#best shopify experts texas
synergytop · 2 years
SynergyTop is the best Shopify web design agency in Texas for your eCommerce business. Call at: 1-619-349-4911 to get the best shopify experts who can help you to build your estore with all customize features and also integrate with other ecommerce options. Schedule a free consultation at [email protected] to get custom shopify development services.
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jaden-garza · 4 months
Jaden Garza: A Visionary in Technology and Philanthropy
In the dynamic realm of IT and technology, few individuals shine as brightly as Jaden Garza. His career, marked by a passion for pushing technological boundaries and crafting solutions for communities, positions him as a serial entrepreneur with a penchant for transformative projects. Let's delve into his journey, exploring his ventures and the impact he's making.
Entrepreneurial Journey
Garza's foray into the technology sector began with the installation and development of wireless internet solutions for RV communities across Texas in 2017. A pivotal moment occurred in 2020 when he spearheaded the rebranding of the business into a direct-to-consumer solution. Today, thousands of rural Americans benefit from reliable wireless internet, opening doors for remote learning and remote work.
The Birth of HXO
His latest venture, HXO, is a testament to his commitment to making a positive impact. HXO serves as a hub for a collection of like-minded brands and businesses dedicated to helping people. Garza expresses his passion for assisting individuals across various industries, emphasizing that the core of his drive lies in making a difference in people's lives.
A Day in the Life of Jaden Garza
Garza's daily routine reflects a deliberate avoidance of rigid schedules. While not a fan of routine, he acknowledges the importance of structure, thanks to a supportive team. Collaboration and project prioritization with leadership are key elements that keep him productive, and a talented, self-motivated team ensures smooth operations.
Productivity Habits of an Entrepreneur
Garza's productivity secret lies in continuous learning. Immersing himself in topics of interest, he becomes an expert, fostering his natural curiosity and desire for knowledge. His leadership style centers around collective reasoning and teamwork, emphasizing that creating as a team is more impactful than solitary endeavors.
Words of Wisdom and Self-Reflection
Offering advice to his younger self and aspiring leaders, Garza stresses the importance of trusting oneself while staying grounded in personal values. He highlights the significance of self-reflection, emphasizing that success should not overshadow fundamental values, such as family and compassion for others.
Unconventional Beliefs and Strategies
Garza challenges conventional thinking with his belief that executing a good plan promptly outweighs waiting for a perfect plan in the future. This philosophy underscores the urgency to seize opportunities and not get paralyzed by the pursuit of perfection.
Strategies for Business Growth
Garza advocates for openness to change and feedback as a strategy for business growth. He emphasizes the importance of planning steps and phases during periods of expansion, ensuring a prepared and scalable approach. Clearly defining the mission is key to aligning a team towards a common goal.
The Value of Family Moments
Reflecting on the best $100 spent recently, Garza shares a cherished family experience at a drive-in theater. The joyous moments with his family, despite the cost, underscore the priceless value of quality time.
Favorite Productivity Tools
While managing various businesses, Garza relies on user-friendly platforms that seamlessly integrate. Google services, Lucid Charts for visual representation of ideas, and Shopify for its versatile application integration stand out as his preferred productivity tools.
Jaden Garza's journey unfolds as a fusion of technological prowess and a deep commitment to community welfare. His ventures not only shape the technology landscape but also reflect a genuine dedication to making a positive impact. As we navigate the inspiring narrative of him, let's embrace the lessons of collaboration, adaptability, and the pursuit of a greater purpose.
Join the conversation and share your thoughts on how technology can be harnessed for community welfare. Connect with us on social media to stay updated on impactful ventures and innovative solutions. Together, let's explore the endless possibilities of technology and its potential to create positive change.
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pronoykhan · 7 months
Hridoy SEO Agency
Amplify Your Business With Our SEO Agency in Texas
Welcome to our Agence SEO in Texas. We specialize in helping businesses like yours amplify their online presence and achieve remarkable success. With our expert team of digital marketers and SEO professionals, we are dedicated to driving organic traffic, boosting search engine rankings and maximizing your online visibility. 
What Is The Definition Of SEO?
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It's like giving your website a special makeover to make it more attractive and appealing to search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo. Imagine search engines as busy librarians who help people find the most relevant and valuable information. When someone searches for a specific topic or question, search engines scan through billions of web pages to find the best matches. SEO is the process of optimizing your website so that search engines recognize its value and rank it higher in search results.
Our Services 
We pride ourselves on providing a comprehensive range of services to help businesses thrive in the digital landscape. Our seo Agency in Texas team of experts is dedicated to delivering exceptional results through tailored strategies and innovative techniques. Whether you're looking to boost your online visibility, drive targeted traffic or enhance your brand presence, we have the solutions you need. Here are some strategies that can be effective seo for financial advisors.
Take a closer look at the services we offer:
On-page SEO 
Technical SEO 
Off-page SEO 
Local SEO 
Facebook ads campaign 
Google ads campaign 
YouTube marketing 
How Do We Work?
We believe in a data-driven approach to SEO. Utilizing the latest industry tools and techniques to analyze your website's performance, identify areas for improvement and implement strategies that yield tangible results. Our team of SEO experts will conduct in-depth keyword research, optimize your website's structure and content and employ effective link-building strategies to enhance your search engine rankings.
On-Page SEO
We optimize your website's elements, such as meta tags, headings, keywords and content, to enhance its visibility and relevance to search engines.
Technical SEO
Our seo agency in Texas experts conduct a thorough analysis of your website's technical aspects, including site speed, mobile-friendliness, indexing and crawlability, to ensure optimal performance and visibility.
Off-Page SEO
We develop effective link-building strategies and leverage reputable sources to generate high-quality backlinks, increasing your website's authority and improving its search engine rankings.
Local SEO
If you have a local business, our Local SEO services can help you attract more customers from your target geographic area. We optimize your online presence, including local directories, Google My Business listing and customer reviews, to ensure your business stands out in local search results. By targeting relevant keywords and implementing location-based optimization techniques, we help you connect with potential customers in your vicinity.
Facebook Ads Campaign
Our Facebook Ads Campaign service leverages the immense reach and targeting capabilities of the Facebook platform to drive highly relevant traffic to your website. We create compelling ad campaigns that engage your target audience, increase brand awareness and generate leads or conversions. Our experts monitor and optimize your campaigns to maximize their performance and deliver measurable results.
Google Ads Campaign
With our Google Ads Campaign service, we harness the power of Google's advertising platform to connect your business with potential customers actively searching for your products or services. Our team conducts thorough keyword research, creates engaging ad copies and implements strategic bidding strategies to drive qualified traffic to your website. We continuously optimize your campaigns to achieve the best return on investment (ROI).
YouTube Marketing
Our YouTube marketing services capitalize on the popularity of video content and the vast user base of YouTube. We develop customized strategies to promote your brand, create compelling video content, optimize your channel and videos for maximum visibility and engage with your target audience. Whether it's building brand awareness, driving traffic or increasing conversions, our YouTube marketing services can help you achieve your goals.
If you're looking to establish or enhance your e-commerce presence, our Shopify services offer a complete solution. We specialize in designing and developing user-friendly and visually appealing Shopify websites tailored to your business needs. Our team ensures seamless integration, secure payment gateways, mobile responsiveness and effective optimization, empowering you to create a successful online store.
What is the difference between national SEO and local SEO?
National SEO refers to search engine optimization strategies and techniques that are focused on improving the visibility and rankings of a website in national search results. While local SEO targets specific geographical areas, national SEO aims to capture a broader audience across an entire country. National SEO typically involves optimizing a website's content, meta tags, URLs and other on-page elements to target relevant keywords with a national scope. It also involves building high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites to increase the website's authority and visibility in national search results.
Our Customized Strategies
We know that every business is unique and that's why we take the time to understand your specific objectives and target audience. Whether you're a small local business or a large enterprise, we will create a customized SEO strategy tailored to your needs. By leveraging our expertise in local SEO, on-page optimization, content marketing and technical SEO, we'll ensure your website ranks prominently in relevant search results, driving targeted traffic and increasing conversions.
Transparent Reporting
We believe in complete transparency when it comes to our work. As our valued client, you will have access to detailed reports and analytics, providing insights into the progress of your SEO campaigns. We'll keep you informed about keyword rankings, website traffic and other key performance indicators. So you can see the impact our efforts are making on your business.
Collaborative Partnership
We view our client relationships as partnerships. We take the time to listen to your goals, answer your questions and provide ongoing support and guidance throughout our engagement. Our seo agency in Texas team will work closely with you to align our strategies with your business objectives and adapt to any changes in the dynamic digital landscape.
