neocrackcitysworld · 2 years
can’t we be something more?
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“can’t be something more?”
bestfriend!johnny x fem!reader
genre: angst, hurt, unrequitedness 
summary: a drunk johnny leaves y/n hurt
the call that y/n had recieved shocked her to say the least.
“yeah, i’m surprised too. just, can you please come over here?” the sound of lee taeyong’s concerened voice boomed through the phone.
“yeah i’ll be right over.” she said, grabbing her keys and bolting out the door and straight to her car.
the full moon shone above her car and was in full view. it was quite magnificent to say the least. however, beautiful the night was, y/n’s mind kept racing. why was johnny acting like this? did something happen between and...
oh. of course.
johnny and his girlfriend had constant and vey toxic fights now and then. it was okay in the beginning, but the amount of times johnny had come over to her house to seek emotional support from her was just as confusing. 
his girlfriend, of course knew about y/n and johnny’s friendship. though she pretended to not look like it, y/n could see it right through her face that she was indeed jealous. 
“it’s emotional cheating! why do you keep going to her?”
y/n had overheard her stupid voice over the phone when johnny had called her to inform her that he was staying over at her place after a fight.
y/n pulled up in the parking lot of a very well-known bar in south korea.
grabbing her purse and walking into the bar, she immediately grimaced due to the stinch of alcohol. y/n barely drank. seeing as she was the oldest in her friend group, she was basically considered the mom of them. and that meant that she had to drive them back and forth.
she usually only drank one or two glasses of soju, so naturally the heavy smell of soju, beer, whiskey and whatnot irritated her.
her eyes swept the place and found taeyong, jaehyun, haechan, jungwoo and johnny, who was slogging on the table. 
as she got closer, she realised that johnny was so drunk, that he had these cute giggles that erupted from his mouth literally every five seconds.
“mE aS a tall personnnn...” he slured, with his voice cracking occasionally.
“i am supposed to help a sUpER DUPER short person like hAeChan to ReACh forr something!”
“BUtttttt when i drop somethinggg on the floor... i have to ask him to get him tO gEt It for ME! how embarrasing is tHaT?!”
“very embarrasing, johnny.”
“yeah! a drive back home!” she said sarcastically. 
“im so sorry y/n... actually he was supposed to drive us back to the dorm but uh...” jaehyun apologized. y/n waved her hand at him, indicating that she had brushed off the matter. 
“i’ll take him back to the dorm in my car and then i’ll drive home. y’all can stay for a little longer though...it lookd like y’all really need it.”
“come on tiger.” she grunted as she lifted him to his feet, with the assistance of jungwoo.
the three walked outside and helped johnny into the passenger’s seat. jungwoo and y/n both sighed as they watched johnny drunkenly play with the seatbelt. pulling it and letting it go, excited at the action happening in front of him.
“noona...” jungwoo trailed off, making her look at him.
“they broke up.”
“yup. apparently she fell out of love with him and has been cheating on him for a month.”
anger immediately gushed and filled her body.
“he walked in on them.”
silence seemed like the loudest noise ever at that moment.
“take care of him, noona.”
“oh don’t worry, woo. i will.”
the two hugged briefly and jungwoo walked back inside the bar.
y/n was about to walk to her side of the car when she saw that johnny was still playing with the seatbelt. she scoffed with a smile and opened his door.
without saying a word, she leaned over to him and clicked the seatbelt for him, ignoring the flutter in her heart.
the drive back to his dorm was comforting. johnny had fallen asleep during the ride and y/n couldn’t help but steal glances at him now and then. his face looked so peaceful, as if he hadn’t just had a messy break up.
sadness gushed through her veins as she thought about her situation with johnny.
the two stumbled in the living room to his dorm. y/n supported johnny as she struggled to walk over to his room. all the other members were alledgedly all in their rooms and hadn’t noticed their arrival.
once they finally reached his room, y/n shoved johnny on his bed and then cracked her neck with a groan. she was really tired.
she removed his jacket and shoes, tucked him in and was about to leave his side, when something caught her wrist.
“don’t go...”
she turned around to see johnny awake and preventing her from leaving him.
