#best homeopathy doctor near me
dharmahomoeo · 1 year
Power of Homeopathy as an Effective Treatment for Migraine
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Millions of individuals worldwide suffer from the frequent neurological ailment known as migraines. Migraine is a condition that causes severe headaches, nausea, and light sensitivity that can last anywhere from a few minutes to days. A person's quality of life may be negatively impacted by the debilitating nature of migraine headaches and their potential to interfere with daily activities. Even though homeopathy is an alternative therapy, traditional medicine provides several migraine remedies, such as painkillers and prophylactic drugs. Homoeopathy is a type of complementary medicine that stimulates the body's own healing mechanisms by using greatly diluted natural chemicals. Homoeopathy has been used as an alternative medicine for over 200 years.
Homoeopathy for Migraine
Homoeopathy is a well-liked complementary treatment for migraines. Among the homoeopathic migraine treatments are Natrum muriaticum, Bryonia, Iris versicolor, and Belladonna. These treatments are thought to function by bringing the body's own energy into balance, lowering inflammation, and enhancing blood flow.
One benefit of using homoeopathy for migraines is that it doesn't have the potential side effects of using painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, which are common traditional migraine remedies. When administered as prescribed, homoeopathic medications are generally safe, though some patients may develop allergic responses or other negative effects.
There isn't enough data to say whether homoeopathy works to cure migraines, according to a review of clinical trials on the subject that has been released in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. The general caliber of the data is regarded as being low, despite the fact that certain individual research has shown encouraging results. To evaluate whether homoeopathy is useful for treating migraines, more research is required.
Types of Migraine: 
There are two main forms of migraine.     
Auratic migraine
Classical migraine is another name for migraine with aura. In this form, a feeling of aura (neurological symptoms) such as visual disturbance, hemisensory complaints, hemiparesis, or dysphasia frequently precede the attack. Most often, a visual aura is present. The aura often lasts a maximum of sixty minutes and develops over a period of 5 to 20 minutes. A headache, feeling of unwellness, and/or photophobia accompany it. The agonizing headache could persist for four to seventy-two hours.
Migraine without an aura
Ninety percent of migraine sufferers in women have this type of migraine, making it the most prevalent. This form of headache does not have an aura and only happens in episodes. An emotional condition, such as tension, euphoria, or any intense light or odor, may be the source of the headache. The headache primarily affects one side and gradually gets worse. The headache is frequently accompanied by nausea, vomiting, food intolerance, or sensitivity to bright lights and strong odors.
Prevalence of Migraine:
Females are more likely than males to experience migraines, with a male to female ratio of 1:3. Ninety percent of migraineurs have a family history of the condition.  As people get older, migraine attacks become less common.
What Causes Migraines?
Genetic Propensity
High Oestrogen Levels
Sleep Deprivation
Emotional Strain
Noxious Odors
Migraine Symptoms:
Migraine Symptoms Without An Aura
 The sort of vascular headache that occurs the most frequently is a migraine without aura. Moderate to severe headaches, a pulsating quality, a unilateral location, worsening by climbing stairs or engaging in other common activities, nausea and/or vomit, photophobia and phonophobia, and repeated attacks, each ranging 4 to 72 hours, are among the symptoms.
Migraine With Auratic Symptoms 
The premonitory symptoms of headache can include motor, sensory, or visual complaints. Most victims have stated that visual problems are the most prevalent. Headache, feeling dizzy, and photophobia follow the aura.
Homoeopathic Migraine Treatments
A popular homoeopathic treatment for migraines is belladonna. The deadly nightshade plant's byproduct, belladonna, is said to have anti-inflammatory and blood flow-improving properties. Migraines with throbbing discomfort, redness, and heat are frequently treated with belladonna.
A typical homoeopathic treatment for migraines is bryonia. Bryonia, which is produced by the white bryony plant, is thought to function by easing pain and promoting blood flow. When a migraine occurs accompanied by a monotonous, throbbing pain that gets worse with movement, bryonia is frequently prescribed.
Versicolor iris
Homoeopathic treatment for migraines that is frequently used is iris versicolor. Iris versicolor, which comes from the blue flag plant, is thought to have anti-inflammatory and blood-flow-improving properties. Iris versicolor is frequently prescribed for migraines that come with severe, excruciating pain and nausea.
