#best luxury mattress available
sealyindia-blog · 9 months
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shitouttabuck · 1 year
oh my god nina!!! 8 for the bedsharing prompts if it takes your fancy <33
thank you sweet peach this scratched an itch !!!
bed-sharing prompts: whispering “Oh, you are going to be very embarrassed when you wake up.”
Eddie’s not old—he’s not even 30, despite the near-constant jokes about his senior citizen-isms he seems incapable of shaking. And he wouldn’t even say he’s a man of creature comforts. He just likes familiarity, and routine, and his own goddamn bed.
Quarantine has brought a lot of change: being away from Chris, living in a single-occupancy apartment with three other people, and sharing a bed with all six-foot-two of Evan Buckley.
Currently, this means waking up at some wretched hour and squinting in the moonlight filtering in through half-open blinds, because the aforementioned best friend has stolen Eddie’s pillow from right under his head yet again.
Eddie groans quietly, easing his neck out of the crick it’s cramped in. He glares at the enormous lump snoring serenely beside him and pats the mattress blindly for his pillow. Eyes adjusting to the dark, he’s greeted by the same sight he’s woken to at ungodly hours thrice this month already: Buck with his gigantic thieving arms wrapped happily around Eddie’s goddamn pillow as he clutches it to his chest, dead to the world.
“Fuck’s sake,” Eddie mutters, reaching out and tugging the end of the pillowcase to no avail. Buck’s vice-grip doesn’t falter even in sleep. Eddie’s usually able to coax it out of his grasp without waking him, but it takes a minute, and their last shift had been a full-body workout from hell, and Eddie just wants to go the fuck back to sleep with a single measly pillow supporting his exhausted head. Surely that’s not too decadent a luxury to expect.
He tugs again, harder and meaner than he normally would. The pillow inches out of Buck’s hold, and Eddie grabs a firmer handful to yank it away, grunting triumphantly when it pops free.
“Hrmmph,” Buck grumbles, crease appearing between his eyebrows. Eddie stills, holding his breath as he gauges Buck’s proximity to consciousness. He thinks he’s in the clear, but then Buck murmurs unhappily and rolls ever-so-slightly towards Eddie.
“S’your turn to be th’ li’l spoon,” he slurs, and Eddie freezes even further. “’M th’ big spoon t’night.” He pats half-heartedly at the mattress between him and Eddie, jaw going slack again after a few seconds.
Eddie grins, just barely containing the snort that bubbles up at Buck’s sleep-talking. There’s enough distance from Ali and even Abby, post-train debacle, that means he can wring weeks’ worth of teasing out of this. Whichever one of them it is Buck’s dreaming of, Eddie thinks multiple nights of interrupted sleep allow him a little good-natured—if merciless—ribbing.
He shifts onto his back, shoving the pillow under his head and shutting his eyes with a sigh, but the movement has Buck mumbling again. His face is mashed into his own pillow, words barely intelligible when he says, “Y’re littler than me. C’mon, lemme be big spoon.”
The snort sneaks out of Eddie then, just a bit. He barely knew either woman, but he can’t quite picture them indulging Buck in this line of conversation. It’s—sweet, if deeply mortifying for Buck himself to know anyone else has heard it.
Buck snuffles discontentedly, forehead scrunching as he reaches out in search of the pillow, still asleep.
“Oh, you are going to be very embarrassed when you wake up,” Eddie whispers, wondering if there’s more entertainment about to be provided and if it’s worth getting up to unplug his phone and catch the tail end of this on video.
“Urgh,” asleep-Buck responds, patting the bed a little more insistently when he’s unsuccessful in his pillow-retrieval endeavours. “Wh’re—c’mere. Eddie. Y’re li’l spoon.”
This time when Eddie freezes, it’s such a sudden locking of every joint in his body that his neck cricks in the opposite direction. He barely feels it, singularly focused on Buck’s latest garbled complaint, because—is Buck awake? Is Buck dreaming about him?
He’s frozen so still he doesn’t realise Buck’s questing hand is now well in range of Eddie himself, and he jolts back into his body when Buck’s strong, calloused fingers wrap around his wrist.
“C’me back,” he whines, tugging at Eddie while shuffling closer at the same time. Eddie holds himself carefully still, hardly daring to breathe as Buck slowly but surely plasters his long, long body along Eddie’s side, hitching one leg over Eddie’s thigh before flinging an arm across his torso and dragging him nearer.
“Mm,” he hums, brow smoothing out. His cheek rests on Eddie’s shoulder, face smushed but seemingly satisfied. Eddie’s arm is trapped between his own side and Buck’s stomach, and he worms it under Buck’s body almost on autopilot, more to get comfortable than anything else. This leaves him basically cradling Buck to him, and Buck gives one final happy grunt before burrowing his face into Eddie’s neck and going limp, a dead weight over Eddie’s right side.
Eddie makes his fingers relax where they’re clutching the back of Buck’s t-shirt. This is—fine. Normal and fine. So Buck isn’t dreaming about cuddling an ex-girlfriend, he’s dreaming about holding Eddie. They’ve been living out of each other’s pockets more than usual recently, leaning on each other a little heavier through a global pandemic and missing Christopher. Eddie’s told himself it’s because of constant proximity, and maybe it is, but whatever the reason, if Buck’s subconscious is embracing that vulnerability in this way, that’s fine. He’s an affectionate guy, and while it’s relatively new for Eddie to be on the receiving end of that from another man, he’s not one to shy away because of someone else’s archaic ideas of masculinity.
And—hold on. Y’re littler than me? Was that what Buck said? Eddie huffs indignantly, and then huffs again for different reasons, feeling his cheeks heat. He doesn’t know why, but he pulls Buck a little closer.
It’s still normal and fine, he finds, turning his head to press his nose into Buck’s curls. That surprises him a little, that there’s no freak-out of any kind accompanying—whatever this is. Buck smells like vanilla, because he used Chim’s fancy shampoo that’s actually Maddie’s fancy shampoo because both of them are missing her something fierce, and he’s definitely drooling onto Eddie’s neck, and now that he’s not sleep-talking he’s back to snoring like a motorcycle, and Eddie’s slipping under before he can marvel any more at just how normal and fine it all is.
When the moonlight is swapped for sunlight, Eddie stirs to Chim singing along to radio in the kitchen downstairs. Buck blinks awake right alongside him, cheek imprinted with creases from Eddie’s collar and turning pink as he hastily peels himself away.
“Oh, um, sorry,” he says, voice rough with sleep. He contorts his body in surprise trying to roll off Eddie’s arm. “Did I—sorry, Eds.”
Eddie works his arm back under Buck, easy and deliberate. “S’fine,” he yawns. “It was my turn to be the little spoon.”
In his peripheral vision, Buck turns a brilliant red, and Eddie gives him a reassuring squeeze before taking great joy in telling him just how embarrassed he should be about the contents of his dreams.
(Buck’s mortification is blessedly short-lived, since the contents of Eddie’s dreams are equally embarrassing in the very exact same way, as it turns out.)
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ravenrune · 2 years
Ahhhh. A request for an anon I had already been working on before I got their message. Thanks for the reminder, anon! Domestic stuff. Contains Carlos, Leon, Ethan and Luis. Edit: I think I fixed the issues with dark mode?
Going On Vacation With The RE Guys Headcanons
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Going on vacation with Carlos will involve a lot of activities. He doesn’t like sitting around all day, so he’ll want to try out some new things with you. The destination doesn’t matter much to him, as long as there is something fun to do.
Do you want to learn how to surf? You can do that with Carlos. You want to go bungee jumping? He’s in for that sort of thing, too. Skiing, parasailing, rock climbing; he’s willing to try all of these things. 
Are the aforementioned activities a bit too extreme for you? That is completely fine. He will happily go camping and hiking with you. And if you don’t like sleeping on a shitty mattress, he’ll opt for glamping instead. Nothing wrong with a bit of comfort, right? 
He just wants to be out and about with you. And come on, you gotta admit, sleeping under the stars is pretty damn romantic.
Feel free to suggest anything you’d like to try out on vacation, because he’ll love it when you take initiative. Bonus points if you surprise him by dragging him along to do something fun without telling him what it is beforehand. 
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Leon just needs peace and quiet on vacation and will absolutely drag you away to go on a cruise with him. The further away he is from his job, the better. And as a cruise ship is always on the move, Leon feels it’ll be less likely he’ll get called into work. 
He wants to go north because he’s always wanted to see the northern lights. He thinks it will be romantic, and can’t wait to share the experience with you. You’ll probably end up somewhere in northern Europe.
On the days spent at sea, he’ll want to make the most of it. Spa days, swimming at the pools, eating at the best restaurants and checking out the onboard entertainment are a must in his opinion. If you need some time away from people, he’ll happily cuddle up and watch a nice movie with you. There will be plenty of snacks, of course.
When the cruise ship docks in the countries you pass along the way, Leon will want to do some sightseeing and take a copious amount of pictures. He won’t just take pictures of the scenery, he will be taking a lot of pictures of you, too. 
Later on, when he’s back at work, he’ll be looking at them whenever he’s not feeling great. Seeing you having a good time will always put a smile on his face.
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Ethan wants a normal vacation. Nothing too crazy, nothing too hectic, nothing too special. He’s in need of feeling like a regular human being, so he’ll take you to a typical tourist destination.
Ethan loves to go for walks. It doesn’t matter where. He can walk for hours, just chatting to you about everything that crosses your minds. He’ll take the occasional picture, but his main focus is on spending time with you in a place he’s never been before. A place where nobody knows who he is, and where he’s just another tourist.
He will book the most luxurious hotel room available, because he thinks you both deserve it. He goes out of his way to surprise you with the most wonderful date nights. He puts a lot of thought into them, making sure they’ll blow your mind in the right ways, but never make you feel uncomfortable. 
Ethan will get lost on occasion. Just make sure you’re in charge of how to get places, or you may accidentally end up in a whole other country if you happen to stay near the border of one.
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Luis will plan the most romantic vacation you could possibly think of. He doesn’t care much for major tourist attractions, but will instead look for the more obscure spots your destination has to offer. 
He’ll drag you through the most beautiful little towns he could find on the internet, and he’s full of facts. He knows a lot about the history of the places you’re visiting, and he loves sharing this information with you. 
Luis manages to find all the best restaurants and won’t spare any expense. You can order whatever the hell you like, and he’ll happily pay for it.
He’s not too fond of splitting the bill, so if you’re the type of person who is, prepare to argue with the man on occasion. 
While his main concern is spending time with you, he would like to visit a pub now and then. Just to have a drink together. And if you’re willing to sing karaoke with him, you’ll definitely make his day. So... just do it, okay?
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Tag list: @i-write-stories-not-sins-bitch ... did that work?
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stellathy · 3 months
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About this property - Introduction to Vietnam and Quy Nhon City  Hello! Today, I will introduce you to Vietnam and its beautiful city, Quy Nhơn.  Vietnam (Việt Nam) is a country located in Southeast Asia, bordered by China to the north, Laos and Cambodia to the west, and the South China Sea to the east. Vietnam is famous for its diverse culture and rich history, and is loved by many tourists for its beautiful natural scenery, delicious food, and friendly people.  Among them, Quy Nhon is a beautiful port city located on the central coast of Vietnam. It is the capital of Binh Dinh Province and boasts beautiful natural scenery with clear blue sea, white sandy beaches, and majestic mountains. Quy Nhon is also famous for its various seafood dishes. In particular, dishes featuring fresh seafood are very popular with visitors to the area.  Vietnam and Quy Nhon offer travelers unforgettable memories with their unique charm and rich culture. For those who love natural scenery and want to experience a new culture, Vietnam, especially Quy Nhon, is the best travel destination.  thank you!  ------------------------ The new home has 3 beds, 3 baths, 4 queen beds, 1 bar room, 1 living room and 1 full kitchen. It is an ideal place for a group holiday with friends and family. The house is designed in a modern, airy and spacious style. This is a great place to bring your pet on holiday.  Just a 4-minute walk to Xuan Dieu Beach_Quy Nhon, where you can enjoy a swim and plenty of seafood and street food restaurants. Accommodation This luxurious home near the beach is perfect for a holiday with friends or family. The new home is built in a contemporary style and has a luxurious and warm interior design that will provide you with a relaxing day. Each bedroom is designed to be simple and airy using natural latex mattresses, allowing you to get a good night's sleep after a fun day. In particular, each bedroom features a luxurious and spacious design, imported equipment and a separate bathroom with shower gel and shampoo.  Pets (maximum 2) are allowed. The kitchen is spacious and luxurious. It is fully equipped with kitchenware such as a refrigerator, stove, microwave, cups, dishes, plates, beer glasses, wine glasses... and a luxurious dining table set adds a refreshing touch to your meals. Family holiday.  You will enjoy a truly comfortable and enjoyable stay at The Shades House. Amenities available to guests You have full access to the entire home using existing equipment. The property has a camera system in public areas to protect the security of your holiday.  In particular, the bar room has been designed entirely in wood to provide your group with a fun, luxurious, private and warm space.  If you want to enjoy the cool afternoon breeze, the covered terrace has a sofa set for a comfortable feel. Other notes : Parking:  You can park in front of the house or on the street.  Please enjoy quiet time from 10 PM to 6 AM.  Check-in: 2pm. Check-out: 11:00.  If you would like to check in/out earlier or later than the specified times, please let us know in advance and The Shades team will do their best to assist you.  We hope The Shades House becomes your destination during your vacation. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://www .airbnb.com.vn/rooms/1082400972265675038?viralityEntryPoint=1&s=76
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Elevate Your Bedroom with a King Bed Frame in Sydney, Australia
Are you ready to transform your bedroom into a luxurious sanctuary? Look no further than a king bed frame Sydney, Australia. Whether you’re upgrading your current bed or furnishing a new home, a king bed frame offers unparalleled comfort, style, and functionality. Let’s explore why a king bed frame is the perfect choice for your Sydney bedroom.
1. Spacious Comfort: A king bed frame provides ample space for you to stretch out and relax. Say goodbye to cramped quarters and hello to luxurious comfort. Whether you’re sharing your bed with a partner, pets, or simply enjoy spreading out, a king-size frame ensures everyone has room to spare.
2. Premium Quality: When it comes to quality, settle for nothing less than the best. A king bed frame crafted with premium materials ensures durability and longevity, promising years of restful nights. Choose from a variety of materials such as solid wood, metal, or upholstered designs to suit your personal style and preference.