“did...i do something wrong?” tears filled his eyes as he recalled the memory of him walking in on them in the moment in his bedroom.
“no...no...johnny, absolutely not.” y/n immediately replied.
“you are the most loving, caring and handsome person i’ll ever know. you're allowed to be sad. but i promise, you're so much better off...with me.”
johnny furrowed his eyebrows, his eyes giving off a mysterious and drowsy look.
“the truth is, i love you johnny. more than anyone has, does or ever will. you complete me, you make me happy. even though you’re the dumbest fool who can’t take a hint,” she chuckled.
“i can’t help but fall head over heels for you. you are the best thing that has ever happened to me.”
she stopped for a second, collecting her thoughts before continuing.
“but the problem is, that you never noticed me. my subtle glances at you, my smiles at you and literally everything! ...can’t we be something more? something more than what we are now? i know that you both just broke up, but i’ll be willing to wait for you. i’ve done it before and i’ll gladly do it again. just please. can’t we be something more?”
y/n’s heart dropped when she realised that the only thing that came out of johnny’s mouth were...snores.
tears slipped from her eyes as she put her head down in disbelief. she knew it was too good to be true. she got up and wiped her tears, grabbed her purse and gave johnny a small forehead kiss, her lips lingering there for a moment too long.
another tear slipped her eye, and soon another and then another.
she left the room in tears. never turning back. it was going to be like this. he would never feel the same.
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powermaknae · 4 years
The Deep End
Rock Band! NCT x Reader
The party life of being in a rock band is good fun, but when the band takes off, the members worry that you may be taking the freeing lifestyle too far, while Boyfriend! Yuta does nothing to stop you.
~Rockstar! Au, smut, unprotected sex, semipublic sex, partying, drugs, alcohol, addiction, cursing, smoking
Word Count: 3.1K~
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A/N: It wasn’t mentioned very well, but you play bass, Johnny and Mark play guitar, Jaehyun plays keyboard and sings backup, Taeyong is the front man/singer, and Yuta plays the drums. Some details were kind of glossed over to give it the affect of the things you notice as a drug/alcohol user. Also, there’s a lot of trigger warnings and angst. And this is my first smut, so go easy on me :}
 The lights were dim, and the music boomed through your body as you gyrated along the compact space. The sensation of skin rubbing up against yours was unlike anything else, all of the other tactile stimuli drove your senses crazy. Your head was fuzzy, and vision blurred but you loved it that way. It made the whole experience better: the music, lights, people.
Across the room you spot a tall figure, the tallest among the others, and you strolled over, trying your best not to lose your balance. He smiled at you as you came close enough for him to recognize the teal converse and signature ponytail. Johnny was your best friend, your rock. You owed everything to him.
He had just landed your band its first big show and you wanted to celebrate the best way you knew how; by getting smashed.
You were never the type of person to follow rules. You were always living life on the edge of what was acceptable. Growing up, your parents were strict with you, be home at this time, do chores on this day, date at this age. And, of course, you did everything in your power to break those rules.
When you went to university, you went as a music business major because you had enjoyed playing bass in high school jazz band and your dad was willing to pay for your education. You were much more invested in the parties than learning, so it wasn’t much of a surprise when you dropped out to be in a band, instead.
You had met Johnny in your macroeconomics class and became instant best friends. You went everywhere together, for coffee, the movies, late night jam sessions. You were almost inseparable.
Johnny was a frat boy. His house was notorious for large parties, three nights a week, with more people than were in your classes. He had invited you to many and that’s where he introduced you to Yuta and Taeyong. Yuta was just as much of a rule breaker as you and he admired your strong headedness from the moment he laid eyes on you. Taeyong was the mom friend that made sure everyone got home safe.
It was a great set of people, just the right balance of right and wrong. Music was something you all bonded over, starting out small with arranging and writing little tunes and bouncing ideas off each other while you were high. You and Yuta dropped out around the same time and moved in together, but Johnny and Taeyong graduated the semester after with degrees in music business and veterinary science.
The band started to grow from just the four of you. Jaehyun was a member of the fraternity Johnny had been and had seen you at several parties, and Johnny had scouted Mark straight out of high school. That was how it started, frat parties and late-night jams.
