#best plastic surgeon in india
lipedemas-blog · 2 months
What is lipedema? It's Causes, Symptoms and Treatments
What is lipedema?
A long-term condition called lipedema results in an abnormal buildup of fat in the lower body. Usually, your thighs, calves, and butt are affected by lipedema. Some get it in their upper arms or hips. It has no effect on your feet or hands. Sometimes people mistake lymphedema or being overweight for lipedema, although these are two distinct illnesses. Nonetheless, lymphedema can result from lipedema. The body mass index (BMI) of many lipedema individuals is greater than 35. You can shed weight in your upper body through diet and exercise, but this won't change the portions of your lower body that lipedema affects. Do you want to know more about lipedema and about their surgeries then consult with best liposuction doctors in hyderabad.
Types of lipedema:
Depending on where your symptoms are located, you could have multiple types of lipedema at the same time. Lipedema comes in various forms. 
Type I: The fat lies between the hips and the belly button. Type II: The fat lies between the knees and the pelvis. Type III: The fat lies between the ankles and the pelvis. Type IV: Your wrists and shoulders are separated by fat. Type V: The area of fat between your ankles and knees.
How common is lipedema?
Particularly among women, lipedema is a moderately prevalent but frequently misdiagnosed ailment. Worldwide, it is thought to impact up to 11% of women. However, because of incorrect diagnoses and a lack of knowledge among medical practitioners, it is difficult to pinpoint the precise prevalence. The abnormal buildup of fat, usually in the legs and buttocks, is known as lipedema. This condition frequently causes pain, swelling, and easy bruising. For those who are afflicted with this illness, early identification and treatment can help improve symptoms and quality of life. Lipedema is arises due to abnormal growth of fat, so get consultation and advice from best cosmetic surgeon in hyderabad.
What are the symptoms of lipedema?
Symptoms of lipedema include:
Fat accumulation on both sides of your body in your butt, thighs, calves, and occasionally upper arms.
Lumps within the fat that give you the impression that something is beneath your skin.
Pain that varies in intensity, from moderate to intense, and that only happens under pressure.
A sensation of weight in your legs.
Skin prone to bruising.
Weary (feeling more tired than normal).
What causes lipedema?
Inherited predisposition: Since lipedema frequently occurs in families, a hereditary component may be involved.
Hormonal factors: Since the disorder typically affects women and might deteriorate during hormonal changes such as adolescence, pregnancy, or menopause, estrogen may be involved. Some researchers propose that autoimmune or inflammatory processes could be involved in the development of lipedema.
Other factors: Although more research is required to properly understand these interactions, lipedema may be triggered or exacerbated by trauma, surgery, or hormone imbalances.
Having obesity doesn’t cause lipedema, but more than half of people with this condition have a BMI higher than 35.
Diagnosis of lipedema:
Physical Examination: To determine the distribution of fat and any related symptoms, a medical professional will conduct a physical examination.
Medical History: A thorough medical history encompassing hormonal variables, symptom onset, and family history will be obtained.
Imaging techniques: To visualize the distribution of fat and rule out other disorders, imaging techniques like ultrasound or MRI may be utilized.
Stages of Lipedema:
For many, lipedema gradually worsens over time. Stages of lipedema include:
Stage 1: Although your skin appears normal, you feel as though there are pebbles beneath it. At this point, pain and bruises are possible. Stage 2: The surface of your skin is uneven and may have dimpling that resembles cottage cheese, a walnut shell, or quilted stitching. Stage 3: You may have noticeable wrinkles in your skin and fat, and your legs may resemble blown-up rectangle balloons. Walking could be difficult if you have noticeable fat on your legs. Stage 4: You simultaneously have lymphedema and lipedema.
Know more about stages of lipedema get in touch with best plastic surgeon in india.
Methods for Lipedema Treatment:
Compression Therapy: By using compression clothing, you can enhance circulation and lessen edema.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage: This specific type of massage therapy can aid in lymphatic flow improvement and edema reduction. Decongestive therapy is an all-encompassing therapeutic method that incorporates skin care, exercise, compression, and manual lymphatic drainage.
Surgical Interventions: If conservative therapy are ineffective for a patient's significant symptoms, liposuction may be a possibility.
