#best ivf centers in kanpur
anupamarao09 · 2 years
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crystaivfdel · 3 months
Conceiving Dreams: The Journey at Kanpur’s IVF Clinics
Choosing the best IVF center in Kanpur is a crucial decision for couples seeking reproductive treatments. Crysta IVF Fertility Clinic is highly recommended for its exceptional care and expertise in the field. Many couples have been able to fulfill their dream of parenthood with the assistance of this clinic, which is renowned for its skilled and compassionate staff. Visit: https://bit.ly/4aBWALo
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dhanvantrihealthcare · 9 months
Best Super Specialty Hospital in Kanpur specializes in Urology Gynecology, Orthopedics, Cancer
When it comes to finding the best super-specialty hospital in Kanpur that excels in Urology, Gynecology, Orthopedics, and Cancer treatment, and offers CGHS/ESI empanelment, you want to ensure that you or your loved ones receive top-notch care. Kanpur has several excellent hospitals, but here’s a breakdown of the best one that specializes in these areas:
1. Dhanvantri Healthcare the Best Hospital in Kanpur
Urology: Dhanvantri Healthcare boasts a dedicated urology department with highly experienced urologists and state-of-the-art equipment for diagnostic and surgical procedures.
Gynecology: Their obstetrics and gynecology department is known for its compassionate care during pregnancy and advanced treatments for gynecological issues.
Orthopedics: Dhanvantri Healthcare’s orthopedic team offers comprehensive services, including joint replacements and sports injury management.
Cancer Treatment: The hospital has a well-established oncology department, providing advanced cancer treatments like chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery.
CGHS/ESI Empanelment: Dhanvantri Healthcare is empaneled under both CGHS (Central Government Health Scheme) and ESI (Employee’s State Insurance), making it accessible to a broader range of patients.
Why Dhanvantri Healthcare stands out:
Experienced Doctors: Dhanvantri Healthcare is known for its team of highly skilled and experienced doctors in each specialty.
State-of-the-Art Facilities: They have invested in cutting-edge medical equipment and technology to ensure accurate diagnoses and effective treatments.
Patient-Centric Approach: Dhanvantri Healthcare prioritizes patient comfort and care, providing a reassuring environment for patients and their families.
Affordable Care: Being empaneled under CGHS and ESI, Dhanvantri Healthcare offers cost-effective healthcare services without compromising on quality.
Remember, while Dhanvantri Healthcare is one of the top choices in Kanpur, it’s essential to consult with your healthcare provider to determine the best option for your specific medical needs. Additionally, consider factors like location, accessibility, and personal preferences when deciding. Your health is a priority, so make an informed choice for your well-being.
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ishita01ivf · 2 months
Meet the Best Infertility Doctors Transforming Lives, Bringing Hope to Families
Meet the Best Infertility Doctors Transforming Lives, Bringing Hope to Families
In the world of fertility treatments where expectations and expertise meet, a group of caring professionals who provide nursing homes to couples who are in dire need of the joy of parenthood stand out. 
They are the most excellent infertility doctors in Kanpur who through their undoubtedly persistent and novel techniques created miracles, reconciling aspirations and reality.
Well, the headliners of this amazing bunch are Dr. Sangeeta Ahuja, an outstanding reproductive medicine specialist.
 For over a decade, she has helped couples who are struggling to conceive and he has become a light beaming hope of fertility in their lives.
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Sharing the stage with Sangeeta Ahuja, a globally well-known ART. This great knowledge of IUI, IVF, and other high-technology assisted reproduction techniques has brought success to many unfeasible parenthood projects. 
The best IVF doctors of Canpur like Dr. Sangeeta Ahuja are commended for putting in the hard work they do and considering the individual needs of each couple while developing a treatment plan.
Similarly, the other star in the field of infertility, Dr. Sangeeta Ahuja, has gained recognition with her novel method for the treatment of male infertility. With her latest and innovative techniques together with her tender care, she has brought solace to couples dealing with issues such as low sperm count, motility, and others related to male factors affecting fertility. 
Top-rated fertility doctors in Kanpur like Dr. Sangeeta Ahuja are also dedicated to exploring all available options to ensure that couples can realize their ultimate goal of raising a family.
