Rhinoplasty: Preparing For The ‘Nose Job’ Surgery
Rhinoplasty surgery, also known as nose job surgery, is a popular surgical option for patients who require reshaping or resizing of the nose. It might be very well-known as a cosmetic procedure with cosmetic benefits, but nose job surgery is also a recommended treatment when a patient experiences a traumatic injury or illness or needs help in improving nasal function and breathing.
The goal of a rhinoplasty treatment or nose plastic surgery is to revise the nose according to the patient’s desired appearance and proper functionality. At Orange Tree hair and restoration centre, our expert surgeons handle the procedure very well with the latest technology and effective, lasting results. Orange Tree clinic is well-known for its cosmetic surgeries and for the best Rhinoplasty treatment in Delhi, Kolkata, and Manipur.
The right time to get a nose job surgery is until your nasal bone is fully grown. In the case of girls, this could be around the age of 15 while for boys usually are much longer till the age of 17 or 18. However, if a treatment is required to improve nasal function and breathing, rhinoplasty can be performed and have positive improvement.
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eternity-hospital · 4 months
Rhinoplasty Doctors in Indirapuram
Hospital Eternity offers top-notch rhinoplasty procedures tailored to your needs. Our skilled surgeons and state-of-the-art facilities ensure the best results. Small mismatching of the nose with face, makes us conscious of our looks and lowers our esteem. Rhinoplasty improves the look of the nose and gives an immense change in self-confidence and positivity. https://hospitaleternity.com/rhinoplasty.html
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drsahilsingla · 1 year
Facial Cosmetic Surgery: Rhinoplasty, Facelift And Fillers
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Facial blemishes create strong discomfort and self-esteem problems. Fortunately, today there are several methods to improve one’s appearance and live the relationship with oneself and with others with greater serenity. Targeted facial cosmetic surgery interventions, carried out with safe and advanced techniques or small tricks that do not require too much time, which do not involve considerable side effects and carried out in complete safety by the best plastic surgeon in Noida, can really change your life!
Rhinoplasty is one of the most frequent and effective facial cosmetic surgery procedures. The patient who decides to undergo this type of cosmetic nose surgery will notice considerable and pleasantly surprising differences between the before and after. Rhinoplasty aims to reshape the nose by eliminating different types of imperfections such as, for example, humps, a too pronounced tip or too wide nostrils. Rhinoplasty is also performed in case of respiratory problems related to deviation of the nasal septum and in case of hypertrophic turbinates.
Rhinoplasty is performed through hidden incisions inside the nostrils (in this case, we speak of a closed technique) or by associating a microscopic scar hidden in the columella (in this case, we speak of an open technique).
When planning rhinoplasty in Delhi, several factors need to be considered. The specific characteristics of the patient’s nose such as, for example, the bone structure, the quality of the cartilage, the thickness of the skin. Facial features should also be fully considered. A plastic surgeon in Noida must know how to shape a nose that is in harmony with other parts of the face to improve the overall appearance of the patient’s face.
The rhinoplasty surgery lasts approximately 2 hours.
Face Lift Surgery
The face lifting is, on the other hand, an intervention that aims to correct the signs that with aging change the appearance of the face. As Stretching the facial muscles more, reducing the amount of fat present on the surface of the face, redistributing excess skin or removing it. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia. There are different types of face lifting which differ according to the way in which the best plastic surgeon in Vaishali intervenes on the shape of the patient’s face and according to the costs. Here are the face lifting techniques carried out at our clinic:
Subcutaneous lift
it serves to reduce the amount of excess skin, detaching a part of the skin from the face without intervening on the repositioning of the muscles. The plastic surgeon in Vaishali makes the incision along the temporal finish of the scalp and then continues downwards following the anterior hairline of the ear until it reaches the back of the auricle.
Sub-smas lifting
this type of facelift, also called mini-facelift, is perfect for those patients who have a not particularly important sagging of the lower third of the face. The acronym SMAS refers to the Superficial Musculo-Aponeurotic System, which includes the structure of mimic muscles (in the anterior portion) and fibrous bands (in the posterior portion) present in the face. From an anatomical point of view, the SMAS represents the third layer of tissue (from the outside to the inside) that divides skin and superficial fat from bone and deep fat. This set of muscles and fibrous bands tends to weaken considerably over time and, consequently, deep fat tends to slide downwards and drag skin and superficial fat along with it.
