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I don't really know how to start anything like this, so let's just go with:
I've finally finished something I've been working for most of the summer – and it's a thing I myself use to call "Encyclopedia".
It's been a long time (since 2004, actually)  that I've been working on my fantasy story. It takes place in a different universe so I have to keep in mind thousand little details that tend to disappear from my attention when I need them. I finally understood that when I was editing  first seven chapters of my first book – it took me several months and a lot of paper. I tried to use different notebooks but that didn't fit me as I really wanted. Then some videos about DIY stuff came across and I finally decided to give it a try and make a notebook myself.
First of all I colored some papers but that resulted in such a mess that I had to redo this step. Bookbinding went pretty well but then I messed up with calculations and had to remake the cover. The next step was one of the hardest because I literally can't draw: sometimes I even think that I have an anti-talent for drawing. But I've always wanted to learn how to do this. As a result I spent a week or so to paint a picture on the cover with acrylics. In the end I covered it all with a transparent oilcloth.
Now I have a 400 pages huge notebook to fill it with everything I need – and I guess I'll start to do that alongside with the editing (because for certain reasons I have to do this once again).
To summarize all this:
If you ever feel the urge to do something you've never tried before: DO IT.
It will be hard – without any doubt – but it's the only way how to learn and how to get what you want.
Apart from all this I would to like to mention why I chose this landscape and colours, and all of that...
It is August, and as many of us know – August is like a summer's evening.
I am in love with spring –  I was born in spring and I'm restoring every time when everything around starts to bloom, when mild winds return and when birds start to sing early in the morning.
August is like a lyrical farewell to world breathing with greenness and warmness, and a long-lasting daylight.
I've always associated the story I'm writing with a spring, thaw and early morning – but the very beginning of this adventure starts in the middle of August.
That's why in some way part of my heart belongs to this time of the year – and I have frustrated feelings while letting it go, but at least I'm doing it with my "encyclopedia" in my arms, that must be filled.
So I guess – no time for sadness.
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