Everteen Panty Liners & Bikini Line Hair Removal Cream : Review
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It's been a while that Everteen had sent me this package for review and I have reviewed the menstrual cup and intimate wash from there. However, there were these two products as well and I absolutely loved them. I always have thought panty liners are important stuff for every girl to keep handy. And our vaginal area being one of the most sensitive parts of our body, a special hair removing cream for that area sounded really great. So when I received these products... I couldn't wait to use them and I am glad that I did. And let me tell you, these came out really handy during this lockdown! So let's talk about the panty liners first... What are panty liners? Panty liners have been around forever but let me give you a brief idea about the product - It is absolutely normal for women to have some vaginal discharge, an unexpected light period flow, spotting and straining even after the periods are actually over. So these smaller and thinner version of pads provide protection from the above mentioned stuffs thus sparing us from embarrassing and uncomfortable moments. EVERTEEN DAILY PANTY LINERS Claims : Everteen Natural Cotton Daily Panty Liners are made of 100% natural cotton surface which does not cause any irritation and provides you instant dry and soft feel. These liners are thin & comfortable, designed to make you feel like wearing a fresh panty. The negative ion strip used in these pantiliners helps prevent bacterial multiplication and eliminates bad odour. Read the full article
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cosmeticnews · 5 years
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