#bet it's gonna be another bomb dropped once his mom is mentioned
franeridan · 9 months
am I the only one who finds it weird that luffy's mom still hasn't been mentioned once
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elisaphoenix13 · 3 years
Once Upon A Summer (Ch.7)
Tony didn't really remember going up to Peter's room, but that was where he found himself. Sitting in the darkened room as the boy napped and watched him sleep. He always treated Peter like his own kid, but now it was actually, biologically true. Now all he could think about were the what ifs. And did May know? She didn't give any indication that she did, and now Tony was going through the fifteen years of his son's life in the span of a few days because of a wonky spell.
He supposed it was fate's way of giving him another chance to be in his son's life from infancy. And Peter had been a complete angel so far. Tony was actually a little jealous that he wasn't there when he was born...but he could understand why he might not have been told. He was a notorious playboy back then.
But Tony knew now and he was even more determined to give Peter everything once his mind wrapped around the fact that the boy was really his. It still didn't feel real.
Everytime Peter seemed to fall asleep, he grew just a little bit more as the magic wore off, and now he was about eight years old if Tony had to guess. In fact, he looked surprisingly familiar. Like he had seen Peter like this before. It was an itch he couldn't quite scratch, but it was easily pushed to the back of his mind when Peter finally stirred. Sleepy brown eyes blink open and the boy yawns before pushing his blankets away and sitting up.
"Hey Underoos. How was your nap?" Tony asks after clearing his throat.
"Good. I'm hungry." Peter mumbles as he rubs his eyes.
"It's not quite dinner time yet. How about a snack to tide you over for now?"
"Cheese and crackers?" Peter asks hopefully.
Tony laughs. "Sure. I think we can do that. If not, I'll send Mom to the store."
"I heard that!" Stephen calls from downstairs.
"He knows everything." Tony stage whispers, making Peter laugh.
Peter gets out of bed and Tony immediately stops him and looks down at his...diaper. It didn't grow with him this time and looked more than snug on the boy. Uncomfortable to say the least.
"Hang on kiddo. Let's get you out of that." Tony says, leading Peter to the master bedroom. "Friday, order something for Pete to wear. One outfit should be fine since he'll grow out of it tonight." He requests as he looks through his dresser.
"Yes Boss."
"Does he have his regular clothes here?" Stephen asks from the doorway and Tony looks over.
"Hmm...I think there's a few things I bought for him." Tony answers. "He still needs underwear that fits him though doesn't he?"
"Just stick him in a pair of those and a t-shirt." The sorcerer shrugs.
"T-shirt for now until the Underoos come." Tony snickers and pulls out one of his band shirts and helps Peter into it.
It was big and slipped over his shoulder, but it covered him more than adequately and Peter must have agreed since he peeled out of the room shouting about cheese and crackers. Stephen chuckled as he watched the boy go and his smile dropped a little when he looked back at Tony. The older man must have had a look on his face if the sorcerer was concerned.
"You alright?" Stephen asks softly.
"As much as I can be." Tony sighs. "I get this bomb dropped on me and while part of me is ecstatic, another is terrified."
"Are you going to tell him?"
"...when he's back to normal. I just hope he's not disappointed or thinks I abandoned him." Tony heaves another sigh and rubs his eyes.
"I've only seen the two of you interact for a few days, but I think it's safe to say that he adores you." Stephen assures. "And I'm not talking about idolization. He sees you as a father figure. Even proved it by calling you his father."
"He called Mom-" Tony smirks and Stephen rolls his eyes.
"We're not talking about me."
"Maybe we should." Tony says abruptly.
Stephen looks at him in confusion and Tony steps closer. This was a long time coming right? This talk? Or maybe he was mistaken and these feelings he formed were one sided? He wasn't one to question himself though. Tony didn't test the waters...he just jumped right in. So why was it different this time? Was this what it was like to be serious about someone? He only knew Stephen for a few days but he wanted to know more. He wanted to know if the sorcerer slept on his side, or if he snored (something told him there was no chance of that), or if he was the type to watch medical shows just to nitpick at the inaccuracies.
Tony would bet half his company that he was.
"What's there to talk about?" Stephen asks carefully.
"First of all, you stuck around. I'm pretty sure I mentioned that I expected you to only check in once a day...but here you are. Vacationing with us."
"As you pointed out, it was because I'm the one versed in magic and-"
"You know what I meant." Tony interrupts and steps a little closer. "Point two...Peter called you Mom and you didn't nip it in the bud." Stephen opens his mouth but Tony continues. "He was old enough to understand if you didn't want him to call you that. So why?"
Stephen swallows and Tony watches as the younger man's throat bobs with the motion. "I…"
"Point three…" Tony says, leaning closer. "You didn't send me to some weird dimension for doing this--" Tony pinches Stephen's ass and the sorcerer jumps. "--earlier. So either you didn't have the energy to care or...the curiosity isn't one sided."
Though it was brief, Tony saw Stephen's eyes widen for a split second before his face fell into neutrality again. Bingo. Tony's hopes flew to the heavens because Stephen was interested too. But he knew this wasn't just anyone else. He couldn't buy dinner and then expect to fall into bed with Stephen. Besides, he'd already done that the past few days. No, Tony wanted to properly woo the sorcerer. Make sure Stephen didn't feel like another one of his conquests... because he wasn't.
Tony could see a long future with him.
"Are you gonna kiss?"
Both Tony and Stephen startle and look down to find Peter standing by them and staring curiously up at them. When Tony saw how close he and Stephen ended up, he couldn't blame Peter for asking because he was so close to the younger man that if he hiccuped, he would have found himself lip-locked with the sorcerer. Tony was actually a little exasperated with Peter's ill timing but he did promise a snack for him. Who knew how long he and Stephen had been standing in the doorway of his bedroom.
"How about we get you some crackers?" Tony deflects and leads Peter back down to the kitchen.
"And cheese!" The boy declares, successfully distracted from his earlier question.
Tony looked over his shoulder at Stephen, who was descending the stairs behind them, and winked. The blush that adorned the younger man's cheeks was proof enough that his earlier assumption was correct and he really wanted to get back to that subject once Peter was properly occupied. Maybe a movie? No, it would probably have to be when the boy went to bed for the night. Tony still wanted to get every little bit of Peter's "childhood" while he could.