Muriatic natrum
A typical homoeopathic treatment for migraines is natrum muriaticum. Natrum muriaticum, which is made from sea salt, is thought to act by easing inflammation and enhancing blood circulation. Natrum muriaticum is frequently prescribed for migraines that come with throbbing pain and susceptibility to light.
There are generally no risks associated with using homoeopathy to treat migraines, unlike conventional migraine treatments.  While homoeopathy may offer some migraine patients some relief, it's vital to speak with a doctor before utilizing it as a therapy. To guarantee that you obtain the right care for your migraines, it is crucial that you see a doctor. Visit us and book an appointment now with Dr. Shubham Tiwary. 
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swaranhomeopathic · 2 months
Best Homeopathic Doctor in Dwarka, Delhi
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Online Research: Utilize online directories, forums, and review websites to explore homeopathy doctors near you. Read patient testimonials and reviews to gauge the doctor's expertise and patient satisfaction.
Contact Info​ Visit: https://swaranhomoeopathic.com/swaran-homeopathic/ +91-93102 12429 [email protected] H-649/650 Palam extn, Sector-7 Dwarka, Delhi-110075
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swaranhomoeopathic · 3 months
Swaran Homoeopathic Clinic: Your Best Choice for Homeopathic Care in Dwarka, Delhi with Dr. Amit Metha
In recent times, more and more people are seeking alternative forms of treatment to address their health concerns. Homeopathy, a holistic approach to healthcare, has gained significant popularity due to its natural and gentle healing methods. Among the plethora of homeopathic practitioners in Delhi, one name stands out for its exceptional expertise and compassionate care - Dr. Amit Metha at Swaran Homoeopathic Clinic in Dwarka.
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Located in the heart of Dwarka, Swaran Homoeopathic Clinic is renowned for its dedication to providing top-notch homeopathic treatment tailored to each patient's unique needs. Under the expert guidance of Dr. Amit Metha, this clinic has become a trusted destination for individuals searching for effective and safe alternative therapies.
What sets Dr. Amit Metha apart in the field of homeopathy is his extensive knowledge and experience. With numerous years of practice, he has honed his skills to diagnose and treat a wide range of health conditions. Dr. Metha's approach to homeopathy emphasizes individualized care, focusing not only on physical symptoms but also on understanding the underlying causes of illness and addressing them from the root.
Swaran Homoeopathic Clinic offers a comprehensive range of treatments for various acute and chronic ailments, including allergies, respiratory disorders, skin diseases, digestive complaints, hormonal imbalances, musculoskeletal disorders, anxiety, depression, and more. Dr. Amit Metha employs a combination of traditional and advanced homeopathic techniques to provide accurate diagnoses and personalized treatment plans, ensuring maximum effectiveness.
At Swaran Homoeopathic Clinic, patient satisfaction is of utmost importance. The clinic's tranquil and welcoming environment creates a sense of comfort for every visitor. Dr. Amit Metha takes the time to listen attentively to patients, understanding their concerns and offering compassionate support throughout their healing journey. With his warm demeanor and deep empathy, he instills confidence and reassurance in his patients, making them feel valued and cared for.
Furthermore, Swaran Homoeopathic Clinic prides itself on maintaining the highest standards of hygiene and safety. The clinic follows strict protocols to ensure the well-being of patients, especially in light of recent events such as the global pandemic. Dr. Amit Metha and his team take necessary precautions, such as regular sanitization, proper ventilation, and the use of personal protective equipment, to guarantee a safe environment for all.
If you are searching for the "best homeopathy doctor near you in Dwarka, Delhi," look no further than Swaran Homoeopathic Clinic and Dr. Amit Metha. Their commitment to delivering exceptional homeopathic care, combined with their patient-centric approach, makes them the preferred choice for individuals seeking gentle and effective solutions for their health issues.
