#best collage for computer engineering
srmup · 5 months
Dive into the dynamic world of SRM Institute of Science and Technology, where innovation meets education. Discover a vibrant community dedicated to nurturing the next generation of thinkers, creators, and leaders. From cutting-edge research to interdisciplinary programs, SRM empowers students to explore, experiment, and excel in their chosen fields. Join us on a journey of discovery, where knowledge knows no bounds and possibilities are limitless.
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tangibletechnomancy · 2 years
How To Use AI To Fake A Scandal For Fun, Profit, and Clout
Or, I Just Saw People I Know To Be Reasonable Fall For A Fake "Ripoff" And Now I'm Going To Gently Demonstrate What Really Happened
So, we all know what people say about AI. It's just an automatic collage machine, it's stealing your data (as if the rest of the mainstream internet isn't - seriously, we should be using that knee-jerk disgust response to demand better internet privacy laws rather than try to beef up copyright so that compliance has to come at the beginning rather than the end of the process and you can be sued on suspicion of referencing, but I digress...), it can't create anything novel, some people go so far as to claim it's not even synthesizing anything, but just acting as a search engine and returning something run through a filter and "proving" it by "searching" for their own art and "finding" it.
And those are blatant lies.
The thing is, the reason AI is such a breakthrough - and the reason we memed with it so hard when DALL-E Mini and DALL-E 2 first dropped - is because it CAN create novel output. Because it CAN visualize the absurd ideas that no one has ever posted to the internet before. In fact, it would be a bigger breakthrough in computer science if we DID come up with an automatic collage machine - something that knows where to cut out a part of one image and paste it onto another, then smooth out the lighting and colors to make them fairly consistent, to make it look like what we would recognize as an image we're asking for? That would make the denoising algorithm on steroids that a diffusion model is look like child's play.
But, unlike the posts that claim that they're just acting as a collage maker at best and a search engine at worst, I'm not going to ask you to take my word for it (and stick a pin in this point, we'll come back to it later). I'm going to ask you to go to Simple Stable (or Craiyon, or the Karlo demo, if Google Colab feels too complicated for you - or if you like, do all of the above) and throw in a shitpost prompt or two. Ask for a velociraptor carousel pony ridden by a bunny. Ask for Godzilla fighting a wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man. Ask for an oil painting of a capybara wearing an ornate princess gown. Shitpost with it like we did before these myths took hold.
Now take your favorite result(s) and reverse image search them. Did you get anything remotely similar to your generated image? Probably not!
So then, how did someone end up getting a near perfect recreation of their work? Was that just some kind of wacky, one-in-a-million coincidence?
Well - oh no, look at that, I asked it for a simplistic character drawing and it happened to me too, it just returned a drawing of mine that I never even uploaded, and it's the worst drawing I've done since the fifth grade even just to embarrass me! Oh no, what happened, did they change things right under my nose, has digital surveillance gotten even WORSE?? Look, see, here's the original on the left, compare it to the output on the right - scary!! They're training on the contents of your computer in real time now, aaaagh!!
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Except, of course, for the fact that the entire paragraph above was a lie and I did this on purpose in a way no one could possibly recreate from a text prompt, even with a perfect description.
See, some models have this nifty little function called img2img. It can be used for anything from guiding the composition of your final image with a roughly drawn layout, to turning a building into a dragon...to post-processing of a hand-drawn image, to blatantly fucking lying about how AI works.
I took 5 minutes out of my day to crudely draw a character. I uploaded the image to this post. I saved the post as a draft. I stuck the image URL in the init_image field in Simple Stable, cranked the init strength up to 0.8, cleared all text prompts, and ran it. It did exactly what I told it to and tried to lightly refine the image I gave it.
If you see someone claiming that an AI stole their image with this kind of "proof", and the image they're comparing is not ITSELF a parody of an extremely well-known piece such as the Mona Lisa, or just so extremely generic that the level of similarity could be a coincidence (you/your favorite artist do/es not own the rule of thirds or basic fantasy creatures, just to name one family of example I've seen), this is what happened.
So from here you must realize that it is deeply insidious that posts that make these claims usually imply or even outright state that you should NOT try to recreate this but instead just take their word for it, stressing ~DON'T FEED THE MACHINE~. It's always some claim about "ohhh, the more you use them, the more they learn, I made a SACRIFICE so you don't have to" - but txt2img functions can't use your interaction to learn jack shit. There's no new information in a text prompt for them TO learn. Most img2img models can't learn from your input either, for that matter! I still recommend being careful about corporate img2img toys - we know that Facebook, for instance, is happy to try and beef up facial recognition for the WORST possible reasons - but if you're worried about your privacy and data harvesting, any given txt2img model is one of the least worrying things on the internet today.
So do be careful with your privacy online, and PLEASE use your very understandable knee-jerk horror response to how much extremely personal content can be found in training databases as a call to DEMAND better privacy laws ("do not track" should not be just for show ffs) and compliance with security protocols in fields that deal with very private information (COMMON CRAWL DOESN'T GO FAR OUT OF ITS WAY, IT SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN ABLE TO GET ANY MEDICAL IMAGES THE PATIENTS DIDN'T SHARE THEMSELVES HOLY SHIT, SOME HOSPITAL WORKERS AND/OR MEDICAL COMMUNICATIONS DEVELOPERS BETTER BE GETTING FIRED AND/OR SUED) - but don't just believe a convenient and easy-to-disprove lie because it aligns with that feeling.
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the-phantom-author · 10 months
omg literally in love with hasan but i’m a pretty new fan of his & i was wondering if you could give like a lil run down of all his people 😭😭
i’m getting into fear&, i’ve watched a a bunch of vids, but i’m a little curious abt will & austin, like how did they meet hasan, what do they do exactly, stuff like that??
i need to get caught up on the lore!! tysmm
Will: Probably the most important person on this list. Meet Hasan when they were in collage, I think it was Hassans second year and will forth year. He mad short sketches for a while, he used to work at BuzzFeed, and has gone and officially graduated from multiple comedy schools. If you see me talk about a Caroline, that's his girlfriend. Fear& co-host.
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Austin: the gay one TM. He host a lot of game show like content on twitch, he just ended Name Your Price (price is right), Love or host and The Rajj Show (most every dating show ever), and The Roast of (which he stole from QT Who atole from TV). They meet five years ago, when Austin was going by Rajj Patel. This is a good recap. Fear& co-host
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Qt: Mother. I love QT. If there's an event she's probably the one who planned it. Host the streamer awards, ShitCamp, and Girls trip. Queen of baking. If you watch some of the old episodes of love or host, Austin's old show, then she's bitch and we love that. I miss brunette qt. Also is dating Ludwig. Fear& co-host.
