#better not be an influencer lmao nothing can save you from all those allegations
Okay I was listening to Moral of the Story and it made me think of how some abused people tend to be abused again because even if it’s bad it’s familiar, maybe something like trauma bonding idk
So, imagine Travis making some shitty abusive friends because that's all he knows
How does the gang + Philip reacts seeing him like this on the daily basis? (They're not friends w/ him yet)
First and foremost;
Philip had no choice.
He did nothing wrong, how was he suppose to know mowing people down on a sidewalk was a crime.. they should have moved out the way!
Sal is genuinely pissed for the first time. Like it's insane how mad he got for this. It's valid but no one expected it. Like Travis is very receptive of his emotions most times, so when he's recounting a 'funny' story of how his friends bullied him and he feels this strong anger he thinks it's Larry at first but is terrified to see Sal just staring at him.
Larry straight up beats them up. He could give a fuck on Travis' excuses. He heard them all before. In fact he's mad at himself for allowing it to get this far. he should have never allowed Travis near those guys. He saw how they treated a student whom later went missing. He refuses to put Travis at risk of the same fate!
Todd hacks them and makes sure they don't go to any college (or any good college) and if their rich, their parents better have a spotless record or he's making them bankrupt and imprisoned.
Neil is more of the emotional support (With Chug & Maple to assist) when Travis is worried he said something wrong. They have been working on getting him out of his learned trauma responses and were worried sick when they started worsening one day. The people he had associated himself with made it pretty evident what was going on and why Travis was impacted so harshly.
Ash, just like Larry, straight up fights them. She doesn't stop at just physically beating their ass. She makes sure to beat their ass verbally and mentally. Causing infighting with the group, ratting them out for cheating or bullying and having their separate peers turn on them, isolating them. One of them has a crush? Hah, Ash already told them what you did, you'll die sad and alone loser!
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