#best courtyard landscaping ideas
ecoorganic · 1 year
The Art of Landscaping: A Guide to Transform Your Outdoor Space
The Art of Landscaping When it comes to transforming your outdoor space, there’s no limit to what you can achieve with the right landscaping techniques. Whether you’re looking to create a serene retreat, an entertainment paradise, or simply a beautiful and functional outdoor area, landscaping can help you get there. Understanding the Basics of Landscaping Before diving into the world of…
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underdark-dreams · 5 months
[ch1] - [ch2]
A Strand to Climb - Ch.3
Rainstorms, hard conversations, and long-awaited kisses.
Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Pining | Word Count: 4,189 [Read on AO3]
In a lucky turn of events, Lorroakan was called away from the Tower earlier than usual. Perhaps more Nightsong business connected with Tav’s visit today. 
More likely a soiree in the Upper City with the newly ordained Archduke Gortash and the city’s elite, Rolan thought to himself. Those were the parts of archwizardry that seemed to agree with his master the best.
Whatever the reason, his evening’s lessons were abruptly canceled—as Lorroakan’s projection materialized for a few seconds to unceremoniously inform him. Rolan felt his aching head throb with relief. He’d just been given a night of escape. 
When the closing hour’s bells rang out from Stormshore Tabernacle, Rolan fastened up the shop in record speed.
Rather than head to his siblings’ rented flat, Rolan carved a path toward the Elfsong. It was still early yet—Cal and Lia wouldn't expect him for hours, if they expected him at all tonight. 
A bit early to be visiting the tavern, as well. But watching the gray and downcast weather through the doors of Sorcerous Sundries all day had left him thirsty. Rolan breathed in the cloud-thick and misty air as he walked.
Even for the early hour, the main taproom of the Elfsong was almost completely empty. All the better; fewer chances at unwelcome stares and comments.
Despite having his pick of the entire floor, he slumped into a small table in the farthest corner possible and spilled a few coppers on its surface in preparation. He’d been ready to drink this day away for hours.
"Chancing murder this fine afternoon?" 
As if summoned, a cup of Arabellan Dry appeared in front of him. Lakrissa plucked his coin from the table in the same motion.
Rolan’s work had left him little time to follow the city’s goings on. But he did recall something the Gazette's paper boys had been shouting in the courtyard this morning—the most recent in a string of grisly murders, apparently occurring just above his head. 
No wonder the place was deserted.
"Can hardly be worse than what's behind us," Rolan said glumly, raising the cup to his lips without missing a beat. 
Lakrissa plopped herself down at his table uninvited. "I expected to see your lover with you tonight." 
"My—" It was different hearing someone else say it aloud; he coughed slightly into his wine.
“Cal told me she made it to the city,” Lakrissa explained.
Apparently Cal had taken the liberty of telling her everything else while he was at it. 
"Of course he did." Rolan huffed a sigh. He supposed it was good that his siblings kept in contact with old friends from the road…but could they find nothing more interesting to talk about than his personal life?
"She's pretty," Lakrissa said, as if the compliment was somehow directed at him. "Brave, good fighter…good heart. How exactly you pull that off?"
Her candor would've insulted him, had he not asked himself the same question many times today alone. "No idea," Rolan said, unshouldering the heavy weight of his ego for just a moment. 
"Hm. But you're hiding alone in a tavern, instead of off with her."
"I am not hiding," Rolan glowered at her, though he really was—and for the second time today no less. "I just needed to think, that's all."
"Ah…I get it." Lakrissa swung her bar towel over one shoulder. "She’s seen you."
For all of the times Rolan had visited the Elfsong Tavern while Lakrissa was waiting tables, she'd never commented on the ever-shifting landscape of wounds on his face. She was the type to keep her nose out of other peoples’ business, whether from discretion or from genuine disinterest. 
Either way, Rolan appreciated it about her. He got enough prying and questions from his siblings anytime he went home; the last thing he needed was to be interrogated while he was trying to drown his sorrows.
Perhaps that was why Rolan felt he could ask her the next question. If nothing else, Lakrissa was a realist.
“Be honest. If you were her, seeing me like this—" he gestured a hand stiffly in the direction of his aching face. "What would you think?”
Lakrissa propped elbows on the wood table to support her chin, regarding him in her casually thoughtful way. "I'd think that your apprenticeship with that wizard isn't going too well. But that you must have a good reason for staying."
That seemed more optimistic than he could hope for. Would Tav respect his reasons the same way? Surely she must know by now that he'd take much worse for the opportunity he'd been handed, if that's what it took. He didn't put Cal and Lia through everything he had on the journey here just to give up now.
But for a moment, Rolan pictured what it might be like in reverse. Watching a mad narcissist like Lorroakan lay hands on her; watching her willingly return for more. His knuckles gripped pale around his cup.
Rolan surfaced quickly from that disturbing image. "Sure she wouldn't see a pompous idiot who’d bragged to anyone who would listen?"
Lakrissa tipped her head in a way that suggested she saw his point. "You've never struck me as an idiot, though. How about this, then—I’d see the man who stepped up to get his people through a nightmare and safely to Baldur’s Gate.”
Rolan swirled the wine in his cup, watching the waves gloomily. “She’s the one who made the way safe for us. You know that.”
“You’re so—” Lakrissa leaned back from the table with a laugh. “Gods. For a smart bloke, Rolan, you can be so stupid. I respected Zevlor,” she told him with sudden emphasis, as though Rolan might think she didn't. “All of us did. He’s the one who got us out of Elturel when half of them wanted to chuck us right back into Avernus. And I’ve no idea why he left us, or whether he’s even alive—” A rare wrinkle of emotion appeared between her brows. “But I do know that you were there. Alfie told me all about how you protected the kids and got everyone to Last Light after…everything.”
"Alfira's a bard," Rolan told her, as if she of all people needed reminding. Foolish dreamer was the actual term that came to mind, but he suspected Lakrissa was the type who would smack people for rudeness. "I've no doubt she exaggerated."
"Oh no, she said you were a complete ass about it," Lakrissa replied matter-of-fact. "And that you spent most of your time drinking the Harpers dry before Tav showed up."
Rolan's pride stung at the comment, but he couldn't exactly deny it. Lakrissa went on. "That doesn't change the fact that you kept them safe. You saved people’s lives, Rolan."
He let out a bitter laugh. "It was only me because all the good ones were already dead."
They stared at each other in silence for a beat.
"That's a pretty shit thing to say,” Lakrissa said quietly. “About them, and about yourself."
Rolan looked down at the dark liquid in his cup, but he couldn't think of anything nicer to say on the subject. He was finding it hard to be nice about anything these days. 
"You're a hero, Rolan," Lakrissa told him simply. "And so is she. I reckon the two of you can figure it out…you deserve to give her a chance, at least."
Rolan only let her advice wash over him in silence. When Lakrissa shifted, he saw her grimacing over his shoulder. 
“Damn. Alan’s giving me the eye—ugh, like there's anyone else to serve anyway—” 
But she rose, and Rolan was ready to return to his glass until he felt a hand rustle between his horns—the way he'd often seen Tiefling parents do to their children back home.
“When you do see her, send her by?” Lakrissa asked. “I still owe her a drink.”
Rolan left the Elfsong a few minutes later. He found the wine had done little to quiet his troubled head, and something in Lakrissa’s pointed speech had made him feel too guilty to stay any longer.
As he stepped out through the tavern’s wide oak doors, a chill rustled through his robes. The storm was rolling angrily up from the port now. 
Rolan kept his head down against the breeze that pushed much sharper and colder through the streets than before, sweeping river mist off the roiling Chionthar and plastering it against his face and hands. He thought wistfully of his good cloak—currently sitting useless in his room at the Tower. 
Even after weeks in Baldur's Gate, Rolan was still learning to anticipate the rapid changes in weather that could descend on them from proximity to the coastline. Elturel was set deeper inland; they never got sudden squalls like this. 
The few others he encountered in the streets were also rushing to their destinations with bowed heads, or else frantically boarding up their stalls against the oncoming storm. As he glanced up at the clouds again, a large, foreboding drop landed on his brow.
Rolan ducked down an alleyway south past the print shop. Not normally a shortcut he'd take at twilight, especially through Heapside. But any cutpurse stupid enough to be out in this weather would be easy to dispatch.
Within its walls, the narrow space muffled the sounds of the city. Rolan could practically smell the electricity crackling through the stormclouds above as he walked. All of a sudden there was a blinding flash, a clear peal of thunder, and rain erupted on top of him.