Amplify Your Business
Our SEO agency simply the best agency in Texas. With our Agency, you can amplify your business's online presence and unlock its full potential. By harnessing the power of search engines and implementing effective SEO strategies, we will help you reach a wider audience, increase brand visibility and generate more leads and conversions.
Why are we different from other SEO Agencies?
What sets our SEO agency in Texas apart from others is our unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional results. We prioritize our clients' success, offering personalized strategies, in-depth analysis and continuous optimization to ensure maximum visibility and organic growth. With our expertise and dedication, we aim to establish long-term partnerships that drive sustainable online success for your business.
Why Choose Us? 
At Hridoy SEO Agency, we understand that the digital landscape is constantly evolving and staying ahead of the competition requires a comprehensive SEO strategy tailored to your unique business goals. That's why we offer a range of cutting-edge services designed to propel your business to new heights.
Take the first step towards digital success. Contact our SEO agency in Texas today and let's embark on a journey of growth and success together.
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ensumo-mart · 7 months
Konvey: Elevating Personalized Communication in Austin, Texas, United States
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In the bustling world of digital communication, crafting messages that truly resonate with your audience can be a game-changer. Enter Konvey, a powerful app that empowers you to record personalized messages for prospects, clients, and team members. Whether you're in Austin, Texas, or anywhere around the globe, Konvey provides the tools you need to make your communications stand out.
A Comprehensive Toolkit for Personalization
Konvey's robust toolkit allows you to record audio, screen, and camera, offering a range of features to create impactful messages. What sets Konvey apart is its ability to use all three recording options simultaneously, enabling you to tailor messages to the specific preferences of your audience.
Understanding the Recording Options
Audio: With audio recording, your message is delivered with clarity and tone, making it ideal for instructions, sales pitches, or training sessions.
Screen: Screen recording lets you showcase your expertise by capturing your screen while navigating through documents, presentations, or software, providing a visual element to your message.
Camera: Using the camera recording feature, you can put a face to your message, building trust and connection, perfect for personalized introductions and team updates.
Benefits of Konvey for Prospects
Enhancing Communication: Personalized video messages take your communication with prospects to a deeper level, showing that you've taken the time to address their specific needs and concerns.
Increasing Engagement and Conversion: Personalized videos capture attention, leading to higher engagement rates and improved conversion rates compared to traditional text-based messages.
Building Trust and Relationships: Trust is crucial in any business relationship, and Konvey helps you build trust and credibility with personalized video messages.
Personalized Messages for Clients
Tailored Support: Konvey enables you to provide tailored support and guidance to your clients, demonstrating your commitment to helping them find solutions.
Visual Explanations: Visual demonstrations through audio, screen, and camera recordings allow clients to see your products or services in action, fostering trust and credibility.
Strengthening Client Relationships: Personalized communication with clients through Konvey deepens your client relationships, whether you're sending updates, feedback, or expressions of gratitude.
Konvey for Team Collaboration and Communication
In the realm of personalized communication, Konvey offers an exceptional user experience with its easy-to-use interface, customization options, and integration with various communication tools and platforms.
Konvey vs. Other Personalized Message Tools
Konvey distinguishes itself with its easy-to-use interface, custom domain option, multiple recording choices, advanced editing tools, and analytics and tracking features, providing a competitive edge over other screen recording tools.
Getting Started with Konvey
Setting up your Konvey account and custom domain is the first step in creating a professional and branded experience. Explore the recording options and features to make the most of this powerful tool.
Best Practices for Creating Effective Personalized Messages
Follow these best practices to create engaging and effective personalized messages:
Keep it concise.
Speak naturally.
Address your recipient by name.
Add value.
End with a clear call to action.
Incorporate these tips into your Konvey messages, and you'll leave a lasting impression on your prospects, clients, and team members.
To view the full review in detail: Click here!
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cyruswebtech · 2 years
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Want your business to grow online? For this, you need to set up a high design that is exceptional Ecommerce Shopify Web Design And you need to Hire the best Shopify Company in California and Florida. Cyruswebtech is one of the top Shopify web development companies in Florida, California, and Texas. They have Shopify Experts over the country. Visit their website to see their work and book a quote now. 
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agilehorde · 3 years
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Do you need faster, full fledged, and professional website for your online business, then you are on the right page.
The motive of agileHorde Technologies is not only to build a website but also to generate profit for you by applying an innovative Marketing plan, brand building approach & a precise Marketing strategy with a High converting promotion campaigns, Facebook/Instagram shop, Social channel ads for your E-Commerce, F-Commerce, and Dropshipping Business.
Why us?
✓ Team of Experts
✓ Quick Response
✓ Friendly Communication
✓ Work for winning Campaign
✓ Your satisfaction is our goal
Therefore, if you want to get the best results, then you are in the right place at the right moment as we would really love to help you.
If you have any question regarding us and our services feel free to contact us:
W: www.agilehorde.com
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ponds458-blog · 4 years
What Hollywood Can Teach Us About
Everything about Arizona House Painters, Llc - Better Business Bureau® Profile
You should repaint your home interior once every few years, depending on the condition of the present paint. Paint on walls fades in Painting contractors Kelowna time, regardless of the space it might occur in a bedroom, cooking area, dining space, living room or restroom. However, paint that is exposed to more dirt, particularly flat or matte paint textures, might need repainting more regularly.
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Best Connecticut Painter – Painters ...dinardopainting.com
These would require more regular painting. If you're ready to repaint the walls in your home, secure free quotes from the finest painters near you.
The Greatest Guide To Houston Texas Painters: Painters Houston Tx - Best House ...
Painting your home, particularly if you're selling it, is one of the very best methods to add value. According to a Customer Reports National Research Center study of over 300 realty experts, selectively painting crucial rooms like the kitchen and restroom can bring 1-3% more on your house sale, while enhancing the outside (including paint touch-ups) can add 2-5%.
Fresh paint likewise fares better in listing pictures and will hide any old imperfections. If you go for a low-cost quote with a non-legitimate painting business, you run the risk of destroyed personal effects, a lost financial investment, limitless frustration, and more. You require painters who will do a premium task and offer a high level of customer care.
A Biased View of Cory Dean's Painting - Best Painter In Omaha
The devil's in the information, and bad painters could leave old, poisonous paint all over for your puppy or kids to come across. They could do a sloppy job, get paint on your individual possessions, appear late or ghost the job altogether. The secret is to discover vetted home painters who are popular amongst people and experts you trust.
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Painting Company Indianapolis, IN ...sharperimpressionspainting.com
He shared, "I found my painter probably 10, 12 years ago now from a client who had actually had their home painted and was extremely delighted with them I tried them out on one, and after that two, and then 3 [tasks] and now he does a fair bit of work for us." Source: (Shopify Partners/ Burst) Your agent will have vetted the painters over years and years and lots of houses, and will make certain that whoever you employ is devoted to a level of professionalism and perfectionism on par with their own excellent services.
Not known Facts About Greenworks Painting, Inc.: Chicago Painters Best Rated
If your home purchase happened long back and selling remains in the long run, there are a few other methods to find a trusted company to paint your house. Initially, try and get a referral from somebody you know and trust. Bug loved ones for the names of painters they have actually utilized and liked.
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Best Painters in CT House Painting ...1stchoicepros.com
If you absolutely can't find an excellent suggestion from anyone you understand, the following are excellent resources for finding trusted professionals:, which dishes up over 1.5 million qualified house professionals and tailors your search for house painters to tailor to your needs and location, an expert source of verified reviews and rankings in hundreds of categories, a leading evaluation website committed to providing unbiased evaluations, a personal social media where you can get candid evaluations from your neighbors Home enhancement and design website Houzz will walk you through finding a home painter in your location that fulfills your particular requirements.
The Main Principles Of A New Leaf Painting: House Painters & Painting Contractors ...
Source: (Houzz) Finding house painters on Yelp is as simple as specifying your place and typing in "house painters" into the Yelp search bar and after that sorting through the outcomes. You can also narrow your search by making your keyword more particular, like "home painters exterior." Source: (Yelp) Some good guidelines of thumb for parsing online reviews: It's normal for a company to have a couple of less-than-perfect reviewsit most likely suggests that they're not publishing phony evaluations or investing all their time on reputation management (perhaps they're out there painting houses rather!) But if the majority of the reviews lean unfavorable and also seem genuine, avoid.
