#better’ like jesus christ let them all move on—that Includes when brendon does smth under the name
neoriots · 2 years
no literally dallon weekes also deserves better than being know as just the guy that was in patd and personally after all the shit with his wife being why he finally left the band i think he deserves to shit talk them publicly all he wants. i would even support him beating brendon’s ass like i would look away i would not see it
okay see i get ur point but this is the exact shit im talking about 😭
let the guy make his own music and make snide comments if he wants (does he even do this? has he ever said something negative about the band/brendon? i don’t keep up w him like that ngl); what a lot of people forget is that these guys grew up and made music together for a long fucking time—sure they went their separate ways and have their hang ups but fans constantly encouraging them to hold onto rage against their teenage bands other ex-members and constantly talking about how much they obviously hate each other is so childish and is holding them back IMO.
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