#best psychic in Toronto Tara Greene
taratarotgreene · 1 year
July 14 Celebrity Astrology and Daily Aspects
Cancer Sun, Mercury in Leo, Celebrities born with these aspects Selena Gomes, Robin Williams, Malala, Lindsay Lohan, Benedict Cumberbatch, Frida Kahlo, Sylvester Stallone, Nelson Mandela, Ringo Starr,Mike Tyson,George W. Bush, Sofia Vergara, Jaden Smith, Kevin Hart, Courtney Love and Richard Branson. Moon is in GEMINI and communications are strong; it’s flirty and indecisive. Good for…
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taratarotgreene · 8 months
Leo Full Moon Drama, King Charles
Hi I’ve been feeling a bit sick yesterday. So I’ve recorded a Leo Full Moon video. The Full Moon at 5+° Leo and is exactly conjunct to King Charles Ascendant with Pluto in his 6th House of health which bodes not well for Charles and the Sun on his Descendant where he interacts with the world his 7th house cusp and his marriage too., the youtube.com/watch
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taratarotgreene · 8 months
Mercury in Capricorn, Taylor Swift, smart business
anuary 13 Mercury enters Capricorn 6:49 pm PST, 9:49 pm EST until February 4 MERCURY in CAPRICORN lets us focus on serious mental business, career goals, and patiently and consistently getting the job done. The most famous singer in the world right now
January 13 Mercury enters Capricorn 6:49 pm PST, 9:49 pm EST until February 4 MERCURY in CAPRICORN lets us focus on serious mental business, career goals, and patiently and consistently getting the job done. The most famous singer in the world right now TAYLOR SWIFT has Mercury in Capricorn smack on her Ascendant. You can see how shrewd she has been outwitting her manager Scooter Braun, the…
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taratarotgreene · 11 months
Venus in Libra, finding peace and balance
VENUS is home again in LIBRA from November 8-December 4 2023. Hopefully there will be some peace and balance in our lives and in the world.
VENUS is home again in LIBRA from November 8-December 4 2023. Venus was last at home about a year ago when she made a STAR POINT on OCTOBER 22 as she conjoined the Sun October 22 at 5;17 pm EDT at a VERY RARE 29 degrees LIBRA for the 1st time since 1879. Astarte 1877, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons Venus at home sign is a good time for all Libra’s and Taurus too…
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taratarotgreene · 1 year
Weekly Astrology September 18-24 Libra season and Equinox
September 18 Scorpio MOON time You will feel the pulls into the depths of obsession, desire and power struggles arise. This is the most intense 3 days to do the heaviest shadow work. It’s hard but worth it. Moon trines Saturn Retrograde Is a good time to connect with departed relatives -this is the Anniversary of my Mom’s death. I will think about her and connect with her spirit. My Mom, Fay,…
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taratarotgreene · 6 months
Aries Equinox, New Year, International Astrology Day
Happy Spring Equinox, it’s the Aries Sun ingress and Spring in the Northern Hemisphere and Autumn Down under, when day and night are equal and balanced because the Sun is sitting directly over the Equator. Which it does again at Autumn Equinox. Only two days of the year are in this balance. The SUN at 0 ARIES the first sign of the Zodiac and a brand hot new beginning is March 19 at 8:06 pm PDT,…
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taratarotgreene · 1 month
Big stress Astrology August 12- 18
Fasten your seat belts and prep for a stressful week ahead, because this is an off the charts week. Mercury is Retrograde in Virgo until the 14th so all Gemini and Virgo people and things that Gemini and Virgo represent will be scattered, difficult to track, misconstrued, etc. So please dont forget this. AUG, 14 MERCURY in VIRGO quincunx PLUTO at 0 Aquarius at 9:03 am EDT The mind and the…
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taratarotgreene · 2 months
Venus in LEO, Queen of Hearts Astrology Guide
With Venus in LEO July 11- August 4 Love, strength, drama and courage abound. Women step into leadership roles. A short heart-racing role playing time. We bid a sentimental goodbye to VENUS in family and foodie-loving Cancer and hello to we love to party, roar and all the drama Venus in Leo. Women take center stage as heart-centered leaders. Venus is in fiery, courageous, willful Leo July…
