#better than larney I guess
paper-cities · 2 years
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Why he really works out
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leahlisabeth · 7 years
 tagged by @spanglebangle
rules: answer these 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you’d like to get to know better!
name: Leah
nicknames: SO MANY!  I’ve been called Wee-Wee, Lee, Lee-face, Leaner, Larno, Larney, Len, Leonard (which got really awkward when I started dating a Leonard), Lenjamin, Florence, Florriecutes.  I’m sure there are more.
zodiac sign: Libra, but I’m also on the cusp of Scorpio so it’s sometimes accurate too.
height: I’m approximately 5′4″
orientation: Demi and only interested in one person who happens to be male.
nationality: Canadian
favorite fruit: Basically any fruit.  I guess if I had to pick, I would go with cherries.  I kind of go through cycles where I eat one fruit until I get sick of it and then switch to something new.
favorite season: Definiteley Autumn.  I love the colours and it’s still nice out but it’s not too hot.
favorite book: Way too hard to choose.  I read so many so that is always changing.  I guess the most important book has been Lord of the Rings because it was part of what pushed me into linguistics.  But seriously, I love so many books.
favorite scent: My favourite smell is Christmas. Basically apples and cinnamon and pumpkin and cranberries.  Yum!
favorite color: I love really rich colours, like royal blues and purples, and burgundy, and forest green.
favorite animal: If it is a mythical creature, then dragons and unicorns, if it’s not mythical, than lemurs.
coffee | tea | hot cocoa: tea, definitely tea.  Hot cocoa is a close second and coffee isn’t even on my radar.
average hours of sleep: It depends.  I can usually manage 8.
cat or dog person: Um...not really either?  I’m more of a reptile/amphibian person.  If I have to choose, then dog because I’m allergic to cats.
favorite fictional characters: ALSO SOOOO MANY!!!  Neil Josten, and indeed all the Foxes, Ronan Lynch (trc), Eric Bittle (omgcp), Lance and Keith (Voltron), and John Crichton (Farscape), Sokka (atla), Damienos of Akielos (Captive Prince), Sam Winchester (Supernatural), Yuuri Katsuki (YOI), Rin Okumera (The Blue Excorcist), Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist), Eliot Spencer (Leverage), Cassandra Cillian (The Librarians) and like so many more.  I have a big heart.
number of blankets you sleep with:  Sometimes none.  Never more than one.  If I’m cold, I’ll put on a sweater.
dream trip: :I really want to go everywhere.  Iceland is currently near the top of my list.  And I want to go to Disney World.  And I want to go to that town in Wales with 400 bookstores.  So many neat places in the world!!!
blog created: January 2014
number of followers: 113 and a lot of you are new since i joined the aftg fandom so thank you :)
random fact: don’t know if this is supposed to be about me or just in general.  But a random fact about me is that one of my greatest sorrows is that I am not bilingual.  And a random fact in general is that the Cree word for horse, mistatim, technically means big dog.
tagging: @apprenticedmagician @chocolatechipcookiesplease @gaara-of-the-sand-village @kfluffthewatcher @books-vs-reality​ @catlovesfandoms @stellamai @lingua-file @todayinmyteenageangst and anyone else who wants to!
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