is emerging as a medical tourism hub offering many ultra-modern hospitals with latest medical facilities and expert doctors available to treat patients. In fact, special mention regarding the hospitals for orthopedic treatment in Aurangabad has to be highlighted here. With hospitals like Wockhardt in Nagpur, people can get themselves treated for Joint Replacement, Arthroscopy, ligament reconstruction, trauma care, partial as well as total knee replacement surgeries. The orthopaedic hospitals in Nagpur provide multi-disciplinary orthopaedic services.          
These hospitals are equipped with latest diagnostics tools and surgery units that can perform minimally invasive orthopaedic surgeries too. The orthopaedic surgeons in Aurangabad are capable of handling patients across all age groups viz. children, adults and even senior citizens.
The establishment of well facilitated orthopaedic hospitals in Aurangabad has been a boon to people who live in nearby cities of Dhule, Jalgaon, Parbhani, Beed, Nashik, and many more. They can always visit Aurangabad and seek best orthopaedic treatment at reasonable cost while they save upon travel cost and time as well. With an army of well qualified and highly qualified orthopaedic surgeons in Aurangabad, total knee replacement, joint replacement, arthroscopy procedures can be conveniently done here.
Patients can also opt for rehabilitation and physiotherapy treatment which follows most orthopaedic procedures in Aurangabad itself. There are many well established physiotherapy clinics spread all across the city.
Aurangabad is also equipped with pediatric orthopaedic correction facilities, a one of its kind in Central Maharashtra. This facility is capable of handling trauma patients, spinal deformity correction, cerebral palsy surgeries and other orthopaedic corrective surgeries and procedures. This proves to be a much needed service to people who reside in the interior of Maharashtra as they can take advantage of them at the convenience and save upon critical time factor as well.
As mentioned earlier, Aurangabad is tourist city and hence is well connected by rail, road and flight services. The Chikalthana airport of Aurangabad is located just 11kms away from the city. Meanwhile, rail and road transport is well connected to cities of Mumbai, Pune, Delhi, Udaipur, Hyderabad, Chennai, Amritsar, Madurai, and many more.
Hence, there are high chances that Aurangabad to emerge as a medical tourism hub in Maharashtra in the coming times. As the city witnesses new developments, Aurangabad will emerge as major medical tourist destination that promises state of art medical treatment in orthopaedics, cancer, plastic and cosmetic surgery along with gastroenterology, nephrology and other lifestyle disorders.
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abhiwagh · 5 years
Best 5 Asian Countries That Host Good Hospitals
best hospital in kukatpally Medical touristry is taking individuals to places and therefore the better part is that area unit|they're} being benefitted as they get treatment from the most effective doctors and are receptive additional choices for treatments. Most of the medical tours area unit currently at intervals the budget. You select no matter you'll be able to afford and however get the most effective out of the business. There area unit countries that area unit best known for his or her hospitals and medical treatments. the subsequent may be a list of Asian countries that host smart hospitals within the world.
 1. Malaysia: it's situated within the South East Asia and its capital is Malaysian capital. The treatments offered by Malaysian Hospitals area unit Anti-Aging, Bariatric Surgery, Cardiology, Cosmetic or cosmetic surgery, Oncology, medicine, Neurology, medical science, etc. The treatments area unit price worthy and reasonable. they provide nice cordial reception and therefore the vacation blessings area unit ample as there area unit several tourer places because it is enclosed by places like Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, etc. it's a number of the most effective trained surgeons, dentists and specialists. English is wide spoken in Malaysia. About 600, 000 medical tourists visit Malaysia and therefore the range continues to multiply. blue blood Court centre is one among the foremost noted and standard hospital in Malaysia and has additionally been hierarchic #1 within the year 2013. large KPJ and Sime Darby networks area unit alternative hospitals that area unit known among many others.