He decided to even make the lasagna he had mentioned earlier for dinner. While he got to work, Stephen helped Peter clean his shells and find a home for them. Even helped him get some underwear on when they arrived. Peter was given free reign of the tv until dinner was ready, which Tony was making the quick way, and Stephen sat on the couch to read. Tony would make the pasta from scratch another time, when he had time to prepare, but dried pasta would do for now. He, of course, took advantage of the sauce by asking Stephen to try it, and beamed when the sorcerer obliged him and was even impressed with the flavor.
When dinner was finally done, they all sat at the table with the lasagna and some garlic bread and Tony nearly laughed when Peter nearly inhaled a piece bigger than the flat of the spatula. The boy was suddenly growing quickly and Tony had to wonder if his mutant appetite was coming back. He would have to keep a closer eye on Peter.
"Enjoy dinner?" Tony asks Peter when he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.
Stephen had to grab a napkin to wipe his hands and face the right way, and made Peter grimace.
"It was yummy!"
"I'll make it even better next time." Tony promises as he gets up with his plate.
"I'd like to try it when you make the pasta yourself." Stephen admits. "But it was good."
"A dinner date? I accept." Tony smirks when Stephen blushes again and gets up with his plate as well as Peter's.
"Peter, go watch tv before it's time for a bath." Stephen says. "You need to get washed up before bed since we went to the beach."
"Okay!" Peter gets down from his chair and races back into the living room to watch a Disney movie.
Tony and Stephen cleaned up in the meantime, and Tony refrained from over flirting with Stephen. He'd already made the man blush at least twice in one day, but Tony would probably start up again once Peter was in bed. When everything was cleaned up, Tony herded the little boy up the stairs after his movie was over and ran a bubble bath for him which he helped Peter into once Tony helped him undress. To think just a few days ago, he would have been wildly uncomfortable with this situation. But now it didn't bother him. Maybe it was because Peter was actually his kid, or maybe it was because Tony had changed his diapers for the past week...or maybe it was both? Parenting wasn't easy by any means, but once he got into the groove of it, things didn't bother him as much.
"You alright by yourself while I go find you something to sleep in Underoos?" Tony asks after helping Peter into the tub.
"Alright. Wash up." Tony leaves the bathroom to find another shirt and clean pair of underwear for Peter, content with the fact that Friday could tell him if anything happened in the couple of minutes he was gone.
Which was known to happen with kids. It admittedly made Tony nervous when he came across the potential accidents babies and kids could have while unsupervised. He had read that a baby could drown in a teaspoon of water and while he wasn't sure if that was accurate, he sure as hell didn't want to find out. He was glad for his AI for an entirely different reason.
"Alright Pete. Black Sabbath or Led Zeppelin?" Tony asks when he walks back to the bathroom with the two band t-shirts.
Peter looks over and tilts his head in thought. "Sabbath." He finally says.
"Good choice."
Tony helped him wash his hair, and Peter helped unplug the tub while Tony grabbed a towel to wrap him up in. The drying process was obnoxious and made the little boy giggle, and even Tony laughed when he pulled the towel away to find the mop of brown hair askew.
"Can I have a bedtime story?" Peter asks as Tony helps him get dressed.
"A bedtime story? What kind?"
Peter shrugs. "Dunno."
"Hmm…" Tony takes Peter to his room and helps him into bed. "Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Peter who went to bed. The end."
"That's a terrible story." Peter complains and Tony chuckles.
"How about the three little pigs? I think I can manage that." Tony offers and Peter nods and squirms under the blankets to get comfortable.
Peter was using the other guest bedroom since neither Tony nor Stephen expected him to grow back to normal like this. In all honesty, Tony thought he would just spring back to his teenage self, but it ended up being gradual. He didn't see the point of kicking Stephen out of Peter's actual room all of a sudden. They would deal with that tomorrow. At least an adult was still nearby in case Peter needed one of them.
Tony told him the fairytale of the three little pigs with his own spin since, in his own opinion, the original story was a yawn fest. By the time it was done, Peter was half asleep with his eyes almost closed and part of his face pressed into his pillow. Tony leaned forward to tuck him in and then kissed his forehead before moving away and standing. He quietly made his way to the door and turned off the light after making sure to keep a night light on, and as he started to slip out of the bedroom, he heard Peter talk.
"Love you Daddy."
Tony stops and looks back into the darkened room and smiles genuinely.
"Love you too Pete. Good night."
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creepyoldbeejfics · 4 years
Do one where the reader just moved in with The Deetz and she meets Beej for the first time and he’s flirting with her trying to get her to say his name but she isn’t falling for it 😂❤️
Omg yes! Great idea!! Btw, I’m sorry in advance, but this is going to be depressing at first. Also this one’s really long and a bit of a rollercoaster tbh, so sorry about that😅
Don’t You Wanna See Him Suffer?
(Beetlejuice x Fem Reader)
Warnings: Angst, mentions of abuse, and bruises. For this, there is a hotline link at the very end because I want you all to be safe.
Pic credit: @thewolfisapartofmysoul
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After years of being abused by your boyfriend and not being able to get away from him, you’re finally moving. You would’ve contacted the police for a restraining order on him, but you were afraid of what would happen if you called the police, or broke up with him. So the best thing you thought you could do was move in with your friend Lydia. You didn’t want her family to know why you were moving in because you were afraid they’d call the police for you and you didn’t want your problem to become their problem. So, you made up a lie saying that your house was going to be under construction for 8 months so you needed somewhere to stay. You just needed time to relax your mind and clear your head until you could come up with a plan for how to get rid of your boyfriend. Besides, maybe he’ll give up and leave during those 8 months.
Your boyfriend had to go to work tonight, so while he was out at work, you got your suitcases and brought them out to your car. You gave the house one last look, and drove off. Tears started to stream down your face, as you were unsure what this was going to do for you, and were scared that he’d somehow find you. Luckily you blocked him on every social media platform and turned off your location. You were already imagining how livid he’d be which was making you cry even more. In hopes of blocking out your flooding thoughts, you turned up the radio.
