#best of ayinla kollington
the9jafresh · 2 years
Ayinla Kollington Biography - Age, Career, Education, Early Life, Family, Songs, Albums, Awards, And Net Worth
Ayinla Kollington Biography – Age, Career, Education, Early Life, Family, Songs, Albums, Awards, And Net Worth
Ayinla Kollington Biography – Age, Career, Education, Early Life, Family, Songs, Albums, Awards, And Net Worth Let us discuss Ayinla Kollington‘s Biography in terms of his Age, Career, Education, Early Life, Family, Musics And Net Worth and much more. The biography of General Ayinla Kollington, a Nigerian Fuji musician and songwriter born on the 20th of August, 1953 in Ibadan, Oyo State…
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goldmynetv · 5 years
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*GEN. KOLLINGTON AYINLA, QUEEN SALAWA ABENI RETURN TO EACH OTHER'S ARMS-* The reunion was occasioned by the wedding of their son, Mr. Tahoreed Ajibola Ilori in Lagos, Nigeria, on Saturday, 30th of March, 2019. The groom, history has it, was named after one of his father's best friends and benefactor in the 70s, Alhaji Tahoreed Adedigba (now deceased). The singing couple who are stars in the Fuji and Waka genre respectively had been estranged for over two decades. *what a son has joined together again... — view on Instagram http://bit.ly/2FJInzz
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olaluwe · 6 years
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Tiwa at her raunchy best Socrates reckoned many centuries ago that 'game of comparison is most enjoyed by beautiful people' . Obviously, his assertion was accurate and well intended because no ugly people love to be in the spotlight. However, he didn't have it in mind that a day like this would ever come when two unarguably beautiful personalities and their die-hard fans will be at each other's throats for a reason other beauty. Perfect enough, the game of comparison in question as it were between the lovely pair bugs down to who is a better singer and not who is more delectable. Its all started a few days back when an On-Air-Personality, OAP by name, Misi who while hosting Yemi Alade on her show was reported to have rants unending about how Tiwa Savage isn't a good singer and more so that she shouts in most of her songs and (wait for it) Yemi Alade was being frowned at in some quarters because she didn't stopped her or at least try to be diplomatic in halting the onslaught. And like all trending social issues, quite mundane for all it is worth, was latched on by almost everybody as vultures would on maggots ridden quarry. Like OAP Tisan Bako of Ray Power reckoned shortly in his contribution to the trending conversation that it is not as easy for a guest even on his own show to caution him from baring his mind on any issue. What he is saying clearly is that Yemi obviously have no such right to stop or caution the presenter in question from communicating what she strongly felt. In a way, I think she could if she had wanted. But she didn't try. And I'm not crucifying her for it. I'll not also crucify the OAP because that's what we do every other time in our various homes and offices needlessly.
Yemi looking all radiant
One thing people don't know is there is a need for variety. I mean, how on earth would it be if everybody sounds exactly like everybody? We will all get bored definitely. That underscores why a Tiwa must as a matter of professional necessity be different from Yemi whether she truly shouts or not as alleged by the presenter and vice versa. Music is poetry performed as such appeals to people differently just as the poetic personae performing it. Everybody including the OAP, Misi have got the right and privilege to like or dislike any entertainer (musicians and actors) for whatever reasons. But to attempt to foist that controversial line of thought or opinion on others is totally unacceptable. Let everybody likes who they want to like and dislike who they want to dislike but efforts should be made not to allow their disagreements to degenerate beyond verbal warfare. Interestingly, this is not the first time and neither would it be the last that members of the society are at dagger drawn over entertainers. We've had cases of late Fuji icon, Alhaji Sikiru Ayinde Barrister and his eternal rival Alhaji Ayinla Kollington and between Osupa Saheed and Alhaji Ajibola Pasuma; King Sunny Ade and Chief Commander Ebenezer Obey Fabiyi respectively and so many others that space will not allow me to name. Even more recently, we had that of Davido and Whizkid which though some people are quick to dismiss as both non-existent and an attempt to shore up their 'markets' like we use to say in local parlance. Whichever way, what it is, is what it is: a beef of sort. And not surprising, even as we speak polls are currently ongoing on various broadcast medium about who is a better singer between the two ladies of songs. Once more there is nothing wrong because its all influenced by primordial sentiments. Whatever the outcome is, it is not a problem for me and so I believe it shouldn't be for anybody because like Yoruba would say: ' the man who sings the praise of another deserves some accolades not minding the degree of their expertise'. Yemi and Tiwa are unquestionably worthy songstresses and ambassadors of Nigeria entertainment industry. And I say kudos to them whether Yemi sings better or not and whether Tiwa shouts or not.