 2. India: it's situated within the South of Asia and its capital is metropolis. it's grownup to be known for Medical business. it's wide known for internal organ bypass surgery. the opposite treatments embody medical specialty, Vertebroplasty, Disc Nucleoplasty, optical device Lithotripsy and alternative treatments for spine, cancer, etc. Asian country is thought for rehabilitation care and centers. It equips numerous medicative treatments like piece of writing, Homeopathy, Allopathic, etc. The treatments offered in Asian country area unit of highest quality, secure and value effective. associate degree calculable range of around one hundred fifty, 000 medical tourists trip Asian country. The cities that provide medical treatments area unit Kerala, Chennai, Vellore, Mumbai, Delhi, Coimbatore, etc. The known and wide known hospitals in Asian country embody kilo Hospitals, Phoebus Apollo Hospitals, Tata Memorial Hospital, Fortis Hospital, AyurvedaGram, etc.
 3. Japan: it's associate degree island nation situated within the east of Asia and its capital is Tokio. they need been finance cash within the health care business since twenty years virtually and has mandated insurance for every and each national of their country. It hosts a number of the most effective hospitals within the world and area unit ahead in technology. although the value of medical treatment is high, the treatment is well worth the worth because it is of top quality and secure. it's created a complete image with its medical aid facilities like examination, diagnosis, medical treatment, aesthetic care and cosmetic surgery. it's known for cosmetic surgery and care largely. the japanese Water medical aid may be a natural means of solidification diseases like polygenic disorder, Arthritis, Cancer, TB, etc. a number of the most effective hospitals in Japan area unit Kameda centre, Matsunami General, University of Tokio Hospital, metropolis centre, St. Luke's International, etc.
 4. Singapore: it's situated in Southeast Asia and it's the capital of Asia. The Medical touristry in Singapore is growing to be the hub and rising because the major location for health travel in Asia. It attracts around two hundred, 000 patients each year to avail medical treatments of services at a number of the most effective hospitals within the country. The treatments in Singapore embody optical device Spine Surgery, Oncology, medicine, Cardiology, Dental Medical, somatic cell Transplant, etc. Cancer Treatment is Singapore's prime specialty. The known hospitals in Singapore area unit Camden Medical Centre, Mount Alvernia Hospital, Mount Elizabeth Hospital, Gleneagles Hospital, route East Hospital, Johns Hopkins International centre, etc.
 5. Thailand: it's situated in Southeast Asia and its capital is national capital. It accounts for ninetieth of the medical touristry market in Asia. it's a putative, reliable and high-quality destination for health travel. Hospitals in Thailand area unit well equipped and have the most recent technology. the value of treatments is reasonable and lots of doctors and physicians area unit certified and best at what they are doing. The treatments in Thailand contains of face lift, dental medicine, medicine, medicine, Heart Bypass, Hip Replacement, implant, etc. Bumrungrad International Hospital is listen among the highest ten best hospitals in Asia and is found in national capital. alternative hospitals situated in Thailand area unit national capital Hospital cluster, Fort Suranaree Hospital, Samitivej Hospital, optical device Vision Lasik Center of Thailand, etc.
 The list of those countries will assist you decide wherever to travel as per your necessities for your medical tour. of these places have the most effective hospitals and excluding that they're nice vacation destinations furthermore. One is sure to relish their medical treatment with high category quality and affordability. best hospital in kukatpally
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toptreatmentinindia · 2 years
Skin cancer treatment in India
Skin cancer treatment in India 
 Skin cancer occurs when some skin cells grow at an abnormal rate. Skin areas exposed to the sun are more prone to cancer but can occur anywhere on the skin. The main types of skin cancers are – basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell cancer, and melanoma. Timely detection of cancer is vital in treating the disease successfully. Skin cancer treatment in India is affordable and amongst the best in the world. 
 Symptoms of skin cancer are moles that change appearance, skin growth shaped like a dome, patchy scaly skin, sores that do not heal, and brown or black stripe underneath the nail. 
The dermatologist usually asks if you have noticed any change in preexisting moles, freckles, or any skin discoloration. They examine the skin comprehensively. If the dermatologists suspect cancer during a physical examination, they may order a skin biopsy. Skin biopsy is a simple procedure and is usually done under local anesthesia. Once the diagnosis is confirmed 
 Skin cancer treatment in India can be broadly divided into medication, surgeries, and procedures. Medication may include prescribing topical drugs and chemotherapy. Procedures may include cryotherapy, surgical procedures like excisional surgery, Mohs surgery, curettage and electrodesiccation, and radiation and photodynamic therapy. 