In conclusion, abnormal fat buildup, mainly in the legs and buttocks, is the hallmark of lipedema, a chronic disorder that can cause pain, swelling, and other symptoms. Although lipedema cannot be cured, there are a number of therapeutic options that can help control symptoms and enhance quality of life. Through knowledge of lipedema's causes, symptoms, and available treatments, people can proactively manage their condition and lead healthy lives. Remove your abnormal fat with help of fat removal surgery in hyderabad. 
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hazel51 · 9 months
Plastic Surgeon in Mumbai
How to choose the right Plastic Surgeon in India
Cosmetic procedures are now growing in popularity in India and the rest of the world. Numerous clinics have since been developed to meet the high demand for quality procedures in the market. Some of the cosmetic procedures you will find at The Esthetic Clinics include face lifts, breast lifts, tummy tucks, rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, face reconstruction, and even liposuction. Finding the best plastic surgeon in Mumbai is however not easy mainly because of the plenty of options you will find. To narrow down to the one option for you, develop criteria to filter off scammers and unreliable surgeons. Compiled here are the top concerns any patient must think of before choosing a surgeon for their cosmetic surgery.
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Ask for referrals and recommendations
Searching for a surgeon from scratch is a tedious task most patients choose to ignore. This is because the results can be numerous for one to filter within a short time. This is why you need to ask for recommendations from friends and family on the best plastic surgeons they may have worked with. It is from the list that careful assessment will be done to pick the most specialized options to help you with cosmetic procedures.
Go through their qualifications
Medical training fields are vast with lots of certifications needed before one can fully be licensed and allowed to practice in any country. Top clinics in India can only hire certified-board surgeons for the different procedures patients might come in asking for. Once you have a shortlist of recommended surgeons, compare their credentials to choose the most qualified one for the procedure. Besides the legitimacy of their credentials, confirm whether the institutions listed are legit and certified in India before agreeing to work with any.
Are they specialized and experienced in the specific procedure?
The first important question your doctor needs to answer is when they started performing surgery. From their answer, the patient can gauge their experience determining whether they will sign up or not. Specialization is another major concern in cosmetic procedures as special training is accorded in specific niches. Rather than settling for a general plastic surgeon in India, why not find the one that is truly cut out for the particular type of surgery you want? Lastly, the success rate of the surgeon can be calculated by determining how many procedures were successful out of all that was done. A rigorous comparison process will guide you to finding the perfect plastic surgeon for your needs.
Assess the results before and after surgery
The burden of proof always lies with the surgeon if they are to convince potential clients. Ask your shortlisted surgeons to provide before and after pictures depicting the results of the work they did on their clients. You can always determine the level of experience and professionalism accorded to a client from the quality of results they get from a cosmetic procedure. This also inspires confidence in the patient after they see what the surgeon can truly achieve when one meets the budget demand.
Are they approachable and professional?
How does the surgeon make you feel at the first meeting? Trust is not easy to come by however not when there are certain attributes you are looking for. At The Esthetic Clinics, professionals like Dr. Debraj Shome is an excellent Oculoplastic Surgeon in Mumbai have excellent communication skills commendable for groundbreaking conversation and building trust with patients. You need a surgeon who can listen keenly too to what you are saying and find ways to satisfy those needs. Above all, they must have respect for their clients and be able to show compassion both before and after the procedure. Any surgeon in India that has a malpractice charge against them should be avoided at all costs.
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sculptclinicindia · 2 years
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Those are the cosmetic surgeons who sculpt your face and body in the way you will love it because they motivate the issue of self-love through their work. To talk of the cosmetic surgeons, India has its top cosmetics and aesthetics skin clinic- SCULPT INDIA, which is headed by Dr Vivek Kumar, who is the Best cosmetic surgeon in India. Their main goal is to enhance and alleviate a person’s self-esteem and self-confidence by performing surgery on them with the permission of the patient. However, it must be noted that cosmetic surgery is gender neutral. Anyone can undergo the treatment. Dr Vivek Kumar is the top Plastic Surgeon in India. Under his supervision, there work several other qualified and certified doctors who tend to their client’s problems seriously. This makes him the best plastic Surgeon in Delhi, India.
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weight-loses-world · 2 years
Jade Kicked12 Pounds in 21 Days!