To experience the benefits of homeopathy with Dr. Amit Metha, schedule an appointment at Swaran Homoeopathic Clinic today. Your journey towards holistic healing and well-being starts here. Visit: https://swaranhomoeopathic.com/ Contact: +91-93102 12429 Mait At: [email protected] H-649/650 Palam extn, Sector-7 Dwarka, Delhi-110075
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sanjiva-homeopathy · 5 months
Best Homeopathy Clinic in Attapur | Hyderabad
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At Sanjiva Homeopathy, we understand the importance of finding the best homeo doctor near me. Our clinic is conveniently located, making it your top choice for the best homeopathic clinic near me in attapur. We take a patient-centric approach, ensuring that your health and well-being are our utmost priorities.
Our reputation extends beyond Attapur, earning us recognition as the best homeopathy clinic in Hyderabad. Whether you’re seeking the finest homeopathic care for chronic conditions or acute disorders, Sanjiva Homeopathy is your trusted partner on the path to healing.
📞 Contact us: [+91 63056 36909 ]
🌐 Learn more: https://sanjivahomeo.com/
Experience the transformative power of homeopathy with Sanjiva Homeopathy in Attapur. Discover why we are the preferred choice for those in search of the best homeopathy treatment near me, best homeopathic clinic in attapur, and the best homeo doctor near me. Your journey to optimal health begins here.”
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aryahomeopathy · 8 months
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homeopathyremedies · 1 year
Best Homeopathy Doctor near Me
If you are looking for the best homeopathy doctor near me, then you have come to the right place. Homeopathy is a natural form of medicine that has been used for over 200 years. It is based on the principle that “like cures like,” meaning that a substance which causes symptoms in a healthy person can be used to treat similar symptoms in an ill person.
Finding the best homeopathy doctor requires research and careful consideration. You need someone who is experienced and knowledgeable in this field, with a track record of successfully treating patients with different ailments. The best homeopathy doctors understand that each patient is unique, and will take their individual needs into account when developing treatment plans.
When searching for the best homeopathy doctor near you, it’s important to read reviews from other patients who have received treatment from them. Look for doctors who have consistently positive feedback and testimonials from satisfied patients.
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healinghandss · 1 year
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Homeopathic Cell Salts
Cell salts, also known as tissue salts or biochemic remedies, are a powerful and accessible tool for healing. With only 12 tissue salts, they are easy to understand and widely available for purchase in many different stores and online. They are safe, affordable, and have been used by many people as an introduction to homeopathy and home-prescribing.
The cell salts are 12 homeopathically prepared minerals and mineral salts that make up the inorganic constituents of the human body. When the body is cremated after death, these 12 inorganic materials make up a significant portion of the ashes. Dr. Schuessler discovered the importance of these minerals in maintaining health by analyzing the ashes of cremated bodies and correlating certain mineral deficiencies with patterns of ill health.
The potency of cell salts is always a 6X or 12X, which is below Avogadro’s number and means that there are trace molecules of the original substance left. This is why it is often thought of as micro-dosing of minerals. The cell salts rebalance the functioning of the body at the level of the cell, promoting health from the very basic level. Get in touch with The Healing hands Homeopathy clinic to get more details around what is a best suited salt for your condition.
Each of the 12 cell salts has its own specific uses and indications. Some common keywords and themes for each cell salt are listed, along with a few popular combinations.
If you are searching for a homeopathic doctor or homeopathy near you, you may want to explore our website or get in touch with us for more details around cell salts.
Calc Fluor supports the surface of bones and tooth enamel, as well as connective tissue, by promoting elasticity of fibers
Calc Phos is important for the solidity of bones, proper growth and nutrition, and nutritional absorption. It is also useful for growing pains and healing fractures
Calc Sulph aids in detoxification and is helpful for conditions such as catarrh, eruptions, purulent exudations, and liver action
Ferrum Phos is indicated for the first stage of inflammation and general inflammation, including symptoms such as pain, heat, swelling, redness, and fever.
Kali Mur is recommended for the second stage of inflammation, swollen glands, and white or grey exudations or coatings or discharges.
Kali Phos has anti-septic properties and is useful for decay, lack of nerve power, and as a nerve tonic during the recovery phase of illness.
Kali Sulph helps with yellowy deposits or discharges or secretions, cellular-level oxygen uptake, and desquamation.
Mag Phos is effective for cramps, pains, and paralysis, and has anti-spasmodic properties. It is better for warmth and pressure.