3. Enhanced Aesthetics: Elevate the aesthetics of your bedroom with a stylish king bed frame. Sydney boasts a diverse range of design options, from sleek modern designs to timeless classics. Whether you prefer minimalist chic or rustic charm, there’s a king bed frame to complement every taste and décor scheme.
4. Functional Design: Beyond aesthetics, a king bed frame offers practical benefits as well. Many models come with built-in storage options, such as drawers or shelves, providing valuable space-saving solutions for your bedroom. Maximize your storage potential without compromising on style.
5. Customization Options: Make your bed frame truly your own with customization options. Choose the perfect finish, upholstery, or detailing to reflect your unique personality and style preferences. With a king bed frame in Sydney, you can create a bedroom oasis that’s tailored to your individual taste.
6. Supportive Comfort: Quality sleep is essential for overall well-being, and a king bed frame ensures you get the support you need for a restorative night’s rest. Pair your frame with a high-quality mattress and bedding for the ultimate sleep experience.
7. Investment in Wellness: Your bedroom should be a sanctuary for relaxation and rejuvenation. Investing in a king bed frame is an investment in your overall wellness and comfort. Wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day ahead with the luxurious comfort of a king-size bed.
In conclusion, a king bed frame in Sydney, Australia, offers unmatched comfort, style, and functionality for your bedroom. Treat yourself to the ultimate sleep experience and transform your bedroom into a haven of luxury and relaxation. With a diverse range of options available, finding the perfect king bed frame to suit your needs has never been easier. Upgrade your sleep experience today and elevate your bedroom to new heights of comfort and style.
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somashoponline · 1 year
An Overview Of Buying Heavy Winter Quilts
The quilt is an important part of any bedding design. It adds warmth and beauty to the bedroom. The right quilt will improve your sleep environment's comfort, aesthetics and overall appeal. Sanganeri print quilts online can also add warmth and flair to our bedroom. However, choosing the right one is difficult due to the wide variety of options available.
It can be challenging to find the right bedsheet, regardless of whether you are looking for one to add style to your bedroom or to help keep warm in the winter. There are so many choices on the market that it is important to take into consideration several factors before purchasing. This post will provide you with some blanket advice to help you choose the right quilt.
Determine what you require.
Before you begin your hunt for the best quilts, it is important to determine your personal needs. Consider the intended purpose of your quilt: Do you want it to be a piece that provides warmth or is it purely decorative? You can choose the quilt type that will best suit your needs by determining what you require.
Consider the size of your quilt.
Blanket online comes in different sizes. It is important to choose the right one for your bed. If the quilt is too small, it may not be enough to cover your entire body. A large one might take over too much space on your bed. For a perfect fit, you should measure your mattress and use the manufacturer's size chart.
Select the appropriate material.
Material plays a major role in determining the comfort and durability of online blankets. Quilting is commonly made from cotton, wool, silk and other synthetic fibres. Cotton comforters are comfortable and breathable.
The silk winter double blanket is luxurious and suitable for warm climates. Wool quilts can be a great option for the cooler months. Consider your own preferences and the weather when choosing the fabric of your quilt.
Check the quilt for sewing.
Stitching has a direct impact on the overall quality and durability of a quilt. Attention should be paid to stitching techniques.
Quilts that are machine or hand-stitched have a traditional design and last a long time. You can tell if the work is of high quality by looking for neatly spaced lines and crisp stitching.
Check the fill type and weight.
double winter blanket is usually filled with down, synthetic fibers or feathers. Down quilts, while lightweight and offering excellent insulation are usually more expensive. Feather Quilts are cozy, but they can be bulkier.
Quilts for winter made from synthetic fibers can be affordable and hypoallergenic. Consider your preferences and allergies when choosing the type of fill and weight for your quilt.
Care for the quilt.
Consider how easy it is to clean and maintain the quilts for winter before making your purchase. Some quilts are machine washable, while others must be dried cleaned. Care instructions are provided by the manufacturer. Make sure you follow them to make sure the Jaipuri Razai is suitable for your lifestyle.
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Study client testimonials
Before making a decision, read reviews from consumers and compare ratings. These testimonials will give you a better idea of a quilt's comfort and durability. Consider the positives and negatives in these reviews to make an educated decision.
A blanket is more than simply choosing a color or design that matches your room's décor. Consider factors like the size, fabric, stitching and fill type when searching for the perfect quilt to suit your needs and preferences.
If you follow this advice, you'll make the right choice and add a stylish and pleasant addition to your bed.
Visit Here: Bagru Print Fabric Online
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futzingbarton · 1 year
praeparet bellum
Something cold uncoils in his chest, something sharp and thirsty. It filters through him like winter sunlight on his skin, bringing forth goosebumps. Like a man drowning, he is helpless to resist when malice, ruthless and potent and pure, begs for him to let it fill his lungs.
He takes a deep, deep breath.
“I can do this,” he says to the near-empty streets of New Vegas, ignoring Rex’s quizzical whine, and strides towards the the Tops’ multicolored doors.
Chapter 2 of my Courier/Arcade fic is up!! ahhh this update brings me to just shy of 32k words and i am. delighted. the next update will be constantine and arcade’s hot date at the ultra luxe. surely nothing could go wrong there.
chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3 | chapter 4
Then what is the answer?- Not to be deluded by dreams.
To know that great civilizations have broken down into violence,
and their tyrants come, many times before.
When open violence appears, to avoid it with honor or choose
the least ugly faction; these evils are essential.
Amenities. Constantine knows the word, though never bothered to pay it any mind back before he sauntered his way into the Strip. At best it has just been something fancy to add to a conversation, typically to take whomever he was chatting with off guard. There had been no point to equate it to something tangible, let alone attainable. 
But now—carpet. He still isn’t used to it, this plush, high-pile rarity beneath his feet when he finally drags himself from the comfort of his bed. And the bed! Multiple blankets, and a sheet over the mattress to boot. Plus the four pillows. Four. He’d thought that staying in Goodsprings upon waking up was basically living in luxury, but this? Well, it might as well be heaven. 
How could it not be, when he steps out of his room and hears the radio playing gently from the kitchen, accompanied by the sound of an already-bubbling pot of coffee? Probably Boone, or maybe Raul, getting a head start to the day. He smiles to himself, marveling in the exorbitance of it all. He makes his way to the bathroom, which, against all practicality, is also carpeted. Hopefully he’s never going to be drunk enough to miss the toilet. There’s no real way to tell if the stains decorating the porcelain base are signs of some literal piss-poor aim, courtesy of some pre-war partiers, but Tan decides upon scavenging a couple of extra boxes of Abraxo for posterity’s sake. 
He uses the bathroom (with working plumbing!) and washes his hands and face (with running water!) before brushing his teeth. It’s already been one whole week of this; one entire, peaceful week of not worrying about where to sleep or what to eat or if he stinks or if it’s safe enough to shit without having a gecko pounce on him. At this rate, he’s well on his way to embracing this newfound hedonism. 
Refreshed, he makes his way towards the kitchen and the irresistible smell of coffee. Though the others all have their own rooms throughout the hall, some choose to stay in the guest beds of the suite. The door to the main domicile is always unlocked, since it just makes more sense to store all of their supplies together, and to keep access to said storage available at all hours. Tan’s given everyone some unofficial leave—if that word even applies to their situation—hoping it would encourage the gang to see the sights of the Strip, relax, refresh, and otherwise take comfort in some momentary stagnation. So far, people have been happy to come and go as they please: Cass and Veronica have gone shopping and dancing almost every night, and even Raul and Boone were persuaded to join him for drinks a day ago. Lily keeps to the casino, satisfied to stay in with Rex and Ed-E. And Arcade…
Tan’s heart does a happy little skip. Arcade. Even thinking his name makes him stupidly giddy. He doesn’t have specifics to compare it to, this childish feeling of infatuation, but every little shiver of it reminds him that this isn’t the first time he’s felt this, and just that knowledge alone makes him feel grateful, feel human. Sometimes, looking over his bumbling assortment of friends—of family—it dawns on him that without them, he’d probably forget about that humanness entirely. They keep him rooted, keep him safe. The fact that they leave the 38 but still choose to come back to him fills him with a sense of…something. He doesn’t quite have the words for it yet, the bright and tingling thing that roosts in his heart when he sees them walk back through the doors of the suite, but it makes him grin wider than he thought he could. And just when he thinks he’s all full up on glee and purpose, there’s Arcade.
He’s already smiling just thinking about the man, so when he walks into the kitchen and sees Arcade actually standing there next to the stove, holding a steaming mug of coffee in both hands with his hair still mussed with sleep, all that joy boils over and he can’t help but laugh. 
“Hey, handsome. Good morning!” he says, and means it. It’s good. This is good. He doesn’t have many immutable constants in his memory, so this feeling of free and open affection anchors itself easily into the empty spaces of his mind. He likes to think of his situation as similar to the night sky:  a whole lot of dark  nothing, peppered with uncountable bright and shining moments. 
Arcade mumbles something resembling a hello and nods by way of greeting, still looking for all the world as if he’d rather be asleep, but Tan doesn’t miss how the edges of his lips quirk upwards ever so slightly. 
“That for me?” Tan jokes, sidling up close enough to pry the coffee out from Arcade’s tired hands. “You shouldn’t have.” 
“I didn’t,” Arcade protests, frowning, though he makes no effort to keep Tan away. Tan takes a sip before making a face and putting the coffee down on the nearby counter.
“Not bad, though…” he grins wickedly, taking advantage of Arcade’s empty arms to invade his space and plant a kiss on his cheek. “I prefer my coffee with a bit of sugar.”
Arcade groans. “It’s too early for you to be this insufferable.” 
“Oh, you suffer me well enough.”
“At the cost of my coffee, apparently.” He doesn’t let Tan pull away, wrapping an arm around his shoulders to keep him at his side. “But you’re here already, so I might as well put up with you for a bit longer.” 
Tan retrieves the coffee and takes another sip before passing it back to Arcade. “For your trouble,” he says, then reaches up to play with Arcade’s messy hair. “Why are you up this early, anyway? Would have expected you to sleep past seven.”
“I would’ve preferred that, too. No, I’m…” he sighs. “Julie asked for help at the Fort. Probably something clerical, given that my system of organization isn’t exactly the most intuitive. Or maybe there’s just been an influx of junkies needing a place to come down. To be honest, I didn’t ask.”
Tan hums in understanding. “Of course. Want an escort?” 
“I’m more than capable—”
Constantine tugs on his hair to shut him up. “I didn’t say you weren’t. I asked if you wanted me to walk with you there.”
Honesty—that is to say, true and barren honesty, seems more difficult around Arcade than anyone else. Tan wishes he could have said “I want to come with you,” or, “Let me just be around you until I can’t be anymore.” There’s nothing really stopping him from saying it, either, nothing besides this tiny pinprick of distrust that nests beneath his heart, drives itself up into his throat whenever he wants to bear himself open. He wants to, or rather, he wants to want to. Lately he’s found himself mired in more wanting than he has since as far as he remembers, and for all the pleasant sensations that desire can bring, it’s almost always as jarring as it is intriguing.
He can’t say why he keeps himself just far apart enough from everyone he cares for. There’s flashes of memories, of course—like watching someone else through the wrong side of a door’s peephole. Voices muffled. Images blurred, distant. Overlaid upon each other wrong. “I knew you’d leave,” a voice rings out. “Just like they did.” He doesn’t know if it’s the right face saying it, but the one clear image he has is of himself, younger, bag over his shoulder, staring at the younger woman with what looks like disdain. His heart hurts with the memory. Why hadn’t she gone with him? Or, he supposed, why didn’t he care enough to stay? 
“Hm?” He snaps back to reality. “What’d I miss?” 
“I asked what you were up to today.”
Tan smiles, a little rueful. “Taking Rex back to the King. He hasn’t been doing so hot lately—figure I oughta talk to his real dad to see what might be going on.” 
Arcade nods. “I’ve noticed that, too. I’m not a veterinarian so I can’t exactly make a diagnosis, but hopefully it’s nothing too severe to treat.”
It’s cute, Tan thinks, how Arcade downplays his concern by involving his expertise or lack thereof. There’s always something to give him distance, to give him maneuverability instead of outright admitting he cares about someone or something or the outcome of some situation. It’s defensive, but done with compassion, like most everything else Arcade does. 
With a simple nod of agreement, Tan disentangles himself from his partner and sets about making them both a passable breakfast. Predictably, Arcade tries to insist he isn’t that hungry and that Tan shouldn’t bother, but he’s quick to stop grousing once a fresh plate of potato hash with fried corn and brahmin steak is set in front of him. It’s not that he doesn’t appreciate the cooking, he had explained one night over a late dinner. It’s just that it’s very good cooking, actually, and he feels a bit useless standing there the whole time it’s being prepared. When more prepwork is required, the doctor is easy enough to put to use, but in the case of more impromptu meals, Tan’s curiously practiced ease in the kitchen is most effective when leaving him to lord over the kingdom of the kitchen. 
So. Tan has since decreed the washing up to be Arcade’s sole jurisdiction, and Arcade seems happy to be helpful in a way that doesn’t require an undue amount of effort. 
Constantine pours himself his own mug of coffee and takes a seat by Arcade. 
“Maybe sometime soon we can go check out the casinos,” he says, shoving a spoonful in his mouth. “House said I oughta do something about them.”
“And you’re all for doing what House says now, are you?” Arcade takes a careful bite. “I wasn’t aware you’d decided to commit to being his lackey.”
“Hey, I haven’t—” he stops, swallows, and takes another bite. “Haven’t committed to anything. Just want to get the whole picture.”
Arcade looks between Constantine and his near-empty bowl. “At the very least, can you commit to chewing your food?”
“Nah,” Tan says through another mouthful, then tilts the bowl to shovel the remaining hash in. “Shee you downshtairs.” 
He ruffles Arcade’s hair and hurries out of the kitchen to dress up and arm himself. Nothing too flashy, just a revolver on his hip, a knife tucked in his boot, his hat hanging down his back. He taps his foot the entire elevator ride, almost skipping out the door once it dings open. His only patience manifests in holding the exit open for Rex to plod along after him, all too happy to sit at his heels once they’re outside. The heat is building under the awning of the hotel, but the air is dry and the morning has seen fit to bless the Mojave with the slightest breeze. With a deep breath, Tan closes his eyes and listens to the strangely lullying concert produced by the New Vegas Strip in daylight. The woodwind wail of the speeding monorail, the brassy booming commands from Securitrons along their rotas. A distant choir of howling dogs. The steady percussion of hammers—NCR soldiers repairing the embassy’s flimsy outer fence, accompanied by the faint pops and crackles of small-arms fire from far past Freeside. 
