#best hall runner rugs store
rugsaustralia · 8 months
The Hottest Trends in Hall Runner Rugs for Modern Homes
Hallways often get overlooked in the home décor process, but they deserve some love too! A well-chosen hall runner rug can elevate your entryway, corridor, or staircase from functional to fabulous.
Here are the hottest trends in hall runner rugs for modern home in 2024, sure to add a touch of personality and style to your space:
Bold and Beautiful
Color pop
Ditch the beige and embrace vibrant hues! Jewel tones like emerald green, sapphire blue, and ruby red make a statement, while mustard yellow and terracotta add warmth.
Graphic geometry
Playful geometric patterns like stripes, chevrons, and terrazzo are perfect for adding visual interest. Opt for contrasting color for extra impact.
Texture Tales
Layered luxury
Combine a plush under-rug with a thinner patterned runner on the top for a layered look and a delightful feeling underfoot.
Natural Woven Wonders
Embrace the beauty of natural materials like jute, sisal, and wool for a touch of rustic charm and a sensory experience.
Sustainable savvy
Eco-friendly fibers
Choose runners made from recycled materials or sustainably sourced fibers like bamboo or hemp for an eco-conscious touch.
Vintage vibe
Upcycled or vintage runners add a unique character and story to your hallway. Look for one of a kind patterns and color.
Practical Style
Opt for stain-resistant and easy to clean fabrics, especially if you have pets or kids. Look for materials like nylon or polypropylene.
Runner grips
Ensure safety and prevent slip with a non-slip rug pad underneath your runner.
Are you Ready to shop? Visit to All Modern Rugs store in Australia to find the best hall runner rugs trends! With a wide variety of styles, colors, and materials, you are sure to find the perfect runner to step up your modern home’s style.
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handmaderugblog · 2 years
Finest Collection Of Handmade Rugs Australia. Shop a Rug is a professional online store with over 20 years of experience and we are committed to providing the best quality products at the most affordable prices.
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the-fiction-witch · 6 years
Doctor And Witch P2
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I sat listening to the simplistic sounds of the horse shoe’s clacking as they went from step to step of the Ill tread walks across the countryside. The wind rushing through an open shutter on the other side of the carriage, the rain hammering the roof in tiny abrupt sections at a time, it all Marrying into a sweet and yet foreboding harmony. As I observed the skies turn dimmer and felt as if the world passed me by, before retorting my view to the carriage interior.
The red seats coordinating the curtains around the windows all closed, except the one beside me and the one where the window was stuck open. It being blown by the wind and rain from outside, the black Paint of the interior wall beginning to flake and fall to the dark wooden floor many pieces of the wall now laid on the floor. Someone before I arrived clearly tried to sweep them away but had in fact just pushed them more under the seats. I opened my pocket watch to check the time, not long now before I reach The Town, I kept looking out the window hoping to see some remains of civilization yet all I saw was the infinite stretching fields of Yellow and green going across the horizon so far it was as if they met with the sky.
Until the driver’s speech cut the melody of the realm
“Approaching Mulbury Glade sir, be about thirty Minutes till I drop you at the gates!” He shouted his voice hoarse and bitter but I understand why I wouldn’t want to be out in all this weather,
“Thank you” I reply not really wanting to speak but feeling rude for not replying to him as he had taken me so far already
“So… Why are you moving all the way out here to the middle of known here? Mr Newton” The driver urged
“I would rather not discuss it if it’s all the same to you, and It’s Dr Newton” I return
“Oh My apologies Doctor” He answered and I turned my full attention to the window and the melody again. Of the wind spreading through the open window, the rain upon the roof, the clacking of the horses metal shoes upon the road, the flutter of the curtain of the open window, the simple creaking of the carriage as it went down the road and the ticking of my watch still open in my hand.
When In the calm I caught a ... a voice on the breeze, the voice delicate as silk and the words flowing like honey, the voice seemed to be beckoning me the closer we got to the town. The more It felt this voice just outside I kept looking but I saw no one. Until, we were about to reach the gates and I saw a woman dressed in a Black stood upon the hill looking down on the gates a blood-covered white rose in her hands and a huge cape and hood of Black velvet over her shoulders I could not see her face because of the hood I tried to look more, but the carriage stopped giving me a jolt forward and when I sat back normally again she was gone. So I put my watch back into my pocket and grabbed my bag stepping out to see this place the rain now being to stop yet the sky stayed a dull grey, my feet planted on the gravel road
“I will deliver your things to your home doctor” The driver informed me as I walked to the front of the carriage
“Thank you” I answer nodding my head to him and just as I finished the last word he whipped the horses and went off.  I stood by the gates looking into The town, The town's gate at metal shaped into lettering reading Mulbury Glade badly the letters morphed and strange a few rusting so much the bottom of the B had come off and was long gone. Many houses and stores lined the main street and just at the end stood a white old stone church, everywhere looked like it had been long abandoned past the church the road split one going off to lead to more homes and a tavern and the other lead somewhere off into the hills just within the hills stood a very popular graveyard, many headstones laid there. I walked down the empty sinister street only the crackling of the gravel beneath my feet could be heard echoing through the dark houses.
Until I heard the voice again seeming closer and sweeter than ever I turned to look around to see If I could find the owner of the voice. But it stopped so I turned back to the church and there stood a woman. A Woman in a dark blue dress draping loosely off her wide curvaceous frame, her long curly brown hair sat on her shoulders, her face seeming innocent and gentle yet strange, her eyes Green and bright, her hands behind her back as she stood and smiled at me.
“We were not expecting you yet a while” she grinned her voice as smooth as milk and honey she sounded like the voice that was calling me here but something about her just... made me feel strange
“My apologies Madam, I was here earlier than expected” I answer “where is the rest of the town?” I ask her
“At a funeral on the hill”, she replied sadly “I didn’t know her, and the Town prefers to see me away from the graveyard” She clarified
“Very well Miss” I nod
“You're the new doctor, aren’t you?” she challenged with a smile and I nod “Good, I hope to be seeing much of you Dr Newton” she beamed
“How- How did you know my name?” I urge her
“It’s on your carry bag” she smiled and I glance down and remember my bag as my last name and initial on it
“Oh…Of course, Pardon me, Madam, I thought-“I begin slightly laughing
“That I had played a tick?” she interrupted making me stop short a little surprised by her “I get that a lot” she giggled “It would Shock you how much the town accuses me of such things” she laughed “you would think me wicked” she smiled simply
“I could never madam,” I tell her not sure what to think of this girl “Oh, how rude of me, I never asked your name?”
“y/n, y/n Y/L/N” she grinned holding out one of her hands so I take it and politely kiss her hand making her smile wider as I did I noticed her hands were scared as If had been cut many, many times over so much they had not healed for a very long time and on her wrist a mark it wasn’t a scar it was black as night a symbol what I didn’t understand before she returned it behind her “I can take you to your new home and office If you wish, it will be hours before they all return” she offered
“Oh yes thank you” I smile to her
so she happily begins to walk leading me off towards the graveyard the road still an empty, I looked up to see a large number of people around a stone with a man dressed in white stood reading to them all he looked down to me for a second then returned to his readings.