Nat Mur helps balance watery discharges and is useful for dryness, emaciation/malabsorption.
Nat Phos is recommended for excess of lactic acid, gout, rheumatism, heartburn, dyspepsia from fats, and sour-smelling discharges.
Nat Sulph aids in excess water removal and is helpful for urinary system and intestinal issues. Symptoms are generally worse in damp conditions.
Silicea is important for connective tissues, joints, and the structure of the body. It can help with deficient assimilation, pus-formation, and hastening suppuration.
Visit here- https://thehealinghands.ca/homeopathic-cell-salts/
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rootcure · 1 year
What is Hypertension? How to get it treated safely?
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Taking stress has become a very integral part of human life. The habit of competing in every aspect and the never-ending hunger to get anything without a fixed limit has taken its toll on the human body.
The never-ending emotional and mental disturbance and uneasiness have created diseases for the human species.
Hypertension, also known as High Blood Pressure, has become pretty normal. Almost one person in 4 people in India is suffering from this disease, and only 12% of people have their Blood pressure in check.
So let’s go into the details of Hypertension in this article, highlighting every major aspect. And even about a homeopathy doctor near me and you to get treated safely.
What is Hypertension?
It’s a medical condition in which the blood pressure upon arteries walls is too high, which is caused when blood pressure is too high.
The more the arteries are narrower, the more pressure increases, which can lead to severe health issues in the long term, like heart disease. 
This condition mainly doesn’t have symptoms. It arrives very quickly and takes a long period to get noticeable.
So early detection is pretty tough but needs to be done to avoid damaging organs. Regular checking of your blood pressure can help the doctor to identify and treat Hypertension.
Symptoms of Hypertension
Many people don’t experience symptoms. It takes a huge period to become visible. A regular interval of checkups may help one to detect some of the symptoms.
Here are some of the noted symptoms of Hypertension:-
Chest pain
Short breaths
Blurring of vision
These symptoms are present in every case. But if these are starting to show in your body, then immediately consult your doctor. And if you have a family history of High Blood Pressure, then it’s advisable to always have regular checkups with your doctor regarding your blood pressure and other symptoms which may be present.
Cause of Hypertension?
Mainly it’s caused due to unhealthy lifestyle with too much mental pressure and no proper rest of body and mind. Being overweight and having an unhealthy intake of sugar and salt with no proper exercise.
It can even occur if one has a gene or family history of High blood pressure.
It can be a side effect of a certain drug. Or due to chronic consumption of alcohol and caffeine and even certain illegal drugs.
Certain cases are very minimum where the person has problems like over or underactive or overactive thyroid gland, kidney stone, adrenal gland problems, and certain endocrine tumors.
Even age sometimes acts as a factor. Like as a person ages, they become more susceptible to Hypertension. (best homeopathy doctor near me)
Who is more at Risk?
Not only adults even small children are highly in danger of Hypertension.
A person gets to age, their chance of High blood pressure increases no matter the gender.
Family history plays a major role.
People with an unhealthy diet and no proper exercise which doesn’t make sure that their bodies are moving physically.
Having problems like obesity.
The ones who are addicted to caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco.
Over intake of sodium and potassium.
Who always remains in stress and experiences heavy emotions like anger, shouting, etc.
If certain people are going through a certain chronic condition.
So from all these risks, we even get the points we can cut off and improve to control one’s blood pressure.
Hypertension is a very common disease around the world which is caused due to our hectic life. People opt for medicines to keep their blood pressure in check.
But it’s better to take help from a homeopathy doctor near me and you to maintain our blood pressure.
Because it’s the safest way to health with zero side effects, and to get this treatment at its best, “Rootcure” is here to treat it’s patients with their excellent skilled doctor teams treating from the root cause of their diseases.
So let’s get treated from the root with Rootcure.