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Ludwig: dating QT, she made him. You know that joke about having a younger sibling who has the capacity to succeed at almost anything, that's ludwig. Held the record for longest stream in twitch, become the top earned and then immediately signed to YouTube. Makes bidets.
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Myth: unironically the best and most talented person in the group. I don't watch alot of him, but irl stuff is always really fun. I'm partial to shitcamp content that he's in.
Tubbo: not super important, but included because we love tubbo. British, Minecraft streamer, super into computers.
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Murat: No a part of the streaming scene, but is his brother. Two years younger than Hasan, went to collage in Oklahoma. Is/was a volunteer firefighter, is an engineer. The better Piker™. Owns Fiona.
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sandy-the-glader · 2 years
can we have number 5. “You’re gonna have to be quiet.” w/ corey cunnigham? it gives me hide and seek vibes 😉
I just love this idea so much
Be quiet!
Pre-Accident Corey Cunningham x Fem Reader
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Summary: You and Corey get heated during a game of hide in seek..
Warnings/contains: Smut, semi-public? (Chance of getting caught), (Sub) Corey, (Soft dom) reader, just really fluffy smut, friends to lovers stuff, hair pulling
Word count :1.4k
A/n: Sorry if the format is weird I’m writing part of this on my phone and part on my computer. I took too much time to write this. Also i apologize if this isn’t the best i don’t have a lot of experience with writing smut I'm more of a reader.
“So your telling me….” Corey was crouched down looking at the 10 year old, he was obviously tired. “You don’t want to watch tv, read, play board games, or make snacks. So what do you want to do?” He was slowly losing patience with the child.
You wanted to clean up the house. You guys already had made such a mess around doing all these things. Pillows were flung from off the couch, Shoes were tossed and thrown by the door and even the kitchen. The girls mom ordered pizza before hand for her daughter of course but was also nice enough to get a box for us. So there were cups and plates all over the table. Some still had drinks/Food in them. 
It almost looked like someone threw a frat party rather than a couple of babysitters and a 10 year old.  
You and Corey have been babysitting together since you both were teens around 16 or so. And you’ve been friends for a even longer time. This was something you’d always do together more than separate and alone. Handling certain kids alone is a complete nightmare. I mean for you at least Corey is fantastic with kids it’s insane how he talk’s to them so well. 
It’s just a little temporary job to make money till we find something more permanent. I mean we still ride our bikes to each person’s house we babysit. And besides a more permanent job we still wanna go to collage too. Feels like so much work in so little time. Corey want’s to do some nerdy engineering stuff but, I still really don’t know what I want to do. 
“Hide and seek.” The little girl smiled. You were sat on the floor next to Corey, you smiled at her wholesome face. Corey finally cracked somewhat of a smile considering his small success with making the kid finally make up her mind. Corey could never turn down a game of hide and seek. He’s just too good.
“Come on Corey hide and seek.” You chuckled, both standing up. “What if you count to 30 or so and we go hide?” That would provide a tad bit of time for us to be alone. Babysitting is tiring as hell.
“Okay.” She agreed. She turned around facing a wall and placed her hands over her eyes. She began counting which made you and Corey quickly look for a place to hide. You turned in circles looking all over before you came to a stop when seeing the stairs. You pointed your thumb to the staircase and he nodded of approval before he followed after. You guys take games of hide and seek very seriously.
You both carefully made it upstairs without too loud of a noise. It was easier when you had only socks on to cushion any creak or thump we could have made. You decided the guest room would be a great spot since it was farther away from the stair case and also farther from all the other rooms. You hurried in there and made it to closet. You slide the door to the right and made it in. Corey slipped in right you and smiled with a thumbs up as he closed the door. It was bare. Nothing but extra hangers but at least you and Corey had space. And by space you guys barley had a inch between each other when shoulder to shoulder.
“How long do you think it will take for her to find us? I mean her house is sorta big.” You whispered. That was a pro to some kids you guy’s baby sat. Some family's were rich which meant a better pay and sometimes food like what we got today. We always had kids to baby sit which i was surprised since it’s Haddonfeild. 
 Corey paused for a second to think about the question. You guys were facing each other so you both had more space to even breathe. 
“Maybe 10 minutes depending on how long it takes her to get through the downstairs and then you know all the other rooms up here.” His mind thought out everything even though it may be unnecessary. Corey looked over to you his brown eyes were soft and caring. Easy and gentle. You guys were so close. So close.. Your faces inched closer, and closer. His eyes were now closed and so were yours. 
You don’t know who kissed who first but it didn’t matter. Not baby sitting, Not breathing, all of it didn’t matter. Not right now anyway. All you could do was concentrate on was Corey’s soft pink lips pressed against yours. Like they were meant to be together.
His kisses were messy and rushed. We didn’t have much time anyways. His glasses became fogged and the closet quickly became hot. Your hand quickly reached to tangle with his curls. His hands snaked around to your hips.
Thought’s swarmed your head. Would this ruin our friendship? Would it be awkward? Or would everything work out? 
Corey tried to thrust his hips upward to connect with you but you kept them down which made him let out a whimper against your lips. A feeling went through your body at that moment. You needed to hear those noises again. Your both broke apart breathless.
Pants were quickly discarded along with your sweater you’d worn because of the colder weather approaching. The only thing guarding you from one another was your underwear.
Never in your mind you thought you’d be in a closet fucking your best friend. Considering we didn’t have much time either. You moved his glasses to the top of his head. Him without his glasses was a sight that never failed to be beautiful.
Corey was melting under your gaze. He looked disheveled and messed up already and you’ve barley started. 
“Is this okay?” You whispered into his ear. He let out a sound of agreement. You both traveled to the floor, Corey was on his back looking up at you. You felt like a angel just hovering up over his crotch. You slipped his white boxers off and you moved your underwear to the side. Your hands were pressed against his chest.
Corey wasn’t ready for the amount of pleasure you were about to give him. You slammed down on his cock and he let out a loud choked moan out.
“Shh.. You’re gonna have to be quiet.” You placed a hand over his mouth. “Wouldn’t want her to hear us now would we?” You teased. “Try telling that to her mom.” You laughed before letting out a hissed moan as he hit so deep inside you. You felt him throb inside you. 