 Skin cancer hospitals in India provide advanced treatment and have a high success rate if detected early. Skin cancer treatment cost in India depends on the city, the hospital selected, the medical team treating the patient, the treatment required, the patient's general health, and the room selected. The skin cancer treatment cost can vary from Rs. 1,85,000 to Rs4,25,000. The average melanoma treatment cost in India is Rs.2,05,000. 
 The best hospital for skin cancer treatment in India treats cancer with a team of experienced oncologists and doctors from the dermatological department to provide comprehensive patient care. Several hospitals have national level. The hospitals have state-of-the technology to ensure accurate diagnosis and treatment. The best skin cancer treatment in India follows the latest treatment practices. Best skin cancer hospital in India –
Medanta – The Medicity, Gurgaon
BLK Super Specialty Hospital, New Delhi
Max Super Specialty Hospital, New Delhi
Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi
Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital, Mumbai
  Al Afiya Medi Tour is the best medical tourism company in India. We are providing complete medical tourism, healthcare facilities and all kinds of treatments for the patients from other countries in India at low cost.  Some of the main countries are Kenya, Iraq, Zambia, Bangladesh, and soon. You can get all types of cancers treatments in India like ovarian cancer treatment in India, liver transplant in India, kidney transplant, blood cancer treatment etc.
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Liver transplant in India
What Does a Liver Transplant Involve and what are the Costs?
The cost of a liver transplant in India is much cheaper than that of the United States. India's expertise in hepatobiliary surgery lies in the fact that they have the largest number of people living with hepatitis C. This has given surgeons a lot of practice performing liver transplants or hepatic resections.
But what are the benefits and setbacks to this? Liver transplant cost in India is much cheaper than that in the United States. Its main advantage is its affordability as most patients can't afford to pay for a costly procedure abroad. But it also has some disadvantages such as success rates of 10-15% lower than similar surgeries done in America.
  Choosing the Right Hospital before Going through with a Liver Transplant Procedure in India
It is not easy finding the best liver hospital in India. There are about a hundred hospitals that provide liver transplants in India and so it is difficult to pick one.
Doctors at Apollo Hospital, Chennai performs up to 300 liver transplants every year and are considered one of the best hospitals in India. For the best possible treatment, you can also look for a hospital that has specialists on board who can conduct pediatric or live-related transplants. These specialist doctors may be available at Mahavir Hospital in Delhi or Fortis Hospital, Mumbai which is both among the top 5 most popular hospitals for kidney transplantation.
A liver transplant is an operation that removes an unhealthy liver and replaces it with a healthy one. It is used to treat various diseases and conditions, like liver failure, cirrhosis, cancer, and other such issues.
India has seen a significant rise in the number of patients opting for liver transplants in recent years. This may be because of the high cost associated with the procedure abroad which makes the Indian transplants more appealing to many people. There are some popular options for the best transplant hospital in India like Apollo Hospital Bangalore which have world-class facilities.
 India is often considered a medical tourism destination. However, many people don't know that India has some of the best hospitals for liver transplantation too.
India is home to the largest number of liver transplantations in the world. In recent years, the quality and availability of liver care have improved significantly in India due to the increasing number of international patients coming there for transplants.
The top liver hospital in India is Indraprastha Apollo Hospital located in New Delhi. It provides a wide range of services, including stem cell treatments and organ transplants. Patients from all over the world come there to avail of these services that are not available elsewhere at such an affordable cost.
  Al Afiya Medi Tour is a leading healthcare and medical tourism company in India. It offers medical tours from all the countries of the world to India. Some of the main countries are Bangladesh, Zambia, Namibia, Iraq, Kenya, Nigeria and so on. We provide free assistance for bone marrow treatment in India, liver transplant, Kidney transplant in India, blood cancer treatment, breast cancer treatment, ovarian cancer treatment etc.  If you are looking for free medical and healthcare consulting to find the best hospital and top specialist doctor for any treatment in India then to alafiyameditour.com.
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rainbowspalp · 2 years
Keep calm and relax with a massage
The winter season is here and so is the need to keep your skin radiant and glowy, reduce dryness, rough skin and be as glamorous as always. Isn’t it important to take care of yourself when you are the most important thing for yourself? We believe, why not? Rainbow spa center at South Delhi believes in massage therapies to relax and heal your mind and body in unique ways a person can imagine. Our exfoliating facials, rejuvenating hair spa treatments, other relaxing massage therapies practiced by our experts and special combo spa packages provide nourishment not just to your body but your soul too. 