Sheets of it swept down like curtains with breathtaking ferocity, drumming loud against roofs and cobblestones and smothering the warm light from any street lamps he hurried past. His robes were soaked through almost instantly. Rolan swore and raised an arm to shield his vision against the rivulets already running from his hair.
Despite the shortcut, the path to Cal and Lia’s took longer than usual. Small rivers were forming through the streets from the rapid downpour, and the cobbles grew slick under his boots. Rolan had to catch his balance against stone walls and fences a few times. The clatter of rain and thunder was so deafening he could almost feel his brain rattling around inside his skull.
When Rolan stepped under the footbridge around the corner from home, the muffled reprieve made him let out a breath of relief. He paused for a moment to wipe the rain from his forehead and eyes, even wrung out the ends of his hair.
With his head tilted so, he caught sight of a cloaked figure standing on the doorstep to his siblings’ front door. 
Where he stood was cast in shadow—combined with the thick curtains of rain falling between them, Tav hadn't noticed him yet, though they were standing just a few meters apart. She was squinting up at the number above the doorpost. One hand reached from under her cloak to knock, but she paused halfway through the motion as if second-guessing herself.
Was she just looking for Cal and Lia? Or had she somehow known Rolan would be here? But that didn’t make sense—even he hadn’t expected to spend a night with his family until a few hours ago.
Rolan stared at Tav’s upturned face, watching her lashes flutter as she blinked away a few droplets of rain. His heart leapt against his ribs from a bewildering mixture of love and fear.
Despite the downpour around them, her voice reached Rolan’s ear with a clarity that made him start where he stood.
She was peering at his figure through the curtain of rain between them. Then she rushed forward without a word, and before Rolan could react, her body collided against his wet robes with a smack. 
He found himself immediately enfolded in her familiar scent as her cheek pressed against his. Rolan's arms circled to hold her of their own volition, every other tumultuous thought conveniently swept from his head.
Then she drew back, and she leaned up to kiss him. 
Her lips were warm and welcoming as hearthfire. Rolan shivered slightly as he realized just how much the wind and rain had chilled him. When her mouth grazed a spot of broken skin, he flinched back at the sting.
"Oh." She stepped away as though he’d burned her. "I—sorry."
"It's not that," he told her. Unbidden, his hand reached toward the edge of her cloak to find one of hers.
Their fingers hooked together finally, and she inhaled in surprise. "Rolan, you're freezing! How long were you out in this?"
Without waiting for his answer, she tugged him forward to the door on the corner. She neglected to knock and simply reached for the latch, and the two of them spilled across the threshold in tandem with another peal of thunder.
Lia leapt up from the table, her shortsword at the ready and polishing rag in hand. Cal’s face appeared in the kitchen doorway, looking equally alarmed. The four of them stared at each other as rain poured into the doorway.
“For hell’s sake—”
Lia darted forward, and for a wild moment Rolan half-expected to be caught up in a hug. But she only pushed past him and wrenched the door shut against a fresh gust of rain, drawing the bolt across. 
Muffled silence blanketed the room around them. After being out in the storm, it made Rolan’s ears ring. Beside him, Tav pushed her cloak’s hood back to her shoulders. 
“Sorry about that,” she told his siblings with a breathless smile.
It triggered a flurry of activity. Lia was drawing her into the room, whisking her cloak off to hang it near the hearth to dry. Cal plunked a large cast iron pot of something steaming onto the central table—a good bit of it spilled over the side—and began poking around in cabinets to find another bowl. They were both talking over each other to Tav the entire time.
Rolan found himself rather left out of it all, and a bit indignant at the fact. 
He spread his palms wide to either side, dripping a path across the floor in the process. “Hello?”
“Oh—” Cal blinked over at him as though just noticing he was there. “Hi, Rolan.”
Lia made no response, suddenly busying herself with putting away her whetstone and sheathing her sword. The cool reception wasn’t lost on him.
“Nice place,” Tav remarked, stretching her hands appreciatively toward the fireplace.
“It’s really not,” Cal said cheerfully. “But it’s better than we hoped, really. All paid for by that bast—”
“Hungry?” Lia interrupted, looking pointedly at Tav and not her older brother. Tav exchanged an uncertain glance with him.
“Not for me,” she answered. “But thanks, and thanks for the invitation. It’s good to see you both well.”
Rolan caught her eye. “Lia and I caught up the other day,” she explained.
“About what?” Rolan asked, unable to stop himself.
Finally, Lia leveled a stare at him. “Take a guess.”
She and Rolan looked at each other in silence for a tense moment. Internally, he was fitting together the pieces of Tav’s visit to the Sundries.
“Anyway,” Tav interrupted slowly, “Rolan and I were actually just hoping for a place to talk.”
“Ah—right. Should we step out?” 
Cal’s voice sounded a bit strained; maybe he assumed that ‘talking’ was some kind of euphemism. The thought made Rolan’s ears grow warm under his hair, but Tav responded before he could open his mouth.
“Don’t be ridiculous, you two can’t go out in all this.” Her face turned toward Rolan, questioning. “Do you have a room we could go to?”
He nodded wordlessly and started down the hall. The fact that Lia and Cal both refrained from comment was a surprise—one that he felt grateful for. Perhaps they’d finally picked up on the tension between the two of them.
Rolan held the door to his bedroom open for her and followed her inside. He felt around for the candle sconce near the doorway and lit it with a word. 
The space was small and plain, but quite clean; his duties didn’t allow him to spend many nights here. Even the narrow bed along the wall was still neatly made from last week.
As she reached to lock the door behind them, she turned to Rolan. “Do you keep clothes here?”
“What are you talking about?” He cringed at how bluntly his own words came out.
Without explaining, she slipped the small pack from her shoulders and tossed it to the floor. Then she swept past him toward the wardrobe and began rifling through its contents.
“Here—” She tossed a set of clean clothes onto the bed. “Change into these. Towel?” Not pausing for an answer, she dug for one at the back of the shelf and added it to the pile.
Rolan frowned at her back defensively. “I can take care of my—”
“Rolan, please just shut up,” she interrupted. She was still turned away, but there was a slight tremor in her voice. “We have a lot we need to talk about. And I can't concentrate with you looking like a wet cat.”
Rolan glanced down at his robes; droplets from the hem were steadily forming a small puddle between his boots. His combined appearance must be pitiful indeed at the moment. Too embarrassed to protest further, Rolan began working at the fastenings of his garments.
Though she'd seen him entirely naked before, something about this moment felt even more intimate somehow. He undressed silently as the muffled rainstorm continued against the shuttered window of his room.
As he removed each soaked layer, she kept her gaze averted to respect his privacy. Rolan did catch her glancing at him a few times when she thought he wouldn't notice, but there was more concern than desire in it. As if she was checking him over.
It did feel much more comfortable to slip a dry tunic and trousers over his chilled skin. Before he set his wet robes aside, Rolan turned away as if folding them in order to retrieve her handwritten note from the pocket. Rain had smudged the ink a bit, but the three most important words were still legible. He exchanged it for the dry pocket at his hip.
The leather tie from his hair—the same one she'd used that very first night—was slipped off and into his pocket as well.
Then he moved to sit on the edge of the bed and began roughly scrubbing at his wet hair with the towel, as if the force might inject some courage into his skull. His mind was currently swirling with uncertainty of what she would say next.
Rolan caught her eye from behind his loose strands of hair. To his very great relief, her expression softened.
“Let me—”
In a flash, she had curled up cross-legged behind him on the bed and was taking the cloth from his hand. She smoothed his hair back and squeezed rainwater from the ends.
Her touch was much gentler than his own—the gentlest thing he’d felt in weeks. Rolan closed his eyes at the feeling of her fingers combing against his scalp. He found himself very grateful she couldn't see his face. If this was the most she ever wanted to touch him again, he thought he could almost be satisfied. 
“I spoke with Lorroakan today.”
Rolan sat quiet for a moment. “I know.”
“You’ve got more magic in one hand than that charlatan has in his whole fucking body.”
Her bluntness caused his lips to twitch with an unwilling smile. “I know,” Rolan repeated, more confident this time.
The fingers in his hair paused; he could practically feel her eyes boring into the back of his head. “Rolan, is that why he's doing this to you? Hurting you?
“Your guess is as good as mine,” Rolan told her. Making sense of Lorroakan was futile. He had stopped trying long ago, to save his own sanity. Even now, her questions stirred up an anxious frustration in his chest. “Does it matter?”
There was a soft rustle as she scooted sideways into his sight line—Rolan glanced over to see her brow wrinkled in a sad expression. 
“How can you say that?” She replied. “Of course it matters what happens to you, Rolan.”
There was not a trace of insincerity in her face. Rolan found he badly wanted to kiss her again. Instead, he bowed his head toward the floor.