The team of the Ishita IVF center, with the superlative people on board, is committed to delivering comprehensive care and service to our patients who seek our help to overcome infertility.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The factors that differentiate the leading infertility doctors in Kanpur are. ?
Highly qualified infertility specialists of Kanpur are recognized for their extraordinary expertise, advanced technology, empathetic attitude, and tireless effort that they put in to help couples realize their dream of having a baby. They are dedicated in their efforts of not leaving a stone unturned by personalizing treatments, to the very core of an individual’s needs, and providing emotional motivation throughout the entire journey.
What should patients keep in mind to find the best infertility doctors in Kanpur?
The first step for those couples in Kanpur who aim to find the most skillful infertility doctors is to browse the websites and reviews of respectable clinics and doctors in the area. Oral recommendations from families, friends, or health professionals also can be influential. Moreover, participating in seminars or support group meetings will provide you with the opportunity not only to know how other people cope with infertility but also to identify the most experienced and emphatic doctors.
Ishita IVF Center, the most famous clinic of infertility in Kanpur, is well known for its highly experienced infertility physicians. With advanced facilities and a patient-focused approach, the center times a wide range of fertility treatments such as IVF, IUI, and other modern procedures. The Best Fertility Doctors in Kanpur at Ishita IVF Center consist of highly-qualified professionals who are devoted to giving personal care which enables each couple to go through their journey to parenthood with maximum attention and support.
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sarabisht1234 · 5 months
Best IVF Centre in Lucknow -Apollomedics
Discover the essential insights into Adenomyosis with this informative video brought to you by Apollomedics Hospital Lucknow, famous for its commitment to women's health and the best IVF facility center in Lucknow.
Adenomyosis is a medical condition that involves the abnormal growth of tissue in the uterus, specifically the endometrial tissue that typically lines the uterus. Unlike endometriosis, where tissue grows outside the uterus, Adenomyosis causes the tissue to break through the uterine wall, leading to discomfort and potential fertility challenges.
In this video, our expert healthcare professionals at Apollomedics Hospital Lucknow provide a concise explanation of Adenomyosis, its symptoms, and its impact on women's reproductive health. Gain a deeper understanding of how Adenomyosis may manifest, the potential risks associated with the condition, and the available treatment options.
As the best IVF facility center in Lucknow, Apollomedics Hospital is committed to empowering individuals with knowledge about their reproductive health. Watch this video to equip yourself with valuable information about Adenomyosis and take the first step towards informed healthcare decisions.
Subscribe to our channel for more insightful content on women's health, reproductive wellness, and the latest advancements in fertility treatments. Apollomedics Hospital Lucknow – where your well-being is our priority.
Contact Details Address: Kanpur - Lucknow Rd, Sector B, Bargawan, LDA Colony, 226012
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selectivf · 9 months
The journey to parenthood can take many forms, and for some, surrogacy is the chosen path. In the heart of Uttar Pradesh, Kanpur shines as a center for cutting-edge medical facilities, including world-class surrogacy centers. If you’re considering surrogacy as your route to becoming a parent, you’ll want to explore the options available. In this comprehensive guide, we introduce you to the best surrogacy center in Kanpur — Uttar Pradesh, highlighting its services, expertise, and commitment to helping you realize your dream of parenthood.
Surrogacy in India 
Surrogacy has gained immense popularity in India over the years, with its compassionate legal framework and affordability. Kanpur, a vibrant city in Uttar Pradesh, is emerging as a hub for surrogacy services, attracting individuals and couples from across the nation and beyond.
The Best Surrogacy Centre in Kanpur — Uttar Pradesh 
At the heart of Kanpur lies the best surrogacy center in the region, offering a comprehensive range of services tailored to your unique journey. This center is staffed with experienced medical professionals, including fertility specialists, gynecologists, and embryologists, who are committed to guiding you through the entire surrogacy process.
Services Offered 
The best surrogacy center in Kanpur — Uttar Pradesh provides a wide array of services, including:
Surrogacy Consultation: Compassionate and informative consultations to understand your needs and goals.