Until at last she stopped in front of a house, the house beside the graveyard it was old and looked worn the wood tint on the outside beginning to wash off with every rain that came, the windows covered so much with dust nothing could be seen inside the door a dark red with a handle and knock of silver, beside the door was a small seat big enough for two to sit outside on the patio, just above the patio hung a sign reading doctor’s office with a small image of a needle. She walked up to the door unlocking it with a key from the ring of Keys In the pocket of her dress unlocking the door and opening it letting light flood in.
It was a small room with a black stair case to one side as well as one door then another much further down the corridor and then one immediately to the right all my bags and such from the carriage had been placed just inside the door she then opened the door to the right and it was a room with a huge sink and operating table as well as a light high above the table and many tables and other equipment around it “This is the Office” she explained before leaving and going to the other door, to a room with beautiful blue and purple striped wall paper and a large fireplace and a book shelf as well as two rather large chairs with a table in the centre of the table “The living room” she smiled before leaving again going down to the door down the hall. It opened to a huge purple dining room with a large candle chandelier above the table the table was huge and painted to look black it had two large chairs one at each end and then three lesser chairs each side and another door was just though that room and she opened that up and it was a very simple little kitchen “dining room and kitchen” she explained "It also has the door out to the garden and out there is down to the basement"
Before she was going out again and leading me upstairs them creaking every step she took and every step I followed till we reached a landing with three doors she opened one immediately “bathroom” she said and it clearly was a very small wash room then she went down to the one further away and it was a room with a crib and a few other children orientated objects “sorry this is meant to be the study but the last doctor had a wife and child with him” she described
“It’s alright, I’m sure I will get to sorting it eventually” I shrug and she took me to the last room it being the biggest in the house a room with a large window and a window seat the walls a dark blue and the floor covered mostly with a well-aged rug it had a black wood dresser as well as a coat rack by the door and a large double bed with blankets and such as already set out for me. “this is amazing” I smiled
“It’s quite alright, most of it was left behind by the last doctor” she shrugged
“What happened to him?” I ask her
“We don’t know, one day they just got a few things together and left, we never saw them again” she explained
“Oh my, well I won’t do that,” I laugh setting my bag down on the bed
“Here is the key” she smiled taking it from her pocket and slipping it into my hand “I best be going, Akiko will worry if I don’t get home soon” she urged
“Who’s Akiko?” I ask her
“My cat, she gets worried if I’m out for too long without her” she smiled
“Oh, I love cat’s, I would be thrilled to meet her” I smile at her
“I’m sure she would Love to meet you two" she beamed "Hmm, Perhaps later this evening we could both pop over and I could make us all something” She suggested
“Oh I couldn’t ask you to do that, I will make the dinner, but of course I would be great to see you later” I smile “I will see you later then Miss Y/L/N,” I tell her taking her hand and kissing it
“y/n I Insist” she grinned
“Very well y/n” I reply “Isaac, Isaac Newton,” I clarify
“Pleasure” she smiled taking her other hand from behind her back and she was holding a small pressed daisy “for you, Welcome to Mubury” she smiled before she left.
I heard her go down the stairs and leave shutting the door behind her. As soon as she was gone I put the little flower on the inside of my pocket watch and I began unpacking my things putting all my clothes away and all my tools and such in the office sorting everything out where it needed to be making the hall clear of things before checking my watch, “bugger, it’s already getting later” I sigh putting my watch away and getting a broom from the little closet in the kitchen and beginning to sweep the years of dust and cobwebs that had built up as well as taking a cloth to the windows letting me now see out of them all and letting the dim fading light into the house and pulling the curtains in the office and a few others rooms I wasn’t going to need tonight. As I cleaned the window in my room I saw the funeral was just finishing on the hill many people kept glancing over to my house but I did my best to try and ignore them before going down and lighting the fire as it had begun to get cold. As the sun began to set so I took a light from the fire and going lighting the candles around the house, before heading to the kitchen the cupboards and pantry fully stocked with food I wasn’t too good at making food but It didn’t come out too badly even if it wasn’t very much just some simple soup and a little bread that I had already laid on the table when I set it as well as a nice bottle of wine I found Under the sink just then I heard the door so I ran to the door checking my reflection in the mirror by the door. My dirty blonde hair still as sorted as it was this morning I had a bit of mud on my face which I quickly licked my finger and got rid of staring back at my own brown eyes before smiling and opening the door and there stood y/n in a Light blue dress similar to the one she had on earlier today and a small box in her hands and a little coat of dark red velvet     
“good evening” she greeted
“Evening, Oh come in,” I told her so she smiled and walked in “May I take your coat?” I offer her
“Oh yes, Hang on” she laughed “Akiko, come on,” she told and a little black cat with wide blue eyes crawled up onto her shoulder so I took off her coat and hung it on the rack beside the door. It was fascinating to see her cat just sit on her shoulder comfortably “get off Akiko” she laughed and the cat jumped off her shoulder and sat on the floor perfectly
“How in the world did you train her to do that? My old cat couldn’t even grasp move” I urge
“Lots of time” she shrugged “I bought a few things” she smiled as we walked down to the dining room and she put the box down on the table “I brought all Akiko’s food and such, I got you a few strawberries I thought they might be nice to have in the pantry” she smiled handing me a small china container full of fresh strawberry’s
“Oh I love strawberries Thank you” I smile taking them and putting them in the pantry when I returned the box was in the hall and Akiko was already fed and a Freshly baked cake was sat on a glass dish in the centre of the table
“I baked it today, I thought it would make a nice dessert” she smiled
“It looks amazing, thank you so much, you really didn’t have to do all this you know,” I informed her
“I know, I just know the rest of the village won’t take to you as much as I have, so I wanted to make you feel welcome” she laughed
“Thank you y/n” I grin
“You’re welcome Isaac” she smiled
“Oh do sit” I smiled to her taking her hand, lightly moving out the chair for her at the end of the table so she stood and as I tucked it in she sat “Dinner won’t be another Moment” I told her going back to the kitchen and preparing the dinner and bringing it out to her
“Smells delicious,” she said as I put it down on the table for her
“Thank you, I’m not the best cook in the world but, it will do,” I explained to her “wine?” I ask her
“Yes please” she answered so I got the Wine from the table and opened it up pouring her a glass then one for myself before taking my seat in the chair at the other end of the table
“Uhh… I would say, Too New friends” I tell her
“Too new friends” she smiled as we toast and little Akiko meowed and both sip our wine “this is very good” she smiled
“Yeah, lucky find” I shrug
“How so?” she asked picking up her spoon
“I found it under the sink” I laugh starting to eat myself
“Wow, Lucky” she laughed as we sat and ate for a while not talking to each other very much until we had both finished and I took the bowls back to the kitchen when I returned she was stood “sit, I can take care of this” she reassured so I sat on my seat again as she cut the cake she brought cutting two precise slices so we both got a piece with a whole strawberry on the top and set them each on a plate giving one to me and taking the other to her seat as well as taking off a few crumbs she gave to Akiko. I took my fork getting a large piece of it with the two sections of cake as well as the jam and cream taking a bite and the marvellous taste exploding in my mouth it was one of the best things I had ever tasted “this is beautiful” I tell her
“Thank you, I am fairly good at cakes” she smiled
“I never did ask y/n, what exactly do you do in Village?” I ask her having another bite of cake
“Oh I run the Little Book Shop In the town centre” she smiled eating some cake herself
“Oh, I’m sure I will pop in many times over the coming months,” I laugh having another bite of cake
“How long are you planning to stay?” She asked
“Indefinitely I hope, that depends how good I am at my job” I laugh
“I’m sure you will be exceptional” she smiled finishing her cake
“Thank you” I smile finishing my cake
“So why did you move up here?” she asked
“Oh…. I would rather-“I begin
“It’s alright, Just promise you will tell me someday” she smiled
“I promise,” I tell her with a small smile
“Now, I’ll clean up, you can go relax by the fire” she smiled getting up and begins to pack things away
“Don’t be absurd you’re my guest, you’ve already done more than enough for me y/n,” I told her taking the plates and such from her hands
“Alright” she sighed picking up the cake and I took the plates to sit in the sink with the bowls I will clean them later I’m sure, and she took the cake sitting it in the pantry and we both went to the living room sitting in the large chairs by the fire for what felt like forever “I should be going, I Need to be up in the morning for the shop” she states getting up
“Oh, of course, I don’t mean to keep you” I laughed
“It’s alright, I should leave you to get used to your new home and all” she smiled going to the hall picking up all Akiko’s things and putting them back in her little box “I had a wonderful time tonight” she smiled
“I did as well we must do this again,” I smile
“I’m sure we will” she smiled as Akiko jumped up on her shoulder again
“And It was a pleasure to meet you, Akiko, I hope to see you much more as well,” I tell the cat and it meowed at me before climbing down and under the petticoats of y/n’s dress
“She must think It’s cold out” she laughed making me chuckle too as I get her coat and put it softly over her shoulders “thank you” she smiled
“It’s alright” I smile back as I open the door for her and she stepped out into the dark
“I will see you tomorrow most likely” she giggled
“Yeah, see you then,” I tell her happily
“Well goodnight Isaac” she smiled
“Goodnight y/n” I smile back and she began to walk off into the darkness and with seconds she vanished into the dark.