Here you were now, getting shit-faced with your closest friends. People poured in around you and the proximity between you became smaller. Yuta stumbled into you from behind with a red plastic cup full of an inconspicuous liquor.
“There you are.” His words were slurred together, but he made perfect sense to you. “I found something fun you might wanna try.” He held his hand out in front of him, small pink pills laid out in his palm. You instinctively grab one, disregarding all safety. You were just in it for a good time, and your judgement had been clouded by the amount of alcohol you had consumed already.
He smiled as you took one, holding it in your hand as you waited patiently for him to pass them out to the other men around you. Johnny and Jaehyun downed theirs immediately, but you waited for Yuta to return.
He appeared in front of you again, with a pill of his own. He gave you a smirk before offering to intertwine your loose limbs together. You took the drugs together, taking a swig of your drinks, simultaneously.
After letting it set in, you downed the rest of the cup’s contents and threw it into the crowd carelessly, and flung yourself forward, wrapping your arms tightly around Yuta’s neck.
He was handsome when you were sober, but he was so much more ethereal when you weren’t. His bright white hair shined like a fluorescent light, starbursting around the edges, and his features blurred together slightly. His dark chocolate eyes bore into you as he looked up and down your figure, filled with a hazy lust.
He leaned down and smashed his puffy lips into yours, carelessly maneuvering them in a feverish manner. Yuta was not a neat person, by any means. He kept your shared apartment untidy and in need of organizing. He liked his women that way, always cherishing the mess. You, my dear, were the biggest mess of all.
His hands wandered up and down the curve of your waist, taking in every single sensation the fabric of your t-shirt would give him. You entangled your fingers in the white strands of hair at the base of his neck, pulling him as close to you as possible.
His forceful hands were pulling your waist into his frame, trying to gain more contact when you pulled away, looking at his blurry face with clouded eyes.
“Let’s go find a room,” you whispered seductively in his ear, leaning in to press hot kisses against his jawline. He pulled your arms off of his neck and wrapped a hand around your hip, coaxing you to follow him away from the bustling crowd.
He found the first door in a hallway leading away from the people and pushed you in first. It was a small coat closet, filled with various fabrics that brushed your fingers as you wrapped your arms around Yuta, going back to your heated make out. His movements were hasty and eager, but the drugs seemed to slow time itself. He quickly started removing layers from his body, taking off his shirt in a single motion.
His lips were mashed against yours again, while his agile fingers slipped under your waist band, tugging them down slightly, more to tease you than to get what he wanted. He parted your shaky legs with his thigh, grinding it into your needy core and pushing his clothed erection closer to you.
He went to the zipper of your jeans, unbuttoning and pulling them down enough to let them fall at your feet, then placed his thigh back to its position, letting you ride it. You held onto his neck with every fiber of your being, fearing you might fall without him.
He leaned away to remove his own black skinny jeans along with his boxers. His cock sprung from its restraints, already dripping with precum. He smashed his swollen lips back into yours, trailing his fingers delicately down past your ass to pull your legs up around him. “Jump,” he whispered, nipping at the edges of your ear.
You obey, wrapping your legs around his now completely exposed waist. His cock was pressed up against your clothed entrance, the soft fabric of your panties combined with the pressure was driving you crazy.
Your back hit the wooden door, making a loud THUD, but it didn’t phase you. He reached down in between you and brushed his index finger past the layer of fabric and ran it through your slick folds. You tilt your head back, farther into the door, giving him the perfect opportunity to attack your exposed flesh with his beautiful teeth.
As he sucked and nipped at your neck, he circled the pad of his thumb against you swollen bud. The combination of his harsh bites on your neck and his fingers working delicately in your heat made your heart pound against your chest.
His movement slowed as he removed his hand to hold your hips in place. He pushed your panties to the side and entered you at such a slow pace, you begged him to fuck you. When his cock was buried deep, you moaned his name repeatedly.
“Yuta, please. Ruin me.”
“Don’t worry, baby girl. I’m getting there.”
He wasted no time picking up speed, quickly escalating his movements to a rough pounding. Every thrust he made pushed your back farther against the door as you clung to him, leaving red lines all across his shoulders. He leaned his head against your collarbone, trying to gain some stability as his thrusts became more erratic.
