#best neurosurgeon in Gurgaon
dranuraggupta9 · 1 year
Dr Anurag Gupta : Brain and Spine Specialist Surgeon, Slip disc, brain tumor, TLIF Surgery
Dr Anurag Gupta is a young, dynamic neurosurgeon who believes that any diagnosis should go beyond MRI & Xray, and that patient should be treated holistically. The cure should not only focus on good surgical results but also achieving the quality of life and outcome for the patient, he says. By working closely with his neurology, neuro-intervention colleagues and the support of able neuro rehab specialists, Dr. Anurag aims to provide the most comprehensive neurological care for his patients. Call 088260 08365 to book an appointment.
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drskrajan2 · 1 year
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drarunsaroha123 · 2 years
How This Neurosurgeon Is Changing The Lives Of His Patients - Dr Arun Saroha
For most people, the thought of having surgery is a scary one. But for those who are facing life-threatening conditions, surgery is often the only option. That’s why, in this blog post, we’re going to shine a light on one incredible neurosurgeon who is changing the lives of his patients: Dr Arun Saroha. We’ll hear from one of Dr Saroha’s patients about how he has changed her life. We’ll also learn about the latest advancements in neurosurgery from Dr Saroha himself. And we’ll find out why more and more people are choosing him as their neurosurgeon.
From Diagnosis To Treatment: How Dr Saroha Is Changing The Lives Of His Patients
Dr Saroha is a medical doctor who uses the latest techniques to provide his patients with the best possible care. He believes in a patient-centered approach and takes the time to get to know his patients. This personalized care helps to ensure that each patient receives the best possible treatment.
Dr Saroha is also dedicated to his work and is always looking for ways to improve the lives of his patients. For example, he often tests new treatments on himself before they are tested on his patients. This ensures that he can find improvements and optimizations that will benefit everyone involved in the process, from the doctors to their patients.
The Latest Advancements In Neurosurgery From Dr Saroha
Neurosurgeons are constantly developing new techniques and technologies to improve the care of patients. One such surgeon is Dr Saroha, who has extensive experience in performing various neurosurgical procedures. He uses the latest technological advancements, such as robotics and artificial intelligence, to provide his patients with the best possible care.
One example of this is Dr Saroha's use of robotic surgery. Robotics can be used to help surgeons navigate difficult surgical environments more easily, which can lead to a shorter surgery time for patients. Additionally, robotic surgery allows for more accurate and precise surgeries. This can result in improved patient outcomes, as well as less pain and suffering for patients.
Why More And More People Are Choosing Dr Saroha As Their Neurosurgeon
Dr Saroha is a highly experienced neurosurgeon who has successfully performed thousands of surgeries. He is well-known and respected by his peers, which means that he has a lot of experience and knowledge to offer patients. Furthermore, Dr Saroha offers affordable rates for his services, making him an ideal choice for those on a budget.
Dr Saroha is a highly experienced and respected neurosurgeon who is dedicated to providing his patients with the best possible care. He uses the latest advancements in technology and medicine to provide his patients with the best possible outcomes. Additionally, he offers affordable rates for his services, making him an ideal choice for those on a budget.
Website : https://drarunsaroha.com/ Address: Max Hospital, Director & Unit Head of Spine and Neurosurgery B Block, Sushant Lok 1, Near Huda City Centre Gurugram- 122001 Ph: +91 9810778811 Tagline: best neurosurgeon in gurgaon
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abhinay123 · 2 years
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parkhospitalsblog · 1 year
What to do when you have tremor? What are the treatment options
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The best neurosurgeon in Panipat can help provide you with all treatment options that are suited to you so that you can make an informed choice. You can visit the best neurology hospital in Palam Vihar at the Park Hospitals. For read more blog, click here link below:- https://bit.ly/3SqPAJC
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francesmays · 2 years
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dmettalclinique · 10 days
Neurology doctor in Gurgaon | Best Neurologist in Gurgaon | Dmettle Clinique
The specialist field of neurology is devoted to the investigation and treatment of problems affecting the complex neurological system. The network of nerves and cells that controls emotions, ideas, and behavior is known as the nervous system. The two primary parts are the peripheral nervous system (PNS), which connects the CNS to the rest of the body, and the central nervous system (CNS), which includes the brain and spinal cord. Medical professionals that specialize in the investigation and management of neurological problems are known as neurologists. They are well-versed in the pathology, anatomy, and physiology of the nervous system. Neurologists treat a wide range of neurological conditions, some of which are more frequent than others. These conditions include multiple sclerosis, brain tumors, spinal cord injuries, dementia, Parkinson's disease, stroke, epilepsy, and more.