“This is just how it is,” he told the floorboards. “It won't be forever. I'm strong enough to bear much worse than this, you know.” 
“I know you are—” Her fingers resumed their work in his hair, gently tugging and working at a small knot. “The point is you shouldn't have to.” 
She was right, of course. He had no logical defense against her words. The room lapsed into silence instead. Beyond the walls, blustering sheets of rain continued to buffet against the roof tiles and window panes.
Tav spoke up behind him again. “Some of those bruises are old. You aren't healing yourself at least?”
She gave his skill more credit than he deserved. “I’m still learning how,” Rolan admitted glumly, glad again to be facing away from her. 
In truth, healing scrolls were what he'd been searching for that night Lorroakan had accused him. If only he could see the techniques for himself—he was certain he could master them. The archmage had conspicuously neglected to allow any lessons on abjuration magic thus far.
The mattress behind him shifted as Tav rose. Rolan watched her move to snatch up her pack from the corner, then barely managed to catch it as the object sailed toward his lap.
“Take those,” she said as she clambered back up behind him to continue gently toweling his hair. “Keep them here, study from them whenever you want. They're yours.”
Rolan felt a thrill of pure excitement as he peered down into the leather bag—and found it filled with a score of tightly bound spell scrolls. This small cache was worth more gold than he’d ever seen together in one place.
He pulled one out to examine its formidable wax seal. “Where did you get all of these?”
“Um…don't worry about it.”
“Stolen,” he finished dryly.
Her tone grew playfully defensive behind him. “From a very bad man who is now dead. There, does that satisfy you?” 
Rolan had turned to kiss her before the last word left her lips. The pack slipped to the floor between his feet as his hands notched behind Tav’s jaw to pull her forward. He felt a damp weight land in his lap as her now-empty fingers slid around his torso.
Rolan broke away just enough to speak. “Stay here tonight,” he told her. It wasn't a question.
Tav nodded, leaning back in for his mouth.
Her fingers splayed in the dip between his jaw and his ear, tilting his face into hers. He kept his palm firmly pressed on the curve of her waist. Each time her lips slid softly over his, Rolan found his heart filled with another shimmering pearl of hope. They stayed there connected in a kiss until his back began to ache from the contorted position. 
To his immense disappointment, Tav pulled away first. But she only made a hesitant request to borrow some clothes for herself. Rolan finally realized with a jolt of guilt that her own were wet down the front, no doubt from that moment she'd held him outside in the rain.
Rolan trained his eyes away to give her the same privacy. But though Tav didn't meet his eye, she made no attempt to hide her body—in fact seemed to move with deliberate slowness as she stripped down and pulled the threadbare tunic over her head. It barely skimmed the tops of her thighs.
Then she moved to the candle near the door and extinguished it with a puff.
Through the near-darkness, Rolan worked the bedcovers down to slip beneath them. As his damp hair landed on the pillow, he felt the mattress dip beside him as Tav promptly curled herself in along his front under the blankets. Underneath, his tail moved with a mind of its own to wind around one of her legs. She let out a small, happy sigh that tickled across his chin.
Rolan briefly wondered if they were intentionally trying to distract each other. Tav had clearly come here to find him and talk, after all. And there was much more to say—he could feel all the words unspoken hanging between them like a tangible thing. From the way Tav’s fingers worried the laces of his shirt, he wondered if she was thinking the same. 
But neither of them spoke for the moment, just lying together as they listened to the storm continue outside on the streets of Baldur’s Gate. 
Eventually, Rolan laid his arm still across her and closed his eyes. She was so warm, her quiet presence so comforting—and he found now that he was very, very tired. 
Perhaps the rest of it could keep until the morning.
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1. Kaizen
Making small improvements
Kaizen refers to focusing on small improvements, every day. Aiming to become 1% better each day rather than striving for perfection from the outset. Kaizen encourages making small, achievable goals and slow gains.
Try this: Incorporate the philosophy of Kaizen in your life by making your bed before you leave your bedroom in the morning. A small practice that is encouraged for mental wellbeing, it doesn’t need to be hotel-perfect but can make a surprising difference to your sense of wellness and accomplishment. You’ll thank yourself for your small improvement when you revisit your bedroom come evening.
2. Shinrin-Yoku
The art of Forest Bathing
Made up of two words, shinrin (forest) and yoku (bath), it’s the practice of spending time outdoors with nature. According to the makers of Japanese-inspired bathing line, Earl Of East, “taking in the forest atmosphere is proven to lower heart rate, reduce stress, and improve your immune system.” In fact, spending mindful time in nature has a multitude of benefits for the mind, body and soul.
Tip: Practicing the art of Forest Bathing needn’t be an all-day event in a forest landscape. Get creative! Courtyards, community gardens – even rooftops – can be the perfect place to embrace this technique. Forest bathing can be practiced anywhere you can be immersed in nature. Need a visual cue? Picture the tranquil Akasawa forest of Nagano; densely populated with centuries-old Japanese cypress trees and gentle running streams.
3. Ikigai
Your reason for being
Ikigai means having a purpose; your reason for being. Made up of two words; Iki means life and Gai describes your value or worth. It’s the reason you wake up each morning and what drives you.
The 4 rules of IKIGAI
1. Do what you love
2. Do what you’re good at
3. Do what the world needs
4. Do what you can be paid for
4. Wabi Sabi
Beauty in imperfection
The concept of wabi-sabi is that rather than perfection, one should find beauty in imperfection. You might have seen wabi-sabi in beautiful Japanese ceramics with fine cracks that are filled with gold to highlight the beauty in their imperfect nature. Forget the idea of flaws and faults, and embrace the imperfect details of your self, body, past and present.
5. Shoshin
A beginner mindset
Shoshin is a concept from Zen Buddhism that involves approaching things with a beginner’s mindset.
“If your mind is empty…it is open to everything. In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s mind there are few.” – Shunryn Suzuki (author of Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind).
Try starting a task or new goal with this concept in mind; a fresh outlook and unbiased perspective. You may be surprised how your mind welcomes new ideas!
6. Hara Hachi Bu
Satisfied, not full
This technique is the practical concept of stopping eating when you’re 80% full, rather than 100%. It’s based on the idea that if you eat too much, you’re more likely to feel lazy or sluggish. We adapt it to meaning being mindful with food choices and quantities and seeking out foods that support energy during the day and restful, calm in the evenings.
7. Ganbaru
Doing your best
This means that one should be patient and do the best possible. It may be interpreted as persistence or tenacity and is all about keeping going through tough times with perseverance to accomplish your goal.
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une-sanz-pluis · 11 months
If Humphrey of Gloucester’s palace was arranged around courtyards, this has important implications regarding the intended ‘audience’ for this design. For as Matthew Johnson has observed: ‘It is only when one [is permitted to stand] within the inner courtyard, observing ... servants ... in livery bustling about that one understands the nature of [the] great household and thus the [lord’s] identity ...’ Thus the courtyard plan, best understood from the inside, enhanced the status of an inner circle as well as affording greater ‘privacy’ — in keeping with the idea of a ‘pleasaunce’. Indeed it may be that from the outset, Humphrey’s intention was to establish an intellectual circle at Greenwich, which has been claimed as the setting for a court comprising, among others, the poet John Lydgate, scholars such as John Whetamstede, and Italian humanists including Pietro del Monte and his secretaries Tito Livio Frulovisi and Antonio Beccaria.
Amanda Richardson, "Greenwich's first royal landscape: the lost palace and park of Humphrey of Gloucester" Southern History, 34, 2012.
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kiribread · 2 years
Fantasy au pt.2 :D
Hello again! This is an continuation from this post here! This time it's going to be shinji [kamui woods] centered!
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Welp here's his design! I like it but i don't exactly love it so i may try to redesign for the 1000th time 😭.
So his basic backstory is that he was abandoned at a very young age for mysterious reasons. Do to him being so young he has no recollection of them. He lived in the forest for his whole life until he moved into the library (that is in a forest but u get the point.) His magic emulates natural abilities of trees and that's what let him live in the forest so long. One time though, he got attacked by an animal and got badly injured. This is when shinya [Edgeshot] found him and took him to his aunt to get treated. (His aunt is good with medical magic, herbs, ect.) He lived with shinya in the family house until they moved into the library.
So that's a pretty brief summary ofhiz backstory. I had a pretty good idea of what i wanted his to be since it's similar to the backstory hc i have for him in the og series. Also in this au shinya has a similar backstory to his but thats going to wait for now!
Also his ethnicity if you will in this au is woodlandelf mixed with something else 👀?
So yeah finding a design i semi liked for him was pretty hard 😭
I knew I wanted it to be earthly just didn't know how i wanted to do it.