A stream of curses left your lips as the familiar knot began to form. His grip on your waist was tight enough to leave bruises. His hips snapped into you at an incredible pace, leaving you in a state of pure bliss.
All the muscles in Yuta’s body were tensed, flexing at every slight motion. He clenched his teeth together as he felt your walls squeeze him. You were both getting closer and closer to coming undone. Yuta took pride in always making you cum first. He shoved himself as deep as he could, coaxing you to cum all over him.
“Cum for me, baby girl. You know you want to.” He lifted his head to blow hot air against your ear. You obeyed his order, unraveling in his arms, screaming his name. He did let up until he too let himself relax into you, letting out breathy moans and curses as he coated you walls and filled you to the brim.
His seed dripped from your core as he pulled away from you. Most of the rest of the night was hazy. You don’t remember what happened after, you just remember melting into the floor of the coat closet after Yuta fucked you.
You woke up the next morning surrounded by the soft comforter of your bed. Someone must have brought you home. Your head ached from last nights shenanigans and you felt sick to your stomach. The queen-sized bed always felt too big for just you, but it was rare that Yuta would stay. He always left for work before you woke up.
Your found the spot to your left empty, as usual. The clock to your right read “11:27”. Johnny wanted you there at 2 so you had some time. Your head was killing you, so you instinctively grabbed a handful of prewrapped joints from the drawer and left your room briefly to grab a beer from the fridge, not thinking of possible consequences.
You spent the next hour and a half in a cloud of careless bliss.
The cords were all blurring together as you tried to match the color-coded wires to each input. Maybe you shouldn’t have smoked that last blunt or done that line of coke from the glove box of your Toyota before going to set up for the show, but who was going to stop you.
“These fucking wires won’t fucking go in the right spot!” You frustratingly yell to no one. Your hands were shakey and you could barely tell which color went where.
“Who the fuck designed this pile of shit.” “Stop, you’re making it worse.” Johnny knelt beside you, trying to pry the mess of rubber from your hands. You were defensive, pushing him away. “I can do it!”
He looked at your soft face, trying to read it for any sign that something was up. You avoid his contact, focusing the little attention you had on the cables.
“Look at me.” His voice was stern, dripping with concern. You tilted your head to look him square in the face, but the motion made you dizzy, and the lines of his angular features were blurred.
“Come on. Let’s take a break.” You stood slowly, careful not to lose balance as you followed him to the concrete ramp outside the loading dock.
“Are you high right now?” His voice was softer now, he didn’t want to cause a scene.
“Why does it matter?” “Because we’re about to do our first show, y/n. Your pupils are huge, and your hands are shaking! You can’t do a show if you can’t think straight!” His voice was growing with anger and frustration.
“Watch me!” You try to storm past him, but his figure was much larger than yours and held you back with ease.
“I’m not letting you back in there until you sober up.”
“You don’t own me I can do what I want!” You were both full blown yelling at each other for everyone to hear, now, anger had taken over. Your speech was partially incoherent and slurred, but you still yelled with everything you had. The other members couldn’t help but overhear. Taeyong rushed out immediately to see what was going on, to find you cussing Johnny out at the top of your lungs.
“What the hell is going on??” He questioned.
“She’s high as a kite and acting out because she shouldn’t be.”
“You motherfucker!” You charged at him but Taeyong quickly interjected before you could do any damage.
“What are you on?” Taeyong was trying to calm the situation as best he could.
“Just some weed. I’m not even that high, come on.” You were defensive, now pacing in front of the two men.
“Where the hell is Yuta? He should be the one dealing with this.” Taeyong turned his back on you, now mumbling to Johnny over his shoulder.
He went off, arms crossed over his chest in frustration, pacing the stage in search of Yuta. He found his twisting some screws and adjusting the drum set. Taeyong approached him, annoyed and frustrated with the both of you.
“Your girlfriend showed up high. You need to go handle it before we get kicked out.” Yuta rolled his eyes at the front man, standing from the stool placed behind the bass drum.
They reappeared behind Johnny, Taeyong’s arms still crossed, Yuta twirling a stick in one hand. You had now taken a seat on the concrete with your arms and legs crossed in front of Johnny.