So I shut and locked the door pulling the curtain for the door and the little window then going to the kitchen pulling the curtains and shutting the pantry and blowing out the candles then blowing out the ones in the dining room then going through shutting everything up putting the guard over the fire so if it spits it won’t cause a fire. Then shutting the door blowing out the candles in the hall and climbing the stairs each creak as I step on them, dust coming off the banister as I walked up my fingers ran through the little woodworm holes in the woodwork as I went up, before going to the wash room to get ready for bed blowing out candles as I went and soon the house was in darkness except for the one candle beside my bed and the moonlight coming through the curtains on my window as I read my book in bed I had read it a thousand times and I still love it until I yawn so I put the bookmark on the page and set my book down on the side table and blowing out the last candle and shutting my eyes drifting off into a comfortable sleep.
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keepingupwithamm · 3 years
Truly cheap rugs in Sydney are here for you
Do you really need a rug to help to make your home or office a comfy place? We're here to help you get the best and indeed the most cost effective rugs in Melbourne. Persian modern economic collection is available on the internet, a number of clicks away from you. A number of clicks are gonna be enough to look into the most popular catalog, seeking the right floor rugs on the internet Australia in seconds. We received a tremendous assortment of rugs for sale on the net Australia, enabling you to find something suitable within seconds. The things you will need are now a click away from you, always prepared to supply free of charge shipping on all orders and also an up to 80% off for all orders. Wait no longer, browse the link https://www.rugserenity.com.au/, discover our rugs and make a choice instantly.
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It is now time to locate cheap rugs on the internet Australia. We add brand-new models on a regular basis, to make certain that each single customer can find something practical in here. A rug may bring that authentic look and also feel with genuine fringes, since the majority of our rugs are made by a machine-knotted in Turkey. An array of rugs, with various designs, textures and colors intended to impress. You obtain the chance to locate a rug for indoor and outdoor needs, pick the color, size and just place orders truly easy and quick. No doubt that you'll be astounded by the price you will need to pay, since typically our prices will begin from $69. Stay updated regularly, find the ideal wool rugs for purchase Australia now and hold back until we deliver it straight to the doorstep. To obtain extra information, it's also advisable to subscribe to receive updates and never miss anything. Look into the ideal shaggy rugs on the market Australia, see the deals on the market today and make a choice within a few moments. You just have to choose if you need a Persian, modern or even an economic collection rug. Wait no more, obtain carpet on the web Australia now internet and discover how simple it may be. Rug Serenity is the better online store, allowing you to buy excellent rugs, with world-wide shipping and super safe checkout. The hesitation has ended, no matter what sort of rug you may need, at Rug Serenity you will want exactly what you may need as well as get the expectations exceeded! Check out about modern hall runners Australia go our net page
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rugsvilleca-blog · 7 years
Grab Our Best Ever Offers On Persian Rugs Online
We Are Offering Antique Persian Rugs For Sale Online Under Holiday Sale
We Rugsville known for attractive designer area rugs online. And we decided to put Persian rugs for sale under the Holiday sale. Also today we are going to discuss our best type Area Rug “Persian Rugs“. These Rugs are known for the attractive designs and these are mostly used in giving royal look to the living room. But our rugs known for some additional features as described in below points.
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Crafted by experienced Oriental Weavers Rug to give you original Antique Persian Designs.
Full of Oriental designs to give your living room a Royal traditional look.
Our all oriental Persian area rugs are 100% handmade and prepared by using Hand Knotted Technique.
Highly Durable because of dense weaving.
To give you real non-lasting color we used natural vegetable dyes to color yarn.
On our every, you can feel all the designs underfoot when your feet will touch the soft piles surface of the design while walking on our Persian area rugs.
Required low maintenance.
Having good pile height.
Available in many shapes and size according to installation such as round, rectangular, runners, etc.
Before making any Persian Style Rugs we always examine the yarn quality to give you best class Persian rugs in Canada.
Benefits Of Persian Rugs
If you planning to renovate your home by giving Royal Traditional look then installation of Persian area rugs will be perfect. These are may be machine made, hand knotted and tufted and if you want a quality product then you can choose hand knotted or tufted.
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Due to their weaving type, these type of rugs is very durable. And their traditional, oriental designs are made to fill your home with the beauty of art and make your home more attractive. These can be available in many shapes according to its installation like Regular rectangular for the living room; runners for stairs, narrow rooms, entrance and round rugs for the main hall. We also put these all shapes oriental area rugs in our Persian rugs for sale collection. And we are sure that their shiny yarn and rich design will definitely brighten your home.
Benefits of Our Holiday sale
In our holiday sale, we added many attractive, best in design, 100% handmade Persian rugs for sale. Along with these area rugs, any other are also added like tribal, shag, modern, transitional, kilims, Moroccan rugs for sale. In making your home more beautiful in the budget we are also giving flat discount up on all type rugs. And you can avail this discount on any type of area rug we put for sale by visiting our Rugsville- Online Home Store. So that is the best time to grab this decor your home.
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gbcflooring-blog · 5 years
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jeremystrele · 5 years
Living The Regional Dream In Strzelecki, South Gippsland!