Your hands traveled back to his hair giving it a firm tug. You kept bouncing up and down on him making him even more needy than ever.
“Fuck you feel so good.” He moaned quietly this time, from under you as he thrusted his hips upwards to meet you. His moans and whimpers had you wetter than before. He gripped your hips so hard as if you’d leave him. If it was a dream.
He was so unbelievably needy his hips felt like they were moving in their own. Like he has no control. You just felt too damn good.
It didn’t take him long before he felt his orgasm approaching. Corey let out another little array of moans as he started to get closer and closer to the edge.
“You gonna cum for me Corey?” You leaned over to whisper in his ear. Each bounce and each thrust got more and more powerful. You weren’t too far behind. Chasing after your own as well.
“Yes- oh! Yes.” He moaned. “I’m gonna- I’m gonna..” He panted. you bounced until your finally reached your high letting out a small “Fuck…” You removed yourself from his cock and stroked him until he released on his stomach.
You both took heavy breaths in and out. You pressed your forehead to his and gave him a kiss. You felt his lips quirk upwards as he smiled into it.
“Thank you.” He spoke shyly.
“Anytime Corey.” You kissed his cheek.
“Hey core?” you sighed.
“I love you.” You brushed his hair from out of his face before you grabbed your sweater from the small pile of clothes that has been discarded earlier. He smiled softly at you.
“I love you too.” he kissed your forehead. You both quickly got dressed before she could find you.
After you both got your pants on you heard the girls foot steps rush into the room as if on time. You heard her shuffle through things before she pulled open the closet.
“I found you guys!” She giggled.
“You sure did!” I smiled at her.
“You guys look really red!”
Tags: @wolvesandvampires
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ifjgh · 4 months
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Last of the guys, here's my sweet lad from Hawaii, Keo Hale.
Here's some basic info! <3
Goes By: Keo Nicknames: Tech Guy, Teddy Bear DOB: Jun. 5th, 1955 Age: 22 (Summer B-Day, so he stays the same throughout the story) Gender: Male, but closeted questioning (He/Him/They/Them) Sexuality: Bi/Pan Ethnicity: Hawaiian, Vietnamese Occupation: Student (Electrical Engineering Major), Possible side-job, Campus Technical Wizard Socioeconomic Status: Middle Class, family was wealthy enough to afford a home computer and some gaming consoles that Keo always tinkered with Place of Birth: Honolulu, Hawaii Family: Father (Vietnamese Refugee) and Mother (Native Hawaiian), slightly spoiled their son Height: 6'4“ Weight: 222 lbs. Disabilities: None (?), possibly Autistic (Computers and Stuffed Animals could qualify as his special interests) Fashion Style: Nerd/Casual/Warm Weather Coordination (or lack thereof): He doesn't have the best coordination for sports (Manzo tried to get him on the Team, but it was too much for him), but he very delicate and gentle (working with motherboards and things, he kinda has to be) Personality Type/Trait: Virtuoso - Bold, Practical, Experimental, Master of various Tools Introvert/Extrovert: Introvert for the most part, prefers to work in small groups with trusted people, or alone (Attilio and Shelby are the only ones who can get him to go to parties and things) Intelligence: Excels with anything tech related, but has a hard time with Social Ques, Book-Smart over all else Self-Esteem: Below Average, he's got a lot of stuff to figure out about himself, and doesn't fully know how to approach it or if anyone else would be accepting of him Hobbies: Tinkering with any and all Tech (computers, gaming consoles, and the PA System that one time…), Adding to His Teddy Bear Collection, Learning about Music (he's not big into it, but he's interested in it) Skills/Talents: Tech Wizard (Can fix anything Tech related, no matter what happened to it, just give him a day or two), Compassion, Generosity, Second Strongest out of the Main 8 (but he rarely applies it to anything) Loves: Teddy Bears and Soft things, Tech, Problem solving, Puzzles, Helping People Phobias/Fears: That he may come off as Selfish or cold like Syd when he's actually just Shy, Being taken Advantage of without knowing until it's too late, Fire, People making fun of his interests Angered By: Difficult Tech Problems, Bullies Pet Peeves: People moving his stuff (it may LOOK like a mess, but he has a SYSTEM he swears), People talking over him (He's a quiet talker, so when it does happen it's usually on accident), Being late to things Obsessed With: Tech and Figuring out how things work, Teddy Bears, Making People Happy Bad habits: Chews his nails, tends to get lost in focus when he's working and just won't respond to anything, Messy (It's a SYSTEM), backs down easily Desires: To help others, and to always be there for anyone who needs him, Probably to start his own Tech company too Flaws: Will overwork himself to get stuff done, rarely ever takes breaks (Attilio's slowly getting him addicted to coffee) Secrets: Tries to keep his Teddy Bear Collection a Secret, but pretty much everyone knows (Thanks, Shelby). How much he misses home. The ways he wants to present himself v.s. the way he does present himself, mostly out of fear for not being accepted, he'll {REDACTED}, but even then he worries someone will say something about it. Regrets: Not being able to stand up for people when they need it (mostly when Syd bullies Attilio), Not being faster at fixing things, Not being brave enough to {REDACTED}. Accomplishments: Found a fatal flaw in one of the computers he tinkered with, and reaching out to the company to let them know how to fix it and them actually using his method. Said company agreed to pay for his Collage Scholarship as a thank you. Languages Known: fluent in 'Ōlelo Hawai'i, Vietnamese, and English, knows a decent amount of Italian (from being best buds with Attilio), some Afrikaans slang (from hanging out with Shelby), and some creative English insults (from being roommates with Syd)
(Things are subject to change the more I get things fine tuned, I've also kept some things secret for the time being. - Crow <3)
Bonus! Basic Profile Sheet, for funsies! X
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katy-133 · 1 year
Things that would actually get me interested in Nancy Drew game #34:
1) The return of Lani Minella as the voice of Nancy: The fan community and demographic of the game series have grown up since the late 90s. It's actually mind-boggling to me why they would recast Nancy with a younger voice than lean into the idea of Nancy ageing with the core players. Let Nancy be an adult even, or just college age. There are players who headcanon Nancy as being in collage (or a recent graduate) already anyway.