Get affordable packages and relieve your stress with the best spa center in Delhi. Nothing compares to the peace of mind you get after an hour-long session of a healthy and relaxing massage session at your favorite spa center that provides premium quality services with a comfortable and safe environment. 
We also encourage normalizing spa treatments for men. Every human needs to relax and experience the wellness of good and healthy massage therapy even if it is not clinically recommended to the person. We offer an array of spa treatments and massage therapies for you to choose and decide and we will take care of the rest. The best spa treatments in South Delhi, where one can meditate during the session, thereby getting double the value of their time and money. With soft and soothing music in the background and complete privacy, you can enjoy the luxurious massage session or even a full hot water bath and body scrubs alone in complete privacy and peace. 
We are all running to pace up to the ever changing and evolving fast-paced world, but it is okay to stop once in a while and take a  break for yourself. Recently, spa treatments and traditional as well as modern massage therapies have gained recognition globally due to their multiple benefits and medical results. 
The most recommended massage therapies include Aromatherapy, Thai massage, Swedish and deep tissue massage therapies. Other than these traditional therapies, the Rainbow spa center also offers other exclusive and luxurious facials, manicures, body scrubs keeping your budget in mind. A couple of friendly spa centers provide special couple spa packages for the two to relax together. It helps to bond better and maintain a healthy and nourishing relationship between the two. Love isn’t the only thing that keeps the couples together, healthy and creative activities such as spa treatments together do too, and we are more than happy to be a part of your beautiful ecosystem. Relax, rejuvenate and relieve are the three Rs we strongly believe in and work hard to provide you the same. 
Come visit us and become a member to avail the exciting offers and best deals during this festive season.
These therapies not only help in reducing stress but result in several other benefits including increased flexibility, stronger muscles, increased lung capacity, and help in curing multiple diseases such as the effects of asthma, diabetes, chronic diseases such as cancer, and is almost as useful as Yoga and meditation. So, relax and stay healthy with your massage sessions with the experts and best therapists in town, only at the Rainbow Spa center in Delhi. 
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meddco11 · 3 years
Retinal detachment surgery in Kanpur
Affordable Thyroidectomy Surgery in India  Plan Thyroidectomy Surgery in India with Indian Healthguru Consultants  Thyroidectomy is the surgical junking of all or part of the thyroid gland. Recommended when a person is plant to have one of the ensuing conditions, FESS -Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery cost in Kanpur videlicet Cancer, Noncancerous bump blowup, Hyperthyroidism, Cosmetic Beget. Retinal detachment vitreo retinal surgery in Ahmedabad Indian Healthguru is a healthcare provider helping overseas cases to get thyroidectomy surgery with the stylish thyroid surgeons in India at the stylish hospitals for thyroid surgery in India. Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in Mumbai   How everything works in the Indian Healthguru Group  Basic services Indian Healthguru assists with medical visa processing, at the field and back, at the hostel, refections, surgeon movables, Surrogacy in New Delhi laboratory tests,etc.  Skilled Panel Indian Healthguru has a network of top surgeons and hospitals furnishing the loftiest healthcare in India. Meniscectomy in Mumbai Affordable The cost incurred during the entire trip for thyroleoidectomy surgery is nearly 30 of what it's in utmost western countries Retinal detachment vitreo retinal surgery Charges in Ahmedabad.  Professionalism We cleave to the loftiest ethics in icing translucency of treatment and procedures.  Other Services Our group will also take care of installations similar as furnishing healthy refections as specified by your croaker, planning a holiday in India, Total laparoscopic hysterectomyrevivification, recovery installations. Total Thyroidectomy in Mumbai overview  thyroidectomy surgery India low cost benefitA thyroidectomy is an operation that involves removing all or part of the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is an H-structured gland located in the neck and produces several hormones similar as thyroxine, triidothyronine, calcitonin,etc., Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in Mumbai which regulate metabolism and other important functions of the mortal body. Thyroidectomy is recommended when a person has one of the ensuing conditions; Surrogacy Packages in DelhiSelect from the best Retinal detachment surgery with Scleral buckling packages with affordable Cost in Kanpur by Meddco!  Review this list of the Retinal detachment surgery with Scleral buckling packages in Kanpur near you within your budget.