I ended up basing some of his design off of a moth, specifically a brown one.
His veil thing is supposed to be based off of moth wings.
The things on his head are based both based off of moth wiggly things that my dyslexic ass can't spell & doesn't feel like looking up and leaves.
I also made sure it did a good job hiding his identity for reasons that'll make more sense later. (Hopefully atleast lol)
it's also supose to help him blend into the woods or other darker green areas.
Other details:
So when shinya and his aunt were treating him they found out the other half of his identity.
They are the only ones that know and have yet to even tell shinji about it in fear of him getting in danger.
Both of them encourage shinji to dress in secretive way especially if they're going out but they don't force him.
Shinji is already self conscious about the way he looks so it wasn't a very big deal.
He knows that he is mixed but like i said earlier he was never told what.
He gets pretty frustrated sometimes that no one will tell him what his other identity is but he knows that they're just trying to keep him safe.
He loves going on walks in the library's courtyard
Even if he's done it a million times it never gets old to him; there's always different in someway.
He also likes keep the intermediate part of the library's forest maintained. (It's the fenced in part. I may get more into it if i make a library specific post.)
He also likes taking care of any injured animals that wonder in.
Along with that he's also into art and often paints landscapes (mainly the forest)
He also likes painting flowers.
He also draws a bit but painting is his favorite.
He was quite excited to have yu [mt. Lady] move into the library with them. He's never lived with anyone besides his adopted family.
Her mannerisms and whatnot threw him off at first but he gets use to it.
Him and yu end up hitting it off pretty good!
Yu teaches him how to make jewelry and he teaches her to paint.
Having her around gives him a bit of a confidence boost and is overall a happier.
They bicker back and forth but it's more or less the "ur gay; no u" kind of bickering if that makes sense?
The bickering you probably do with ur friends is probably the best description i can come up with?
They start dating about 6-7 months after yu moves in.
Shinya notices the chance in both of them (more so with shinji) and starts to feel guilty for keeping him so isolated.
Shinya starts to let him and yu go out a bit because of this.
His aunt was a bit hesitant about this decision but she ends up agreeing with it and they both apologize to keeping shinji so isolated
They still haven't told him since they worry that he may accidentally slip up and accidentally tell someone.
Shinya is planning to tell him him soon but is weary to.
So that's what i have for now! I'll most likely do shinya next but I've been having trouble with his design as well 😭. But i hope u enjoyed the post! Lemme know if you ever have any questions about the series and I'll try to get to them!
And yes i purposely left out what shinji's other ethnicity was for y'all to suffer >:D
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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Balloon Ascension Day
Anyone who has ever been in a hot air balloon will tell you it is an incredible experience, especially if they have been on such a ride in a place that boasts a particularly majestic landscape. It may be hard for us to imagine nowadays, but there was a time, not quite so long ago, when humans had no idea how to go about getting up into the air and staying there in a way we take for granted today, via planes or helicopters. In those days, being able to fly, or even float, was a near-impossible goal that many strove to achieve, but only few succeeded. Jean Pierre Blanchard was one of those who succeeded, and January 9th is the day to remember his feat.
The History of Balloon Ascension Day
The very first Balloon Ascension Day was every bit as exciting as it sounds. A man named Jean Paul Blanchard, who was a French aeronaut and inventor, stood in front of Walnut Street Prison in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in a spot that is now known as Independence Square, making some last-minute adjustments to his balloon, while a sizable crowd looked on. Blachard had been preparing for this for a while, and he had sold plenty of tickets to people excited to see him ascend into the sky in his hydrogen-filled gas balloon. In fact, Blachard was so good at creating a buzz about his project that it is thought that most of the entire capital city’s population had come to the prison courtyard to watch, and a great many from the surrounding countryside as well. In fact, the president of the Unite States, George Washington himself, was also present.
Some of the onlookers tried to convince Blachard to let them go with him, but he refused, determined to be the first person to ever ascend into the air in the New World. And then…up he went, reaching an altitude of 200 fathoms during the course of his flight. He monitored his pulse during the entirety of the trip, finally coming down gently in the field of a confused farmer who helped him get back. And so, on January 9th, 1793, the first balloon flight ever to take place in North America was declared a success, and balloon travel became more popular.
How to Celebrate Balloon Ascension Day
In short, if you have never taken a hot air balloon flight, this would be the perfect time to do so in honor of this successful inventor. If it is too chilly where you live to make this possible or pleasurable at this particular time of year, you could make arrangements to go for such a trip when the weather gets better.
Alternately, if you happen to be on vacation then, you could take a hot air balloon flight to get a really good look at the area. The world’s best hot air balloon adventures are said to be organized in places like Serengeti National Park (Tanzania), Napa Valley (California), Cappadocia (Turkey), Gstaad (Switzerland), Istria (Croatia), and Yarra Valley (Australia).
Whatever location you choose, however, you are guaranteed an incredible view that you would not get any other way, and an incredible experience that you will remember for the rest of your life. And you’ll finally understand what our ancestors were so excited about!
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wefindjobsuae · 1 day
Landscape Installation Dubai
Landscape Installation Dubai
Beautify your gardens with Green Creation Landscaping Installation services in Dubai, UAE. We specialize in Landscape Design, Stonework, Tree Installation, and Maintenance. With over a decade of hands-on field experience, we offer a fresh and interesting approach to landscape design in Dubai. Our extensive experience in the field gives us the insight to create the landscape of your dreams. Green Creation expert will first meet with you to discuss the needs and wants of your outdoor space. After meeting and creating a design, we will present our ideas to you. The reward for our hard work! We love to impress our clients with our creative, unique, and artistic designs! We strive to use your thoughts and ideas and combine them with our design expertise and construction knowledge to present the best possible plan for your property. We want our clients to feel connected and invested in their green space. To achieve this, we make sure to personalize the landscape design for each of our clients, matching their personal style and spirit, and producing unique gardens of their dreams.Green Creation is a team of highly experienced, comprehensive landscaping experts who provide every aspect of landscaping including design, construction, installation, and maintenance works for residential, commercial, and public properties in Dubai, UAE.
Landscaping in Dubai
With over 14 years of extensive expertise, we are masters in bespoke design, paving, block paving, driveways, groundworks, and all other landscaping services. Green Creation strives for continuous growth and improvement, relishing any chance to explore the latest developments in landscape design and materials throughout Dubai and other emirates. We are very passionate about landscaping, and we understand the potential value added to properties and the importance our clients place on their outdoor areas. We care about our clients and we love delivering impressive, unique landscaping works that create harmonious and pleasant spaces for friends, family, and large businesses. Therefore, we hire only the best professionals in the landscaping trade.
Landscape Design Dubai
Green Creation Landscape Design specializes in creating and transforming your outdoor space, making sure we work closely to meet your needs and maximize your budget. We take pride in going the extra mile and ensuring each job is done professionally, within budget, and on schedule. Innovative landscape design for Dubai gardens, terraces, courtyards, and rooftops. We design install and maintain gardens in Dubai and all of UAE for private residences, hospitals, hotels, parks, and offices. Let us bring a touch of nature to your urban outdoor and indoor space. At Green Creation, we offer the advantage of working with one team from the conception to the completion of your project. We will guild you through the design process, plan the installation of the project, and install every detail of the design. This allows our team of designers, craftsmen, and professional gardeners the ability to work together bringing creativity, quality, and precision to all phases of your project.
Our techniques vary from others, and that's the main reason we are the leading landscaping company in Dubai, UAE. From the initial concept through to the final design and installation, we are on hand every step of the journey to ensure that we always exceed your expectations. Green Creation is a team of friendly management and staff, who always work to an affordable budget and our design team can source a wide range of materials and products to realize your project's vision. So whether you're preparing to embark on an ambitious new project or just looking to repair/renovate your existing landscape, you're in safe hands with Green Creation Landscaping.
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topwebdesigndubai · 6 days
Landscape Installation Dubai
Landscape Installation Dubai
Beautify your gardens with Green Creation Landscaping Installation services in Dubai, UAE. We specialize in Landscape Design, Stonework, Tree Installation, and Maintenance. With over a decade of hands-on field experience, we offer a fresh and interesting approach to landscape design in Dubai. Our extensive experience in the field gives us the insight to create the landscape of your dreams. Green Creation expert will first meet with you to discuss the needs and wants of your outdoor space. After meeting and creating a design, we will present our ideas to you. The reward for our hard work! We love to impress our clients with our creative, unique, and artistic designs! We strive to use your thoughts and ideas and combine them with our design expertise and construction knowledge to present the best possible plan for your property. We want our clients to feel connected and invested in their green space. To achieve this, we make sure to personalize the landscape design for each of our clients, matching their personal style and spirit, and producing unique gardens of their dreams.Green Creation is a team of highly experienced, comprehensive landscaping experts who provide every aspect of landscaping including design, construction, installation, and maintenance works for residential, commercial, and public properties in Dubai, UAE.