Jade was able to lose her stuborn belly fat and
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"I’ve been trying forever to lose the last 10-15 lbs. and tone up and that’s exactly what happened so I am very happy. I feel great about myself, I don’t find myself holding in my belly anymore and feel confident about myself and people have noticed that about me too...and my love handles are gone! I couldn’t be happier with this whole program and I definitely recommend this to anyone looking to lose a little or lose a lot.”
Click here
*Your results may vary.
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aesthetic2020 · 11 days
Tummy tuck surgery in Bangalore | Aesthetic international
Abdominoplasty Surgery In Bangalore
Having a flatter, firmer midsection can dramatically improve the way clothing fits and looks, helping you feel more confident and comfortable in your body.
During the procedure of abdominoplasty surgery in Bangalore , the abdominal muscles are tightened and excess, sagging skin is eliminated, correcting a protruding belly and leaving the midsection flatter and better toned. Tummy tucks are popular procedure for men and women, particularly those whose bodies have undergone dramatic changes from weight loss or pregnancy.
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Abdominoplasty is not a solution to being overweight. Our doctors use the latest techniques and technology to minimize post-surgery pain, and ensure the most rapid recovery.
🌟 Discover Expert Tummy Tuck Surgery in Bangalore! 🌟
Are you considering a tummy tuck to achieve a flatter, more toned abdomen? Aesthetic International offers top-notch abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) surgery in Bangalore, performed by skilled professionals.
👉 Learn more about our tummy tuck surgery: Link
Why Choose Aesthetic International? ✨ Experienced and certified surgeons ✨ State-of-the-art facilities ✨ Personalized treatment plans tailored to your needs ✨ Comprehensive care from consultation to recovery
Achieve the body transformation you desire with expert tummy tuck surgery at Aesthetic International.
#TummyTuck #Abdominoplasty #BangaloreSurgery #AestheticInternational #BodyTransformation
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dnetal · 11 days
Finding the Best Face Plastic Surgeon and Best Nose Surgeon in India
EdensDental offers top-tier services as the Best Face Plastic Surgeon in India. Our expert surgeons provide world-class cosmetic and reconstructive procedures, ensuring superior results and patient satisfaction. Whether you're considering a facelift, rhinoplasty, or facial implants, trust EdensDental for unparalleled expertise and care. Join countless satisfied clients who have transformed their lives with our specialized treatments. Discover your best self with EdensDental today.
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creative9blogs · 2 months
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Visit our Clinic to meet the Best Plastic Surgeon in Delhi
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Elevate your beauty with precision and care by choosing Dr Vivek Kumar, acclaimed as the best plastic surgeon in Delhi. His expertise and patient-centric approach deliver transformative results, ensuring safety and satisfaction. Trust Dr Kumar for personalized and exceptional plastic surgery experiences in the heart of Delhi.
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hazel51 · 10 months
Plastic Surgeon in Mumbai-India
What are the main advantages of undergoing plastic surgery?
Ever since its introduction, plastic surgery has become one of the most popular cosmetic procedures around the world. It allows people to adjust their look to suit their wishes but it all comes at a cost. In your pursuit of perfection, consider carefully all clinics offering the service as its success is highly important. The Esthetic Clinics in Mumbai, India has top quality plastic surgeons that are trained and experienced in the matter. Consulting with Dr. Rinky Kapoor or Dr. Debraj Shome allows you to get an insight of what procedures are offered, how they are executed, the plastic surgery procedure cost and even assess the testimonials. Here are the top five reasons why people sign up for plastic surgeon in Mumbai in the world today.
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Enhanced Appearance
One of the primary reasons people opt for plastic surgery is to improve their appearance. Once you become dissatisfied with how some parts of your body look, it is upon you to find the right procedure to help correct that. Rhinoplasty (nose job) is for instance one of the many surgical procedures that can be used to improve the appearance of your nose. Breast augmentation, liposuction, and facelifts are among the other cosmetic surgery procedures that can enhance features and bring about a more balanced and attractive appearance, which can boost self-confidence and self-esteem.
Increased Self-Confidence and find the best Cosmetic Surgeon in Mumbai
When individuals are unhappy with certain aspects of their appearance, it can negatively impact their self-confidence. You no longer need to accept the condition as it is when there are procedures that can change the situation. Plastic surgery can address these concerns and create a positive change, leading to increased self-assurance and a better body image. Improved confidence and self-esteem is one of the many assets anyone needs to successfully maneuver the world while making meaningful interactions.