The best neurologist clinic in Gurgaon, Dmetttle Clinic, takes pride in providing comprehensive care for a wide range of neurological problems. Our services cover everything from basic problems like headaches to complicated illnesses like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. They are comprehensive and expert. Our outstanding team uses a multidisciplinary approach and includes the top neurosurgeon and neurologist in Gurgaon. They oversee a variety of intricate neurological treatments, including the deft management of conditions like tumor excision, aneurysm repair, and spinal cord injury therapy. Evidence-based treatment modalities and advanced diagnostic procedures are seamlessly integrated into our facility. This guarantees individualized treatment based on each patient's particular needs. Our dedication to providing innovative, specialized neurology care is limited.
If you think you could be suffering from a neurological condition, consult a neurology doctor in Gurgaon for a diagnosis and course of treatment.
Neurology: Problems We Handle
Stroke: A sudden disruption of blood flow to the brain can cause paralysis and difficulty speaking. Our neurologist in Gurgaon provide vital rehabilitation services in addition to diagnosing and treating strokes.
Headache: Often associated with neurological disorders, our specialists determine the underlying reasons and suggest appropriate interventions, such as prescription drugs for preventive care.
Alzheimer's disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that impairs cognition and causes memory loss. Our best neurologist in Gurgaon offers diagnostic as well as sympathetic assistance.
Parkinson's illness: Our neurologists skillfully handle symptoms, which include stiffness, tremors, and imbalance, using efficient therapeutic methods.
An autoimmune condition that affects the central nervous system is called multiple sclerosis (MS). Our neurologists offer thorough symptom management in addition to MS diagnosis.
Epilepsy: This condition results in seizures, and our neurologists provide individualized care that may involve medication and, in certain cases, surgery.
Brain Tumors: Tumors are caused by abnormal brain cell proliferation. Our neurologists make specific treatment recommendations, such as chemotherapy and surgery, after diagnosing patients.
Spinal Cord Injuries: Acknowledging the lack of a cure at this time, our specialists identify the injury and treat the symptoms. The goal of treatment choices is to improve patients' quality of life.
Don't delay if you or someone you know is exhibiting neurological symptoms. Take the initiative to seek specialized care. Make an appointment for a consultation with Dmettle Clinique. skilled neurology physician in your area to receive an early diagnosis and treatment.
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digital4us · 10 days
Brain Tumor Surgery in India With Medaviate: Now Possible
India has become a hub for advanced medical treatments, including the innovative and minimally invasive approach of endoscopic brain tumor surgery. This cutting-edge technique offers patients a safer and more effective option for treating brain tumors. Medaviate provides comprehensive information and assistance for those seeking endoscopic brain tumor surgery in India.
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Why Choose Endoscopic Brain Tumor Surgery?
Minimally Invasive: Endoscopic surgery involves smaller incisions, which result in less pain, reduced scarring, and quicker recovery times compared to traditional open surgery.
Precision and Safety: The use of an endoscope allows surgeons to access and remove brain tumors with greater precision, minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissue.
Shorter Hospital Stay: Patients undergoing endoscopic surgery typically experience shorter hospital stays and faster return to normal activities.
Advanced Technology: Indian hospitals are equipped with the latest endoscopic technology, ensuring high success rates and optimal outcomes for patients.