After some time, you finally reached their house. You couldn’t wait to live with the three of them. Well, temporarily at least. You wiped your tears as much as you could, so Lydia’s parents wouldn’t question you. You grabbed your suitcases and headed up to the door dropping most of them because of how heavy they were. You hesitated, wondering if you were doing the right thing, and feeling bad that you were burdening them with another person in the house. But you rang the doorbell anyway. The door swung open with Lydia’s dad greeting you at the door.
“Oh! Let me get those for you!” He exclaimed as he sort of struggled to bring them in. They were really heavy. Oops. “Lydia!!! Your friend is here!!”
You walk in looking around at the house. You’ve never been to her house before so it was good that you finally got to see it. You noticed that the furniture was a little strange. The whole house seemed strange. Lydia came running down the stairs, giving you a big hug. “Ugggh!! I missed you so much, (Y/N)!!”
“I missed you too!” You squealed as you squeezed her tight. You two had been friends for many years, but you hadn’t seen her much at all due to your overprotective boyfriend. “Come on my room’s this way!” she said as she grabbed your suitcases. “Oh I can get them!” You say trying to take them back. “Nah it’s fine. Geez! What’d you put in these?? They’re so heavy!” “Bricks and our favorite bath bomb,” you joked. “A toaster?” You nodded causing both of you to start laughing. You didn’t actually bring one, you just had a ton of stuff.
Once you both got to her room she put your suitcases down, panting afterwards. “Wow, I love your room. It’s so spooky and dark looking. In a good way,” you said in awe. “Oh, no I take that as a compliment. That’s exactly what I was going for,” she said smiling proudly. “I’ll be right back. I have to go to the bathroom,” Lydia said, leaving you alone in her room.
You walked around looking at some of the things in her room. You noticed a picture of her and her mom on her shelf. You smiled, because you knew by just looking at them that they must’ve been inseparable.
All of a sudden a chill ran down your spine and you didn’t feel so alone anymore. You looked around, but no one was there. Even though you didn’t really believe in spirits or ghosts, you thought that her mom could’ve been there and didn’t like you picking up the picture of her and her daughter. So you immediately put it down out of fear.
You tried to relax, so you ignored the feeling and looked at the other pictures. One of them was a picture of her and her friends, and another one was of her and her step mom and dad. ‘What a nice family,’ you thought to yourself. Suddenly, you saw a very strange picture. It made no sense. Lydia had her arms out like she had her arms around two people, but no one was there. You thought, ‘well maybe she was just trying to be silly.’ After all, she likes to joke around and prank people and stuff. But then you noticed that a piece of her hair seemed to be... FLOATING?? Like it was resting on someone’s shoulder or arm... that made no sense... that’s not even physically possible. You’d have to have someone else there...
“How...?” You said out loud, trailing off.
“Yeah it sucks that ghosts can’t be seen in pictures...” a rough voice said from behind you.
You immediately whipped around to see a man in a black and white striped suit. His skin was pale with mold spots and moss on it here and there. His fluffy, yet spiked hair was a pear green with lighter highlights of green on the tips. Maybe he’s not a man? You noticed his eyes were yellow with golden specks scattered throughout his irises. Contacts, perhaps? Then you realized he reeked of death and decay. Hopefully that’s just some really bad cologne... instead of... well whatever he is, he scared the shit out of you. You had so many questions, but the big question that kept haunting you was why was he sort of... attractive?
“I bet photo bombing is so much fun...” he sighed. Then he looked at you, eyes widening realizing you were making direct eye contact with him.
“Wait. Can you see me??”
“Y-yes...” you stammered, turning around and grabbing a lamp immediately. You held it upside down getting ready to swing it at him.
“BOO!” you hear from behind you. You scream, aiming the lamp at Lydia now.
“WOAH!!! What’s going on??” Lydia raised her hands up before realizing the demon who stood next to you. “Oh...”
“I’ll call 911!! Go tell your parents!! I don’t know where he came from!!”
“(Y/N)! Stop! Calm down... this is a friend of mine,” Lydia explained.
“What?? But he’s...” you trailed off looking at him. You had no idea what he was. Some sort of entity?
“Sexy?” he asked smirking. “Irresistible? The best mistake of your life? Wait...”
“No more like lonely, depressed, horny, clingy, annoying, and weird,” Lydia remarked. “Oh, yeah. And he’s a demon.”
“A demon?!? Do your parents know?? How long have you been friends??”
“Yes, they met him shortly after I met him. We’ve been friends for a few years now. I’ll explain everything,” Lydia assured you.
“Okay... does this demon have a name?” You questioned looking at him suspiciously.
“His name is Beetlejuice,” Lydia replied.
“Beetlejuice? That’s a strange name...”
“Actually it’s my middle name. My first name’s Lawrence,” the demon said looking smugly at you.
“Uhh, why is he staring at me like that?” You asked, stepping back uncomfortably.
Beetlejuice chuckled, “Lyds, Delia told us not to have snacks before dinner, but I think I’ll have to make an exception with this one.”
“Excuse me?!?” you asked disturbed. ‘I did not sign up for this,’ you thought to yourself.
“Beetlejuice!” Lydia scolded, hitting him in the belly. “We talked about this!”
“Time for dinner!” Delia called from downstairs.
When you came down the stairs, the family introduced you to a couple, who were ghosts. Adam and Barbara Maitland. They apparently died in this house, so the Deetz offered to share their home with them. Throughout most of dinner, Beetlejuice stared at you. Even when you caught him, he continued to stare. It was weird and made you uncomfortable, but you found yourself staring back at times. The Deetz would ask you how you were doing, and you’d lie making up a bunch of stuff to show that you were happy. While you told them this, you noticed that Beetlejuice’s stare became sympathetic, which really messed with your head. It’s almost as if he knew... No. That’s impossible.
Once you finished dinner, both you, Lydia, and Beetlejuice went upstairs to her bedroom so they could explain everything to you. First, Lydia explained how she met the Maitlands and Beetlejuice, and then explained everything that happened afterwards. This included her telling you about her pain and how she was suicidal. I felt terrible for her, but you understood how she felt.