Surrogate Selection: Assistance in finding a suitable surrogate mother, including comprehensive medical and psychological screenings.
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF): State-of-the-art IVF procedures to create embryos for transfer into the surrogate.
Legal Support: Expert legal guidance to ensure all contracts and agreements are in order, protecting the rights and responsibilities of all parties involved.
Pregnancy Care: Comprehensive prenatal care for the surrogate mother, ensuring her health and the health of the baby.
Delivery and Post-Delivery Care: A safe and supportive environment for the delivery of your child, followed by post-delivery care for both surrogate and baby.
Expertise and Success Rates 
The best surrogacy center in Kanpur — Uttar Pradesh boasts a team of highly experienced fertility specialists and medical professionals. Their expertise, combined with state-of-the-art technology and techniques, ensures a high success rate in achieving successful pregnancies and healthy deliveries.
Legal Aspects 
Surrogacy in Kanpur is governed by Indian laws, making it a secure and legally sound choice for intended parents. The best surrogacy center in the city ensures that all legal formalities, including surrogacy agreements, are meticulously managed to protect the interests of both the intended parents and the surrogate mother.
Surrogacy costs at the best center in Kanpur — Uttar Pradesh are competitive, making surrogacy an affordable option for individuals and couples seeking parenthood. The center offers transparent pricing and various packages to suit different needs and budgets.
Support and Care 
What sets the best surrogacy center in Kanpur apart is its unwavering commitment to the emotional and psychological well-being of intended parents and surrogate mothers. They offer counseling and support throughout the surrogacy journey, ensuring a nurturing and empathetic environment for all involved.
Choosing surrogacy as your path to parenthood is a deeply personal decision, and selecting the right surrogacy center is crucial. The best surrogacy center in Kanpur — Uttar Pradesh offers a combination of medical excellence, legal security, affordability, and emotional support to help you embark on this remarkable journey towards parenthood. Your dreams of having a family can become a beautiful reality with the guidance and care provided by this esteemed center in the heart of Uttar Pradesh. Trust in their expertise and compassion as you take the momentous step toward building the family you’ve always desired.
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fmk-marketing · 1 year
Best Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Treatment in Kanpur | Dr Sangeeta Arya
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder that affects women of reproductive age. It is characterized by irregular periods, excess androgen hormone production, and multiple cysts on the ovaries. PCOS can lead to a range of health issues, including infertility, insulin resistance, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Therefore, it is essential to get proper treatment and management of PCOS to prevent these complications.
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Dr. Sangeeta Arya is a renowned gynecologist and obstetrician in Kanpur who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of PCOS. She has extensive experience in providing comprehensive care to women with PCOS and helping them achieve optimal health and well-being. Her approach to PCOS treatment is patient-centered and holistic, focusing on addressing the underlying hormonal imbalances and lifestyle factors that contribute to PCOS.
Diagnosis and evaluation of PCOS: Dr. Arya uses a combination of medical history, physical examination, and laboratory tests to diagnose PCOS accurately. She also evaluates the patient’s symptoms, such as irregular periods, acne, and excessive hair growth, to determine the severity of PCOS.
Hormonal and metabolic management: Dr. Sangeeta Arya  prescribes hormonal medications, such as birth control pills and anti-androgen drugs, to regulate menstrual cycles and reduce excess androgen production. She also emphasizes the importance of a healthy diet, exercise, and weight management to improve insulin resistance and metabolic health.
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Fertility treatment: PCOS can cause infertility due to irregular ovulation. Dr. Arya offers various fertility treatments, such as ovulation induction, intrauterine insemination (IUI), and in vitro fertilization (IVF), to help women with PCOS conceive.
Emotional support:Living with PCOS can be challenging and stressful for many women. Dr. Arya provides emotional support and counseling to her patients to help them cope with the physical and emotional aspects of PCOS.
Overall, Dr. Sangeeta Aryais an expert in providing comprehensive and personalized PCOS treatment in Kanpur. Her patient-centered approach, along with her extensive experience and expertise, makes her one of the best gynecologists in the region for the management of PCOS
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rishikeshsharma · 1 year
Best Laparoscopic Surgeon In Kanpur​
When someone ask the question "Best Laparoscopic Surgeon in Kanpur?" there are important facts that come into play. Looking for a particular doctor for a family purpose is considered to be important enough.