Leading Hospitals for Endoscopic Brain Tumor Surgery in India
1. Apollo Hospitals
Apollo Hospitals is a pioneer in advanced medical treatments in India, including endoscopic brain tumor surgery. With state-of-the-art facilities and a team of experienced neurosurgeons, Apollo offers world-class care and successful outcomes for patients with brain tumors.
2. Fortis Hospital
Fortis Hospital is renowned for its comprehensive neurosurgery department, which specializes in minimally invasive techniques like endoscopy. The hospital’s neurosurgeons are skilled in using endoscopic tools to treat brain tumors with high precision and safety.
3. Medanta - The Medicity
Medanta in Gurgaon is a leading multi-specialty hospital known for its advanced neurosurgical care. The Neurosciences Institute at Medanta offers cutting-edge endoscopic brain tumor surgery, performed by highly experienced surgeons using the latest technology.
4. Max Super Speciality Hospital
Max Super Speciality Hospital in New Delhi provides top-notch neurosurgical care, including endoscopic brain tumor surgery. The hospital is equipped with advanced endoscopic instruments and staffed by a team of expert neurosurgeons dedicated to providing the best possible care for their patients.
Choosing the Right Hospital with Medaviate 
When selecting a hospital for endoscopic brain tumor surgery in India, Medavaite is here to help you with traveling, visa, and accommodation everything is here !!
You can also consider the following factors for hospitals -
Expertise: Ensure the hospital has experienced neurosurgeons who specialize in endoscopic brain tumor surgery.
Technology: Look for hospitals equipped with the latest endoscopic instruments and technology.
Success Rates: Research the hospital’s success rates for endoscopic surgeries and read patient testimonials.
Comprehensive Care: Opt for hospitals that offer holistic care, including pre-operative and post-operative support.
Endoscopic Brain Tumor Surgery in India offers a minimally invasive, precise, and effective treatment option for patients. Hospitals like Apollo, Fortis, Medanta, Max Super Speciality, and Artemis are at the forefront of this innovative approach, providing world-class care and successful outcomes. For those seeking advanced and affordable brain tumor surgery, India is an ideal destination. 
Visit https://medaviate.com/ for more information and assistance in choosing the right hospital for your needs.
Medaviate is committed to helping patients navigate their healthcare journey, offering detailed information and guidance to ensure the best possible outcomes. Contact us today to find the Best Hospital for Endoscopic Brain Tumor Surgery in India.
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sabclinicggn · 8 months
Best Neurosurgeon in Gurgaon
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drskrajan2 · 1 year
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drarunsaroha123 · 2 years
How to Find the Best Neurosurgeon in Gurgaon for Your Needs.
The brain is the command center of your body and if it gets damaged, it can affect every other part of your body. The best way to treat such a situation is with a neurosurgery procedure. Neurosurgeons use special medical tools to fix any damage that has been caused to your head. They also remove tumors, repair skull fractures, reduce swelling in the brain etc.
Neurosurgeons are highly qualified professionals. In fact, they need to undergo rigorous training for more than 10 years before being allowed to perform a surgical operation. A good neurosurgeon is not only trained and experienced but he/she must be skillful too.
In order to become a successful neurosurgeon, you will need to go through some important steps. First of all, you should study hard so that you can acquire the knowledge required to become an expert.
Why It's Important to Find a Good Neurosurgeon
A neurosurgeon is a medical doctor who specializes in the treatment of diseases that affect the brain. There are many different kinds of neurosurgeons, but they all share one thing in common – the ability to diagnose and treat neurological disorders.
Neurological problems are usually caused by damage to the nerves, so it makes sense that doctors would specialize in treating these conditions. However, a lot of people don't realize how much of an impact their health has on their overall quality of life.
If you want to live a healthy and happy life, then you need to make sure that you're visiting the right type of healthcare professionals at the right time. A neurosurgeon can help you get better results when it comes to dealing with any kind of condition.
For example, if you have trouble sleeping, you should visit your primary care physician first. If he or she prescribes a sleep aid, then you may be able to start using it without the worry that you'll end up getting addicted to it.
