#better than people like that. would be down for some real prescription meds tho
unganseylike · 9 months
my anxiety has been ridiculous the last two days for a stupid reason, and i just rewatched the trolley problem episode of the good place and why do its vibes feel just like my anxiety. u are put into incredibly stressful situation. some people are moderately bothered by this, but no where as much as you. someone is telling you its just a simulation, so why are you so upset? you have blood all over your face. also, someone adds, its just a simulation, but the pain is real to give it stakes, btw. you already knew there were stakes. you are a fundamentally bad person.
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lapisreviewsstuff · 5 years
My tier list of people in Open Heart+ commentary
Hey all. I was inspired by tier lists and of course Crypt ranking youtube rappers and his commentary is freaking legendary. So this time I will rank people we've encountered in Open Heart book 1 so far and commentate about it. Leave your opinions down below.
Warning: Cursing
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So tier list so far is this:
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So first I will go from botton to the top. For Landry I made a specific category called "Rats" because he is a biggest rat in the history of Choices. If I would be a MC and encounter him in the hospital, I would say to him " Landry, go f*** yourself and leave this hospital forever, please." So next category is " Piece of shit pixelated beings" and in this category Declan is included. Declan is really a biggest piece of shit in a book. Only if PB would give us an option to punch him and kick him in the nutsack, I would. About people in solid category I had couple of thoughts on who to put there and the first person to come in my mind is Harper. I know Harper is not a villain and tried her best to follow the rules, but the way she didn't let Ethan to testify for us and how she treated Aurora just knocked her down to "Solid" category. I know she is a type of person to follow ethics and all, but hope we will see something more, but this time I am sorry for putting her to " Solid category". Next in "Solid" category we have MC. The reason why I put her into " Solid" category is due to doing unethical things. For those who go to med school knows that giving a drug to a patient without prescription plus it's STOLEN one is illegal. Plus Panacea labs tried to destroy records of that drug and still had to pass FDA approval to use it. So in general for making a crime in order to save a patient, but later on went to waste made me put MC into "Solid" category. So next person in " Solid" tier list is Phoebe. For her lack of character depth blame writers for that. She may be a good person for Elijah and hope she is, but still it lacks of depth to me so for now she is in " Solid" tier.
Now we go to " Very good, but not God tier" tier list and I had biggest dilemmas with people there. I wanted to put Ines into "National treasures" tier due to her being warm and nice, but the way she acted with twin situation is just nah fam. If you choose honesty route there she is like " If they dont have insurance money then we cant help them." Glad MC chosen to manipulate goverment to help them. So for now Ines is in "Very good, but not God tier" tier. Next we have is Danny. Danny👏 is👏our👏savior👏 He helped us when we had pager off and for than I've put him into "Very good" tier. Plus he is better boyfriend to Sienna than Wayne or whatever his name is. Next is Zaid Mirani. That man can be Pain in the ass, but he hides some good humior. According to Ines, Zaid's sense of humior is not everyone's cup of tea. Anyway at the hearing he was funny as hell I don't know why 😂😂😂
About Jackie I had some doubts between "God" tier and "Very good". I wanted to put her on "God" tier, but her unecessary jealousy and treating MC like she was an enemy until Ethan quitting his job really punched her down to "Very good" tier. She is still savage like that bossy lady, but for now she is in "Very good" tier.
Next tier we have is " National treasures" and man we have lots of them. Mrs. Martinez 👏 is👏a👏national👏treasure👏and👏won't👏be👏forgotten. She is a mad lad and best even told Ethan to play nice with us which is awwww❤️ She knows that Ethan has feelings for MC. Anyway she is an amazing lady and of course RIP Mrs. Martinez. Moment of silence fellas.
Next we have Sienna Trinh. She is such a cinnamon roll and very nice person! She is type of person who would defend and support you no matter what. This is what MC and actual person needs those type of friends. Very warm and supportive. This is why she deserves a spot in "National treasures".
Awwww man Naveen Banerji is one of national treasures aswell. He knows Ethan well and knows that Ethan loves MC. He instantly noticed the look between Ethan and MC and knows that they are getting close. Not going to lie,but when he confessed to Ethan that he regretted for not forming his family and being obsessed with job made me cry. He felt like he accepted his fate. Glad he is alive and well or else I would've cried in my bed. He is a national treasure of Edenbrook and a type of person you would run for an advise.
Elijah Greenie is a national treasure. Likes video games+ a supportive friend= best teammate and roommate to have. If you guys would play minecraft mondays with him, I am sure we would won that tourney plus the way he spoke to Ethan is a comedy gold. He knew that Ethan wouldn't go anywhere. So this man deserves a medal.
Kyra Saitana( sorry if I write last name wrong) is amazing and inspirational. She inspires us, readers, not to give up like Naruto would. She won't give up on curing her cancer and I am sure she would make it, but after PB said that OH2 would contain "heartbreak" I have a feeling that they would try to kill Kyra off. I swear a god if Kyra would be dead then I would fucking riot. She is a national treasure
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Aurora Emery is a cinammon roll inside and needs to be protected at all costs. SHE EVEN STOOD UP AGAINST HER AUNT AND GAVE HER A PIECE OF HER MIND. She is freaking savage! She knew that it was messed up that her aunt is using her to feel like she, Harper herself, was "practicing" medicine and that is just fucked up. Glad I didn't shit on her at the start even tho she was mean. I don't know but I think Harper emotionally abused Aurora that even Harper felt guilty later on. When I look at Aurora/ Harper relationship it reminds me of Pink diamond/ Blue diamond from Steven universe type of relationship, but about that I can write another post about it if you want and explain it further. For real we need to know her backstory of her with Harper.
*Phew* Now let's go with "God tier" and Bryce Lahela takes a cake. He is very supportive and romantic if you romance him. 30 diamond scenes with him are on point from what I saw and it was amazing. For being a supportive friend and carefree, he deserves a medal.
Another "God tier" is Ethan Ramsey. He is so far most natural LI in the book. I may sound bias on that one, but for real he is. He doesn't straight down laying down MC if you know what I mean. He takes his time to get to know MC and get closer to him/her. He is one of people who went through hell this book. Dolores passing away, Naveen's condition got worse and losing his self- esteem. He was devastated that Naveen was very sick and didn't knew how to cure him. Just... it was hell... He deserves fat hugs and a diamond medal for this.... His chapter 15 diamond scene was just... perfect. He deserves a spot in "God tier".
Now we have Rafael Avero aka the superhero who would be by your side and rescue from dangers. He is totally one of friends who would support you no matter what. He, of course, is one of characters who took his time to get to know MC aswell I think. He is an underrated character in this book and needs a spot on and I think he deserves a "God tier".
In conclusion, this book is amazing and has many interesting characters except Landry and Declan who are biggest piece of shits in the universe. If you have opinions and want to share it, go ahead❤️ Like, reblog and thanks for reading my TED talk
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