#best angiogram in kerala
kims-trivandrum · 5 months
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Having to undergo any medical procedure creates varying degrees of anxiety in patients, and going through an angiogram is no less – especially as this procedure has something to do with delicate life-giving blood vessels.
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Best Treatment for Heart Blockage
Best Treatment for Heart Blockage – We provides the best Heart Blockage Treatments in Ayurveda with most affordable ayurvedic treatment packages. Medicines can moderate your risk of heart attack, angina, stroke, or heart failure. They can help succeed symptoms by controlling high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol, and improve your worth of life.
We have medicine for Heart blocks (Coronary Artery Disease) where the patient can avoid bypass surgery and angioplasty. Bypass surgery and Angioplasty is never a solution. The blocks are still there and a repeat by-pass may be recommended a few years later.
Cholesterol -QR removes the blocks in the arteries and blood flow increases. A 10% opening of the arteries results in an increase in blood flow up to 40%.
Cholesterol -QR has been licensed by the Drug Controller of Kerala "to reduce cholesterol in the blood and arteries" - in fact, Cholesterol -QR removes the plaques itself. (Plaques are 70% calcium, 23% cholesterol and 7 % other waste products).
Whether the patient has one block or several blocks, it is immaterial. Cholesterol -QR removes all the blocks whether it is in the heart or in the spine and makes the heart function normally and smoothly- within just 100 days. In the process triglycerides and blood cholesterol too will be reduced.
Cholesterol -QR is also extremely useful to those who have already done bypass surgery. They will be able to lead a normal healthy life free from chest pain and other physical restrictions. After using our medicine, heart patients will feel the difference in their health within 30-50 days. After finalizing the 100 days course they may go for tests like ECG, TMT or Angiogram.
Cholesterol -QR is an Ayurvedic preparation and has absolutely no side effects. This can be taken initially with your allopathic medicine. But when the patient feels better (say within 30-50 days) they can give up all allopathic drugs. Continue BP and Diabetic medicines if any. Avoid fatty, oily foods and follow diet restrictions. Initially for 30-50 days.
Treatment: Cholesterol-QR - 16 bottles for 100 days (4 tablets 4 times daily) & Arthritis Qr Syrup - 8 bottles for 100 days (15ml 4 times daily)
Take Arthritis Qr Syrup and the hole will be closed for small children. For adults, it will take 100 to 150 days, but they will feel symptomatically much better and can avoid heart valve surgery.
Heart Diseases - FAQs
1.What are the most common symptoms of Heart Diseases?  Dyspnea  Chest pain  Palpitation  Syncope  Fatigue None are specific and interpretations depends in the entire clinical picture and in many cases diagnostic testing.
2. What are blocked arteries in the heart? Blocked arteries also known as atherosclerosis is build up of fibrous and fatty material inside the arteries and in the other underling conditions that causes coronary artery disease and other circulatory diseases. The initial stage is the fatty steak or subendothelial accumulation of lipids and lipid-laden monocytes (a kind of white blood cell). Low density lipoproteins (LDLs) are the major atherogenic lipid. In contrast high density lipoproteins (HDLs) are protective. LDLS undergo in situ oxidation, which makes them more difficult to mobilize as well as locally cytotoxic. Atherosclerosis can affect all the arteries but particularly those that supply to the heart, coronary arteries, which branch off the aorta at its base. Macrophages migrate into subendothelial space and take up lipids. As the plaque progresses, smooth muscle cells also migrate into the lesion. If the plaque remains stable, a fibrous cap forms, the lesion becomes calcified. These plaques contain 70% calcium, 23% cholesterol, and 7% other waste products and it narrows your coronary arteries, diminishing blood flow to your heart. Eventually the decreased blood flow may cause chest pain (angina), shortness of breath or other symptoms.
3. What are the risk factors for coronary artery Disease? Risk factors that cannot be controlled,  Being male  Being woman, who is past menopause  Age (men- > 45, women- > 55)  Family history Risk factors that can be controlled,  Smoking  High Cholesterol  High Blood Pressure  Lack of exercise  Obesity  Diabetes  Unhealthy diet  Stress  Alcohol Abuse
4. What are the Symptoms of Ischemic Heart Disease? Chest pain or Chest discomfort (angina) Ischemic pain usually subsides within 30 minutes but may last longer. This pain is commonly accompanied by a sense of anxiety or uneasiness. It may feel like-  Dull aching pain  Tightness  Squeezing or pressure "gas" Rather than as sharp or spasmodic and it Is often perceived as an uncomfortable sensation rather than as pain
5. Location- The pain is usually retrosternal or left precordial, though the pain/discomfort may radiate to your  Shoulders  Neck  Lower jaw  Inner arms  Upper abdomen or back  Or it may feel like indigestion Other may experience  Irregular or quickening of the heartbeat  Light headedness  Dizziness  Fatigue or extreme weakness  Nausea or/ vomiting  Or cold sweat However, women are more likely than men to have atypical symptoms including- Shortness of breath, Nausea/vomiting, unusual fatigue, Pain in the back, shoulders, throat, neck, jaw and abdomen.
6. Ischemia pain is often precipitated by-  Exertion  Cold temperature  Heavy Meals  Stress Or combinations of these factors, is usually relieved by rest
7. What are the other conditions rather than blocked arteries?  Hypertrophy of either ventricle  Aortic valvular disease  Myocarditis  Cardiomyopathy  Mitral valve prolapse
8. What is the difference between Angina and Myocardial infarction? Angina is the chest pain that occurs because the heart muscle is not receiving enough blood. When the heart is at rest it may receive enough blood despite the atherosclerosis because the heart muscle requires less oxygen and nutrients than with activity. If the narrowed arteries that feed the heart muscles become blocked or severely narrowed it is called myocardial infarction.
9. Difference between Stable and Unstable Angina? If the pain occurs during certain increased activity and relieved by rest, it's called stable angina. However, if the chest pain becomes more severe or frequent, lasts longer or occurs while resting, it's called unstable angina, also known as acute coronary syndrome.
10. How does Fair Pharma herbal drug help with the heart disease? Cholesterol QR, dissolves the built-up plaques in the arteries and the rate of blood flow increases wherever it is, and high cholesterol also gets regularized. Whether the patient has one block or several blocks, it is immaterial. Cholesterol QR removes all the blocks whether it is in the heart or spinal arteries.
It removes the blocks, that result in ischemia and makes the heart functions normal and smooth in minimum of 100 days treatment. In the process, triglycerides and blood cholesterol also will be reduced.
Cholesterol QR is also extremely useful to those who have already undergone bypass surgery. They will be able to lead a normal healthy life free from chest pain and other physical restrictions, after the medication. After using Cholesterol QR the heart patients feel the difference in their health within 30-50 days. Those who have had heart attack and are awaiting bypass surgery may try this for 50 days and then decide about the surgery. After completing the minimum 100 days course they may go for test like TMT/ Echo cardiogram/ Coronary artery calcium score test-CT scan to check for the improvement of the condition.
To improve the efficiency of the cardiac muscles, valvular and the cardiac condition, above mentioned drug along with Arthritis-QR syrup leads to satisfactory results.
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