“Wait so you actually went to hell??” You asked, trying to take everything in.
“Yup,” Lydia confirmed.
“That’s so cool,” you said, clearly intrigued.
“Actually, it sucked. It was an endless abyss of nothing.”
“And you wonder why I’ve always stayed on earth instead of going to the Netherworld,” Beetlejuice said, crossing his arms.
“That and your mother,” you added. Beetlejuice nodded, his face immediately turning smug. “Besides, I’d rather stay in a world with sexy breathers like you...”
“Well I hate to break it to you, but you’ll have to find another ‘sexy breather’ elsewhere. I’m taken,” you said confidently, crossing your arms. It wasn’t a lie, you were dating someone, but you mentally cringed remembering the abusive man you were with.
“Well, I’m gonna go to bed before things get more creepy and awkward,” Lydia said raising an eyebrow at us.
“Yeah, me too. Goodnight, Lydia. Goodnight Beetlejuice,” you said, walking out of her room to go to their guest bedroom.
You walked in and opened your suitcase to put on an oversized t-shirt and PJ shorts. You loved wearing oversized t-shirts and were able to pull them off really well. You walked into the bathroom and changed, brushed your teeth, and then did your nightly skin routine. You walked out to go back to your bedroom to see Beetlejuice sitting on your bed.
“What are you doing here??” You challenged.
“I don’t sleep. I mean I do, but it’s more just for fun.”
“Well I do, so get out,” you barked.
“Fine. I guess you’ll never know why I’m actually in here then...” he said walking past you, smirking.
“Okay, why are you here?”
“I just wanted to get to know you, doll...”
“Yeah right. You already know everything about me,” you huffed.
“What gives you that idea?” He queried.
“The way you look at me. Like you know something. It’s creepy.”
“Well, I’m a creepy old guy, what do you expect? But yeah, you’ve caught me,” he said raising his hands. “Except I don’t have you completely figured out.”
You knew he knew something. You wondered if he could read minds. At this point it wouldn’t be too off brand. “Why did you look at me with pity when I was explaining how I’ve been doing?”
“Because I know you lied... you’re not happy.”
You walked backwards, sitting on your bed. He followed, sitting at the foot of your bed.
“How did you...” you trailed off. This was insane. You smiled and everything when you were telling their family how you had been doing. You were great at lying. Which isn’t a good thing, but it sure helped save you from getting more scars and bruises from your boyfriend.
“As a demon I’m more prone to sensing hidden emotions. And sometimes I’m able to tell when people are lying. Not all the time though... but I could tell you were. The look in your eyes was full of pain and sorrow.”
You looked at him, shocked and amazed. You immediately shook your head, “I’m fine.”
“You’re not safe, are you?” He eyed your wrist.
You noticed the bruise, and immediately turned your wrist over.
“What happened?” He asked, reaching for your wrist to turn it back over.
“Don’t touch me!” You snapped, raising your arms away from him. “What do you want with me anyway? Why do you care??”
He looked at you with pity before pushing back his sleeves to reveal his own scars and bruises. Your eyes widened at the sight, causing you to regret what you said. “I’m sorry, I had no idea... Was it your mom?” You asked softly.
He nodded silently, looking down at the ground. More silence filled the air. Both of you were looking at the floor for some time.
You revealed your wrist, caressing the bruise, “My boyfriend did this...” He looked over at your wrist and then up at you. Your eyes met, and for a second you felt like hugging him, but refrained yourself.
“I was 17 when I met him. He was 18. There were no red flags. He was perfect. A true gentleman. He was always there for me when I needed him and was constantly giving me love and affection. But the worst mistake of my life was trusting him.”
Beetlejuice looked at you with sympathy in his golden eyes. You looked at him before continuing your story.
Throughout the story, you noticed that the concern in his face grew more and he would keep gradually moving closer to you.
“It was getting unbearable and I still can’t believe I haven’t figured out how to leave him. I’ve put up with this bastard for 7 years and have done nothing about it!!! I’m weak!!!” You shouted angrily with tears in your eyes. “I’m a coward...”
Beetlejuice gently grabbed your hands, holding them in his. “Hey. No you’re not. You did think of something. Look where you are now. You found a way to escape,” he said squeezing your hands to reassure you. “That was so brave of you. So don’t call yourself a coward or weak. I believe you’re going to make it, okay?” He said wiping a tear off your cheek with his thumb.
You looked up at him, trembling. You hugged him, holding on tight and burying your face into his chest as more tears streamed down your face. He was shocked the minute you hugged him, probably because he doesn’t typically receive affection. But he wrapped his arms around you anyway, resting his head on yours.
“How do you know it’s going to be okay though?” You ask pulling away from him, your eyes still glossy from your tears.
“Hey. I’m a demon. I know everything,” he chuckled.
You blush, looking off to the side uncomfortably. “You know...” he begins slyly, “I could help you...”
“What do you mean? How?” You ask frowning.
He grinned, “All you have to do is say my name three times doll, and I’m all yours. I could get you out of this mess.”
“Say your name three times?”
“Yup. But it must be spoken unbroken,” he said waiting in anticipation.
“Okay, Beetlejuice...”
He adjusted his tie getting ready for the big moment.
“Beetlejuice...” you said with a gleam in your eye.
“Yes!!” He growled in excitement.
“Wait, whats in it for you?”
“No, oh, come on!!” He whined. “I... well... I get to help the most gorgeous breather...”
“Wow, you’re so convincing.” You rolled your eyes.
“Fine! It’s just, well I understand where you’re coming from. You feel trapped. Kinda like how a king is trapped by the other chess pieces. Like you have no more moves to play.”
You eyed him suspiciously, yet curiously, always intrigued by how he would occasionally start to get into deep talking.
“But sometimes you gotta look at it differently. Or uhh... think outside the box,” he sputtered. “Look for something to help you. Use your resources. For example, me. I’m a pretty reliable resource if I do say so myself.”
“Oh yeah?” You asked teasingly. “What do you have in mind?”
“Well I think he should be the one to go...”
“Ha! What are you going to do? Snap your fingers and he disappears?” You said scoffing.
“Yeah... or we could make it a little more fun...” he said smirking.