More reviews indicates you're getting a more precise gauge of a business. The most dedicated reviewers will not just say "Joe your home painter did an amazing job!" but discuss why and even offer photos as evidence. That sort of evaluation is worth its weight in gold. Take this example listed below: Source: (Yelp) On Angie's list, you can take a look at directories of leading home professionals in your location.
Alto Pro Painters Kelowna
1323 Water St.
Kelowna BC.
Phone 778-760-0346
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fuckyeamia-blog · 4 years
Internet marketing terms
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If you use this image in any way, shape or form, please give credit to: joshmacdonald.net
Tags: search engine optimization tips companies definition tools for dummies jobs basics techniques services pricing (seo) google training salary wordpress software strategies course 2015 articles an hour a day agency austin atlanta all-in-one analyst analysis amazon audit and social media analytics marketing pdf algorithms advantages advertising job description pay-per-click books best practices blog benefits boston business blogger banner backlinks bible by black hat beginners tutorial ppt cost classes certification career consultant checker company reviews conference coursera cincinnati crash online checklist cheat sheet case studies code new york degree dallas diy defined denver domain name dubai delhi do it yourself disadvantages diagram doc drupal duties duplicate content database driven websites download examples etsy experts education explained ebook ethics expert free earn money en español effectiveness executive elements essay francais ebay edmonton ecommerce small firm facts 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minnesota make meaning urdu hindi news note managers orleans nyc nedir newsletter ny nz natural .net noida north carolina zealand jersey nh nottingham orlando on resume overview ottawa page objectives or seo opencart flipkart off organic program plan packages plugin proposal photography pay per click price principles presentation pros cons podcast purpose pagerank quotes queries quora quiz qualifications questionnaire answers quotation quick quebec qatar quicksprout format freshers report ranking reddit raleigh real estate richmond va rules roi papers promotion requirements resources rates registration recruiting rails starter specialist squarespace san diego seattle sacramento statistics school scams shopify secrets steps test terms tactics tricks tampa toolkit udemy url using genetic algorithm uae updates php uses usa upwork redirects utah university user usage java video vancouver wa vs tutorials victoria bc vendors virginia vector visual value vietnam wiki wix words weebly writing white paper web design what why important site word w3schools with example sitemap xml xara webplus x6 x5 yahoo your blueprint effective internet yellow pages yandex bing you gotta use zen cart zenfolio zazzle search-engine-optimization-starter-guide-zh-cn.pdf search-engine-optimization-starter-guide-zh-cn zh tw 2012 2014 photographers handmade jewelry blogspot bangla basic seo-tips-search-engine-optimization.blogspot copywriting matt cutts dan trik easy facebook top 10 pinterest image improve 101 simple ten uk nigeria philippines melbourne sri lanka south africa pakistan agreement ahmedabad australia baltimore chicago california charlotte nc consulting columbus ohio financial houston michigan jaipur singapore johannesburg maryland provider philadelphia ranked rated toronto us that english define wikipedia programs ca submitter submit adalah all one 2nd edition abstract asp.net book 7 dreamweaver documentation dynamic directory employment explanation forum 5th freelance features peter 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Posted by JoshMacDonald on 2016-01-17 17:43:22
Tagged: , internet , marketing , business , blogging , seo , search , engine , optimization
The post Internet marketing terms appeared first on Good Info.
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hafizhamza313 · 5 years
Best eCommerce platform of 2019: get an online store now!
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Best eCommerce platform of 2019: get an online store now!
The rise of the web has allowed countless businesses to reach a wider market. Not only that, it has given rise to countless new online-only businesses, fueled by the exponential rise of mobile connections. It's not surprising, then, that one analyst claims that the SMB e-commerce platform market will break the billion-dollar barrier. There's no doubt that the web provides a huge opportunity for companies, but it’s important for organizations to make the most of that opportunity. In order to sell your products or services online, your website has to be appropriately equipped. Building an online store from scratch is a mammoth task, and fortunately, an unnecessary one. Today, there is a huge variety of e-commerce platform packages from which to choose. Most e-commerce platforms will provide businesses with standard functionality such as the ability to showcase products in an online catalog, take payments online, manage customers and provide with after-sales. Others will provide more sophisticated functionality, such as online marketing features, the ability to manage or integrate with in-store systems and the provision of APIs. Which e-commerce software is best for your business depends entirely on your specific requirements. If you're an online-only outfit, then POS integration won't be necessary, but you may get a lot of business from overseas, in which case foreign currency support would be a requirement. In this article, we’re going to highlight some of the best e-commerce platforms available right now, before moving on to consider other options you might want to explore in terms of creating your own e-commerce solution. The best e-commerce platform packages
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Shopify is perhaps the most well-known e-commerce platform available. It was set up in 2006 by founders Tobias Lütke, Daniel Weinand and Scott Lake who, as the story goes, felt that there wasn't a simple-to-use e-commerce platform available and so built their own. The company claims that: "You don't need to have any technical or design experience to easily create a beautiful online store." According to Shopify, it's possible to get one of its online stores up-and-running within minutes. Users can choose from a wide range of templates, or they can design the look and feel of their store themselves. It accepts a comprehensive range of credit cards, has Level 1 PCI compliance and 256-bit SSL encryption for security, and it offers 24/7 support via phone, instant messaging or email. The platform provides a full CMS with which users can manage the functionality and layout of their online store. Users can manage their store on-the-go using Shopify's mobile apps, and the platform itself is fully responsive, meaning the store will be optimized for visitors regardless of whether they access it from a desktop computer or a mobile device. Shopify also offers users unlimited hosting for their stores, in-depth analytics of how visitors are using the store, and functionality for marketing such as SEO optimization, a discount and coupon engine, gift cards and email marketing tools. You can test out Shopify with a 14-day free trial. For Shopify, services contact us at Fiverr.
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      Bigcommerce was established in 2009 and promises to "support your business, not just your store." In addition to offering support via phone, instant chat, and email, it also offers articles and videos to help with e-commerce and access to a team of e-commerce experts who can provide advice and guidance about online selling. Their experts are qualified in both Google Analytics and Adwords. Like Shopify, Bigcommerce provides a variety of templates and themes to help stores look their best and get up-and-running quickly. Alternatively, users can design their own store or use Bigcommerce designers to do so. The platform incorporates a full-featured CMS that allows users to run an entire website, rather than just a store. Users can benefit from detailed and flexible product management, optimized search engine rankings, along with a variety of integrated marketing tools and analytics. Payments can be accepted via 40+ pre-integrated gateways and shipping details can be customized as per the business's requirements. As of late, some new features have been added like support for Amazon Import and Link and Shopping in Instagram Stories. The platform offers automated order processing, flexible tax rules depending on where orders are made and shipped, and support for multiple currencies. You can test out Bigcommerce with a 15-day free trial.
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      Volusion has been around for almost two decades, having been set up in Texas over in the US in 1999. The company touts its platform as being an "all-in-one e-commerce solution", and offers a free 14-day trial (no credit card required). As with other e-commerce platforms, users are offered a variety of templates from which to choose, and can also customize templates if they so wish. Should a more complex design be required, Volusion offers a custom design service that can incorporate branding and a firm's social media presence. The platform provides the site and product management tools you'd expect, marketing functionality for SEO, social media, and affiliate outlets, along with emails and order management functionality for fast order processing, accepting payments, tax calculations and POS integration. In addition to its platform and associated services, Volusion offers apps from its partners, support for users and a knowledge-base for help with e-commerce. Users can draw upon blog posts, guides and webinars. As of October 8th 2018, there are no more transaction fees.
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      CoreCommerce was set up in 2001 and focuses on providing e-commerce services to small and medium-sized businesses. The company places an emphasis on simplicity and transparency, promising that its platform is easy-to-use and that customers will not fall foul of any hidden charges. Perhaps CoreCommerce's most unique aspect is that all of its features are offered to all customers regardless of what plan they are on. Price plans are determined by the number of products, the number of email addresses, the amount of bandwidth and the amount of storage required by the user (and higher-end plans also benefit from additional support). As with other e-commerce providers, CoreCommerce offers functionality for store design, product management, order processing and marketing. Of its headline features, the platform offers unlimited product customization options, a built-in blogging engine, and secure hosting that is provided by Rackspace and comes with a 99.9% uptime guarantee. You can try CoreCommerce out with a 15-day free trial.
