#best cardiac surgeon coimbatore
kghospital · 2 months
KG Hospital performs robotic-assisted Aortic Valve Replacement
KG Hospital, one of the leading multispecialty hospitals in Coimbatore, performed India’s first ever robotic-assisted suture-less aortic valve replacement surgery recently.
This robotic-assisted surgery (RAS) performed by using advanced Da Vinci technology on a 74-year-old male patient, who was diagnosed with Aortic Valve Stenosis, was led by Dr. Arun Kumar, a renowned cardiovascular and thoracic surgery at KG hospital.
The patient was diagnosed with severe aortic valve stenosis (thickening and narrowing of the valve between the Heart’s main pumping chambers) two years before the surgery, however as the symptoms progressed and heavy calcification (deposition of calcium) set in, he had to undergo this rare robotic-assisted surgery.
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With Aortic Valve Stenosis, the patient’s working capacity had reduced to a point where exertion was causing routine palpitations. With the help of robotic-assisted surgery, the doctors were able to place a prosthetic valve with just guiding sutures.
Commenting on this complex case, Dr. Arun Kumar, Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgeon at KG Hospital, Coimbatore said, “With the 3D dexterity and magnified imaging provided by da Vinci surgical system, we were able to safely place the valve into the aorta, without the risk of dislocation in future. One of the major risks for post-operative mortalities/ morbidities is the dislocation of the implanted valve. With robotics used, we had an additional layer of assurance and confidence that the valve was seated properly.”
“We are proud about performing this first-of-its-kind surgery, and we are delighted to have provided excellent patient care. We look forward to doing many such procedures in the future. Our aim at KG is to provide the best possible outcomes with the least amount of strain on the patient,” Dr. Arun Kumar added.
High degrees of precision, clarity with the imaging, minimized scarring and blood loss, fewer post-operative wound infections, and faster recovery are additional advantages that the robotic-assisted procedures have. Reducing the chance of infection makes it an ideal procedure for people with co-morbidities. Additionally, for robotic-assisted cardiac procedures, there is a lesser degree of rib-spreading required as compared to other forms of surgery. In many surgical procedures, robotic-assisted surgery is a less invasive method that enables patients to return to their regular lives considerably faster than open surgeries.
The RAS system allows surgeons to do procedures through a few tiny incisions. The system consists of small wrist-mounted equipment that can bend and rotate far more than a human hand, as well as a magnified 3D high-definition vision system.
About KG Hospital, Coimbatore:
With a vision to be one of the nation’s most affordable and advanced healthcare providers, KG Hospital has reached a significant milestone of 50 years, boasting 84 departments specialising in various medical disciplines. The hospital, a 500-bed facility, is also a Postgraduate Medical Institute offering the coveted DNB degree. KG Hospital has achieved over 4000 kidney transplantations, 26000 cardiac surgeries, and 1 Lakh brain surgeries. In addition to these achievements, KG Hospital has now opened its doors to new-age technologies like robotic-assisted surgery, enhancing the patient care they provide and their commitment to excellence in medical care.
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The modern lifestyle has made a drastic change in human health. As a result, many people suffer from heart diseases. Noticing the signs and symptoms of heart attack and early diagnosing it, can help to save much life. Watch the video and get to know, how to take care of your heart. Dr. K. Karthik MD., DNB (Cardiology) Department of Cardiology, vividly explains the symptoms, causes, and treatments of a heart attack.
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nerdylandfire · 3 years
Cardiothoracic Surgery is one of the most challenging surgeries. We provide well-experienced and the best Cardiac Surgeons for patients suffering with heart and lungs disease in Coimbatore, India.
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aakashk7921 · 3 years
Cardiothoracic Surgery is one of the most challenging surgeries. We provide well-experienced and the best Cardiac Surgeons for patients suffering with heart and lungs disease in Coimbatore, India.
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krishnas04 · 3 years
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What are the different approaches to heart surgeries – Dr. Om Prakasham
There are varied approaches that heart specialists in Coimbatore make use of when performing heart surgery. Let us go through details of common approaches that are utilized.
Approaches to Heart Surgeries
Open Heart Surgery | Off Pump Heart Surgery
The approach used for heart surgeries by Cardiologist Specialist in Coimbatore basically depends upon heart problem patient is facing and his or her health condition. Some of the approaches include:
Open Heart Surgery
In this surgery best Cardiac consultants in India create a large cut for opening patient’s rib cage and then heart operation is carried out. Here open means opening of the chest but if required the surgeon may have to open patient’s heart also.
During surgery the patient is attached to a machine called heart lung bypass machine and the task of this machine is to take over pumping function of patient’s heart so that blood can be taken away from patient’s heart.
This type of surgery is performed for replacing or repairing heart valves, for performing CABG, for treating atrial fibrillation, for placing TAHs and VADs and also for heart transplants.