Landscaping in Dubai
With over 14 years of extensive expertise, we are masters in bespoke design, paving, block paving, driveways, groundworks, and all other landscaping services. Green Creation strives for continuous growth and improvement, relishing any chance to explore the latest developments in landscape design and materials throughout Dubai and other emirates. We are very passionate about landscaping, and we understand the potential value added to properties and the importance our clients place on their outdoor areas. We care about our clients and we love delivering impressive, unique landscaping works that create harmonious and pleasant spaces for friends, family, and large businesses. Therefore, we hire only the best professionals in the landscaping trade.
Landscape Design Dubai
Green Creation Landscape Design specializes in creating and transforming your outdoor space, making sure we work closely to meet your needs and maximize your budget. We take pride in going the extra mile and ensuring each job is done professionally, within budget, and on schedule. Innovative landscape design for Dubai gardens, terraces, courtyards, and rooftops. We design install and maintain gardens in Dubai and all of UAE for private residences, hospitals, hotels, parks, and offices. Let us bring a touch of nature to your urban outdoor and indoor space. At Green Creation, we offer the advantage of working with one team from the conception to the completion of your project. We will guild you through the design process, plan the installation of the project, and install every detail of the design. This allows our team of designers, craftsmen, and professional gardeners the ability to work together bringing creativity, quality, and precision to all phases of your project.
Our techniques vary from others, and that's the main reason we are the leading landscaping company in Dubai, UAE. From the initial concept through to the final design and installation, we are on hand every step of the journey to ensure that we always exceed your expectations. Green Creation is a team of friendly management and staff, who always work to an affordable budget and our design team can source a wide range of materials and products to realize your project's vision. So whether you're preparing to embark on an ambitious new project or just looking to repair/renovate your existing landscape, you're in safe hands with Green Creation Landscaping.
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esconpanache · 14 days
Architectural Excellence: The Design Philosophy Behind Escon Panache
 At Escon Panache, we promise to deliver the best for our clients. We understand the importance of a home. We believe that true luxury is found in the details. Our 4 BHK luxury villas in Greater Noida are a testament to architectural excellence and thoughtful design. Each villa is crafted to offer a harmonious blend of elegance, comfort, and functionality, creating a living space that feels like a true sanctuary. 
Here are some elegant approaches to the design philosophy that make Escon Panache villas stand out.
Embracing Elegance and Functionality
The design philosophy at Escon Panache is centered around the idea that luxury should not only look beautiful but also serve the needs of its residents. Our architects and designers have meticulously planned every inch of space to ensure that each villa is not just aesthetically pleasing but also highly functional.
Spacious Layouts: Each villa features spacious rooms with high ceilings and large windows, allowing for ample natural light and ventilation. The open-plan living areas seamlessly connect with the dining and kitchen spaces, creating a flow that is perfect for both daily living and entertaining guests.
Thoughtful Details: From the choice of premium materials to the precision in construction, every detail has been considered. High-quality finishes, elegant fixtures, and modern appliances are standard in every villa, ensuring a luxurious living experience.
Harmonizing with Nature
At Escon Panache, we understand the importance of integrating nature into our living spaces. Our design philosophy emphasizes harmony with the natural surroundings, creating a serene and peaceful environment for our residents.
Green Spaces: Lush gardens, landscaped courtyards, and tree-lined avenues are integral parts of the community. These green spaces not only enhance the aesthetic appeal but also promote a sense of well-being and tranquility.
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Sustainable Design: We are committed to sustainability. Our villas are designed with eco-friendly features such as energy-efficient lighting, rainwater harvesting systems, and solar panels. These sustainable practices reduce the environmental impact and lower utility costs for our residents.
A Community of Luxury
Escon Panache is not just about individual villas; it’s about creating a community where residents can enjoy a luxurious lifestyle together. Our design philosophy extends to the shared amenities and communal spaces that unite people.
Clubhouse and Recreation: The state-of-the-art clubhouse offers a variety of amenities, including a swimming pool, fitness center, and spa. There are also dedicated spaces for social gatherings, ensuring that there are plenty of opportunities for residents to connect and socialize.
Safety and Security: The safety of our residents is paramount. Escon Panache features 24/7 security with CCTV surveillance, gated access, and well-lit pathways, providing peace of mind for all who live here.
A Vision of Modern Living
The design philosophy behind Escon Panache is rooted in a vision of modern living that combines luxury with practicality. Our villas are not just homes; they are masterpieces of architecture that reflect a commitment to quality and excellence.
If you want a home that embodies architectural brilliance and offers an unparalleled lifestyle, look no further than Escon Panache. Visit us today and experience the difference for yourself.
Connect with us to learn more about the project. There is a lot we can discuss over a cup of coffee. We would love to have a conversation with you.
For More Details Visit:- https://esconpanache.com/
Location: Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
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galaxymagnum · 2 months
Galaxy Magnum Have you ever met a young entrepreneur in Gurgaon who is buzzing with ideas but needs the perfect space to launch their dream? That’s where Galaxy Magnum comes in. We are a passionate group committed to constructing spaces that enable individuals and enterprises to thrive, surpassing our status as a mere construction company.
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Gurgaon’s energy is infectious, and there is a constant hum of ambition and fresh ideas. Our newest commercial endeavors actively reflect this ethos. Consider our office structures outfitted with floor-to-ceiling windows illuminating work areas with natural light and stimulating innovation. Envision dynamic retail environments that emanate vitality, intentionally crafted to incite alliances and cooperation.
Magnum Towers:  Your Innovation Hub in the Sky
Soaring majestically above Sector 58, Gurgaon, Magnum Towers are more than just office space; they’re a haven for creative minds. Imagine stepping into a world of cutting-edge amenities, surrounded by a vibrant community of like-minded individuals. Collaboration areas spark with ideas, while sleek, modern workspaces provide the perfect environment to bring them to life. Magnum Towers is where innovation takes center stage, and your next big breakthrough is just a brainstorm away.
Magnum Global Park: Where Sustainability Meets Success
Nestled in the heart of Sector 58 lies Magnum Global Park, a refreshing oasis amidst the urban jungle. Here, sustainability isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a way of life. Eco-friendly features integrate with lush green spaces, creating a harmonious work environment for your business and the planet. Take a break amidst the serene greenery, recharge your batteries, and foster a sense of community with colleagues from neighboring companies. At Magnum Global Park, success goes hand-in-hand with a commitment to a greener tomorrow.
Magnum City Center:  The Heartbeat of Commerce
Step into the vibrant streets of Sector 63A, Gurgaon, and discover Magnum City Center – a bustling hub where commerce thrives. Magnum City Center is where opportunity dances around every corner amidst the energy of enthusiastic crowds. Easy access to transportation, a wealth of dining options, and exciting entertainment venues create a dynamic environment that fosters collaboration and growth. Your business will survive here and flourish, becoming an integral part of this thriving commercial community.
Beyond Brick and Mortar
We’re firm believers in the power of good design. Rather than merely performing construction tasks, our team comprises artisans who bring architectural aspirations to life. Picture strolling through landscaped courtyards within our projects, a haven of peace amidst the city’s energy. Or envision families enjoying a picnic lunch in our thoughtfully designed green spaces – a breath of fresh air for everyone.
Galaxy Magnum:  Your Partner in Gurgaon’s Success Story
Gurgaon’s future is being shaped right now, and Galaxy Magnum is at the forefront of the movement. We offer more than just office space; we offer a launchpad for your dreams, a supportive community, and a commitment to a sustainable future.
Are you ready to take your place in this dynamic city? Explore our commercial projects today and discover the perfect space to propel your business to new heights. Are you ready to make a wise investment in your company’s future?
Look no further than Galaxy Magnum. Our office space is not just a building; it’s a strategic decision that offers an unbeatable location, cutting-edge amenities, and an eco-friendly mentality. If you’re serious about growing and succeeding long-term, choose our Gurgaon office for rent. Refrain from settling for less when you can have the best.
The Galaxy Magnum Difference:  Experience it for Yourself
At Galaxy Magnum, we believe in fostering a human connection. Join us for a tour, meet our team, and experience the energy of our commercial projects firsthand. We’re confident that you’ll find the perfect fit to launch your business towards remarkable success. Gurgaon’s calling – answer it with Galaxy Magnum. Building a Brighter Tomorrow, One Project at a Time
Galaxy Magnum isn’t just about transforming Gurgaon’s skyline; we’re about changing lives. We believe that reflectively crafted environments can stimulate innovation, facilitate relationships, and cultivate a feeling of inclusion. Please join us in constructing a more promising future for Gurgaon with each groundbreaking endeavor we undertake.