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      Having been founded in 1997, 3dcart is the oldest of our featured providers here. It was set up with a view to incorporating as many of the most requested e-commerce features into one platform as possible. The company says it has six core values by which it operates: ongoing innovation, good service, simple solutions, fostering trust, keeping employees and customers happy, and stimulating prosperity amongst employees and customers. Some of the platform's innovative features include a module that users can install to offer gift-wrapping, a purchase order system, the option of running a loyalty program and the ability to offer recurring orders. Many of these features are very specific, meaning that stores can be highly tailored to the needs of each business. Stores can be designed using one of the many templates offered by 3dcart, or users can design their own store. A quick edit bar means that making changes to the design of a store is simple. Product images are fore-fronted with 3dcart's auto-zoom feature and products can be sold via Facebook with its store integration. As with some other platforms, users can blog directly from 3dcart and tools are provided for setting up coupons, sending newsletters and affiliate marketing. In addition to its platform, 3dcart offers a number of professional services. Users can request help with SEO, PPC, shopping feed management, social media, Facebook ads and conversion consulting. Help can also be provided to ensure that a user's store is set up to the highest standard. Services such as site cloning, setting up custom tracking, data migration and training are offered. In addition, 3dcart can provide SSL certification. Hosting is guaranteed at 99.9% uptime and 24/7 support is provided via phone, email or online chat. You can test out the service with a 15-day free trial.
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  Alternative means If you don’t want to go the route of using an off-the-shelf package, what other options are available for you to explore? That’s what we’re going to look at in the second half of this piece…
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  Is eBay right for your business? Opening its doors in 1999, eBay UK now has over 14 million users, with over 10,000 people using the site for a business that is their primary means of income. It's not just about people selling unwanted goods - businesses have used the simplicity that eBay offers to set up lucrative operations. Even the larger brands such as Argos, Debenhams and House of Fraser are using eBay to sell online. With sophisticated tools now available you can be up and running with your store in just a few hours. The eBay Seller Centre has all the information you need. Each store is managed via eBay's familiar user interface, and there are a number of eBay-provided tools to help manage, track and promote your shop once it's established. Using eBay as the platform for your business could be ideal if your business wants to sell goods on a fixed price basis. The complete integration of the PayPal e-payments system into eBay takes care of this essential component of your store. The key with eBay is to look closely at the costs involved and also the transaction fees that PayPal charge before moving forward and setting up your own store. How to create your own e-commerce solution Of course, if you want complete control over every aspect of your new online store, building each page yourself will be the best course of action. Hiring someone to code your website is one option. If you decide to do this follow these steps: Ask the company for live examples of their work to look at Write a detailed brief of the site you want to be created. The more detail the better to avoid confusion Ensure you understand the price you are being charged and how many revisions this price includes Always have a signed agreement or contract before work commences Ask whether the designers will host your site and if you will be able to make updates yourself or if all updates must go through the design agency at an additional cost Ask for the copyright of your design to be assigned to your company, as your website is an important part of your business' intellectual property Put into your contract, details of how the agreement can be amicably dissolved if things go wrong
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dippedanddripped · 4 years
In 2017, A three-person Austin-based production and management company called Exurbia Films assumed rights management for the 1974 cult horror classic The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
“My job was to take us into Chainsaw 2.0,” says Pat Cassidy, a producer and agent with Exurbia. “The original guys did a great job managing the rights but aren’t from the internet generation. They didn’t have a Facebook.”
Exurbia had an eye to develop the franchise and in 2018 struck deals for a TV series and several movies based on the original film, all in development with Legendary Pictures. It is also developing Texas Chainsaw Massacre graphic novels, barbecue sauce, and experiential products such as escape rooms and haunted houses.
Exurbia’s other job proved far more difficult: administering Chainsaw trademarks and copyrights, including the film’s title, images, and the rights to its iconic villain, Leatherface.
Industry veteran David Imhoff, who has brokered Chainsaw licensing deals on behalf of the film's writer, Kim Henkel, and others since the 1990s, told Cassidy and another Exurbia agent, Daniel Sahad, to be prepared for a flood of counterfeit items. “It’s a sign you’re popular,” Imhoff says in an interview.
Imhoff pointed Exurbia to ecommerce giants such as Etsy, eBay, and Amazon, where independent merchants hawked unauthorized Chainsaw items. Brands must enforce their trademarks, so Sahad dedicated much of his time to a task that larger agencies usually delegate to legal teams: finding and reporting knockoffs. Exurbia has filed more than 50 notices with eBay, more than 75 with Amazon, and more than 500 with Etsy, asking the sites to remove items that violated Chainsaw trademarks. The sites removed infringing items within a week or so; but if another bogus design appeared, Exurbia had to find it, document it, and file another notice.
Imhoff also alerted Cassidy and Sahad to a less familiar name: an Australian company called Redbubble, where he had filed occasional infringement notices on Chainsaw’s behalf starting in 2013. Over time, the problem grew worse: Sahad sent 649 takedown notices to Redbubble and its subsidiary Teepublic in 2019. The sites removed the items, but new ones appeared.
Then, in August, with Halloween approaching—the Christmas season for horror retail—friends texted Cassidy, telling him they’d seen a wave of new Chainsaw designs for sale online, mainly marketed through Facebook and Instagram ads.
One ad led Cassidy to a website called Dzeetee.com, which he traced to a company he'd never heard of, TeeChip. He traced more ads to other websites selling unlicensed Chainsaw items, also linked to TeeChip. Within weeks, Cassidy says, he’d discovered several similar companies, each supporting dozens, hundreds, sometimes thousands of stores. Posts and ads from Facebook groups linked to these companies were marketing knockoff Chainsaw merch.
Cassidy was stunned. “It was way bigger than we thought,” he says. “These weren’t just 10 sites. There were a thousand of them.” (Cassidy and the author have been friends for 20 years.)
Exurbia had stumbled on what could be roughly described as the “Napster of Things.”
A New, Web-Enabled Industry
Companies like TeeChip are known as print-on-demand shops. They allow users to upload and market designs; when a customer places an order—say, for a T-shirt—the company arranges the printing, often done in-house, and the item is shipped to the customer. The technology gives anyone with an idea and an internet connection the ability to monetize their creativity and start a global merchandising line with no overhead, no inventory, and no risk.
Here’s the rub: The owners of copyrights and trademarks say that by allowing anyone to upload any design, print-on-demand companies make it too easy to infringe on their intellectual property rights. They say print-on-demand shops have siphoned off tens, possibly hundreds, of millions of dollars a year in unauthorized sales, making it next to impossible to exercise control over how their property is used or who profits from it.
The explosive growth of print-on-demand technology is quietly challenging the decades-old laws that govern the use of intellectual property on the internet. A 1998 law called the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) shields online platforms from liability for copyright infringement for merely hosting user-uploaded digital content. That means rights holders typically must request platforms remove each item they believe infringes on their intellectual property. Moreover, print-on-demand companies often transform—or help transform—digital files into physical products such as T-shirts and coffee mugs. Some experts say that places them in a legal gray zone. And the DMCA doesn’t apply to trademarks, which cover names, word marks, and other proprietary symbols, such as the Nike swoosh.
Screenshot captured by Exurbia Films of a T-shirt for sale that allegedly infringed on its trademarks for The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
CafePress, which launched in 1999, was among the first print-on-demand operations; the business model spread in the mid-2000s along with the rise of digital printing. Previously, manufacturers would screen-print the same design onto items such as T-shirts, an overhead-intensive approach that usually requires bulk orders to turn a profit. With digital printing, ink is sprayed onto the material itself, allowing one machine to print several different designs in a day, making even one-off production profitable.
The industry quickly generated buzz. Zazzle, a print-on-demand platform, launched its website in 2005; three years later, it was named the year’s best business model by TechCrunch. Redbubble came along in 2006, followed by others such as TeeChip, TeePublic, and SunFrog. Today, those sites are pillars of a multibillion-dollar global industry, with product lines extending from T-shirts and hoodies to underwear, posters, mugs, housewares, backpacks, coozies, wristbands, and even jewelry.
Many print-on-demand companies are fully integrated ecommerce platforms, allowing designers to manage easy-to-use web stores—similar to user pages on Etsy or Amazon. Some platforms, such as GearLaunch, allow designers to operate pages under unique domain names and integrate with popular ecommerce services such as Shopify, while providing marketing and inventory tools, production, delivery, and customer service.
“These weren’t just 10 sites. There were a thousand of them.”
Like many startups, print-on-demand companies tend to coat themselves in munificent techno-marketing clichés. SunFrog is a “community” of artists and customers, where visitors can shop for “creative and custom designs as unique as you are.” Redbubble describes itself as “a global marketplace, with unique, original art offered for sale by awesome, independent artists on high-quality products.”