Many people are looking for best Laparoscopic Surgeon in kanpur but don’t know where to find the right information. most of these people have different opinions and this is why they think that it is hard to find the right specialist. however, this doesn’t need to be the case.
Dr.Rupali Gahlot
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What makes Dr. Renu Laparoscopic Surgeonthe best? Located in Kalyanpur, Gahlaut Healthcare(BEST IVF CENTER IN KANPUR) is at the pivotal location of Kanpur. Considered the center of the town, this location is best for a hospital of this stature because it gives access to not only residents of Kanpur but it is accessible to outsiders easily as well.
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Best IVF Center in Kanpur
Best IVF Center in Kanpur| Best IVF Doctor’s in Kanpur | Ovo Health
Best IVF Center in Kanpur
Best IVF centres in Kanpur include the names such as Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Pravi IVF, Regency Healthcare, and Madhuraj Hospital. In vitro treatment (IVF) is a procedure of preparation where an egg is joined with sperm outside the body, in vitro. The absolute best IVF focuses in India, huge numbers of Best IVF center’s in Kanpur, just give these propelled medications. They have the most recent cutting edge innovation, administrations and framework that are reasonable, dependable and viable. Now and again, it might happen that an explanation strange to fruitlessness can cause discouragement, dissatisfaction, and animosity in couples. In this way, it is critical to select a fruitfulness treatment from an inside that gives you higher opportunities to imagine.The procedure includes observing and animating a lady's ovulatory procedure, expelling an ovum or ova from the lady's ovaries and letting sperm treat them in a fluid in a lab. After the prepared egg experiences undeveloped organism culture for 2–6 days, it is embedded in the equivalent or another lady's uterus, with the goal of building up an effective pregnancy. A treated egg might be embedded into a surrogate's uterus, and the subsequent youngster is hereditarily irrelevant to the surrogate. A few nations have restricted or generally control the accessibility of IVF treatment, offering ascend to fruitfulness the travel industry. Confinements on the accessibility of IVF incorporate expenses and age, all together for a lady to convey a solid pregnancy to term. IVF is commonly not utilized until less intrusive or costly alternatives have fizzled or been resolved far-fetched to work. Best IVF Center in Kanpur is a kind of helped regenerative innovation utilized for barrenness treatment and gestational surrogacy.
Best IVF Doctors in Kanpur
At the point when a patient or two or three visits an IVF focus in Kanpur to meet an IVF Doctors in Kanpur for the absolute first time, on occasion, they know nothing about barrenness that may lead them to accept it as an uncommon condition that is avoiding pregnancy. As of now, Best  IVF Doctors in Kanpur are likely the main beam of expectation they can depend on. The Best IVF Doctors in Kanpur ought to be quiet and strong enough to respond to all the essential inquiries the patient is relied upon to think of. It doesn't abandon saying that the fruitfulness medicines are costly and tedious. In this way, the IVF pro specialists should cause their patients to accept that they are placing their time and cash in the correct spot. The achievement paces of an IVF focus in Kanpur and the  Best IVF Doctors in  Kanpur are the key factors on which a patient depends the most. The excitement and interest of having a child of a patient anticipate a positive result at the earliest opportunity. For the most part, the patients with such issues or scatters come up in the wake of pursuing for a year or two. In this manner, the higher the pregnancy achievement rate goes; the bigger the quantity of patients might want to visit a specific IVF focus or specialist. IVF specialists with a decent affinity pull in patients the most. A perceived IVF specialist who has a decent affinity and position is the selection of patients looking for a fruitlessness treatment. Likewise, it is essential to recognize what sort of IVF pro specialist a patient requires dependent on sexual orientation. For instance, a lady, in a significant number of cases, wants to be treated by a female barrenness expert all through her system. A patient has an option to quit their primary care physicians.  Dr. Sangeeta Ahuja, Dr. Mamta Agnihotri, Dr. Monica Sachdeva, Dr. Madhu Loomba, Dr. Yuthika Sharma Bajpai , these are the Best IVF Doctor’s in Kanpur.