“What? How? How would you even make this situation ‘fun’?” You asked frowning.
"By making him suffer... give him a slow, long, painful death.”
“What?!?! No!!!” You yelled, covering your mouth immediately and looking at the clock to see that it’s 2:30 am.
“Fine, fine... at least let me torture him a bit.” He said opening his closed hand, causing a big flame to rise from his palm.
“No!! Absolutely not!!” You said pushing him. “Why do you like violence so much anyway?”
“Well, it’s just infuriating how he’s been treating you.”
You glared are him. “And violence is fun!”
“I should’ve known that you were only going to help me purely for entertainment.” You said getting up to walk to the other side of the room. He reached out for you a bit as you got up, not wanting you to leave his side.
“No, wait! It’s like a win win! I get to help you and get to have fun while doing it!” He assured happily.
“Nothing about this situation is fun!” You shouted. “I really thought you were a pretty understanding and empathetic guy, but I guess I was completely wrong.” You said, hurt. “I guess you only care about making yourself happy.”
“I’ve haven’t been happy in a long time.” He said looking at the floor with sorrow in his eyes.
“Oh no. Don’t even try to get me to pity you because I won’t. If you want someone’s pity so badly then go back to Lydia.”
“I just want someone to understand me. I thought you’d understand because you’re going through something similar as to what I went through.”
You rolled your eyes turning to look at him, his back facing you as he continued to look at the floor. Your eyes widened at the sight of his once green hair, being completely purple. “Abused, neglected, treated like a worthless tool. I mean in different ways obviously because that was your boyfriend to you and that was my mother-“
“Why is your hair a different color? How are you doing that?” You cut him off.
He sighed, grabbing at his hair and falling back into your bed. “My hair changes colors based on the emotions I’m feeling,” he said blatantly.
“Really??” You asked, popping your head above his. “That’s really cool,” you said, intrigued.
“Actually, it’s pretty inconvenient for me. I can’t hide my feelings like the rest of you breathers can. But even when I want people to know how I feel, they don’t really care. But I guess I sort of deserve that,” he chuckled but his weak smile turned into a face of dejection.
“So I guess purple means sad, right?” You asked, gently sitting next to him as he layed on his back. Your eyes both met, but he looked away without responding.
“I’m sorry... I shouldn’t have judged you so harshly. I’m just.. it’s hard for me to trust people.” You said looking off to the side. “It’s okay. Not many people trust me at first. I guess that’s just the kind of vibes I give off.”
Silence filled the room once again. You thought about your situation back at home and Beetlejuice’s strange offer. You felt bad for him because of what he’s gone through, but you knew he wasn’t genuinely wanting to help you, he just wanted to cause some chaos. At the same time you wanted him to feel wanted and cared for. ‘He’s a demon,’ you told yourself. ‘You have to be careful.’
“So have you thought about my offer?”
“Well, you’ll have to be more convincing...” You said standing up from your bed.
“I told you, I can end this for you.” He said sitting up, looking impatient.
“Without killing anyone?” You asked suspiciously, coming to sit on the edge of the bed.
“Without killing anyone,” he confirmed swinging his legs over the edge of the bed to sit next to you.
“Without any violence or chaos?”
“No promises...” he chuckled.
You hummed frustratedly, not knowing if you could trust him.
“Come on. What else are you going to? You’re too afraid to call the police, you’re too afraid to tell your family or ours. Or are you just going to wait it out and hope that he leaves? You’re still forgetting the fact that when you go back he could still be there. And you know what could happen the minute you walk through the door. You could die if you go back...”
You looked to the side, your mind at war. He made a pretty good point. Unless you could somehow get to the garage to see if your boyfriend’s car was there. But it didn’t have any windows and besides, he’d hear your car. Unfortunately your car wasn’t the quietest... you couldn’t believe you were thinking it, but maybe the best decision was to accept Beetlejuice’s offer. He was pretty convincing and it didn’t help that he was attractive. You turned to look at him, gazing into his eyes.
“Besides, what were the chances of actually meeting a demon that has the power to do anything you desire....” he said softly and flirtatiously.
“Anything...” you started looking smugly at him and using your hands to bring yourself closer to him. “Anything I desire...?” You asked slowly, now inches away from his face. His eyes widen at your response and you look up to see a strand of his green hair slowly turn pink. He noticed you looking at his hair, causing him to run his hand through his hair, keeping his hand over the pink strand.
“Anything, babes...” he said grinning, almost at whisper. He had removed his hand from his hair and moved even closer, and began looking at your lips. At this point, beginning at the roots, the rest of his green hair slowly started turning pink.
“Beetlejuice...” you said softly, looking at his lips as well.
“Yeah?” He asked quietly, still concentrating on your lips and moving closer.
“Beetlejuice...” you repeated, grinning. At this point your lips were only inches away from each other.
“Oh...” he realized you were about to say his name three times. “Say it again, doll...” he said smirking, still concentrating on your lips.
You suddenly noticed all of his hair was pink.
“Wait, what does pink mean?” You asked abruptly, backing away quickly.
He grinned still looking at you the same way. “It means this...” He leaned towards you without warning, his hand moving towards the back of your neck. “What are you,” you started, his lips interrupting your question. You weren’t actually planning on kissing him before, so you were pretty shocked. Your eyes widened at first, but you then closed them, finding yourself kissing him back. Your hands moved from his chest to his shoulders.
You pulled away confused, yet loving what just happened. You couldn’t believe a demon just kissed you. You were blushing, noticing his hair was still completely pink.
“Well... I must say... you are pretty persuasive...” you said teasingly. “But I’m still never gonna say your name three times.”
“I can live with that,” he said smirking. “That’s not the right word in my case, but you get what I’m saying.”
You giggled, still gazing at him lovingly. You realized that you both still had your arms around each other, but you decided not to let go.
“So what are you going to do if you’re not gonna accept my help?”
“I’m not sure, but I’ll think of something. I appreciate you accepting your defeat though.”
“That’s because one way or another, I know you’ll need me.” He said slyly looking down at you.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are in trouble, are getting abused or feel unsafe at home, press this link down below!!
Otherwise reach out to someone for help!!