“What’s going on this time?” Yuta said with an annoyed sigh.
“Look at her. She’s a mess.” Johnny pointed his elongated index finger down at you.
“And what does that have to do with me?” Yuta could be cold at times, but you convinced yourself he loved you no matter what.
“She’s your responsibility. Maybe you should make sure she doesn’t get herself killed.” Johnny was obviously annoyed with you, and it bled into his tone towards Yuta. “Or better yet, take her to get help.”
Johnny had said it many times before, but he and the other members were noticing that the drinking and drugs were getting a bit out of hand. When you would go to parties, you would keep going until you passed out, then wake up and not remember where you were. Recently, you had started showing up to work high and meeting the members to practice after a joint. Johnny, being your best friend, had been asking you to go to a therapist or rehab or something, but you told yourself you were fine.
Yuta didn’t help, either. He didn’t seem to pay much attention to you unless he wanted something.
“She’s fine. She just needs some water and a sandwich. She’ll be alright for the show.”
He went to push past the larger male to finish setting up the kit, but Johnny blocked him.
“I don’t want her to play tonight.” His voice was low and soft, but everyone heard it. Yuta stopped in his tracks, tilting his head down, then back at you, still sitting on the ground.
“Fine. But I’m not taking her home. I still have stuff to set up. You can either wait or walk.”
“I can drive myself, thank you.” You were still defensive in your tone, shifting to get up and walk away.
“Y/N, if you get in that car, I will call the police.” Johnny was serious. He was almost never serious, but he cared for you and your safety and he didn’t want you driving like this. He grabbed your arm as you turned away from him, holding a tight grip to ensure your understanding.
“Okay, okay. I’ll walk.” You yanked your arm from his grasp, glaring at Yuta still twirling a stick, before marching off.
Something was off. Your vision was getting increasingly more difficult to manage, you felt dizzy and your head was aching. You could hear your heart thumping in your ears, it was beating so loud you thought it would burst. Your whole body shook as the ground beneath you seemed to disappear.
In an instant, you fell to the hard asphalt, your mind was totally blank. Every muscle in your body was tense and shaking uncontrollably. The next thing you remember was the world going dark, while frantic voices surrounded you.
You woke up in a cot filled with uncomfortable fabric, only covered by a single blanket. There was a distant beeping coming from a monitor above your head. Your head was still throbbing, and your lips were beginning to crack. You felt horrible all over, like you had been hit by a bus.
“What happened?” You mumble trying to regain your vision.
“You had a seizure in the parking lot of the show. The doctors are saying it may have been an allergic reaction to something you were on.” Now becoming clearer, the room was filled with your band mates and concerned faces, including Yuta’s, who head was held low between his knees.
“We canceled the show tonight. We’ve all talked it over,” he looked around to the other boys. “and we want to take some time for you to get better. I won’t schedule anymore shows, but please, I’m begging you, please get some help.” He looked like he was about to break down into tears, something you’d never seen before.
You looked around to the other boys. Their eyes were tinted pink and puffy as they held their heads down facing the floor. Mark looked completely traumatized from the event and Yuta wiped his reddened nose with his sleeve as he exhaled deeply.
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powermaknae · 4 years
Time of Our Lives
Best Friend! Johnny x High School! Reader
You and Johnny had grown up together, grown tall and mature by each other’s side. It wasn’t until junior prom, when he told you how he felt.
~Prom! Au, Friends to lovers, angst
Word Count: 900~
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A/N:  It’s almost spooky tiiime. There will be a few new Halloween themed fics coming soon that I’m very excited for. I wanted to take a break from spookiness and try something new, so I offer you my first angst! I hope this gives you a nice refresher from all the other stuff. Enjoy!
Prom. The most magical night of the high school experience: flowers, dancing, dresses. It was all so exciting.
For you and your best friend since elementary school, Johnny, the night consisted of homemade grilled cheeses and chicken noodle soup (neither of you liked tomato) made by your lovely single father. Then, to the park to take some pictures for documentation. And finally, to the dance, where you were supposed have the time of your lives.