2) Using pre-rendered backgrounds over real time renders. The game engine Unity (which MID switched over to) has many great qualities, but it does not like rendering things like outdoor set pieces, object clutter, antique aesthetics (dust particles, woodgrain textures, etc), or other organic textures. It's why default set pieces for Unity you can download are often for plastic-looking sci-fi starship interiors. In other words, Unity is good at real time rendering the opposite of things we generally like in Nancy Drew locations. If you are going to use Unity for a Nancy Drew game, at least build the set pieces in something like Blender 3D (a modelling program that is freeware, has a vast plugin community, and allows you to save renders of what you make) and then take those renders as image layers into Unity. This will make the visuals look more appealing, speed up performance issues (many Nancy Drew fans play the games on laptops or other non-gamer heavy setups), and help the games age better and help future-proof them (even today, the pre-rendered cutscenes and backgrounds in games like 2002's Syberia still look jaw-droppingly gorgeous, while the 3D live rendered character models have aged due to faster computers and bigger resolutions).
3) Four suspect format: Bigger is not always better and this applies to the cast size. Four tends to work with the Nancy Drew games. Four is few enough to give everyone enough proper screen time, but large enough to keep the player guessing.
4) The meta puzzles: Like the first Monkey Island game, some of Nancy Drew's best puzzles use the player's (assumed) video game literacy to surprise them by subverting a mechanic the players usually take for granted. Examples include: (Minor spoilers ahead)
The Final Scene: Player is given too many keys at once that look exactly the same and has to find the right one to open a door before time runs out (messes with the inventory window)
The Deadly Device: Nancy's phone getting zapped unexpectedly just when she needs it (messes with the cell phone mechanic)
Treasure in the Royal Tower: The puzzle you use to get into the library (using the environment as the puzzle instead of a minigame screen)
Danger on Deception Island: Throwing the air tank into the water instead of throwing it at the character (using the obvious interact hotspot as a red herring and having the more obscure hotspot the correct answer)
5) Tomb of the Lost Queen's GUI: The user interface in TMB and DED are a good combination of diegetic design (wood panels, etc) and minimalist, intuitive GUI that doesn't majorly obscure the scene and background.
Note that these things I've listed do not ask for a more expensive budget than what HER is working with. Just design choices and thought during the pre-planning stage.
HER Interactive has had over thirty games worth of experience to make their next title something that pushes the envelope, which I think is part of why MID was such a disappointment to fans. The potential is there, it just needs to poke and prod at the adventure game genre like a detective, asking the question, "Why did past games make these design choices?"
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Why is Physics required to be an Electrical Engineer?
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Physics is the combination of Science and the principles
Optics etc.
The best Engineering Colleges in Rajasthan have good faculty who teach physics, which develops the ability of Problem Solving, Logical Thinking, and also the ability to think intellectually. Some Engineering Subjects are: -
Physics Subjects are: -
Technology, the fundamentals of Mathematics, and Physics are important factors in making things possible in every way.
Physics: -We cannot imagine our life without Physics, also it is directly or indirectly related to physicists who have made a huge contribution to the world. It is a Mixer of Mechanics, Electromagnetism, Quantum mechanics, etc. so we need to use physics as a compulsory thing in day-to-day life. 
Engineering is designing and building machines, structures, and other items. You can think with engineering out of the box.
Teachers of Top Engineering collages of Jaipur, Rajasthan says that in mechanical Engineering you need the help of physics in dealing with aircraft, watercraft, engines, robotics, weapons, cars, pneumatics, and hydraulics, it also works in some core areas including mechanics, dynamics and electricity.
Physics Required to Be an Electrical Engineer
Electrical circuits including motors, electronic appliances, optical fiber networks, computers, and communication links involve electrical engineering designing This need to convert electrical energy to other forms of energy, with the understanding of mechanics and thermodynamics, also how small-scale components like integrated circuits and various types of logics also all functions require an intermediate understanding of Electromagnetism which you learn from Physics.
Electronics are working on transistors, diodes, and semiconductors. RF signals, wireless communications, etc. designed by Electromagnetism.
It Provides practical skills also It takes scientific knowledge and mathematical complexities and transforms them into innovative ideas and new ways to design and build. Physics will help the electrical engineer grasp the constraints inherent to a particular problem and allows him or her to develop a practical approach to achieving a solution.
For students of physics study everything from classical mechanics and thermodynamics to electromagnetism and quantum mechanics. They master atoms, molecules, and statistics.
For students of electrical engineering learn about the design of electrical circuitry, including motors, electronic appliances, optical fiber networks, computers, and communication links.
Physics help engineers solve complex problems with two-sided concepts.
Physics and Electrical Engineering Educational Options
In Private Engineering Collages of Jaipur Rajasthan, you will spend the first two years taking classes and at end of your second year, you enroll at IIT where you can choose from the following five engineering disciplines.
Electrical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Aerospace Engineering
Computer Engineering
For the next three years, you will then take physics and general education then The second dual-degree option is joint physics-electrical engineering, this option is a mix of in-person and online education with the physics degree is completed, at the end of five years, and you graduate with two degrees BS in physics & BS in electrical engineering.
Some sequential programs are an undergraduate physics degree and then a master’s degree in an engineering specialty.
Teaching is a noble profession that shapes the character, skills, and future of an individual also If people remember me as a good teacher that will be the biggest honour for me “Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam”. Science knowledge helps the engineer understand the constraints inherent in a problem and helps the engineer develop possible approaches for a solution. Physics develops the ability to Problem Solving, Logical Thinking in an individual and also the ability to think intellectually so it is important.
Source: Click Here
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devbhoomiuniversity · 2 months
Dev Bhoomi Uttarakhand University (DBUU) offers specialized programs in cyber security through its School of Computer Science and Engineering. Here are some reasons why DBUU is a good choice for pursuing a program in cyber security:
Features of Cyber Security Program at DBUU:
Comprehensive Curriculum:
The cyber security program at DBUU covers a wide range of topics, including network security, cryptography, ethical hacking, digital forensics, and cyber laws, ensuring a well-rounded education.
Experienced Faculty:
The faculty consists of experienced professionals and academicians with expertise in various aspects of cyber security, providing students with quality education and practical insights.
State-of-the-Art Facilities:
DBUU is equipped with modern laboratories and facilities that provide hands-on experience with the latest tools and technologies used in the field of cyber security.
Industry Collaborations:
The university has collaborations with various industry partners, providing students with opportunities for internships, projects, and exposure to real-world cyber security challenges.
Practical Training:
The program emphasizes practical training through labs, workshops, and simulations, allowing students to apply theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios.