Source: https://glxymagnum.wordpress.com/2024/04/06/seamless-transitions-transitioning-into-your-ideal-office-for-rent-in-gurgaon/
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dubaiisrising-blog · 3 months
Landscaping in Dubai
<h3><strong>Landscaping in Dubai</strong></h3> <p align="justify">Beautify your gardens with Green Creation Landscaping Installation services in Dubai, UAE. We specialize in Landscape Design, Stonework, Tree Installation, and Maintenance. With over a decade of hands-on field experience, we offer a fresh and interesting approach to landscape design in Dubai. Our extensive experience in the field gives us the insight to create the landscape of your dreams. Green Creation expert will first meet with you to discuss the needs and wants of your outdoor space. After meeting and creating a design, we will present our ideas to you. The reward for our hard work! We love to impress our clients with our creative, unique, and artistic designs! We strive to use your thoughts and ideas and combine them with our design expertise and construction knowledge to present the best possible plan for your property. We want our clients to feel connected and invested in their green space. To achieve this, we make sure to personalize the landscape design for each of our clients, matching their personal style and spirit, and producing unique gardens of their dreams.<br><br>
Green Creation is a team of highly experienced, comprehensive landscaping experts who provide every aspect of landscaping including design, construction, installation, and maintenance works for residential, commercial, and public properties in Dubai, UAE. With over 14 years of extensive expertise, we are masters in bespoke design, paving, block paving, driveways, groundworks, and all other landscaping services. Green Creation strives for continuous growth and improvement, relishing any chance to explore the latest developments in landscape design and materials throughout Dubai and other emirates. We are very passionate about landscaping, and we understand the potential value added to properties and the importance our clients place on their outdoor areas. We care about our clients and we love delivering impressive, unique landscaping works that create harmonious and pleasant spaces for friends, family, and large businesses. Therefore, we hire only the best professionals in the landscaping trade.
Landscape Design in Dubai
Green Creation Landscape Design specializes in creating and transforming your outdoor space, making sure we work closely to meet your needs and maximize your budget. We take pride in going the extra mile and ensuring each job is done professionally, within budget, and on schedule. Innovative landscape design for Dubai gardens, terraces, courtyards, and rooftops. We design install and maintain gardens in Dubai and all of UAE for private residences, hospitals, hotels, parks, and offices. Let us bring a touch of nature to your urban outdoor and indoor space. At Green Creation, we offer the advantage of working with one team from the conception to the completion of your project. We will guild you through the design process, plan the installation of the project, and install every detail of the design. This allows our team of designers, craftsmen, and professional gardeners the ability to work together bringing creativity, quality, and precision to all phases of your project.
Our techniques vary from others, and that's the main reason we are the leading landscaping company in Dubai, UAE. From the initial concept through to the final design and installation, we are on hand every step of the journey to ensure that we always exceed your expectations. Green Creation is a team of friendly management and staff, who always work to an affordable budget and our design team can source a wide range of materials and products to realize your project's vision. So whether you're preparing to embark on an ambitious new project or just looking to repair/renovate your existing landscape, you're in safe hands with Green Creation Landscaping.
Landscape Maintenance in Dubai
Green Creation Landscaping Dubai Specialists in commercial grounds maintenance, residential garden maintenance, school landscaping & ground maintenance, garden landscaping, and artificial grass installation, in Dubai and UAE. All our clients benefit from a superior level of service, reliability, peace of mind, and hassle-free grounds maintenance for commercial and residential clients. We can also offer a complete landscaping service from design to completion, taking care of everything. We provide year-round professional grounds maintenance and landscaping services to both large and small commercial clients. Our team comes to your place at a time that is convenient to you and performs the required work most efficiently.
As a leading landscape maintenance company in Dubai, Green Creation is committed to developing sustainable, long-lasting relationships with our customers and clients alike. We achieve this by working in close collaboration with our customers to deliver high-quality, value-for-money landscape maintenance all year around. With over 14 years of experience delivering these dedicated and customized services, we truly understand our customers' needs and requirements and how best to deliver these successfully. We have tailored plans to suit the specifications of your property, identifying the spaces that need to be highly maintained for access or appearance, and where nature can be allowed to thrive more freely. Our dedicated team can service your property anywhere in Dubai, or other emirates. We strive to enhance the biodiversity potential of the grounds we care for, creating a better Dubai for future generation. With our expertise and dedication, we can help you create a more sustainable landscape that benefits both your business and the beautiful city of Dubai.
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dubaimovies · 3 months
Top Landscapers in Dubai
<h3><strong>Landscaping in Dubai</strong></h3> <p align="justify">Beautify your gardens with Green Creation Landscaping Installation services in Dubai, UAE. We specialize in Landscape Design, Stonework, Tree Installation, and Maintenance. With over a decade of hands-on field experience, we offer a fresh and interesting approach to landscape design in Dubai. Our extensive experience in the field gives us the insight to create the landscape of your dreams. Green Creation expert will first meet with you to discuss the needs and wants of your outdoor space. After meeting and creating a design, we will present our ideas to you. The reward for our hard work! We love to impress our clients with our creative, unique, and artistic designs! We strive to use your thoughts and ideas and combine them with our design expertise and construction knowledge to present the best possible plan for your property. We want our clients to feel connected and invested in their green space. To achieve this, we make sure to personalize the landscape design for each of our clients, matching their personal style and spirit, and producing unique gardens of their dreams.<br><br>
Green Creation is a team of highly experienced, comprehensive landscaping experts who provide every aspect of landscaping including design, construction, installation, and maintenance works for residential, commercial, and public properties in Dubai, UAE. With over 14 years of extensive expertise, we are masters in bespoke design, paving, block paving, driveways, groundworks, and all other landscaping services. Green Creation strives for continuous growth and improvement, relishing any chance to explore the latest developments in landscape design and materials throughout Dubai and other emirates. We are very passionate about landscaping, and we understand the potential value added to properties and the importance our clients place on their outdoor areas. We care about our clients and we love delivering impressive, unique landscaping works that create harmonious and pleasant spaces for friends, family, and large businesses. Therefore, we hire only the best professionals in the landscaping trade.
Landscape Design in Dubai
Green Creation Landscape Design specializes in creating and transforming your outdoor space, making sure we work closely to meet your needs and maximize your budget. We take pride in going the extra mile and ensuring each job is done professionally, within budget, and on schedule. Innovative landscape design for Dubai gardens, terraces, courtyards, and rooftops. We design install and maintain gardens in Dubai and all of UAE for private residences, hospitals, hotels, parks, and offices. Let us bring a touch of nature to your urban outdoor and indoor space. At Green Creation, we offer the advantage of working with one team from the conception to the completion of your project. We will guild you through the design process, plan the installation of the project, and install every detail of the design. This allows our team of designers, craftsmen, and professional gardeners the ability to work together bringing creativity, quality, and precision to all phases of your project.
Our techniques vary from others, and that's the main reason we are the leading landscaping company in Dubai, UAE. From the initial concept through to the final design and installation, we are on hand every step of the journey to ensure that we always exceed your expectations. Green Creation is a team of friendly management and staff, who always work to an affordable budget and our design team can source a wide range of materials and products to realize your project's vision. So whether you're preparing to embark on an ambitious new project or just looking to repair/renovate your existing landscape, you're in safe hands with Green Creation Landscaping.
Landscape Maintenance in Dubai
Green Creation Landscaping Dubai Specialists in commercial grounds maintenance, residential garden maintenance, school landscaping & ground maintenance, garden landscaping, and artificial grass installation, in Dubai and UAE. All our clients benefit from a superior level of service, reliability, peace of mind, and hassle-free grounds maintenance for commercial and residential clients. We can also offer a complete landscaping service from design to completion, taking care of everything. We provide year-round professional grounds maintenance and landscaping services to both large and small commercial clients. Our team comes to your place at a time that is convenient to you and performs the required work most efficiently.
As a leading landscape maintenance company in Dubai, Green Creation is committed to developing sustainable, long-lasting relationships with our customers and clients alike. We achieve this by working in close collaboration with our customers to deliver high-quality, value-for-money landscape maintenance all year around. With over 14 years of experience delivering these dedicated and customized services, we truly understand our customers' needs and requirements and how best to deliver these successfully. We have tailored plans to suit the specifications of your property, identifying the spaces that need to be highly maintained for access or appearance, and where nature can be allowed to thrive more freely. Our dedicated team can service your property anywhere in Dubai, or other emirates. We strive to enhance the biodiversity potential of the grounds we care for, creating a better Dubai for future generation. With our expertise and dedication, we can help you create a more sustainable landscape that benefits both your business and the beautiful city of Dubai.