“You look at peace.”
Constantine grins, not bothering to turn around. “I am, I think. I like it here.” 
A scoff. “That why you’re eager to see the casinos? If you’re this easily charmed, you’ll fit right in.” 
“Your bark is worse than your bite, ‘Cade. Taking a page out of Rex’s book?” Besides, he thinks, who are you to complain about how easily charmed I am? 
“Oh har, har. Maybe they’ll let you take over for some act at the Tops.” He tugs on Tan’s sleeve and heads down the steps, out into the white hot sun. “Come on then. Fortune favors the actively moving.”
“That’s so not how it goes,” says Tan, crossing his hands behind his head as he walks. 
“How would you know?” There’s a carefree kind of tone to Arcade’s teasing, and it makes Tan’s heart stutter. So often, Arcade has this tangible kind of weight to him, like he’s lugging some hulking something behind him. Something so wrapped in snide, dry humor and cool, scientific reason that makes peering into the depths downright impossible. There’s a core there, a tiny ember burning dim but steady, and for the life of him, Tan can’t figure out what it is. It’s to do with his past, and it’s to do with something far more scientific than Tan has any reason to know about, and those tiny bits of knowledge about it make him so curious and impatient that every day is a struggle keeping his damned mouth shut instead of annoying Arcade with questions. 
He settles for annoying him in other ways. 
“It doesn’t sound right!” he laughs, and takes his hat from around his neck. “You know what? I think you and Rex deserve a little showdown. Get ‘im, Rex!” With a whoop, he plops his hat onto Arcade’s head and runs off, turning around in time to see Rex growling and nipping at the doctor’s heels. 
When Arcade finally catches up, out of breath and looking more impressed than annoyed, he shoves his hat against his chest. Rex trots calmly up behind him, not a hint of remorse to be shown in his confident swagger and lolling tongue. 
“You win this one, Becker,” he says, panting between every word. 
“Gonna have to try harder to outdo me, Gannon.” He hangs the hat back around his head and carries on like there hadn’t been any sort of interruption. “Anyway, if this—” he points at his head, “is anything to go by, then I lived in a city before. I just like the bustle, the people. Everyone’s someone, but it’s still easy to get lost if you need to. It’s nice being a face in a crowd.” 
Still recovering, Arcade lets out a deep breath and levels him with his gaze. Curiosity plays across his face, replaced soon with focused scrutiny, as though he is trying to see through Tan and into his memories. As though there is something there that he might be able to make more sense of, if only he were the one to witness those disjointed pieces of history. Arcade looks at him a second longer before straightening up and beginning to walk again. Tan falls in beside him. 
“You know, I don’t get it,” says Arcade, after a few blocks of easy silence. “I know you’re a social butterfly, but just how is it that you get along with Boone best, of all people?”
Tan sputters out a laugh. “Oh my god, are you jealous again?” 
“No!” He smacks his arm. “No, shut up. Not like that. I mean—he’s so…aloof. And you’re you. But you two, you just…work well together. It’s a weird sight to see, that’s all.” 
Tan blinks. He hasn’t really considered much about his friendship with Boone. Somehow, he and Craig fell into a wordless sort of brotherhood, and that kind of teamwork was hard to find in the wasteland. They worked well and smoothly together, evident in the calm ease they shared when cleaning out their guns or reloading their magazines, but more so in their almost instinctive, unspoken coordination on the battlefield. Boone fell into step beside Tan far quicker than any of his other companions, accepting his hand signals and commands without question. To question the nuances of a good thing seemed antithetical to its success, so Constantine never bothered to ask more of Boone than what he already gave.
“You’re not as good as Manny,” Boone had told him once, when they were sharing a beer around a dying fire. “But you’re good. You make this simple.” This had been prior to anyone else joining their wandering band of fools, before Tan had met back up with Veronica or started ogling Arcade at the Fort. In the companionable trust that comes with being two people alone in the darkness of the wasteland, Tan knew then that when Boone stood up and said “I’ll take first watch,” he was really saying “thank you.” 
Explaining this to Arcade seemed…not impossible, but certainly pointless. What could he say? I think I remind him of Carla, and when he has someone big and bright and loud, he doesn’t have to work to exist. I speak up for him, and he watches my back. We both know a dance we never want to speak of again, but fall into like it’s second nature. I’ve sat next to him in the dead of night when he woke up crying, and he’s held back my hair when I tried drinking to remember. He knows me and knows of me without me having to say it. Nothing I remember will add or take away from that.
So instead, he settles for the easier kind of truth. “I’m an NCR brat,” he admits. “I think. I’m sure you’ve guessed that by now. My hand signals, the whole way I communicate out there, it’s all from being in the military. Before anyone else joined up with us, it was just me and Boone. He helped me figure that out, and we make a good sniper team.” He shrugs. To anyone else, there really isn’t more to it than that. 
To Arcade, it’s almost enough. Constantine can tell by the raised eyebrow, the quizzical expression, that he wants to pry further…but to his credit, he lets it drop. 
“Just interesting,” he says with finality, and shoves his hands into the pockets of his lab coat. 
They’re almost at the Fort, just a few blocks away, when Tan remembers he still has to check back in with the Van Graffs. He weaves in front of Arcade to walk along his right side, putting the man between him and his responsibilities. 
Ever the quick study, Arcade glances between Tan and the distant silhouette of Simon standing guard. He stiffens up for just a moment before returning to his usual slouch. 
“I doubt they can see you from here, Constantine,” he says with a shake of his head.
“Rifles have scopes,” Tan notes, and pulls up the collar around his duster. “I don’t want to get into a shootout today, alright?”
He is so, so close to letting the whole thing go. It’s not supposed to be a tug-of-war, this thing between them. If this were some other street on some other day, and if he felt a little less like a mirelurk with its shell half-peeled off at every line of questioning from Arcade, he would have.  But…no.
“What’s your deal with that place, anyway? You always freak out when energy weapons are involved.”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me. Shudders. Panic. Hilariously unconvincing lies. Freak outs.”
Arcade almost trips over a pebble, and, shit. Constantine knows he’s fucked up. In any other instance it would be simpler to backpedal or redirect, but in a bout of sudden selfishness, he wants the moment to drag on for just a little longer.  Their footsteps crunch against the crumbling road as they walk on.
All the things he has to leave unspoken gnaw at him, desperate to break out. I want to know you, Tan wants to say. I want to know why you freeze when you look at the guns in that store. I want to know what the NCR has done to you to make you distrust them in ways that have nothing to do with their governing. There is something there, hiding underneath your surface, and you keep peeling away at me but don’t give anything back. I want to know you, Arcade, in the ways you want to know me. 
Distrust isn’t quite the right word for it, but it’s close. Maybe it’s more like concern, or perhaps fascination, that drives Tan to dig deeper when he has found, time and again, that the further he presses Arcade, the further he closes up. He’s optimistic, not naive; he can’t imagine anything hidden in Arcade’s history that might change his perception of the man, let alone his attraction to him. He isn’t expecting a clean slate or a lack of complications. More than anything, Tan just wishes he could help. 
Instead, he sighs. Nothing here is going to give. With an awkward laugh, he breaks the moment.. 
“You know, I could never really get into energy weapons. I’ve tried—I mean, you’ve seen my shitty attempts—but the lowered recoil really throws me off. How am I even supposed to be able to tell I’ve shot something?” 
Arcade scoffs. “Well, the green puddle or pile of ashes is a good indicator.”
“Oh, shut up,” Tan says, smacking him on the arm. “I mean it! And if it jams, what am I supposed to do, hotwire the damn gun? Do a little on-the-fly soldering? I’ll just ask a feral to wait a minute while I get that taken care of.” 
“I don’t doubt that you’d be able to convince one, honestly,” says Arcade. He lets out a breathy chuckle. “Only you would be presented with a perfectly serviceable, easy to handle weapon and complain that it’s not complicated enough.”
They come to a stop outside the wooden gates of the Fort, the white flag of the Followers flapping in the wind. A stray cloud passes in front of the sun. Before Arcade has the opportunity, Constantine pulls open the door and gestures at the entrance with playful grandiosity. 
“After you, dear sir,” he drawls, grinning when Arcade rolls his eyes. Before the doctor can stride past him, Tan catches his sleeve and pulls him back. He takes Arcade’s hand in his own. 
“See you back at the 38 for dinner?” 
Ears turning red, Arcade glances down at their hands, then back up at Tan. “Uh, yeah. Sure.” 
“Perfect.” He lifts Arcade’s hand to his lips and presses a kiss to his knuckles. “See you, gorgeous.” 
He waves to the guards sitting just inside the door and turns to leave, satisfied with his display. Perhaps if he had known just how soon he would be back at the Fort, he would have put on a slightly less gallant goodbye. 
The walk over to the King’s was uneventful, as was his conversation with the man himself. Rex’s condition is indeed deteriorating, and the King requested a second opinion from the nearest medical specialist in the area: Julie Farkas. Tan steels himself as he walks back through the doors of the Fort not thirty minutes later, trying his best to not give his anxiety too long of a leash. Worries circle him like vultures, thoughts worming their way in past his carefully constructed nonchalance. What if Arcade thought he was being too clingy? What if Julie wasn’t able to help Rex in any way? 
They’re unproductive concerns with convenient solutions, but they gnaw at him all the same. If Arcade thought he was incapable of leaving him alone, well, he’d just explain why he was back. If Julie wasn’t able to help with Rex’s predicament, then he would pester other doctors across the wasteland until he found some lead to follow. Still, as he checks each tent looking for Julie’s signature mohawk, he wipes his sweaty palms against his pants. It’s too early to drink, so he pulls out a cigarette and lights it, just to stop himself from chewing on his lower lip. Something pulls at him, something deeper, that tells him his anxiety is not without cause—that perhaps, in some foreign life, this is something he had to deal with often. 
“Hi again, stranger.” 
Arcade sounds more amused than anything. It’s enough to make Constantine huff out a breath of relief, though not quite enough to make him put out the cigarette. 
“Hey,” he says, turning around. “I swear I’m not stalking you.” 
“To be honest, I don’t think I’d mind too much if you were.”  Arcade walks past him into a nearby tent, holding a pile of blankets. Tan doesn’t miss the smirk on his face. “What brings you back my way?” 
Tan’s heart stops pounding quite so much upon seeing Arcade’s nonchalance. He takes a drag of his cigarette and turns to blow the smoke away. “Well, Rex ain’t doing so hot by the King’s standards, either. He said to go talk to Julie about it, thought I might have better luck asking her since the last time he was here she refused to help him.” 
“Bullshit,” Julie butts in, walking out of the tent Arcade just entered. “I didn’t refuse care, Rex just needs a specialist. Hi, Constantine.”
Tan laughs. “Hey, Jules. Need any help?” 
“No, I think I’ve managed to burden Arcade with all the menial tasks I can think of, at the moment. Thanks, though.” 
“Gee, thanks,” Arcade says, tying the tent flaps open. “Glad to know I’m so irreplaceable.” 
Julie rolls her eyes. “Anyway,” she continues, “the King came by a few months ago, and we had to tell him there was nothing we could do. Rex’s condition is way beyond anything we can handle. He requires brain surgery, and some sophisticated cybernetics work, too.”
Tan looks over at where Rex is rolling around in some dust. “So there’s no chance he’ll ever get better? You can’t heal him?”
“I didn't say that. While no one here has that kind of expertise, I do know of one man who might fit the bill.” She crosses her arms. “There's an old scientist named Dr. Henry who reportedly specializes in this sort of procedure. He'd probably be your best bet. Last I heard, he was living up in Jacobstown, far to the northwest.”
Were it anyone else, Tan might have missed the subtle signs of discomfort. But it’s not just anyone else, it's Arcade, and even while Julie is talking he’s still glancing over at the man in the same way he’s been doing the past week, like some love struck teenager who can’t get enough of a crush. So when he sees Arcade stiffen up enough to stand up just a little bit straighter at the mention of Jacobstown, he frowns. 
Arcade hadn’t been with him the last time Tan had traversed out there, but Doc Henry had been fairly reasonable to interact with. He hadn’t pressed the issue of ending the tests of the Stealth Boy Mark II on Lily despite his previous research, and for that much, Tan was grateful. Surely he’d be willing to help Rex, if not out of compassion, then at the very least out of that same scientific curiosity. Why Arcade would tense up at the mention of Jacobstown and the doctor, he can’t be sure, but he files that away to deal with later.
“Sounds like that’s where I’ll head out soon, then. Thanks, Julie. Come by the 38 if you ever need anything, alright?”
Julie smiles. “Sure, Constantine. Thanks for stopping by. Bye, Rex,” she calls over to the dog, who barks at her in response. With that, she walks back into the tent and picks up a clipboard, leaving Arcade and Tan relatively alone in the entryway. 
“Guess I’ll head back out,” Tan says, taking one last drag of his cigarette. He drops the butt to the ground and stomps it out with his heel, watching Arcade all the while. He’s still in some kind of half-trance, arms crossed and head down, lost to thoughts Tan has no hope of knowing. He waits another few seconds more, in case Arcade comes back to him. 
He doesn’t. 
“Alright,” Tan relents. “See you. Come on, Rex.” He considers seeing if Arcade would respond to a kiss, just on the cheek, but the Fort is starting to bustle with sick settlers and worried doctors, and the last thing he wants to do is provide Arcade’s colleagues with easy gossip for the remainder of the day. He’s not sure why this is something he’s concerned about, but something pricks at him, reminds him that people talk and that his displays of affection aren’t always going to be well received when he’s supposed to be some kind of public image. Something bubbles  up under the surface, some dark hint of memory. Don’t want to be the talk of the barracks, he hears in a foreign voice. Don’t give them something to talk about. Don’t embarrass me. 
He puts a hand on Arcade’s shoulder by way of goodbye, instead. That’s enough to bring the doctor out of his reverie, though not by much. 
“Huh? Oh, yeah. See you, Tan,” Arcade murmurs, and goes to join Julie in the tent. 
Tan blinks. Something in him stings, as though he’d been slapped. He stands there, hand still hanging in the air where Arcade used to be.  Don’t be stupid, the voice tells him. You’re going to make a scene. 
“Right,” he sighs. He draws his hand back and shoves it in his pocket. “Let’s go, Rex.” As he makes his way through the Fort, Tan wonders how, surrounded by doctors and junkies and guards, he can feel so astronomically alone. 