The mini-facelift is performed under local anesthesia or with light sedation. The incisions that the plastic surgeon in East Delhi makes are very short: about 1 cm below the sideburn, in front of the ear and a small 2 cm incision in the back of the ear. These incisions are used to detach the skin according to the pre-operative design made by the plastic surgeon in Kanpur. After having detached the skin, the best plastic surgeon in East Delhi can decide whether to apply the SMAS or to carry out a real detachment of the skin. The application consists in going to insert non-absorbable sutures to lift the muscular structures of the face. Once the skin has been repositioned, the plastic surgeon in Goregaon removes the excess and stitches the incisions.
Subperiosteal face lift
it is carried out by making small cuts on the hairline and inside the mouth. In this way, the natural fat layer on the cheekbones is lifted and then repositioned. This type of facelift aims to lift the characteristic wrinkles that appear on the sides of the nose and mouth and lift sagging cheeks. The subperiosteal facelift also involves the lifting of the Smas and should therefore be considered as a type of deep facelift. This type of surgery is recommended for patients between the ages of 40 and 50 with sagging cheeks, skin folds or considerable laxity in the nose and lips area.
Traction threads
The traction threads are biocompatible and 100% reabsorbable by the body. They are composed of polylactic acid, a substance capable of stimulating collagenogenesis and creating an increase in the production of endogenous collagen. Each thread has a bidirectional structure made of opposing cones that are fixed in the subcutaneous adipose tissue. The advantages of this technique are several: a simple local anesthesia is enough, they lead to an increase in collagen, elastic fibers and hyaluronic acid, they improve vascularisation, they are completely reabsorbed within a year and a half.
A type of intervention that consists in taking fat from certain areas where it is present in greater quantities and transferring it to other areas. This allows you to restore volume to those areas of the face where volume has been lost with ageing. The large content of stem cells present in the adipose tissue has a tissue regeneration effect and this gives new life and shine to the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the face. With aging, the tissues of the face and neck are altered due to the dislocation and thinning of muscle masses, the atrophy of fatty tissue and the reduction of skin elasticity. This is why wrinkles appear in the periocular area with associated sunken eyelids, deepening of the furrows of the nose, decreased definition of the contours of the face.
Facial cosmetic surgery: latest trends
More and more men and women are now turning to the surgeon to counteract wrinkles, furrows on the face and the various signs of aging. Botox is the simplest and most immediate solution for complete rejuvenation, which has been around for several years now. Hyaluronic acid fillers are also increasingly successful in men and women of different ages.
As far as the nose is concerned, those who choose to have rhinoplasty tend to ask more and more for a “tailor-made” nose studied on the individual person and on the profile. The requests for rhinofillers will also grow.
Facial cosmetic surgery: who to contact
Dr Sahil Singla is an expert plastic surgeon in Delhi for surgery and aesthetic medicine and uses the most innovative technologies for aging the face and for solving imperfections in the most natural way possible. The state – of – the – art center uses the most modern technologies for facial cosmetic surgery and body treatment.
Empathy, experience and passion are the basis of Dr Sahil’s work and there are numerous testimonies on social networks of men and women who have improved their self-esteem thanks to small and large changes. Contact us to make an appointment and to study together the intervention that best suits your wishes. Every big change starts with a small step.
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drrajatgupta · 2 years
Rhinoplasty commonly referred to as a “nose job,” is surgery to change the shape of your nose by modifying the bone or cartilage. People get rhinoplasty to repair their nose after an injury, to correct breathing problems or a birth defect, or because they’re unhappy with the appearance of their nose. In addition to the rhinoplasty surgery benefits of these types of procedures, the effects can be experienced in almost all areas of life. Mr Raj, cinematographer and actor consulted Dr Rajat Gupta For Rhinoplasty surgery. He was not happy with the shape of his nose .  He travelled all the way from Hyderabad to Delhi for this surgery. He consulted Dr Rajat, and he guided him . Dr Rajat assured him he will get the desired natural-looking results. Mr Raj was very happy with his experience in the hospital. He felt really homely. He is thankful to Dr Rajat Gupta and is extremely happy with the results. More info: https://drrajatgupta.com/rhinoplasty/
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BR Healthcare Plastic Surgery: Transforming Aesthetics and Building Confidence
At BR Healthcare, located at Plot №13, Bawana Rd, Shabad Extension, Sector 17, Rohini, Delhi — 110089, we specialize in transforming your aesthetics and building your confidence through expert plastic surgery services. Our team of highly skilled surgeons and medical professionals is committed to providing personalized care, using the latest techniques and technology to achieve outstanding results.