Living The Regional Dream In Strzelecki, South Gippsland!
by Lucy Feagins, Editor
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‘We love the rusty roof. This side of the house was overgrown when we purchased, blocking a fair amount of the view. This is a now great spot to watch the birds and the sunset and look out to Wilsons Prom,’ says Shelley. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli.
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‘Our garden will be an ever evolving project, as all gardens should be. We are still learning the land, how far the sun reaches, where our natural springs are positioned and from which direction the damaging winds arrive,’ says Shelley. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli.
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A cosy corner of the living room. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli.
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TV cabinet found in hard rubbish then sanded, waxed and completed with cane inset doors made by Shelley’s dad. Thea Skelsey canvases. Bertjan Pot for Hay table lamp. In the vase is wild pampas grass – a declared weed that grows roadside in Gippsland and is best cut down and out of the wind to prevent spreading. (Shelley drives with secateurs in the car for this reason!) Vintage timber rocking horse. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli.
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Living space. 1970s Parker sofa in original upholstery, another eBay gem. George Nelson Bubble Wall Lamp. Hand made cushions. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli.
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Mid-century Swedish exhibition and travel posters on the wall. The original baltic floors have been sanded and treated with an ultra-matte penetrative sealant. 1970s Parker sofa in original upholstery, another eBay gem. George Nelson Bubble Wall Lamp. Hand made cushions. Woven rug from Temple & Webster. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli.
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Heavenly! Canvas curtains sewn by Shelley from painters drop sheets. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli.
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1970s Parker sofa in original upholstery bought off eBay; George Nelson bubble wall lamp; woven hemp rug from Temple & Webster; handmade cushions. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli.
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Shelley says they have no plans to update the 1950s kitchen renovation at this stage! Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli.
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Views from the dining space. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli.
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Canvas curtains sewn by Shelley from painters drop sheets. Le Corbusier Lampe de Marseille from Cult. Secondhand dining table, velvet chairs and vintage Belgium rug.  Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli.
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The kitchen features a Falcon range cooker handmade in Britain (‘The pride of the kitchen and fired up at every meal’ says Shelley). Le Creuset kettle. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli.
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The larder features an Ikea IVAR storage system that’s been lovingly stained piece by piece. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli.
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Buffet stand bought at a garage sale in Canterbury, ‘Calvin the Komondor’ art print from the Cone of Shame series by Winnie Au, original Atelier Populaire posters, and wooden Latvian candle holder. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli.
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1970s graphic prints, timber sculpture and leather carry bag all bought from op shops over the years. The hall runner was purchased secondhand from a couple on the Mornington Peninsula who ran it down the aisle at their wedding! Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli.
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Cow hide from friends at Warialda Belted Galloway, String Furniture shelving, original Atelier Populaire poster, canvas curtains sewn by Shelley. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli.
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The master bedroom features a George Nelson bubble wall lamp, handmade pillowcases from Saltbush Avenue in Tasmania, their Nana’s old side table, vintage wool throw. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli.
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Amos’ room features a Warren Hill linen play mat, Ubabub bookshelves, original L’étoile Mystérieuse Tin Tin poster, vintage wooden train. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli.
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Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli.
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Amazing views from the property, and a look at Shelley + Tom’s pride and joy – the veggie patch! Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli.
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Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli.
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The couple’s beloved veggie garden! Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli.
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Tom looks out over the rolling hills. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli.
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Garden goodness. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli.
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The couple made the tree change from Melbourne to South Gippsland in 2018. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli.
Shelley and Tom Banders immediately fell in love with this 1890s farmhouse in Strzelecki, Victoria (about 130km south-east of Melbourne), with its 10-foot ceilings and charming heritage details.
The pair were drawn to the South Gippsland area after visiting famed foodie Tamsin Carvin of Tamsin’s Table (fortuitously, Tom now works alongside Tamsin at The Borough Dept. Store in Korumburra). After seeing the property online, they went to visit, and were immediately awestruck. They wax lyrical, ‘We are surrounded by natural winemakers, micro dairies, single-origin cheesemakers and other niche artisans, producers and growers… However, having space is possibly the best part, we have established over 70 lineal metres of veggie beds, and planted a stone fruit orchard and a citrus grove. We are in the process of preparing a berry cane enclosure and designing a coop for our future chickens and ducks.’
After making the move from Melbourne, the couple set out to bring this farmstead into a contemporary era, while still maintaining the honesty and practicality of the traditional farmhouse. The home maintains the original footprint, with one bedroom transformed into an open-shelf larder (a country home dream!).
The walls were all whitewashed in Dulux White Polar, and the carpet stripped back to reveal beautiful Baltic pine floorboards. Shelley highlights the New Zealand pure wool carpet installed in the bedrooms out of necessity (cold winters!) but ‘also to generate a soft, dream-like quality to the resting spaces’
This soft, comfortable vibe carries throughout the home, creating a perfect retreat for the two self-described ‘home bodies.’ Shelley explains, ‘We always try to create an informal, welcoming space that radiates warmth and comfort.’ The interior finishes, objects and materials here have been selected for durability and functionality . ‘Our mostly preloved furniture allows us to relax if we’ve gotten dirty in the veggie patch. Life is too short to worry about these things!’ Shelley says.
For anyone reading along and dreaming of a regional escape, Shelley makes an impassioned case for taking the leap. She enthuses ‘Just go for it! We have never felt so grounded, connected and satisfied, ending our day with a glass of local wine, a bit of dirt under our nails and a belly full of real food. What are you waiting for?’