It isn’t until Tan is back at the crossroad leading back towards the Silver Rush that the magnitude of whatever-it-is he’s feeling hits him, all electric and blood-boiling and impossible to control. He stops in the middle of the street, threads his fingers in his hair, turns in a tight circle and drops to the ground in a crouch. 
“He’ll tell me eventually, right, Rex?” 
He hates how desperate he sounds. Rex tilts his head with a quizzical whine, the liquid in his brain case sloshing side to side as he does. 
“You’re right,” Tan groans, sliding his hands out of his hair and over his face. “You’re right. I’m being stupid. I just wish I knew what to do with this, y’know? I feel like I’m being eaten alive.” 
It’s easy enough to put a word to the buzzing that seems to have taken up permanent residence in his chest. Anxiety. It’s harmless enough in that form, existing as a word, as four syllables that don’t even require you to open your mouth the whole way to say aloud. It’s the other ways it exists that kill him—the buzzing, chittering everything that spills out of his heart and into his ribs, keeping his pulse pounding, his leg jittering, his cuticles ever-bloody from picking. Terror is something that should be reserved for moments of real, tangible danger, not idle strolls and mildly embarrassing situations. 
So why does he still feel like he’s caught in a sniper scope, like there’s a red dot trained on him that he can’t see no matter how hard he squints? 
The prickling discomfort of being watched starts to feel like a sunburn along the side of his face. He sighs through his nose, counting down from five, before hauling himself back up to his feet. For no particular reason (besides that constant burning something) he looks down the road, over to where the Silver Rush stands tall and imposing. Simon’s definitely looking his way, with what seems like measured disdain. 
He still needs to deal with that, too. 
Working with the Van Graffs felt almost natural, almost familiar when he first arrived in Freeside. Something there reminded him of…something. Something warm and dusty and shining, something dark and deep. The energy weapons made him uneasy, almost as uneasy as Arcade was every time they stopped by and he let out some pitiful lie about not recognizing the make and model of most of the guns laid along the table. All the same, he couldn’t help but chase the familiarity, right up to the point where they asked him to kill Cass. 
He hasn’t reported back since. It’s been long enough that they’re sure to be suspicious, if not downright pissed. Nowadays it seems like every corner he turns in Vegas, there’s another person he’s avoiding. Even without his memories, he knows that he’s probably never liked confrontation. 
Rex spins around him, impatient, and Tan finally tears his eyes away. That was something to deal with another day. Today, though…
He looks at Rex. 
“Maybe if I do something about one of the people that wants me dead, I’ll feel better,” he says slowly, considering. “Whaddya say, boy?”
Rex wags his tail, following in step as Tan starts walking again, this time with more purpose.
When he stops again, staring at the blinking red wave of neon above the entrance to the Tops, it occurs to him that maybe it’s only taken him this long due to all the attention on him. 
He can turn around right now, waltz back home, go back to sleep. He could go read, or prep ingredients for lunch. Or he could practice his lockpicking, clean his guns. Maybe patch the holes in his favorite jeans. He could go grab Boone from where he’s been observing the Fiends and go take their mutual aggression out on some bounties for the NCR. Virtually anything would be smarter. Anything would be slower, smoother, quieter. Thought through. Predictable.
Everyone knows he does these things, everyone has seen him do them time and time again. He’s  dependable in that regard, in his expected goodness and blandness. It takes him so long to get anything done, he’s amazed he’s made an impact on this damn wasteland at all. Sometimes he wonders if he crawled out of his grave as a ghoul, just his skin hasn’t fallen off yet, so he can’t see the rot that eats at him and chokes his brain, making him shamble his way through decision after decision. It’s exhausting, all this thinking that he does, all of this consideration for the way every domino might fall. He’s so damn tired of all that waiting and thinking and running. So, so much running.
His friends would have gladly accompanied him if he’d bothered to ask. Hell, they would have come with him even if he hadn’t. They’ve certainly asked him about it plenty of times over the last few months. Veronica with her sweet curiosity about whether he’d made up his mind about what to do, Boone with his blunt reminders that neither Caesar nor the NCR got anywhere by being indecisive. It makes sense that they’d wonder, given that every venture out with him was a chance at something they might not be able to come back from. With non-committal mumbles and half-hearted shrugs, he had avoided the subject entirely, brushing it off until they’d all basically just expected him to drag his heels about it until war was breathing down his neck.
Something cold uncoils in his chest, something sharp and thirsty. It filters through him like winter sunlight on his skin, bringing forth goosebumps. Like a man drowning, he is helpless to resist when malice, ruthless and potent and pure, begs for him to let it fill his lungs. 
He takes a deep, deep breath. 
“I can do this,” he says to the near-empty streets of New Vegas, ignoring Rex’s quizzical whine, and strides towards the the Tops’ multicolored doors.
The boot knife he smuggles past security is his anchor, his last and brittle tether to reality. It grounds him in a way he didn’t know he needed, offering reminders of truths he can’t believe fear is enough to make him forget. He was dead. This man, Benny, killed him. He was in the ground, and he got out. A shallow grave waits for him at the end of this journey, identical to the one that started it. As above, so below. So it begins, so, too, it shall end: with him, alone, with nothing but dirt for company.
The last time he was alone—completely, utterly alone—was when he came to in the darkness outside Goodsprings, bleeding and confused. Since then, there was always someone. Veronica, first. Then Boone, then Cass, until eventually, a human wall of warmth and care and loyalty shielded him from the horrors of the wasteland. Complacency had wormed its way into his life and brought him here, striding towards his killer with a sick dog at his heels. 
He stops just long enough to tell Rex to go wait for him by the door. 
Not today, he reminds himself. I may be alone, but it won’t end today. 
Repeated as a mantra, the words smother the taste of acid and anxiety rising in his throat. Each step of his right foot feels leaden upon the gaudy carpets. Each step brings him closer to that black-and-white checkered suit standing there, oblivious to his approach. 
“Hey, Benny,” he says, careful to temper the venom that threatens to spill into his voice. 
The surprised “What in the goddamn?” fills Constantine’s chest with a flaring, burning pride, identical to the flush of glee he feels upon landing a perfect sniper shot, where the victim slumps over without so much as hearing the whizz of the bullet. 
Benny is babbling now, nonsensical slang mixed with clear confusion, and Tan can’t suppress his grin when it’s finally his turn to speak. 
“Seems you need to work on your marksmanship,” Tan says. Nightstalkers always kind of look like they’re smiling, with their upturned snake mouths, even when they’re about to strike; he can’t help feeling like one now, all easy smiles and calm words. Benny, on the other hand, looks like he’s staring down a deathclaw. It feels good, feels powerful, to not be the one playing catch-up for once. 
“I hit what I was aiming for. Guess you had brains to spare. Or are you just thick-skulled? Either way, baby, this is good news. Maybe I can finally sleep at night, knowing you didn’t die. What say you and I cash out,  go somewheres more private-like? Any questions you got, I'll answer.” 
Tan snorts. The derision in Benny’s voice is hardly disguised, though he’s not sure how good of a liar the guy would be even if he were trying. He doesn’t doubt he’d be able to hold his own even if he was stupid enough to go somewhere alone with him. “Glad I can assuage your conscience, asshole. Give me one good reason not to kill you.”
Whatever artificial pleasantness existed a moment before is quickly replaced with terse, tense annoyance. “You want a reason, how about four?” Benny says, tone clipped and low. “They’re called bodyguards, and every one of them is packing. Me, too—so baby makes five. Add to that every Chairman in this joint is armed, and not with some hold-out peashooter like maybe you smuggled through security.” 
Tan longs for the weight of his boot knife in his hand. It is no pea-shooter, but instead, a fang, an extension of himself, the deliverance of all his months of rage and heartbreak. For every memory lost, a long-awaited plunge of metal into flesh. He takes a very, very slow breath. 
“Try me,” he suggests, with gentle, smiling spite, “and I’ll gut you like a fish.” 
Satisfying can hardly describe the feeling of watching Benny laugh nervously and glance around the casino, reevaluating his security, looking as though his blood has been drained and replaced with curdled milk. 
“Baby, baby! You didn’t come here for vengeance, anyway, right? You came here to get clued in!” Benny feigns composure by patting his pockets for his cigarettes and lighter; Tan doesn’t miss the way his hands shake. “Like I said, we should be talking somewhere private.” 
Rolling his eyes, Tan plays along. “Yeah? Whaddya have in mind?” 
“To start, I'll comp you the Presidential - best suite in the house. You deserve a taste of the VIP lifestyle. I'll hang out down here for a while to make everything look business-as-usual, then come to you. Any questions you got, I'll answer — guaranteed.”
It’s hard to keep from guffawing. He has to hand it to the suit, he has a lot of confidence to think that he’s in any position to set the conditions of their meeting. Constantine taps his foot, feigning impatience. “Two conditions—lose the bodyguards, and we both go to the suite now.” Let Benny think he’s adjusting to fit his needs. 
Benny stares at him, hard. If he focuses, Tan can practically hear the gears turning. The casino fills their uneasy silence with sounds of its own, the clinking of chips being counted, the shuffling of cards, the rattle of dice in cups. Mostly it’s dealers and Chairmen preparing for the evening, though a few sleepy patrons seem to have stayed up through the night at their various tables or slot machines. Genuine amiability flows through the morning atmosphere of the building, though Tan thinks—hell, he knows—that if Benny doesn’t budge, things could turn into a bloodbath spectacularly quickly. 
When he finally answers, it is with a resigned sigh. “If that's what it takes to win your trust, that's what it takes. Follow me.” He whispers something to his nearest guard, and then heads off around the edge of the casino floor, towards a hallway of elevators. 
As they wait for the elevator to descend, Tan takes in the grandeur of the casino around him. It doesn’t have the same opulence as the Lucky 38, probably due to actually having visitors over the years. There’s a well-worn charm to things: scuff marks on the tiled floors; fading, stained carpets and rugs; paintings bleached pastel by the sun. 
“How’s it compare?” Benny asks, sounding surprisingly genuine. 
“It’s more lived-in,” Tan shrugs, seeing no point to lying in this particular instance, “but it’s nice. Has more of a human element. It’s brighter, of course. Less dusty. Seems like you run a good show.” 
The elevator dings its arrival, and though Benny strides inside without delay, Tan doesn’t miss the smile he’s wearing. 
Perfect. Let him hold onto that thread of connection. He’ll hang himself with it soon enough. 
The presidential suite is comfortable and bright, with tall ceilings and plenty of space. Tan almost prefers it to the suite in the 38. Benny wastes no time before sliding behind the bar, arranging a variety of bottles around him and measuring equal amounts between into a cocktail shaker. Tan raises an eyebrow but says nothing and sits down on a stool opposite the man. 
“Relax, baby. If I was gonna kill you, it wouldn’t be by poisoning your drink.” 
Tan huffs a laugh. “Proved that one already.”
“See? I’m as honest as they come. It can’t hurt you to live a little, kid.”  
“Hm.” Loathe as he is to admit it, there’s something real charming about Benny’s approach to hedonism. Even in this simple pretense—sitting down to a chat with your would-be killer—he would rather be in the moment with some aspect of comfort, be it as small as a well-made refreshment. In another life, maybe they might have been allies, or even friends. 
As it stands now…his boot knife itches against his ankle. Waiting. Eager. 
Benny slides a cocktail glass towards him. The drink within is a light, frothy green, with a piece of what looks like mutfruit suspended over the concoction by a skewer. He retrieves his own glass and walks around to sit beside Tan.  “Now that you and me's got some privacy, I gotta ask—how is it that you're still living?”
“Call it luck and leave it at that,” he answers noncommittally, more interested in inspecting his drink. “Why’s it green? It irradiated?”
“What isn’t, these days? Nah, baby. It’s got some liqueur made out of plants, something our bartenders whipped up. You’re looking at a bonafide New Vegas Special. Anyway,” he takes a drink, “Luck is for losers, baby. Someone pulled the strings.” 
Tan sniffs at the green liquid and finds it doesn’t assault his senses. After a tentative sip, he has to hand it to Benny. It’s good. Tangy, a little sweet, a little herbal…all in all, pleasant. He chews on the skewer, considering.
Some old, dim memory claws its way through the wreckage of scar tissue that is his amygdala. Luck is what fools call laziness and despair. Luck makes good folk give themselves up to the turn of a card or the promise of fortune, and lose, and lose, and lose. 
Don’t turn to luck, boy, that voice—his father’s?—demands of him. It’ll chew you up and spit you out, wear you down faster than honest effort ever could. 
“Once you were vertical, how'd you track me down?” 
The question is enough to bring him back to the moment. He fishes in his duster pocket for the evidence, and deposits the handful of cigarette butts and the engraved metal lighter onto the bartop. Tan’s glad to feel the weight of them gone from his pocket; though small, the garbage served as a constant reminder of the shallow grave in Goodsprings, and of his last solid memories from before having been accompanied by the echoing click of the metal lighter. Still, though, he tamps down his rearing pride once more at the look of horror upon Benny’s face at seeing the items before him. 
“Look at me, a big-leaguer or so I claim, making all the mistakes of an original loser…” Though he sounds disappointed, Benny picks up the lighter with fondness, flicking it open and closed a couple of times before tucking it away. Tan tries not to flinch at the sound.
“Well,” Benny continues with a sigh, “I guess that’s enough scratching around at first base. Tell me, which way’s the wind gonna blow?” 
Tan looks up from his drink, where he’d been tracing shapes into the condensation gathered on the glass. He smiles, slow and earnest. “I’m wondering why I shouldn’t just kill you.”
Before House had come by, every one of these fancy casino families had been a separate tribe, capable of doing anything in their power to stay alive despite the harshness of the Mojave Wasteland around them. Benny had been part of that, before pressed suits and fancy cocktails had wrapped him in comfort and tempted him with the concept of more. Tan can see that now, in the way Benny matches his stare without any visible signs of distress. He thinks back to the plush carpet back at the 38 and wonders if he might be lost to it already, if the promise of a roof and water and warmth is enough to take the fight out of him and replace it with placid complacency—or if the very same animalistic rapacity shines through his eyes as well, daring Benny to make the first move, to try to pry the safety and peace of his present away from him, like he has already done with his past.
After an unblinking moment, Benny takes a drink and  looks out at the torn painting hanging across from the bar. “You’ve got a crazy drop on me here, baby, that’s for sure. If killing’s what you came for, this would be the time. But, baby..” he looks back over at Tan, a sly edge to his smile, “you’d be disappointing me. All the trouble you went through to arrange this shindig? Must be something more you’re after.” 