But the marketing lingo distracts from what some rights holders and intellectual property lawyers believe is a cornerstone of the business model: counterfeit sales. Sites allow users to upload whatever designs they like; on larger sites, uploads can number tens of thousands daily. The sites are under no obligation to review the design unless someone claims the words or image infringe on a copyright or trademark. Each such claim typically involves filing a separate notice. Critics say that fosters rights infringement, both conscious and unwitting.
“The industry has grown so exponentially that, in turn, infringement has exploded,” says Imhoff, the licensing agent. As recently as 2010, he says, “print-on-demand had such a small market share, it wasn’t much of a problem. But it’s grown so fast [that] it’s gotten out of hand.”
Imhoff says internet searches for items such as “Texas Chainsaw Massacre T-shirt” often display designs that infringe on Exurbia’s copyrights and trademarks. That’s turned rights enforcement into “an unending game of whack-a-mole” for rights holders, agents, and consumer product companies, he says.
“It used to be you’d go out and find infringement in one chain store in a local mall, so you’d contact their national buyer and that’d be it,” Imhoff says. “Now there are effectively millions of independent retailers designing merchandise every day.”
There’s big money involved. Redbubble, which debuted on the Australian stock exchange in 2016, told investors in July 2019 that it facilitated transactions totaling more than $328 million in the prior 12 months. The company pegs the global online market for apparel and housewares this year at $280 billion. At SunFrog’s peak, in 2017, it generated $150 million in revenue, according to a court filing. Zazzle told CNBC it projected $250 million in revenue in 2015.
Taking Disputes to Court
Not all those sales reflect infringement, of course. But Scott Burroughs, an arts lawyer in Los Angeles who has represented several independent designers in suits against print-on-demand companies, believes much, if not most, of the content appears to be infringing. Mark Lemley, director of the Stanford Law School Program in Law, Science, and Technology, says Burroughs’ assessment may be accurate but that such estimates are complicated by “overzealous claims by rights holders, particularly on the trademark side.”
As a result, the rise of print-on-demand has also brought a wave of lawsuits by rights holders ranging from independent graphic artists to multinational brands.
The costs to print-on-demand companies can be steep. In 2017, executives at Harley-Davidson noticed more than 100 designs bearing the motorcycle maker’s trademarks—such as its famous Bar & Shield and Willie G. Skull logos—on SunFrog’s website. According to a federal lawsuit in the Eastern District of Wisconsin, Harley sent SunFrog more than 70 complaints of “well over 800” items that infringed on Harley’s trademarks. In April 2018, a judge awarded Harley-Davidson $19.2 million—the company’s largest infringement payout to date—and barred SunFrog from selling merchandise with Harley trademarks. US District judge J. P. Stadtmueller rebuked SunFrog for not doing more to police its site. “SunFrog pleads ignorance while sitting atop a mountain of resources that could be deployed to develop effective technology, review procedures, or training that would help combat infringement,” he wrote.
SunFrog founder Josh Kent says the improper Harley items stemmed from “like half a dozen kids in Vietnam” who had uploaded the designs. “They didn’t get a scratch on them.” Kent did not respond to requests for more specific comment on the Harley decision.
A similar case filed in 2016 has landmark potential. That year, California visual artist Greg Young sued Zazzle in US District Court, alleging that Zazzle users uploaded and sold products containing his copyrighted work without permission, a claim Zazzle didn’t deny. The judge found that the DMCA shielded Zazzle from liability for the uploads themselves but said Zazzle could still be sued for damages because of its role in producing and selling the items. Unlike online marketplaces such as Amazon or eBay, the judge wrote, “Zazzle creates the products.”
Zazzle appealed, but in November an appeals court agreed that Zazzle could be held liable, and Young stands to receive more than $500,000. Zazzle did not respond to requests for comment.
That ruling, if it holds, could rattle the industry. Eric Goldman, a professor at the Santa Clara University School of Law, wrote that the decision would allow copyright owners to “treat Zazzle as [their] personal ATM.” In an interview, Goldman says that if courts continue to rule this way, the print-on-demand industry is “doomed. … It’s possible that it can’t survive legal challenges.”
When it comes to copyright, print-on-demand companies’ role in turning digital files into physical products can make a difference in the eyes of the law, says Lemley, of Stanford. If the companies make and sell products directly, he says, they might not receive DMCA protections, “regardless of knowledge and regardless of the reasonable steps they take to take down infringing material when they find out about it.”
But that might not be the case if manufacturing is handled by a third party, allowing print-on-demand sites to claim they are merely marketplaces the way Amazon is. In March 2019, a US District Court in the Southern District of Ohio found Redbubble not liable for selling unlicensed Ohio State University merch. The court agreed that the products, including shirts and stickers, infringed on Ohio State’s trademarks. It found that Redbubble facilitated the sales and contracted the printing and shipping to partners—and the items were delivered in Redbubble-branded packaging. But the court said Redbubble couldn’t be sued because it technically didn’t make or even sell the infringing products. In the eyes of the judge, Redbubble only facilitated sales between users and customers and didn’t function as a “seller.” Ohio State declined to comment on the ruling; arguments on its appeal are scheduled for Thursday.
Corina Davis, Redbubble’s chief legal officer, declines to comment on the Ohio State case specifically, but echoes the court’s reasoning in an interview. “We’re not liable for infringement, period,” she says. “We don’t sell anything. We don’t manufacture anything.”
In a 750-word follow-up email, Davis said that she’s aware some Redbubble users try to use the platform to sell “stolen” intellectual property. The company’s policy, she said, “isn’t just to protect large rights holders, it’s to protect all those independent artists from having someone else make money off their stolen art.” Redbubble says it’s not a seller, though it generally keeps about 80 percent of the revenue from sales on its site.
Goldman, in a blog post, called the Redbubble victory “surprising,” because the company had “significantly contorted” its operations to evade the legal definition of a seller. “Without such contortions,” he wrote, print-on-demand companies would face “an unlimited range of regulation and liability.”
“We don’t sell anything. We don’t manufacture anything.”
Burroughs, the Los Angeles attorney who represents artists, wrote in an analysis of the ruling that the court’s logic “would indicate that any online company that wanted to engage in wanton infringement could legally sell all of the knockoff products its heart desired so long as it pays third parties to manufacture and ship the product.”
Other print-on-demand companies use a similar model. Thatcher Spring, CEO of GearLaunch, said of Redbubble, “They say they’re brokering preferential relationships with the supply chain, but in reality I think they are encouraging this IP abuse.” But Spring later agreed that GearLaunch also contracts with third-party manufacturers. “Oh, that’s right. We don’t own the production facilities.”
Even if the Ohio State decision stands, it still might wound the industry. As Kent, the SunFrog founder, observes, “If the printers are liable, who would want to print?”
Amazon faces a similar lawsuit regarding its liability for a defective dog leash made by an independent merchant that blinded a customer. That case challenges the underlying principle that saved Redbubble: Can a marketplace, even if it isn’t a “seller,” be held liable for physical products sold through its site? In July, a three-judge panel of the US Third Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the case could proceed; Amazon appealed to a larger panel of judges, which heard the case last month. These suits could reshape ecommerce and, in turn, the laws of ownership online.
Policing the Platforms
Given the number of users, the volume of uploads, and the variety of intellectual property, even the print-on-demand companies acknowledge that a certain amount of infringement is inevitable. In an email, Davis, Redbubble’s chief legal counsel, called it a “meaningful industry issue.”
Each company takes steps to police its platform, typically by offering a portal where rights holders can file infringement notices; they also advise users about the dangers of posting unlicensed designs. GearLaunch published a blog titled “How Not to Go to Copyright Jail and Still Become Rich.”
GearLaunch and SunFrog say their support the use of image-recognition software to look for potentially infringing designs. But Kent says SunFrog programs its software to recognize only certain designs, because, he says, it’s too expensive to analyze millions of uploads. Plus, he said, “The tech’s just not that good.” Neither company would disclose the size of its compliance team.
Redbubble’s Davis says the company limits daily user uploads “to prevent content uploading at scale.” She says Redbubble’s Marketplace Integrity team—which she described in a phone call as “lean”—is charged in part with “ongoing detection and removal of illegitimate accounts created by bots,” which can create accounts and mass-upload content automatically. That same team, Davis said in an email, also deals with content scraping, signup attacks, and “fraudulent behavior.”