Our Plastic Surgery Services
Cosmetic Surgery
Facelift: Our facelift procedures help reduce the signs of aging by tightening facial muscles, removing excess skin, and rejuvenating your appearance.
Rhinoplasty: Also known as a nose job, rhinoplasty can refine the shape, size, and structure of your nose, enhancing facial harmony and function.
Breast Augmentation: This procedure enhances the size and shape of your breasts using implants or fat transfer, tailored to your aesthetic goals.
Liposuction: We offer advanced liposuction techniques to remove stubborn fat deposits, sculpting your body for a more defined silhouette.
Tummy Tuck: Known as abdominoplasty, this surgery removes excess skin and fat from the abdomen, tightening the muscles for a flatter, firmer midsection.
Reconstructive Surgery
Breast Reconstruction: For patients who have undergone a mastectomy, our reconstructive procedures restore the breast’s appearance, helping you regain your confidence.
Scar Revision: We use various techniques to minimize the appearance of scars, improving skin texture and tone.
Skin Grafts and Flaps: Essential for repairing damaged skin due to injury, burns, or surgical removal of tumors.
Non-Surgical Treatments
Botox Injections: Botox smooths out fine lines and wrinkles, providing a more youthful look without surgery.
Dermal Fillers: These injections add volume to the face, lips, and hands, reducing the signs of aging and enhancing natural beauty.
Laser Resurfacing: This treatment improves skin texture and tone, reducing the appearance of scars, wrinkles, and sun damage.
Why Choose BR Healthcare for Plastic Surgery?
Expert Surgeons: Our board-certified plastic surgeons have extensive training and experience, ensuring the highest standards of care and precision in every procedure.
Advanced Technology: We use the latest surgical techniques and state-of-the-art equipment to achieve the best possible outcomes for our patients.
Personalized Care: At BR Healthcare, we understand that each patient is unique. We take the time to listen to your goals and concerns, creating a customized treatment plan tailored to your needs.
Comprehensive Consultation: Our thorough consultation process ensures that you are fully informed about your options, the procedure, and the expected results. We are committed to helping you make the best decision for your health and appearance.
Post-Operative Support: We provide extensive post-operative care to ensure a smooth recovery and optimal results. Our team is here to support you every step of the way.
Contact BR Healthcare
If you’re considering plastic surgery, BR Healthcare is here to help you transform your aesthetics and build your confidence. To learn more about our services or to schedule a consultation, please contact us at:
Phone: 9205666381
Address: Plot №13, Bawana Rd, Shabad Extension, Sector 17, Rohini, Delhi — 110089
BR Healthcare Plastic Surgery is dedicated to helping you look and feel your best. Let us partner with you on your journey to enhanced beauty and renewed confidence.
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digitalmarketing-01 · 13 days
Transform Your Look and Confidence with BR Healthcare Plastic Surgery
In today's world, the quest for beauty and confidence often leads individuals to explore plastic surgery. At BR Healthcare, we specialize in various surgical procedures designed to enhance your appearance and restore your self-assurance. 
Plastic surgery encompasses a range of surgical procedures aimed at improving one's appearance through surgical means. Whether you're looking to refine a specific feature or undergo a significant transformation, our experienced surgeons at BR Healthcare are here to guide you every step of the way. From the initial consultation to the recovery process, we ensure that you receive personalized treatment tailored to your unique needs.
At BR Healthcare, we offer a comprehensive array of plastic surgery options. Some of our most popular procedures include facial contouring and reconstruction, body contouring, and breast surgery. Whether you're interested in a facelift, rhinoplasty, liposuction, tummy tuck, breast augmentation, or reconstruction, our skilled surgeons can help you achieve your desired look.
The recovery process is a critical phase in the plastic surgery journey. At BR Healthcare, we prioritize your comfort and safety throughout this period. Post-operative care instructions are meticulously designed to promote healing and minimize discomfort. Our team is available to answer any questions and provide support as you recuperate. Most patients can expect to resume normal activities within a few weeks, but it's important to follow your surgeon's guidelines closely to ensure the best possible outcome.
Our surgeons are highly trained and bring years of experience to each procedure, ensuring the highest standards of care and precision. At BR Healthcare, we believe in a patient-first approach. We listen to your concerns, understand your goals, and provide customised treatment plans to meet your needs. Our facility is equipped with the latest technology and surgical equipment, allowing us to perform surgical procedures with utmost accuracy and efficiency.