What to Look for in a Neurosurgeon
Neurological diseases such as stroke, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, migraines, headaches, brain cancer, spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injuries, etc. are very serious conditions that require immediate medical attention. If you have any of these symptoms, you should immediately seek help from your doctor.
When you visit a neurologist, he will conduct an extensive examination to determine whether you need to undergo surgery. This is because many neurological disorders are caused by damage to the nerves in the head and spine. The goal of the operation is to remove the damaged tissue.
If you're looking for the best neurosurgeon in Gurgaon, then you'll want to consider a few things before choosing one.
First, you should make sure that your potential surgeon has performed at least 100 procedures like yours. In addition, it would be helpful to know how long the surgeon has been practicing medicine. You also need to find out if the doctor is board certified.
Another important thing to consider when selecting a neurosurgeon is his reputation.
How to Research Neurosurgeons
If you're looking to hire a neurosurgeon, you'll want to make sure that you choose someone who is qualified. The best way to do this is by researching the person online. This will help you to learn more about their training, education, and background.
You should also ask your doctor for recommendations. If they know any doctors in the area, they might be able to give you some insight into the local market.
When you speak with a potential neurosurgeon, don't just focus on the price. You need to take the time to talk to them about how they can improve your life.
There are many reasons why people get headaches. In most cases, they come from stress, but there are other causes as well. Here are some examples.
1. Headaches caused by sinus infections.
2. Migraine headaches.
3. Stress-related headaches.
4. Sinuses that have been clogged.
5. Sleep apnea.
6. Tension.
7. Anxiety.
8. Depression.
Asking for Recommendations
There is no doubt that neurosurgery is a very challenging field. If you want to learn more about this topic, you should read the article below. This is a guide that explains how you can become a successful neurosurgeon.
If you have an interest in becoming a doctor, then you need to make sure that you get the best training possible. You can do this by enrolling at one of the top medical schools in the country.
You also need to spend time studying the latest trends in the field of medicine. By doing so, you'll be able to stay ahead of your peers. And, you won't end up getting stuck with outdated information.
In addition, you will need to take part in a residency program after graduation. This is where you will receive hands-on clinical experience.
Once you graduate from med school, you may feel like you've done enough to qualify for the title of "doctor." However, you still need to complete your residency. During this period, you will work under a supervising physician.
Conclusion: Importance of Taking the Time to Find the Best Neurosurgeon
If you're looking for a doctor who specializes in brain surgery, you should know that you have options. You can look online to find the right person, but you might be surprised to learn that there is more than one type of surgeon.
When you need to get your head checked, you don't want to choose the first person you come across. Instead, it's important to take the time to find the best neurosurgeon. That way, you'll make sure that you're getting the most qualified person available.
Here are some questions to ask yourself before choosing a doctor.
What is my condition?
You shouldn't go to a doctor without knowing exactly what your problem is. If you can't tell whether or not you have a headache, then you won't be able to determine whether or not you need to see a doctor.
How much will it cost?
Of course, you'd like to save money when you visit the hospital, but you also don't want to spend too much.
Will I feel comfortable with this person?
Website: www.drarunsaroha.com Address: Gurgaon, New Delhi Ph: +919818778811, +919990778811 Tagline: Best neurosurgeon in Gurgaon
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medicalprocare · 2 months
Spine Surgery in Gurgaon Haryana Spine And Scoliosis
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Mayom Hospital, under the guidance of Dr. Om Prakash Gupta, is renowned  for spine and surgery in Gurgaon, Haryana. Dr. Gupta, a highly esteemed spine surgeon, specializes in treating a wide range of spinal disorders with expertise and compassion.
With a focus on patient-centered care, Dr. Gupta and his team at Mayom Hospital strive to meet each patient's individual needs through personalized evaluation and treatment plans. They aim to help patients achieve active, pain-free lifestyles by combining cutting-edge techniques with established traditional methods.