Tan clenches his jaw. That same voice in his head from before advises him to remember something about cats and curiosity. But after all this time, and all these miles…
“You’re right. You’re gonna tell me everything I want to know.” 
Benny hums into his drink, sounding a little too self-satisfied for Constantine’s liking. “You got it, baby. You got questions, I got answers.” 
What follows is a lesson in swallowing one’s pride, as Tan learns more about Vegas and the whole state of things than he’d ever expected to glean from someone like Benny. The guy’s articulate and focused, decisive in his scorn towards the obstacles standing between him and his schemes. Where at first he pitied the man for losing House’s favor and being tossed to the side, now Tan sees that any rough patch Benny’s come up against has been nothing more than a whetstone, sharpening and strengthening his near-obsessive resolve. His claims about the families and factions of the Strip are as spurious as anyone else’s, steeped in opinion and personal vendetta—but there is an honesty to Benny’s answers that Tan hadn’t been counting on. Even House had reserved his intentions and decisions to himself, treating Constantine as a new, slightly-shinier cog in his machine after determining Benny’s erasure from the broader picture, and refusing to shed any further light upon what he intended to use Tan for. 
Benny, on the other hand, is forthright, to an almost insulting degree. By his ruling, Tan is to be no more than an errand boy, a retainer-on-demand while Benny plans to elevate the Chairmen to ruling all of Vegas, with an army of Securitrons to back him up. Sure, he says he’s planning on paying him, but he was supposed to get paid for this courier gig, too—and look how that turned out. 
Most likely, Tan reasons, Benny’s forthcoming attitude only stems from a rational overview of the situation. Tan—undying, resurrected, energized by vengeance and despair—makes the most sense as an asset rather than an enemy, a sentiment he has come across a few times in his travels so far, even among more powerful entities like the NCR. He sees it as he asks another question, prodding further into the history of the Three Families and their intentions: a spark of something darker behind Benny’s eyes, more heated than simple curiosity or contempt. Intrigue, maybe, or fascination, drawn to so sharp a point it feels like a laser targeted at him, and makes his cheeks burn under the scrutiny. 
Somewhere along their conversation, Benny makes a second round of drinks. He’s overly generous with the gin this time, and Tan can’t quite put his finger on why. He can’t be trying to ply him for information, since there’s very little Tan knows that he’s not already aware of. It could be that he’s softening him up, forcing him to put his guard down in a show of false geniality, or just that he’s feeling something along the lines of remorse—though the latter is doubtful, since he says as much to Tan when he grumbles about the ruthlessness of quite literally shooting the messenger. 
“What I did to you was rotten, but if you think House, the NCR or Caesar won't kill to put Vegas in their pocket, I really did blow out your brains,” Benny scoffs. 
“The ruthlessness of others is no excuse,” Tan says quietly, more into his glass than directed at Benny. 
“Was a time I would've agreed with you. But this... it's too big, it affects too many people. I can't get hung up on those details,” says Benny. “C’mon, baby. What’s a little murder when a winning hand is on the line? This is the Mojave, I doubt your hands are clean and blameless.”
Tan drums his fingers on the table. Again, the guy’s not wrong. Tan’s watched the light go out of countless eyes, at this point—raiders, Fiends, legionnaires, Powder Gangers…everywhere he’s been in this wretched land, the sand is surely stained with blood he’s shed. Whatever his justifications, however legitimate the reasoning, life is life is life. Were he in Benny’s shoes, could he say that he wouldn’t have done the same thing to some poor sap kneeled in front of him? 
Something craven crawls into his heart, not unlike contempt. He cannot deny the answer: were the stakes high enough, were it someone he cared about on the line, were it any of dozens of explanations he’s come up with to warrant the very real swath of death he has carved across the Mojave, he would shoot the brains out of whatever poor sod was kneeling in front of him, too. 
He rolls the stem of the cocktail glass between his hands, scraping the glass lightly over the bar top.
“Hand over the chip, Benny.”
“No can do, baby.” His tone is lighthearted, but Benny’s mood drops. He shifts how he’s sitting on the barstool so that his jacket lifts up just a little, displaying the pistol at his hip. “The Chip belongs in the hands of someone who can use it. As in me, not you. You’ll get a piece of the action, and a sweet one at that. But…” he downs his drink and tilts his head to look over at the courier, “the Chip sticks with me.” Tan has to resist a shiver; some scared, half dead part of him knows that expression all too well. The last time he saw it, the night was cold and his hands were bound with scratchy rope.
“Look, mailman—don’t think I got your name—it’s nothing personal, really. Hell, I like your style. You’ve got the gift of gab, you’ve clearly wormed your way into the minds and hearts of whoever you’ve stumbled across on your way to find me. Think we could have something real good, here, if you put your mind to it. Just gotta let someone more wise in these things wear the crown.” 
Tan narrows his eyes. “You’ve got a lot riding on the faith that people will just want to go along with whatever you set out for them.”
Benny levels him with a stare, then chuckles. “That’s rich, coming from you. If you put that charisma towards something, baby, maybe you’d have more than a bunch of misfits on your tail. Could help me rule Vegas. If that’s not what you’re after, could be the next Ccasar, if you were feeling particularly despotic.” 
Tan grips the stem of the glass hard enough that his knuckles go white. Benny obviously notices, because he hurries along with his point like he knows he’s walking on some dangerously thin ice. 
“I’m not saying you’re the same! Just saying—you’re more similar to these bigwigs in power than you might think. Hell, maybe if you knew more about what you were dealing with you’d be sitting in my place. But you don’t. I’m the one who’s stacked the deck, who’s holding the cards. I know how these chips gotta fall.” A fierce pride edges into his voice, tinged with something else. Passion? Frustration? 
Benny has more pomp, more general know-how of this world, this much is true. He has the measured violence and all the right words, so much that he’s become enough of a threat to House that Constantine got called in to fix the problem. There’s merit to the Chairman’s plan, and yet…
Something feels off. A piece is missing, somewhere, either in Benny’s approach or in his entire being, and the guy knows it. He’s doing the best he can, which, admittedly, is better than most, but even his veneer of bravado isn’t impossible to see through, given enough time and studying. It’s in the way he starts drumming his fingers when Tan goes quiet for a while, the way he eyes the door like he’s hoping someone might come by, the way he pats down his hair to make sure every strand is still gelled into perfect place: he’s  stuck.  
Even more importantly, he’s scared. 
Tan considers his words carefully, speaking slow and watching Benny out of the corner of his eye. “You’re saying you have the winning hand, here?”
“I’m sayin’ that even if you can’t see the hands, baby, you can see who’s holdin’ ‘em. Me? Or House? Or would you rather shack up long term with the likes of the NCR or Caesar. Might be cozy for you, but living under someone’s boot ain’t exactly my style, dig? Anyway, baby, the odds may look long, but that's just ‘cause we ain't done rigging them. I won't toss the dice until we are. I've gleaned a lot, working with Mr. House. He was a good cat to swing with. I still got more to learn, but it's... it's coming together.”
God, he talks a lot. What began as concrete information morphed into floundering real quick, and if Tan were one to be easily convinced, he would have fallen for it, too. He scrapes the countertop with his knuckles, making a list in his head of everything he knows to be true. 
Benny’s scared. Benny’s got some ace up his sleeve to help him do what he wants, but he’s missing something to make that last piece click. He’s desperate enough to consider asking Tan to help him out—or he’s bluffing enough to try to tie up a loose end he wasn’t expecting. House wants him dead, so he’s on his very last stretch of rope before it tightens around his neck. Benny’s led himself out to a cliff’s edge, and though he doesn’t look like he’s in particularly dire straits, what with his slicked-back hair and casual slouch, he knows Constantine’s the one that’s either gonna shove him off or help him regain some ground.
“You make some good points,” he says, after the room has gotten so quiet that Benny’s shifting in his chair from discomfort. “But I can’t take a deal ‘til I think it over, especially considering that I sure as hell don’t trust you as far as I can throw you.” 
“Hey, I get it. You figure me for a creep, it’s your prerogative. But you done me a solid already, just by not shooting me. Tell you what, as a token of appreciation…” He fishes in his pocket for something, then slides it across the bar top to Tan. “This here's the key to the Presidential—best suite in the house. Stay as long as you like, free of charge. Give yourself a little change of scenery from being under House’s thumb. If you change your mind, come find me down on the casino floor and we'll work out the next step of this caper.”
He stands up, walks a ways towards the door, stops. He looks back at Constantine, expression unreadable—or rather, complicated in a way Tan doesn’t expect. Brow furrowed in thought, as though considering, but accompanied by a slight frown to his mouth. Like he’s come to some sort of conclusion but isn’t happy with the outcome. Tan nods by way of goodbye, Benny says “Adios,” and walks out of the suite doors, and that’s that. 
In the silence, Tan attempts to parse some of the feelings rising up in him: concern  at not knowing the extent of Benny’s plans, and frustration at his lack of involvement; disgust at the cold-bloodedness of each side involved in this damn situation; exhaustion at having learned so much more about the politicking keeping New Vegas afloat. But above all, avarice, so intertwined with hunger and want that it floods through his veins, creating in him an itching desire to do, to act, to be more than a pawn cast aside in the grand scheme of things. 
Power, and the promise of it, settles like a warm meal in his gut. He hadn’t been a man starved—far from it, truthfully—but it is like having lived so long content with eating radroach meat and blowfly guts, just to learn that a well-cooked brahmin steak is within your reach, spiced with sage and salt and honey. 
Without aiming to, Constantine has put himself in a place where he is noticed, perhaps even coveted, by those powers that surround him. House certainly needs him, to function as his eyes and hands and guns, an arbiter of all the things that a Securitron cannot do. The NCR and Legion know of him, enough to be cautious when coming upon him out on the road. And Benny—Benny might not like it, but Constantine is his biggest threat, while also being his most invaluable potential ally. It’s not that Tan disagrees with Benny’s plans—far from it—but he knows better than to trust the man, and…surely Benny thinks the same. 
Benny would be a fool to leave him unsupervised. In fact, he’d be incomprehensibly stupid to leave him alive. The man might be a poser, a liar, and a cheat, but he isn’t stupid—he’s come up with this whole damn plan to dethrone House and seize the city out from under him,  and the only mistake he’s made so far is letting his aim drift a centimeter to the left. 
Tan pushes back from the bar and sprints over to the double doors of the suite, hiding behind where they swing open. He retrieves his boot knife (with its solid weight, its hungry, serrated teeth) and readies himself to deal with the footsteps he can hear making their way down the hall.
He takes a slow, patient breath, and hears them pause outside the door, whispering strategy and deliberation.
There will be no joining Benny in his coup, no. 
When his blade plunges into the first man’s throat, he thinks, Brutus knew better than to ask Caesar for permission. 
No, there will be no more bending to another’s rigged rules. He will simply have to make his own, and change the game to fit them. 
He has just finished rinsing any remaining blood from his hands and face and is watching the last of the crimson-dyed water swirl down the drain of the kitchen sink when he vaguely registers Arcade call out to him. It’s late, almost nine at night, and Tan hadn’t realized Arcade was running late for dinner until he had already lost track of time washing the blood off his clothes—and doing what other laundry needed to be done while he was at it. Yes-Man had been as straightforward as they come, and all that unreserved and candid information had begun to assemble itself into the outlines of a plan. In the empty hush of the Lucky 38, uncaring of the predatory lights and sounds of the Vegas streets just past the walls, Tan found he could lose himself in the intoxicating freedom of potential. Hypotheticals and speculations flit through his thoughts like mosquitoes, and entertaining each one leads to more of an itch. 
By the time Arcade comes home, his thoughts are an incessant onslaught of buzzes and prickles, alleviated only by the assemblage of what has become an elaborate tapestry of every loose thread of connection, every relevant observation, all brought inwards and interwoven—an embroidery of intention and possibility in the shape of a remarkably thorough battle plan.
“Tan? Oh, you are home, good. Listen, I’m sorry about missing dinner, I just completely lost track of time. The Fort was calm until it wasn’t, and then we had a handful of overdoses that needed someone monitoring them at all times, and an entire batch of Fixer had gone missing, so it was just…” He hears him stop in the doorway of the kitchen and heave out a sigh. “It was a lot. Sorry. Have you already eaten?” 
Given how fast Arcade’s talking, he must be anxious. It takes no uncertain amount of effort for Constantine to push his ruminations aside, though he makes a mental note to ask Boone if he’s ever been to Cottonwood Cove before, and if not, if he’d be willing to scout it to compare to what he’d been told by Vulpes Inculta. 
He turns around to face Arcade and finds him the picture of contrition—wringing his hands, brows knit together in worry, and yet, ears and cheeks tinged pink. Embarrassment? 
Wait, that’s right. Tan changed when he got home; he’s clad in nothing but his briefs and an undershirt. He can’t help but laugh. 
“Hey, hey,” he says, trying to sound soothing. “It’s all good. No harm, no foul. I was busy getting caught up in every ounce of drama the Omertas had to offer, anyway. Only just got back myself. Was about to start on dinner, if you’d wanna clean up and join me?” 
Arcade nods and visibly relaxes. He shrugs off his labcoat and steps out of the room, calling back to him, “What’d you get up to today?” 
“Oh, nothing much,” Tan replies. “Just made myself a nuisance to the Omertas, digging around every corner of Gommorah that I could.”
There is the sound of running water, and when Arcade comes back to the kitchen, his hair is slightly damp and he’s cleaning his glasses. “Gross,” he says. “I’m assuming you found plenty of unsavory things?” 
“Mmhmm.” Their dance around the kitchen no longer requires rehearsal. For all his gripes about the casino, Arcade seems to be a creature of comfort, and having a large kitchen with plenty of conveniences at his disposal does wonders for his temperament as compared to cramped tent-living with fireside cooking. He rolls up the sleeves of his gray cotton shirt and takes his place at the counter. He’s as fastidious with his mise en place when it comes to cooking as he is when it comes to medicine, so when Tan returns from the food fridge with an armful of ingredients, Arcade already has the cutting boards and knives in place, and pots and pans prepped upon the stove. 
“Mashed potatoes and some meat sauce thing sound good?” Tan asks, moving the veggies over to Arcade’s side of the counter as usual.