Off Pump Heart Surgery
Best heart surgeon in Coimbatore carries out beating heart surgery for doing CABG. One thing to point out here is that this type of surgery is not suitable for everyone and your surgeon will consider various aspects to take the right decision.
These aspects consists of factors such as heart problems patient is having, patient’s age, health condition, and other factors that may have a negative effect on outcome of the surgery.
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nishitashanker · 3 years
Sri Ramakrishna is the leading hospital in Coimbatore giving the most precise treatment to chest pain, heart attack patients by the best heart surgeons in India
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rudhrastuff · 4 years
What Should You Knew About Knee Replacement
For determining when you should have a knee replacement, there is no exact formula. The primary reason for doing this is discomfort, but it might be time to consider surgery if you have exhausted all other types of non-operative care, including lifestyle treatments, anti-inflammatory medicine, physical therapy, and injections. An orthopedic surgeon should conduct a detailed examination and make a recommendation. Getting a second opinion from the best orthopedic doctors may also be advantageous. Read on to find out what you should know about knee replacement surgery.
Why is it done?
Only if non-surgical options have no effect the doctor will recommend a Knee Replacement surgery at the best orthopedic hospital Coimbatore. Knee replacement surgery is done when:
● Overtime or time, the pain continues or recurs. ● During and after a workout, your knee aches. ● If you are not as mobile anymore as you would like to be, ● Medication and cane use do not offer adequate relief. ● When sitting in a car or a movie theatre, the knee stiffens. ● In the rainy season, you feel pain ● The discomfort stops you from sleeping ● You sense a decline in the motion of your knee or the degree to which you can bend your knee. ● You have stiff or swollen knees ● You’re having trouble walking or ascending stairs ● You’re having trouble getting into and out of chairs and bathtubs ● Stiffness lasting more than 45 minutes, also a symptom of an inflammatory disorder called rheumatoid arthritis ● Stiffness lasting more than 45 minutes ● A “grating” feeling in the joint ● You’ve had previous damage to the knee’s anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) How do you get a diagnosis? Best orthopedic doctors perform a detailed examination of the knee, analyses X-rays, and performs physical testing to identify the condition. If you suffer from any joint pain, and if you have experienced previous injuries that may have affected your current knee condition, you will be asked to explain what caused the pain. Keeping a record of your knee pain to share with your doctor might be helpful. Via a series of exercises, which involve bending and walking, the knee joints will then be tested for strength and range of motion. Any modification of size or form, or any uncommon conditions, can be indicated by X-rays of your knee joint.
What Happens During Surgery Before your surgery, your doctor or anesthesiologist may advise you to stop taking certain drugs and dietary supplements. You may possibly be told not to eat anything after midnight on the day of your operation. You may need to use crutches or a walker for several weeks after the operation, so prepare for them before your surgery. Ensure that you have a ride home from the hospital and assist with daily activities such as cooking, washing, and laundry. Notify your doctor if there are any drugs, latex, tape, and anaesthetic agents (local and general) you are susceptible to or are allergic to. Your surgeon may request other unique preparations based on your medical condition. Surgery for knee replacement involves anaesthesia. Your feedback and preference help the team determine whether to use general anaesthesia, which renders you unconscious or spinal anaesthesia, which leaves you awake but unable to experience pain from the waist and below. You will be given an intravenous antibiotic to help avoid post-surgical infection before, during, and after the operation. A nerve block around your knee may also be offered to you to numb it. After the treatment, the numbness wears off gradually.
Are there any risks?
Failure of the artificial joint is a risk of knee replacement surgery. On even the toughest metal and plastic materials, everyday use can lead to wears. If you stress the joint with high-impact activities or extra weight, the joint failure probability is higher. Like every operation, knee replacement surgery carries risks. They include cardiac arrest and stroke. Following knee replacement surgery, infections are uncommon, but they do occur. The infection is a significant complication and requires urgent medical treatment. After surgery at , there is a risk of developing a blood clot, such as deep vein thrombosis (DVT). A pulmonary embolism (PE) may result if a clot moves through the bloodstream and causes a blockage in the lungs. During surgery, people can experience nerve damage. You may experience if this happens: numbness, drop of the foot, weakness, tingling, a feeling of burning or prickling. Often a problem with the implant can occur and the knee may not bend properly. During surgery, the best ortho doctor Coimbatore may use general or local anaesthesia. Typically, it is safe, but it can have negative effects. Vomiting, dizziness, and shivering are among the most common side effects.
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An Insight into LVAD Implantation by Cardiac Consultants in Coimbatore
When someone goes through heart failure where heart becomes incapable of pumping blood to body parts, implantation of LVAD is often suggested by cardiac consultants in Coimbatore. LVAD, which stands for left ventricular assist device is used for different purposes, let us explore the details here.
LVAD Surgery
Cardiac consultants Coimbatore use LVAD for three things; destination therapy, bridge to transplant, and bridge to recovery.