Davis says Redbubble chooses not to use standard image-recognition software, though its subsidiary Teepublic does. “I think there's a misconception” that image-matching software is “a magic fix,” she wrote in an email, citing technological limitations and the volume of images and variations “being created every minute.” (Redbubble’s 2018 investor presentation estimates its 280,000 users uploaded 17.4 million distinct designs that year.) Because software can’t tackle the problem “to the extent we need,” she wrote, Redbubble is testing its own suite of tools, including a program that checks newly uploaded images against its entire image database. Redbubble expects to launch these features later this year.
In an email, an eBay representative says the company uses “sophisticated detection tools, enforcement and strong relationships with brand owners” to police its site. The company says its anti-infringement program for verified owners has 40,000 participants. An Amazon representative cited more than $400 million in investments to fight fraud, including counterfeit, as well as brand-partnership programs designed to reduce infringement. Etsy’s communications office redirected questions to the company’s most recent transparency report, where the company says it disabled access to more than 400,000 listings in 2018, up 71 percent from the prior year. TeeChip says it has invested millions of dollars to help identify infringement, and puts each design through a “rigorous screening process” including text screening and machine-learning-enabled image recognition software.
In another email, Davis outlined other challenges. Rights holders often ask to take down items that are legally protected, such as parody, she says. Some press unreasonable demands: One asked Redbubble to block the search term “man.”
“Not only is it impossible to recognize every copyright or trademark that exists and will exist,” Davis said in an email, but “not all rights holders handle protection of their IP in the same way.” Some want zero tolerance, she said, but others think the designs, even if they infringe, generate more demand. “In some instances,” Davis said, “rights holders have come to us with a takedown notice and then the artist files a counter-notice, and the rights holder comes back and says, ‘Actually, we’re OK with that. Leave it up.’”
The challenges create what Goldman, the Santa Clara professor, calls “impossible expectations” for compliance. “You could task everyone in the world with vetting these designs, and it still wouldn’t be enough,” Goldman says in an interview.
Kent says the complexity and the lawsuits pushed SunFrog away from print-on-demand to “a safer, more predictable space.” The company once described itself as the largest printed T-shirt manufacturer in the US. Now, Kent says SunFrog is pursuing partnerships with known brands, such as Discovery Channel’s Shark Week. “Shark Week isn’t going to infringe on anybody,” he says.
Redbubble, too, listed “content partnerships” as a goal in its 2018 shareholder presentation. Today its partnership program includes 59 brands, mostly from the entertainment industry. Recent additions include items licensed from Universal Studios, including Jaws, Back to the Future, and Shaun of The Dead.
Tracing Products to Their Source
Rights holders say their burden—identifying infringing products and tracking them to their source—is equally demanding. “It’s essentially a full-time job,” said Burroughs, the attorney who represents artists. Imhoff, the Texas Chainsaw licensing agent, says the task is particularly difficult for small to midsize rights holders, such as Exurbia.
Trademark enforcement is especially demanding. Owners of copyrights can enforce their rights as tightly or loosely as they see fit, but rights holders must show they’re regularly enforcing their trademarks. If consumers no longer associate a trademark with a brand, the mark becomes generic. (Escalator, kerosene, videotape, trampoline, and flip phone all lost their trademarks this way.)
Exurbia’s trademarks include the rights to more than 20 word marks and logos for The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and its villain, Leatherface. Last summer, the work of protecting its copyrights and trademarks—repeatedly searching, verifying, documenting, tracking down unknown companies, consulting lawyers, and submitting notices to website operators—stretched the firm’s resources to the point Cassidy brought on three contract workers, upping total staff to eight.
But they hit their limit when Cassidy discovered that many of the new sites selling knockoffs were based overseas and impossible to trace. Copyright infringement in Asia is of course nothing new, but operators based overseas have also set up shop on US-based print-on-demand platforms. Many of the pages and groups Exurbia found pushing social media ads for print-on-demand knockoffs last year traced to operators in Asia.
The first Facebook page Cassidy investigated, Hocus and Pocus and Chill, has 36,000 likes, and per its transparency page has 30 operators located in Vietnam; the group discontinued ads last fall.
Cassidy suspected many of these sellers were operated overseas, because he couldn’t trace them to a parent platform or shipping center. Legal and privacy pages had placeholder text. Takedown notices didn’t go through. Phone calls, emails, and ISP lookups all hit dead ends. Some pages claimed US addresses, but cease-and-desist letters sent via certified mail bounced back marked return-to-sender, suggesting those addresses were fake.
So Cassidy bought some Chainsaw shirts with his debit card, thinking he could pull an address from his bank statement. The items arrived a couple weeks later; his bank statements said most of the companies were located in Vietnam. Other statements presented dead ends. Charges were listed to random companies with US addresses—a Midwestern beer hops supplier, for instance. Cassidy called the companies, but they had no record of the transactions and had no idea what he was talking about. He still hasn’t figured it out.
Seeking a Compromise
In August, an exhausted Sahad reached out to Redbubble asking for information on a brand partnership agreement, which could include “proactive enforcement,” where Redbubble removed infringing items without Exurbia having to ask. On November 4, at Redbubble’s request, Exurbia emailed a brand deck, trademark and copyright information, a copyright ID, and letter of authorization. Exurbia also asked for a report of all takedown notices for infringing Chainsaw items Redbubble had received over the years.
In subsequent calls and emails, Redbubble representatives offered a revenue-sharing agreement. The initial offer, in a document reviewed by WIRED, included 6 percent royalties to Exurbia on fan art and 10 percent on official merchandise. (Imhoff says industry standard is between 12 and 15 percent.) Exurbia was reluctant. “They made money off our intellectual property for years, and they need to make that right,” Cassidy says. “But they weren’t coming forward with their wallet out.”
“You could task everyone in the world with vetting these designs and it still wouldn’t be enough.”
On December 19, Exurbia submitted 277 new notices to Redbubble and four days later filed 132 with its subsidiary, TeePublic, for T-shirts, posters, and other products. The items were removed. On January 8, Exurbia sent another email, reviewed by WIRED, calling attention to new instances of infringement, which Sahad documented with screenshots, a spreadsheet, and search results from that day. A Redbubble search, for example, had returned 252 results for “Texas Chainsaw Massacre” and 549 for "Leatherface". A TeePublic search revealed hundreds more items.
On February 18, Redbubble sent Exurbia a report of all Chainsaw takedown notices it had received, and the total sale value of Chainsaw items Sahad had identified in takedown notices since March 2019. Exurbia wouldn’t disclose the sales number, but Cassidy said it was in line with his own estimate.
After WIRED inquired with Redbubble about discussions with Exurbia, Redbubble’s in-house lawyer told Exurbia the company was considering settlement options for the infringing sales. Both sides say negotiations continue. Cassidy is optimistic. “They at least seem to be the only ones making an effort,” he says. “Which we appreciate.”
SO, HOW CAN this model evolve without shortchanging IP owners or upending an industry with so much to offer? Do we need a new DMCA—and one for trademarks? Will anything change without new laws?
The music industry may provide a hint. Long before Napster, the industry faced a similar crisis with royalties: With so much music played in so many places, how should artists get their due? Licensing groups such as ASCAP stepped in, establishing broad revenue-sharing agreements to broker royalties. Artists pay ASCAP a one-time fee to join, and broadcasters, bars, and nightclubs pay annual flat fees that free them from documenting and reporting every song. The agencies monitor the airwaves and clubs, do the math, and divvy up the money. More recently, services such as iTunes and Spotify supplanted the Wild West file-sharing market, sharing revenue with consenting artists.
For an industry arguably larger and more diverse than the music business, it won’t be simple. Goldman says some rights holders may not want to strike deals; among those willing to join, some may want to retain control over certain designs, the equivalent of the Eagles vetting every cover band that wants to play Hotel California. “If the industry moves that direction,” Goldman said, “it will be far less dynamic and much more expensive than it currently is.”
Redbubble’s Davis says it is “important for marketplaces and retailers, rights holders, artists, etc to all be on the same side of the table.” David Imhoff agrees that the licensing model is an interesting concept, but he worries about quality control. “Brands have to protect their image, their integrity,” he said. “Right now this funnel of content coming in every which way is just unmanageable.”
And that’s where the artists, lawyers, courts, companies, and rights holders seem to align. That in the end, the responsibility seems to fall with the most famously change-averse industry of them all: the federal government.
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Let’s take a look at the advantages of an all-in-one software platform.
Avoid Duplicate Data Entry
When you have multiple programs from different software vendors, employees often end up entering the same data in different systems. For instance, you may have to enter the same customer information into your CRM and also into your accounting system. That’s wasted effort. You pay for it in higher labor costs, not to mention lost productivity.