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dubaiuaeevents-blog · 3 months
How To Choose The Best Landscaping Company in Dubai
<h3><strong>Landscaping in Dubai</strong></h3> <p align="justify">Beautify your gardens with Green Creation Landscaping Installation services in Dubai, UAE. We specialize in Landscape Design, Stonework, Tree Installation, and Maintenance. With over a decade of hands-on field experience, we offer a fresh and interesting approach to landscape design in Dubai. Our extensive experience in the field gives us the insight to create the landscape of your dreams. Green Creation expert will first meet with you to discuss the needs and wants of your outdoor space. After meeting and creating a design, we will present our ideas to you. The reward for our hard work! We love to impress our clients with our creative, unique, and artistic designs! We strive to use your thoughts and ideas and combine them with our design expertise and construction knowledge to present the best possible plan for your property. We want our clients to feel connected and invested in their green space. To achieve this, we make sure to personalize the landscape design for each of our clients, matching their personal style and spirit, and producing unique gardens of their dreams.<br><br>
Green Creation is a team of highly experienced, comprehensive landscaping experts who provide every aspect of landscaping including design, construction, installation, and maintenance works for residential, commercial, and public properties in Dubai, UAE. With over 14 years of extensive expertise, we are masters in bespoke design, paving, block paving, driveways, groundworks, and all other landscaping services. Green Creation strives for continuous growth and improvement, relishing any chance to explore the latest developments in landscape design and materials throughout Dubai and other emirates. We are very passionate about landscaping, and we understand the potential value added to properties and the importance our clients place on their outdoor areas. We care about our clients and we love delivering impressive, unique landscaping works that create harmonious and pleasant spaces for friends, family, and large businesses. Therefore, we hire only the best professionals in the landscaping trade.
Landscape Design in Dubai
Green Creation Landscape Design specializes in creating and transforming your outdoor space, making sure we work closely to meet your needs and maximize your budget. We take pride in going the extra mile and ensuring each job is done professionally, within budget, and on schedule. Innovative landscape design for Dubai gardens, terraces, courtyards, and rooftops. We design install and maintain gardens in Dubai and all of UAE for private residences, hospitals, hotels, parks, and offices. Let us bring a touch of nature to your urban outdoor and indoor space. At Green Creation, we offer the advantage of working with one team from the conception to the completion of your project. We will guild you through the design process, plan the installation of the project, and install every detail of the design. This allows our team of designers, craftsmen, and professional gardeners the ability to work together bringing creativity, quality, and precision to all phases of your project.
Our techniques vary from others, and that's the main reason we are the leading landscaping company in Dubai, UAE. From the initial concept through to the final design and installation, we are on hand every step of the journey to ensure that we always exceed your expectations. Green Creation is a team of friendly management and staff, who always work to an affordable budget and our design team can source a wide range of materials and products to realize your project's vision. So whether you're preparing to embark on an ambitious new project or just looking to repair/renovate your existing landscape, you're in safe hands with Green Creation Landscaping.
Landscape Maintenance in Dubai
Green Creation Landscaping Dubai Specialists in commercial grounds maintenance, residential garden maintenance, school landscaping & ground maintenance, garden landscaping, and artificial grass installation, in Dubai and UAE. All our clients benefit from a superior level of service, reliability, peace of mind, and hassle-free grounds maintenance for commercial and residential clients. We can also offer a complete landscaping service from design to completion, taking care of everything. We provide year-round professional grounds maintenance and landscaping services to both large and small commercial clients. Our team comes to your place at a time that is convenient to you and performs the required work most efficiently.
As a leading landscape maintenance company in Dubai, Green Creation is committed to developing sustainable, long-lasting relationships with our customers and clients alike. We achieve this by working in close collaboration with our customers to deliver high-quality, value-for-money landscape maintenance all year around. With over 14 years of experience delivering these dedicated and customized services, we truly understand our customers' needs and requirements and how best to deliver these successfully. We have tailored plans to suit the specifications of your property, identifying the spaces that need to be highly maintained for access or appearance, and where nature can be allowed to thrive more freely. Our dedicated team can service your property anywhere in Dubai, or other emirates. We strive to enhance the biodiversity potential of the grounds we care for, creating a better Dubai for future generation. With our expertise and dedication, we can help you create a more sustainable landscape that benefits both your business and the beautiful city of Dubai.
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wefindjobsuae · 3 months
Landscape Maintenance Dubai
<h3><strong>Landscaping in Dubai</strong></h3> <p align="justify">Beautify your gardens with Green Creation Landscaping Installation services in Dubai, UAE. We specialize in Landscape Design, Stonework, Tree Installation, and Maintenance. With over a decade of hands-on field experience, we offer a fresh and interesting approach to landscape design in Dubai. Our extensive experience in the field gives us the insight to create the landscape of your dreams. Green Creation expert will first meet with you to discuss the needs and wants of your outdoor space. After meeting and creating a design, we will present our ideas to you. The reward for our hard work! We love to impress our clients with our creative, unique, and artistic designs! We strive to use your thoughts and ideas and combine them with our design expertise and construction knowledge to present the best possible plan for your property. We want our clients to feel connected and invested in their green space. To achieve this, we make sure to personalize the landscape design for each of our clients, matching their personal style and spirit, and producing unique gardens of their dreams.<br><br>
Green Creation is a team of highly experienced, comprehensive landscaping experts who provide every aspect of landscaping including design, construction, installation, and maintenance works for residential, commercial, and public properties in Dubai, UAE. With over 14 years of extensive expertise, we are masters in bespoke design, paving, block paving, driveways, groundworks, and all other landscaping services. Green Creation strives for continuous growth and improvement, relishing any chance to explore the latest developments in landscape design and materials throughout Dubai and other emirates. We are very passionate about landscaping, and we understand the potential value added to properties and the importance our clients place on their outdoor areas. We care about our clients and we love delivering impressive, unique landscaping works that create harmonious and pleasant spaces for friends, family, and large businesses. Therefore, we hire only the best professionals in the landscaping trade.
Landscape Design in Dubai
Green Creation Landscape Design specializes in creating and transforming your outdoor space, making sure we work closely to meet your needs and maximize your budget. We take pride in going the extra mile and ensuring each job is done professionally, within budget, and on schedule. Innovative landscape design for Dubai gardens, terraces, courtyards, and rooftops. We design install and maintain gardens in Dubai and all of UAE for private residences, hospitals, hotels, parks, and offices. Let us bring a touch of nature to your urban outdoor and indoor space. At Green Creation, we offer the advantage of working with one team from the conception to the completion of your project. We will guild you through the design process, plan the installation of the project, and install every detail of the design. This allows our team of designers, craftsmen, and professional gardeners the ability to work together bringing creativity, quality, and precision to all phases of your project.
Our techniques vary from others, and that's the main reason we are the leading landscaping company in Dubai, UAE. From the initial concept through to the final design and installation, we are on hand every step of the journey to ensure that we always exceed your expectations. Green Creation is a team of friendly management and staff, who always work to an affordable budget and our design team can source a wide range of materials and products to realize your project's vision. So whether you're preparing to embark on an ambitious new project or just looking to repair/renovate your existing landscape, you're in safe hands with Green Creation Landscaping.
Landscape Maintenance in Dubai
Green Creation Landscaping Dubai Specialists in commercial grounds maintenance, residential garden maintenance, school landscaping & ground maintenance, garden landscaping, and artificial grass installation, in Dubai and UAE. All our clients benefit from a superior level of service, reliability, peace of mind, and hassle-free grounds maintenance for commercial and residential clients. We can also offer a complete landscaping service from design to completion, taking care of everything. We provide year-round professional grounds maintenance and landscaping services to both large and small commercial clients. Our team comes to your place at a time that is convenient to you and performs the required work most efficiently.
As a leading landscape maintenance company in Dubai, Green Creation is committed to developing sustainable, long-lasting relationships with our customers and clients alike. We achieve this by working in close collaboration with our customers to deliver high-quality, value-for-money landscape maintenance all year around. With over 14 years of experience delivering these dedicated and customized services, we truly understand our customers' needs and requirements and how best to deliver these successfully. We have tailored plans to suit the specifications of your property, identifying the spaces that need to be highly maintained for access or appearance, and where nature can be allowed to thrive more freely. Our dedicated team can service your property anywhere in Dubai, or other emirates. We strive to enhance the biodiversity potential of the grounds we care for, creating a better Dubai for future generation. With our expertise and dedication, we can help you create a more sustainable landscape that benefits both your business and the beautiful city of Dubai.