Placement Support:
DBUU has a dedicated placement cell that works to secure job placements for students in reputed organizations, ensuring good career prospects.
Certifications and Workshops:
The university offers additional certifications and workshops in specialized areas of cyber security, enhancing the employability of students.
Cyber Security Programs Offered:
Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) in Computer Science and Engineering with a specialization in Cyber Security:
A 4-year undergraduate program that provides a strong foundation in computer science along with specialized knowledge in cyber security.
Master of Technology (M.Tech) in Cyber Security:
A postgraduate program that offers advanced knowledge and research opportunities in the field of cyber security.
Why Choose Dev Bhoomi Uttarakhand University for Cyber Security?
Strong Academic Reputation: DBUU is known for its strong academic programs and quality education in various engineering and technology fields.
Career Opportunities: Graduates from DBUU's cyber security programs are well-prepared for careers in various sectors, including IT companies, financial institutions, government agencies, and more.
Supportive Learning Environment: The university provides a supportive and conducive learning environment, ensuring the overall development of students.
Considering these factors, Dev Bhoomi Uttarakhand University is a commendable choice for pursuing a program in cyber security.
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fishboneart · 7 months
Fishbone #001
I might do maybe little artjournal reflection blogs about process and feeling, maybe for every fishbone, maybe not, but I'll tuck them under a readmore when I do
So this is where it starts. 42 source images, 47 layers. I manually isolated all 36 of those fucked up hands and I complained about it the WHOLE time. I even made jokes about wishing the computer would do it for me, and I know I probably could actually get an app for that, but the point is to do it myself. Also like, what if it fixed them? That would be worse.
I like the idea of a creature in the machine that gets really excited about teeth, fingers, legs, because it doesn't have them. It made something for you, a deer with five legs, a pony tail, and fractal antlers. It got so hype about the antlers. I made you this, I made you this, I made you this.
That's not at all how this works, see my previous post re statistics and teeth, it's somewhere near the bottom. But that's the story I put in the collage. That, and its "mind" is a complex repeating pattern, but then again aren't we all.
I've rapidly developed a perverse appreciation for the defects in ML images. The person who posted the gem girl expressed disappointment about the artifact over the eye as a glitch that ruined the image, I thought it was her best feature. Without it she'd be just another bland, vapid, shiny, girl-shaped arrangement of pixels. And hey if you want to make bland vapid shiny girl-pictures, life your life as you see fit. I just think she's more interesting with a glitch. Different strokes.
The T&A guys don't care about fucked up hands and shit, as long as the T's and A's are improbably large and perfectly spherical they're happy. I find so many interesting artifacts in their pics. I saw one a while back where the guy was like "ignore her third leg lol" and she had two navels. They're doing wonders for my sense of anatomy and proportion, because they've never heard of either and they don't care, and apparently looking at enough of that weirdness is helping me to see how it's wrong.
Anyway, I reckon Andrew "holy shit that's his real name" S‎pi‎t‎tle is blowing smoke up Matt "poast moar" Photo's ass. The statement from Andrew "8 years a Happiness Engineer" S‎p‎itt‎‎le, Mattland head of AI, and the leaked FAQ section I sure hope he had to approve in his capacity as same, display less understanding of how machine learning works than I possess, and I only started really learning about it fucking yesterday. I don't know how he got this job but I am convinced he's not a machine learning researcher. He's seemingly never published anything about machine learning, not on his blogs, not on his medium, not on the internet under his own name, nor publicly claimed a single relevant credential. "Happiness Engineer" is Mattspeak for "customer service" btw. No shade to CS workers, I've been one of those, but it doesn't qualify me for head of the department of fuck or shit.
I hereby promote myself to Fishbone Head of Going the Fuck to Bed.
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glocaluniver · 11 months
A Bachelor of Technology (BTech) degree is an undergraduate program that focuses on technical and engineering disciplines. It equips students with the knowledge and skills required to excel in various technical fields, such as computer science, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and more. Get admission in best B.tech collage in Saharanpur - Glocal University.
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mariya-anderson · 1 year
Artificial intelligence for the photographers
Hi friends, today I want to tell you about how artificial intelligence can help photographers in their work.
Artificial intelligence is the ability of machines to perform tasks that normally require human minds, such as recognizing objects, faces, emotions, generating text and images, natural language processing and much more. Artificial intelligence is already being used in many areas of life, but it is especially useful for photographers who want to improve the quality of their images, save time, and express themselves creatively.
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In this post, I'll walk you through the three main uses of artificial intelligence for photographers: editing, search, and generation.
Editing is the process of enhancing photos using various tools such as correcting color, contrast, sharpness, removing noise, blemishes, adding effects and filters. Editing can be time-consuming and boring, especially if you have a lot of photos. But with artificial intelligence, you can automate this process and get better results. For example, you can use apps that analyze your photo and suggest the best settings to improve it. Or you can use services that allow you to change the style of your photo by applying effects in the spirit of famous artists or genres. Or you can use programs that help you remove unwanted objects or people from your frame, filling the empty space with realistic details.
Searching is the process of finding the photos you want among the millions available on the Internet or on your computer. Searching can be a difficult and time-consuming endeavor, especially if you don't know exactly what you're looking for. But with artificial intelligence, you can simplify this process and get better results. For example, you can use search engines that allow you to enter not only keywords, but also descriptions or natural language questions. Or you can use services that allow you to upload your photo and find similar or related images. Or you can use apps that help you organize your photo library by recognizing objects, faces, places, and events in your photos.
Generation is the process of creating new photos using artificial intelligence. Generation can be a fun and creative activity, especially if you want to experiment with new ideas or solve complex problems. For example, you can use services that allow you to generate photos from text by typing in a description or script of what you want to see. Or you can use apps that allow you to mix two or more photos, creating new combinations or collages. Or you can use programs that help you create photorealistic portraits of people, animals, or characters that don't exist in reality.
As you can see, artificial intelligence for photographers is not only the future, but also the present. Artificial intelligence helps photographers improve their skills, save time, expand their horizons and create without limits. If you want to learn more about artificial intelligence for photographer or try it in action, I recommend you visit these sites:
https://www.canva.com/features/ai-photo-editing - a free graphic design app that also has a great free photo editing tool using artificial intelligence.
https://www.fotor.com is a free photo editing app that uses an advanced artificial intelligence algorithm to improve image quality.
https://pixlr.com is a free photo editing app that provides many features including automatic image enhancement using artificial intelligence.