If you're ready to enhance your beauty and restore your confidence, BR Healthcare is here to help. Visit our website at [BR Healthcare](https://brhealthcare.in/) to learn more about our services and schedule a consultation. Our facility is conveniently located at Plot No. 13, Bawana Rd, Shabad Extension, Sector 17, Rohini, Delhi - 110089. For inquiries or appointments, please call us at +91-9205666381. Embark on your journey to a new, more confident you with BR Healthcare, where your transformation is our top priority.
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Orange tree Clinic is the best Rjhinoplasty Sugery Clinic in Delhi . Looking for the premier rhinoplasty surgery in Delhi to reshape your nose? Our esteemed clinic provides top-tier rhinoplasty surgery in Delhi, ensuring customized natural results to suit your features. With a dedicated focus on precision and patient contentment, our seasoned surgeon delivers remarkable transformations. Explore affordable rhinoplasty costs in Delhi without sacrificing quality. Entrust us as your prime rhinoplasty surgeon in Delhi, boasting over 15 years of expertise! Bid farewell to nasal imperfections and attain a beautifully sculpted nose in Delhi today!
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rejuvinaids · 1 month
Glow drips and rhinoplasty treatment in delhi 
Rejuvenaids Clinic, nestled in the heart of Dwarka, is your sanctuary for revitalization and rejuvenation, offering the pinnacle of skincare excellence. At Rejuvenaids, we pride ourselves on delivering the best Glow drips treatment in Dwarka with unmatched expertise and dedication to your radiant skin. Our Glow drips treatment is a transformative experience, designed to illuminate your complexion from within, restoring its natural luminosity and vitality.
Utilizing cutting-edge techniques and premium products, our team of skilled professionals ensures that each Glow drips session is tailored to your unique needs, delivering unparalleled results. Whether you seek to combat dullness, pigmentation, or simply desire a radiant boost, Rejuvenaids Clinic is your haven for indulging in the ultimate skincare luxury. Experience the transformative power of our Glow drips treatment in Dwarka, and let your inner glow shine brighter than ever before. Visit us today and embark on a journey to radiant skin perfection at Rejuvenaids Clinic.
Welcome to Rejuvenaids Clinic, where Glow Drips treatment transcends the ordinary, bringing forth a radiant transformation that goes beyond skin deep. Nestled conveniently, our clinic offers the epitome of rejuvenation, providing unparalleled expertise and care. Seeking a Glow Drips treatment near me? Look no further as our skilled practitioners specialize in delivering this innovative therapy with precision and finesse. From the moment you step through our doors, embark on a journey of renewal and vitality. Our holistic approach encompasses not just your outer appearance but also your inner well-being, ensuring a comprehensive rejuvenation experience.
Rejuvenaids Clinic, nestled in the heart of Dwarka, stands as a beacon of excellence in the realm of cosmetic enhancements. Specializing in transformative rhinoplasty treatments in Dwarka, we pride ourselves on delivering nothing short of the finest craftsmanship and unparalleled expertise to our esteemed clientele. At Rejuvenaids, we understand that the decision to undergo a rhinoplasty procedure is deeply personal, and thus, we approach each patient with the utmost care and consideration. 
Our team of seasoned professionals, equipped with years of experience and a commitment to perfection, ensures that every aspect of your journey with us is met with precision and dedication. We believe in not just providing the best rhinoplasty treatment in Dwarka, but also in fostering an environment of trust and understanding, where our patients feel empowered and confident in their choices. From the initial consultation to post-procedure care, our compassionate staff is here to guide you every step of the way, ensuring a seamless experience and exceptional results. Discover a new level of confidence and self-assurance with Rejuvenaids Clinic, where your beauty dreams become a reality.
Situated conveniently close, our clinic specializes in transforming your aesthetic aspirations into reality with our exceptional rhinoplasty treatment. We understand the significance of finding the best rhinoplasty treatment near me, and that's why we ensure every aspect of your journey with us is meticulously crafted to exceed your expectations. Our team of skilled surgeons combines expertise with artistry to deliver results that harmonize with your unique facial features.
 Whether you're seeking subtle refinements or dramatic enhancements, our rhinoplasty treatment caters to diverse preferences with precision and finesse. At Rejuvenaids Clinic, we prioritize your comfort and safety, providing a nurturing environment where you can confidently embark on your transformative journey. Experience the epitome of excellence in rhinoplasty treatment near me at Rejuvenaids Clinic, where your vision of beauty becomes a breathtaking reality.