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topwebdesigndubai · 3 months
Landscape Contractors Dubai
<h3><strong>Landscaping in Dubai</strong></h3> <p align="justify">Beautify your gardens with Green Creation Landscaping Installation services in Dubai, UAE. We specialize in Landscape Design, Stonework, Tree Installation, and Maintenance. With over a decade of hands-on field experience, we offer a fresh and interesting approach to landscape design in Dubai. Our extensive experience in the field gives us the insight to create the landscape of your dreams. Green Creation expert will first meet with you to discuss the needs and wants of your outdoor space. After meeting and creating a design, we will present our ideas to you. The reward for our hard work! We love to impress our clients with our creative, unique, and artistic designs! We strive to use your thoughts and ideas and combine them with our design expertise and construction knowledge to present the best possible plan for your property. We want our clients to feel connected and invested in their green space. To achieve this, we make sure to personalize the landscape design for each of our clients, matching their personal style and spirit, and producing unique gardens of their dreams.<br><br>
Green Creation is a team of highly experienced, comprehensive landscaping experts who provide every aspect of landscaping including design, construction, installation, and maintenance works for residential, commercial, and public properties in Dubai, UAE. With over 14 years of extensive expertise, we are masters in bespoke design, paving, block paving, driveways, groundworks, and all other landscaping services. Green Creation strives for continuous growth and improvement, relishing any chance to explore the latest developments in landscape design and materials throughout Dubai and other emirates. We are very passionate about landscaping, and we understand the potential value added to properties and the importance our clients place on their outdoor areas. We care about our clients and we love delivering impressive, unique landscaping works that create harmonious and pleasant spaces for friends, family, and large businesses. Therefore, we hire only the best professionals in the landscaping trade.
Landscape Design in Dubai
Green Creation Landscape Design specializes in creating and transforming your outdoor space, making sure we work closely to meet your needs and maximize your budget. We take pride in going the extra mile and ensuring each job is done professionally, within budget, and on schedule. Innovative landscape design for Dubai gardens, terraces, courtyards, and rooftops. We design install and maintain gardens in Dubai and all of UAE for private residences, hospitals, hotels, parks, and offices. Let us bring a touch of nature to your urban outdoor and indoor space. At Green Creation, we offer the advantage of working with one team from the conception to the completion of your project. We will guild you through the design process, plan the installation of the project, and install every detail of the design. This allows our team of designers, craftsmen, and professional gardeners the ability to work together bringing creativity, quality, and precision to all phases of your project.
Our techniques vary from others, and that's the main reason we are the leading landscaping company in Dubai, UAE. From the initial concept through to the final design and installation, we are on hand every step of the journey to ensure that we always exceed your expectations. Green Creation is a team of friendly management and staff, who always work to an affordable budget and our design team can source a wide range of materials and products to realize your project's vision. So whether you're preparing to embark on an ambitious new project or just looking to repair/renovate your existing landscape, you're in safe hands with Green Creation Landscaping.
Landscape Maintenance in Dubai
Green Creation Landscaping Dubai Specialists in commercial grounds maintenance, residential garden maintenance, school landscaping & ground maintenance, garden landscaping, and artificial grass installation, in Dubai and UAE. All our clients benefit from a superior level of service, reliability, peace of mind, and hassle-free grounds maintenance for commercial and residential clients. We can also offer a complete landscaping service from design to completion, taking care of everything. We provide year-round professional grounds maintenance and landscaping services to both large and small commercial clients. Our team comes to your place at a time that is convenient to you and performs the required work most efficiently.
As a leading landscape maintenance company in Dubai, Green Creation is committed to developing sustainable, long-lasting relationships with our customers and clients alike. We achieve this by working in close collaboration with our customers to deliver high-quality, value-for-money landscape maintenance all year around. With over 14 years of experience delivering these dedicated and customized services, we truly understand our customers' needs and requirements and how best to deliver these successfully. We have tailored plans to suit the specifications of your property, identifying the spaces that need to be highly maintained for access or appearance, and where nature can be allowed to thrive more freely. Our dedicated team can service your property anywhere in Dubai, or other emirates. We strive to enhance the biodiversity potential of the grounds we care for, creating a better Dubai for future generation. With our expertise and dedication, we can help you create a more sustainable landscape that benefits both your business and the beautiful city of Dubai.
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Landscape Contractors Dubai
<h3><strong>Landscaping in Dubai</strong></h3> <p align="justify">Beautify your gardens with Green Creation Landscaping Installation services in Dubai, UAE. We specialize in Landscape Design, Stonework, Tree Installation, and Maintenance. With over a decade of hands-on field experience, we offer a fresh and interesting approach to landscape design in Dubai. Our extensive experience in the field gives us the insight to create the landscape of your dreams. Green Creation expert will first meet with you to discuss the needs and wants of your outdoor space. After meeting and creating a design, we will present our ideas to you. The reward for our hard work! We love to impress our clients with our creative, unique, and artistic designs! We strive to use your thoughts and ideas and combine them with our design expertise and construction knowledge to present the best possible plan for your property. We want our clients to feel connected and invested in their green space. To achieve this, we make sure to personalize the landscape design for each of our clients, matching their personal style and spirit, and producing unique gardens of their dreams.<br><br>
Green Creation is a team of highly experienced, comprehensive landscaping experts who provide every aspect of landscaping including design, construction, installation, and maintenance works for residential, commercial, and public properties in Dubai, UAE. With over 14 years of extensive expertise, we are masters in bespoke design, paving, block paving, driveways, groundworks, and all other landscaping services. Green Creation strives for continuous growth and improvement, relishing any chance to explore the latest developments in landscape design and materials throughout Dubai and other emirates. We are very passionate about landscaping, and we understand the potential value added to properties and the importance our clients place on their outdoor areas. We care about our clients and we love delivering impressive, unique landscaping works that create harmonious and pleasant spaces for friends, family, and large businesses. Therefore, we hire only the best professionals in the landscaping trade.
Landscape Design in Dubai
Green Creation Landscape Design specializes in creating and transforming your outdoor space, making sure we work closely to meet your needs and maximize your budget. We take pride in going the extra mile and ensuring each job is done professionally, within budget, and on schedule. Innovative landscape design for Dubai gardens, terraces, courtyards, and rooftops. We design install and maintain gardens in Dubai and all of UAE for private residences, hospitals, hotels, parks, and offices. Let us bring a touch of nature to your urban outdoor and indoor space. At Green Creation, we offer the advantage of working with one team from the conception to the completion of your project. We will guild you through the design process, plan the installation of the project, and install every detail of the design. This allows our team of designers, craftsmen, and professional gardeners the ability to work together bringing creativity, quality, and precision to all phases of your project.
Our techniques vary from others, and that's the main reason we are the leading landscaping company in Dubai, UAE. From the initial concept through to the final design and installation, we are on hand every step of the journey to ensure that we always exceed your expectations. Green Creation is a team of friendly management and staff, who always work to an affordable budget and our design team can source a wide range of materials and products to realize your project's vision. So whether you're preparing to embark on an ambitious new project or just looking to repair/renovate your existing landscape, you're in safe hands with Green Creation Landscaping.
Landscape Maintenance in Dubai
Green Creation Landscaping Dubai Specialists in commercial grounds maintenance, residential garden maintenance, school landscaping & ground maintenance, garden landscaping, and artificial grass installation, in Dubai and UAE. All our clients benefit from a superior level of service, reliability, peace of mind, and hassle-free grounds maintenance for commercial and residential clients. We can also offer a complete landscaping service from design to completion, taking care of everything. We provide year-round professional grounds maintenance and landscaping services to both large and small commercial clients. Our team comes to your place at a time that is convenient to you and performs the required work most efficiently.
As a leading landscape maintenance company in Dubai, Green Creation is committed to developing sustainable, long-lasting relationships with our customers and clients alike. We achieve this by working in close collaboration with our customers to deliver high-quality, value-for-money landscape maintenance all year around. With over 14 years of experience delivering these dedicated and customized services, we truly understand our customers' needs and requirements and how best to deliver these successfully. We have tailored plans to suit the specifications of your property, identifying the spaces that need to be highly maintained for access or appearance, and where nature can be allowed to thrive more freely. Our dedicated team can service your property anywhere in Dubai, or other emirates. We strive to enhance the biodiversity potential of the grounds we care for, creating a better Dubai for future generation. With our expertise and dedication, we can help you create a more sustainable landscape that benefits both your business and the beautiful city of Dubai.
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