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sibillascribbles08 · 6 years
This is a crack fic I wrote the previous night under the influence of alcohol and also under the influence of my terrible friends who kept giving me awful suggestions. There was a rule that I could not delete anything apart from the word I was currently typing.
I am begging you not to take this seriously.
This is the third out of three.
It’s a Ma.rio/TBoL Au somehow
Mario is Manolo, Peach is María, Bower is Joaquín, Wario is Xibalba, Donkey Kong is La Muerte, Luigi is the Candlemaker, Toadworth is Posada, Waluigi is Carlos, Daisy is Carmen, Live Action Bowser is Chakal
SO FUCKIN once upon a time two gods of death? I think were hanging out in the graveyard their names were Wario and Donkey Kong. They’re in the graveyard and talking about a bet. And then they decide they’re gonn place their wager on some kids and who this girl is gonna marry even though she could potentioallly marry someone compeltely unrelated to whatever they’re wagering, whatever. SO anyway. Wario bets on Bowser to marry Peach. And Donkey Kong bets on Mario. Yay.
So um I think Peach lets out a bunch of YOSHIs into the streets and causes a fucking MESSS um Bowser and Mario both fight a big yoshi and manage to beat it yay. But then Peach is getting shipped off to spain because ?? manners.
Boys r sad.
SO GROWING UP montage I think with Mario learning to fight CHOMP CHOMPS and Bowser just learning to fight in general. There’s music.
ANYWYA we get to the first chomp chomp fight for Mario UM Peach ish ome again yes and Bowser for some reason gets to show off before the fight riding on a horse??? or uuuuuh idk what could replace a horse. So everyone’s swooning. The entire stadium is gay. So then Mario comes out with his cape he’s gonna fight the chomp chomp. Manages to write some romantic letter for Peach in there I guess?? however that works, animation cheats. So he doesn’t write Peach’s name in the sand he draws a peach emoji which kinda looks like a butt?
But then Peach swoons anwyay jsut cause. SO THEN Mario’s supposed to stab the fuckin chomp chomp but he doesn’t cause that’d be awful, KILLIN THE CHOMP CHOMPS IS WRONG. WAAAAAH Waluigi cries in despiration.
Crowd bows. Mario gets knocked out by guitar.
Wakes up and his dad, Waluigi is shaming him WAAAH, along with his grandmother, Rosalina. Rosalina calls him a bitch.
SO THEN he sings I’m a Creep by Radiohead and Peach is swooning even more, thinks that’s hat.
OKAY SO WE cut to a dinner at um Toadsworth’s house and um Bowswer is trying to flirt with Peach but he’s sound a little sexist. Peach tells him to piss off and she’s going to feed her ........ birdo cause she’s better company than this.
So Bowser knows he fucked up and Mario starts serenading Peach with a guitar song. AND IT”S REALLY HAT LIKE SUPER HAT OH M YGOOOOOD.
But she don’t kiss him cause meh it’s funnier ot push him like ten feet onto the ground and watch him get crushed by his bandmates. Mario loses a life.
SO then Peach goes downstairs and is going to give Mario his guitar back but Bowser has a sonic ring out CHAOS EMERALD IN IT, ITS” FANCY so then Peach is like oh fuck I don’t wanna fucking commit already I just got home. SO THEN mario stumbles in and he’s like ??? drunk or slightly concussed, and leans on Bowser it’s kinda gay.
Mario gets stabbed loses another life.
So then they argue about who’s better for Peach but BANDITS OH MY GOD IT”S THE  GOOOMBITOS THEY’RE COMING. So they go out to fight them but then Bowser shows up out of nowher with some sick kick flips and beats their asses and has some medal of immortality. THE GOOMBAS NOTICE. They flees.
The towsns people think they’re saved and Bowser is a hero. And Peach goes to talk to him because uuuh marriage for the tower??? but also they used to be friends so you might as awell. Toadsworth wants the bowswer D.
So Mario’s moping cause he fucked up he didn’t  win Peach over. He gets hit in a head with a pinapple. Rosalina chucks a pinapples at waluigi. CARLOS.
So Rosalina gives Mario the GOOD advice. Sad wah in the background
Bowser takes Peach home actually sincere for once and Peach thinks he’s cute. Mario calls Peach out to the fuckin uh fuck where?? MEET ME BY THE BRIDGE AT DAWN. Peach be like damn that freaky but okay.
Bandit cave scene.
So then Wario’s stressing out cause he’s gonna lose the bet so he sends his snake??? uh thing to kill Mario.
So then there’s a romantic scene on the island with candles and shit. But then the snake shows up and tires to bite Mario but ends up biting Peach instead. So she passes the fuck out. MMMM WATCHA SAY.
So Mario’s fucking devestated carries her comatose corpse DID ANYONE CHECK FOR A PULSE? Bowser is pissed about this I guess. Mario feels like shit even more.
So he wanders back to get his guitar but rain + depression + death god saying you can be reunited with your loved ones makes it sound pretty tempting. So he lets the snake bite him twice yay he fucking dies.
OKAY SO he wakes up as a skeleton and gets taken through land of the remembered. I guess Daisy is his mom? So he meets his mom and talks about how he needs to find Peach who should be dead but you know she’s not.
SO they go to the castle which doesn’t look much like a castle but I can’t judge either way. And Mario’s like yo uh Donkey Kong can you help me find Peach but then it’s. . . WARIO!
so then everyone’s like oh my gosh no and Wario reveals the bet that um Bowser was going to marry Peach so Peach isn’t actually dead shes’ fine uh Bowser smooched her forhead and she’s fine.
So Mario cusses Wario out and Wario flicks him acros sthe room. And the YEETS OUT through the roof.
So then Mario and his family who I didn’t establish just Daisy decide to go to the CAVE OF SOUUUUUUUUUULS so they can find Donkey Kong.
It’s some long journey they climb a statue uh idk what it looks like they get to the top and there’s MAZE with uh death balls YES and the moon from majora’s mask is chasing him. BUT he manages to best it and the skull face door is like YOU’RE HAT COME ON IN.