Correcting Physical Abnormalities or Deformities
Plastic surgery is not only about aesthetic improvements but also about correcting physical abnormalities or congenital deformities. Procedures such as cleft lip and palate repair, breast reconstruction after mastectomy, and scar revision can significantly improve a person's quality of life and self-functionality. These are conditions that could interfere with the normal functioning of the body and hence calls for correction. By choosing the right clinic and surgeon, the right procedures can be administered to restore the features to normal and improve their functioning.
Improved Physical Health
It is not always that plastic surgery procedures look to improve aesthetic appeal, at times it is just a medical procedure recommended by the doctor. Some plastic surgery procedures offered by clinics lead to better physical health as you will find out during consultations. One of the many medical plastic surgery procedures includes Rhinoplasty which alters structural formations in the nasal passages. The procedure seeks to achieve improved breathing while also reshaping the size and shape of the nose. Breast reduction surgery is also another option that can relieve back and shoulder pain caused by overly large breasts.
Emotional and Psychological Benefits
People tend to lose confidence and self-esteem once they admit to have a blemish on any part of their body. Instead of living in regret, why not move forward and choose the right Plastic surgery procedure of your choice? It can easily bring a positive emotional and psychological impact on you provided you choose the right clinic for the same. Addressing long-standing physical concerns can reduce anxiety, depression, and social anxiety related to appearance, allowing people to lead more fulfilling lives and engage in social activities more comfortably.
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Rhinoplasty for Wide Nose: How Does It Work
Rhinoplasty for Wide Nose: How Does It Work 
● Your Consultation 
● Ideal Candidates 
● Your Procedure 
● Procedure Risk 
● Recovery and Downtime 
● Your Consultation 
Most cosmetic procedures begin with a consultation so that your suitability for the  procedure can be determined, as not everyone qualifies. 
You will have a meeting with a cosmetic surgeon for rhinoplasty. 
Your doctor may ask you to provide medical records or disclose any medications you  are currently taking, including supplements, so the medications you take will not  interfere with your recovery or the procedure. 
When it comes to wide nose jobs, pictures of before and after can give you an idea of  what's possible with this type of surgery. 
Your consultation is your chance to discuss any questions you may have about any step  in the treatment process so that you fully understand what is going on. 
Keep your questions in mind ahead of time so you don't forget anything during this  consultation. 
● Ideal Candidates 
If you are considering a wide nose bridge rhinoplasty, there are a number of factors that  must be considered before you choose one. 
The procedure works best for those who are physically mature, including your nasal  maturity. 
Candidates who have realistic expectations regarding the outcome of their surgery and  are not disillusioned by the appearance of their current appearance are ideal  candidates.
● Your Procedure 
Usually, patients undergo a procedure under general anesthesia, hospitalization is  required for a day or two.  
There are two options as to whether a rhinoplasty is performed, open or closed . In a closed procedure, incisions are placed within the nostrils. 
In open rhinoplasty, an additional, external incision is required on Columella. 
If an external incision is required, it will result in scar which is hardly visible in due course  of time.  
In the nose, skin will be folded back to reveal the inner nasal structures. Your surgeon will be able to reconstruct your nose with ease. 
Your cosmetic surgeon can recommend the right approach for your rhinoplasty incision,  so you can achieve your treatment goals. 
● Recovery and Downtime 
Rhinoplasty results are not visible just after surgery as there is swelling of the nose due to  the procedure which takes 2-3 weeks to resolve. Results become better day by day. 
Procedure Time: 2-5 Hours 
Hospital Stay: 1-2 Days 
Recovery Time: 2-4 Weeks 
Dr geetika paliwal 
Dr. Geetika is the best plastic surgeon in Indore, specialized in Burns, Plastic & Cosmetic  surgeries. 
Official handle :- https://drgeetikapaliwal.com/ 
+91 702 402 3943 
+91 992 666 3943
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Simply because the term "plastic" is part of the name, it does not imply that individuals undergoing this surgical procedure end up with an artificial-looking visage. Rather, the essence lies in sculpting or molding.
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Transform with Precision Plastic Surgery in India | Richardsons Hospital
Explore the art of transformation at Richardsons Hospital, a pioneer in Plastic Surgery in India. Our expert surgeons blend precision and innovation to deliver personalized aesthetic enhancements. Discover a world of beauty and confidence with our cutting-edge procedures.
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