Later, much later, when Constantine is curled up in a dusty corner, wheezing out air that scrapes against his lungs and praying the sound isn’t loud enough to draw attention from the patrolling ghost people nearby, he’ll realize that right then would have been the perfect moment to tell him. There, in their pleasant and early affection, in the company of dim lights and gentle, joking conversation, he could have turned and outlined his plan. He could have said “I am going to do something that you might find irredeemable, because I am going to do it without asking you, without risking you. I am going to take away your chance to sway me otherwise. I am going to walk you into the very bowels of hell and demand you heel.” Maybe Arcade would have understood his reasoning, had he tried to explain it. Maybe they could have spoken about the right time and place for idealism and honor. Maybe Arcade could have helped him craft a better escape, having had time to consider and agree with the general premise behind Tan’s intentions. 
He doesn’t say anything like that, though. He doesn’t shed light on the suicidal mission he’s concocting, doesn’t mention his meeting with Benny or Yes-Man or Vulpes Inculta. He just stops stirring the stew and stares out at the wall a moment before asking, “It’s ‘brave,’ right?”
Arcade looks up from where he’s sitting at the table, having finished with his part until it is time to wash the dishes. “What?”
“Fortune favors the brave?”
“Oh. Well, yes. Though, depending on the translation, it could be ‘bold.’ Fortes Fortuna adiuvat versus audentes Fortuna adiuvat, though the meaning is essentially identical despite the differences in wording.” He pauses, bemused. “Why?”
In that moment, he thinks it might make a good tattoo, a nice reminder to live by. He never gets around to it, though. All that boldness and that bravery, those favored playthings of fortune, will end up etched upon him so deeply that they gouge into his bones. They will live upon him in the rope-thick scars around his wrists, and the endless scratching of his lungs.  Those words will haunt him and inspire him. A curse for when he hits the ground and thinks he will never get back up again; a prayer for when he inevitably does.
“No reason. Just like the saying, is all.” 
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div1nity · 2 years
@freeddead 𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡   :   ❝ what does cora's bedroom typically look like. ❞    ——— (   RANDOM HEADCANONS  ‣‣  ALWAYS ACCEPTING )
CANON 01 :
a mattress on the floor ( twin, 39x75 ) the covers are typically dark - black on black - a duvet is folded at the bottom of the bed for her to reach over and pull it over, but mostly she uses her chequered blanket, thin and super light.
walls are painted dark grey, carpet is a light. though there is a positive in all this, leaned against the walls and the extra space, there's canvases, blank, half painted and fully completed works. there's her own drawings hung up on the walls in a clustered pile, these papers will soon become the ground works for her future graphic novel series - blueprints. there's a white desk in the far corner, the surface stained with multi colours of paints, sketches scratched into the wood with a knife ( rough, but she really loves those ) - it looks more like an art room than an actual bedroom.
she has two piles that move around a lot ; a comic book, book and a record pile, they're a little frayed in places, but she loves them. they're one of the few ways where she spends her money on items deemed luxury ( including art supplies in this.) her comics are mostly filled with horror concepts, though does have subjects in fantasy - as for regular books - while there is fiction, it's mostly non fiction : history based around greece, egypt, china - all that good fun, its a growing pile depending on what she feels like learning about. there is a possibility where if you walk in there, you're going to kick a book across the room.
there's a blue case under her desk that she sometimes uses it to up her feet up, inside is records ; not a lot, just focusing on her most favourite artists ; NWA, D12, fugees, 2pac, biggie, cypress hill, guns and roses are the ones that i feel like she really focuses on. where's her record player ? how about you mind your own business ( she doesn't own one:( )
at this point, she's still getting over the trauma of living on the streets - her apartment really represents that. she finds her place really overwhelming and even subconsciously is waiting for the whole place to get ripped from her, getting comfortable isn't something she's good at - but she really, really tries because she wants to have somewhat of a normal life moving forward, which is why she makes it safe in the way she knows best ; littering the space with art.
finally my rich girl has realized her worth and realized she doesn't need to live in a hobble… she has treated herself to an alaskan king bed, cushioned white frame, even has those curtains that hang at the top with a rich royal blue - has a mix of colours available for them - bed is covered in decorative pillows, vintage looking ones to modern ones that are different shades of blue, grey and purples - her duvet covers can be very traditional at times, sheets that are very reminisce of a rich girl in the 18/1900s - she really leaned into her vintage heart when it comes to her bed, it's very comfortable, fluffy, jump on it and its like falling on a cloud; don't lay in her bed you wont ever want to leave.
dark wooden flooring with a fluffy white rug that spans across the floor, a gas fire on the right side of the room, the room is large, open, and very bright - its a clear representation of her headspace and how much she's grown.
she has some white shelves, filled with photos of vacations, new friends made, as well as awards that she's gained during this time - antiques, too ; authentic greek and egyptian pottery that she bought, sculptures from her favourite artists through the years, gifts gained from work partners - look on the bottom and you see some out of place cthulhu statue with some horror stuff from in the middle of this, truly living her best life.
coraline also absolutely has replicas of greek paintings, and while she can't hang them all up in her bedroom ; she has one wall where she puts a new painting up every month ( or week, depending on her mood ) - you could walk in and see the painting the fall of phaeton, the next time you do you'll see the lament for icarus - it really is a lucky dip.
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homishguide · 2 years
Best Twin Air Mattress With Built-in Pump
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When it comes to a good night's sleep, a comfortable and supportive air mattress can make all the difference. With so many options available in the market, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide to the best twin air mattresses with built-in pumps, so that you can make an informed decision.
Top 5 Best Twin Air Mattresses with Built-in Pumps:
SoundAsleep Dream Series Air Mattress
Intex Comfort Plush Elevated Dura-Beam Airbed
EnerPlex Never-Leak Twin Air Mattress with Built-in Pump
Lazery Sleep Air Mattress
King Koil Luxury Raised Air Mattress
Product Reviews:
SoundAsleep Dream Series Air Mattress: This air mattress is designed with ComfortCoil Technology that provides excellent support and comfort. The built-in pump ensures easy and quick inflation and deflation. The puncture-resistant material ensures durability and the non-slip bottom ensures the mattress stays in place. This mattress comes with a carry bag for easy storage and transport.
Intex Comfort Plush Elevated Dura-Beam Airbed: The Intex Comfort Plush Elevated Dura-Beam Airbed is a great option for those who want a comfortable and supportive air mattress. The built-in pump ensures easy inflation and deflation, and the mattress has a soft flocking layer for added comfort. The Dura-Beam construction ensures durability, and the mattress comes with a carry bag for easy storage and transport.
EnerPlex Never-Leak Twin Air Mattress with Built-in Pump: The EnerPlex Never-Leak Twin Air Mattress with Built-in Pump is a high-quality air mattress that is designed to provide comfort and support. The mattress is made with durable materials that are puncture-resistant and leak-free. The built-in pump ensures easy and quick inflation and deflation, and the mattress comes with a carrying bag for easy storage and transport.
Lazery Sleep Air Mattress: The Lazery Sleep Air Mattress is a comfortable and supportive air mattress that is designed with 7 different firmness settings. The built-in pump ensures easy inflation and deflation, and the mattress comes with a remote control for convenient adjustments. The mattress is made with puncture-resistant material and comes with a carrying bag for easy storage and transport.
King Koil Luxury Raised Air Mattress: The King Koil Luxury Raised Air Mattress is a premium air mattress that is designed with advanced coil technology that provides excellent support and comfort. The built-in pump ensures easy and quick inflation and deflation, and the mattress is made with durable and puncture-resistant materials. The mattress comes with a carrying bag for easy storage and transport.
Conclusion: In conclusion, choosing the best twin air mattress with a built-in pump can be challenging, but we hope that this guide has helped you make an informed decision. We recommend considering the SoundAsleep Dream Series Air Mattress, the Intex Comfort Plush Elevated Dura-Beam Airbed, the EnerPlex Never-Leak Twin Air Mattress with Built-in Pump, the Lazery Sleep Air Mattress, or the King Koil Luxury Raised Air Mattress. These air mattresses are comfortable, supportive, and durable, and will provide you with a great night's sleep.
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nolansmith2 · 3 days
Ultimate Comfort: Finding the Perfect Bed Sheets for a Restful Night's Sleep
A good night’s sleep is essential for overall health and well-being, and the right bed sheets play a crucial role in achieving that. With so many options available, finding the perfect bed sheets can be overwhelming. The right choice can make your bed more comfortable, enhance your sleep quality, and add a touch of style to your bedroom. This guide will help you understand what to look for in bed sheets to ensure you enjoy ultimate comfort and a restful night’s sleep.
1. Understanding Sheet Materials
The material of your bed sheets significantly impacts their feel, durability, and performance. Here are some popular options:
Cotton is one of the most popular choices for the best bed sheets due to its softness, breathability, and durability. Egyptian cotton, known for its long fibers, produces exceptionally soft and luxurious sheets. Pima cotton is another high-quality option, offering similar softness and durability. For a more affordable choice, percale cotton provides a crisp, cool feel and is great for those who prefer a lighter sheet.
Linen sheets are known for their breathability and moisture-wicking properties, making them ideal for warm climates or hot sleepers. Linen’s natural texture gives it a relaxed, casual look, and it becomes softer with each wash. However, linen can wrinkle easily, which might be a consideration for some.
Silk sheets offer a luxurious and smooth texture, perfect for those seeking ultimate comfort. They are hypoallergenic and gentle on the skin, making them a good choice for people with sensitive skin. However, silk sheets require special care and can be more expensive.
Microfiber sheets are made from synthetic fibers and are known for their softness and affordability. They are often wrinkle-resistant and easy to care for. However, they may not be as breathable as natural materials like cotton or linen.
2. Choosing the Right Thread Count
Thread count refers to the number of threads woven into one square inch of fabric. While a higher thread count often indicates a softer and more durable sheet, it’s not the only factor to consider. For cotton sheets, a thread count between 300 and 600 is usually optimal. Higher thread counts can be comfortable, but they may not always lead to better quality. It’s essential to balance thread count with material quality for the best results.
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3. Weave Types: Percale vs. Sateen
The weave of the fabric affects the feel and durability of your bed sheets. Two common weaves are:
Percale weave features a tight, plain weave that creates a crisp, cool feel. It’s highly breathable and ideal for those who prefer a more structured and fresh feel. Percale sheets often become softer with each wash.
Sateen weave has a softer, silkier feel with a slightly lustrous finish. It’s less breathable than percale but offers a smoother, more luxurious touch. Sateen sheets are often warmer, making them a good choice for cooler climates or seasons.
4. Size and Fit
Ensuring your bed sheets fit your mattress correctly is crucial for comfort. Sheets come in various sizes, including Twin, Full, Queen, King, and California King. It’s important to choose sheets that match your mattress size and depth. For deep mattresses, look for sheets with deep pockets or elasticized corners to ensure a snug fit.
5. Care and Maintenance
Proper care and maintenance of your bed sheets will extend their lifespan and maintain their comfort. Here are some tips:
Follow Care Instructions: Always follow the manufacturer’s care instructions to prevent damage. Most cotton and microfiber sheets are machine washable, while silk sheets may require hand washing or dry cleaning.
Avoid Overloading the Washer: Washing sheets in a crowded washer can lead to uneven cleaning and increased wear. Wash sheets separately or with similar fabrics.
Use Mild Detergent: Harsh detergents and bleach can damage the fabric. Use a mild detergent to preserve the quality of your sheets.
6. Allergies and Sensitivities
If you have allergies or sensitive skin, choosing hypoallergenic bed sheets can make a difference. Cotton and linen are naturally hypoallergenic, while synthetic materials like microfiber are designed to resist allergens. For the best results, select sheets that are free from dyes and chemicals, and ensure they are cleaned regularly.
7. Personal Style and Aesthetics
Bed sheets not only contribute to comfort but also enhance the overall look of your bedroom. Choose colors and patterns that complement your decor and personal style. Whether you prefer classic white, vibrant colors, or elegant patterns, there’s a wide range of options to suit any aesthetic.
Finding the perfect bed sheets is about balancing comfort, functionality, and style. By understanding the different materials, weaves, and care requirements, you can select sheets that enhance your sleep quality and bring a touch of luxury to your bedroom. Whether you opt for the softness of cotton, the breathability of linen, or the elegance of silk, the right choice will ensure you enjoy ultimate comfort and a restful night’s sleep. Investing in high-quality bed sheets is a simple yet effective way to elevate your sleeping experience and transform your bed into a haven of relaxation.
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arthcrafted · 4 days
Experience Unmatched Comfort with Soft Cooling Sheets and the Best Tencel Sheets
In the quest for a restful night’s sleep, the right bedding plays a crucial role. Among the many options available, soft cooling sheets and the best Tencel sheets stand out for their exceptional comfort and temperature-regulating properties. Whether you’re seeking to beat the heat or simply enjoy a plush sleep experience, these bedding choices offer a blend of luxury and practicality.
Why Choose Soft Cooling Sheets?
Soft cooling sheets are designed to enhance your sleeping environment by regulating temperature and improving comfort. These sheets are made from advanced materials that wick away moisture and allow for breathability, which helps keep you cool throughout the night. If you tend to overheat while you sleep or live in a warmer climate, soft cooling sheets can be a game-changer. They are particularly beneficial for those who experience night sweats or hot flashes, as they work to draw heat away from your body, providing a more comfortable and uninterrupted sleep.
The Benefits of the Best Tencel Sheets
When it comes to premium bedding, the best Tencel sheets offer a unique combination of softness and functionality. Tencel, a brand name for lyocell, is a fiber made from sustainably sourced eucalyptus trees. Known for its silky smooth texture, Tencel sheets provide a luxurious feel that rivals high-thread-count cotton but with added benefits. Tencel fibers are naturally moisture-wicking and breathable, making them an excellent choice for maintaining a cool and dry sleeping environment.
In addition to their cooling properties, Tencel sheets are hypoallergenic and resistant to bacterial growth. This makes them ideal for those with sensitive skin or allergies. The eco-friendly production process of Tencel also ensures that these sheets are a sustainable choice, contributing to a reduced environmental footprint without compromising on quality.
Choosing the Best Soft Cooling and Tencel Sheets
When selecting soft cooling sheets or the best Tencel sheets, consider the following factors to ensure you make the best choice for your needs:
Material Quality: Look for high-quality materials that offer both durability and softness. The best Tencel sheets will have a smooth, luxurious feel and a high level of breathability.
Thread Count and Weave: While thread count isn’t the only indicator of quality, a higher thread count can contribute to the softness and durability of your sheets. Additionally, the weave of the fabric can affect its cooling properties.
Size and Fit: Ensure that the sheets you choose fit your mattress properly. A good fit prevents bunching and ensures maximum comfort.
Care Instructions: Check the care instructions to ensure that the sheets are easy to maintain and retain their quality after multiple washes.