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pamsmith75 · 3 years
True Patient Reviews About Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Hospital in Delhi
When we speak of the best cancer treatment in India, Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Centre springs to mind. RGCIRC tops the list in almost every field, be it a high-quality treatment, committed care for its patients, maintaining hygiene, and providing treatments at affordable costs.
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nimra110 · 3 years
Is Breast Implant Surgery in India Safe? And How Affordable It Is Going to Be
Often it's not the usa that determines the quality of hospital therapy; 
it's without a doubt the medical institution and docs who decide how your surgical treatment ultimately turns out. India, Breast Implant Surgery Cost in Dubai ,as a healthcare vacation spot, is one of the best alternatives all internationally. All you need to see is that you sign on with a reputed health center.
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As consistent with a survey by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), approximately fifty one,000 breast augmentation surgical procedures had been accomplished in India in 2010, the seventh maximum within the world. The value of implanting a couple of silicone gel cups in India should cross up to Rs 1.Three lakh, depending on the health facility and health practitioner involved and the nice of the product. 
The survey adds that even as the average healthcare professional's rate for breast implants is $three,629 in the US, in India it is a aggressive $2,405. So if you compare the figures, a breast implant surgery in India is considerably inexpensive than a similar adventure in US and UK. You'll discover similar value differences for other beauty surgeries as well which includes tummy tuck surgery and nose reshaping surgery.
Your clinic in India may also arrange a appropriate lodging like visitor residence and motel. On request, it can additionally arrange for a vehicle that will help you flow round. For example, in case your medical institution is positioned in New Delhi, you may recollect traveling locations like Lotus Temple, Red Fort, Old Fort, and Qutub Minar. The city is likewise domestic to some of historical temples, mosques, and church buildings..
if you are making plans for a surgery on this usa, look for scientific tourism applications which can be being provided by means of exclusive hospitals. Peruse their websites, talk to their doctors, and decide which hospitals appear to be the exceptional to your treatment. Depending at the surgical operation and value you need, alternatives - in phrases of hospitals - may range slightly. For example, one clinic may be perfect for cancer treatment, while the other one can be greater suitable for coronary heart remedies.
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Last, however now not least, there may be no want to fear about the cultural and language variations. Every day, thousands and thousands of sufferers from the world over flock to extraordinary hospitals in India. So, you are not going to be the only man or woman getting remedy here. Doctors and nurses are nicely-versed with English, so you are not possibly to face any communique problems. Your care crew will hold in touch with you even you may move lower back domestic.
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medimove · 3 years
Role of the Wheelchair
The wheelchair is one among the foremost commonly used assistive devices to market mobility and enhance quality of life for people that have difficulties in walking (e.g. an individual with medulla spinalis injuries leading to quadriplegia or paraplegia, dystrophy ,etc).
MediMove Mobility leads in the design, manufacturing and marketing of innovative, high-quality mobility products and services we are wheel chair manufacturer in india, medical equipment suppliers in delhi, healthcare equipment manufacturers in india 
Wheelchair mobility exposes opportunities for wheelchair users to review , work, engage in social activities and access services like healthcare.[1] additionally to providing mobility, an appropriate wheelchair benefits the physical health and quality of lifetime of the users by helping in reducing common problems like pressure sores, progression of deformities and improve respiration and digestion. To ensure effective mobility, wheelchair users need a wheelchair which inserts them correctly and meets their specific needs. However statistics show that about 10% of the worldwide population, i.e. about 650 million people, have disabilities and of those , some 10% require a wheelchair. it's thus estimated that about 1% of a complete population, or 10% of nation with a disability, need a wheelchair, i.e. about 65 million people worldwide. In addition, it had been estimated that in 2003, 20 million of these requiring a wheelchair for mobility didn't have one. There are indications that only a minority of these in need of wheelchairs have access to them, and of those only a few have access to an appropriate wheelchair.