So they go into the cave of souls. SO LUIGI shows up talking to them and a puddle. And then they all go into the cave of souls full of candles is very pretty. And there’s the Book of Life TITLE DROP AHA and mentions that apparently Mario’s pages are blank case ?? special. fuck you he’s mario.
SO Luigi helps them get to the land of the forgotten.
MEANWHILE I FORGOT UH Peach agreed to marry Bowser to protect the town and uh Chakal is coming anyway fuck no Chakal um giant goomba. LYOU’RE FIGHT FUCK it’s live action bowswer I forgot.
SO in the land of the forgotten they find Donkey Kong who flips the FUCK out when he finds out his husband cheated he’s throwing barrels and shit.
Wario shows up with wine cause he thought htis was adate for HEYAH HE THOUGHT HE WAS GONNA FUCK HIS HUSBAND.
So they argue about this shit bet that was kinda wobbly from the start tbh?? And then Wario agrees to give Mario his life back if he passes a test cause Mario challenges him like a dumb shit.
SO THEN um we have to cut to live action bowser raiding the town and wait so Peach is in the church with Bowser they’re gonna get married but then BOOM I guess osomeone launched a bomb? kind of a warning if they’re gonna raid a town. Is that how Carlos died he just get blown up idk.
it’s a cold and it’s a borken waluigi.
OKAY ANYWAY so Mario’s fighting a bunch of bone chomps chomps ZOMBIE CHOMPS and um then um his dad Waluigi shows up and it’s like bruh you’re dead??????
So MARIO fights this giant bone chomp chomp. and then serenades it with uh despacito. CHOMP CHOMP I AM SORRY. This is sosad.
ANYway so um Mario passes the test and gets sent back to the land of the living while some fight is going on, uh Bowser’s getting his ass kicked by live action bowser. BOWSER FIGHT.
So yeah Mario shows up and smooches Peach YAY and then the rest of his family shows up they’re going to fight the goombas. FIGHT SCENE!!
Mario and Bowser almost kiss.
Peach is getting taken up the tower  by live action bowser. So Mario’s gonna go after her and Bowser has to find the medal of immortality. So then they combat dancing they have combat dancing on the roof so then Mario punches live action bowser off the roof, and then UH SOME BOMB DROPED AND THE TOWER IS COLLAPSING. THE A BOMB they all died.
SO Mario and Bowser pin live action poswer to the the wall under htis bell right??? okay so they do that and then MarioOOO pushes Bowswer SO LONG GAY BOWSWER
Mario??? fuckin dead? bombomb went off. But Mario emerges alive covered in live action Bowswers bloody chunks.
But he’s alive yay
SO wedding scene some more music and everyone’s happy or some shit
the end
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Ask D'Mine: Type 1 Kids and Birthday Parties, How Glucagon Works
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Ask D'Mine: Type 1 Kids and Birthday Parties, How Glucagon Works
Ever wish there was someone to ask all those pressing, confounding, and disconcerting questions about life with diabetes? Someone who really "gets it"? Well, now there is!
If you haven't discovered our diabetes advice column Ask D'Mine yet, now is your chance to jump in! This Saturday series is hosted by veteran type 1, diabetes author and community educator Wil Dubois.
Need help navigating life with diabetes? Email us at [email protected]
Laura from Arizona, type 3, sends us this reach-for-the-Kleenex tale: I have a question about what is the best site for foods for an 8-year-old girl who was just diagnosed last week. I am sorry, I am just so angry! I grew up caring and watching over my father who has had type 1 for 52 years (he is amazing), but when this happened to my little sweetheart niece I about died. She was doing wonderful in this past week, started giving her own injections, guessing her numbers while she checked her blood—just amazing to see.
But she just went to her first birthday party over the weekend and could not eat chips, dips, cake or drink the punch and sodas like all the other kiddos were doing. This is when it all hit her. She has changed, she has to think about what she eats, she has to plan ahead... Her 9th birthday is right around the corner and she told her mom that she does not want to have a party. I need to find a place where we can see the nutrition info; and isn't there some way to make a yummy birthday cake for her?!? I want her to have an amazing birthday, one that she deserves to have. I will be forever grateful for any information you can give me.
Wil@Ask D'Mine answers: Your niece sounds like a trooper-and-a-half! She's a week out of dx and doing her own injections, checking her blood, and thinking about her food. Waaaaaaaaaaaay to go, kiddo! As is often the case, the little persons with diabetes handle this mess better than their families do. (Worst job in the world alert: parent of child with diabetes, especially if you do not already have diabetes yourself.)
So when it comes to our littlest brothers and sisters I don't think anyone will flame me for saying that your first stop should be the Children with Diabetes community. Their food and nutrition section should give you everything you need and more.
As you'll get all the specifics there, I'm going to give you some more global thoughts here. Bear in mind that half the endos out there will be sending me letter bombs after reading this, and that 49% of the mothers of type 1 kiddos will be buying Wil voodoo dolls on eBay... But...
I think your niece should go to parties. And when she's there I think she should eat chips, dips, and cake. I do draw the line at the punch and soda, however. Our kind simply cannot handle liquid sugars. Ever. Well, not recreationally, anyway. As a treatment for low blood sugar it's another thing altogether. Now, back to the chips, dips, and cake. She'll probably need to limit her portions some. She'll need to pack extra insulin, of course. She should have a low-carb breakfast before heading to the party, of course.
In other words, yes, your family needs to take sensible safety precautions, but those medical needs must be balanced with the social needs of the child. Will the party make a train wreck of her blood sugar? Yeah, probably. But how often do these kinds of parties happen? A couple times a year? And how often is a type 1 kiddo's blood sugar a train wreck even when the family does every frickin' thing right? Yeah. About once per week.
I think you just need to take parties in stride. As for her own party, I'm partial to Splenda for making lower-carb yummy birthday cakes. Now remember that at least half the blood sugar impact of the cake is gonna be in the flour. Not much you can do about that, but if you have a cake recipe you like, you can substitute the sugar for Splenda, and drop the blood sugar impact of a slice quite a bit. Splenda has a freaky-looking fake snow consistency in the measuring cup and weighs next to nothing, but it'll work fine and, unlike some other faux sugars, can be used in baking. The cake will have the same flavor and consistency you're used to, it just won't brown quite right. But you're going to cover it with icing anyway, so no one will know. And, of course, you can use Splenda in the icing, too.