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guestcanpost · 5 years
Decorate your home with innovative and beautiful rugs
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When your mind decorates the floral design of your home, and then adds a last resort to the cradle frontier. The pillow cloth has cloth fabrics, plain design, fresh color and wool. Festive waste for sale is made using rich and extraordinary polypropylene fibers. The vintage rugs are known for the contact of elite elegance, and they bring color variations. The unique thing of this lane is that it is a mix of contemporary and traditional colors and creations. Supplementary new veins are designed to enhance house decor using similar colors and ideals. Make sure your home decorating material is related to the design of these pillows. They are made using slim Indian and New Zealand wool. Another type of rugs Melbourne, which is characteristic of the floral design, details is a new oriental lane. In ancient nature it is characteristic of floral pattern. They are modern additions to the handmade veins list. Dimension Roach is not attractive in its appearance, but is also acceptable for the feet. The mattress supports a solid color, and it's luxurious and comfortable. Specializing in the special combination of environmental rug colors for sale, at the same time maintains their simple artistic design. This heel is hand-made, featuring unique and other types of different art and carpets of different genres. Advantages of hall runners that you should consider Whether your home setting is contemporary or traditional, by storing your floor with runner rugs, you can add a new dimension to your room. Runner glass is a cost effective floor furniture option and is highly recommended by homeowners and interior designers. The hall runners rug can revive and increase the overall appearance of your bedroom, family room, hallway, kitchen, courtyard, and playroom. In addition, they can be used on stone, tile, concrete or hardwood floors. This flooring option enables you to feel unique and warm in the room. If the floor material adheres to your specific requirements, different types of designs, patterns, expectations, shapes and color combinations can be selected in the rugs of the runner area, which can certainly be in line with your interior design for the best antique rugs By using square-carved models with rounded corners, rounded corners, or a long oval shape, you can offer a better appeal to your room. The rug is very flexible; these veins can be easily replaced with other exciting runners. You can always save your room. Nylon and cotton models, naturally available ES both runner-rugs are available in 100% wool and propane material, including synthetic goods including ES. Depending on your unique needs, you can choose a pile and no heap from a machine made of a pile-made model. Runners-rugs are extremely durable and can be easily cleaned. Before organizing your floor decoration with Runner-rugs, which can add a new dimension to your home, it is advisable to collect some details about available models, their size, quality and price limits. Make a goal to buy suitable models according to your decorative needs and budget. The term runner rug is used to describe a particular type of rug that is long and narrow in its construction. They are particularly useful for providing a floor covering in particular rooms of your house. Probably the most frequent use of runner rugs is on hallway floors, but they are also commonly used when it comes to putting floor coverings on stair ways. The runner rug is quite versatile. You can place it directly onto a hard wooden or tiled floor and it will create a softer feel to the room. Or, you can lay it on top of wall to wall carpeting and use it in a similar way to accent rugs, to create a certain color or pattern effect. Indeed there is no reason why runner rugs shouldn't be used as accent rugs at all. They work very well in whatever guise they are used. Everything you need to know about hall runner rugs Many people use home disturbances for home, home turf and bustle once a guide. When a large number of people get to beautify the area with turtle, they are known as Vegas, to control beaches, and used to supply. The Halloween, CD, and Electricity Review can be used to rubbing other places too. The hall runners with such feet can be easily decorated to use. The runner workshop was specially designed for a home house area. It is for the empire in the place, otherwise, it is known as the weather in the area. A very good soul Ms. Time, she has also been added to provide complex equipment services. The hallway runner rugs lap court is just for working in the Hyde Traffic area and the training is done to powder and the movement is done. They are useful for hardware, tri, and laminate flooring, this time, known as different turf in the field of thighs. They can also be useful to use the area to floor. Radio is another man in the form of a person that you can have at least automatically. It is possible to cool down the stagnant stability and cool down in boiling. Read the full article
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handmaderugblog · 2 years
Let rug auction Australia be your one-stop online store for all of your contemporary and traditional rug needs. We have been in the business for close to a decade and guarantee the best prices and quality products.
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rugexposd · 3 years
Runner Rugs: 6 Tips to Enhance & Beautify Your Home
Are you using runner rugs in the most used areas of your home? These areas can sometimes be neglected. But your hallways, kitchen, bathroom, and bedrooms are great spaces to be enhanced with a beautiful and stylish runner. Here are 6 Tips to help you choose and use a runner.
1. Use Runner Rugs to Beautify your Hallways
Hand Knotted Kerman Persian Runner Rug
You probably knew this one! People have been adorning their hallways with hallway runners for generations. They add beauty, elegance, and comfort. This is especially helpful for halls with hardwood floors, which might seem bare without one. It’s also easy to change the look of your home by adding a new hallway runner. Whether you opt for the classic look of a traditional Persian Runner Rug or a modern runner, they can really help to connect the decor of your home together.
2. Use Carpet Runners to Protect your Carpet or Hardwood
Your hallways obviously get a lot more concentrated foot traffic than any other part of your home. So by adding a runner, you’ll protect your hardwood floors or your carpeting, which is more difficult to deep clean, relative to area rug cleaning.
3. Area Rug Runners add warmth and comfort to your Kitchen, Bedroom, or Bath
Kitchen Runner: You can add so much warmth to a kitchen by adding a runner. So yes, you’re kitchen floor does get dirty, so you’ll want to opt for a darker color runner which will hide the dirt and something you can clean more easily. Rug Expo offers both luxury hand-knotted wool runners as well as synthetic fiber runners.
Persian Runner Rugs Hand Knotted Persian Wool
Bathroom Runner: Adding a runner to your bathroom is a fantastic idea. It’s wonderful for bare feet when it’s otherwise cold tile!
Bathroom Runner Expo Astoria
Bedroom Runners: While many people opt for a full-size rug, such as a rectangular 9×12, may opt for a bedside runner. People often place a runner at the foot of their bed, depending on foot traffic and your room setup. Below is a typical setup with a runner on one or both sides of a bed.
4. Use Runner Rugs to dampen the noise from hardwood floors
Footfalls on hardwood floors can be a bit loud and depending on your ceilings, can even create an echo. Why not add some warmth and foot comfort, whether you’re wearing shoes or not? You should also consider adding a good runner rug pad as this will also help protect the runner itself.
6. What Size of Runner do I need?
In general, match the length of your runner to the space it will lay, but provide a reasonable margin.
Runner Margin?
Before we talk about size, you’ll need to calculate how much margin you need. The margin on each side of a hallway should be about 6″, but 3 to 9″ is fine. If you have a long hallway and want to place two runners, you can do so, but leave about a 6 to 12″ gap between the two. Check the diagram below for these runner margin recommendations:
If you’re using a runner in a kitchen, bedroom, or bathroom the margin and gap guidelines are a bit more flexible. Just use a size that fits well and will minimize snagging or tripping over the ends of your runner.
Best Hallway Runner Rug Placement
So in a hallway, you’ll want to give the runner a margin all around, and for the runner to start from the “main” entry point and ideally, extend to the end of the hallway. So if your runner doesn’t extend the entire length of the hallway, you’ll just want to make sure it starts from the “main” entry, for example from an outside door. That way, you land on the runner itself. Or if the runner is too short, you can place it “all in” the landing area which is preferred, or it’s also acceptable to place it in the middle of the hall, to ensure that the runner is not “half in, half out” of the landing area. Here’s a diagram that provides some of the best placements for a runner in a hallway.
Best runner placement in a hallway
5. What Sizes do Runners come in?
You can find runners in practically any size. Here is a break down of sizes:
Standard sizes for most machine-made runners are 8, 10 and 12 feet and width is about 2′ 7″. However, there are some machine-made runners that come even longer. See the image below.
Handmade runners have their own charm and come in different odd sizes such as 7′, 8′, or 11′ Persian Runners. Handmade runners are also available in sizes up to 30 feet long and Rug Expo has many of these larger sizes in stock or available to order.
Custom size runners from rolls. See below.
Some machine made runners come in extra long sizes.
Custom Size Runners
Machine-made stair runners, roll runners, or continuous runners can be custom cut and bound by your local rug store, such as Rug Expo in San Diego. We cut a custom size from 100′ long rolls. This can be a good option when you need a runner of 20 feet or more. Call us for a quote.
Custom Size Cut Roll Runner Rug for long hallways or stair runner.
Ready to enhance the beauty and comfort of your home? Search for a regular runner rug here, or search for Persian runner rugs here.
Any Runner Questions? Need a custom size? Call the Runner Rug Experts at Rug Expo for your Runner needs at:
(858 689-9007
The post Runner Rugs: 6 Tips to Enhance & Beautify Your Home appeared first on Rug Expo Blog.
from Rug Expo Blog https://rugexposd.com/blog/post/runner-rugs-6-tips-to-enhance-beautify-your-home/ via Rug Expo
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samuelmmarcus · 4 years
2021 New-construction Home Trends
  Located in Naperville, Illinois, this new-construction home by M House Development shares plenty of inspiration and home trend ideas that will make it through to 2021 and beyond.