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Appropriate Wheelchair
A wheelchair is acceptable when it meets the individual’s needs and environmental conditions; provides proper fit and postural support supported sound biomechanical principles; is safe and durable; is out there and may be accessed, maintained and sustained within the country at the foremost economical and affordable price. [3] An appropriate wheelchair can assist in opening up a replacement world for the user, from exclusion to inclusion, participation altogether societal activities, and sports and recreation, which all cause independence, better health and improved quality of life. Physical Needs Intended Use The ability to regulate or customize a wheelchair to satisfy the user’s physical needs will vary, counting on the sort of wheelchair. Wheelchairs should be available in a minimum of alittle range of sizes and permit some basic adjustments. Wheelchairs designed for temporary uses (e.g. to be utilized in a hospital to maneuver patients from one ward to another) aren't designed to supply the user with an in depth fit, postural support or pressure relief, while for long-term users, a wheelchair must fit well and supply good postural support and pressure relief. a variety of seat widths and depths, and therefore the possibility to regulate a minimum of the footrest and backrest height are important in ensuring that the wheelchair are often fitted correctly. Other common adjustments and options include cushion types, postural supports and an adjustable wheel position. Highly adjustable or individually modified wheelchairs are designed for long-term users with special postural needs. Such wheelchairs often have additional components added to assist support the user. Wheelchair designs vary to enable users to securely and effectively use their wheelchair within the environment during which they live and work. A wheelchair that's used primarily in rough outdoor environments must be robust, more stable and easier to propel over rough ground. A three-wheeled wheelchair that might be suited to outdoor use. as compared , a wheelchair that's used indoors on smooth surfaces must be easy to manoeuvre in small indoor spaces. Many users live and add a variety of settings, and a compromise is therefore often necessary like a strong wheelchair with a comparatively short wheelbase but large castor wheels. This wheelchair might be used both indoors and outdoors. Users got to be ready to get in and out of the wheelchair easily, to propel it efficiently and to repair it. Users may have to move their wheelchair, for instance during a bus or car. Different wheelchair designs leave wheelchairs to be made more compact in several ways. Some are cross-folding, while others have quick-release wheels and therefore the backrest folds forwards.
Benefits of an Appropriate Wheelchair
Mobility devices are appropriate for people that experience a good range of mobility difficulties as a results of a broad spectrum of health conditions and impairments, including amputation, arthritis, spastic paralysis , poliomyelitis, dystrophy , spinal-cord injury, rachischisis , stroke and also are relevant for older people that experience mobility difficulties. Assistive technologies like wheelchairs are shown that, when appropriate to the user and therefore the user’s environment, they need a big impact on the extent of independence and participation which individuals with disabilities are ready to achieve. This also reduces the burden of care and has been reported to scale back the general need for formal support services. [6] Wheelchair provision isn't only about the wheelchair, which is simply a product [7], rather it's about enabling people with disabilities to become mobile, remain healthy and participate fully in community life. we frequently take the power to maneuver in our home and community without any consideration , except for individuals with a disability with mobility impairments even the littlest step can prevent them from accessing all parts of their life. Being mobile enhances a person’s ability to find out , interact with others, earn a living and participate within the community. A wheelchair is that the catalyst to increased independence and social integration, but it's not an end in itself. Studies have shown that assistive technologies including wheelchairs, when appropriate to the user and therefore the user’s environment, have a big impact on the extent of participation which individuals with disabilities are ready to achieve and when provided through a supportive service are reported to scale back the time and physical burden for caregivers. [8][9] the utilization of mobility devices, especially , creates opportunities for education and work, and contributes to improved health and quality of life but can also have an impression on the prevention of falls, injuries, further impairments and premature death. Investment in provision of mobility devices can reduce health-care costs and economic vulnerability, and increase productivity and quality of life.
The benefits of using an appropriate wheelchair are:
MobilityAn active lifestyle has been proven to possess both physical and psychological state benefits with individuals participating in physical activity shown to possess a reduced risk of disorder , type II diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and a number of other cancers. An appropriate wheelchair provides the user the liberty to maneuver around, allowing the user to access day to day physical activity as they strong-arm conducting activities of daily living increasing overall physical activity levels and day to day mobility.[11] It also provides the best possible opportunity for independence and do the items they need to try to to , allowing indivduals to maneuver within their home more easily, provides increased comfort and a more active lifestyle. 