After sitting outside, waiting to be admitted, you made your way to the school gym. The theme was starry night, so naturally, it was decked out in navy blue and gold streamers with balloons scattering the waxed floor.
You wore an elegant, simple, knee-length black dress that fit in all the right places. It had ruffles at the bottom that made your legs look amazing. The ballet style heels also helped a bit.
Johnny had worn a simple black tux that he bought for choir concerts, but it matched you perfectly. Of course, both of you had your hair done nicely and a little makeup to smooth any blemishes. You looked good together, matched well and got along.
The scene set up for pictures was painted beautifully in the theme of blue and gold stars. Johnny had to bend his knees slightly to fit into frame, but he didn’t mind. When the photographer told you to smile, you made a funny face and giggled. Johnny followed suit, smiling giddily at your silliness.
The dance floor was swarming with teenagers, the smell of sweat and cologne wafting from the crowd. The music was the typical lame old pop songs from the early 2000’s with an occasional Cupid Shuffle or Cha-cha Slide.
Jokingly, Johnny would do all the silly dances and make you jump up and down with him. He always made you have fun. He had this magic power that always made you smile.
After a good minute of “Soulja Boy”, Johnny left the crowded dance floor to go get you both something to drink(most likely a lemonade cocktail or some kind of fruit punch), leaving you to sweat amongst other people. As a gentleman does, he carried his shoes with him so you didn’t have to worry about them.
The DJ rotated through several other tracks with no sight of Johnny. Where did he run off to?
You started padding away from the loud mass of teenagers, the cool floor soothing your bare feet. You roamed around, searching for your best friend. He wasn’t by the drink table, inside the gym, and you even asked a boy coming out of the bathroom if he’d seen him in there. There was no sight of Johnny anywhere. You kept looking, even though you were starting to panic a little.
You pulled out your phone, forgetting you had placed it in your pocketbook for the night. The screen was brighter than you were expecting and hurt your eyes for a second.
A message displayed on the screen.
John-aaah: Meet me out back by the tennis court.
You discreetly made your way to the back entrance of the school where you and Johnny would go play pickleball on your off blocks.
The door squeaked loudly as you swung it open. There he stood, his tall frame leaning against the chain-link fence of the court. He straightened his posture as his face lit up and a bright smile shined under the night sky.
“Where the heck have you been? I’ve been looking everywhere.” A tinge of annoyance laced your voice as you approached him.
“Didn’t you check your phone? I have something I wanna show you.” He grabbed you by the wrist with his free hand, still holding onto your shoes, and pulled you along behind him.
On the sidewalk, chalk arrows pointed towards wherever Johnny was dragging you, until you reached what he wanted you to see. He laid your shoes down in front of you for you to wear once again.
“Y/N…” The sidewalk chalk began.
You stepped over it carefully, following the arrows.
“I’ve wanted to ask you for a while.”
“It seemed like perfect timing.”
“We’ve known each other for so long, and”
“I was wondering,”
“Will you be my girlfriend?”
You stood in silence for a minute, processing the words on the pavement. Johnny came up behind you, startling you out of your dazed state with a slight touch on the shoulder. You turned to face him.
“Will you?” His face was lowered to meet your eyes as he asked. His face was lighthearted and sweet as he patiently awaited your answer. You couldn’t make a sound, you could only stare into Johnny’s big, round, honey-brown eyes.
His expression started to change as you looked away, not knowing exactly what to say or how to tell him you didn’t feel the same way.
“I’m sorry. It was too much.” His words became frantic in apology, panicking a little.
“No! I’m flattered… I just- I can’t…”
“What do you mean?” His voice became quiet, slowly taking in the rejection.
“It’s just- You’re my best friend. And I love you, just… not like that.”
“Oh.” He tilted his face down in shame. The shame of rejection, of embarrassment, of tainting his best friend.
The guilt of rejecting him, seeing his bright smile get wiped off his face, was too much for you to handle. Tears started to form at the corners of your eyes as you pulled your head down and shift to leave. You mumbled a stream of ‘I’m sorry’s under your breath.
Johnny stared through his drooped hair, head still down. He watched you run away from him, back to the school building and out of sight behind the squeaky metal door.
He whispered to himself, “I’m sorry, too…”
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