Dr. Gupta's commitment to excellence in spine surgery has earned him recognition both locally and internationally. Patients from across the globe seek his expertise for complex spinal conditions, knowing they will receive the best possible care under his guidance.
At the Mayom hospital  for Spine and Scoliosis, Dr. Gupta leads a multidisciplinary team comprising physiotherapists, orthotists, physicians, neurologists, radiologists, neurosurgeons, and anesthetists. Together, they provide comprehensive care for various spinal ailments, emphasizing conservative treatment approaches whenever possible, reserving surgery for cases where it is absolutely necessary.
Mayom Hospital, under the leadership of Dr. Om Prakash Gupta, continues to uphold its reputation as a premier destination for spine and scoliosis surgery in Gurgaon and the Delhi NCR region. Dr. Gupta's dedication to providing exceptional care and achieving successful outcomes for his patients ensures that individuals with spinal disorders receive the highest standard of treatment and support.
Spine & Scoliosis Treatment Services
At Mayom Hospital, we offer comprehensive spine and scoliosis treatment services aimed at providing patients with the highest quality care and personalized treatment plans. Our team of experienced specialists, led by Dr. Om Prakash Gupta, is dedicated to addressing a wide range of spinal conditions with expertise and compassion.
Our treatment services encompass:
1.  Diagnosis and Evaluation: We utilize advanced diagnostic techniques and imaging technologies to accurately assess spinal conditions and develop tailored treatment plans for each patient.
2. Conservative Management: Whenever possible, we emphasize conservative approaches to manage spinal disorders, including medication, physical therapy, and lifestyle modifications.
3. Minimally Invasive Surgery: For patients requiring surgical intervention, we offer minimally invasive spine surgery techniques aimed at reducing pain, shortening recovery times, and achieving optimal outcomes.
4. Complex Spine Surgery: Dr. Om Prakash Gupta specializes in performing complex spine surgeries, including deformity correction procedures, spinal fusion, and disc replacement surgeries, utilizing the latest advancements in surgical techniques and technology.
5. Pediatric Spine Care Our team provides specialized care for pediatric patients with spinal conditions, ensuring comprehensive evaluation, treatment, and ongoing support for children and their families.
6. Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy: We offer tailored rehabilitation programs and physiotherapy services to help patients regain mobility, strength, and function following spine surgery or injury.
7. Pain Management:Our multidisciplinary approach to pain management incorporates various modalities, including medication, injections, and nerve blocks, to alleviate spinal pain and improve quality of life.
8. Patient Education and Support: We believe in empowering patients with knowledge and support throughout their treatment journey, ensuring they are well-informed and involved in decision-making regarding their spinal care.
At  Mayom Hospital, we are committed to providing compassionate and comprehensive spine and scoliosis treatment services, utilizing a multidisciplinary approach to deliver optimal outcomes and improve the lives of our patients.
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nursaxis123 · 2 months
Brain Strok Treatment Hospital in Gurgaon
Welcome to Neuraxis Hospital, the premier destination for brain stroke treatment in Gurgaon. At Neuraxis, we understand the urgency and complexity of stroke cases, which is why our team of experienced neurologists and neurosurgeons is dedicated to providing comprehensive care tailored to each patient's needs.
Our state-of-the-art facility is equipped with advanced technology and cutting-edge treatment modalities to ensure the best possible outcomes for our patients. From prompt diagnosis using advanced imaging techniques to personalized treatment plans including thrombolytic therapy, endovascular procedures, and rehabilitation services, we offer a holistic approach to stroke care.
At Neuraxis, we prioritize patient well-being and strive to minimize the long-term impact of stroke through timely intervention and expert management. Our commitment to excellence has earned us a reputation as a trusted brain stroke treatment hospital in Gurgaon, serving patients with compassion, skill, and dedication. When it comes to stroke care, trust Neuraxis Hospital for exceptional treatment and support.