Difficulty with ambulation, got to frequently rest on someone or hold onto their arm as they walk next to you, decreased balance fear of falling can cause individuals to become isolated from friends and family. A wheelchair that's functional, comfortable and may be propelled efficiently may result in increased levels of activity. Independent mobility and increased physical function can reduce dependence on others. Thus, wheelchair user's are often more independent and more on top of things of their own life. Individuals who experience the smallest amount discomfort when sitting are often more productive. Users who are ready to spend longer within the ir wheelchair will have more opportunities for participating in day-to-day life along side others in the household, greatly improving their quality of life.
A wheelchair can improve the user's health in some ways . A wheelchair that's functional, comfortable and may be propelled efficiently may result in increased levels of physical activity, thus improving both physical and psychological state . A well fitting wheelchair with cushion combined with adequate user training can reduce common problems, like pressure sores, the progression of deformities or contractures, and other secondary conditions related to poor postures.[10] [12] Other benefits, like improved respiration and digestion, increased head, trunk and upper extremity control and overall stability, are often achieved with proper postural support. Maintenance of health is a crucial think about measuring quality of life. These factors combined serve to extend access to opportunities for education, employment and participation within the family and therefore the community.
Self Esteem & self-worth
Self-esteem is described as a general evaluation of one’s self- concept or sense of private worth and adequacy with high self-esteem linked to several positive health outcomes in persons with a disability including reduced depression and better life satisfaction and well-being. Wheelchairs, are shown to possess a profound influence on quality of life and participation. Wheelchair users may become more confident and have more self-worth once they have a wheelchair, often viewed as an extension of the users body, that matches them and which they will use well, therefore the chair’s weight and dimensions effect the person’s ability to barter through the house and within the community. Research has shown that wheelchair users with higher self-esteem displayed increased participation levels independent of gender, age and disability type.
Quality of Life
With maintenance of health there's increase access to opportunities for education, employment and participation within the family and therefore the community. These factors also contributes in increasing quality of lifetime of wheelchair user. 
Access to Community Life
Access to community life including community participation, involving both being active in family and community life with engagement in typical roles and responsibilities in society plays a key role within the health and wellbeing of wheelchair users and has been shown to be a key think about preventing health deterioration in individuals with medulla spinalis injury. having the ability to access the community, move outside the house is vital for social participation and engagement and lots of positive health indicators also . Having an appropriate wheelchair improves access to the community and enables wheelchair users to be more involved in community life i.e. it enables the user to travel to the work or school, visit friends, attend places of worship or other community activities. Additionally, appropriate wheelchairs influence individual autonomy because they facilitate both mobility and activities of daily living both within the home and within the community.
A wheelchair often makes all the difference between being a passive receiver and a lively contributor. Economic benefits are realized when users are ready to access opportunities for education and employment. With a wheelchair, a private can earn a living and contribute to the family’s income and national revenue, whereas without a wheelchair that person may remain isolated and be a burden to the family and therefore the nation at large. Similarly, a wheelchair that's not durable are going to be costlier due to the necessity for frequent repairs, absence from work and eventual replacement of the wheelchair. Providing wheelchairs is less expensive if they last longer. it's also less expensive if users are involved in selecting their devices and if their long-term needs are considered. 
For society, the financial benefits related to the supply of wheelchairs include reduced health care expenses, like those for treating pressure sores and correcting deformities. A study from a developing country reported that in 1997, 75% of these with medulla spinalis injuries admitted to hospital died within 18–24 months from secondary complications arising from their injuries. within the same place, the incidence of pressure sores decreased by 71% and repetitive tract infections fell by 61% within two years as a results of improvements in health care training and appropriate equipment, including good wheelchairs with cushions. 
Challenges for Wheelchair Users
Financial Barriers
Some 80% of the people with disabilities within the world sleep in low-income countries. the bulk of them are poor and don't have access to basic services, including rehabilitation facilities. The International Labour Organisation reports that the unemployment rates of individuals with disabilities reach an estimated 80% or more in many developing countries. Government funding for the supply of a wheelchair is never available, leaving the bulk of users unable to buy a wheelchair themselves. 