The exterior of this new home exudes plenty of curb appeal with its impressive architectural details where an arched portico with painted brick is beautifully complemented by a black window tower, board and batten siding and a combination of shingles and a metal roof.
When it comes to the interiors, more trendy interior design ideas can be found. Board and batten is once again found and wisely used as wainscoting. A neutral, but far from boring, color scheme is found in the main rooms of the house. Soothing colors are accentuated with cabinet colors that will continue to be popular in 2021, such as blue grays, light greys, moody greens and of course, the ever classic; black and white.
Find a comfy spot to enjoy this house tour and feel free to pin your favorite pictures and share this post with those you think would enjoy seeing it!
  Make sure to see these other popular house tours built by M House Development:
 – Modern Farmhouse Tour.
– Modern Farmhouse Home Design.
– New-construction Modern Farmhouse.
– Modern Farmhouse House Tour.
– New-construction Farmhouse-style Home.
– Modern Farmhouse with Wrap-around Porch.
– Beautiful Homes of Instagram: New Modern Farmhouse.
– Black and White Modern Farmhouse Exterior.
– Dark Siding Farmhouse.
– Interior Design Ideas: Small Lot Modern Farmhouse.
  New-construction Home
On the exterior, timeless architectural details are complemented by trendy Modern Farmhouse influences.
Shingles: GAF Timberline Pewter Gray Shingles.
Metal Roof: Pac-Clad Weathered Zinc Metal Roof.
Garage Lighting: Barn Light Electric – similar here & here – Others: here & here.
Siding: James Hardie in Sherwin Williams Passive.
Exterior Trim: James Hardie Arctic White Trim.
Windows: Pella Windows.
Dark Accents
Window Tower, garage doors and windows are in Sherwin Williams SW 7069 Iron Ore.
Outdoor Furniture: CB2 Sofa & Chairs.
Chair Pillows: CB2 (indoor).
Brick is Acme Monte Vista, Queen size painted in Sherwin Williams SW 7064 Passive.
Lighting: Troy Lighting.
Front Door
Front Door: Simpson Door & Co. 3’6″x8′ front door 3/4 glass with 1 crosspane and 1 shaker panel at the bottom with 3’6″x2′ transom above. Paint color is Sherwin Williams SW 7067 Cityscape.
Porch Ceiling: Beadboard in Cabot Dark Gray Stain.
Entry Hardware: here.
Doorbell: Rejuvenation.
Planter: here – similar.
Doormat: here.
Rug: Novograts – Other Fun Outdoor Rugs: here, here, here & here.
House Number: here.
How gorgeous is this home, right?! And I am so happy to be sharing it with you!!! The front door is also painted in SW 7067 Cityscape on the interior. The Home Office is located on the right.
Study Glass Sliding Door: Sherwin Williams SW 7069 Iron Ore.
Rug: Local store – Others: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Lighting: Visual Comfort – similar here.
Board & Batten
Board and Batten & Interior Trim Paint Color: Sherwin Williams SW 7006 Extra White.
Interior Paint Color
Paint Color Throughout the House: Sherwin Williams SW 7070 Site White.
Great Room
Featuring asymmetrical shelves with White Oak detailing, this Great Room feels inviting and connected to an equally beautiful Sunroom.
Color Scheme
In this space, the neutral color scheme gets a hint of drama with some black and white decorative items.
Wall Paint Color
The Great Room walls feature board and batten in Sherwin Williams SW 7006 Extra White.
Sofa: Available through the designer – Other Comfy Sofas/Sectionals: here, here, here, here & here.
Modern Pillows
A pair of modern black and white pillows add some interest to this neutral sofa.
Trendy Pillows: here, here, here (leather), here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Fireplace Shelves Top & Fireplace Mantle: Chunky White Oak “Beam” with white stain sealer and lacquer finish.
Fireplace Tile: here – similar – Others: here, here, here, here & here.
Fireplace hearth- Soapstone.
Sconces: here.
Accent Chair
Accent Chair: Local store – similar here – Other Trendy Chairs: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Side Table
Side Table: Four Hands – Others: here, here, here & here.
Bookshelf Decor
Artwork: Target.
Mango Wood Links: here.
Board and Batten
Board and batten paneling gives some interest to this Living Room.
Knot Figurine: here.
Swivel Chairs
Swivel Chairs: Available through the designer – Others: here, here & here.
Coffee Table
Coffee Table: Noir Molimo Coffee Large Table – Other Best Sellers: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Sideboard: Available through the designer – Others: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Beautiful Artwork: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Faux Stems
Faux Olive Stems: here.
This kitchen is really beautiful, isn’t it? I am loving the amount of natural light it gets and the colors on the cabinets.
Kitchen Hood: Custom Hood with Board & Batten Trim.
Cabinetry throughout the house is by Trim Tech, Inc.
Chandelier: West Elm.
Kitchen Backsplash Tile: Soho Tiles – similar here (great brand).
Kitchen Lighting & Counterstools
Kitchen Pendants: Rejuvenation 24″ – Other Beautiful Lighting: here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Counterstools: here & here (they’re currently out of stock – everywhere!) – Others: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Sconces over Sink: Rejuvenation.
Hardwood Flooring
Hardwood Flooring – White Oak, Custom stained in  50% Minwax Weathered Oak and 50% Minwax Country White– similar here – Other Beautiful Options: here, here, here & here.
Sink & Faucet
Kitchen Faucet: Delta Kitchen Faucet.
Sink: Kohler.
Dishwasher: Asko Built-In Dishwasher Panel Ready.
Countertop: London Sky Quartz.
Microwave Drawer: Sharp Microwave Drawer.
Artwork: Target.
Island Paint Color
The island paint color is Benjamin Moore 2131-30 Lead Gray.
Dimensions: 54″ x 108″.
Perimeter Cabinet Paint Color
White Kitchen Cabinet Paint Color: Sherwin Williams Extra White.
Hardware: Knobs, Pulls & Latches.
Range: 36″ Wolf – Others: here & here.
The Pantry entry door features shiplap with x trim detail.
Dimensions: 45 3/4″
Refrigerator: Panel-ready Sub-Zero Side-by-Side Refrigerator.
Appliance Pulls: Top Knobs 12″.
Pantry Paint Color: Sherwin Williams SW 7006 Extra White.
The Kitchen Bar features upper cabinets with x details and floating shelves. Paint color is the same as the island; Benjamin Moore 2131-30 Lead Gray.
Beverage Center: Avallon Beverage Center Stainless Steel.
Bar: 72″.
Kitchen Runner
In my opinion, affordable runners are the way to go in a kitchen. An affordable runner means that it can be changed more often – think different colors for different seasons – and you don’t need to feel stressed when a few dirty spots start to appear.
Kitchen Runner: Local store – Others: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Island Pulls: Top Knobs 5″.
Naturally Beautiful
The simplicity of a floor-to-ceiling window steals the show in this kitchen.