Investing in soft cooling sheets and the best Tencel sheets can significantly enhance your sleep quality. Both options offer superior comfort and temperature regulation, catering to a variety of sleep needs and preferences. By choosing bedding that combines softness with effective cooling properties, you can create a serene and comfortable sleep environment that promotes restful nights and refreshed mornings.
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queenoftharcamp · 6 days
Discover the sparkling gem located in the heart of Jaisalmer City's endless desert
Jaisalmer is well-known for the magnificent Thar Desert as well as its meticulously etched Havelis and arrogant forts. Undoubtedly, camping at one of Jaisalmer's many camps is one of the best ways to see this desert landscape's unadulterated splendor. These camps offer a distinct approach to experiencing the attraction of the desert, ranging from ultra-luxurious retreats outfitted with every imaginable comfort to others that give a more rustic, authentic experience. On this blog, we assist you choose the ideal location for your next expedition by giving you a tour of Jaisalmer's several camps.
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The Allure of Exotic Campsites
Luxury camps in Jaisalmer offer the best combination of exclusivity, comfort, and elegance for the affluent traveler. The goal of these opulent tents is to provide a five-star experience in the middle of the desert. The tent is quite roomy and has excellent furnishings and amenities that one might expect to find exclusively in a five-star hotel. Even so, it has a king-size bed, a hot shower in the en suite bathroom, air conditioning, and separate terraces where guests may relax and take in the desert scenery.
In luxury camps, the service is exceptional, with staff members available to attend to your every need. Gourmet food is highly regarded, with chefs cooking anything from traditional Rajasthani delicacies to well-known worldwide specialties. Romantic dinners beneath the stars, private camel safaris, and vehicle excursions are just a few of the highly customized experiences many luxury camps offer. As a guest here, you may experience the solitude of the desert with the utmost luxury.
Mid-Range Camps: A Blend of Comfort and Culture
A mid-range category camp in Jaisalmer is a great option for those looking for a mix of comfort and culture. Well-presented tents with basic amenities like comfy mattresses, adjoining bathrooms, and occasionally air conditioning provide a comfortable stay close to cultural attractions. Despite being less opulent than luxury camps, these camps nonetheless have a lot to offer in terms of comfort.
Evening folk entertainment, such as evening performances of Rajasthani music and dance, is arranged by each of these camps. In addition to guided tours of the villages, there are workshops for local crafts and private time available for village exploration. In mid-range camps, the communal dining experience frequently enables you to savor regional cuisine and exchange stories with other visitors, making your stay both enjoyable and educational.
These camps offer comfort along with a range of experiences that the desert has to offer, including jeep safaris, camel rides and desert tours.
Basic Camps: Desert Stay in Rustic Camps
The cheaper way to experience the desert is to stay in one of Jaisalmer's primitive camps. The focus of these budget camps in Jaisalmer is on minimalism and offering the standard activities such as jeep safaris and camel safaris. Rustic campgrounds are characterized by basic tents with little amenities. There are probably cots or beds present, and the experience is defined by common restrooms and simple dining.
Camp in the Desert
Some camps in Jaisalmer offer of a chance to live like a nomad in the desert by offering your group to camp out over night in the dunes. Venture out on your own camel in the afternoon and stop for chai to watch the sunset on a far distant dune. Simple foodies frequently prepared over an open flame that allows you to experience authentic Rajasthani cuisine. Stories are spoken over the campfire in the evenings while gazing up at the big, starry sky. Thick blankets are provided for warmth while sleeping under the stars or in your own little tent. These tours offer an unparalleled feeling of adventure and a closer connection to the desert.
Exclusive Adventures at the Jaisalmer Camps
Whichever camp you select, Jaisalmer offers a wide range of activities that let you discover and experience the desert safari in Jaisalmer, its people, and the distinctions in their homeland. Here are a few instances of these encounters:
Camel Safaris: ‘Ships of the Desert’, the slow, gentle camel is well adapted to the harsh, arid environment. Camels have played a crucial role in the lives of the Thar Desert dwellers and are an amazing way to experience the desert and its windswept landscapes. Almost all camps offer camel safaris. To see the dunes and breathtaking sunsets, one can take a trip to the top of the dunes or further into the desert, led by camel drivers who sons of the desert. Along the way, travelers can experience the stunning views, learn about the local flora and fauna, and immerse themselves in the culture of the desert-dwelling communities.
Jeep Safaris: Imagine driving in off-road vehicles such as Jeeps and SUVs up and over shifting, slippery sand dunes. This thrilling experience takes participants into the sandy terrain, climb steep dunes, to enjoy the adrenaline rush of speeding down the slopes if you're up for faster adventures. Properly maintained vehicles, safety equipment, and skilled drivers are essential to ensure a safe and enjoyable dune bashing experience for all participants. Most camps in Thar Desert Jaisalmer, such as Queen of Thar, offer this fantastic adventure.
Cultural Performance: Most camps provide evening cultural entertainment, with live performances by local musicians and dancers who highlight the vibrant Rajasthani culture through traditional music, dance and storytelling. These performances often have deep roots in the history and heritage of the local Thar Desert dwellers and preserve their cultural traditions. You can learn more about the unique life of the Thar Desert dwellers and Jaisalmer’s historical culture here.
Stargazing: Stargazing in the desert can be a unique and magical experience. Stargazing in Jaisalmer provides the best night sky views. Without the light pollution of the cities, the night sky is clear and vesting, allowing the array of stars to sparkle brightly.  Here you’ll experience the serenity of the desert at night and the awe of the galaxy above. Queen Camp is one of the few camps in Thar Desert Jaisalmer to provide this special adventure into the dunes.
Thar Desert tour in Jaisalmer
A Thar Desert tour takes the tourist on a relaxed exploration of the vast and unique landscape of the desert, which includes ever-shifting sand dunes, arid plains, scattered vegetation and, if you observe carefully, some of the diverse range of animal species, such as the Indian Gazelle (Chinkara), Desert Cat and Indian Bustard. Not all camps in Thar Desert Jaisalmer offer this option so consider this when you choose your camp.
Selected Jaisalmer Camps: A Comprehensive Guide
To prevent mistakes and wasted money, consider the following advice before selecting the camp where you will reside in Jaisalmer:
Budget: Determine your spending limit and select a camp that falls inside it. On the higher end of the spectrum, luxury camps can be quite expensive but offer much more; on the lower end, rustic camps might be less expensive but offer very little amenities.
Experience: If an opulent getaway, an immersion into Rajasthani desert culture, a genuine desert experience, or just a lot of fun is what you're searching for, you will find it in Thar Desert Jaisalmer.
Location: Sam Sand Dunes is situated close to Jaisalmer City and offers the best options for desert experiences, so bear that in mind. Some are more conveniently situated in relation to the dunes, making it easier for you to move throughout the desert.
Activities: To find out what kind of activity or excursion you can participate in, check with the camp. Make sure the camp offers any particularly specialized experiences you may be interested in, such as cultural shows or camel safaris.
Tours of Jaisalmer:
Jaisalmer Fort
Jaisalmer Fort is one of the biggest fortifications in the world. With more than 3,000 residents, Jaisalmer Fort is a bustling community of residences, stores, cafes, omestays, and temples. 2013 saw the Jaisalmer Fort added to the UNESCO World Heritage List. The fort's walls are made of sandstone, hence its name, Sonar Quila, or Golden Fort. Because Jaisalmer is a live fort, it's easy to imagine what life was like there hundreds of years ago, which makes it a unique destination.
Jain Temples
The assortment of exquisitely carved temples contained within the walls of Jaisalmer Fort is another attraction in the city. These seven Jain temples are connected to one another by walkways and tunnels and were constructed between the twelfth and the fifteenth century. You have to take off your shoes and everything made of leather, including belts, purses, and wallets, before you can enter the temple. The oldest and possibly most famous temple in this cluster is dedicated to Chandraprabhu, the ninth Tirthankars. This temple is accessible from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. and was constructed in 1509.
Bada Bagh
Located approximately six kilometres away from Jaisalmer is the magnificent cenotaph garden called Bada Bagh. Situated in the garden at the foot of a hills, the numerous chattris, or cenotaphs, pay tribute to the late Jaisalmer emperors. Note that there are no bodies here and the graves are empty. Even though Bada Bagh isn't typically included in itineraries, you can still anticipate a lot of peace and quiet because the garden isn't well-kept.
Fort Palace
The main square of the fort, Dussehra Chowk, is dominated by the 11-story palace that served as the king's private residence. A portion of the palace overlooks Hawa Pol (Gate of Winds), which was the centre of most of the fort's activity historically and currently. Similar to the architecture of the era in Rajasthan, the windows of the zenana, or women's quarters, are designed to give the person within an unobstructed view of the activities below without being observed in return. Almost all of the rooms have fairly tiny entryways that are intended to force the visitor to stoop and bow as they approach.
 Sam Sand Dunes
Sam Sand Dunes is a popular tourist destination located in the Thar Desert near Jaisalmer City in the state of Rajasthan, India. The sand dunes are known for their stunning landscapes and unique desert experiences, along with fun desert activities. The area is also known for its rich cultural heritage, including folk music and dance performances by local artists. 
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If you want to indulge in comfort, immerse yourself in Rajasthani culture, and take in the unadulterated grandeur of the desert, Jaisalmer offers a desert camp that will suit you. From opulent lodgings to the minimalist, rustic experience, you will find it offered here. You may be sure of an amazing and exhilarating experience in the heart of the Thar Desert by choosing the best camp in Jaisalmer for your requirements and tastes. Queen of Thar Desert Camp offers the middle option of comfort, fun, service and a good price. All you have to do it call or send an enquiry and you will start your desert adventure of a lifetime.
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armchairsmelbourne · 7 days
What Are the Top Sofa Bed Designs for Modern Homes?
When it comes to maximising space and enhancing functionality in modern homes, sofa beds are a game-changer. These versatile pieces of furniture offer both seating and sleeping solutions, making them ideal for homes where space is at a premium. 
However, with so many designs available, it can be challenging to choose the right one that complements your home’s aesthetic while meeting your practical needs. In this blog, let’s explore the top sofa bed Melbourne designs that are perfect for modern homes, helping you make an informed decision.
Futon Sofa Beds
Futon sofa beds are a classic choice for modern homes, especially those with a minimalist or contemporary design. Originating from Japan, futons are known for their simplicity and functionality. A futon sofa bed typically features a mattress that folds down to create a flat sleeping surface, and it can easily be converted back into a sofa.
Why Choose a Futon Sofa Bed?
Space-saving: Futons are often more compact than traditional sofa beds, making them ideal for small apartments or studios.
Versatile design: Futons come in various styles and colors, allowing you to find one that matches your decor.
Budget-friendly: Generally, futons are more affordable than other sofa bed designs, making them a great option for budget-conscious buyers.
Pull-Out Sofa Beds
Pull-out sofa beds are one of the most popular designs for modern homes. These sofa beds feature a mattress hidden inside the sofa, which can be pulled out when needed. The Australian made lounges are available in a range of sizes, from twin to queen, making them suitable for different spaces and sleeping needs.
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Why Choose a Pull-Out Sofa Bed?
Comfort: Pull-out sofa beds often come with a thick mattress, providing a comfortable sleeping surface that rivals a regular bed.
Variety: Available in a wide range of fabrics, colours, and designs, pull-out sofa beds can easily complement any modern decor.
Functionality: With the ability to convert from a stylish sofa to a full-sized bed, pull-out sofa beds are perfect for accommodating overnight guests.
Sectional Sofa Beds
Sectional sofa beds are a fantastic option for larger living spaces or open-plan homes. These sofa beds are part of a sectional sofa, which can be configured in various ways to suit your space. The bed is usually hidden within one of the sections and can be pulled out when needed.
Why Choose a Sectional Sofa Bed?
Ample seating: Sectional sofa beds offer plenty of seating, making them ideal for families or those who love to entertain.
Customisable: Many sectional sofa beds allow you to choose the configuration that best suits your space, whether it’s an L-shape, U-shape, or other designs.
Luxurious feel: With their larger size and often plush cushions, sectional sofa beds add a touch of luxury to modern living rooms.
Convertible Sofa Beds
Convertible sofa bed Melbourne, also known as click-clack sofa beds, are a versatile and stylish choice for modern homes. These sofa beds feature a backrest that clicks forward and then folds down to create a flat sleeping surface. They are usually sleek and streamlined, fitting well into contemporary spaces.
Why Choose a Convertible Sofa Bed?
Ease of use: The simple click-clack mechanism makes converting the sofa into a bed quick and effortless.
Modern design: With their clean lines and contemporary appeal, convertible sofa beds are perfect for modern homes.
Space-efficient: These sofa beds often take up less space than traditional pull-out designs, making them ideal for smaller rooms.
Loveseat Sofa Beds
For those who need a compact yet functional option, loveseat sofa beds are a great choice. These smaller sofa beds are perfect for single sleepers or couples who don’t need a large bed. Loveseat sofa beds typically feature a pull-out mechanism or a fold-down backrest to create a sleeping surface.
Why Choose a Loveseat Sofa Bed?
Compact design: Loveseat sofa beds are perfect for small apartments, guest rooms, or home offices.
Stylish and cosy: Despite their smaller size, loveseat sofa beds can be incredibly stylish, offering a cosy spot for both sitting and sleeping.
Affordability: Generally more affordable than larger sofa beds, loveseats offer a budget-friendly solution without sacrificing style.
Chaise Sofa Beds
Chaise sofa beds combine the comfort of a chaise lounge with the functionality of a sofa bed. The Australian made lounges designs typically feature a chaise section that can be extended to create a larger sleeping surface, or they may include a hidden pull-out bed underneath.
Why Choose a Chaise Sofa Bed?
Relaxed lounging: The chaise section offers a comfortable spot for lounging or napping during the day.
Stylish addition: Chaise sofa beds are often seen as more luxurious and stylish, adding a touch of elegance to modern living rooms.
Dual functionality: With the ability to serve as both a sofa and a bed, chaise sofa beds are perfect for multi-functional living spaces.
Final Words
Choosing the right cheap sofa bed Melbourne for your modern home involves considering both style and functionality. Whether you prefer the simplicity of a futon, the luxury of a sectional, or the compactness of a loveseat, there’s a sofa bed design to suit every taste and space. 
By selecting the right sofa bed, you can enhance the versatility of your living space, ensuring that both you and your guests enjoy comfort and convenience without compromising on style.