Physical Barriers
Majority of wheelchair users are poor, with inaccessible surroundings. They also live where road systems are poor, there's a scarcity of pavements, and therefore the climate and physical terrain are often extreme. In many contexts, public and personal buildings are difficult to access during a wheelchair. These physical barriers place additional requirements on the strength and sturdiness of wheelchairs. They also require that users exercise a high degree of skill if they're to be mobile. 
Access to Services
In many developing countries, only 3% of individuals with disabilities who require rehabilitation services have access to them. consistent with a report of the United Nations Special Rapporteur, 62 countries haven't any national rehabilitation services available to people with disabilities. this suggests that a lot of wheelchair users are in danger of developing secondary complications and premature death that would be avoided with proper rehabilitation services.
Education and knowledge
Many users have difficulty in accessing relevant information, like on their own health conditions, prevention of secondary complications, available rehabilitation services and kinds of wheelchair available. For many, a wheelchair service could also be their first access to any sort of rehabilitation service. This places even more emphasis on the importance of user education. 
Personal Choice
Users are rarely given the chance to settle on the foremost appropriate wheelchair. Often there's just one sort of wheelchair available (and often in just one or two sizes), which can not be suited to the user's physical needs, or practical in terms of the user's lifestyle or home or work environment. consistent with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, “States Parties shall take effective measures to make sure personal mobility with the best possible independence for persons with disabilities … by facilitating the private mobility of persons with disabilities within the manner and at the time of their choice, and at affordable cost”. 
Community, Government, and Non-Government ignorance and stigma in reference to people with a disability and wheelchair use including poor understanding of the principles of a top quality wheelchair, and reduced rights of the users to access their environment / community which include: Poor road designs that don't consider the requirements of wheelchair users Drivers not sensitive to the road needs of wheelchair users; Inaccessible buildings; Lack of easily accessible skilled service providers for wheelchair maintenance; Innaccessible and dear conveyance with limited space available for wheelchair users
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toptreatmentinindia · 2 years
Skin cancer treatment in India 
 Skin cancer occurs when some skin cells grow at an abnormal rate. Skin areas exposed to the sun are more prone to cancer but can occur anywhere on the skin. The main types of skin cancers are – basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell cancer, and melanoma. Timely detection of cancer is vital in treating the disease successfully. Skin cancer treatment in India is affordable and amongst the best in the world. 
 Symptoms of skin cancer are moles that change appearance, skin growth shaped like a dome, patchy scaly skin, sores that do not heal, and brown or black stripe underneath the nail. 
The dermatologist usually asks if you have noticed any change in preexisting moles, freckles, or any skin discoloration. They examine the skin comprehensively. If the dermatologists suspect cancer during a physical examination, they may order a skin biopsy. Skin biopsy is a simple procedure and is usually done under local anesthesia. Once the diagnosis is confirmed 
 Skin cancer treatment in India can be broadly divided into medication, surgeries, and procedures. Medication may include prescribing topical drugs and chemotherapy. Procedures may include cryotherapy, surgical procedures like excisional surgery, Mohs surgery, curettage and electrodesiccation, and radiation and photodynamic therapy. 
 Skin cancer hospitals in India provide advanced treatment and have a high success rate if detected early. Skin cancer treatment cost in India depends on the city, the hospital selected, the medical team treating the patient, the treatment required, the patient's general health, and the room selected. The skin cancer treatment cost can vary from Rs. 1,85,000 to Rs4,25,000. The average melanoma treatment cost in India is Rs.2,05,000. 
 The best hospital for skin cancer treatment in India treats cancer with a team of experienced oncologists and doctors from the dermatological department to provide comprehensive patient care. Several hospitals have national level. The hospitals have state-of-the technology to ensure accurate diagnosis and treatment. The best skin cancer treatment in India follows the latest treatment practices. Best skin cancer hospital in India –
Medanta – The Medicity, Gurgaon
BLK Super Specialty Hospital, New Delhi
Max Super Specialty Hospital, New Delhi
Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi
Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital, Mumbai
  Al Afiya Medi Tour is the best medical tourism company in India. We are providing complete medical tourism, healthcare facilities and all kinds of treatments for the patients from other countries in India at low cost.  Some of the main countries are Kenya, Iraq, Zambia, Bangladesh, and soon. You can get all types of cancers treatments in India like ovarian cancer treatment in India, liver transplant in India, kidney transplant, blood cancer treatment etc.
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