PhotoDirector (https://www.cyberlink.com) This is a free photo editing application that provides many features including automatic image enhancement using artificial intelligence.
https://unsplash.com/s/photos/ai - A collection of free photos on the topic of artificial intelligence.
https://www.google.com/imghp?hl=ru - Google Images search engine with the ability to search images and text.
https://www.thispersondoesnotexist.com/ - a site that generates portraits of people who don't exist
Thanks for your attention! I hope you enjoyed my post. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to write them down below. And don't forget to subscribe to my blog so you don't miss new articles about photography and artificial intelligence. See you soon!
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padhaicrew · 1 year
“Breaking Stereotypes: Celebrating Women in STEM at IIS University”
The fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) have long been dominated by men. However, times are changing, and women are making remarkable strides in these disciplines. IIS University, renowned as the best college in Jaipur, is at the forefront of celebrating and empowering women in STEM. Through its unwavering commitment to breaking stereotypes, fostering inclusivity, and nurturing talent, the institution is setting a new standard for women's participation in STEM. 
In this blog, we delve into IIS University's efforts to celebrate women in STEM and showcase why it truly deserves the title of the Best College in Jaipur.
1. Empowering Young Minds:
IIS University recognizes that women have a vital role to play in shaping the future of STEM. The institution empowers young women with the education, skills, and opportunities needed to excel in fields traditionally dominated by men.
2. Bridging the Gender Gap:
IIS University is dedicated to bridging the gender gap in STEM. By providing a supportive and inclusive environment, the institution encourages women to pursue their passions in areas like engineering, computer science, biotechnology, and more.
3. Inspiring Role Models:
Through seminars, workshops, and interactions with successful women in STEM, IIS University provides students with inspirational role models. These role models demonstrate that women can break through barriers and excel in any STEM field they choose.
4. Encouraging Innovation:
IIS University fosters a culture of innovation by encouraging students to think creatively, solve real-world problems, and contribute to advancements in STEM. The institution believes that diverse perspectives lead to more innovative solutions.
5. Impactful Research:
IIS University supports women in STEM who engage in impactful research that addresses pressing global challenges. The institution provides resources and mentorship to help students transform their ideas into tangible solutions.
"Best College in Jaipur - Empowering Women in STEM!"
At IIS University, we celebrate the spirit of innovation and inclusion in STEM fields. As the best college in Jaipur, we are committed to breaking stereotypes and empowering women to thrive in STEM disciplines. Join us at the Best College in Jaipur and be a part of an institution that is shaping a future where women in STEM play a pivotal role. Choose IIS University and embark on a journey that celebrates your potential and passion!
IIS University's dedication to celebrating women in STEM exemplifies its commitment to breaking down barriers and fostering inclusivity. As the best college in Jaipur, IIS University recognizes that women have a crucial role to play in driving advancements in STEM fields. Through education, empowerment, and a supportive environment, the institution is paving the way for women to excel and make a lasting impact. Join the movement to celebrate women in STEM at the “Best College in Jaipur” - choose IIS University!
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educationtech · 1 year
21 Facts you probably didn't know about the Google - ACEIT
Some Hidden Facts About Google.
Nowadays google is the most important thing in students’ life, Best Engineering College in Jaipur provide them with a program for student, and they can enroll and study and get jobs and internship at google and many other companies. Google Says “you can learn wherever and whenever you want “
What is Google in simple words?
Google is a popular internet search engine. It scans the Web to find Web pages that are relevant to the words you have typed in the search box.
Why Google Is Good For Us?
BTech Colleges in Rajasthan Provide people with information, tools, and services to help them build knowledge, fuel curiosity, and unlock opportunities. Powering education through technology, tools, and training. They made the easy daily basis of task for any normal man. People can grow their skills, careers, and businesses. People are Searching online hat triggers their brains that control decision-making and complex reasoning.
Thoughts on India and technology after receiving the Padma Bhushan
Our CEO’s response after being honored with one of India’s top civilian awards.2022’s inning Doodle For Google puts India’s scientific advancements centerstage.
Private Engineering collages in Jaipur Building a world where progress, equitable outcomes, diversity, and inclusion can be realities both inside and outside our workplace.
Products:- There are many Products launched by google but for Devlopers some are :-
App Testing, Business messages, Cloud computing, Devices, Engagment, Exposure notification, Game Services, Google wallet, Growth, maps and locations, Messaging and notification, Monetization, Monitoring, Payments, Sign+idengtify, Storage +sync.
Interesting Facts About Google:-
Google which was Originally known as BackRub, was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in a friend’s garage while they were studying Ph.for D. at Stanford University. It has since become the world’s largest search engine, and the name Google has become synonymous with search.
Google was named due to the misspelling of the googol.
Google encourages its employees to spend at least 20% of their time on their Development. which gave profit to some of Google’s big-shot projects including AdSense, Gmail, Google Transit, Google News, and Google Talk.
Best Engineering Colleges in Jaipur show them some study which is Page, 22 at the time, having recently earned a computer engineering degree from the University of Michigan, attending Stanford University for his Ph.D. Brin, then 21, was already a Ph.D. candidate at the renowned institution.
Google’s first office was a rented garage.
Google takes over many factors into account before delivering you the best results to any question in a fraction of a second and Google indexes 60 trillion individual web pages
Google’s search index is more than 100 million gigabytes in size. It would take 100,000 one-terabyte personal drives to contain the same amount of data
The company owns some of the domains that are common misspellings by Google, like Gooogle.com, Gogle.com, and many more.
Google has been acquiring, on average, more than one company per week since 2010.
Go to Google Mars. You can see a map of Mars
Google is a wedding planner. Yes, you heard it right. You can plan your wedding or any special day with Google Wedding.
You can see also stars, constellations, galaxies, and planets on google sky maps. www.google.com/sky.
There are more than 2 million Google searches per second
620 million users visit www.google.com daily.
Over 6 billion watched videos each month on YouTube.
YouTube makes money through advertisements that are placed near the videos. It works like Google itself.
Google pays Mozilla Millions of dollars a year so As part of the deal Mozilla makes Google the default search provider in its Firefox web browser.
Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin own just 16% of the company that around $46bn.
The “I’m Feeling Lucky” button, which takes users directly to the first result of their search, is nearly never used. It cost Google around $100 million in lost advertising revenue every year.