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jacoblevi9 · 1 year
Best Homeopathy Doctor Near Me
Your search for the ”best Homeopathy doctor near you” ends here. Don’t look for just any homeopathy doctor. You need the best homeopathy doctor for your family. You cannot risk your family health just by going to a Homeopathy doctor near your home. Do your research to find the best homeopathy doctor near you.The following points can help you: He should be properly qualified, have enough experience in handling the disease which you are suffering from, be a full-time practitioner, be well-versed with the latest research in the Homeopathic field, be able to clear your doubts regarding Homeopathy, your illness and explain what to expect from the treatment, have a very good reputation for delivering results, be well-versed with the diagnosis and investigation required, and be accessible through all the latest means of communications including phone, email, skype etc. Our homeopathy clinic in chembur specialists are well-versed with the diagnosis and investigation required, and are accessible through all the latest means of communications including phone, email, skype etc. 
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People all over the world suffer from various diseases ranging from mild to severe, and most of those diseases need medical treatment to get rid of them. One of the treatment methods that are very popular worldwide is homeopathic treatment. A lot of people who are affected by various kinds of diseases rely on homeopathic treatment methods for curing their diseases. If you are living in Hyderabad and are also looking for the best method of curing your disease then you can visit the best homeo doctor in Hyderabad for homeopathic treatment of your disease.
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deepikashomeopathy · 8 months
Best Homeopathy Clinic in Noida | Dr. Deepika's Homeopathy
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Dr. Deepika Sharma, our proficient and compassionate homeopath, is the driving force behind our clinic's success. With a wealth of experience and a deep understanding of homeopathy, she has transformed countless lives through her commitment to healing. Dr. Deepika is known for her patient-centric approach, where she takes the time to understand each individual's unique health challenges and tailors treatments to suit their specific needs.
Visit Us: https://drdeepikashomeopathy.com/
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dharmahomoeo · 1 year
Homeopathy and Its Role in Diabetes Management
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A patient is treated holistically with homeopathy. The homeopathic doctors enquire about the patient's nutrition, lifestyle, other potential symptoms, family history, family illnesses, environment, and place of employment, stress levels, routine behavior, and other things. Based on the responses, they then create interest and abilities of the patient before prescribing the course of action.
Every patient receives a unique course of therapy, and prescriptions are written to meet those needs. As a result, homeopathic treatment takes time, and the patient may need several appointments to describe their case to the doctor fully.
A chronic illness that affects a billion people worldwide is diabetes. It is characterized by elevated blood glucose (sugar) levels, which can result in a variety of health issues. Diabetes can be controlled with medicine, such as insulin therapy or oral drugs, as well as lifestyle modifications including diet and exercise. Homeopathy offers a mild and natural method for managing the condition, making it useful in the control of diabetes.
A collection of illnesses known as diabetes, or diabetes mellitus, are characterized by elevated blood sugar levels. Diabetes mellitus develops when the body's cells do not react to insulin adequately or when there is insufficient insulin release (a pancreatic hormone necessary for turning the sugar from eaten foods into energy). Inadequate insulin production results in systemic glucose synthesis that mixes with the urine.
Psychosocial elements that cause diabetes mellitus. Most of the time, though not always, this disease is caused by recent life events that are stressful. From the late 1930s until the mid-1950s, this illness is widespread.
Diabetes and Homeopathy
Medicines used in homeopathy are derived from plants, minerals, or animals. Just minute quantities of the cultural construct remain in the medicine after it has been diluted to this extent. Homeopathic medications seldom or never cause adverse effects because just a particle shape is included in the actual dosage.
The medication is prescribed by homeopathic practitioners in a variety of ways, including
Sugar granules
Diabetes is treated with homeopathy by addressing the abnormalities that patients' bodies develop because of life force imbalances. Diabetics who receive homeopathic care also receive therapy for the symptoms brought on by elevated blood sugar levels. The most prevalent signs of diabetes include,
Excessive urine, particularly during the night
Mouth ache
Frequently feeling hungry
Type 1 weight reduction versus type 2 weight increase
Distorted vision
Prolonged wound and cut healing
Types of Diabetes
Type 1, as well as type 2 diabetes, can both be treated with homeopathy. When the immune system of the body attacks and kills the cells of the pancreas that make insulin, type 1 diabetes develops. When the body develops insulin resistance or when the pancreas fails to manufacture sufficient insulin to meet the needs of the body, type 2 diabetes develops.