IVF Cost in Kanpur
In vitro preparation, IVF is the promising and effective technique in India for the origination of barren couples. IVF cost in Kanpur is more affordable than different urban areas like Bangladesh, Nagpur, and the sky is the limit from there. In the event that you are getting inconvenience in imagining or it is possible that you or your accomplice is barren, IVF is an exceptional fruitfulness treatment for sad couples. Poor way of life, terrible dietary patterns, and stress decrease your odds. Today, when you are prepared to have an infant, however a few causes impact the origination, this troll couples emotionally. According to gauges, in each 6 couples, one couple is barren and face issues in getting pregnant. IVF is the expectation for every single fruitless couple. According to the IVF focuses in Kanpur, extraordinary measure of prolactin hormone from pituitary organ can lessen the generation of estrogen causing barrenness.
Best IVF Centres in Kanpur with High Success Rates
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) strategies are utilized when other fruitlessness medications can't bring the ideal outcomes for the analyzed barrenness related issue. A few urban areas in India including Best IVF Centres in Kanpur with High Success Rates  have seen a fast increment in the interest for fruitlessness medications. Fruitlessness can be characterized as a condition of wellbeing wherein couples of regenerative age can't accomplish origination regardless of going after for a year or more. The richness levels in couples decrease when barrenness strikes them. Couples should visit the Best IVF Centres in Kanpur with High Success Rates, who have not been utilizing any conception prevention strategies for a year or more. Cost of barrenness medicines incorporates the costs of richness drugs and a few surgeries. In this way, patients looking for fruitlessness medicines in Kanpur must check for the accessibility of other specific treatment and the cost variety at the Best IVF Centres in Kanpur with High Success Rates Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Pravi IVF, Regency Healthcare, and Madhuraj Hospital, India IVF Clinic, Gahlaut Health Care Pvt Ltd, Aakash IVF and Infertility Centre, Sanjeevani Infertility and Test Tube Centre these are the Best IVF Center’s in Kanpur With High Success rate.
Best IVF Doctors in Kanpur with High Success Rates
The voyage of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) strategies is loaded with good and bad times in the life of a couple. Lately, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) medicines have become a successful choice for couples wanting to have a child with the help of restorative techniques. The achievement paces of IVF strategies have seen a huge increment since its presentation in the late 1970s. In a few research thinks about, it has been accounted for that live birth rates fall between 55 to 81 percent. Ladies encountering trouble in getting pregnant are moving to arrangements including various kinds of ART methodology. Best IVF Doctors in Kanpur with High Success Rates with broad involvement with their individual fields are assuming a critical job in the lives of couples looking for barrenness medications in Kanpur. These specialists have added to fruitlessness related cases in Kanpur all things considered. The Best IVF Doctors in Kanpur with High Success Rates are rehearsing at the best IVF center’s in Kanpur. The best IVF focuses in Kanpur are most popular for their well-prepared medicinal staff and capabilities of the IVF specialists. Dr. Sangeeta Ahuja, Dr. Yuthika Sharma Bajpai, Dr. Nikhat Siddiqui, Dr. Madhu Loomba, Dr. Renu Singh Gahlaut, Dr. Rashi Misra, Dr. Neelam Misra these are the Best IVF Doctor’s in Kanpur With High Success Rate.