Refreshing Kitchen & Dining Decor Ideas:
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“I always want the kitchen to feel more like the living room so naturally I love this large-scale window lounge spot right in the kitchen.” – Elizabeth Mathieson (Builder/Designer)
Window is by Sierra Pacific Windows.
Chair: Four Hands.
Table: Noir Furniture.
Fiddle Leaf Tree: here & here – similar.
Dining Room
I absolutely love this Dining Room! A round table allows an easy flow between Kitchen and Great Room.
Dining Table: Available through the designer/builder – similar here – Others: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Dining Chairs: Four Hands – similar: here, here, here & here.
Chandelier: West Elm.
Home Office
Painted in a deep forest green paint color, this Home Office seems to clear and calm the mind.
Chandelier: Savoy House.
Chair: Four Hands.
Paint Color
Paint Color: Sherwin Williams SW 6209 Ripe Olive.
Green & Brass
The green cabinets, in Sherwin Williams SW 6209 Ripe Olive, are beautifully accentuated with brass hardware.  Isn’t it a very chic look?
Beautiful Dimensional Artwork: here, here, here, here & here.
Cabinet Pulls: here – similar.
Powder Room
What a gorgeous little bathroom! Board and Batten Wainscoting and custom vanity are in Sherwin Williams SW 7006 Extra White.
Countertop: MSI Cashmere White Quartz.
Vanity: 36″ Custom – Others: here, here, here & here.
Wallpaper: Brewster Savvy black geometric wallpaper.
Lighting: Katie Globe Pendant.
Faucet: Delta.
Sink: Kohler.
Toilet: Kohler.
Mirror: here – Other Best Sellers: here, here, here, here & here.
Hardware: Top Knobs Pull with Backplate & Knobs.
Staircase Wood Newels, Wood Handrail, Risers, Rungs & Board and Batten Paneling: Sherwin Williams SW 7006 Extra White.
Treads: 50% Weathered Oak and 50% Country White to match floor.
Chandelier: Serena & Lily.
Upstairs Landing was kept simple and airy.
Console Table: here.
Mirror: Birch Lane.
Board and Batten Wainscoting Paint Color: Sherwin Williams SW 7006 Extra White.
Bench: Serena & Lily.
Sconce: Wrought Studio – in Matte Black.
2nd Floor Laundry Room
Paint Color: Sherwin Williams SW 6192 Coastal Plain.
Countertop: Daltile Imperio Carrara Quartz.
Sink: Elkay.
Faucet: Delta.
Hardware: Anthropologie.
Floor Tile: White & Black Mosaic Tile – design set by hand.
Daughter’s Bedroom
Featuring board and batten wainscoting and a black and white floral wallpaper, this bedroom is dreamy for any age!
Wainscoting & Window-seat: Sherwin Williams SW 7006 Extra White.
Bed: Crate & Barrel – similar here (twin).
Ceiling Fan: Fanimation.
Wallpaper: here.
Jack & Jill Bathroom
This Jack and Jill bathroom is one to inspire! Paint color is Sherwin Williams Site White.
The custom 51″ vanities are in Sherwin Williams Extra White.
Countertop: Rocky Mountain Quartz.
Hardware: Pulls & Knobs.
Faucet: here – similar.
Sink: Kohler.
Mirror: here.
Floor Tile
Bathroom Floor Tile: here.
Shower Curtains: Parachute – Other Beautiful Shower Curtains: here, here & here.
Tub Tile
The designer got really creative with the floor tile and tub surround. They complement each other.
Tub Tile: 4×12 Subway Tile & Pencil Liner – similar look.
Tub: Kohler.
Son’s Bedroom
Paint Color: SW 7070 Site White.
Bed: Crate & Barrel.
Barn Light: Laurel Foundry.
Wallpaper: Home Depot.
Master Bedroom
Master Bedroom Paint Color: Shiplap: Sherwin Williams SW 7006 Extra White. Other walls: Sherwin Williams SW 6525 Rarified Air.
Wallpaper: Thibaut Journey Robin’s Egg.
Bed: Available through the designer – similar: here.
Nightstands: Noir Furniture – Other Popular Options: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Bedding: West Elm.
Cozy Bedroom Vibes:
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In the Master Bathroom, large custom vanities face each other. Paint color is Sherwin Williams SW 7626 Zurich White.
Vanity: Custom, 84″.
Hardware: Schaub & Co.
Artwork: here.
Faucet: Mirabelle – similar here.
Sink: Kohler.
Towel Ring: Anthropologie.
Lighting: Hudson Valley.
Mirror: Crate & Barrel.
Vanity countertop is Slate Mist Quartz by Vadara.
Paint Color
Paint Color: Sherwin Williams SW 7063 Nebulous White.
Mirror: Crate & Barrel – Others: here, here, here & here.
Floor Tile: The Tile Shop – similar here & here.
Shower Tiling: The Tile Shop – similar: Accent Tile, Large Subway Tile & Shower Pan Tile.
Shower Seat: Slate Mist Quartz by Vadara.
Plumbing: Mirabelle.
Basement Bathroom
Vanity paint color is similar to Sherwin Williams Tricorn Black. Walls are in Sherwin Williams Site White.
Countertop: Calacatta Original.
Mirror: Renwil Greer Square Wall Mirror.
Faucet: Delta.
Sink: Kohler.
Toilet: Kohler.
Shower Base: Kohler.
Lighting: here.
Hardware: here.
Tile: here.
Desk Area
Counter-height Desk Paint Color: Sherwin Williams Drift of Mist.
Countertop: London Sky Quartz.
Hardware: Pulls & Knobs.
Mudroom Cabinetry: Sherwin Williams Drift of Mist.
Lighting: Rejuvenation semi-flush with Black Pinstripe shade – Others: here, here & here.
Washer & Dryer: Electrolux.
Hooks: here.
Runner: Target.
Tile: here – similar – in Herringbone Pattern.
  Many thanks to the builder for sharing the details above.
Builder & Interiors: M House Development (Instagram)
Photography: Margaret Rajic.
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  Wayfair: Home Decor and Furniture Sale.
  Serena & Lily: Summer Tent Furniture and Decor Sale.
  Pottery Barn: Flash Sale Up to 70% off!
  Joss & Main: Large Rugs for under $200.
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“Dear God,
If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
from Home https://www.homebunch.com/2021-new-construction-home-trends/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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5 Romantic Carpet Store Ideas
When it's time to locate a new carpet cleaner, you will benefit in the long run if you opt for the highest-quality machine you are able to. You want something powerful which will keep working well for many years. One of the best-selling points for Kirby vacuums could be the fact that they, like another manufacturer, offer a lifetime warranty for his or her product. Kirby uses more metal parts to create their products than just about some other company. Is it possible to imagine employing the same vacuum for thirty years? Many purchasers of Kirby vacuums are proud to express their Kirby may be going strong for 20 to 30 years. And, if you speak with a long-time Kirby owner, it isn't really unusual to own them inform you they've got never had any trouble using Kirby. You never see such target quality craftsmanship as much today, unfortunately. Hence, itrrrs this that we advise you buy if you possess the way to do so.