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eternavision · 1 month
Eterna Vision & Aesthetics — Plastic Surgeon in Delhi
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Rhinoplasty, commonly known as a "nose job," remains one of the most sought-after plastic surgery procedures in Delhi. Patients choose rhinoplasty surgery to enhance the size, shape, or proportion of their nose, or to address functional issues like breathing difficulties. Experienced plastic surgeons in Delhi utilize both surgical and non-surgical techniques to achieve natural-looking results tailored to the individual's facial harmony. Best plastic surgeon in delhi 
Liposuction and body contouring procedures are gaining popularity in Delhi due to the increasing emphasis on fitness and body aesthetics. Liposuction helps remove stubborn fat deposits from areas such as the abdomen, thighs, hips, and arms. Advanced body contouring techniques like tummy tucks and Brazilian butt lifts are also sought after to achieve a more sculpted and proportionate physique. liposuction surgery 
Breast augmentation surgery is prevalent among women seeking to enhance the size and shape of their breasts. Plastic surgeons in Delhi offer various options, including silicone and saline implants, to achieve natural-looking and satisfying outcomes. Additionally, breast lift procedures are popular for addressing sagging breasts and restoring youthful contours.
Facelifts and facial rejuvenation procedures have become highly sought-after in Delhi as people strive to maintain youthful appearances. A facelift helps tighten sagging skin and muscles, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Non-surgical options such as Botox and dermal fillers are also popular for facial rejuvenation and enhancing facial features. Facelift and Facial Rejuvenation
Hair transplantation procedures offer effective solutions for restoring hair density and a natural hairline, addressing significant concerns about hair loss among both men and women. Surgeons in Delhi utilize advanced techniques such as follicular unit extraction (FUE) and follicular unit transplantation (FUT) to provide long-lasting and aesthetically pleasing results.
Mommy makeovers, which combine various cosmetic procedures to help women regain their pre-pregnancy bodies, are tailored to address each patient's unique post-pregnancy concerns. Plastic surgeons in Delhi personalize mommy makeovers with procedures such as tummy tucks, liposuction, and breast augmentation or lift.
In addition to traditional surgical techniques, Delhi's plastic surgery landscape is witnessing a surge in demand for minimally invasive and non-surgical procedures. Treatments such as laser skin resurfacing, chemical peels, and microdermabrasion offer effective solutions for skin rejuvenation without extensive downtime.
As plastic surgery in Delhi continues to evolve, patients have access to a wide range of procedures to address various aesthetic concerns. Skilled and experienced plastic surgeons employ the latest techniques and technologies, prioritizing safety, natural results, and patient satisfaction.
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mohdfaizahmad0065 · 2 months
Looking for a Top-Rated ENT Surgeon?
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Finding the right doctor for your ENT (ear, nose, and throat) needs is crucial. If you're in Delhi and searching for an experienced and qualified ENT surgeon, look no further than Dr. Nayeem Ahmad Siddiqui at DIYOS Hospital.
About DIYOS Hospital
DIYOS Hospital is a leading healthcare facility in Delhi, known for providing personalized care and advanced ENT services. Their team of highly skilled doctors utilizes the latest technology to deliver exceptional patient outcomes.
Dr. Nayeem Ahmad Siddiqui: Your Trusted ENT Specialist
Dr. Siddiqui is a senior ENT consultant at DIYOS Hospital with over 19 years of experience. He is a highly regarded ENT surgeon known for his expertise in various procedures, including:
Micro-ear surgery: This minimally invasive technique treats a range of ear conditions, such as chronic otitis media, cholesteatoma, and tympanoplasty.
Nose surgery (Rhinoplasty): This surgery can address functional issues affecting breathing or improve the cosmetic appearance of the nose.
Throat surgery: Dr. Siddiqui performs various throat surgeries, including tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, and thyroidectomy.
What Conditions Does Dr. Siddiqui Treat?
Dr. Siddiqui offers comprehensive ENT care, treating a wide range of conditions, including:
Sinus problems, such as sinusitis and nasal polyps
Ear infections
Hearing loss
Thyroid disorders
Sleep apnea
Personalized Care at DIYOS Hospital
At DIYOS Hospital, Dr. Siddiqui and his team prioritize personalized care. They take the time to understand your individual needs and concerns before recommending the most suitable treatment plan. Whether you require medication, minimally invasive procedures, or surgery, Dr. Siddiqui will guide you through every step of the process.