So, Laura, no anger. No grief. Your niece is, and will continue to be, the sweetheart she always was. Now, go put on your damn apron, break out the Splenda, and make your niece the yummiest diabetes-friendly cake of all time.
And for the rest of you, today's stock quote for Kimberly-Clark, makers of Kleenex, can be found here.
Ariel from New Mexico, type 3, asks: How long does glucagon take to work? I had read somewhere that it takes 20 minutes! I think if, God forbid, I have to give my four-year-old daughter a shot and she stayed unconscious for 20 minutes I'd die of a heart attack myself!
Wil@Ask D'Mine answers: Wow. What a great question. Glucagon, for those of you who don't know or forgot, is a drug used to intervene in near-death experiences caused by severely low blood sugar. You know, I've carried glucagon with me for years, trained dozens of people (including my own son Rio, right after his 5th birthday) to use it, but never once gave the action time a single thought.
It's instant, right? Well, no. Apparently not.
But before we get into the issue of response time, let's do a quick review. Glucagon is a hormone that causes the liver to release its inventory of sugar. It's the break-glass-in-case-of-emergency drug of last resort for severe hypoglycemia. It's an unstable compound so it must be mixed right before use. Glucagon kits are made by both Eli Lilly under the name of Glucagon Emergency Kit and Novo Nordisk under the name GlucaGen Hypo Kit. As far as I can tell, the only real difference is that Lilly's comes in a red box and the Novo kit comes in an orange box. Both have a prefilled syringe of saline and a vial of glucagon powder. To get it ready to use you must remove the syringe and vial from the case, un-cap the needle, un-cap the vial, inject the saline into the vial, mix it around, then draw it back into the syringe. What could be easier or faster?
Oh wait. Did I forget to mention that this procedure needs to be done by a presumably freaked-out type 3 whose loved one is out cold on the floor from low blood sugar? Right. Glucagon is used when it's too late for glucose tabs, gels, or Skittles. Glucagon is used when lows are so bad the PWD is unresponsive. The procedure above takes less than a minute, but I'd wager it would be one of the longest minutes of a type 3's life.
In fact, I know of one tragic story from the northern part of our state. A panicked mother injected just the saline into her unconscious son. She forgot to do the whole inject, mix, draw thing.
He died.
After I heard about that, I started all my glucagon carrying families on regular fire drills, having them practice with expired kits (minus final injection, of course). The PWDs generally have a great time simulating a low-blood sugar collapse. Oh, speaking of expired, these kits don't last forever and I'd bet that more than half of you are carrying expired ones. Make sure your damn glucagon kit hasn't expired. Go check.
Right now.
I'll wait here for you.
OK, so how long does it take to bring you back from the almost-dead? "One minute" is quoted a lot on the web, but it's false. And I think I know the source of the confusion. The physician prescribing sheet for Lilly's kit also lists another use for glucagon—and you'll love this—as a muscle relaxant for colon exams.
Yes. You always suspected that diabetes would f - - What? Oh. Well, my PG-13 rating won't allow me to clearly spell out what I'm thinking, but I'm sure you can figure out what I'd say next if I could.
Anyway, when injected intravenously, the onset of glucagon as a muscle relaxant is one minute. But nowhere in the scientific literature could I find anything close to a one minute action time for revival from a bad hypo. I think someone, somewhere along the line, saw the colon exam chart, didn't read carefully, and put the one minute time on the web. Since then it's just been repeated again and again. Copy, paste. Copy, paste. Copy, paste.
This is why you should never believe anything you read on the web.
Oh. Except here at DiabetesMine, of course.
In point of fact, the two pharma companies that make glucagon are vague about the action time for hypo revival. The sheet for docs from Lilly says, "An unconscious patient will usually awaken within 15 minutes following the glucagon injection."
Usually awaken.
Within 15 minutes.
How comforting.
Novo's glucagon page states their product works "within about 10 minutes."
Within about.
Very precise.
So is the Novo product five minutes faster, or is this just marketing BS? I'd still put my money on the only difference between the two being the color of the case.
More fun glucagon tips: Glucagon makes most people puke. So after you stab your loved one, roll them on their side (for complex anatomical reasons, the left side is preferred), so that they don't choke when they throw up. Oh. Unless your diabetic loved one has collapsed on an expensive oriental rug in which case the procedure is stab, drag, roll.
Then call 911. Severe lows, like earthquakes, can have aftershocks. If you just emptied your liver of sugar, you have no more reserves. A second bad low could be a one-way trip to the great beyond, so glucagon use requires a visit to the ER until things stabilize.
Oh, and according to the info sheet in the kits, if your PWD is still out cold after 15 minutes, you can give a second shot. For kids, a kit holds enough for two shots. For adults, you are out of luck unless someone has a second kit handy.
Some people worry about what if? What if the PWD is lights-out because their blood sugar is too high rather than too low? The official advice is to give the shot anyway. Highs take quite a bit of time to kill you. Hours. Severe lows can kill your pretty damn quick. Minutes count.
Where to inject? Several training manuals for school-based personnel are advocating injecting into fat, just like insulin, but the microfilm-sized instructions from both pharma companies advocate straight into muscle of the arm, butt, or thigh. Would that hurt? Hell yeah.
But don't worry, type 3s. If you've broken out the glucagon we're unconscious anyway.
We'll forgive you an achy butt for saving our asses.
This is not a medical advice column. We are PWDs freely and openly sharing the wisdom of our collected experiences — our been-there-done-that knowledge from the trenches. But we are not MDs, RNs, NPs, PAs, CDEs, or partridges in pear trees. Bottom line: we are only a small part of your total prescription. You still need the professional advice, treatment, and care of a licensed medical professional.
Disclaimer: Content created by the Diabetes Mine team. For more details click here.
This content is created for Diabetes Mine, a consumer health blog focused on the diabetes community. The content is not medically reviewed and doesn't adhere to Healthline's editorial guidelines. For more information about Healthline's partnership with Diabetes Mine, please click here.
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