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keshav123 · 2 months
5 Best Neurologist in Delhi
 Dr Manvir Bhatia
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 Dr. Manvir Bhatia is  best neurologist in Delhi  & best sleep specialist in India and has great expertise knowledge in the field of neurology and sleep disorder, at Neurology Sleep Centre has world-class Neurology and sleep Services available for in clinic . Dr.Manvir is Director of Sleep medicine and senior Neurologist at Fortis Escorts Heart Institute-New Delhi and Neurology Sleep Centre, New Delhi. She is currently the Vice President of Indian society of Sleep research. She is the author of the book “The Sleep Solution” first non-fiction book on sleep, in India.
She was invited by the WHO to participate in developing guidelines for health issues related to ‘Sleep’. She has been awarded the Indira Gandhi Mahila Ratan Award & has won the best prize for “10,000 women Entrepreneur Certificate Programmed at ISB”, Hyderabad. She has also been awarded by AAPIOS (American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin, Boston, for “Extraordinary Contribution in Sleep Medicine” for the year 2017, for increasing the awareness of sleep medicine throughout, research and training of sleep experts in India.
MEDICAL QUALIFICATION: Medical school: Christian Medical College and Hospital, Ludhiana DM Neurology: AIIMS, New Delhi Past Positions- Additional Professor and Incharge of Neuro-Electrophysiology, Sleep Medicine at AIIMS, New Delhi. Chairperson Sleep Medicine, Senior Neurology Consultant at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi. Senior Visiting Consultant, Neurologist & Sleep Medicine, Medanta The Medicity, Gurgaon, Senior Consultant & Director- Sleep Medicine in Saket City Hospital, New Delhi.
LOCATION : L-23, Hauz Khas Enclave, New Delhi 110016 (INDIA)
 Dr. Vinit Banga
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Dr. Vinit Banga is a Neurologist in Pusa Road, Delhi and has an experience of 12 years in this field. Dr. Vinit Banga practices at BLK-Max Super Speciality Hospital in Pusa Road, Delhi. He completed MBBS from Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut in 2019,MD - General Medicine from Bundelkhand University, Jhansi in 2012 and DM - Neurology from Delhi University in 2016.
He is a member of Indian Medical Association (IMA). Some of the services provided by the doctor are: Foot Drop,Brain Aneursym Surgery,Sciatica Pain Treatment,Spinal Tap and Brain Surgery etc
MEDICAL QUALIFICATION: MBBS, MD - General Medicine, DM - Neurology 
3.Dr. Shailesh Jain
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Dr Shailesh Jain is a renowned Neurosurgeon and Stroke Interventionist has been performing Minimal Invasive Neuro & Spine Surgeries for past 16 years with excellent results. He has vast experience and has been a pioneer in treatment of Brain & Spine diseases such as fits ,headaches, cervical n lower back pain, brain n spine Timor’s
He specializes interventional treatment in stroke such as Intracranial aneurysms embolization (coiling), ArterioVenous malformation (AVMs) embolization, tumour embolization, Angioplasty and stenting of arterial stenosis including carotid stenting, Intra-arterial Thrombolysis for stroke and Percutaneous spinal procedures such as vertebroplasty and other interventional procedures.
Dr. Shailesh Jain is Principal Consultant Neurosurgery & Neurointervention at Max Hospital Shalimar Bagh.
His compassion, strong work ethics, professionalism, knowledge, confidence, humility and passion towards dealing with neurosurgical patients makes him a good human being and a superior clinician.
MEDICAL QUALIFICATION : MBBS, MS - General Surgery, MCh - Neuro Surgery
Neurosurgeon,Neurointerventional Surgery,Neurologist
4.Dr. Rajiv Anand
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Dr. Rajiv Anand Neurologist with a passion for making a difference in the care of a patient with neurological disorders. Always looking out for accuracy in clinical diagnosis and treatments. Focuses on treatable neurological disorders and cost-effective therapies in neurology. Medical knowledge is continuously evolving, therefore, he spends significant time in learning through updates and from each and every patient he sees in his practice. He also acquiring soft skills to comfort his patients. 