A former Caterer of the grateful dead was google’s first  chef
Swedish Chef is a language preference in Google Search.
Google negotiated its Acquisition of youtube at Denny over Mozzarella Sticks.
Contributing to a Future Ready system for healthcare, Continuous innovation to keep people safe online. Google protects users in terms of their privacy, it keeps your information safe, and it is very easy to use privacy settings.
Expanding opportunity $1 billion in grants. 1 million volunteer hours. Investing in communities, individuals, and local economies by preparing them for the opportunities of today — and tomorrow. Helping those affected by crises through our products, our people, and our partners also raising the bar in making smart use of Earth’s resources, expecting the highest ethical standards throughout our supply chain, and creating products with people and the planet in mind.
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aryacollegejp · 2 years
Different Courses for BTech are available at Arya College
B.Tech. Course available at Arya College
Top Colleges of Engineering in Jaipur Rajasthan has many courses of B. Tech, It is considered one of the most sought-after programs for candidates with a science background, also top engineering colleges in Jaipur were highly preferred a few years ago.
Several B Tech Courses Are:-
B Tech Aerospace Engineering
Demand for aerospace engineers with the best B. Tech colleges  in Rajasthan Candidates holding a B Tech Aerospace Engineering degree can be hired as Aerospace Engineers, Researchers, Aircraft Technicians.
B Tech Civil Engineering
This course has high demand across the nation and the government is developing various infrastructural projects, Smart City projects, and due to the boom of the Indian real estate market and also Professionals holding a degree in B Tech Civil Engineering can be hired as Civil Engineers, Executive Engineers, Site Engineers, and Structural Engineers by Newton Engineering & Chemicals, L&T Realty, Bridge & Roof, Oberoi Builders, etc.
Computer Science & Engineering
Best engineering college in Rajasthan is a versatile degree with various job opportunities across industries, especially the IT industry also Candidates in this degree can be placed as Software Engineers and Software Developers, Test Engineers, Programmer Analysts, and also Content Developers in the best IT companies including TCS, Facebook, Wipro, Capgemini, Infosys, Accenture, etc.
Cloud Technology & Information Security
Cloud Technology and Information Security train students in ethical hacking, computer forensics, concepts of virtualization, and cloud security Professionals holding this qualification can be placed as Cloud Product Managers, Cloud Security Specialists, Cloud Support Engineers, also Senior Cloud Architects in leading companies such as IBM, Apple, Samsung, Amazon, Dell, HP, Facebook, etc.
Mechanical Engineering
Trains students in the dynamics of mechanical engineering, design engineering, and thermodynamics and after clearing this program, professionals can be placed as Assistant Engineers, Junior Mechanical Engineers, and Design Engineers in the best Indian companies.
Computer Science in Full Stack Development
Computer Science in Full Stack Development is one of the best B Tech courses that an individual can currently pursue and this program trains them to develop computer and mobile websites and applications from scratch by managing back-end and front-end coding also Professionals holding this degree are employed as Programmers and Full Stack Developers in some top IT companies like IBM, Viacom, Azure, CarWale, SmartConnect Technologies, etc.
B Tech Cyber Security
Increased dependence on online transactions in the banking and finance sector, this program is in high demand and online financial transactions are threatened by hackers, malware, and phishing activities that require qualified experts from top information technology colleges in Jaipur to neutralize the threat also Professionals holding a B Tech Cyber Security and Forensic degree are hired as Ethical Hackers.
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are one of the best computer science programs for individuals, as most industries are attracted to implementing artificial intelligence and machine learning into their day-to-day applications and The program trains students in applications of artificial intelligence, cognitive modeling, and knowledge representation also Professionals holding this qualification can be hired as Machine Learning Engineers, Big Data.
A High Level of Job Satisfaction
Engineers in their respective organizations have high job satisfaction and They are rewarded with a variety of incentives and benefits for their outstanding performance at work also Engineering collages raised student awareness of current market requirements.
A Variety of Career Options
They can pursue entrepreneurship or management opportunities also They have the potential to become well-known faculty members of every engineering institution.
Development of The Mind
Engineers collaborate alongside some of the world's brightest minds, and also their intellectual development is unstoppable So they have real-world solutions and serve as role models for others by being a beacon of hope.
Both Challenging and Interesting
Engineer jobs are not for the faint at heart and They are often confronted with interesting problems to overcome and assist people with their problem-solving abilities.
Society's Assistive Hand
Engineers have a valuable service to society and They help us solve challenges, which makes our lives simpler also They are responsible for the construction of dams, airports, hospital equipment, and scientific breakthroughs, among other things.
Financial Security
It is a highly profitable profession, and with the best minimum pay or salaries of any discipline also Earn your.
B. Tech degree is for you so If you think you have found your career path after going through this specialization courses so it is time for you to shortlist top engineering and computer science colleges in India.
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examhelpworld · 2 years
Private Engineering Colleges In India-Colleges Review & Fees
If you are looking for the Best Private Engineering Colleges In India for 2023 admission details. You need to go through the admission process based on entrance exams like JEE Mains, CUET, and a set of other exams. For further details visit the complete information provided below.
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Students need to prepare hard for the entrance exam to get the desired branch in the respective college mentioned here. Complete the required details and other relevant stuff provided here. Some of the best colleges are BITS Pilani, VIT Vellore, SRM Chennai, and many more.
Highlight Table
Number of collages
Entrance exams
·         JEE Mains and Advance,
·         CUET,
·         GATE,
Course offered
·         Mechanical Engineering
·         Civil Engineering
·         Computer science Engineering
·         Electric Engineering
40,000-6.8 lakhs per annum
Best Private Engineering Colleges In India-List With Details
India is full of engineering and management-based colleges. Here, colleges also provide ample amount of research opportunities for college pass-outs. There are some of the best colleges present here with all sorts of physical and mental requirements like gym, playground, etc.
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu
AVV offers almost 207 courses with a complete set of requirements for engineering and management disciplines. Students need to go through the detailed entrance and counseling process for admission to desired branches. Further requirements are to be more than 50% of marks and have PCM as the course stream in the 12 class. Collages have more than 600 staff members with the best faculty to train the students.
For more details and current updates visit https://www.amrita.edu/.
Manipal University, Karnataka  
MAHE (Manipal Academy of Higher Education) is one of the leading institutions providing world-class education with better research options at an affordable price. For the college, admission students need to clear the high school with the institute's own entrance process need to be followed. For more details follow the official website at https://admissions.manipal.edu/.