Bridge to Transplant
After LVAD implantation if that patient is waiting for heart implantation surgery then it is referred to as Bridge to Transplant. As per Top cardiac consultants in Coimbatore, such implantation can be kept in place for some years up to the time patient undergoes transplant.
Destination Therapy
If it is not possible to carry out heart transplant for a patient then Heart Center, the best heart specialist hospital in Coimbatore recommends LVAD to work as permanent solution for the patient. Such implants are commonly known as destination therapy.
Bridge to Recovery
If a patient undergoes temporary heart failure and LVAD implantation is performed then it is called bridge to recovery. It is noticed that in some instances heart is able to recover after getting time to rest because of LVAD. But, LVAD is not the right option when a person undergoes severe heart failure.
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Dr. Om Prakasham Reviews What Happens During Open Heart Surgery
Heart surgery is considered a complex surgery and Dr. Om Prakasham, considered the best cardiac surgeon in Coimbatore explains what happens during a traditional open heart surgery.
What happens during a heart surgery?
Before the surgery heart surgeon in Coimbatore will give you required medication so that you can fall asleep.At the same time, best cardiac consultants in Coimbatore will be checking your blood pressure, heart beat, breathing, and oxygen level to make sure everything is under control.
Specialists at Heart Center Coimbatore will be placing a breathing tube inside your lungs by passing the same through the throat. This tube will then be connected to breathing support machine known as ventilator.
After that, best heart surgeon in Coimbatore will be making six to eight inch incisions in chest wall right at the center. At the time of surgery, surgeons will be giving medication to ensure the blood does not clot. In addition, patient will be connected to a machine known as heart lung bypass (HLB) machine and it will do the task of performing pumping action of the heart and take the blood away from patient’s heart.
Best heart doctor in Coimbatore will be continuously examining this machine to be sure everything is working properly. The benefit of this machine is that it will let surgeons perform open heart surgery on patient’s heart while it is not beating and there is no blood flowing through the heart, making things easier for the heart surgeon.
After the surgery finishes, blood flow will be restored to heart and it will resume beating again by its own or in some cases it will be necessary to give an electric shock to make the heart start beating again.
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heartcente · 5 years
Dr. Om Prakasham Reviews What Happens During Open Heart Surgery
Heart surgery is considered a complex surgery and Dr. Om Prakasham, considered the best cardiac surgeon in Coimbatore explains what happens during a traditional open heart surgery.
What happens during a heart surgery?
Before the surgery heart surgeon in Coimbatore will give you required medication so that you can fall asleep.At the same time, best cardiac consultants in Coimbatore will be checking your blood pressure, heart beat, breathing, and oxygen level to make sure everything is under control.
Specialists at Heart Center Coimbatore will be placing a breathing tube inside your lungs by passing the same through the throat. This tube will then be connected to breathing support machine known as ventilator.
After that, best heart surgeon in Coimbatore will be making six to eight inch incisions in chest wall right at the center. At the time of surgery, surgeons will be giving medication to ensure the blood does not clot. In addition, patient will be connected to a machine known as heart lung bypass (HLB) machine and it will do the task of performing pumping action of the heart and take the blood away from patient’s heart.
Best heart doctor in Coimbatore will be continuously examining this machine to be sure everything is working properly. The benefit of this machine is that it will let surgeons perform open heart surgery on patient’s heart while it is not beating and there is no blood flowing through the heart, making things easier for the heart surgeon.
After the surgery finishes, blood flow will be restored to heart and it will resume beating again by its own or in some cases it will be necessary to give an electric shock to make the heart start beating again.
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Kumaran Medical Centre is the best heart hospital in Coimbatore, Tamilnadu. Here, you will meet the best heart doctors and their names are Dr. K. Karthik and Dr.A.Eswaran. Both are so professional and has a good nature. You will feel like you are in safe hands. We can say this is the best heart hospital because there are many equipment's in lab, no waiting time, and the staff is too good and help you infill the basic formalities. overall, this is the nice and best place to treat your heart problem.
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nerdylandfire · 3 years
Sri Ramakrishna is the leading hospital in Coimbatore giving the most precise treatment to pediatric heart, bypass surgery patients by the best heart surgeons in India
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aakashk7921 · 3 years
Cardiothoracic Surgery is one of the most challenging surgeries. We provide well-experienced and the best Cardiac Surgeons for patients suffering with heart and lungs disease in Coimbatore, India.
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krishnas04 · 3 years
Pediatric Cardiothoracic Surgeon Coimbatore | Pediatric Heart Surgeon
Sri Ramakrishna is well-known for our best Pediatric Cardiologists in India. We have an advanced infrastructure and highly trained professionals. Sri Ramakrishna is well-known for our best Pediatric Cardiologists in India. We have an advanced infrastructure and highly trained professionals.
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