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taratarotgreene · 3 months
Work on strategic ancestral karma, Grand water trine
A Grand water trine of the Sun at 16° CANCER, with Saturn Stationary Retrograde at 19 PISCES and ATHENA at 19 SCORPIO is forming over the next 3 days from July 7 creates strategic ancestral karma energies. VENUS at 25 CANCER is also involved widely. newly returned from the Underworld, Cancer times are always very emotional and sentimental. This is the sign of mothers, children, nurturing, home,…
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taratarotgreene · 3 months
Saturn and NEPTUNE Retro Pisces dream spiritual review
Spiriutal and karmic matters Get really Serious as Saturn Stations Retrograde June 29 at 19+ Pisces at 3:07 pm EDT and Stations Direct November 15 at 12 Pisces. That’s 140 days of karmic reflection, dream work, releasing ourselves from old karmic long held patterns payback time. Saturn hasn;t been at this degree in 29 years, NEPTUNE, Modern ruler of PISCES also Turns RETROGRADE July 2 at 29…
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taratarotgreene · 9 days
Friday the 13th, not what you think
Friday the 13th is not bad at all, its simply the number of lunar cycles in a natural lunar based calendar which most of the world’s religions still use- Chinese, Hindu, Muslim, Jewish, Mayan all use ancient lunar based calendars. It’s the Western world-pre-Colonial, artificial Julian calendar since 45 BC, a solar-based calendar which make our world and us so crazy and out of balance and in…
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taratarotgreene · 20 days
Rare, 29 Critical degrees, once in fifteen hundred years, and Biden
The 29th degree is called a critical or anaretic degree in any sign. A planet has soaked up all the energy in the 30 degrees of a sign. The world axis is 0 Cancer 0 Capricorn. Neptune is at 29° Pisces now the most karmic intense last degree of the zodiac and will remain off and on this critical degree into February 2026. Pluto Retrogrades back to 29° Capricorn September 1 to stay until November…
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taratarotgreene · 20 days
Uranus Retrograde, Re-plow field of dreams
Deutsch: Maler der Grabkammer des SennudemEnglish: Painter of the burial chamber of Sennedjemالعربية: رسام حجرة دفن سننجم, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons Uranus in Taurus turns Retrograde September 1st at 11:18 am EDT it’s annual review time for doing the backstep, retracing its’ revolutionary, slow plodding, dragging its hoofs energy, forwards movent over the next 5 months. Uranus turns…
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taratarotgreene · 4 months
Mars conjunct Chiron PTSD healing
THE EDUCATION OF ACHILLES by CHIRON 1782Jean-Baptiste Regnault, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons On May 29 at 10:08 am PDT,1:08 pm EDT, 5:08 pm GMT, CHIRON the Wounder Healer and guide meets warrior planet Mars for a third conjunction in Aries at 22+ degrees since 2020. The first conjunction was in mid-July 2020, at 10 Aries at the beginnng of worldwide Covid lockdowns. The second…
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taratarotgreene · 10 months
Sex, Power, Money, Death, Royals, Astrology
December 3 Venus squares Pluto at the 29th most intense degrees of LIBRA/ CAPRICORN is Love or Death, Sex versus Wealth, women versus Patriarchal powers. The 29th degree is Ruled by LEO ♌️ in degree theory Astrology. This brings stronger issues of power plays, Royalty- in the UK the royals are getting blasted by Prince Harry and his defenders in new royal scandal books, and drama, upstaging,…
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taratarotgreene · 11 months
The Met Gala 2024 Astrology is Real
Astrology is real. The Met Gala announced its 2024 Theme as “Sleeping Beauties” as Venus entered her home sign of fashionable Libra. https://www.vogue.com/article/spring-2024-costume-institute-exhibition-sleeping-beauties-reawakening-fashion Venus rules Taurus-rich luxurious fabrics and jewels. Saturn is in Pisces, Saturn is old things, antiques and Pisces rules dreams and endings. Venus is…
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