A single integrated platform eliminates this wasteful duplicated activity.
Eliminate “Fall Through the Cracks” Errors
Missed deadlines! Customer deliverables forgotten! Neglecting to invoice!
Have you ever had this happen? For many small businesses errors like these occur too often. Today, the right software can help you avoid these issues — provided the software apps communicate with one another without human intervention.
This is where integration is key. And a single platform makes seamless integration easier.
Exchange Data Between Software Apps
How often have you had to manually move data from one system to another through spreadsheets or copy and pasting? Or, discover your workers in one department don’t have access to data because it resides in a system used by another department? Or, even worse, you run a report and someone else runs the same report, but the information is different?
This is incredibly frustrating and time consuming.  It is caused by systems that don’t “talk” with one another.  And it often results in incomplete or inaccurate information, leading to costly mistakes.
An all-in-one Integrated business system makes sure that everyone is looking at the same information. And that means no more wasted time moving data around.
Slash the Need for Tech Expertise
API?  What the heck is an API?  Have you ever had that reaction when a vendor says, “everything integrates — just use our API”?
Too many software systems require the assistance of a tech person to customize integrations using APIs. That can get expensive. And, you find yourself managing tech projects instead of managing your business.
Running your business shouldn’t require executing complicated tech projects.  Using an all-in-one business system assures that all of the applications work together out of the box.
Automate Workflows
Activities that you do day in and day out eat up staff time and resources. And the tedium is mind-numbingly boring. What if you could automate some or all of those repetitive  activities?
Automation can help you move faster, be more productive and gain efficiencies.  Creating a streamlined workflow is much easier to achieve with an integrated all-in-one system.  Data and transactions are automatically passed between apps making it easy to see and map out your processes, and apply automation.
Make Smarter Business Decisions
You’re feeling uncertain about that big business decision.  Your gut says one thing, but everyone on your team is saying something else.  Wouldn’t it be nice if you had the data to answer your questions?
When all your data is in one integrated system, it’s easier to get access to information for analytics and reports.  You can even have a dashboard with real-time intelligence showing key performance indicators (KPIs) about your business.
Access to integrated data reports makes working ON your business instead of IN your business a reality.
Cut Your Total Cost of Software
A small monthly fee for one software app sounds great. But when your business needs grow and one app turns into 10 or 20, costs add up. Before you know it, you’re spending hundreds or thousands of dollars per month on software with overlapping features.
Using a single software platform can reduce your total cost and reduce duplicate features.  Plus, having a single point of invoicing makes bookkeeping a breeze.
Use Fewer Vendors
Sure, your different apps can be connected.  But when one vendor updates or changes something, it breaks the connection creating a domino effect of troubleshooting that can take hours or days to fix.  No business can afford that kind of time waster.
Using integrated software eliminates the frustration that comes from the inevitable finger-pointing when unrelated apps are linked together.  With a single software vendor, updates are automatically incorporated across the entire suite of applications.
Achieve Single Point Security
Recently a software integration breakup was in the news.  Turns out, Mailchimp and Shopify are getting a divorce from their integration. Why?  Each side is pointing the finger, but according to Mailchimp it’s partly due to concerns over Shopify’s data privacy approach.
Regardless of who is right, the situation highlights issues inherent in sharing data across different integrated vendors. What if one party no longer wants to continue with the integration?  And even if they continue, do you know where your data will end up and who’s responsible for keeping it secure?
With an all-in-one system, these sorts of cross-vendor security and privacy concerns are much less of an issue. You know who you’re dealing with and there are fewer security risks to consider.
Scale Your Business to Grow
When businesses are very small, using a few software applications isn’t that hard to manage. But as a business grows and the number of software applications grows, the cross-integration issues multiply.
“Integration spaghetti is what happens when all of your business data lives on different platforms,” says Zoho Evangelist Dylan Mahood. You find you have to move data and transactions among different apps, each requiring an individual effort.  This slows your company down, and the problem only gets worse as needs grow. An integrated platform is more scalable eliminating errors while maintaining history and data integrity.
As Raju Vegesna, Zoho’s chief evangelist puts it when describing an all-in-one system: “Think of your business tools the same way as you would for tools you use in your house. You can buy each tool separately or you can get them all inside of a single toolbox.  A single toolbox is faster, easier and gives you the most accurate information about your business.”
Brent Leary, CRM industry expert says it best, “An integrated business system not only allows you to work smarter and more efficiently, it gives you more information that could help you extend the relationship with your customer.”
And in the end, that’s what you’re in business to do.
Image: DepositPhotos, remixed by Small Business Trends
This article, “Top 10 Reasons to Get an All-in-One System to Operate Your Business” was first published on Small Business Trends
The post Top 10 Reasons to Get an All-in-One System to Operate Your Business appeared first on Unix Commerce.
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A limited liability company (LLC) is the United States of America-specific kind of an exclusive limited business. An LLC is not a company in as well as of itself; it is a legal form of a firm that offers minimal responsibility to its proprietors in lots of territories. In certain U.S. states (for example, Texas), companies that give professional solutions calling for a state professional permit, such as legal or clinical services, may not be allowed to form an LLC but may be called for to develop a comparable entity called a professional limited liability company (PLLC). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Limited_liability_company Revenue tax For U.S. government earnings tax obligation functions, an LLC is treated by default as a pass-through entity. If there is only one member in the company, the LLC is treated as a “disregarded entity” for tax objectives (unless one more tax condition is chosen), as well as a private owner would certainly report the LLC’s income or loss on Arrange C of his or her private tax obligation return. Advantages Choice of tax regime. An LLC could elect to be exhausted as a sole proprietor, collaboration, S company or C firm (as long as they would certainly or else get such tax therapy), providing for a great deal of flexibility. A limited liability company with several members that elects to be exhausted as partnership might specifically designate the members’ distributive share of revenue, gain, loss, deduction, or credit rating via the firm operating arrangement on a basis besides the ownership portion of each participant as long as the regulations had in Treasury Regulation (26 CFR) 1.704-1 are met. S companies might not specially designate revenues, losses and other tax products under United States tax legislation. The owners of the LLC, called members, are safeguarded from some or all responsibility for acts as well as financial debts of the LLC, depending on state guard regulations.
Negative aspects There is no statutory need for an operating agreement in the majority of territories, participants of a several participant LLC who operate without one could come across problems. Unlike state regulations concerning stock companies, which are extremely well developed and attend to a variety of governance and safety stipulations for the corporation as well as its shareholders, most states do not dictate thorough governance and also safety stipulations for the participants of a limited liability company. Hence, in the absence of such statutory arrangements, the members of an LLC should establish administration and protective stipulations according to an operating agreement or comparable regulating record.
A limited liability company (LLC) is the United States of America-specific form of a personal restricted firm. An LLC is not a corporation in as well as of itself; it is a legal type of a business that supplies limited obligation to its owners in lots of territories. In certain UNITED STATE states (for example, Texas), companies that give specialist services needing a state expert license, such as clinical or lawful solutions, may not be permitted to create an LLC however might be called for to develop a similar entity called a professional limited liability company (PLLC). For U.S. federal revenue tax obligation functions, an LLC is dealt with by default as a pass-through entity. If there is just one participant in the business, the LLC is treated as a “neglected entity” for tax obligation objectives (unless an additional tax condition is chosen), and also a specific proprietor would certainly report the LLC’s revenue or loss on Schedule C of his or her individual tax obligation return.
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Best e-commerce platform of 2018: get an online store now!
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Best e-commerce platform of 2018: get an online store now!
The best e-commerce platforms in 2018
The rise of the web has allowed countless businesses to reach a wider market. Not only that, it has given rise to countless new online-only businesses, fueled by the exponential rise of mobile connections.
It’s not surprising, then, that one analyst claims that the SMB e-commerce platform market will break the billion dollar barrier.
There’s no doubt that the web provides a huge opportunity for companies, but it’s important for organizations to make the most of that opportunity. In order to sell your products or services online, your website has to be appropriately equipped.
Building an online store from scratch is a mammoth task, and fortunately, an unnecessary one. Today, there is a huge variety of e-commerce platform packages from which to choose. 
Most e-commerce platforms will provide businesses with standard functionality such as the ability to showcase products in an online catalog, take payments online, manage customers and provide with after-sales.
Others will provide more sophisticated functionality, such as online marketing features, the ability to manage or integrate with in-store systems and the provision of APIs.
Which e-commerce software is best for your business depends entirely on your specific requirements. If you’re an online-only outfit, then POS integration won’t be necessary, but you may get a lot of business from overseas, in which case foreign currency support would be a requirement.