These prevention ideas are best for preventing premature deterioration of your respective carpets so enabling them stay clean longer. Exist areas in your property that get a great deal of traffic, by way of example hallways and also by the outer lining doors? Place carpet runners over these locations and will also make a massive difference. They're no issue finding and are generally a rug rectangle. The lengths will be different and may be found that will help you use them in places you need them. This is one of the best ideas to help to keep your carpet from premature damage within the high traffic areas. It is possible to replace the rug runner if this fades away as well as your carpet is going to be okay. Take a critical look at your carpets and discover if some areas, such as the halls, have already started to show indications of wearing down. Since this is a great way to protect most of your carpet, you'll want to seriously consider using carpet runners.
House pets could be a real issue with regards to carpet stains, specifically if the stain is a result of urine. Speed would be the critical factor when this occurs. You have to prevent the urine from soaking within your carpet's fibers and drying. There could be times; however, once your pet comes with an 'accident' with your carpet so you aren't you will find handle it punctually. There are products targeted at for cleaning up pet urine spots. Those who are the most popular are that are enzyme-based and formulated specifically for pet stains. There are a few home remedies about the net involving peroxide and know, so we are finding that being totally effective with pet urine.
You can find those who don't take cleaning their carpeting seriously; however, it truly deserves their attention. Your health may be negatively impacted when the carpets aren't kept clean. Sometimes, you could possibly look at the carpet and, unless you see any obvious dirt, you decide to not vacuum. Your carpet can hide a great deal of dirt you don't see; so it will be a bad idea to skip vacuuming. Almost everyone has a habit of ignoring what isn't obvious. Should they can't locate it, it's not at all there! Our automatic response is always to put off vacuuming until later in the event the dirt isn't obvious. Keep to your schedule of vacuuming a few times a week regardless of whether, initially, your carpet appears to be clean.
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claytondwos817-blog · 5 years
Best Carpet Store Android/Iphone Apps
When it's time to look for a new vacuum cleaner, you are going to benefit ultimately if you decide on the highest-quality machine you possibly can. You want something powerful that will keep working well for quite some time. One of the best-selling points for Kirby vacuums could be the fact that they, like another manufacturer, provide a lifetime warranty because of their product. Kirby uses more metal parts to put together a few than just about any other company. Is it possible to imagine utilizing the same vacuum for three decades? Many purchasers of Kirby vacuums are proud to express their Kirby may be going strong for 20 to 30 years. And, whenever you speak having a long-time Kirby owner, it's not unusual to have them inform you they have never had any difficulty using Kirby. You never see such concentrate on quality craftsmanship as much today, unfortunately. Hence, this is just what we advise you buy if you've got the technique of doing so.
These prevention ideas are ideal for preventing premature deterioration of your carpets so enabling them stay clean longer. Exist areas in your own home which get plenty of traffic, as an example hallways through the top doors? Place carpet runners of these locations and this will produce a huge difference. They're no problem finding and are generally a rug rectangle. The lengths vary and may be found to help you rely on them in which you need them. This is one of the better suggestions to help to keep your carpet from premature damage inside the high traffic areas. It is possible to replace the rug runner if this wears out and your carpet is going to be perfectly. Take a critical take a look at carpets and find out if some areas, such as the halls, previously did start to show warning signs of breaking down. Since this is a great way to protect your main carpet, you'll want to you should think about using carpet runners.
House pets can be quite a real challenge with regards to carpet stains, specifically when the stain is caused by urine. Speed will be the critical factor when this occurs. You have to prevent the urine from soaking within your carpet's fibers and drying. There could be times; however, once your pet comes with an 'accident' with your carpet and also you aren't home to cope with it by the due date. There are products specifically for for cleaning up pet urine spots. Those who are typically the most popular find which can be enzyme-based and formulated specifically for pet stains. There are a few natural home remedies for the net involving peroxide and field have realized, and we are finding that to be totally effective with pet urine.
You can find people that don't take cleaning their carpeting seriously; however, it truly deserves their attention. Your health might be negatively impacted when the carpets are certainly not kept clean. Sometimes, you might look at your carpet and, unless you use whatever obvious dirt, you select to never vacuum. Your carpet can hide lots of dirt that you do not see; so it will be a terrible idea to skip vacuuming. Almost everyone has a habit of ignoring what isn't obvious. Should they don't see it, it's not there! Our automatic response is to put off vacuuming until later inside the event the dirt isn't obvious. Keep to your schedule of vacuuming a few times every week regardless of whether, initially, your carpet appears to get clean.
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rugsvilleca-blog · 7 years
Add a New Dimension to Your Home with Runner Rugs
Choosing The Best Runner Rugs For Your Space
Many of peoples don’t know about the runner rugs or maybe not heard before about it. But we are sure they saw these type of area rugs many time may be in store, television serials, etc. These type of rugs are looks like other type rugs but these are longer in comparison to its width that’s why its look little bit differ from another type rugs. So, because of its special shape, its installation also differs and here we are going to aware of the perfect places to install these rugs. Also, we will tell you about the store from where you can buy these runner rugs.
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1. A Hallway
If your home has a long, monotonous hallway then you can create interest by installing a beautiful runner rug. As their shape matches perfectly that’s why these are most commonly used in hallways. But to keep your expensive runner in perfect condition for a long time, you should choose low traffic area. If you are searching for the best collection of runners rugs for sale, you can visit our online home store.
2. On Stairs
Generally, the major accident occurs in most of the home is due to slippery stairs. To reduce the probability of happening these type accidents in the home you can install runner rugs. This will make your stair very attractive, will increase friction underfoot to give grip to your feet, reduce noise and preserve stairs, etc. As these rugs can be customized according to your stairs. So the installation of the stair rug runner is so simple.
3. The Entryway
As we ever heard idioms that is “The first impression is the last impression”. So, According to this your home only an entryway of your home can decide the whole beauty of your home. To give your home an attractive, elegant look you can install a runner rug of having beautiful designs on it.
4. Next To The Bed
Let’s suppose you wake up and your feet touch the dirty floor, you will really don’t like this. We, all love soft, gentle bouncy floor and it can only be achieved by installing a runner rug beside of your bed. It will also protect your bed from getting dust on it by cleaning your feet regularly.
5. A Studio Apartment or Open Floor Plan
To define areas and separate spaces of your rooms separated by walls you can use runner rugs. If you want to give your bedroom, living room, hall, etc. by installing a runner rug and searching for best rug store for it you can visit Rugsville- Online Home Store. Only here, you can get you best matching runner rugs at best price.
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gbcflooring-blog · 5 years
GBC Flooring | Tiling | Carpeting - 647 704 5405
5 Crown Hill Pl
Unit 104
Etobicoke, ON , M8Y 4C1
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Find the best broadloom for your office, clinic, restaurant, hotel and motel. Bearing in mind there are different things to consider, when buying a carpet, such as expectations of wear, design, comfort and budgets, we at GBC Flooring provides to customers the best carpet installation Toronto services for their floor including basement and stairwell. Upper level and lower level hall ways and staircase. Also for your residential and commercial premises. We have the best carpet installers that provide you the best floor installation Toronto services at our mobile carpet stores across the GTA
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handmaderugblog · 2 years
Shop the best hand knotted Persian Rugs Australia and the largest range of modern and traditional rug designs. Our expert rug store offers a great choice of beautiful, stunning styles in a huge range of sizes at amazing low prices.
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