Best Surrogacy Doctors in Kanpur
Best Surrogacy Doctors in Kanpur helps, For couples who are barren and don't have a newborn child to finish a family need not to take pressure any more. The therapeutic science in the here and now has upgraded so a lot of that it has found a path by which the barren couples can have their own youngster to finish their family with the strategy for surrogacy. Since the earlier years, surrogacy has been acknowledged by various fruitless couples. Likewise various overall couples have wanted surrogacy in India and like to move to India for the strategy as the cost of surrogacy in India is sensible. India is rich with such administrations and gifted pros who have finished the fantasy of a couple of couples of having their own newborn child. In India, it is likewise easy to locate the surrogate mother successfully who will convey the couple's baby and bring forth their kid. Also, the surrogacy and IVF advancement utilized in India is best on the planet when contrasted with others. What's more, on account of all of these administrations, the couples over the world offer inclination to India as the best spot for surrogacy and to get their very own newborn child. Fruitless couples can take help of Best Surrogacy Clinic to locate the surrogate mother. Beside the childless couple, there are unmarried men and women who need for an infant. Such people pick single gatekeeper IVF where they need to take help of the benefactor by whom the eggs/sperms are taken to make the child. The preparation strategy happens outside the human body in the lab and these developed eggs are traded to the surrogate to begin the pregnancy. By this technique, even the single male or female and even gay individual couples can have their very own baby now. Nevertheless, surrogacy has transformed into a guide to the couples who are worried of not having newborn children. Dr. Sangeeta Ahuja and Dr. Neena Gupta is the Best Surrogacy Doctor’s in Kanpur.
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elawomaninfo-blog · 5 years
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Best IVF Center in Kanpur | Elawoman
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praviivf · 3 years
Best IVF Hospital - Pravi IVF & Fertility Centre
Welcome to the Pravi IVF & Fertility Center - IVF Centre In Kanpur. PIFC is committed to provide world class fertility services to infertile couples with empathy and commitment. As a close knit, dedicated and professional team, we not only achieve consistently high results but also provide a positive and uplifting environment in which our patients undergo their treatment cycle. PRAVI IVF word is explained in almost each language of world as genuine, proper, real, sheer, simon-pure, stark, sterling, thorough, true, honest, loyal and above all it is as Eeswar who wants to create and originate life, relations, peace and happiness forever.
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anupamarao09 · 2 years
Root Cause of Female Infertility - Infertility Treatment Center
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It can be defined as fertility, if you've tried to conceive with frequent, unprotected sex for at least a year and didn’t get any result.  About one-third of the time, infertility is caused by female causes, and about one-third of the time, by both female and male factors. In the other cases, the cause is either unknown or a mix of male and female variables.
Female Infertility: 
It can be so hard to find the causes of female infertility. Depending on the cause of infertility, there are many therapies. Many couples who cannot be able to conceive will eventually become parents naturally.
Ovulation issues are a common cause of infertility (the monthly release of an egg from the ovaries). Some issues hinder the release of an egg completely, while others only do so during specific cycles.
There are several of causes of female infertility such as:
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Primary ovarian insufficiency
Fallopian tube damage (tubal infertility)
Unexplained infertility
”Best Consultant of Infertility, IVF, IUI, ICSI as well as all ART Services in Uttar Pradesh”
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): Ovulation is affected by the hormonal imbalance brought on by PCOS. PCOS is the reason for insulin resistance, obesity, abnormal body or facial hair development, and acne. PCOS is the main common reason for infertility in females.
Primary ovarian insufficiency: It is also known as premature ovarian failure and typically brought on by an autoimmune response or the early loss of eggs from your ovaries, which may be the result of genetics or chemotherapy. In women under the age of 40, the ovary reduces estrogen production since it no longer produces eggs.
Fallopian tube damage (tubal infertility): Fallopian tubes that are damaged or clogged keep sperm from reaching the egg or prevent the fertilized egg from entering the uterus.
Endometriosis: When tissue that normally develops in the uterus implants and expands in other areas, it results in endometriosis. The surgical excision of this excess tissue growth may result in scarring, which may obstruct fallopian tubes and prevent the egg and sperm from uniting.
Unexplained infertility: Sometimes the reason for infertility is never found. Unaccounted-for reproductive issues may be brought on by a confluence of multiple small factors present in both partners. Although it is upsetting to not receive a clear response, this issue can be cured itself with time. But you shouldn't put off getting infertility therapy.