Blood sugar levels can be controlled, and insulin sensitivity can be increased with the aid of homeopathic treatments. Also, they can aid in lowering the risk of diabetes-related complications such as retinopathy, neuropathy, and cardiovascular disease.
Among the typical homeopathic treatments for diabetic management are:
Syzygium jambolana
This medication is made from the Indian native jambolana tree's bark. It may drop blood sugar levels because of what is known as a hypoglycemic impact. Diabetes mellitus is frequently treated with it, particularly when there is an excessive amount of thirst and urination.
Uranium nitricum
When there is increased thirst, increased urination, and weakness associated with diabetes mellitus, this remedy—which is derived from uranium nitrate—is used to cure it.
Phosphoric acid
When there is stiffness, exhaustion, or mental fatigue, diabetes mellitus is treated with this phosphoric acid-based treatment.
Lycopodium clavatum
Whether there is excessive thirst, hunger, urination, or even digestive problems, this medicine prepared from clubmoss is employed to treat diabetes.
Calcarea carbonica
Whether there is obesity, weariness, or coldness, this medicine produced from oyster shells is used to cure diabetes mellitus.
It is significant to remember that homeopathic medicines should only be utilized when directed to do so by a licensed homeopathic practitioner. They should be seen as supplemental therapy to assist manage diabetes symptoms rather than as a replacement for standard medical care.
By assisting in the control of blood sugar levels, enhancing insulin sensitivity, and lowering the risk of problems related to the condition, homeopathy can be a useful tool in the management of diabetes. Homeopathic treatments are a safe and effective substitute for traditional medicine since they are mild, natural, and non-toxic. A skilled homeopathic practitioner can help you choose the best treatments for your unique needs.
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swaranhomeopathic · 4 months
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Best Homeopathic Doctor: Swaran Homoeopathic
In today's world, the demand for holistic and natural healthcare alternatives is steadily on the rise. Homeopathy, an age-old system of medicine, offers a gentle and effective approach to healing. Swaran Homoeopathic, best homeopathic doctor healthcare provider, stands out as a leading name in the field, offering expert homeopathic care with a commitment to excellence and innovation. In this article, we will explore the qualities that make Swaran Homoeopathic the ideal choice for those seeking the best homeopathic care.''
Contact Us Visit :- https://swaranhomoeopathic.com/ Phone :- +91-93102 12429 Email :- [email protected] Address :- H-649/650 Palam extn, Sector-7 Dwarka, Delhi-110075
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happy-health-zone · 1 year
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avikadoctors54 · 1 year
Best Online Homeopathy Doctors in India | Book online Homeopathy Consultation
Avikadoctors' world-class online homeopathy consultation services are research-based and scientific, and we help you access ethical homeopathic treatment procedures. Online Homeopathic Clinic
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Dr. Smita Goel Homeopathy Clinic
A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection in any part of the urinary system. Generally urinary system includes the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. Most infections involve the lower urinary tract (bladder and urethra).
Comparison a man, a woman has at greater risk of developing a UTI. If an infection is limited to the bladder, it can be painful and annoying. But serious health problems can result if a UTI spreads to the kidneys.
• A strong urge to urinate that doesn't go away
• A burning feeling when pee/ urinating
• Urinating often and passing small amounts of urine
• Urine that looks Cloudy, dark, bloody and strange-smelling pee
• Feeling tired or shaky
• Pelvic pain, in women — especially in the center of the pelvis and around the area of the pubic bone
• A frequent or intense urge to pee, even though little comes out when you do
• Pain in the penis or rectum (men)
• Mental confusion (mostly older people)
• Wetting the bed (children and older adults)
Types of urinary tract infections
Each type of UTI may result in more-specific symptoms. The symptoms depend on which part of the urinary tract is affected.
Kidney - Patient feel back or side pain, high fever, shaking & chills, nausea and vomiting;
Bladder - Pelvic pressure, Lower belly discomfort, Frequent, painful urination, Blood in Urine;
Urethra - Burning with urination, discharge.
UTIs typically occur, due to bacterial infection in urinary system. It can spread to kidney. But the defenses sometimes fail. When that happens, bacteria may take hold and grow into a full-blown infection in the urinary tract.