The world-class facility is provided at an affordable fee. For all the concerns and doubts related to the college admission student need to visit the official site mentioned above. Hostels, study manuals, and other types of options are made available to the common students.
VIT, Vellore, Tamilnadu  
Vellore institute of technology is run under private funds and is located in Katpadi in Vellore. College offers its education services since 1984 in the areas of 66 UG-based courses, 58 postgraduates, 15 Integrated, 2 research as well as M. Tech. based industrial programs. Meanwhile, the college is well equipped with all sorts of equipment and modern-day facilities.  College is well short of one of the great infrastructure, faculty, and another sort of things required by the students in their college days like gym, labs, etc.
Furthermore, for more details, you need to visit the college's official website at https://vit.ac.in/.
Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan, Bhubaneshwar
SOA offers one of the best quality educations that enable students to know their self-potential and endurance. Students need to go through the entrance process with having more than 50% marks in the 12 th board. Further details are made available to you through the college website for this visit: https://www.soa.ac.in/.
Further details and fee details are added below. Books from vast backgrounds and another set of services like smart classes are made available to the common students of the college. NAAC accredited the college with A++ Grade (3 cycles). MHRD NIRF ranked this institute as the 16th.  
Birla Institute Of Technology And Sciences, Pilani
BITS Pilani is a deemed university for advanced science and technology-based educational institution. Having the title of one of the best private engineering institutions providing all the research and study-based requirements same as of the IITs with foreign ties too made available here. As of the information the college also demands a lot of pre-preparation to crack the entrance exams and another set of details like more than 50% marks in the 12 th class exam.
For more details and another set of details visit the college's official website at http://www.bits-pilani.ac.in/.  
Best Private Engineering Colleges In India- Ranking Details  
College Name
NIRF Ranking (2022)
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore
Manipal University
VIT , Vellore
Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan Bhubaneshwar
BITS Pillani
SRM University, Chennai
Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, Odisha
Amity University,
SASTRA University
SIMATS University
Private Engineering Colleges In India-Placements
Private Colleges
Annual Fee (INR)
VIT, Vellore
7.80 lakh
Amrita School of Engineering, Tamilnadu
4 lakh
16 lakh
Amity University, Noida
10.16 lakh
Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan, Bhubaneshwar, (SOA)
10.20 lakh
Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology
14.58 lakh
BITS Pilani
19.94 lakh
Final Sentence
Finally, you have all the details regarding the best private engineering colleges in India. Collage details with the required information to assist you on admission.  For more details and doubts related to college admission make sure to fill out the contact us form available on this link.
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abmains · 2 years
Download adobe photoshop touch
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Adobe Photoshop Express 7.4.
The software has many benefits over other programs. Use popular Photoshop features designed for the tablet such as layers, selection. Combine images, apply professional effects, share results with friends and family through Facebook and Twitter all from the convenience of your iPad. It is mainly used to manipulate images, make artworks, retouch photos, graphic products, and so on. Transform your images with core Adobe® Photoshop® features in an app designed for tablets. Photoshop is an advanced image editing software.
Other Adobe Photoshop Express APK versions (43): Looking for safe Adobe Photoshop Free For Windows 10 download links Learn more about free and legal ways to download the program in 2022.
Bugs and Crash fixes for smooth experience.įor more information on downloading Adobe Photoshop Express to your phone, check out our guide: how to install APK files.
New content – New looks and Text styles has been added in the application.
Enhanced Vignette - Give your photo a dramatic vignette effect with precise control of roundness and feather.
A much requested functionality, humbly delivered!
Watermark resize – Have complete control over the size of the watermark on your images.
Use predefined filters to alter photos with one touch.
If you’re familiar with Photoshop, you won’t have any issues finding what you need. You get most of the features of the original, optimized for the small screen. Though smaller, it performs as well as its desktop counterpart. A large number of filters, along with the ability to post images directly to social networks, make this the perfect app for people that care about what they post online. This image editing suite is the mobile version of Adobe Photoshop. The app has simple functions such as crop, snap, or snap, but also a few more complex ones, such as noise reduction or powerful filters.Īdobe Photoshop Express has a powerful engine that also permits users to manage files with huge resolutions, like panoramic images for example. In fact, Adobe Photoshop Express is aimed at both beginners and professionals, which means that anyone can pick it up and use it. Unlike bigger platforms that provide more freedom, Adobe Photoshop Express focuses on small formats and comes with features that you can use. A dialog box appears for choosing options when saving in some image formats.As the name suggests, Adobe Photoshop Express is all about giving users the right tools to make changes to photos on mobile devices. PHOTO FUN FOR EVERYONE Tap into your creativity on the go with Photoshop Expressa fun, fast, and easy picture editor for one-touch transformations and. If you're looking for more free options, you can create graphics, collages, flyers, videos, and animations with Adobe Express.
The free trial is the official, full version of the app it includes all the features and updates in the latest version of Photoshop.
In the Save As dialog box, select saving options. Yes, you can download a 7-day free trial of Photoshop.
Similarly, how do you save a project in Photoshop? … Adobe says that it’s currently working on mobile apps that focus on core tasks rather than attempting to pack all features together into a single app like what’s available on desktop. Copy this file to the appropriate Adobe Photoshop folder location: Windows 10: C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop CC 2019. Adobe Photoshop Touch is the mobile version of Adobe Photoshop which is the best photo editing software ever created for computers. Click the appropriate 'Download Now' button and download your Windows file version. Likewise, why did Adobe remove Photoshop Touch? After a three year run, Adobe is retiring Photoshop Touch, its current horse in the mobile photo editing race. Download Adobe Photoshop Express for on-the-go photo editing. Locate your Windows operating system version in the list of below 'Download Photoshop.exe Files'.
Done! Once Photoshop is opened and running, the action should be installed.
People ask also, how do I open a zip file in Photoshop? The Send menu includes the following selections: Upload to Creative Cloud – Share copies to your Creative Cloud online storage. Simply select the Send menu from along the top of the interface and choose the option you’re interested in. The most obvious solution is to download and install Adobe Photoshop or one to the listed programs: Adobe Photoshop Touch for iPad, Adobe Photoshop Touch for Android.Ĭorrespondingly, how do I save an image in Photoshop Touch? Photoshop Touch allows you to easily export copies of your projects as images. The main and most frequent cause precluding users form opening PSDX files is that no program that can handle PSDX files is installed on user’s system.
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