#beth is a third gen fundie and a second gen sister mom
clarkes-and-god · 9 months
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Beth's Blog:
Welcome to my Blog!
Hello everybody,
My name is Beth and I'm very excited to be starting this blog. I'm 19 years old and I have just moved to Chestnut Ridge with my husband, Fabian. We have just had our first sweet baby, our precious Pleasant Holt! She is such a good baby, just like her name!! She's so happy, and she barely ever fusses for attention. I'm the second eldest out of 12 (almost 13) children, so I know how hard fussy babies can be. I feel so blessed that the Lord gave us such a sweet little one!
Some of you might be wondering why we decided to move to Chestnut Ridge. I used to live in Brindleton Bay, where my Dad is a pastor, and my mom is a stay-at-home mom and homeschooled us. I feel very blessed that I grew up in a saved home, because secular influences can be very damaging. Fabian's family wasn't saved until he was 8, and now some of his old friends use alcohol, tobacco, or even other drugs! We pray for them a lot. I worry a lot about the influence that people like that could have on me or my family, which is part of the reason why we decided to move here. It's safer for Pleasant and any babies we have in the future to grow up here, where there isn't as many bad influences. While my family is very Godly, there were lots of secular people in Brindleton! We were really close to San Myshuno, and even Brindleton Bay sometimes votes "blue". Chestnut Ridge is a lot smaller, and the people we have met here seem nice, although I think sometimes a little too friendly. I am thankful that our neighbour's wife, Zizi, told me to have a homebirth. It all went well and she was very helpful! Also, it's much quieter, which I like. It's nice to be able to appreciate God's creation by myself sometimes, although I don't get to very often, with Pleasant and our baby horse, Lazarus, needing looking after. Talking about that, I need to go feed Pleasant so I will have to stop writing for now!
Have a blessed day,
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