In this article, we’re going to highlight some of the best e-commerce platforms available right now, before moving on to consider other options you might want to explore in terms of creating your own e-commerce solution.
The best e-commerce platform packages
1. Shopify
Giant of the e-commerce world
Easy to use
Loads of features
Powerful analytics
Shopify is perhaps the most well known e-commerce platform available. It was set up in 2006 by founders Tobias Lütke, Daniel Weinand and Scott Lake who, as the story goes, felt that there wasn’t a simple-to-use e-commerce platform available and so built their own. The company claims that: “You don’t need to have any technical or design experience to easily create a beautiful online store.” 
According to Shopify, it’s possible to get one of its online stores up-and-running within minutes. Users can choose from a wide range of templates, or they can design the look and feel of their store themselves. It accepts a comprehensive range of credit cards, has Level 1 PCI compliance and 256-bit SSL encryption for security, and it offers 24/7 support via phone, instant messaging or email.
The platform provides a full CMS with which users can manage the functionality and layout of their online store. Users can manage their store on-the-go using Shopify’s mobile apps, and the platform itself is fully responsive, meaning the store will be optimized for visitors regardless of whether they access it from a desktop computer or a mobile device.
Shopify also offers users unlimited hosting for their stores, in-depth analytics of how visitors are using the store, and functionality for marketing such as SEO optimization, a discount and coupon engine, gift cards and email marketing tools.
2. Bigcommerce
E-commerce expertise with a fully-fledged CMS
Flexible product management
Great support
Access to web design expertise
Bigcommerce was established in 2009 and promises to “support your business, not just your store.” In addition to offering support via phone, instant chat and email, it also offers articles and videos to help with e-commerce, and access to a team of e-commerce experts who can provide advice and guidance about online selling. Their experts are qualified in both Google Analytics and Adwords.
Like Shopify, Bigcommerce provides a variety of templates and themes to help stores look their best and get up-and-running quickly. Alternatively, users can design their own store or use Bigcommerce designers to do so. The platform incorporates a full-featured CMS that allows users to run an entire website, rather than just a store.
Users can benefit from detailed and flexible product management, optimized search engine rankings, along with a variety of integrated marketing tools and analytics. Payments can be accepted via 40+ pre-integrated gateways and shipping details can be customized as per the business’s requirements. The platform offers automated order processing, flexible tax rules depending on where orders are made and shipped, and support for multiple currencies.
3. Volusion
Veteran provider with a custom design service
Wide range of site management tools
Plentiful help resources
Free 14-day trial
Volusion has been around for almost two decades, having been set up in Texas over in the US in 1999. The company touts its platform as being an “all-in-one e-commerce solution”, and offers a free 14-day trial (no credit card required).
As with other e-commerce platforms, users are offered a variety of templates from which to choose, and can also customize templates if they so wish. Should a more complex design be required, Volusion offers a custom design service that can incorporate branding and a firm’s social media presence.
The platform provides the site and product management tools you’d expect, marketing functionality for SEO, social media, and affiliate outlets, along with emails and order management functionality for fast order processing, accepting payments, tax calculations and POS integration.
In addition to its platform and associated services, Volusion offers apps from its partners, support for users and a knowledge-base for help with e-commerce. Users can draw upon blog posts, guides and webinars.
4. CoreCommerce
Service which focuses on SMBs
All features offered across every plan
Secure hosting with 99.9% uptime guarantee
Prides itself on transparency
CoreCommerce was set up in 2001 and focuses on providing e-commerce services to small and medium-sized businesses. The company places an emphasis on simplicity and transparency, promising that its platform is easy-to-use and that customers will not fall foul of any hidden charges.
Perhaps CoreCommerce’s most unique aspect is that all of its features are offered to all customers regardless of what plan they are on. Price plans are determined by the number of products, the number of email addresses, the amount of bandwidth and the amount of storage required by the user (and higher-end plans also benefit from additional support).
As with other e-commerce providers, CoreCommerce offers functionality for store design, product management, order processing and marketing. Of its headline features, the platform offers unlimited product customization options, a built-in blogging engine, and secure hosting that is provided by Rackspace and comes with a 99.9% uptime guarantee.
5. 3dcart
Allows for an impressive degree of tailoring to your needs
Plenty of innovative features
Lots of additional services on offer
Having been founded in 1997, 3dcart is the oldest of our featured providers here. It was set up with a view to incorporating as many of the most requested e-commerce features into one platform as possible.
The company says it has six core values by which it operates: ongoing innovation, good service, simple solutions, fostering trust, keeping employees and customers happy, and stimulating prosperity amongst employees and customers.
Some of the platform’s innovative features include a module that users can install to offer gift-wrapping, a purchase order system, the option of running a loyalty program and the ability to offer recurring orders. Many of these features are very specific, meaning that stores can be highly tailored to the needs of each business.
Stores can be designed using one of the many templates offered by 3dcart, or users can design their own store. A quick edit bar means that making changes to the design of a store is simple. Product images are fore-fronted with 3dcart’s auto-zoom feature and products can be sold via Facebook with its store integration. As with some other platforms, users can blog directly from 3dcart and tools are provided for setting up coupons, sending newsletters and affiliate marketing.
In addition to its platform, 3dcart offers a number of professional services. Users can request help with SEO, PPC, shopping feed management, social media, Facebook ads and conversion consulting. Help can also be provided to ensure that a user’s store is set up to the highest standard. Services such as site cloning, setting up custom tracking, data migration and training are offered.
In addition, 3dcart can provide SSL certification. Hosting is guaranteed at 99.9% uptime and 24/7 support is provided via phone, email or online chat.
Also consider:
Alternative means
If you don’t want to go the route of using an off-the-shelf package, what other options are available for you to explore? That’s what we’re going to look at in the second half of this piece…
Is eBay right for your business?
Opening its doors in 1999, eBay UK now has over 14 million users, with over 10,000 people using the site for a business that is their primary means of income. It’s not just about people selling unwanted goods – businesses have used the simplicity that eBay offers to set up lucrative operations. Even the larger brands such as Argos, Debenhams and House of Fraser are using eBay to sell online.
With sophisticated tools now available you can be up and running with your store in just a few hours. The eBay Seller Centre has all the information you need. Each store is managed via eBay’s familiar user interface, and there are a number of eBay-provided tools to help manage, track and promote your shop once it’s established.
Using eBay as the platform for your business could be ideal if your business wants to sell goods on a fixed price basis. The complete integration of the PayPal e-payments system into eBay takes care of this essential component of your store.
The key with eBay is to look closely at the costs involved and also the transaction fees that PayPal charge before moving forward and setting up your own store.
How to create your own e-commerce solution
Of course if you want complete control over every aspect of your new online store, building each page yourself will be the best course of action. Hiring someone to code your website is one option. If you decide to do this follow these steps:
Ask the company for live examples of their work to look at
Write a detailed brief of the site you want created. The more detail the better to avoid confusion
Ensure you understand the price you are being charged and how many revisions this price includes
Always have a signed agreement or contract before work commences
Ask whether the designers will host your site and if you will be able to make updates yourself or if all updates must go through the design agency at an additional cost
Ask for the copyright of your design to be assigned to your company, as your website is an important part of your business’ intellectual property
Put into your contract, details of how the agreement can be amicably dissolved if things go wrong
You also don’t have to build your site completely from scratch. Buying a template can give you all the basic pages your site needs. You can then either modify them yourself using an application like Dreamweaver, or hire a coding expert to make the changes. Website templates are available from a number of vendors including Template Monster.
If you already have a website and want to add e-commerce functionality, this can be easily achieved with a number of applications including:
Final advice
Whichever route you decide to take when building your website always remember:
You need to ensure your store can be easily updated and managed.
Good professional web hosting is vital to ensure your site is always available.
Look for payment and shopping carts that are intuitive and efficient to use.
Customer service is king these days. Businesses shouldn’t just efficiently take customers’ money, but should also properly support them.
Make sure that your store is fully integrated with all the leading social media sites.
Put security first – shoppers are now more comfortable buying online, but always ensure your site uses SSL (Secure Socket Layer) which is now the industry standard for online payments.
Above every other consideration should be your site’s visitor experience. Don’t forget your competitors are just a mouse click away in the world of e-commerce. 
Setting up your online store should be approached carefully and diligently to ensure you put a professional and efficient site live. Internet shopping continues to expand. Make sure your business doesn’t miss out on a sales channel that shows no signs of slowing down.
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