5. Dr. Ramandeep S. Dang
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Prof. (Dr.) Ramandeep S. Dang is a Senior Consultant, Neurosurgeon and Pain Specialist (Brain and Spine Surgeon) in South Delhi. He is attached to Moolchand Medicity, Lajpat Nagar, Sama Hospital, New delhi, Cronus Hospital Chattarpur. and Onco plus hospital, defence colony New delhi. Specialises in Minimally Invasive and endoscopic Brain Spine and Pain reliving procedures especially for disc problem, back pain,cervical , headaches , trigeminal neuralgia, sciatica, spine fractures. These procedures are day care procedures and patients are usually sent home the same day. Non clinic hour confirmation only after telephonic confirmation . 
MEDICAL QUALIFICATION: MBBS, MS - General Surgery, MCh - Neuro Surgery
Neurosurgeon,Neurologist,Spine Surgeon (Neuro),Spine And Pain Specialist
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medserg09 · 4 months
best neurosurgery hospital in india
Dr. Aditya Gupta, Head of Neurosurgery at Artemis Hospital, Gurgaon, is widely regarded as one of the top neurosurgeons in India. With extensive experience spanning over two decades, Dr. Gupta specializes in complex brain and spine surgeries, including tumor resections, vascular interventions, and minimally invasive procedures. His exceptional surgical skills, coupled with a compassionate approach to patient care, have earned him acclaim both nationally and internationally. Dr. Gupta's commitment to innovation is evident through his adoption of cutting-edge technologies and his involvement in pioneering research endeavors aimed at advancing neurosurgical techniques. He remains a trusted leader in the field, dedicated to improving the lives of patients through exemplary neurosurgical care.
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curenishant · 4 months
Dr. Rana Patir - Best neurosurgeon in Delhi
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Dr. Rana Patir, acclaimed as the finest neurosurgeon in Delhi, has dedicated over 23 years to pioneering advancements in the realm of advanced Neurosurgery. His illustrious career is adorned with exceptional academic achievements and groundbreaking contributions to the field.
Academic Excellence:
A distinguished alumnus of the renowned All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Dr. Patir's journey began with his exemplary academic journey, culminating in MBBS, MS (Surgery), and MCh (Neurosurgery) degrees. Further enriching his expertise, he pursued a Fellowship from Frenchay Hospital, Bristol, UK.
Leadership and Teaching Roles:
Dr. Patir's leadership shines as the Head and Director of the Department of Neurosurgery at Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurgaon. He has also imparted his vast knowledge as a faculty member at AIIMS, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, and Guwahati Medical College, leaving an indelible mark on future generations of neurosurgeons.
Specializations and Expertise:
With over 10,000 successful neurological procedures under his belt, Dr. Patir specializes in a myriad of neurosurgical domains, including brain tumor surgery, spine surgery, epilepsy surgery, and neurovascular surgery. His proficiency extends to minimally invasive techniques, complex head and neck procedures, and skull base surgery.
Professional Accomplishments:
Dr. Rana Patir's illustrious career boasts significant appointments at prestigious institutions, including Max Super Speciality Hospital and Sir Ganga Ram Hospital. His vast experience spans various leadership roles and teaching positions, shaping the landscape of neurosurgery in India.
Contributions to Medical Science:
An avid researcher and prolific author, Dr. Patir's contributions to medical science are profound. His expertise is evident in numerous published articles, abstracts, and papers in esteemed medical journals, enriching the collective knowledge of the neurosurgical community.
Unwavering Dedication and Membership:
Dr. Patir's unwavering dedication to advancing neurosurgery is reflected in his memberships in prestigious medical societies. He is actively involved in Congress of Neurological Surgeons (US), Neurological Society of India, and other esteemed organizations, furthering the cause of neurosurgical excellence.
Dr. Rana Patir's exemplary journey epitomizes dedication, expertise, and leadership in the realm of neurosurgery. With his unwavering commitment to patient care, groundbreaking research endeavors, and extensive surgical proficiency, he continues to redefine the standards of excellence in neurosurgical practice.
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