Advanced ENT Services
DIYOS Hospital is equipped with advanced diagnostic and treatment technologies, allowing Dr. Siddiqui to provide the most effective care for his patients.
Considering ENT Treatment?
If you're experiencing any ENT-related issues, scheduling a consultation with Dr. Nayeem Ahmad Siddiqui at DIYOS Hospital is a great first step. Dr. Siddiqui's expertise, combined with DIYOS Hospital's commitment to personalized care and advanced technology, can ensure you receive the best possible treatment for your condition.
Don't hesitate to schedule an appointment with Dr. Nayeem Ahmad Siddiqui today to discuss your ENT concerns and explore treatment options. Also, If you want to learn more about ENT Hospital in Safdarjung Enclave please visit the website.
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drrajatgupta · 2 years
Rhinoplasty commonly referred to as a “nose job,” is surgery to change the shape of your nose by modifying the bone or cartilage. People get rhinoplasty to repair their nose after an injury, to correct breathing problems or a birth defect, or because they’re unhappy with the appearance of their nose. In addition to the rhinoplasty surgery benefits of these types of procedures, the effects can be experienced in almost all areas of life. Mr Raj, cinematographer and actor consulted Dr Rajat Gupta For Rhinoplasty surgery. He was not happy with the shape of his nose .  He travelled all the way from Hyderabad to Delhi for this surgery. He consulted Dr Rajat, and he guided him . Dr Rajat assured him he will get the desired natural-looking results. Mr Raj was very happy with his experience in the hospital. He felt really homely. He is thankful to Dr Rajat Gupta and is extremely happy with the results. More info: https://drrajatgupta.com/rhinoplasty/
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moglirejuve · 2 months
Dr. Rohit Nayyar - Eminent Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon in Delhi NCR
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Dr. Rohit Nayyar has established himself as a preeminent figure in the field of plastic and reconstructive surgery within the Delhi NCR region. With an impressive wealth of experience and expertise, he has garnered widespread recognition, both nationally and internationally, for his exceptional commitment to restoring and enhancing the physical appearance of his patients.
Prestigious Affiliations and Practice
Dr. Nayyar holds esteemed affiliations with numerous prestigious hospitals and clinics across the Delhi NCR area, where he serves as a visiting plastic surgeon and specialist. Among these institutions, SCI Hospital in South Delhi stands out as a premier healthcare facility renowned for its excellence in providing affordable treatments such as penile implants, in vitro fertilization (IVF), infertility management, and gender reassignment surgery.
Diverse Expertise in Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery
Specializing in both aesthetic and reconstructive surgery, Dr. Nayyar possesses a diverse skill set that enables him to cater to the unique needs of his patients. His expertise encompasses a wide range of procedures, including rhinoplasty, breast augmentation/reduction, abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), rhytidectomy (facelift)/facial contouring, and general surgical interventions.
Excellence in Reconstructive Surgery
Dr. Nayyar's proficiency in reconstructive surgery is particularly noteworthy, as he excels in restoring form and function for patients who have experienced accidents or health conditions necessitating prosthetic or reconstructive interventions. His compassionate approach and meticulous attention to detail ensure optimal outcomes for his patients, enabling them to regain confidence and quality of life.
International Recognition and Reputation
Dr. Nayyar's reputation as a skilled plastic and reconstructive surgeon extends beyond national borders, attracting patients from both domestic and international locales seeking his expertise. His dedication to delivering exceptional results and his unwavering commitment to patient satisfaction have earned him accolades and recognition on a global scale.
Commitment to Excellence and Continuous Improvement
Driven by a passion for excellence and a dedication to advancing the field of plastic surgery, Dr. Nayyar remains at the forefront of innovation and best practices. His unwavering commitment to his patients' well-being and satisfaction underscores his status as a trusted and respected practitioner within his field, consistently striving to provide the highest standards of care.
Dr. Rohit Nayyar's unwavering commitment to excellence, coupled with his vast experience and expertise in plastic and reconstructive surgery, distinguishes him as a leading practitioner in the Delhi NCR region. Through his compassionate care, meticulous attention to detail, and dedication to patient satisfaction, Dr. Nayyar continues to redefine standards of excellence in aesthetics and reconstruction, empowering his patients to embrace their true selves with confidence and vitality.
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