Sai Infertility Solutions is a highly resourceful platform in Maternity and Fertility Treatment all across India. With our technology, we can provide you the best doctors on the basis of your budget and health condition. We provide the assistance regarding the transparent information of more than 1.5 thousands pregnancy/fertility hospitals and the IVF, IUI, Pregnancy, ICSI related Doctors. First ART Bank in Uttar Pradesh associated with All Leading IVF Centers of Lucknow Kanpur, Prayagraj, Gorakhpur, Varanasi, Bareilly and Agra
Service Area 
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Phone: 9026368787 , 9919368787
Address: 1, Rana Pratap Marg, Hazaratganj, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
Website: www.saiinfertilitysolutions.com
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devsingh8986 · 2 years
IVF Centre In Kanpur is one of the best fertility treatment center in India. We have been providing quality infertility treatments since last 20 years. Our team of highly experienced doctors & staff are committed to ensure that we deliver only the best results. 
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Test Tube Baby Centre in Kanpur
Today many couples are dealing with infertility problems. But with technological advances in medical science, there are high hopes for getting pregnant. An experienced fertility professional can help you conceive and start a family. Crysta IVF centre ranked high on the list of some of the test tube baby center in kanpur.
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Why choose Crysta IVF?
Doctors do not directly advise patients to undergo treatment, but they will make sure you get pregnant naturally first.
We have the best clinical staff to help you with all your concerns about conception.
We have helped many couples start their own families and they are proud to have chosen Crysta IVF to achieve their parenting goals.
We have the best IVF centres in Kanpur with the best infrastructure.
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ishita01ivf · 2 months
How Specialist Infertility Doctors Help Couples Overcome Challenges and Finding Hope
How Specialist Infertility Doctors Help Couples Overcome Challenges and Finding Hope
Fertility problems, for couples who are in pursuit of having children, can be quite intricate. Nonetheless, the treatment of specialists in urology is offered, and there is hope.
 In this sophisticated guide, we will plunge into how doctors in varying specialties help couples face the complexities of infertility. Our article will be dedicated to locating the best infertility doctors in Kanpur. 
We will virtual discussion of the acts, and services they provide, and how they restore the dream of having their family for the people struggling to gain fatherhood and motherhood. 
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Understanding the Role of Specialist Infertility Doctors
Fertility doctors are specialized experts who have achieved the status of mastery in the diagnosing and treatment of reproductive disorders through the most demanding education and training.
 They are considered one of the most vital elements in the process of infertility diagnosis, not only in identifying but also in understanding the causes of it and developing treatment plans based on the knowledge gained to ensure that each couple is provided a personalized treatment based on their own need.
 These Embryo physicians use the recent techniques of treatment together with the technologies that are highly advanced to increase the chances of conception while caring about the patients throughout the extension of the procedure. 
Services Offered by Infertility Doctors
Along with the best infertility doctors in Kanpur, there exists a wide consensus of services targeted at delivering different methods of tackling infertility issues.
These services may include semen and urine examinations, uterine environment assessments, ovulation stimulation, IUI, IVF, and other techniques applied to treat various AI conditions. 
Through utilizing the most advanced technology alongside continuous learning and innovation in the field of reproductive medicine, these professionals continually strive for positive results for their patients. 
FAQs About Infertility Doctors in Kanpur
1. What clinical expertise should I be seeking for a skilled infertility doctor?
- Instead of doctors who are board-certified in reproductive endocrinology and infertility, be looking for such doctors. Experiences and record of success in treating fertility should be their credentials.
2. What determines the process of choosing the most suitable treatment for me and how can I know if infertility doctors will do it?
- Fertility specialists require exhaustive workup which involves taking medical history, physical examination, and appropriate laboratory and radiological tests. Based on the data, they individually design the treatment approach which is mostly optimized for each patient’s particular circumstances.
3. Can you please tell me what I can do maybe to enhance my fertility?
Right, yes, many infertility doctors think that lifestyle improvements should be made to help maintain a healthy weight, escape from the consumption of tobacco and excessive alcohol, manage stress, and follow a diet balanced in foods vital for reproductive health.
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Bringing Hope Ishita IVF Centre
The best infertility Doctor in Kanpur is Ishita IVF Center. Ishita IVF Center, with a team of highly experienced fertility doctors headed by Dr. Sangeeta Ahuja , is committed to delivering quality and personalized care to couples seeking fertility solutions.