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goldmynetv · 5 years
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*GEN. KOLLINGTON AYINLA, QUEEN SALAWA ABENI RETURN TO EACH OTHER'S ARMS-* The reunion was occasioned by the wedding of their son, Mr. Tahoreed Ajibola Ilori in Lagos, Nigeria, on Saturday, 30th of March, 2019. The groom, history has it, was named after one of his father's best friends and benefactor in the 70s, Alhaji Tahoreed Adedigba (now deceased). The singing couple who are stars in the Fuji and Waka genre respectively had been estranged for over two decades. *what a son has joined together again... https://www.instagram.com/p/BvrOBl_g8tt/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12wvfxr83o8mv
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olaluwe · 6 years
"Like the Yoruba would say : arms outstretched is a sign of intended dance; where as song is usually the forerunner of a looming treachery." I think to a large extent there is a lot of truth in this proverb if events in the music industry are anything to go by concerning reports of fights or beefs among artistes purportedly over obsession about who is the fans' favourite or who is more adept in his or her game. While I try to do justice to this question, I'd rather restrict myself to the western Nigeria musical pantheon by drawing freely from the its vast array of musicians who I sufficiently believe were involved in similar stuff to buttress my point. Tales abound of superiority fights among top Yoruba musicians from way back like King Sunny Ade vs Commander Ebenezer Obey to Alhadji Sikiru Ayinde Barrister vs Alhadji Kollington Ayinla; Sir Shina Peters vs Dayo Kujore to Alhadji Alabi Pasuma vs Alhadji Osupa Saheed to name a few. It is a juicy topic any day any time among fans of these artistes occasionally leading to dirty brawls. I've personally seen many played out at beer joints, on the streets and inside public transportations where abusive words and curses were freely used. As a survival policy or tactics we're told artistes of old would do just about anything to keep themselves as the centre piece of the fans attention for as long as it takes. Then, the use of 'black magic' was reportedly to be notoriously rampant. In addition to this, it is not out of place to hear their songs some of which still enjoy good air play these days being heavily laces with treachery and superiority punch lines to which artistes they were intended for must respond to in due course particularly through album releases and at shows. Some of the most famous and long drawn of these battles was to my mind between these iconic Fuji musicians namely late Alhadj Sikiru Ayinde Barrister and Alhadji Kollington Ayinla and Alhadji Alabi Pasuma and Osupa Saheed. The followers of these great musicians as well as trend observers will attest almost readily to the existence of a real supremacy war between them and they unavoidably took sides. They will roll out lines after lines from each to support their case in the heat of argument. It would interest you that when Alhadji Kollington Ayinla was interviewed by journalists immediately after the demise of Alhadji Sikiru Ayinde Barrister who they labelled his eternal arch rival; amid tears, he however has this to say: "we are not enemies like many think but our merely pushing our careers through all those songs amd albums that we have released overtime." Going by this refutation statement which to me was more diplomatic as it comes, does it then mean these two people don't get to fight really or what?  I personally think they do because they are humans whose career paths must necessarily crossed one way or the other for good or bad. To what extent they would resort to keeping malice or prepared to inflict harms on one another is what I don't know. But we're told they do by those who know! And voodoo like I mentioned earlier was the in thing then. And names of direct and indirect casualties/victims have been mentioned in all of those instances referred to above. Even some fans who took extreme positions different to these artistes would rather not want to see them together and are either disappointed when they do or left to wonder about the truth in all of the media reports of their beefs. Yet, album after album between them could said to be very engaging and a feast of unending warfare and we all love it because it indeed brought out the best in all of them. It would interest you to know that the superiority fight is not exclusive to these older generation of stars. The marque representatives of the new musical school are also not left out. In the past year or so, stories of love lost and physical brawls between Davido and Whizkid was well reported. It all came surprisingly to an end during the Whizkid end of year Lagos concert where he wowed the audience with an invite to the concert stage of Davido. I also noticed that he sang Davido's monster hit song FIA even more than Davido himself, And the incredulous concert goers obviously fell for what all along was to me a well crafted promotional stunt because they never really get crossed for all I care. I remember also that while it lasted, I had listened to and watched a cross section of entertainment commentators both on radio and television who obviously couldn't get a grasp of the fine lines of these planned and executed deceptions and promotional hanky-panky the two acts were putting up heaping praises on them for ending their all year long rift . I've no problem when people say: ' I love this act or that act more than the other for ABC reasons; but to say for instance that Davido is not as adept as Whizkid or vis a vis is totally wrong. The two for the year just ended were arguably the biggest success story for Nigeria entertainment on the world stage and it has nothing to do with their beef. They both bring their best to the fore and that's kudos to both of them. In the past however, it must be understood that it is almost impossible to see rivalling artistes say Ayinla Omowura and Sikiru Ayinde on one stage together. It was that bad. They try as much as possible to act the script even though it maybe tendentiously to serve their career progressions. So, all I'm saying is artistes indeed do fight. And they are known to wax lyrical about it. They are also known to get occasionally nasty and deadly about it. At least we've seen that played both in the past and today. In most cases, the reasons for their beefs go beyond music like the case with late American rappers the notorious BIG and Tupac. In as much as fighting between artistes is within the realm of possibility, we should however not lose sight of the fact that it could also be a smoke screen meant to do themselves a purposive world of good. And I think that's what it is with Davido/Whizkid beef.
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