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snoozeselects · 9 days
Embrace Restful Nights with a Silk Sleeping Mask
In our fast-paced world, quality sleep is essential for both physical and mental well-being. A key to achieving deep, restorative sleep lies not only in a comfortable mattress and quiet environment but also in the small luxuries that enhance your bedtime routine. One such luxury is the silk sleeping mask—a simple yet effective tool that can significantly improve your sleep quality.
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The Benefits of Silk Sleeping Masks
Silk sleeping masks have gained popularity for their numerous benefits. Made from 100% pure silk, these masks offer a range of advantages over their cotton or synthetic counterparts. First and foremost, silk is incredibly gentle on the skin. Unlike other materials, it reduces friction, which helps prevent sleep lines and wrinkles. This means you can wake up looking refreshed and rejuvenated without the unwanted marks on your face.
Moreover, silk is naturally hypoallergenic, making it an excellent choice for individuals with sensitive skin or allergies. Its smooth texture is less likely to irritate the skin, ensuring a more comfortable sleep experience. Additionally, silk's breathable nature helps regulate temperature, keeping you cool in the summer and warm in the winter. This temperature control can further enhance the quality of your sleep, as it helps maintain a consistent and comfortable environment.
Improving Sleep Quality
The primary function of a sleeping mask is to block out light, which is crucial for a good night’s sleep. Exposure to light, especially from screens or streetlights, can disrupt the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for regulating sleep-wake cycles. By effectively blocking light, a silk sleeping mask helps promote the production of melatonin, thereby aiding in falling asleep faster and enjoying deeper sleep.
Furthermore, the soft, luxurious feel of silk adds an element of relaxation to your bedtime routine. The tactile comfort of a silk mask can create a calming sensory experience, helping to reduce stress and anxiety before sleep. As a result, you may find yourself drifting off more easily and experiencing a more restful night.
Choosing the Right Silk Sleeping Mask
When selecting a silk sleeping mask, there are a few factors to consider to ensure you get the best product for your needs. Look for masks made from 100% mulberry silk, as it is the highest quality and most durable type of silk available. Mulberry silk is known for its smooth texture and longevity, making it a worthwhile investment for your sleep health.
Additionally, consider the design and fit of the mask. A well-designed silk sleeping mask should have an adjustable strap to ensure a snug fit without causing discomfort. It should also have a contoured shape to fit the contours of your face, providing optimal light-blocking coverage.
Care and Maintenance
To maintain the quality and longevity of your 3d Sleeping Mask, proper care is essential. Silk is a delicate fabric, so it’s best to hand wash your mask in cold water with a mild detergent. Avoid wringing or twisting the fabric, as this can damage the fibers. Instead, gently press out excess water and lay the mask flat to dry.
Regular cleaning will help keep your mask fresh and hygienic. For added convenience, consider having more than one mask on hand so you can rotate them and ensure a clean mask is always ready for use.
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alsaadhomeeee · 10 days
Quilted Serenity: The Ultimate Cover Collection at Alsaad Home UAE
When it comes to elevating your home decor and creating an atmosphere of comfort and luxury, the right bedding and accessories make all the difference. At Alsaad Home UAE (alsaadhome.com/ar/aed), we bring you a curated collection of the finest quilt covers, bedding sets, mattresses, and home decor accessories that are designed to not only complement your space but also enhance your daily comfort. From luxurious طقم لحاف قطن to premium مفارش سرير and مرتبة طبية, explore the ultimate cover collection that ensures both serenity and style.
bed sheet
The Power of a Perfect Quilt Cover
A quilt cover is not just a protective layer; it's an essential part of your bedding aesthetics and comfort. Our collection at Alsaad Home UAE features an array of quilt covers that suit every style and taste. Whether you’re looking for something modern, minimalistic, or rich in traditional designs, you’ll find it here.
What is a quilt cover in Dubai, UAE? Simply put, it is the outer layer that protects your comforter while adding a dash of design to your bedroom. It is important to choose a quilt cover that resonates with the theme of your room. Available in various materials, such as cotton and blended fabrics, our quilt covers ensure breathability and durability, especially in a climate like Dubai's. If you’re looking for the best quilt cover in Dubai, UAE, explore our selection of premium fabrics and timeless designs.
Ultimate Comfort with Comforter Sets
When the weather gets cooler, nothing beats the cozy feeling of wrapping yourself in a plush comforter set. At Alsaad Home, we offer comforter sets in Dubai, UAE that are both luxurious and functional. Whether you’re looking for a single bed comforter set or a king-size comforter set, we’ve got you covered.
Our comforter sets are designed to bring warmth and comfort to your home. Choose from an array of vibrant colors and subtle hues to match your bedroom decor. Looking to buy a comforter set online in Dubai, UAE? Alsaad Home makes it easy with seamless online shopping, delivering right to your door.
The Bedding Basics: Sheets and Pillowcases
Nothing says comfort like soft, fresh bed sheets. Our bed sheet sets are crafted from high-quality materials to provide the perfect foundation for a good night's sleep. Whether you prefer a fitted bed sheet or a traditional flat sheet, our collection offers a variety of sizes, including king size bed sheets and white bed sheets that are ideal for any bedroom aesthetic. Searching for the best bed sheet in Dubai, UAE? Look no further. Our range ensures comfort and style, whether you're choosing a bed sheet set or individual pieces.
Complement your bed sheets with our soft pillows in Dubai, UAE. Our bed pillows and comfortable pillows are designed to support your head and neck, offering the perfect balance of softness and firmness. If you're seeking a pillows Dubai solution that guarantees quality, explore our collection and experience comfort like never before.
Perfect Mattresses for Perfect Sleep
A comfortable bed starts with a good mattress. At Alsaad Home UAE, we offer a range of mattresses that cater to every preference and need. Whether you’re in the market for a مرتبة طبية, مرتبة فندقية, or a dorm mattress, we’ve got the perfect one for you.
Looking to buy a mattress online in Dubai, UAE? We offer high-quality options that provide optimal support and comfort. From دوشق to مراتب سرير, our mattresses are designed to enhance your sleep experience. Whether you need a firm mattress or something more cushioned, our range ensures that you can find the right balance for a restful night's sleep.
For those seeking the luxury of a hotel experience at home, we offer hotel mattresses that bring the comfort of a five-star stay into your bedroom. Check out our selection and buy a hotel mattress online in Dubai, UAE for the ultimate sleep experience.
Home Decor Essentials
Transform your space into a personal sanctuary with our wide range of home decor accessories. From اكسسوارات منزلية to إكسسوارات ديكور, we have everything you need to give your home a fresh, stylish update. Whether you're looking for scented candles, معطرات فراش, or معطرات جو to create a soothing ambiance, or عطور to add a touch of elegance, we have the perfect accessories to enhance your space.
At Alsaad Home, our selection of home decor online in Dubai, UAE ensures you can easily find the right pieces to match your personal style. Looking for something to add a bit of character to your space? Explore our collection of كتب ديكور and other decor essentials.
Rugs and Carpets for Every Room
Complete your space with our collection of sajad and rugs. Our سجاد تركي collection adds warmth and texture to any room, whether you're looking for a زولية or a luxurious area rug. Need a سجاد ممرات to add some elegance to your hallway? Or perhaps you're after a statement piece for your living room? Our collection offers a variety of sizes, styles, and materials to choose from.
For those looking to buy carpets online in Dubai, UAE, Alsaad Home makes it easy with a wide range of choices available at your fingertips. We understand the importance of finding the perfect rug, which is why we offer a selection that caters to every taste and preference.
The Perfect Touch for Every Room
At Alsaad Home UAE, we believe that every home deserves to reflect the personality and style of its inhabitants. Whether you’re looking to revamp your bedroom, add some charm to your living room, or simply create a more inviting atmosphere, we have the perfect products to help you achieve your goals. From طقم شرش�� to مخدات, and سجاد دبي, our collection ensures that you’ll find everything you need to create a cozy and beautiful space.
Elevate your home with our luxurious bedding, mattresses, and home decor, and discover a world of comfort and style. Ready to explore? تسوق مع مراتب السعد and experience the best of bedding, home accessories, and decor all in one place.
see more:-
طقم لحاف كينج, طقم لحاف فندقي , طقم لحاف أطفال , طقم لحاف قطن , طقم لحاف سرير, طقم لحاف نفر , لحاف سرير
مراتب سرير / مرتبة, مرتبة سرير, فرشة سرير, تسوق مع مراتب السعد , مرتبة طبية, دوشق, الطبقة الفندقية
معطر المفارش الفندقية , عطور نسائية, عطر مفارش الشتاء , معطر غرف ومفارش, معطر جو, معطرات مفارش, أفضل معطر للمفارش
ديكور منزل, ديكور عصري
قياس الكينج سايز, مقاس السوبر كينج, مقاسات السرير
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yinahla · 10 days
How to Choose the Perfect Single Mattress: Your Ultimate Guide
Choosing the right single mattress is vital to getting a good night's sleep and waking up feeling refreshed, especially if you or a loved one spends a lot of time in bed. This is especially true if the mattress is being used as the main bed for a single adult, guest room, or youngster. The abundance of options available on the market can make the choice seem overwhelming. Our in-depth guide will examine the important aspects to consider when choosing the ideal single mattress, including the popular king single mattress, to streamline the process. This article explores factors such as material, size, support, comfort, and shape to help you sort through the many options and arrive at a well-informed choice that suits your needs and preferences.
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1. Understand Mattress Types
It's important to familiarize yourself with the different types of single mattresses before looking at special features:
Innerspring Mattresses
Traditional mattresses with steel coils or spring cores are known for their great bounce and support. Due to their high level of breathability, these mattresses are an excellent choice for hot regions. This timeless design offers the perfect balance of support and ventilation, comfort, and longevity, making it the best luxury hybrid mattress available.
Memory Foam Mattresses
Memory foam mattresses conform to the curves of your body, providing customized support and relieving pressure points to improve the quality of your sleep. They are an excellent choice for couples who want to minimize disruptions as they are excellent at isolating movements. It is important to note that they can retain heat. To take advantage of the well-proportioned comfort and support that buy medium mattresses offer, you may want to buy one if you are thinking of buying a mattress.
Latex Mattresses
To experience the renowned strength and durability of latex mattresses, choose mattresses made from natural or synthetic latex. The exceptional breathability and responsive feel of these shop for mattresses help regulate temperature properly for a more pleasant sleep.
Gel-Infused Mattresses
These latex or memory foam mattresses incorporate gel to enhance cooling and reduce heat. They are a great option for people who sleep in extreme heat. To guarantee the ideal fit for your demands, it is important to take into account mattress measurements Australia if you are interested in determining the correct size.
2. Consider Firmness Level
A mattress's hardness has an impact on both support and comfort. It mostly relies on one's preferences and sleeping position:
Soft Mattresses
Soft mattresses offer a soft, cushiony feel that is especially beneficial for side sleepers who need more mattress support to relieve pressure on their hips and shoulders. On the other hand, firm mattresses offer a more supportive surface, making them a better choice for people who need more stability.
Medium-Firm Mattresses
A medium-firm mattress is the best choice for a variety of sleep positions, including stomach and back sleepers, because it offers a balanced combination of comfort and support. If you're looking for a buy firm mattress that offers this ideal balance of comfort and support, consider buying a medium-firm mattress.
Firm Mattresses
Medium mattresses offer more support for people who need more spinal alignment and prefer to sleep on their back or stomach. They are a preferred choice for those looking for both comfort and support as their firmness helps maintain good posture and alignment.
3. Evaluate Material Quality
The overall performance, comfort, and longevity of a mattress are all affected by the quality of the materials used to make it. Think about the following:
When choosing a medium soft mattress it is important to take into account the quality of the materials used as this affects how long the mattress will last. Choose mattresses with certifications such as CertiPUR-US for foam and high-quality construction components. This accreditation guarantees that the mattress is extremely durable and has very low chemical emissions, which increases the lifespan of the product.
Comfort Layers
The comfort layers of the mattress, which can be made of materials such as gel, latex or memory foam, are essential to improving comfort levels. When choosing a Medium Soft Mattress All Sizes it is important to check that these layers are of the highest calibre and provide the appropriate amount of cushioning to suit your comfort preferences.
Support Core
The support core of the best made mattress should always be taken into consideration. Typically, this core is made of high-density foam or coils. The core of this mattress is designed to provide the best possible support and guarantees that it will retain its shape over time, increasing its comfort and longevity.
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4. Consider Allergies and Sensitivities
If you have allergies or sensitivities it is important to choose a hypoallergenic mattress designed to withstand common allergens such as mold and dust mites. Choose Buy Australian-made Luxury Mattresses that are naturally resistant to common allergens including latex or some varieties of memory foam. If you choose this type of mattress you can sleep with comfort and peace of mind knowing your sleeping environment is less likely to cause an allergic reaction.
5. Check for Motion Isolation
If you move a lot while sleeping or share a bed, it is important to choose a mattress with exceptional motion isolation. In this sense, memory foam and hybrid mattresses work particularly well as they reduce movement disturbances. Best Luxury Mattress Australia selections are known for their exceptional motion isolation properties, guaranteeing a peaceful night's sleep with fewer disruptions for individuals looking for the pinnacle of comfort and performance.
6. Test the Mattress
When buying a new mattress, it is important to go to the store and test it out to assess its support and comfort. If you want to buy a shop super king mattress online, many stores offer a trial period that allows you to try out the mattress from the comfort of your own home. This way, before deciding on a mattress, you can make sure it meets your demands.
7. Review Warranty and Return Policies
The warranty and return policy should be taken into account when selecting a mattress since they may provide a great deal of peace of mind. Seek out high-quality good mattresses Australia that are covered by a thorough guarantee that addresses any possible flaws. Make sure there is a return policy for the mattress in case it doesn't live up to your expectations. In this manner, you may shop with assurance knowing that you are covered if the mattress is not what you had anticipated.
8. Set a Budget
The cost of mattresses can vary widely, so it's important to create a budget that takes into account your needs and preferences. For example, purchasing a premium product like the Yinahla Medium Soft Mattress can greatly improve your sleep quality and your general health. By creating a budget and choosing a mattress that gives you the right amount of support and comfort, your sleep quality and long-term health can be greatly improved.
It is important to take into account your sleeping posture, mattress type, firmness, and material quality when choosing the best king mattresses. Having a clear understanding of these components and evaluating your preferences can help you choose a mattress that offers the ideal ratio of durability, support, and comfort. Finding the ideal fit for your buy king mattress online will ensure that you get a good night's sleep and wake up feeling refreshed, whether you are buying it for your master bedroom, guest room, or any other area.
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