 With help from their advanced facilities and patient-focused approach, many wish-fulfilling couples have realized their desired parenthood. Whether you’re dealing with infertility or want an informed opinion on family planning, Ishita IVF Centre provides personalized options according to your needs. 
The contribution of specialist infertility doctors is unrivaled in assisting couples to conquer the challenges of infertility and see their family goals come true. 
Through employing the best infertility doctors in Kanpur, couples can get individually tailored care and assistance matching their issues. Through a corrective approach and treatment, the dream becomes a step closer with the help of the experts and the doctors in IVF Centre like Ishita IVF Centre.
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profectusmagazine · 2 years
Bringing joy to people’s life — Dr. Gauri Agarwal
With growing use of technology and adapting to a swift lifestyle we have unwillingly inculcated innumerable unhealthy practices. According to studies the reproduction capacity of humans is declining at a faster rate than ever, wherein the aid of medical assistance appears to be inevitable.
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Dr. Gauri Agarwal (MD, DNB, and MBBS):She is the Founder of Seeds of Innocence IVF & Fertility Centre chain and Genestrings Laboratory. Dr. Gauri is a world-renowned infertility specialist with 15 plus years of experience in this field. Native to Kanpur, she was born in a nuclear middle-class family with her parents and two siblings. Dr. Agarwal could not help but recall about her father’s dream of her becoming a doctor. Her parents have immensely encouraged her and her siblings, a brother and a sister, to opt and pursue best-in-class education. After completing her senior secondary from St. Mary's, Kanpur, she proceeded towards medical education and pursued her M.B.B.S from Bharti Vidyapeeth (2007) and thereafter a DNB from KJ Institute, Coimbatore (2012). Dr. Gauri was awarded a fellowship in IVF in Ghent University, Belgium (2012),and continued to further specialize in Embryology and Reproductive Medicine from National University of Singapore(2013).A pivotal decisive factor for studying IVF and medicine was her sister’s unfortunate failure to conceive. Inspired with an idea of bettering lives of a million mothers, it was her vision coloured with passion that led her way to become a leading IVF Specialist in India.
After successful completion of her academics, Dr. Gauri got married in a family of devout doctors, and the founders of the Yashoda Group of Hospitals where she was endowed with a choice of joining her husband, in the Ghaziabad Centre of Yashoda Hospitals. However, with her determination to pave her own path, she began initiating small health and awareness camps in rural areas like Dadri, HapolandLoni, where she would encourage education and right medical knowledge to patients, and welcomed the ones who wanted to proceed with IVF to visit her hospital in Ghaziabad. With continuous efforts in these initiatives, Dr. Gauri soon managed to run 50 IVF cycles per month, and attained high success rates where majority of healthy conceptions were achieved in the very first IVF cycle. Soon, her gradual progression in the market began with a word of mouth about better treatment through Dr. Gauri Agarwal, which acquired her local fame and eventually led to the establishment of Seeds of Innocence, a bootstrapped IVF chain that started with one center in 2015 in Delhi’s Malviya Nagar and is currently running 14+ centers across North India. She is also the Founder of Genestrings, a state-of-the-art Genetic Diagnostic Laboratory. A visionary in the field of IVF, she is known as a pioneer in implementing path breaking research & use of new technologies/techniques like Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and Genetic Screening (PGS/ PGD) to achieve success rates of up to 78% along with an assurance of Healthy Term Pregnancy and Genetically Healthy Baby.
Seeds of Innocence, Malviya Nagar is a premier IVF Centre where Dr. Gauri has established a team of multidisciplinary clinicians including highly experienced fetal medicine experts, and shares with us informative insights about the various technologies and expertise at her centers.
Starting with information about ‘In Vitro fertilization’ (IVF) -“It is a type of an Assistive Reproductive Technology (ART), which is a magical process possessing the elixir to a new life. In the course of some 12 days medicines are given to the expected mother and then when the eggs are formed in the ovaries, the healthy eggs are retrieved with the help of needles and then inseminated with the husband’s sperms and then when the embryo is formed it is transferred back to the mother’s uterus after 15 days.
Some common indications for IVF treatment are:
Low sperm count.
Blocked fallopian tube.
When eggs don’t form.
Unknown reasons for not conceiving.
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