Women tend to get them more often because their urethra is shorter and closer to the anus than in men. Because of this, women are more likely to get an infection after sexual activity or when using a diaphragm for birth control. Menopause also increases the risk for a UTI.
The most common UTIs occur mainly in women and affect the bladder and urethra.
• Infection of the bladder. This type of UTI is usually caused by Escherichia coli (E. coli). E. coli is a type of bacteria commonly found in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. But sometimes other bacteria are the cause.
Having sex also may lead to a bladder infection, but you don't have to be sexually active to develop one. All women are at risk of bladder infections because of their anatomy. In women, the urethra is close to the anus. And the urethral opening is close to the bladder. This makes it easier for bacteria around the anus to enter the urethra and to travel to the bladder.
• Infection of the urethra. This type of UTI can happen when GI bacteria spread from the anus to the urethra. An infection of the urethra can also be caused by sexually transmitted infections. They include herpes, gonorrhea, chlamydia and mycoplasma. This can happen because women's urethras are close to the vagina.
Risk factors:
UTIs are common in women. Many women experience more than one UTI during their lifetimes.
Risk factors for UTIs that are specific to women include:
• Female anatomy. Women have a shorter urethra than men do. As a result, there's less distance for bacteria to travel to reach the bladder.
• Sexual activity. Being sexually active tends to lead to more UTIs. Having a new sexual partner also increases risk.
• Certain types of birth control. Using diaphragms for birth control may increase the risk of UTIs. Using spermicidal agents also can increase risk.
• Menopause. After menopause, a decline in circulating estrogen causes changes in the urinary tract. The changes can increase the risk of UTIs.
Other risk factors for UTIs include:
• Urinary tract problems. Babies born with problems with their urinary tracts may have trouble urinating. Urine can back up in the urethra, which can cause UTIs.
• Blockages in the urinary tract. Kidney stones or an enlarged prostate can trap urine in the bladder. As a result, risk of UTIs is higher.
• A suppressed immune system. Diabetes and other diseases can impair the immune system — the body's defense against germs. This can increase the risk of UTIs.
• Catheter use. People who can't urinate on their own often must use a tube, called a catheter, to urinate. Using a catheter increases the risk of UTIs. Catheters may be used by people who are in the hospital. They may also be used by people who have neurological problems that make it difficult to control urination or who are paralyzed.
• A recent urinary procedure. Urinary surgery or an exam of your urinary tract that involves medical instruments can both increase the risk of developing a UTI.
When treated promptly and properly, lower urinary tract infections rarely lead to complications. But left untreated, UTIs can cause serious health problems.
Complications of a UTI may include:
• Repeated infections, which means you have two or more UTIs within six months or three or more within a year. Women are especially prone to having repeated infections.
• Permanent kidney damage from a kidney infection due to an untreated UTI.
• Delivering a low birth weight or premature infant when a UTI occurs during pregnancy.
• A narrowed urethra in men from having repeated infections of the urethra.
• Sepsis, a potentially life-threatening complication of an infection. This is a risk especially if the infection travels up the urinary tract to the kidneys.
With help of following little steps, we can prevent from UTIs:
• Drink plenty of liquids, especially water;
• Try cranberry juice;
• Wipe from front to back;
• Empty your bladder soon after having sex;
• Avoid potentially irritating feminine products;
• Change your birth control method;
Homoeopathic point of view of the disease:
Considering Hahnemann’s classification of disease, UTI can be a miasmatic disease too. Miasms are psora and sycosis. Homoeopathic medicines are personalized for the person suffering with UTI based on the individual totality of symptoms few are listed below. Homoeopathic remedies which can be prescribed after detailed case study.
Some Homoeopathic medicines (Cantharis, Nux vomica, Sarsaparilla, Aconitum napellus, Apis mellifica, Belladonna, Berberis vulgaris, Borax, Chimaphila umbellate, Lycopodium, Sepia, Staphysagria etc.) are very effective in UTIs. But that should be as per symptoms and guidance of qualified homeopathy doctor.
Hence, Homeopathy is efficient in treating UTI with holistic approach and considering the patient as a whole with individualisation. UTI is not merely a local disease. In Homoeopathy we treat an individual but not just the disease which is the result of deranged vital force. Therefore, it should be treated as a constitutional problem.
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